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how to fight against fragmentation
of the architecture
Tom Graves, Tetradian Consulting
Integrated EA Conference, London, March 2016
the futures of business
I’m Tom Graves.
(that’s the introductions done.)
“Things work better
because they work together,
on purpose.”
The key to all architecture:
Enterprise Architecture!
What a great idea! CC-BY cornelii via Flickr
Bridge tall silos at a single bound!
CC-BY St_A_Sh via Flickr
Rebuild old legacy systems…
…with modern building-blocks!
Functional replica of the Antikythera device
created in Lego
All the pieces fit together…
…everything runs like clockwork!
CC-BY mikemccaffrey via Flickr
Miracles worked every day!
CC-BY yashna13 via Flickr
A wondrous performance!
CC-BY usfwsmtnprairie via Flickr
After all that, you’d take a bow…
CC-BY-ND rosengrant via Flickr
to rapturous applause…
CC-BY Incase via Flickr
…even senior management take notice!
CC-BY rquinett via Flickr
That’s how it’s supposed to go,
isn’t it?
So how’s it really going, so far?
CC-BY milos milosevic via Flickr
(Don’t all cry at once…)CC-BY-SA skippyjon via Flickr
If we can’t fix this…
…our prospects may not look too good.(image source not known)
Right now,
it’s a bit like a video-game…
It looks easy enough at the start, but…
image from ‘Lara Croft Go’, Square Enix Montreal
soon we’re sidestepping sawblades…
image from ‘Lara Croft Go’, Square Enix Montreal
having to think and act ahead…
image from ‘Lara Croft Go’, Square Enix Montreal
searching for solutions…
image from ‘Lara Croft Go’, Square Enix Montreal
dodging disasters every day…
image from ‘Lara Croft Go’, Square Enix Montreal
image from ‘Lara Croft Go’, Square Enix Montreal
and fending-off furious fauna…
image from ‘Lara Croft Go’, Square Enix Montreal
In short:
it ain’t as easy as it looks…
So often it seems as soon as
we’ve designed
the perfect architecture
along comes something else
to knock it all down once more!
We work with the Squiggle…
uncertain certain
…as a model and metaphor of change
We’re busy joining the dots…
uncertain certain
…but meanwhile, someone else…
…is busy dotting all the joins…
uncertain certain
…breaking up the architecture again!
Why is it that
an integrated EA
so often seems like
an impossible dream?
More to the point,
what can we do about it?
We need to understand
the pressures
towards fragmentation
On one side,
everywhere there’s
inherent in what we do,
with different aims, goals
and drivers…
from warfighting…
CC-BY-NC-ND defenceimages via Flickr
CC-BY-NC-ND defenceimages via Flickr
CC-BY-NC-ND un_photo via Flickr
CC-BY civmilcoe via Flickr
CC-BY dvids via Flickr
response against pandemics…
CC-BY-NC-ND dfids via Flickr
or all of these roles, together…
CC-BY-NC-ND un_photo via Flickr
…and all of those interactions
with others, including…
other armed-forces, civil authorities,
health-workers, border-agencies,
environment-agencies, NGOs
and many more…
And we also have our own
internal forces
towards fragmentation…
Complexity and uncertainty…
CC-BY jurvetson via Flickr
no ‘The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman’
St James Theatre, ‘Tristram Shandy’
mismatches between theory…
Brickmania via Google Image Search
CC-BY-NC VAGuardPAO via Flickr
…and real-world practice
an inability to understand…
…that information about a thing
is not the same as the thing itself?
CC-BY-SA kickize via Flickr
(the other silo-thinking…)
CC-BY-SA jurvetson via Flickr
unchecked assumptions…
CC-BY morten812 via Flickr
(Maginot Line…)
back-to-front business-models…
(monetary only)
supplier customer
future future
present present
past past
investment dividend
('making money' is the only
acknowledged 'value')
(classic Taylorist top-down management-metaphors
won’t fit well to the needs of most modern contexts…)
misplaced ‘efficiency’…
(people and enterprises are not machines…)
CC-BY Todd Hudson via Flickr
misplaced attempts at ‘control’…
CC-BY-ND archeon via Flickr
(targets always create perverse-incentives…)
communication gaps…
certain uncertain
muddled chaos…
‘inexplicable’ political impacts
(imaginary world
of sanitised info)
and bureaucracy…
CC-BY striatic via Flickr
more bureaucracy…
CC-BY Christian Schnettelker via Flickr
and cluelessness…
CC-BY duncanh1 via Flickr
Which we could summarise as:
- trying to control
that which is not controllable
- inability to keep track
of what is sort-of controllable
- persistent failure
to understand the difference…
Linked to all of this,
another cause of problems is
poor sensemaking discipline
across the overall context.
For example…
Technology-adoption lifecycle
(Everett Rogers et al, crossmapped to reversed SCAN frame)
“Crossing the Chasm”
(Geoffrey Moore, “Crossing the Chasm”, 1991)
‘The Big Scary Chasm’
(between Early Adopters
and Early Majority)
(invention) (towards end of useful life)
Over-hype creates the Chasm
(Gartner Hype-Cycle crossmapped to “Crossing the Chasm”)
Peak of Inflated Expectations
Trough of Disillusionment
Plateau of Productivity
Slope of Enlightenment
Big-consultancies and big-vendors
rush to the rescue!
“We have a solution for you!
- a bridge across the Chasm!”
“(It’s proprietary, of course.)”
Peak of Inflated Expectations
Trough of Disillusionment
Plateau of Productivity
Slope of Enlightenment
Bridging across the Chasm
(‘solving’ a problem caused by their own over-hype?)
“Our clients demand a future
that is fully proven.”
(direct paraphrase from quote by big-consultancy principal)
Delusions of certainty:
The vendors’ ‘solution’…
(…of which at times almost none is really true…)
“we are the
does not exist”
“fully proven
“ahead of the
A better option:
get rid of the darn hype!
Plateau of Productivity
(quiet, continual)
Slope of Enlightenment
(no Chasm)
(no hype)
What can we do about this,
in practice?
Answer: it all depends on
CC-BY grotuk via Flickr
(as seen in this kind of discipline…)
CC-BY-ND oldschoolrocker via Flickr
(or this kind of discipline…)
CC-BY eschipul via Flickr
CC-BY-SA hernanpc via Flickr
(or this discipline, if you prefer…)
Behind each discipline,
what we most need here are
four distinct meta-disciplines…
internalised (‘subjective’)
externalised (‘objective’)
Four distinct meta-disciplines…
More detail: ‘Sensemaking and the swamp-metaphor’,
(‘outer value’)
(‘outer truth’)
(‘inner value’)
(‘inner truth’)
Four distinct meta-disciplines…
• sense (Artist)
• make-sense (Technologist)
• decide (Scientist)
• act (Believer)
recursively, fractally, indefinitely…
weave through, around, between each other
Four distinct meta-disciplines…
 Artist emphasis
 “what do I/we feel?”
