traffic safety transportation texas a&m transportation institute transportation research transportation safety texas research safety roadside safety automated vehicles connected vehicles crashes impaired driving big data freight transportation solutions transit txdot technology transportation problems environment road safety police pedestrian motorcycles vehicles active traffic management policy engineering coalitions trucks education cars compliance fatalities crash data alcohol survey pavements hardware zero crime analytics austin infrastructure bicycle mobility older drivers policy research center texas a&m university air quality its intelligent transportation analysis vision travel demand management hov lanes rideshare asphalt hot mix asphalt asphalt rutting drugs risk teens umtri helmet use data outreach infrastructure planning ports travel forecasting technology transfer emissions ecomonics human factors culture youth safety teens in the driver seat safety city manual atlas teen driver distracted driving trends correlation support dui rural transportation planning long range planning managed lanes mass transit carpool demand management hwtt hma rutting temporary traffic control tolling communications systems design signs services highway safety hospital mobile notary distractions law enforcement louisiana fhwa wrong way driving market analysis dwi highway crash risk safety plan strategic planning oil and gas energy cmv seat belts surveys judiciary alternative fuel technology public engagement communication autonomous vehicles public policy state government energy economy conspcuity retroreflective visibility transportation data transportation needs transportation planning multimodal freight traveler information economics higher education airport safety aviation public health health information technology crash testing waterways soils security bridge structures active transportation pipelines highways innovation planning societal impacts privacy conference transportation safetey sustainable development sustainability partnership research facilities testing facilities incident management road construction public involvement communications education and training solutions transportation economics gas tax texas transportation commission usdot benefits volpe denso swri safety impacts safety analysis urban streets safety culture tennessee risk management right-turn lanes freeway agrilife open access gear marketing testing walkability cleburne open data database task force safe communities prevention crosswalk bicycle lanes texting and driving public safety drug abuse drunk driving rgv smart city awareness region 6 nhtsa legislature bills digital divide carma dynamic carpooling value pricing pilot project carpooling app real-time ridesharing ridesharing real-time rideshare automated tolling electronics electronic tolling smartphone pricing rebate spst hma sheaer sensitivity analysis shear strength punch shear test sample sitting time temperature effect hamburg test hma screening alternating one-way operations flagger work zones access point low signs lowered way finding signs wrong-way countermeasures led signs systems integration highway-rail grade crossing rail grade crossing safety road friction self driving car google inflation gas finance oil dallas programming bus via vulnerable users strategy travel behavioral research marijuana colorado legalization cannabis trauma epidemiology injury hospital cell phones cops michigan ticketing safety initiatives guide passenger injuries resarch safe drivers older driver senior citizens drinking and driving guidelines roads gis government local and regional safety efforts eagle ford shale natural gas truck safety transport corpus christi driver attitudes driver behaviors commercial vehicles well development oil and gas drilling impacts afvs inform tti poilcy legislation mexico business
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