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Continuous Performance
Testing for Microservices
Vincenzo Ferme
Reliable Software Systems
Institute for Software Technologies
University of Stuttgart, Germany
HPI Future SOC Lab Day
1. Continuous Software Development Environments

1. Continuous Software Development Environments

2. Continuous Performance Testing of Microservices:
a. Challenges
b. Our Approach
c. Preliminary Results
d. BenchFlow Automation Framework

1. Continuous Software Development Environments

2. Continuous Performance Testing of Microservices:
a. Challenges
b. Our Approach
c. Preliminary Results
d. BenchFlow Automation Framework

3. Approach Extensions:
a. ContinuITy Framework

1. Continuous Software Development Environments

2. Continuous Performance Testing of Microservices:
a. Challenges
b. Our Approach
c. Preliminary Results
d. BenchFlow Automation Framework

3. Approach Extensions:
a. ContinuITy Framework

4. Future Work
Continuous Software Development Environments
Continuous Software Development Environments
CI ServerRepo
Continuous Software Development Environments
CI ServerRepo
CD Server
Continuous Software Development Environments
CI ServerRepo
CD Server
The system changes frequently:

- Need to keep the test definition updated (manual is not
an option)

The system changes frequently:

- Need to keep the test definition updated (manual is not
an option)

Too many tests to be executed:

- Need to reduce the number of executed tests

The system changes frequently:

- Need to keep the test definition updated (manual is not
an option)

Too many tests to be executed:

- Need to reduce the number of executed tests

Need to integrate tests in delivery pipelines:

- Need to have complete automation for test execution

- Need to have clear KPIs to be evaluated in the pipeline
Our Approach
Our Approach
Observed load situations
Our Approach
Observed load situations
Production Empirical Distribution of Load situations
50 200 350 500
Load Level
Our Approach
Observed load situations
Production Empirical Distribution of Load situations
50 200 350 500
Load Level
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
Our Approach
Observed load situations
Sampled Load Tests
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
50 200 350 500
Load Level
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
Our Approach
Observed load situations
Sampled Load TestsDeployment Conf.
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
50 200 350 500
Load Level
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
Our Approach
Observed load situations
Baseline Test
Sampled Load TestsDeployment Conf.
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
50 200 350 500
Load Level
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
Our Approach
Observed load situations
Baseline Test
Sampled Load Tests
Scalability Criteria
Deployment Conf.
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
50 200 350 500
Load Level
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
Our Approach
Observed load situations
Baseline Test
Sampled Load Tests
Scalability Criteria
Deployment Conf.
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
50 200 350 500
Load Level
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
0.12 0.14 0.20 0.16 0.11
Test Results
Our Approach
Observed load situations
Baseline Test
Sampled Load Tests
Scalability Criteria
Deployment Conf.
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
50 200 350 500
Load Level
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
0.12 0.14 0.20 0.16 0.11
Test Results
Domain Metric
Preliminary Experiments
12 microservices
Preliminary Experiments
12 microservices
Sampled Load Tests
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
6 Load Levels
Preliminary Experiments
12 microservices
Custom Op. Mix
Sampled Load Tests
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
6 Load Levels
Preliminary Experiments
12 microservices
Custom Op. Mix
Sampled Load Tests
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
6 Load Levels
Deployment Config.
10 configurations
Preliminary Experiments
Stab = avg + 3σ
12 microservices
Custom Op. Mix
Sampled Load Tests
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
6 Load Levels
Deployment Config.
10 configurations
Experiments Infrastructure
Virtual Users
32GB RAM, 24 Cores
Experiments Infrastructure
Virtual Users
32GB RAM, 24 Cores
896GB RAM, 80 Cores
System Under Test
Preliminary Experiments Results
Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica
Preliminary Experiments Results
Custom Op. Mix
Scalability Criteria
GET /cart PASS
Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica
Preliminary Experiments Results
Custom Op. Mix
Scalability Criteria
GET /cart PASS
Users Aggr. Rel. Freq.
50 0.10582
100 0.18519
150 0.22222
200 0.22222
250 0.20370
300 0.06085
Aggr. Rel. Freq.
Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica
Preliminary Experiments Results
Custom Op. Mix
Scalability Criteria
GET /cart PASS
Users Aggr. Rel. Freq.
50 0.10582
100 0.18519
150 0.22222
200 0.22222
250 0.20370
300 0.06085
Aggr. Rel. Freq. Contrib. to Domain Metric
Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica
Preliminary Experiments Results
Custom Op. Mix
Scalability Criteria
GET /cart PASS
Users Aggr. Rel. Freq.
50 0.10582
100 0.18519
150 0.22222
200 0.22222
250 0.20370
300 0.06085
Aggr. Rel. Freq. Contrib. to Domain Metric
Max: 0.20370
Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica
Preliminary Experiments Results
Custom Op. Mix
Scalability Criteria
GET /cart PASS
Users Aggr. Rel. Freq.
50 0.10582
100 0.18519
150 0.22222
200 0.22222
250 0.20370
300 0.06085
Aggr. Rel. Freq. Contrib. to Domain Metric
Max: 0.20370
Actual: 0.13580
Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica
Preliminary Experiments Results
Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica
Preliminary Experiments Results
Users Contribution
50 0.10582
100 0.18519
150 0.22222
200 0.07999
250 0.13580
300 0.04729
Contrib. to Domain Metric
Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica
Preliminary Experiments Results
Users Contribution
50 0.10582
100 0.18519
150 0.22222
200 0.07999
250 0.13580
300 0.04729
Contrib. to Domain Metric
Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica
Max: 1
Domain Metric
Preliminary Experiments Results
Users Contribution
50 0.10582
100 0.18519
150 0.22222
200 0.07999
250 0.13580
300 0.04729
Contrib. to Domain Metric
Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica
Max: 1
Domain Metric
Preliminary Experiments Results
Preliminary Experiments Results
Preliminary Experiments Results
BenchFlow Automation Framework
BenchFlow Automation Framework
BenchFlow Automation Framework
- Workload Modeling