 Technologist emphasis
 “what can I/we improve?”
 Scientist emphasis
 “what do I/we know?”
 Believer emphasis
 “what do I/we do?”
 Simple two-axis matrix
 driver: value ↔ truth
 context: outer ↔ inner
More detail: ‘Sensemaking and the swamp-metaphor’,
internalised (‘subjective’)
externalised (‘objective’)
(‘inner value’)
(‘outer truth’)
(‘inner truth’)
(‘outer value’)
(aligned with the Squiggle)
internalised (‘subjective’)
externalised (‘objective’)
(‘inner value’)
(‘outer truth’)
(‘inner truth’)
(‘outer value’)
…with distinct modes and roles
 Artist mode
 new ideas, experiences
 Technologist mode
 tools for practical use
 Scientist mode
 clarity, consistency
 Believer mode
 meaning, certainty, action
 Don’t play ‘mix and match’!
 modes are different and distinct
More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
 Modes support each other
 idea, hypothesis, theory, law
These meta-disciplines
represent abstract-modes,
not individual people.
To emphasise this,
we’ll use old-fashioned images here
to denote the respective modes.
The Artist discipline
“explore the Not-known”
Role is ... to notice, to pay attention, to elicit
new ideas, new information, new experiences
Manages ... that which is inherently unique,
one-off, with no apparent connection to
anything else
Responds via ... a sense of inner value,
whatever feels right in the moment
Action-loop via …
‘do or not-do’ → sense → reflect/review
The Artist discipline
More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
Rules of the Artist discipline
‘Anything goes’ – there is no right or wrong
The feeling or response is its own truth:
it is what it is
The response exists only in the moment – if we
try to hold onto it, it will disappear
The response must be ‘real-ised’ in some form
of expression, usually in the moment
The response is personal – it does not
necessarily ‘mean’ anything, it just is
More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
“This means...”, “This proves...”
[blurring Artist with Scientist or Believer]
“This has no purpose”, “This feeling is wrong”
[blurring Artist with Technologist or Believer]
“I should not feel this...”, “I ought to feel...”
[blurring Artist with Believer, or overdose of ego]
“The feeling I had here last time was…”
[blurring Artist with Scientist]
Signs of dubious Artist discipline
More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
The Technologist discipline
“seek always to make it work better”
Role is ... to use, and to question use
and usefulness
Manages ... that which is inherently ambiguous
– uncertain, requiring adaptation, with cause-
and-effect often identifiable only in retrospect
Responds via ... a sense of outer value,
experimenting to find what feels appropriate
Action-loop via …
experiment → sense → evaluate
The Technologist discipline
More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
There is no ‘truth’ – only usefulness or not-
Beliefs, feelings, objects, facts, everything is a
tool to a purpose
‘As above, so below’ – everything contains
everything else; reality is fractal, recursive
Emphasis on effectiveness, and on value
Ethics and integrity take priority over ‘truth’ –
rule of personal responsibility for actions
Rules of Technologist discipline
More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
“The way to do it is...”
[blurring Technologist with Believer or Scientist]
“It’ll be the same as last time...”
[blurring Technologist with Scientist]
“The end justifies the means...”
[allowing Believer ‘truth’ to override value-assessment]
“Get the job out the door, any old way will do”
[weak handling of values trade-offs, also failure to bridge
to Scientist and Artist to aid in improving quality]
Dubious Technologist discipline
More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
The Scientist discipline
“ensure consistency and certainty”
Role is ... to verify the truth of things in relation
to others
Manages ... that which is inherently certain or
‘knowable’ – everything interlinked through
complicated chains of cause-and-effect
Responds via ... a sense of outer truth,
measuring, monitoring, assessing factors that
make up chains of relationship
Action-loop via ...
enquire → sense → analyse/assess
The Scientist discipline
More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
Rules of Scientist discipline
Only facts are real – opinion is permitted only
where vetted and verified by peer-review
Everything must be anchored in facts,
in turn anchored in shared standards
Proof depends on repeatability by others
Things are true only if verified in formal logic
All parameters must be defined and declared
Experiments should change only one parameter
at a time
More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
Emotional attachment to any supposed ‘fact’
[blurring Scientist with other modes, usually the Believer]
“Must be...”, “It’s obvious...”, “Of course...”
[failure to bridge to Artist or Technologist
to cross-check for ‘logic-holes’]
“The exception proves the rule...”
[blurring Scientist formal-logic with Technologist heuristics]
“The only possible truth...”
[blurring Scientist analysis with Believer ‘The Truth’]
Dubious Scientist discipline
More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
The Believer discipline
“follow the work-instructions”
Role is ... to focus, and to act, usually via and
in line with predetermined belief
Manages ... that which is inherently known –
delving ever deeper into the meaning of a
known ‘universal truth’
Responds via ... a sense of inner truth, acting
on a clear certainty of right and wrong
Action-loop via ...
sense → categorise → act/reflect
Believer discipline
More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
There is only one Truth
There are definite boundaries between true
and not-true, between right and wrong
Consistent focus on the one Truth will provide
all the answers needed
Belief is the force that holds everything
together – don’t doubt!
Rules of Believer discipline
More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
Dubious Believer discipline
“Is this the right way to [do this, be this]...?”
[getting lost in self-doubt]
“This is true for me, therefore true for all”
[blurring Believer (subjective) with Scientist (objective)]
“People of different beliefs are lesser worth”
[overdose of ego, also blurring Believer with Technologist
– using ‘truth’ for value-judgements]
“I am the Great One who causes change...”
[blurring Believer self-certainty with Technologist action]
More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
Move between disciplines,
continuously, with awareness
A discipline of integration
“the discipline of linking the disciplines together”
Know the role and function of each discipline
Each moment, know which discipline you’re in
– Artist, Technologist, Scientist, Believer
Use the discipline correctly,
following its own rules and decision-sequence
Bridge cleanly between the disciplines
Watch continually for warning-signs
of dubious discipline
A discipline of integration
More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
Disciplines link to each other…
…a distinct if implicit sequence within the
change-process – a discipline of disciplines
What happens if we don’t watch
the discipline?
A call to action!
