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7 ineffective
BuildStuff ‘14
A settled or regular tendency
or practice, especially one
that is hard to give up.
“I’m not a great programmer;
I’m just a good programmer
with great habits.”
- Kent Beck
Noisy Code
Visual Dishonesty
Lego Naming
Unencapsulated State
Getters and Setters
Uncohesive Tests
does the language I use
make a difference?
“Programming languages
have a devious influence:
they shape our thinking
- Edsger W. Dijkstra
Noisy Code
every LOC is a cost
more code
more chance for bugs
more code
more engineers
You should do whatever possible to increase the
productivity of individual programmers in terms of
the expressive power of the code they write. Less
code to do the same thing (and possibly better).
Less programmers to hire. Less organizational
communication costs.
You should do whatever possible to increase the
productivity of individual programmers in terms of
the expressive power of the code they write. Less
code to do the same thing (and possibly better).
Less programmers to hire. Less organizational
communication costs.
does the language I use
make a difference?
no { }
no nulls
fewer syntactic noise
fewer code
fewer noise
fewer noise
higher SNR
fewer code
more productivity
- Dan North
“Lead time to someone saying
thank you is the only reputation
metric that matters.”
“…a clean design is one that
supports visual thinking so
people can meet their
informational needs with a
minimum of conscious effort.”
- Daniel Higginbotham (
public void MyCleverMethod(
int firstArg,
string secondArg)
signifies hierarchy
“You convey information by the way you
arrange a design’s elements in relation to
each other. This information is understood
immediately, if not consciously, by the
people viewing your designs.”
- Daniel Higginbotham (
“This is great if the visual relationships are
obvious and accurate, but if they’re not,
your audience is going to get confused.
They’ll have to examine your work carefully,
going back and forth between the different
parts to make sure they understand.”
- Daniel Higginbotham (
Whilst talking with an ex-colleague, a question came up on how to implement the Stable Marriage
problem using a message passing approach. Naturally, I wanted to answer that question with Erlang!
Let’s first dissect the problem and decide what processes we need and how they need to interact with
one another.
The stable marriage problem is commonly stated as:
Given n men and n women, where each person has ranked all members of the opposite sex with a
unique number between 1 and n in order of preference, marry the men and women together such that
there are no two people of opposite sex who would both rather have each other than their current
partners. If there are no such people, all the marriages are “stable”. (It is assumed that the participants
are binary gendered and that marriages are not same-sex).
From the problem description, we can see that we need:
* a module for man
* a module for woman
* a module for orchestrating the experiment
In terms of interaction between the different modules, I imagined something along the lines of…
how we read ENGLISH
see also
Whilst talking with an ex-colleague, a question came up on how to implement the Stable Marriage
problem using a message passing approach. Naturally, I wanted to answer that question with Erlang!
Let’s first dissect the problem and decide what processes we need and how they need to interact with
one another.
The stable marriage problem is commonly stated as:
Given n men and n women, where each person has ranked all members of the opposite sex with a
unique number between 1 and n in order of preference, marry the men and women together such that
there are no two people of opposite sex who would both rather have each other than their current
partners. If there are no such people, all the marriages are “stable”. (It is assumed that the participants
are binary gendered and that marriages are not same-sex).
From the problem description, we can see that we need:
* a module for man
* a module for woman
* a module for orchestrating the experiment
In terms of interaction between the different modules, I imagined something along the lines of…
how we read ENGLISH
see also
how we read CODE
public void DoSomething(int x, int y)
see also
how we read CODE
public void DoSomething(int x, int y)
see also
Whilst talking with an ex-colleague, a question came up on
how to implement the Stable Marriage problem using a
message passing approach. Naturally, I wanted to answer
that question with Erlang!
Let’s first dissect the problem and decide what processes we
need and how they need to interact with one another.
The stable marriage problem is commonly stated as:
Given n men and n women, where each person has ranked
all members of the opposite sex with a unique number
between 1 and n in order of preference, marry the men and
women together such that there are no two people of
opposite sex who would both rather have each other than
their current partners. If there are no such people, all the
marriages are “stable”. (It is assumed that the participants
are binary gendered and that marriages are not same-sex).
From the problem description, we can see that we need:
* a module for man
* a module for woman
* a module for orchestrating the experiment
In terms of interaction between the different modules, I
imagined something along the lines of…
how we read ENGLISH
public void DoSomething(int x, int y)
how we read CODE
see also
see also
how we read CODE
let drawCircle x y radius =
circle radius
|> filled (rgb 150 170 150)
|> alpha 0.5
|> move (x, y)
see also
how we read CODE
let drawCircle x y radius =
circle radius
|> filled (rgb 150 170 150)
|> alpha 0.5
|> move (x, y)
see also
public ResultType MyCleverMethod(
int firstArg,
string secondArg,
string thirdArg) {
var localVar =
AnotherCleverMethod(firstArg, secondArg);
if (localVar.IsSomething(
thirdArg, MY_CONSTANT)) {
return localVar.GetSomething();
public ResultType MyCleverMethod(
int firstArg,
string secondArg,
string thirdArg) {
var localVar =
AnotherCleverMethod(firstArg, secondArg);
if (localVar.IsSomething(
thirdArg, MY_CONSTANT)) {
return localVar.GetSomething();
“This is great if the visual relationships are
obvious and accurate, but if they’re not,
your audience is going to get confused.