BenchFlow Automation Framework
- Workload Modeling

BenchFlow Automation Framework
- Workload Modeling

- SUT Configuration

BenchFlow Automation Framework
- Workload Modeling

- SUT Configuration

- SUT Deployment

BenchFlow Automation Framework
- Workload Modeling

- SUT Configuration

- SUT Deployment

BenchFlow Automation Framework
- Workload Modeling

- SUT Configuration

- SUT Deployment

- BenchFlow
BenchFlow Automation Framework
- Workload Modeling

- SUT Configuration

- SUT Deployment

- BenchFlow
BenchFlow Automation Framework
- Workload Modeling

- SUT Configuration

- SUT Deployment

- BenchFlow
Test Execution
BenchFlow Automation Framework
- Workload Modeling

- SUT Configuration

- SUT Deployment

- BenchFlow
Data Collection
Test Execution
BenchFlow Automation Framework
- Workload Modeling

- SUT Configuration

- SUT Deployment

- BenchFlow
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Test Execution
BenchFlow Automation Framework
- Workload Modeling

- SUT Configuration

- SUT Deployment

- BenchFlow
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Test Execution
BenchFlow Automation Framework
[Ferme et al.]
Vincenzo Ferme and Cesare Pautasso. A Declarative Approach for Performance Tests Execution in Continuous Software Development
Environments. In Proc. of ICPE 2018. 261-272.
BenchFlow Automation Framework
[Ferme et al.]
Vincenzo Ferme and Cesare Pautasso. A Declarative Approach for Performance Tests Execution in Continuous Software Development
Environments. In Proc. of ICPE 2018. 261-272.
Test Bundle
BenchFlow Automation Framework
[Ferme et al.]
Vincenzo Ferme and Cesare Pautasso. A Declarative Approach for Performance Tests Execution in Continuous Software Development
Environments. In Proc. of ICPE 2018. 261-272.
Test Bundle
Experiment Generation
Experiment Bundle
BenchFlow Automation Framework
[Ferme et al.]
Vincenzo Ferme and Cesare Pautasso. A Declarative Approach for Performance Tests Execution in Continuous Software Development
Environments. In Proc. of ICPE 2018. 261-272.
Test Bundle
Experiment Execution
Experiment Generation
Experiment Bundle
BenchFlow Automation Framework
[Ferme et al.]
Vincenzo Ferme and Cesare Pautasso. A Declarative Approach for Performance Tests Execution in Continuous Software Development
Environments. In Proc. of ICPE 2018. 261-272.
Test Bundle
Experiment Execution
Experiment Generation
Experiment Bundle
BenchFlow Automation Framework
[Ferme et al.]
Vincenzo Ferme and Cesare Pautasso. A Declarative Approach for Performance Tests Execution in Continuous Software Development
Environments. In Proc. of ICPE 2018. 261-272.
Test Bundle
Experiment Execution
Result Analysis
Experiment Generation
Experiment Bundle
BenchFlow Automation Framework
[Ferme et al.]
Vincenzo Ferme and Cesare Pautasso. A Declarative Approach for Performance Tests Execution in Continuous Software Development
Environments. In Proc. of ICPE 2018. 261-272.
Test Bundle
Experiment Execution
Result Analysis
Experiment Generation
Experiment Bundle
BenchFlow Automation Framework
[Ferme et al.]
Vincenzo Ferme and Cesare Pautasso. A Declarative Approach for Performance Tests Execution in Continuous Software Development
Environments. In Proc. of ICPE 2018. 261-272.
Approach: Summary
Approach: Summary
Sampled Load Tests
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
Approach: Summary
Sampled Load Tests
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
Baseline Test
Scalability Criteria
Deployment Conf.
Approach: Summary
Sampled Load Tests
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
Baseline Test
Scalability Criteria
Deployment Conf.
Domain Metric
Approach: Summary
Sampled Load Tests
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
Baseline Test
Scalability Criteria
Deployment Conf.
Domain Metric
1. Decide if the system is ready for
Examples of Use of Domain Metric KPI:
Approach: Summary
Sampled Load Tests
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
Baseline Test
Scalability Criteria
Deployment Conf.
Domain Metric
1. Decide if the system is ready for
2. Assess different deployment
Examples of Use of Domain Metric KPI:
Approach: Summary