We must stand firm against
the Seven Sins
of Dubious Discipline:
#1: The Hype Hubris
#2: The Golden-Age Game
#3: The Newage Nuisance
#4: The Meaning Mistake
#5: The Possession Problem
#6: The Reality Risk
#7: Lost in the Learning Labyrinth
More detail: ‘Seven sins of dubious discipline’,
#1: The Hype Hubris
• “a triumph of marketing
over technical expertise“
• style becomes more
important than substance
• those who do the real work
are misused, derided,
plagiarised, then ignored
• relentless pursuit of
glamour – Cloud! Big-Data!
IoT! the Golden Age!
More detail: ‘Seven sins – 1: The Hype Hubris’,
#2: The Golden-Age Game
• “a bizarre blend of super-
science and super-belief”
• minimal evidence anywhere in
real-world cultural analogues
• psych drivers: nostalgia,
narcissism, hiraeth
• focus on the future or past to
evade realities of the present?
More detail: ‘Seven sins – 2: Golden-Age Game’,
#3: The Newage Nuisance
• “newage – it rhymes with ‘sewage’,
discarded remnant of what was once nutritious”
• dilettante ‘disneyfication’ of real issues
• psych: enthusiasm overrides sense, self-honesty
• arbitrary jumps between distinct forms of ‘truth’ in
art, science, technology and belief-systems
More detail: ‘Seven sins – 3: The Newage Nuisance’,
#4: The Meaning Mistake
• “half-baked, overcooked
or just plain inedible”
• half-baked –
characteristic of newage
• overcooked –
characteristic of careless
practice or poor science
• inedible –
all too many examples in
these fields…
More detail: ‘Seven sins – 4: The Meaning Mistake’,
#5: The Possession Problem
• “neither places nor
ideas are commodities
to be possessed”
• no separate domains –
it’s a continuum
• psych: a childish ‘mine!’
• deconstruction and
‘privileged’ worldviews
• what worldviews are
‘privileged’ in EA?
More detail: ‘Seven sins – 5: The Possession Problem’,
• “not ‘real or imaginary’, but ‘real
and imaginary’ – both at the
same time”
• psych implications – reality as
anarchy, risks of panic
• Not-known is imaginary and
real – both the ‘good’ and ‘bad’
• real dangers – “like playing with
matches in a firework factory”
#6: The Reality Risk
More detail: ‘Seven sins – 6: The Reality Risk’,
#7: Lost in the Learning Labyrinth
• “going round the bend”
• all skills-development
follows a predictable
pattern – but it’s not
• there’s only one path, yet
many ways to get lost
• characteristic learning-
mistakes that can
lead to other ‘Sins of
Dubious Discipline’More detail: ‘Seven sins – 7: Lost in the Learning Labyrinth’,
1: Survival
6: Mind
4: Caring
5: Communication
3: Control
2: Self
7: Meditation
8: Mastery
three New Age mistakes:
- ‘path of spirit’
- ‘beginner’s luck’
- ‘path of heart’
‘moment of despair’
(break out to failure)
but all going
inwards within
the labyrinth
The labyrinthine path to skill
More detail: ‘Seven sins – 7: Lost in the Learning Labyrinth’,
What should we do about these?
• “respect the mystery,
yet keep it real”
• need to balance our
passion with care
and quiet discipline
• learn from the past to
apply in the present
• use all of the senses
– and a bit of
Get out of that armchair!
• Talk is pleasant, but we don’t learn anything new
• Dilettante flitting through domains gives shallow
appreciation, but not much depth
• Crucial details may
only be visible
in the field
Using the disciplines-set
within the change-process
Making the Squiggle our friend…
…also shows us which of the disciplines
to apply, where, when, and why
Squiggle is also recursive, fractal
We need toolsets that help us
make the Squiggle our friend
(which mostly they don’t…)
Most current ‘EA’-toolsets cover…
uncertain certain
…only the ‘easy bit’ of the EA space…
Typical scope of
‘Enterprise-Architecture’ tools
We can find various tools…
uncertain certain
…that sort-of cover the whole Squiggle…
…but they don’t link up together!
Disconnected tools / toolsets are a key cause
of fragmentation in EA, by dotting the joins
To help us make more sense of
the Squiggle, here’s a question:
Why is it that
so-called hard-skills
are (relatively) easy
yet so-called soft-skills
are so darned hard?
Soft-skills and the Squiggle…
Soft-skills are essential in managing human uncertainty, both intrapersonal
and interpersonal – such as we always have in new development
are essential here
are essential here
Balance needed here
between soft-skills and hard-skills
uncertain certain
We especially need soft-skills
to work with the human element
If we don’t have those soft-skills…
CC-BY-ND chatirygirl via Flickr
…we may rediscover that
‘stakeholder’ has an older,
more-worrying meaning…
We also need to tackle
the human-element early
– if we leave it too late,
we’ll also get into a fight…
Group Dynamics sequence…
1 2 3 4 5
(there are well-researched reasons why it’s this sequence…)
Clashes of
ideas, intent
and experience
are expected
Soft-skills applied
to resolve clashes
Only minor clashes
still occur during
production, and
quickly resolved
…as fractal Five Element cycle
(adapted from classic
Group Dynamics
project-lifecycle and
VPEC-T framework)
(Start here)
What happens when we
try to skip the People-stuff,
and go straight to the plan?
A common mistake:
Start with predefined ‘solution’…
(We probably never do
get it into production…)
Start with predefined ‘solution’…
1 3 5 2
Clashes of
ideas, intent
and experience
are not
collapses into
…followed by
and blame
about delay
What happens when we
try to skip both People and Plan,
and go straight to Process action?
Another common mistake:
Go straight into production…
(We bounce straight
out again into endless
Go straight into production…
1 4 2
Clashes of
ideas, intent
and experience
are not
expected, nor
Production may
start well, but
soon collapses
into chaos and
Remember the Squiggle is fractal
If we do it the right way round…
…the Storming gets smaller each time.
agreed solution
If we do it the wrong way round…
…the Storming gets worse and worse…
imposed ‘solution’
There’s a reason
we do it that way round,
in that Five Element sequence…
…don’t try to skip over
that Storming stage!
