geometry math isosceles right 30-60-90 45-45-90 hypotenuse leg special right triangles long leg short leg altitude geoemetry triangles angles pythagorean theorem congruence secondary parts of a triangle angle bisector perpendicular bisector basic construction median logic complementary supplementary right triangle similarity pythagorean triple applications radicand radical operations of radicals simplifying radicals radical expressions rationalizing radicals two-column proofs cpctc saa sss sas asa triangle exterior angle sum theorem isosceles vertex triangle angle sum theorem acute triangle right triangle equiangular obtuse triangle scalene equilateral side orthocenter centroid circumcenter incenter correspondence symmetry circle vertical angles linear pair angle pairs converse inverse contrapositive conditional thruth table biconditional truth value statement conjunction disjunction negation ray segment axiomatic system theorem coplanar collinear points postulate undefined terms lines history planes orientation
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