agile lean devops iot microsoft agileiot internet of things disciplined agile delivery business agility .net framework enterprise agility industry 4.0 lean startup dad scrum java bim agilebim pmi disciplined agile communication fuffa day transformation disciplined agile business management 3.0 organization project management azure testing management safe storia informatica value eclipse computer history software development change management ai aec agile construction lean change pmi tdd continuous testing agilozzi speaking heart of agile modern agine antifragile product backlog iot day senses zainocrazia macchine non banali agility eclipse duttile industry 4 customer centric outsourcing office vsts time to market complex workshop better software alm4dummies agile software development faskes frameowrk scaling estimation wf workflow foundation .net iad2014 pescatore agile; disciplined agile delivery; iad2013 unix storia linux evoluzione linux linux gui customer kano business model windows xp input io output ide dev programmazione sviluppo apple retrocomputing tracciabilità rfid agroalimentare pirateria agroalimentare filiera windows workflow foundation workflow laurea ingegneria informatica framework ado
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