We also need tools that provide
an emphasis on ‘meta-’
– on context before content
“I never met a ‘meta-’
that I didn’t like”
…all of it fractal and recursive…
Tools for metadisciplines…
every point expresses the pattern…
CC-BY usfwsnortheast via Flickr
Some examples…
(okay, some of this is a bit of a sales-pitch,
but they’re all non-proprietary)
Whole-enterprise dimensions
(clarity / 'Business')
(connection / 'People')
(content / 'Technology')
(context / 'Knowledge')
(rotate between
the views)
More detail: ‘Assets and services,
Five Element strategy-cycle
More detail: posts on Five Element framework,
SCORE to assess strategy
outcomes within actionexternal worldinternal world
elegant appropriate
(what we
already have)
(expected from
the real-world)
(what we’d need
to work on)
(in the real-world)
opportunities / risks
(things work better,
together, on purpose)
More detail: ‘Using SCORE to reframe the business-model’,
More detail: posts on SCAN framework,
SCAN (and its feedback-loops)
certain uncertain
edge of
edge of
edge of
rules edge of
Backbone and edge
standard ops
governance of
governance of
≈ “Town-Planners” ≈ “Settlers” ≈ “Pioneers”
(spectrum of ‘governance of governance’)
More detail: ‘Architecting the enterprise backbone’,
certain uncertain
edge of
More detail: ‘Auftragstaktik and fingerspitzengefühl’,
Enterprise Canvas elements
(money etc)
supplier customer
investor beneficiary
before before
during during
after after
investment dividend
More detail: posts on Enterprise Canvas framework,
John Boyd’s ‘OODA’
More detail: Wikipedia on ‘OODA loop’,
VPEC-T framework
(developed by Nigel Green and
Carl Bate, as per their book
‘Lost In Translation’ [Evolved
Technologist Press, 2007])
Causal Layered Analysis
(developed by Sohail Inayatullah,
as per Metafuture website: )
Wardley value-chain maps
by Simon Wardley: e.g. see CIO,
- tools and methods
that explore architectures
in a fractal, recursive, ‘meta-’ way
…and many, many others,
from many different sources
(yet also grounded in and work well with
the ‘messiness’ of real-world practice…)
To wrap up this tale…
Things work better overall
when everything
works together
on purpose.
The key to all architecture:
- whilst countering those forces
that are still so busy dotting the joins…
To do that,
keep joining the dots!
Or, to summarise
more in black-and-white…
Think of this as a wake-up call…
Don’t suffer in silence…
even in the cause of our art…
Don’t hide in the backroom!
(and yes, just doing so can bring real joy!)
…get out to meet with people!
No more blundering in the dark…
listen out for what’s going on…
…it’s easy to miss those that matter most…
don’t ignore the warning-signs…
…can at times seem overwhelming in size…
Even though our architectures…
…can seem even harder
and to get right people involved…
yet whilst we’re a bit unusual…
…at once both engineers and artists…
…part of our job is to see things differently!
we have an important job to do…
…good innovations come from many places!
…and help others do so too…
Be disciplined about the disciplines…
Technologist Scientist
…and vigilant against the Seven Sins…
…perhaps especially in ourselves!
As we develop our models…
don’t drown people in documents!
…settle for snapshots and summaries…
…instead, wherever practicable…
give the right guidance…
make it engaging…
new direction where needed…
…to greater heights…
inspiring everyone…
…wherever needed, in real-world conditions.
…and ensure it’s all readable…
Communicate well with others…
inspire people, from lethargy…
to exuberant action!
…don’t avoid the Storming stage!
And remember the soft-skills…
…there could be consequences!
…between silos and worlds
Bridge across the chasms…
ride with its moves, don’t try to control it…
learn to dance with the Squiggle…
…that help to shape the world we need…
use the right tools for the job…
…and remember to celebrate!
That’s how we create
an integrated EA.
Integrated Enterprise Architecture conference, London, 2016
“What’s the story?”
Thank you!
Contact: Tom Graves
Company: Tetradian Consulting
Twitter: @tetradian ( )
Books: • The enterprise as story: the role of narrative in enterprise-
architecture (2012)
• Mapping the enterprise: modelling the enterprise as services
with the Enterprise Canvas (2010)
• Everyday enterprise-architecture: sensemaking, strategy,
structures and solutions (2010)
• Doing enterprise-architecture: process and practice in the
real enterprise (2009)
Further information:

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Archimate Viewpoints
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Enterprise Architecture, Project Management & Digital Transformation
Enterprise Architecture, Project Management & Digital TransformationEnterprise Architecture, Project Management & Digital Transformation
Enterprise Architecture, Project Management & Digital Transformation
Data Governance for Enterprises
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Data Governance for Enterprises
Whole-of-enterprise architecture
Whole-of-enterprise architectureWhole-of-enterprise architecture
Whole-of-enterprise architecture
Business Architecture the Key to Enterprise Transformation
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Business Architecture the Key to Enterprise Transformation
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Digital Transformation And Enterprise Architecture
Digital Transformation And Enterprise ArchitectureDigital Transformation And Enterprise Architecture
Digital Transformation And Enterprise Architecture
Data strategy demistifying data
Data strategy demistifying dataData strategy demistifying data
Data strategy demistifying data
Why Solutions Fail and the Business Value of Solution Architecture
Why Solutions Fail and the Business Value of Solution ArchitectureWhy Solutions Fail and the Business Value of Solution Architecture
Why Solutions Fail and the Business Value of Solution Architecture
Whole-enterprise architecture
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Whole-enterprise architecture
Process Oriented Architecture
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Process Oriented Architecture
Introducing The Open Group IT4IT™ Standard
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Introducing The Open Group IT4IT™ Standard
Critical Review of Open Group IT4IT Reference Architecture
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Critical Review of Open Group IT4IT Reference Architecture
MBSE with Arcadia method step-by-step Operational Analysis.pdf
MBSE with Arcadia method step-by-step Operational Analysis.pdfMBSE with Arcadia method step-by-step Operational Analysis.pdf
MBSE with Arcadia method step-by-step Operational Analysis.pdf
IT4IT - The Full Story for Digital Transformation - Part 1
IT4IT - The Full Story for Digital Transformation - Part 1IT4IT - The Full Story for Digital Transformation - Part 1
IT4IT - The Full Story for Digital Transformation - Part 1
Enterprise Architecture Frameworks
Enterprise Architecture FrameworksEnterprise Architecture Frameworks
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How architectures fail, and what to do about it
Tools and techniques for whole-enterprise architecture
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Tools and techniques for whole-enterprise architecture
Making sense of data-driven architecture
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Power, change and leadership
Power, change and leadershipPower, change and leadership
Power, change and leadership
Making sense in the midst of uncertainty
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Making sense in the midst of uncertainty
Enterprise-architects as practical futurists
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Enterprise-architects as practical futurists
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How to build continuous-learning into architecture-practice
How to build continuous-learning into architecture-practiceHow to build continuous-learning into architecture-practice
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NAB Show Exhibitor List 2024 - Exhibitors Data

Disintegrated enterprise-architecture?