Sampled Load Tests
Approach: Summary
Sampled Load Tests
Max Contrib.
Approach: Summary
Sampled Load Tests
Max Contrib.
Depl. Conf.
Approach: Summary
Sampled Load Tests
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
Baseline Test
Scalability Criteria
Deployment Conf.
Domain Metric
Examples of Use of Domain Metric KPI:
1. Decide if the system is ready for
2. Assess different deployment
Approach: Summary
Sampled Load Tests
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
Baseline Test
Scalability Criteria
Deployment Conf.
Domain Metric
3. Configure scaling plans and
Examples of Use of Domain Metric KPI:
1. Decide if the system is ready for
2. Assess different deployment
Approach: Extensions
0.12 0.14 0.20 0.16 0.11
Observed load situations
Production Empirical Distribution of Load situations
50 200 350 500
Load Level
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
Baseline Test
Sampled Load Tests
Scalability Criteria
Domain Metric
Test Results
Deployment Conf.
Approach: Extensions
0.12 0.14 0.20 0.16 0.11
Observed load situations
Production Empirical Distribution of Load situations
50 200 350 500
Load Level
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
Baseline Test
Sampled Load Tests
Scalability Criteria
Domain Metric
Test Results
Deployment Conf.
Approach: Extensions
0.12 0.14 0.20 0.16 0.11
Observed load situations
Production Empirical Distribution of Load situations
50 200 350 500
Load Level
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
Baseline Test
Sampled Load Tests
Scalability Criteria
Domain Metric
Test Results
Deployment Conf.
ContinuITy Framework
[Schulz et al.]
Henning Schulz,Tobias Angerstein, and André van Hoorn.Towards Automating Representative Load Testing in Continuous Software Engineering. In
Proc. of ICPE 2018 Companion. 123-126.
ContinuITy Framework
Production Sampled Load TestsSampled Load Tests
Load Levels
API Calls
Op. Mix
[Schulz et al.]
Henning Schulz,Tobias Angerstein, and André van Hoorn.Towards Automating Representative Load Testing in Continuous Software Engineering. In
Proc. of ICPE 2018 Companion. 123-126.
ContinuITy Framework
Workload Model
Production Sampled Load TestsSampled Load Tests
Load Levels
API Calls
Op. Mix
[Schulz et al.]
Henning Schulz,Tobias Angerstein, and André van Hoorn.Towards Automating Representative Load Testing in Continuous Software Engineering. In
Proc. of ICPE 2018 Companion. 123-126.
ContinuITy Framework
APIs SpecificationWorkload Model
Production Sampled Load TestsSampled Load Tests
Load Levels
API Calls
Op. Mix
[Schulz et al.]
Henning Schulz,Tobias Angerstein, and André van Hoorn.Towards Automating Representative Load Testing in Continuous Software Engineering. In
Proc. of ICPE 2018 Companion. 123-126.
ContinuITy Framework
APIs Specification Annotations ModelWorkload Model
+ +
Production Sampled Load TestsSampled Load Tests
Load Levels
API Calls
Op. Mix
[Schulz et al.]
Henning Schulz,Tobias Angerstein, and André van Hoorn.Towards Automating Representative Load Testing in Continuous Software Engineering. In
Proc. of ICPE 2018 Companion. 123-126.
Future Work
Automated update of tests definition:

- Automatically update load levels, API calls, operations mix

Future Work
Automated update of tests definition:

- Automatically update load levels, API calls, operations mix

Declarative Definitions for Load Testing:

- Make performance engineering activities more accessible

Future Work
Automated update of tests definition:

- Automatically update load levels, API calls, operations mix

Declarative Definitions for Load Testing:

- Make performance engineering activities more accessible

Declarative Performance Test Regression: 

- Extend the proposed approach to continuously assess
regressions in performance and PASS/FAIL CI/CD pipelines

Future Work
Automated update of tests definition:

- Automatically update load levels, API calls, operations mix

Declarative Definitions for Load Testing:

- Make performance engineering activities more accessible

Declarative Performance Test Regression: 

- Extend the proposed approach to continuously assess
regressions in performance and PASS/FAIL CI/CD pipelines