They’ll have to examine your work carefully,
going back and forth between the different
parts to make sure they understand.”
public ResultType MyCleverMethod(
int firstArg,
string secondArg,
string thirdArg)
var localVar =
AnotherCleverMethod(firstArg, secondArg);
if (localVar.IsSomething(
thirdArg, MY_CONSTANT))
return localVar.GetSomething();
- Douglas Crockford
“It turns out that style
matters in programming for
the same reason that it
matters in writing.
It makes for better reading.”
two competing rules for
structuring code in
C-style languages
{ }
{ } + whitespace
what if…?
xxx {
braces no
There should be one - and preferably only
one - obvious way to do it.
- the Zen of Python
let myCleverFunction x y z =
let localVar = anotherCleverFunction x y
if localVar.IsSomething(z, MY_CONSTANT) then
doSomething localVar
You should do whatever possible to increase the
productivity of individual programmers in terms of
the expressive power of the code they write. Less
code to do the same thing (and possibly better).
Less programmers to hire. Less organizational
communication costs.
one way to describe
Lego Naming
naming is HARD
- Phil Karlton
“There are only two hard things
in Computer Science: cache
invalidation and naming things.”
- Mike Mahemoff
“Names are the one and only
tool you have to explain what a
variable does in every place it
appears, without having to
scatter comments everywhere.”
Lego Naming
Gluing common words together in an
attempt to create meaning.
this is not naming
this is not naming
this is labelling
naming is HARD
anonymous functions
aka lambdas
fewer things to name
|> (fun x -> x.Count)
|> Array.reduce (+)
smaller scope
shorter names
When x, y, and z are
great variable names
"The length of a name should be related to the
length of the scope. You can use very short
variable names for tiny scopes, but for big
scopes you should use longer names.
Variable names like i and j are just fine if their
scope is five lines long."
- Robert C. Martin
object expressions
(fun c -> c.Current),
{ new IComparer<Occupation> with
member this.Compare(x, y) =
x.Position.CompareTo(y.Position) })
(fun c -> c.Current),
{ new IComparer<Occupation> with
member this.Compare(x, y) =
x.Position.CompareTo(y.Position) })
fewer things to name
tuples + pattern matching
tuples + pattern matching
fewer abstractions
tuples + pattern matching
fewer abstractions
fewer things to name
|> Seq.groupBy id
|> (fun (word, gr) ->
word, Seq.length gr)
|> Seq.iter (fun (word, len) ->
printfn “%s - %s” word len)
|> Seq.groupBy id
|> (fun (word, gr) ->
word, Seq.length gr)
|> Seq.iter (fun (word, len) ->
printfn “%s - %s” word len)
|> Seq.groupBy id
|> (fun (word, gr) ->
word, Seq.length gr)
|> Seq.iter (fun (word, len) ->
printfn “%s - %s” word len)
|> Seq.groupBy id
|> (fun (word, gr) ->
word, Seq.length gr)
|> Seq.iter (fun (word, len) ->
printfn “%s - %s” word len)
Lego Naming can also be
the symptom of a failure to
identify the right level of
the RIGHT level of
abstraction might be
smaller than “object”
public interface ConditionChecker
bool CheckCondition();
public interface Condition
bool IsTrue();
type Condition = unit -> bool
lightweight exception syntax
open System
open System.IO
exception InsufficientBytes
open System
open System.IO
exception InsufficientBytes
what could this type represent?
F# < > silver bullet
anonymous functions
fewer things to name
short names
tuple + pattern matching
fewer things to name
no abstraction is too small
lightweight exception syntax
public Result DoSomething(
int a,
string b,
string c,
string d,
DateTime e,
DateTime f,
string g,
MyEnum h)
“If you have a procedure
with ten parameters, you
probably missed some.”