  • 1. Disintegrated-EA? how to fight against fragmentation of the architecture Tom Graves, Tetradian Consulting Integrated EA Conference, London, March 2016 the futures of business
  • 2. Hi. I’m Tom Graves. (that’s the introductions done.)
  • 3. “Things work better because they work together, on purpose.” The key to all architecture:
  • 5. What a great idea! CC-BY cornelii via Flickr
  • 6. Bridge tall silos at a single bound! CC-BY St_A_Sh via Flickr
  • 7. Rebuild old legacy systems…
  • 9. Functional replica of the Antikythera device created in Lego All the pieces fit together…
  • 10. …everything runs like clockwork! CC-BY mikemccaffrey via Flickr
  • 11. Miracles worked every day! CC-BY yashna13 via Flickr
  • 12. A wondrous performance! CC-BY usfwsmtnprairie via Flickr
  • 13. After all that, you’d take a bow… CC-BY-ND rosengrant via Flickr
  • 14. to rapturous applause… CC-BY Incase via Flickr
  • 15. …even senior management take notice! CC-BY rquinett via Flickr
  • 16. That’s how it’s supposed to go, isn’t it?
  • 17. So how’s it really going, so far? CC-BY milos milosevic via Flickr
  • 18. (Don’t all cry at once…)CC-BY-SA skippyjon via Flickr
  • 19. If we can’t fix this… …our prospects may not look too good.(image source not known)
  • 20. Right now, it’s a bit like a video-game…
  • 21. It looks easy enough at the start, but… image from ‘Lara Croft Go’, Square Enix Montreal
  • 22. soon we’re sidestepping sawblades… image from ‘Lara Croft Go’, Square Enix Montreal
  • 23. having to think and act ahead… image from ‘Lara Croft Go’, Square Enix Montreal
  • 24. searching for solutions… image from ‘Lara Croft Go’, Square Enix Montreal
  • 25. dodging disasters every day… image from ‘Lara Croft Go’, Square Enix Montreal image from ‘Lara Croft Go’, Square Enix Montreal
  • 26. and fending-off furious fauna… image from ‘Lara Croft Go’, Square Enix Montreal
  • 27. In short: it ain’t as easy as it looks…
  • 28. So often it seems as soon as we’ve designed developed delivered the perfect architecture along comes something else to knock it all down once more!
  • 29. We work with the Squiggle… uncertain certain …as a model and metaphor of change
  • 30. We’re busy joining the dots… uncertain certain …but meanwhile, someone else…
  • 31. …is busy dotting all the joins… uncertain certain …breaking up the architecture again!
  • 32. Why is it that an integrated EA so often seems like an impossible dream?
  • 33. More to the point, what can we do about it?
  • 34. We need to understand the pressures towards fragmentation
  • 35. On one side, everywhere there’s uncertainty inherent in what we do, with different aims, goals and drivers…
  • 42. or all of these roles, together… CC-BY-NC-ND un_photo via Flickr
  • 43. …and all of those interactions with others, including… other armed-forces, civil authorities, health-workers, border-agencies, environment-agencies, NGOs and many more…
  • 44. And we also have our own internal forces towards fragmentation…
  • 45. Complexity and uncertainty… CC-BY jurvetson via Flickr
  • 46. no ‘The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman’ St James Theatre, ‘Tristram Shandy’
  • 47. mismatches between theory… Brickmania via Google Image Search
  • 48. CC-BY-NC VAGuardPAO via Flickr …and real-world practice
  • 49. an inability to understand… …that information about a thing is not the same as the thing itself?
  • 52. unchecked assumptions… CC-BY morten812 via Flickr (Maginot Line…)
  • 53. back-to-front business-models… profit (monetary only) value-flow ('how', 'with-what') values ('why') supplier relations value- proposition purchase supplier channels product value- creation sales customer channels customer relations cost value- outlay management value- governance revenue value- return supplier customer owner future future present present past past investment dividend management value- governance none ('making money' is the only acknowledged 'value') (classic Taylorist top-down management-metaphors won’t fit well to the needs of most modern contexts…)
  • 54. misplaced ‘efficiency’… (people and enterprises are not machines…) CC-BY Todd Hudson via Flickr
  • 55. misplaced attempts at ‘control’… CC-BY-ND archeon via Flickr (targets always create perverse-incentives…)
  • 56. communication gaps… NOW! before certain uncertain PLAN POSIWID muddled chaos… ‘inexplicable’ political impacts (garbled simplification) (garbled simplification) (imaginary world of sanitised info) fingerspitzengefühl (realities) auftragstaktik (guidance)
  • 58. more bureaucracy… CC-BY Christian Schnettelker via Flickr
  • 60. Which we could summarise as: - trying to control that which is not controllable - inability to keep track of what is sort-of controllable - persistent failure to understand the difference…
  • 61. Linked to all of this, another cause of problems is poor sensemaking discipline across the overall context. For example…
  • 62. Technology-adoption lifecycle (Everett Rogers et al, crossmapped to reversed SCAN frame)
  • 63. “Crossing the Chasm” (Geoffrey Moore, “Crossing the Chasm”, 1991) ‘The Big Scary Chasm’ (between Early Adopters and Early Majority) (invention) (towards end of useful life)
  • 64. Over-hype creates the Chasm (Gartner Hype-Cycle crossmapped to “Crossing the Chasm”) Laggards Late Majority Early Majority Early Adopters Innovators Peak of Inflated Expectations Trough of Disillusionment Plateau of Productivity Slope of Enlightenment (The Chasm)
  • 65. Big-consultancies and big-vendors rush to the rescue! “We have a solution for you! - a bridge across the Chasm!” “(It’s proprietary, of course.)”
  • 66. Laggards Late Majority Early Majority Early Adopters Innovators Big-consultancy bridge Peak of Inflated Expectations Trough of Disillusionment Plateau of Productivity Slope of Enlightenment (The Chasm) Bridging across the Chasm (‘solving’ a problem caused by their own over-hype?)
  • 67. “Our clients demand a future that is fully proven.” (direct paraphrase from quote by big-consultancy principal) Delusions of certainty:
  • 68. The vendors’ ‘solution’… (…of which at times almost none is really true…) “we are the innovators” “uncertainty does not exist” “fully proven future” “ahead of the competition”
  • 69. A better option: get rid of the darn hype! Laggards Late Majority Early Majority Early Adopters Innovators Plateau of Productivity (quiet, continual) Slope of Enlightenment (no Chasm) (no hype)
  • 70. What can we do about this, in practice?