Prioritisation and Selection of Load Tests: 

- Exploit performance models to reduce even more the # of tests
The system changes frequently:

- Need to keep the test definition updated

Too many tests to be executed:

- Need to reduce the number of executed tests

Need to integrate tests in delivery pipelines:

- Need to have complete automation for test execution

- Need to have clear KPIs to be evaluated in the pipeline
The system changes frequently:

- Need to keep the test definition updated

Too many tests to be executed:

- Need to reduce the number of executed tests

Need to integrate tests in delivery pipelines:

- Need to have complete automation for test execution

- Need to have clear KPIs to be evaluated in the pipeline
Challenges Our Approach
Our Approach
Observed load situations
Baseline Test
Sampled Load Tests
Scalability Criteria
Deployment Conf.
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
50 200 350 500
Load Level
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
0.12 0.14 0.20 0.16 0.11
Test Results
Domain Metric
The system changes frequently:

- Need to keep the test definition updated

Too many tests to be executed:

- Need to reduce the number of executed tests

Need to integrate tests in delivery pipelines:

- Need to have complete automation for test execution

- Need to have clear KPIs to be evaluated in the pipeline
Challenges Our Approach
Our Approach
Observed load situations
Baseline Test
Sampled Load Tests
Scalability Criteria
Deployment Conf.
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
50 200 350 500
Load Level
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
0.12 0.14 0.20 0.16 0.11
Test Results
Domain Metric
Preliminary Experiments
Preliminary Experiments
Stab = avg + 3σ
12 microservices
Custom Op. Mix
Sampled Load Tests
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
6 Load Levels
Deployment Config.
10 configurations
The system changes frequently:

- Need to keep the test definition updated

Too many tests to be executed:

- Need to reduce the number of executed tests

Need to integrate tests in delivery pipelines:

- Need to have complete automation for test execution

- Need to have clear KPIs to be evaluated in the pipeline
Challenges Our Approach
Our Approach
Observed load situations
Baseline Test
Sampled Load Tests
Scalability Criteria
Deployment Conf.
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
50 200 350 500
Load Level
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
0.12 0.14 0.20 0.16 0.11
Test Results
Domain Metric
Preliminary Experiments
Preliminary Experiments
Stab = avg + 3σ
12 microservices
Custom Op. Mix
Sampled Load Tests
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
6 Load Levels
Deployment Config.
10 configurations
Extensions and Future Work
Approach: Extensions
0.12 0.14 0.20 0.16 0.11
Observed load situations
Production Empirical Distribution of Load situations
50 200 350 500
Load Level
Empirical Distribution of Load situations
100 300 500
Sampled Load Level
Baseline Test
Sampled Load Tests
Scalability Criteria
Domain Metric
Test Results
Deployment Conf.

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Continuous Performance Testing for Microservices

  • 1. Continuous Performance Testing for Microservices Vincenzo Ferme Reliable Software Systems Institute for Software Technologies University of Stuttgart, Germany HPI Future SOC Lab Day
  • 2. 2 1. Continuous Software Development Environments
  • 3. 2 1. Continuous Software Development Environments
 2. Continuous Performance Testing of Microservices: a. Challenges b. Our Approach c. Preliminary Results d. BenchFlow Automation Framework
  • 4. 2 1. Continuous Software Development Environments
 2. Continuous Performance Testing of Microservices: a. Challenges b. Our Approach c. Preliminary Results d. BenchFlow Automation Framework
 3. Approach Extensions: a. ContinuITy Framework
  • 5. 2 1. Continuous Software Development Environments
 2. Continuous Performance Testing of Microservices: a. Challenges b. Our Approach c. Preliminary Results d. BenchFlow Automation Framework
 3. Approach Extensions: a. ContinuITy Framework
 4. Future Work Outline
  • 6. 3 Continuous Software Development Environments Repo Developers, Testers, Architects
  • 7. 3 Continuous Software Development Environments CI ServerRepo Developers, Testers, Architects
  • 8. 3 Continuous Software Development Environments CI ServerRepo Developers, Testers, Architects CD Server
  • 9. 3 Continuous Software Development Environments CI ServerRepo Developers, Testers, Architects Production CD Server
  • 10. 4 The system changes frequently:
 - Need to keep the test definition updated (manual is not an option)
  • 11. 4 The system changes frequently:
 - Need to keep the test definition updated (manual is not an option)
 Too many tests to be executed:
 - Need to reduce the number of executed tests
  • 12. 4 The system changes frequently:
 - Need to keep the test definition updated (manual is not an option)
 Too many tests to be executed:
 - Need to reduce the number of executed tests
 Need to integrate tests in delivery pipelines:
 - Need to have complete automation for test execution
 - Need to have clear KPIs to be evaluated in the pipeline Challenges
  • 14. 5 Our Approach Observed load situations Time LoadLevel Production
  • 15. 5 Our Approach Observed load situations Time LoadLevel Production Empirical Distribution of Load situations 50 200 350 500 Load Level Rel.Freq. 1
  • 16. 5 Our Approach Observed load situations Time LoadLevel Production Empirical Distribution of Load situations 50 200 350 500 Load Level Rel.Freq. 1 Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. 2
  • 17. 5 Our Approach Observed load situations Time LoadLevel Production Sampled Load Tests Empirical Distribution of Load situations 50 200 350 500 Load Level Rel.Freq. 1 Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. 2
  • 18. 5 Our Approach Observed load situations Time LoadLevel Production Sampled Load TestsDeployment Conf. Empirical Distribution of Load situations 50 200 350 500 Load Level Rel.Freq. 1 Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. 2
  • 19. 5 Our Approach Observed load situations Time LoadLevel Production Baseline Test Sampled Load TestsDeployment Conf. Empirical Distribution of Load situations 50 200 350 500 Load Level Rel.Freq. 1 Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. 2
  • 20. 5 Our Approach Observed load situations Time LoadLevel Production Baseline Test Sampled Load Tests Scalability Criteria Deployment Conf. Empirical Distribution of Load situations 50 200 350 500 Load Level Rel.Freq. 1 Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. 2
  • 21. 5 Our Approach Observed load situations Time LoadLevel Production Baseline Test Sampled Load Tests Scalability Criteria Deployment Conf. Empirical Distribution of Load situations 50 200 350 500 Load Level Rel.Freq. 1 Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. 2 0.12 0.14 0.20 0.16 0.11 Test Results 3
  • 22. 5 Our Approach Observed load situations Time LoadLevel Production Baseline Test Sampled Load Tests Scalability Criteria Deployment Conf. Empirical Distribution of Load situations 50 200 350 500 Load Level Rel.Freq. 1 Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. 2 0.12 0.14 0.20 0.16 0.11 Test Results 3 Domain Metric 0.73 4
  • 24. 6 Preliminary Experiments Production 12 microservices Sampled Load Tests Empirical Distribution of Load situations 6 Load Levels 50,100,150,200,250,300 Users 1,2
  • 25. 6 Preliminary Experiments Production 12 microservices Custom Op. Mix Sampled Load Tests Empirical Distribution of Load situations 6 Load Levels 50,100,150,200,250,300 Users 1,2
  • 26. 6 Preliminary Experiments Production 12 microservices Custom Op. Mix Sampled Load Tests Empirical Distribution of Load situations 6 Load Levels 50,100,150,200,250,300 Users 1,2 Deployment Config. 10 configurations Replicas CPURAM 3
  • 27. 6 Preliminary Experiments Stab = avg + 3σ Production 12 microservices Custom Op. Mix Sampled Load Tests Empirical Distribution of Load situations 6 Load Levels 50,100,150,200,250,300 Users 1,2 Deployment Config. 10 configurations Replicas CPURAM 3
  • 29. 7 Experiments Infrastructure Virtual Users 32GB RAM, 24 Cores 896GB RAM, 80 Cores System Under Test
  • 30. 8 Preliminary Experiments Results Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica
  • 31. 8 Preliminary Experiments Results Custom Op. Mix API Scalability Criteria (PASS/FAIL) GET / PASS GET /cart PASS POST /item FAIL Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica
  • 32. 8 Preliminary Experiments Results Custom Op. Mix API Scalability Criteria (PASS/FAIL) GET / PASS GET /cart PASS POST /item FAIL Users Aggr. Rel. Freq. 50 0.10582 100 0.18519 150 0.22222 200 0.22222 250 0.20370 300 0.06085 Aggr. Rel. Freq. Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica
  • 33. 8 Preliminary Experiments Results Custom Op. Mix API Scalability Criteria (PASS/FAIL) GET / PASS GET /cart PASS POST /item FAIL Users Aggr. Rel. Freq. 50 0.10582 100 0.18519 150 0.22222 200 0.22222 250 0.20370 300 0.06085 Aggr. Rel. Freq. Contrib. to Domain Metric Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica
  • 34. 8 Preliminary Experiments Results Custom Op. Mix API Scalability Criteria (PASS/FAIL) GET / PASS GET /cart PASS POST /item FAIL Users Aggr. Rel. Freq. 50 0.10582 100 0.18519 150 0.22222 200 0.22222 250 0.20370 300 0.06085 Aggr. Rel. Freq. Contrib. to Domain Metric Max: 0.20370 Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica
  • 35. 8 Preliminary Experiments Results Custom Op. Mix API Scalability Criteria (PASS/FAIL) GET / PASS GET /cart PASS POST /item FAIL Users Aggr. Rel. Freq. 50 0.10582 100 0.18519 150 0.22222 200 0.22222 250 0.20370 300 0.06085 Aggr. Rel. Freq. Contrib. to Domain Metric Max: 0.20370 Actual: 0.13580 Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica
  • 36. 9 Preliminary Experiments Results Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica
  • 37. 9 Preliminary Experiments Results Users Contribution 50 0.10582 100 0.18519 150 0.22222 200 0.07999 250 0.13580 300 0.04729 Contrib. to Domain Metric Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica
  • 38. 9 Preliminary Experiments Results Users Contribution 50 0.10582 100 0.18519 150 0.22222 200 0.07999 250 0.13580 300 0.04729 Contrib. to Domain Metric Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica Max: 1 Domain Metric 4
  • 39. 9 Preliminary Experiments Results Users Contribution 50 0.10582 100 0.18519 150 0.22222 200 0.07999 250 0.13580 300 0.04729 Contrib. to Domain Metric Deployment Configuration: 1 GB RAM, 0.25 CPU, 1 Replica Max: 1 Domain Metric 4 0.77631 Actual:
  • 47. BenchFlow Automation Framework 11 BenchFlow BF DSL - Workload Modeling
 - SUT Configuration
  • 48. BenchFlow Automation Framework 11 BenchFlow BF DSL - Workload Modeling
 - SUT Configuration
 - SUT Deployment
  • 49. BenchFlow Automation Framework 11 BenchFlow BF DSL - Workload Modeling
 - SUT Configuration
 - SUT Deployment
  • 50. BenchFlow Automation Framework 11 BenchFlow BF DSL - Workload Modeling
 - SUT Configuration
 - SUT Deployment
 - BenchFlow Adapters
  • 51. BenchFlow Automation Framework 11 BenchFlow BF DSL - Workload Modeling
 - SUT Configuration
 - SUT Deployment
 - BenchFlow Adapters
  • 52. BenchFlow Automation Framework 11 BenchFlow BF DSL - Workload Modeling
 - SUT Configuration
 - SUT Deployment
 - BenchFlow Adapters Faban Test Execution
  • 53. BenchFlow Automation Framework 11 BenchFlow BF DSL - Workload Modeling
 - SUT Configuration
 - SUT Deployment
 - BenchFlow Adapters Faban Minio Data Collection Test Execution
  • 54. BenchFlow Automation Framework 11 BenchFlow BF DSL - Workload Modeling
 - SUT Configuration
 - SUT Deployment
 - BenchFlow Adapters Faban Minio Data Collection Data Analysis Test Execution
  • 55. BenchFlow Automation Framework 11 BenchFlow BF DSL - Workload Modeling
 - SUT Configuration
 - SUT Deployment
 - BenchFlow Adapters Faban Minio Data Collection Data Analysis Test Execution
  • 56. 12 Generation BenchFlow Automation Framework [Ferme et al.] Vincenzo Ferme and Cesare Pautasso. A Declarative Approach for Performance Tests Execution in Continuous Software Development Environments. In Proc. of ICPE 2018. 261-272.
  • 57. 12 Generation Test Generation BenchFlow Automation Framework [Ferme et al.] Vincenzo Ferme and Cesare Pautasso. A Declarative Approach for Performance Tests Execution in Continuous Software Development Environments. In Proc. of ICPE 2018. 261-272.
  • 58. 12 Generation Test Bundle Test Generation BenchFlow Automation Framework [Ferme et al.] Vincenzo Ferme and Cesare Pautasso. A Declarative Approach for Performance Tests Execution in Continuous Software Development Environments. In Proc. of ICPE 2018. 261-272.
  • 59. 12 Generation Test Bundle Test Generation Experiment Generation Experiment Bundle BenchFlow Automation Framework [Ferme et al.] Vincenzo Ferme and Cesare Pautasso. A Declarative Approach for Performance Tests Execution in Continuous Software Development Environments. In Proc. of ICPE 2018. 261-272.
  • 60. 12 GenerationExecution Test Bundle Experiment Execution Test Generation Experiment Generation Experiment Bundle BenchFlow Automation Framework [Ferme et al.] Vincenzo Ferme and Cesare Pautasso. A Declarative Approach for Performance Tests Execution in Continuous Software Development Environments. In Proc. of ICPE 2018. 261-272.
  • 61. 12 GenerationExecution Test Bundle Failures Experiment Execution Test Generation Experiment Generation Experiment Bundle Success BenchFlow Automation Framework [Ferme et al.] Vincenzo Ferme and Cesare Pautasso. A Declarative Approach for Performance Tests Execution in Continuous Software Development Environments. In Proc. of ICPE 2018. 261-272.
  • 62. 12 GenerationExecutionAnalysis Test Bundle Failures Experiment Execution Result Analysis Test Generation Experiment Generation Experiment Bundle Success BenchFlow Automation Framework [Ferme et al.] Vincenzo Ferme and Cesare Pautasso. A Declarative Approach for Performance Tests Execution in Continuous Software Development Environments. In Proc. of ICPE 2018. 261-272.
  • 63. 12 GenerationExecutionAnalysis Test Bundle Metrics Failures Experiment Execution Result Analysis Test Generation Experiment Generation Experiment Bundle Success BenchFlow Automation Framework [Ferme et al.] Vincenzo Ferme and Cesare Pautasso. A Declarative Approach for Performance Tests Execution in Continuous Software Development Environments. In Proc. of ICPE 2018. 261-272.
  • 65. Approach: Summary 13 Production Sampled Load Tests Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. 1,2
  • 66. Approach: Summary 13 Production Sampled Load Tests Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. 1,2 Baseline Test Scalability Criteria Deployment Conf. BenchFlow BF 3
  • 67. Approach: Summary 13 Production Sampled Load Tests Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. 1,2 Baseline Test Scalability Criteria Deployment Conf. Domain Metric 0.73 4 BenchFlow BF 3
  • 68. Approach: Summary 13 Production Sampled Load Tests Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. 1,2 Baseline Test Scalability Criteria Deployment Conf. Domain Metric 0.73 4 BenchFlow BF 3 1. Decide if the system is ready for deployment Examples of Use of Domain Metric KPI:
  • 69. Approach: Summary 13 Production Sampled Load Tests Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. 1,2 Baseline Test Scalability Criteria Deployment Conf. Domain Metric 0.73 4 BenchFlow BF 3 1. Decide if the system is ready for deployment 2. Assess different deployment configurations Examples of Use of Domain Metric KPI:
  • 73. Approach: Summary 15 Production Sampled Load Tests Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. 1,2 Baseline Test Scalability Criteria Deployment Conf. Domain Metric 0.73 4 BenchFlow BF 3 Examples of Use of Domain Metric KPI: 1. Decide if the system is ready for deployment 2. Assess different deployment configurations
  • 74. Approach: Summary 15 Production Sampled Load Tests Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. 1,2 Baseline Test Scalability Criteria Deployment Conf. Domain Metric 0.73 4 BenchFlow BF 3 3. Configure scaling plans and autoscalers Examples of Use of Domain Metric KPI: 1. Decide if the system is ready for deployment 2. Assess different deployment configurations
  • 75. 16 Approach: Extensions 0.12 0.14 0.20 0.16 0.11 Observed load situations Time LoadLevel Production Empirical Distribution of Load situations 50 200 350 500 Load Level Rel.Freq. Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. Baseline Test Sampled Load Tests Scalability Criteria Domain Metric Test Results Deployment Conf. 0.73 1 23 4
  • 76. 16 Approach: Extensions 0.12 0.14 0.20 0.16 0.11 Observed load situations Time LoadLevel Production Empirical Distribution of Load situations 50 200 350 500 Load Level Rel.Freq. Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. Baseline Test Sampled Load Tests Scalability Criteria Domain Metric Test Results Deployment Conf. 0.73 1 23 4
  • 77. 16 Approach: Extensions 0.12 0.14 0.20 0.16 0.11 Observed load situations Time LoadLevel Production Empirical Distribution of Load situations 50 200 350 500 Load Level Rel.Freq. Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. Baseline Test Sampled Load Tests Scalability Criteria Domain Metric Test Results Deployment Conf. 0.73 1 23 4
  • 78. ContinuITy Framework 17 Production [Schulz et al.] Henning Schulz,Tobias Angerstein, and André van Hoorn.Towards Automating Representative Load Testing in Continuous Software Engineering. In Proc. of ICPE 2018 Companion. 123-126.
  • 79. ContinuITy Framework 18 Production Sampled Load TestsSampled Load Tests Load Levels API Calls Op. Mix [Schulz et al.] Henning Schulz,Tobias Angerstein, and André van Hoorn.Towards Automating Representative Load Testing in Continuous Software Engineering. In Proc. of ICPE 2018 Companion. 123-126.
  • 80. ContinuITy Framework 18 Workload Model Production Sampled Load TestsSampled Load Tests Load Levels API Calls Op. Mix [Schulz et al.] Henning Schulz,Tobias Angerstein, and André van Hoorn.Towards Automating Representative Load Testing in Continuous Software Engineering. In Proc. of ICPE 2018 Companion. 123-126.
  • 81. ContinuITy Framework 18 APIs SpecificationWorkload Model + Production Sampled Load TestsSampled Load Tests Load Levels API Calls Op. Mix [Schulz et al.] Henning Schulz,Tobias Angerstein, and André van Hoorn.Towards Automating Representative Load Testing in Continuous Software Engineering. In Proc. of ICPE 2018 Companion. 123-126.
  • 82. ContinuITy Framework 18 APIs Specification Annotations ModelWorkload Model + + Production Sampled Load TestsSampled Load Tests Load Levels API Calls Op. Mix [Schulz et al.] Henning Schulz,Tobias Angerstein, and André van Hoorn.Towards Automating Representative Load Testing in Continuous Software Engineering. In Proc. of ICPE 2018 Companion. 123-126.
  • 83. Future Work 19 Automated update of tests definition:
 - Automatically update load levels, API calls, operations mix

  • 84. Future Work 19 Automated update of tests definition:
 - Automatically update load levels, API calls, operations mix
 Declarative Definitions for Load Testing:
 - Make performance engineering activities more accessible

  • 85. Future Work 19 Automated update of tests definition:
 - Automatically update load levels, API calls, operations mix
 Declarative Definitions for Load Testing:
 - Make performance engineering activities more accessible
 Declarative Performance Test Regression: 
 - Extend the proposed approach to continuously assess regressions in performance and PASS/FAIL CI/CD pipelines

  • 86. Future Work 19 Automated update of tests definition:
 - Automatically update load levels, API calls, operations mix
 Declarative Definitions for Load Testing:
 - Make performance engineering activities more accessible
 Declarative Performance Test Regression: 
 - Extend the proposed approach to continuously assess regressions in performance and PASS/FAIL CI/CD pipelines
 Prioritisation and Selection of Load Tests: 
 - Exploit performance models to reduce even more the # of tests
  • 87. 20 Highlights 4 The system changes frequently:
 - Need to keep the test definition updated
 Too many tests to be executed:
 - Need to reduce the number of executed tests
 Need to integrate tests in delivery pipelines:
 - Need to have complete automation for test execution
 - Need to have clear KPIs to be evaluated in the pipeline Challenges Challenges
  • 88. 20 Highlights 4 The system changes frequently:
 - Need to keep the test definition updated
 Too many tests to be executed:
 - Need to reduce the number of executed tests
 Need to integrate tests in delivery pipelines:
 - Need to have complete automation for test execution
 - Need to have clear KPIs to be evaluated in the pipeline Challenges Challenges Our Approach 5 Our Approach Observed load situations Time LoadLevel Production Baseline Test Sampled Load Tests Scalability Criteria Deployment Conf. Empirical Distribution of Load situations 50 200 350 500 Load Level Rel.Freq. 1 Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. 2 0.12 0.14 0.20 0.16 0.11 Test Results 3 Domain Metric 0.73 4
  • 89. 20 Highlights 4 The system changes frequently:
 - Need to keep the test definition updated
 Too many tests to be executed:
 - Need to reduce the number of executed tests
 Need to integrate tests in delivery pipelines:
 - Need to have complete automation for test execution
 - Need to have clear KPIs to be evaluated in the pipeline Challenges Challenges Our Approach 5 Our Approach Observed load situations Time LoadLevel Production Baseline Test Sampled Load Tests Scalability Criteria Deployment Conf. Empirical Distribution of Load situations 50 200 350 500 Load Level Rel.Freq. 1 Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. 2 0.12 0.14 0.20 0.16 0.11 Test Results 3 Domain Metric 0.73 4 Preliminary Experiments 6 Preliminary Experiments Stab = avg + 3σ Production 12 microservices Custom Op. Mix Sampled Load Tests Empirical Distribution of Load situations 6 Load Levels 50,100,150,200,250,300 Users 1,2 Deployment Config. 10 configurations Replicas CPURAM 3
  • 90. 20 Highlights 4 The system changes frequently:
 - Need to keep the test definition updated
 Too many tests to be executed:
 - Need to reduce the number of executed tests
 Need to integrate tests in delivery pipelines:
 - Need to have complete automation for test execution
 - Need to have clear KPIs to be evaluated in the pipeline Challenges Challenges Our Approach 5 Our Approach Observed load situations Time LoadLevel Production Baseline Test Sampled Load Tests Scalability Criteria Deployment Conf. Empirical Distribution of Load situations 50 200 350 500 Load Level Rel.Freq. 1 Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. 2 0.12 0.14 0.20 0.16 0.11 Test Results 3 Domain Metric 0.73 4 Preliminary Experiments 6 Preliminary Experiments Stab = avg + 3σ Production 12 microservices Custom Op. Mix Sampled Load Tests Empirical Distribution of Load situations 6 Load Levels 50,100,150,200,250,300 Users 1,2 Deployment Config. 10 configurations Replicas CPURAM 3 Extensions and Future Work 16 Approach: Extensions 0.12 0.14 0.20 0.16 0.11 Observed load situations Time LoadLevel Production Empirical Distribution of Load situations 50 200 350 500 Load Level Rel.Freq. Empirical Distribution of Load situations 100 300 500 Sampled Load Level Aggr.Rel.Freq. Baseline Test Sampled Load Tests Scalability Criteria Domain Metric Test Results Deployment Conf. 0.73 1 23 4