- Alan Perlis
lightweight syntax for
types and hierarchies
type Employee =
FirstName : string
Surname : string
Salary : int<Pound>
type Employee =
FirstName : string
Surname : string
Salary : int<Pound>
immutable by default
let promote emp raise =
emp with Salary <- emp.Salary + raise
mutable state
value and time
type Employee =
FirstName : string
Surname : string
Salary : int<Pound>
type Pound
e.g. 42<Pound>
10<Meter> / 2<Second> = 5<Meter/Second>
10<Meter> * 2<Second> = 20<Meter Second>
10<Meter> + 10<Meter> = 20<Meter>
10<Meter> * 10 = 100<Meter>
10<Meter> * 10<Meter> = 100<Meter2>
10<Meter> + 2<Second> // error
10<Meter> + 2 // error
10<Meter> / 2<Second> = 5<Meter/Second>
10<Meter> * 2<Second> = 20<Meter Second>
10<Meter> + 10<Meter> = 20<Meter>
10<Meter> * 10 = 100<Meter>
10<Meter> * 10<Meter> = 100<Meter2>
10<Meter> + 2<Second> // error
10<Meter> + 2 // error
type PaymentMethod =
| Cash
| Cheque of ChequeNumber
| Card of CardType * CardNumber
public class RecentlyUsedList
private List<string> items = new List<string>();
public List<string> Items
get { return items; }
type RecentlyUsedList (?items) =
let items = defaultArg items [ ]
member this.Items = Array.ofList items
member this.Count = List.length items
member this.Add newItem =
newItem::(items |> List.filter ((<>) newItem))
|> RecentlyUsedList
an affordance is a quality of an object, or
an environment, which allows an individual
to perform an action. For example, a knob
affords twisting, and perhaps pushing,
whilst a cord affords pulling.
your abstractions should
afford right behaviour,
whilst make it impossible
to do the wrong thing
“Make illegal states unrepresentable”
- Yaron Minsky
type PaymentMethod =
| Cash
| Cheque of ChequeNumber
| Card of CardType * CardNumber
finite, closed set of valid states ONLY
closed hierarchy
no Nulls
match paymentMethod with
| Cash -> …
| Cheque chequeNum -> …
| Card (cardType, cardNum) -> …
make illegal state
Getters and
“When it’s not necessary to change,
it’s necessary to not change.”
- Lucius Cary
“Now we have shortcuts to do the
wrong thing.
We used to have type lots to do the
wrong thing, not anymore.”
- Kevlin Henney
immutability by default
type Person =
Name : string
Age : int
type Person =
mutable Name : string
mutable Age : int
When_…Then_… ()
When_…Then_… ()
When_…Then_… ()
When_…Then_… ()
When_…Then_… ()
When_…Then_… ()
complexities & potential
bugs in the way methods
work together
…especially when states
are concerned
Test Driven Development
“For tests to drive development they
must do more than just test that code
performs its required functionality: they
must clearly express that required
functionality to the reader. That is, they
must be clear specification of the
required functionality.”
- Nat Pryce & Steve Freeman
how many tests?
every test has a cost
did we cover all the
edge cases?
Property-Based Testing
(with FsCheck)
reverse + reverse = original
length of list is invariant
append + reverse = reverse + prepend
property : reverse + reverse = original
let ``reverse + reverse = original`` rev aList =
aList |> rev |> rev = aList
Check.Quick (``reverse + reverse = original`` List.rev)
// Ok, passed 100 tests.
property : length of list is invariant
let ``length of list is invariant`` rev aList =
List.length (rev aList) = List.length aList
Check.Quick (``length of list is invariant`` List.rev)
// Ok, passed 100 tests.
property : append + reverse = reverse + prepend
let ``append + reverse = reverse + prepend`` rev x aList =
(aList @ [x]) |> rev = x::(aList |> rev)
Check.Quick (``append + reverse = reverse + prepend``
// Ok, passed 100 tests.
Check.Verbose (``append + reverse = reverse + prepend``
0: ‘005' []
1: false ["N "]
2: “" [false; '{']
3: ‘017' [true; true; 'W']
4: “" [""; false]
5: “yg]" [“HnOq6"; null; false; false; '#']
6: true [“"]
11: <null> ['014'; '0'; “nRH”; "<#oe"; true; false; ‘O']
Check.Quick (``append + reverse = reverse + prepend`` id)
// Falsifiable, after 2 tests (4 shrinks) (StdGen
‘013' ["}k"; ""; “"]
true [false]
let computers do the
grunt work
source :
Types vs Tests
all bugs
distr. systems
unit-testing system-testing
distr. systems
types as proof TLA+
distr. systems
Noisy Code
Visual Dishonesty
Lego Naming
Unencapsulated State
Getters and Setters
Uncohesive Tests
“Practice does not make perfect.
Only perfect practice makes perfect.”
- Vince Lombardi
“Perfection is not attainable. But if we
chase perfection, we can catch excellence.”
- Vince Lombardi
“Programming languages
have a devious influence:
they shape our thinking
- Edsger W. Dijkstra
“One of the most disastrous
thing we can learn is the first
programming language, even
if it's a good programming
- Alan Kay
“I’m not a great programmer;
I’m just a good programmer
with great habits.”
- Kent Beck
what about ineffective
coding habits SOME F#/FP
programmers DO have?
people are too puritanical about purity
…premature optimization
is the root of all evil. Yet
we should not pass up
our opportunities in that
critical 3%
- Donald Knuth
F# Map vs .Net array vs Dictionary
Explicit is better than implicit.
- the Zen of Python
Simple is better than Complex.
Complex is better than Complicated.
- the Zen of Python
Special cases aren't special enough to
break the rules.
- the Zen of Python
Special cases aren't special enough to
break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
- the Zen of Python
If the implementation is hard to explain,
it's a bad idea.
- the Zen of Python
is hiring :-)

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