  • 71. Answer: it all depends on CC-BY grotuk via Flickr
  • 72. (as seen in this kind of discipline…) CC-BY-ND oldschoolrocker via Flickr
  • 73. (or this kind of discipline…) CC-BY eschipul via Flickr
  • 74. CC-BY-SA hernanpc via Flickr (or this discipline, if you prefer…)
  • 75. Behind each discipline, what we most need here are four distinct meta-disciplines…
  • 76. ‘truth’ (thought) ‘value’ (feeling) internalised (‘subjective’) externalised (‘objective’) Four distinct meta-disciplines… More detail: ‘Sensemaking and the swamp-metaphor’, Technologist (‘outer value’) Scientist (‘outer truth’) Artist (‘inner value’) Believer (‘inner truth’) uncharted swamp
  • 77. Four distinct meta-disciplines… • sense (Artist) • make-sense (Technologist) • decide (Scientist) • act (Believer) recursively, fractally, indefinitely… weave through, around, between each other
  • 78. Four distinct meta-disciplines…  Artist emphasis  “what do I/we feel?”  Technologist emphasis  “what can I/we improve?”  Scientist emphasis  “what do I/we know?”  Believer emphasis  “what do I/we do?”  Simple two-axis matrix  driver: value ↔ truth  context: outer ↔ inner More detail: ‘Sensemaking and the swamp-metaphor’, ‘truth’ (thought) ‘value’ (feeling) internalised (‘subjective’) externalised (‘objective’) Artist (‘inner value’) Scientist (‘outer truth’) Believer (‘inner truth’) Technologist (‘outer value’) uncharted swamp (aligned with the Squiggle)
  • 79. ‘truth’ (thought) ‘value’ (feeling) internalised (‘subjective’) externalised (‘objective’) Artist (‘inner value’) Scientist (‘outer truth’) Believer (‘inner truth’) Technologist (‘outer value’) uncharted swamp …with distinct modes and roles  Artist mode  new ideas, experiences  Technologist mode  tools for practical use  Scientist mode  clarity, consistency  Believer mode  meaning, certainty, action  Don’t play ‘mix and match’!  modes are different and distinct More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,  Modes support each other  idea, hypothesis, theory, law
  • 80. These meta-disciplines represent abstract-modes, not individual people. To emphasise this, we’ll use old-fashioned images here to denote the respective modes.
  • 82. Role is ... to notice, to pay attention, to elicit new ideas, new information, new experiences Manages ... that which is inherently unique, one-off, with no apparent connection to anything else Responds via ... a sense of inner value, whatever feels right in the moment Action-loop via … ‘do or not-do’ → sense → reflect/review The Artist discipline More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
  • 83. Rules of the Artist discipline ‘Anything goes’ – there is no right or wrong The feeling or response is its own truth: it is what it is The response exists only in the moment – if we try to hold onto it, it will disappear The response must be ‘real-ised’ in some form of expression, usually in the moment The response is personal – it does not necessarily ‘mean’ anything, it just is More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
  • 84. “This means...”, “This proves...” [blurring Artist with Scientist or Believer] “This has no purpose”, “This feeling is wrong” [blurring Artist with Technologist or Believer] “I should not feel this...”, “I ought to feel...” [blurring Artist with Believer, or overdose of ego] “The feeling I had here last time was…” [blurring Artist with Scientist] Signs of dubious Artist discipline More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
  • 85. The Technologist discipline “seek always to make it work better”
  • 86. Role is ... to use, and to question use and usefulness Manages ... that which is inherently ambiguous – uncertain, requiring adaptation, with cause- and-effect often identifiable only in retrospect Responds via ... a sense of outer value, experimenting to find what feels appropriate Action-loop via … experiment → sense → evaluate The Technologist discipline More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
  • 87. There is no ‘truth’ – only usefulness or not- usefulness Beliefs, feelings, objects, facts, everything is a tool to a purpose ‘As above, so below’ – everything contains everything else; reality is fractal, recursive Emphasis on effectiveness, and on value Ethics and integrity take priority over ‘truth’ – rule of personal responsibility for actions Rules of Technologist discipline More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
  • 88. “The way to do it is...” [blurring Technologist with Believer or Scientist] “It’ll be the same as last time...” [blurring Technologist with Scientist] “The end justifies the means...” [allowing Believer ‘truth’ to override value-assessment] “Get the job out the door, any old way will do” [weak handling of values trade-offs, also failure to bridge to Scientist and Artist to aid in improving quality] Dubious Technologist discipline More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
  • 89. The Scientist discipline “ensure consistency and certainty”
  • 90. Role is ... to verify the truth of things in relation to others Manages ... that which is inherently certain or ‘knowable’ – everything interlinked through complicated chains of cause-and-effect Responds via ... a sense of outer truth, measuring, monitoring, assessing factors that make up chains of relationship Action-loop via ... enquire → sense → analyse/assess The Scientist discipline More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
  • 91. Rules of Scientist discipline Only facts are real – opinion is permitted only where vetted and verified by peer-review Everything must be anchored in facts, in turn anchored in shared standards Proof depends on repeatability by others Things are true only if verified in formal logic All parameters must be defined and declared Experiments should change only one parameter at a time More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
  • 92. Emotional attachment to any supposed ‘fact’ [blurring Scientist with other modes, usually the Believer] “Must be...”, “It’s obvious...”, “Of course...” [failure to bridge to Artist or Technologist to cross-check for ‘logic-holes’] “The exception proves the rule...” [blurring Scientist formal-logic with Technologist heuristics] “The only possible truth...” [blurring Scientist analysis with Believer ‘The Truth’] Dubious Scientist discipline More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
  • 93. The Believer discipline “follow the work-instructions”
  • 94. Role is ... to focus, and to act, usually via and in line with predetermined belief Manages ... that which is inherently known – delving ever deeper into the meaning of a known ‘universal truth’ Responds via ... a sense of inner truth, acting on a clear certainty of right and wrong Action-loop via ... sense → categorise → act/reflect Believer discipline More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
  • 95. There is only one Truth There are definite boundaries between true and not-true, between right and wrong Consistent focus on the one Truth will provide all the answers needed Belief is the force that holds everything together – don’t doubt! Rules of Believer discipline More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
  • 96. Dubious Believer discipline “Is this the right way to [do this, be this]...?” [getting lost in self-doubt] “This is true for me, therefore true for all” [blurring Believer (subjective) with Scientist (objective)] “People of different beliefs are lesser worth” [overdose of ego, also blurring Believer with Technologist – using ‘truth’ for value-judgements] “I am the Great One who causes change...” [blurring Believer self-certainty with Technologist action] More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
  • 98. A discipline of integration “the discipline of linking the disciplines together”
  • 99. Know the role and function of each discipline Each moment, know which discipline you’re in – Artist, Technologist, Scientist, Believer Use the discipline correctly, following its own rules and decision-sequence Bridge cleanly between the disciplines Watch continually for warning-signs of dubious discipline A discipline of integration More detail: ‘Sensemaking – modes and disciplines’,
  • 100. Disciplines link to each other… …a distinct if implicit sequence within the change-process – a discipline of disciplines
  • 101. What happens if we don’t watch the discipline?
  • 102. A call to action! We must stand firm against the Seven Sins of Dubious Discipline: #1: The Hype Hubris #2: The Golden-Age Game #3: The Newage Nuisance #4: The Meaning Mistake #5: The Possession Problem #6: The Reality Risk #7: Lost in the Learning Labyrinth More detail: ‘Seven sins of dubious discipline’,
  • 103. #1: The Hype Hubris • “a triumph of marketing over technical expertise“ • style becomes more important than substance • those who do the real work are misused, derided, plagiarised, then ignored • relentless pursuit of glamour – Cloud! Big-Data! IoT! the Golden Age! More detail: ‘Seven sins – 1: The Hype Hubris’,
  • 104. #2: The Golden-Age Game • “a bizarre blend of super- science and super-belief” • minimal evidence anywhere in real-world cultural analogues • psych drivers: nostalgia, narcissism, hiraeth • focus on the future or past to evade realities of the present? More detail: ‘Seven sins – 2: Golden-Age Game’,
  • 105. #3: The Newage Nuisance • “newage – it rhymes with ‘sewage’, discarded remnant of what was once nutritious” • dilettante ‘disneyfication’ of real issues • psych: enthusiasm overrides sense, self-honesty • arbitrary jumps between distinct forms of ‘truth’ in art, science, technology and belief-systems More detail: ‘Seven sins – 3: The Newage Nuisance’,
  • 106. #4: The Meaning Mistake • “half-baked, overcooked or just plain inedible” • half-baked – characteristic of newage • overcooked – characteristic of careless practice or poor science • inedible – all too many examples in these fields… More detail: ‘Seven sins – 4: The Meaning Mistake’,
  • 107. #5: The Possession Problem • “neither places nor ideas are commodities to be possessed” • no separate domains – it’s a continuum • psych: a childish ‘mine!’ • deconstruction and ‘privileged’ worldviews • what worldviews are ‘privileged’ in EA? More detail: ‘Seven sins – 5: The Possession Problem’,
  • 108. • “not ‘real or imaginary’, but ‘real and imaginary’ – both at the same time” • psych implications – reality as anarchy, risks of panic • Not-known is imaginary and real – both the ‘good’ and ‘bad’ • real dangers – “like playing with matches in a firework factory” #6: The Reality Risk More detail: ‘Seven sins – 6: The Reality Risk’,
  • 109. #7: Lost in the Learning Labyrinth • “going round the bend” • all skills-development follows a predictable pattern – but it’s not linear • there’s only one path, yet many ways to get lost • characteristic learning- mistakes that can lead to other ‘Sins of Dubious Discipline’More detail: ‘Seven sins – 7: Lost in the Learning Labyrinth’,
  • 110. 1: Survival 6: Mind 4: Caring 5: Communication 3: Control 2: Self 7: Meditation 8: Mastery three New Age mistakes: - ‘path of spirit’ - ‘beginner’s luck’ - ‘path of heart’ ‘moment of despair’ (break out to failure) opposite directions, but all going inwards within the labyrinth The labyrinthine path to skill More detail: ‘Seven sins – 7: Lost in the Learning Labyrinth’,
  • 111. What should we do about these? • “respect the mystery, yet keep it real” • need to balance our passion with care and quiet discipline • learn from the past to apply in the present • use all of the senses – and a bit of common-sense!
  • 112. Get out of that armchair! • Talk is pleasant, but we don’t learn anything new • Dilettante flitting through domains gives shallow appreciation, but not much depth • Crucial details may only be visible in the field
  • 113. Using the disciplines-set within the change-process
  • 114. Making the Squiggle our friend… …also shows us which of the disciplines to apply, where, when, and why
  • 115. Squiggle is also recursive, fractal
  • 116. We need toolsets that help us make the Squiggle our friend (which mostly they don’t…)
  • 117. Most current ‘EA’-toolsets cover… uncertain certain …only the ‘easy bit’ of the EA space… Typical scope of ‘Enterprise-Architecture’ tools
  • 118. We can find various tools… uncertain certain …that sort-of cover the whole Squiggle…
  • 119. …but they don’t link up together! Disconnected tools / toolsets are a key cause of fragmentation in EA, by dotting the joins
  • 120. To help us make more sense of the Squiggle, here’s a question:
  • 121. Why is it that so-called hard-skills are (relatively) easy yet so-called soft-skills are so darned hard?
  • 122. Soft-skills and the Squiggle… Soft-skills are essential in managing human uncertainty, both intrapersonal and interpersonal – such as we always have in new development Soft-skills are essential here Hard-skills are essential here Balance needed here between soft-skills and hard-skills uncertain certain
  • 123. We especially need soft-skills to work with the human element
  • 124. If we don’t have those soft-skills… CC-BY-ND chatirygirl via Flickr …we may rediscover that ‘stakeholder’ has an older, more-worrying meaning…
  • 125. We also need to tackle the human-element early – if we leave it too late, we’ll also get into a fight…
  • 126. Group Dynamics sequence… Forming (Purpose) 1 2 3 4 5 Performing (Process) Storming (People) Norming (Preparation) Adjourning (Performance) (there are well-researched reasons why it’s this sequence…) Clashes of ideas, intent and experience are expected Soft-skills applied to resolve clashes Only minor clashes still occur during production, and quickly resolved
  • 127. …as fractal Five Element cycle (adapted from classic Group Dynamics project-lifecycle and VPEC-T framework) (Start here) Purpose (Forming) People (Storming) Preparation (Norming) Process (Performing) Performance (Adjourning) Events PoliciesValues Completions Success Trust
  • 128. What happens when we try to skip the People-stuff, and go straight to the plan? A common mistake:
  • 129. Start with predefined ‘solution’… Performance (Adjourning) Purpose (Forming) People (Storming) Preparation (Norming) Process (Performing) PoliciesValues Events Completions Success Purpose (Forming) Preparation (Norming) Performance (Adjourning) People (Storming) (We probably never do get it into production…)
  • 130. Start with predefined ‘solution’… Forming (Purpose) 1 3 5 2 Storming (People) Norming (Preparation) Adjourning (Performance) Clashes of ideas, intent and experience are not expected Planning collapses into analysis- paralysis… …followed by recriminations and blame about delay FIGHT!
  • 131. What happens when we try to skip both People and Plan, and go straight to Process action? Another common mistake:
  • 132. Go straight into production… Performance (Adjourning) Purpose (Forming) People (Storming) Preparation (Norming) Process (Performing) PoliciesValues Events Completions Success Purpose (Forming) Process (Performing) People (Storming) (We bounce straight out again into endless arguments…)
  • 133. Go straight into production… Forming (Purpose) 1 4 2 Performing (Process) Storming (People) Clashes of ideas, intent and experience are not expected, nor allowed Production may start well, but soon collapses into chaos and confusion BIG FIGHT!
  • 134. Remember the Squiggle is fractal
  • 135. If we do it the right way round… …the Storming gets smaller each time. agreed solution
  • 136. If we do it the wrong way round… …the Storming gets worse and worse… imposed ‘solution’
  • 137. There’s a reason we do it that way round, in that Five Element sequence… …don’t try to skip over that Storming stage!
  • 138. We also need tools that provide an emphasis on ‘meta-’ – on context before content
  • 139. “I never met a ‘meta-’ that I didn’t like” …all of it fractal and recursive… Tools for metadisciplines…
  • 140. every point expresses the pattern… CC-BY usfwsnortheast via Flickr
  • 141. Some examples… (okay, some of this is a bit of a sales-pitch, but they’re all non-proprietary)
  • 142. Whole-enterprise dimensions Purpose (clarity / 'Business') Relations (connection / 'People') Stuff (content / 'Technology') Information (context / 'Knowledge') Integration (rotate between the views) More detail: ‘Assets and services,
  • 143. Five Element strategy-cycle More detail: posts on Five Element framework,
  • 144. SCORE to assess strategy outcomes within actionexternal worldinternal world efficientreliable elegant appropriate integrated strengths (what we already have) responses (expected from the real-world) challenges (what we’d need to work on) options (in the real-world) core question services support capabilities-needed opportunities / risks rewards restraints constraints effectiveness (things work better, together, on purpose) More detail: ‘Using SCORE to reframe the business-model’,
  • 145. More detail: posts on SCAN framework, SCAN (and its feedback-loops) NOW! certain uncertain ‘Simple’ (ENACT) ‘Not-known’ (EXPLORE) edge of panic fears options ‘Complicated’ (EVALUATE) ‘Ambiguous’ (EXPERIMENT) edge of uncertainty questions answers news principles edge of innovationrealities rules edge of action before
  • 146. Backbone and edge domain CRM product catalogue sales process backbone person- definition business standards standard ops procedures edge CRM experiment sales/ purchase portal Agile product-dev domain ERP facilities mgmt procurement process Agile-type governance of dependencies Waterfall-type governance of dependencies ≈ “Town-Planners” ≈ “Settlers” ≈ “Pioneers” (spectrum of ‘governance of governance’) More detail: ‘Architecting the enterprise backbone’,
  • 147. Communication-flow NOW! certain uncertain PRACTICE THEORY fingerspitzengefühl (realities) auftragstaktik (guidance) edge of action before PLAN ACTION More detail: ‘Auftragstaktik and fingerspitzengefühl’,
  • 148. Enterprise Canvas elements investor (money etc) customer (value) citizen (values) supplier relations value- proposition supplier channels value- creation customer channels customer relations value- outlay value- governance value- return supplier customer investor beneficiary coordinationdirectionvalidation before before during during after after investment dividend guidanceguidance mgmt-info More detail: posts on Enterprise Canvas framework,
  • 149. John Boyd’s ‘OODA’ More detail: Wikipedia on ‘OODA loop’,
  • 150. VPEC-T framework (developed by Nigel Green and Carl Bate, as per their book ‘Lost In Translation’ [Evolved Technologist Press, 2007]) Values Events Content Trust Policies
  • 151. Causal Layered Analysis (developed by Sohail Inayatullah, as per Metafuture website: )
  • 152. Wardley value-chain maps by Simon Wardley: e.g. see CIO,
  • 153. - tools and methods that explore architectures in a fractal, recursive, ‘meta-’ way …and many, many others, from many different sources (yet also grounded in and work well with the ‘messiness’ of real-world practice…)
  • 154. To wrap up this tale…
  • 155. Things work better overall when everything works together on purpose. The key to all architecture:
  • 156. - whilst countering those forces that are still so busy dotting the joins… To do that, keep joining the dots!
  • 157. Or, to summarise more in black-and-white…
  • 158. Think of this as a wake-up call…
  • 159. Don’t suffer in silence…
  • 160. even in the cause of our art…
  • 161. Don’t hide in the backroom!
  • 162. (and yes, just doing so can bring real joy!) …get out to meet with people!
  • 163. No more blundering in the dark…
  • 164. listen out for what’s going on…
  • 165. …it’s easy to miss those that matter most… don’t ignore the warning-signs…
  • 166. …can at times seem overwhelming in size… Even though our architectures…
  • 167. …can seem even harder and to get right people involved…
  • 168. yet whilst we’re a bit unusual… …at once both engineers and artists…
  • 169. …part of our job is to see things differently! we have an important job to do…
  • 170. …good innovations come from many places! …and help others do so too…
  • 171. Be disciplined about the disciplines… Artist Technologist Scientist Believer
  • 172. …and vigilant against the Seven Sins… …perhaps especially in ourselves!
  • 173. As we develop our models…
  • 174. don’t drown people in documents!
  • 175. …settle for snapshots and summaries… …instead, wherever practicable…
  • 176. give the right guidance…
  • 179. new direction where needed…
  • 181. …wherever needed, in real-world conditions. …and ensure it’s all readable…
  • 182. Communicate well with others…
  • 183. inspire people, from lethargy…
  • 185. …don’t avoid the Storming stage! And remember the soft-skills…
  • 186. …there could be consequences!
  • 187. …between silos and worlds Bridge across the chasms…
  • 188. ride with its moves, don’t try to control it… learn to dance with the Squiggle…
  • 189. …that help to shape the world we need… use the right tools for the job…
  • 190. …and remember to celebrate!
  • 191. That’s how we create an integrated EA. Integrated Enterprise Architecture conference, London, 2016
  • 193. Contact: Tom Graves Company: Tetradian Consulting Email: Twitter: @tetradian ( ) Weblog: Slidedecks: Publications: Books: • The enterprise as story: the role of narrative in enterprise- architecture (2012) • Mapping the enterprise: modelling the enterprise as services with the Enterprise Canvas (2010) • Everyday enterprise-architecture: sensemaking, strategy, structures and solutions (2010) • Doing enterprise-architecture: process and practice in the real enterprise (2009) Further information: