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A Note                                 Two                           Statues      in the                         Museum.
                   Regarding                      European                               Bangkok                                   Ki was           sent     as a naval            officer      on                                                     toWestern
                                                                                                                                                                                                          special            assignment
Journal of theSiam Society 66 (2) (1978).                                                                                          China          and       Inner                              His        wartime                                             became
                                                                                                                                                                       Mongolia.                                                experiences
A.      B.     Griswold             and    Prasert       na                                              and Historical             the subject of his first book, The Land of theCamel, published
                                                              Nagara,           Epigraphic
 Studies nos. 1-24. All published in theJournal of theSiam Society (JSS),                                                          in     1951.
 as follows:
                          (1) A Declaration              of   Independence               and      Its Consequences.                      After           the war,         Cammann                   returned             to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                graduate            work,              this
JSS 56 (2) (1968); (2) The Asok?r?ma Inscription of 1399 A.n. JSS 57                                                                time  at Johns Hopkins.     He came to the University         of
  (1) (1969); (3)The Pact Between Sukhodaya andN?n. JSS 57(1) (1969);                                                              Pennsylvania   as a Lecturer inChinese Studies in 1948, and upon
  (4) A Law Promulgated by the King of Ayudh? in 1397a.d. JSS 57                                                                   receipt of his Ph.D. the following year was appointed assistant
  (1) (1969); (5)A Pact Between Uncle and Nephew. JSS 58 (1) (1970);                                                               professor.               Schuyler          Cammann's                     entire            academic              career          was
  (6) An Inscription in Old Mon FromWieng Man? in Chieng Mai                                                                       spent     at          the University                of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               At         the    age     of     70,       he
 Province. JSS 59 (1) (1971); (7) The Inscription of V?t Traban Jan                                                                retired as Professor                       Emeritus                in the Department                            of Oriental
 Ph?ak. JSS 59 (i) (1971); (8) The Inscription of V?t Jan Lorn (1384a.D.).                                                         Studies          and Curator                Emeritus              in the                                     Museum.
JSS 59 (1) (1971); (9) The Inscription of King R?ma Gamh?n of                                                                         During Ki's first decade at Penn his time was spread among
 Sukhodaya (1292 A.D.). JSS 59 (2) (1971); (10) King L?daiya of                                                                     the four areas that would characterize his life and scholarly
 Sukhodaya and His Contemporaries. JSS 60 (1) (1972); (11)The                                                                       interests            from       then      on.      He     was         an      excavator,                journal            editor,
 Epigraphy ofMah?dharmar?j? I of Sukhodaya, Part I.      JSS 61 (1) (1973),                                                       member              of    learned          societies,         and        television
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               In 1951
 Part II JSS 61 (2) (1973); (12) Inscription 9.JSS 62 (1) (1974); (13)The                                                          he did archaeological  reconnaissance    for potential digs in
  Inscription ofWat Pra Y?n. JSS 62 (1) (1974); (14) Inscription of the                                                            Thailand, Cambodia, Java, Bali, India, and Pakistan and he was
 Siva of K?mben Bejra. JSS 62 (2) (1974); (15)The Inscription of V?t                                                               a member                of University             Museum                excavation                  teams           at Gordion
Khem?. JSS 63 (1) (1975); (16) The Inscription of V?t Brah Stec, Near                                                              and Kunduz in 1953. In the later 1950s he was ajournai editor
 Sukhodaya. JSS 63 (1) (1975); (17)The "Judgments of King Man Ray."                                                                and then vice president of the American Oriental Society. He
JSS 65 (1) (1977); (18) The Inscription of V?t Jya? Hm?n (Wat Chieng                                                              was also a fellow of the American Council of Learned Societies
Man). JSS 65 (2) (1977); (19) An Inscription from Keng Tung                                                                        and the American Anthropological        Association. Eventually he
  (1451 A.D.). JSS 66 (1) (1978); (20) The Buddhapada of V?t                                                                       became director of the Council for Old World Archaeology
 Pavaranivesa and Its Inscription. JSS 66 (2) (1978); (21) The Second                                                              and director of the Far Eastern Association       (predecessor to the
Oldest Known Writing in Siam.JSS 67 (1) (1979); (22) An Inscription                                                               Association     for Asian Studies). During his career Cammann
 from V?t Hin Tan. JSS 67 (1) (1979); (23)An Inscription of 1529 a.d.                                                              also served as president of the Philadelphia Anthropological
 from Sukhodaya. JSS 67 (2) (1979); (24) An Inscription of 1563a.d.                                                                Society and twice as president of the Philadelphia Oriental
Regarding a Treaty Between Laos and Ayudhy? in 1560.JSS 67 (2)                                                                     Club.
  (1979).                                                                                                                             Participation   in the last two organizations was typical of the
                                                                                                                                   role Schuyler Cammann enjoyed as the local expert in Asian
                                                                                                                                   art. Itwas the CBS
                                                                                                                                                          Philadelphia television series 'What in the
                                                                                                                                  World"      that carried his fame beyond the Delaware Valley.
                                                                                                                                  Between      1951 and 1955 ne was a member of the elite panel of
  Schuyler Van Rensselaer Cammann                                                                 (1912-1991)                      art historians,                                                  and     connoisseurs                   who          presented
                                                                                                                                   themselves      at the network:
                                                                                                                                                                                            headquarters              every     Sunday  morning
                                                                                                                                   to be                                   obscure             treasures            or artifacts     01 the Uni
                                                                                                                                          stumped                   by
When              he died on September                        9, 1991, Schuyler Van Rensselaer                                    versity  Museum                        Collection.            Many    who     never
Cammann                 had      two                                                              to mail        and was          Cammann       still            recall       his      television    appearances.     Whereas                                   other
                                          manuscripts               nearly        ready
making  preparations  for a trip to Australia.                                                       Still an avid                 panelists would take their time mulling                                                    over an object, going
mountain climber, at age 79 Ki (as he was known                                                      to his friends)               through their thinking process before                                                     stating what they be
was          as
                               to    travel        the                             and write                about         it as    lieved         it was,        and        even                                  it                 rumor          has        it     that
                                                          unexplored                                                                                                                   "hamming                         up,"
he had been when he first went to China in 1935.                                                                                  when          his turn came Ki would                                in a sentence                    tell the audience
   Schuyler V. R. Cammann was born in New York City and                                                                            exactly        what    was             in front          of him.        No      one         remembers                 him        ever
was educated at St. Paul's School on Long Island and the Kent                                                                     making
                                                                                                                                                   a mistake.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           this        led     to extra            time        in      the
School,           Kent,       Connecticut,               where           he was         a member            of    the class        show for which                        the Museum                 Registrar                 had selected                 a finite
of 1931. He was                      awarded his B.A.                      from Yale College                           in 1935    number            of
and                                           a                                               decision           took     him           Ki    returned      to            television           in      1966,   this time    as narrator  for
         upon          graduation                 spur-of-the-moment
 to Changsha as a teacher                                  of English and European history                                         a
                                                                                                                                         forty-four              segment             series          on    Southeast     Asia.   Cammann

 through the Yale-in-China                                  program. Ki stayed in Changsha                                         believed in bringing his material     to the public and in making
 two         years,        traveling         whenever               he    could         and     becoming               fluent      himself accessible   to them. Throughout       his life Ki offered
inChinese. The following year he conducted what he described                                                                       advice and support for local and distant collectors and rug
as "informal field anthropology" while    traveling, often by                                                                      dealers with all varieties of collections.
foot,         across       Burma,          Western            China,           Tibet,          and North                India.           In   the        1960s    Ki       Cammann               moved                 near         the                               and
Ki picked up languages en route. Cammann's lifelong research                                                                      became very much                          a part of theWest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Philadelphia                   university
 interest in Tibetan art was forged during that year, when he                                                                      community.
                                                                                                                                                            He      knew           every      Asian            restaurant             within            a several

catalogued the Tibetan collection in theWestern China Union                                                                       mile        radius of campus and relished inviting students and classes
University   Museum    in Chengdu. His return to the United                                                                         to
                                                                                                                                        accompany        him     to a favorite    or                               to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             a new    one. When
States via Europe led to his assistance in catalogues of the                                                                       pressed,
                                                                                                                                                 it was    clear   that he knew                                   restaurants      and hotels,                            as
Tibetan    collections  of the British Museum      and Mus?e                                                                      well      as monuments         and collections,                                 in the         countless              countries
de l'Homme in Paris. Eventually he would also catalogue the                                                                        of his travels.
Tibetan holdings of the Field Museum      in Chicago   and the                                                                        In the course of his career Schuyler Cammann                                                                  lectured              in
National              Museum              of Denmark.                                                                              almost      every     country      of
                                                                                                                                                                          Europe    and was   on several    occasions
      Ki enrolled               in Harvard               Graduate            School and was                      awarded           a
                                                                                                                                      visiting     professor
                                                                                                                                                                   or lecturer      there.  He wrote     four   books,
 a master's                            in 1941,      but      his                        career      was         cut     short     several     exhibition                        and so many   articles  and reviews
                       degree                                        graduate                                                                                   catalogues,
by the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Already                                                 in the Naval Reserve,                      that even he lost track of some of them. The bibliography                                                                          that

follows has been selected from his own records.                                                                                                           Patterns        on Chinese        Bronze        Mirrors.            Archives
                                                                                                                                   Significant                                                                                             of the Chinese
   Ki once described himself to a university colleague who                                                                        Art Society             of America       9 (1955) .-43-62.
audited several of his courses as the "last generalist." This label                                                               AbstractSymbols: Some Early Chinese Symbols of
                                                                                                                                                                                 Duality [The Lo-shu,
surely characterizes    the breadth of his scholarly interests?                                                                   Ho-t'u,           and      the Eight       Trigrams].           History        of Religions        24    (3) (February
magic         squares,          Chinese              costume,                                               virtually
                                                                           toggles,       badges,                                   i985):215-254.
every        aspect        of Chinese                                        rugs,      numerous            ventures
                                                    symbolism,                                                                                               of Yin-Yang                      In Charles                                              LeBlanc
                                                                                                                                   Symbolic  Expressions
 into the arts ofWest,                      North           and Central Asia,                    and what were                                                               Philosophy.
                                                                                                                                   and Susan Blader,   Chinese Ideas about Nature    and Society: Studies                                             inHonour
his                    countries            of     research,       Tibet,                              and China.
        primary                                                                  Mongolia,
                                                                                                                                   of Derk Bodde, Hong     Kong:   Hong   Kong University         Press,                                              1987,
This   inclusive attitude toward his research was very much a                                                                      101-116.

part  of his personality. He had a genuine love of exploration
of the unknown as well as the desire to share his discoveries                                                                     The                                      Variants         anda Their          Uses.                                             29
                                                                                                                                          Eight          Trigrams:                                                         History        of Religions
with groups beyond the scholarly community. A devoted core                                                                         (4) (May 1990)301-317.
of adult students occasionally accompanied Ki on his travels.                                                                     Magic      Squares:         The        Evolution         of     the Magic                         in China.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Square                           Journal
Upon his death the outpouring from this group and others of                                                                        of the
                                                                                                                                        AmericanOriental Society 80 (2) (i960): 116-119.
Ki's personal letters and journalistic accounts of every Asian                                                                    The Magic Square of Three inOld Chinese
and European trip attest to his commitment     to and impact on                                                                                                                  Philosophy and Religion.
a                                                                                                                                 History ofReligions 1 (1) (i96i):37-8o.
   population   far beyond his colleagues. A religious man and
                                                                                                                                  Old Chinese Magic Squares. Sinol?gica7 (1) (1962): 14-53.
devoted father of five and later              of six, Ki was also
known to take children or                         on his travels.                                                                  Islamic        and      Indian Magic                                                                 Part      I (Islamic
                             grandchildren along                                                                                                                                     Squares.      History       of Religions,
   Those who knew Ki might have expected him to die on the                                                                         Squares), 8 (3) (1969): 181-209; Part H (Hindu and European), 8 (4)
back of a camel in Mongolia.       His passing marks the near                                                                      (i969):27i-299.
                   to a close        of     a generation              of    scholars        of Asian         art who              Substances: Metal,
drawing                                                                                                                                                             Ivory, Hombill, Jade, etc.: Archaeological       Evidence    for
gained much of their knowledge   by independent travel and                                                                        Chinese    Contacts                with   India in the Han
                                                                                                                                                                                              Dynasty.     Sinol?gica 5 (1) (Basel,
research in Asia before World War   II, and who felt it their                                                                      Switzerland,              1956):!-19.
                              were          bold                                  conduct            research           ac
purpose?and                                               enough?to                                                               The Bactrian Nickel Theory. AmericanJournal
cording to the broadest definition                                 of the field. Even among this                                                                              of Archaeology 62 (4)
elite group Ki was extraordinary                                   in the variety of his interests.                                (i958):409-4i4
                                                                                                                                  The Animal Style Art of Eurasia (Ordos Bronzes). Journal ofAsian
                                                                   Nancy Shatzman Steinhardt                                      Studies 17 (2) (February i958):232-239.
                                                                       University of Pennsylvania                                 The Story of Hornbill Ivory. Bulletin of theUniversityMuseum is (4)
                                                                                                                                   (December               1950): 19-47.
                                                                                                                                  A     Rare                  Book                                                                 on
                                                                                                                                                    Jade                    [a Manchu              emperor's            edict             jade         panels].
                                 Selected                    Writings                                                             Expedition 22 (3) (Spring i98o):27~33.
                                                                                                                                  Magic andMedicinal Woods in Old Chinese Folk Carvings. Journal
                                                                                                                                  ofAmericanFolklore47 (292) ( 1961):116-125.
                                                                                                                                  Chinese            Impressed           Gourds,          Reconsidered.                Oriental     Art        n.s.      10
The Land                                                                                                                           (Winter           I964):217-224.
               of the Camel:              Tents     and Temples            of Inner Mongolia.          New       York:
Ronald       Press,  1951.                                                                                                        Costumes           and Textiles:         Cosmic                 on the Robes   of the
                                                                                                                                                                                     Symbolism                          Ch'ing
                                                                                                                                                         In E.      B.
Trade Through       theHimalayas:    Early British Attempts      to Open Tibet                                                    Dynasty.                                Dyer    (ed.), Art   and Thought
                                                                                                                                  Memorial                                London,    1948, pp. 126-129.
thesis,    revised).      Princeton:      Princeton                      Press,                                    1951,                                 Volume],
republished     by the Greenwood          Press, Westport,     CT.                                                                Origins of theCourt andOfficial Robes of theCh'ing Dynasty. Artibus
                                                                                                                                  Asaie      12                            Switzerland,                        189-201.
China's      Dragon      Robes. New               York:      Ronald         Press,       1952.                                                      (3) (Ascona,                                   1949):

Substance    and Symbol   in Chinese                                                                                               Imperial         Robes        of      the Later                                        Oriental        Art     n.s.        3 (1)
                                                            Toggles.        Philadelphia:          University            of                                                               Ch'ing        Dynasty.

Pennsylvania     Press, 1962.                                                                                                      (1950)7-16.
                                                                                                                                  A Robe            of     the Ch'ien-lung                                                                                        10
                                                                                                                                                                                       Emperor.         Journal         of the Walters           Gallery
Articles                                                                                                                           (i947):9-i9

China:      On                                                                                                                    Chinese           Court        and Dragon               Robes
                    the Decoration                 of Modern                       in Taiwan   and Hong                                                                                                 [an Early   Ch'ing                image          robe].
                                                                                                                                  Connoisseur              126 (519)       (December                           220.
Kong.      Journal      of the American             Oriental     Society     8 (4) (1968): 785-790.                                                                                             i95o):2o6,

                      in Far Eastern                                                                                              The Making                of Dragon         Robes.                     Pao n.s.        40
                                                   Art.                                                New                                                                                  T'oung
 Symbolism                                                  Encyclopaedia             of the Arts,               York,                                                                                                          (3) (i95i):297~32i.
                                                                                                                                  Presentation              of Dragon             Robes
 1946, pp.         979-984.                                                                                                                                                                 by the Ming       and Ch'ing                       Courts          for

Types of Symbols in Chinese Art. InArthur Wright                                                   (ed.), Studies in              Diplomatic               Purposes.        Sinol?gica      3 (3) (1955): 193-202.
Chinese                                            1953, PP-     195?321.                                                         The Symbolism of the "Cloud Collar" Motif. The Art Bulletin 33
             Thought,         Chicago,                                                                                                                                                           (1)
The                           in Chinese          Mirror        Patterns.                                                          (March         1951): 1-9.
        Symbolism                                                                Journal     of the Indian Society
 of Oriental Arts          (Calcutta,                                                                                             A Rare Ming Textile                        in Sweden. Archives of theChinese Art
                                                 I953)".45~63.                                                                                                                                                     Society of
Chinese          Mirrors                                                                                                          America         yj (i963):33~37
                                     and     Chinese            Civilizataion.                                     2
                                                                                            Archaeology                  (3)
 (i949):ii4-i20.                                                                                                                  Two       Rare Ming            Textiles.         Oriental       Art   n.s.     10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (1964):     175-180.
A Rare                  Mirror.            The Art Quarterly               9 (2) (Spring                                          Notes        on        the Origin          of Chinese           K'o-ssu                          Artibus        Asaie           11
             T'ang                                                                                i946).*93-ii3.                                                                                                Tapestry.
The      "TLV"         Pattern        on Cosmic             Mirrors         of   the Han                                           (i948):90-i09.
                                                                                                 Dynasty.       Journal
 of the
      AmericanOriental Society 68 (4) (1948): 159-167.                                                                            Embroidery Techniques inOld China. Archives of the
                                                                                                                                                                                   ChineseArt Society
Lion       and Grape          Patterns       on Chinese           Bronze         Mirrors.         Artibus     Asaie          16   of America             16 (1962):      16-40.

 (Ascona,         Switzerland,             i953):265-29i.                                                                         Chinese      Badges          of Rank:       The                                 of     the Mandarin
                                                                                                                                                                                       Development                                                     Square.

HarvardJournal ofAsiatic Studies 8 (2) (August 1944)71-130.                                                                         Near    Eastern               and Rugs: Cosmic                     on Carpets    from the
                                                                                                                                                           Carpets                     Symbolism
                                                                                            Museum                                                                 In Peter   Chelkowski                 Studies   in Art   and
Chinese      Mandarin           Squares.          Bulletin       of the University                           17 (3) (June            Sanguszko         Group.                                   (ed.),
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 New    York:
 i953):5-6o.                                                                                                                        Architecture       of theNear East inHonor      of Richard Ettinghausen.
                                    as                                                                     Arts                     New        York    University     Press, 1974, pp. 181-208.
Birds      and Animals                   Ming      and Ch'ing            Badges           of Rank.                  of Asia
 21 (3) (May-June 1991):88-94.                                                                                                      The        Systematic        Study      of Oriental            Rugs:        Techniques        and      Patterns.
                                                                                                                                                 AmericanOriental Society 95 (2) (i975):248-26o.
                                                                                                                                    Journal of the
Ming       Festival        Symbols.        Archives          of the Chinese
                                                                                    Art      Society        of America          7
                                                                                                                                                                         in Persian        Art     [involving       rugs]. History        of Religions
 (i95i):66-70.                                                                                                                      Religious         Symbolism
 Some                               Beasts.        Oriental      Art     n.s.     11                                                 J5 (3) (Winter 1976): 193-208.
           Strange     Ming                                                              (3) (i956):94-i02.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       In Proceedings
Chinese      Costume         Accessories:         Chinese         Belt                        Oriental       Art      n.s.      8   Paradox           in Persian        Carpet         Patterns.                      of the International
                                                                                                                                                       on Oriental                               in London, June 1976, London,
                                                                                                                                    Conference                          Carpets Held                                               1978.
 (2) (i962):72-78.
                                                                                                                                    The                       of Art,     Literature,            and Religion        in Safavid      Symbolism.
Chinese        Inside-Painted              Snuff Bottles           and Their        Makers.         Harvardjournal                             Interplay

 ofAsiatic Studies 20 (Spring i957):295~326.                                                                                        Journal of theRoyal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (London),
                                                                                                                                    no.    2                124-136.
                                                                            to Inner                                                            (1978):
          and Tibet: Mongol      Dwellings,     with   Special Reference
Mongolia                                                                                                                                                                                   Britannica
                                                                                                                                    Rebus        (Symbols).          Encyclopaedia                          (1962-1973       editions),        19, 13.
             In Aspects      Altaic Civilization,    Indiana University  Ural-Altaic
Mongolia.                 of
                                 IN, 1963): 17-22.                                                                                                                        Life        and Works       of Ananda          K. Coomaraswamy.
Studies, 23 (Bloomington,                                                                                                           Remembering               Again:
Chess      with                                 Lamas.       Natural
                                                                                                                                    Parabola3 (2) ( 1978)184-91.
                      Mongolian                                            History           55     (9)     (November
                                                                                                                                              V. R. Cammann                           also was     the author       of 80 more       articles       and
A Prince                                                                                                                             Schuyler
                 of   the Lama           Church          (in Inner Mongolia).                 University          Museum
                                                                                                                                     about 50 book  reviews.
Bulletin 14 (2) (1949): 19-32.
The     Panchen        Lama's        Visit        to                in 1780. The Far Eastern
                                                       Peking                                                  Quarterly
 9 (1) (November i949):248-263.
New          on Hue                 and G?bet:           Their                            from     Lhasa       1846. The
      Light                                                        Expulsion
Far Eastern Quarterly                1
                                         (4) (August          i942):248-263
The     Paradise       of Bhaishajyaguru     (in Lama                      paintings).            Gazette      des Beaux
                                                                                                                                                                          Myron Folk, Jr.
Arts    series     6, vol.  5 (Paris and New     York,                          1944),     pp.    283-298.
                               of    the Tibetan          M?ndala                                 The Art Quarterly
                                                                                                                                           The Asia Society and the Archives of Asian Art join in
 Suggested        Origin                                                    Paintings.                                                      sorrow to announce the death of Myron Falk, Jr., known
 13 (2) (1950)1107-119.
                                                                                                                                            to all as Johnny. An avid collector of Chinese art, a
The     Four Great         of Heaven                                                   in Lama       Buddhist                                                                                    an
                    Kings             (Deva
             the West China Border Research
                                                                                                                        100                founding member of the Archives of Asian Art, and
Journal   of                                                             Society,                   I, 9    (1937):                        active                                of                 Asian         arts
                                                                                                                                                            supporter                  many                                organizations,
  102; Part II, 11 (1940).                                                                                                                                                   us. A memorial                                               article
                                                                                                                                           Johnny will be missed by all of
Chinese     Painting: A Ming     Dynasty    Pantheon                               Painting.         Archives         of the               will appear in the 1993 Archives ofAsian Art. We                                               extend
Chinese     Art Society of America   18 (1964) 3 8-46.                                                                                     our condolences to his family and friends.
On      the Decoration              of Modern                              in Taiwan              and Hong          Kong.
             AmericanOriental Society 88 (4) (i968):785-79o.
Journal of the


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Schuyler cammann obit-2

  • 1. A Note Two Statues in the Museum. Regarding European Bangkok Ki was sent as a naval officer on toWestern special assignment Journal of theSiam Society 66 (2) (1978). China and Inner His wartime became Mongolia. experiences A. B. Griswold and Prasert na and Historical the subject of his first book, The Land of theCamel, published Nagara, Epigraphic Studies nos. 1-24. All published in theJournal of theSiam Society (JSS), in 1951. as follows: (1) A Declaration of Independence and Its Consequences. After the war, Cammann returned to graduate work, this JSS 56 (2) (1968); (2) The Asok?r?ma Inscription of 1399 A.n. JSS 57 time at Johns Hopkins. He came to the University of (1) (1969); (3)The Pact Between Sukhodaya andN?n. JSS 57(1) (1969); Pennsylvania as a Lecturer inChinese Studies in 1948, and upon (4) A Law Promulgated by the King of Ayudh? in 1397a.d. JSS 57 receipt of his Ph.D. the following year was appointed assistant (1) (1969); (5)A Pact Between Uncle and Nephew. JSS 58 (1) (1970); professor. Schuyler Cammann's entire academic career was (6) An Inscription in Old Mon FromWieng Man? in Chieng Mai spent at the University of Pennsylvania. At the age of 70, he Province. JSS 59 (1) (1971); (7) The Inscription of V?t Traban Jan retired as Professor Emeritus in the Department of Oriental Ph?ak. JSS 59 (i) (1971); (8) The Inscription of V?t Jan Lorn (1384a.D.). Studies and Curator Emeritus in the Museum. University JSS 59 (1) (1971); (9) The Inscription of King R?ma Gamh?n of During Ki's first decade at Penn his time was spread among Sukhodaya (1292 A.D.). JSS 59 (2) (1971); (10) King L?daiya of the four areas that would characterize his life and scholarly Sukhodaya and His Contemporaries. JSS 60 (1) (1972); (11)The interests from then on. He was an excavator, journal editor, Epigraphy ofMah?dharmar?j? I of Sukhodaya, Part I. JSS 61 (1) (1973), member of learned societies, and television personality. In 1951 Part II JSS 61 (2) (1973); (12) Inscription 9.JSS 62 (1) (1974); (13)The he did archaeological reconnaissance for potential digs in Inscription ofWat Pra Y?n. JSS 62 (1) (1974); (14) Inscription of the Thailand, Cambodia, Java, Bali, India, and Pakistan and he was Siva of K?mben Bejra. JSS 62 (2) (1974); (15)The Inscription of V?t a member of University Museum excavation teams at Gordion Khem?. JSS 63 (1) (1975); (16) The Inscription of V?t Brah Stec, Near and Kunduz in 1953. In the later 1950s he was ajournai editor Sukhodaya. JSS 63 (1) (1975); (17)The "Judgments of King Man Ray." and then vice president of the American Oriental Society. He JSS 65 (1) (1977); (18) The Inscription of V?t Jya? Hm?n (Wat Chieng was also a fellow of the American Council of Learned Societies Man). JSS 65 (2) (1977); (19) An Inscription from Keng Tung and the American Anthropological Association. Eventually he (1451 A.D.). JSS 66 (1) (1978); (20) The Buddhapada of V?t became director of the Council for Old World Archaeology Pavaranivesa and Its Inscription. JSS 66 (2) (1978); (21) The Second and director of the Far Eastern Association (predecessor to the Oldest Known Writing in Siam.JSS 67 (1) (1979); (22) An Inscription Association for Asian Studies). During his career Cammann from V?t Hin Tan. JSS 67 (1) (1979); (23)An Inscription of 1529 a.d. also served as president of the Philadelphia Anthropological from Sukhodaya. JSS 67 (2) (1979); (24) An Inscription of 1563a.d. Society and twice as president of the Philadelphia Oriental Regarding a Treaty Between Laos and Ayudhy? in 1560.JSS 67 (2) Club. (1979). Participation in the last two organizations was typical of the role Schuyler Cammann enjoyed as the local expert in Asian art. Itwas the CBS Philadelphia television series 'What in the World" that carried his fame beyond the Delaware Valley. Between 1951 and 1955 ne was a member of the elite panel of Schuyler Van Rensselaer Cammann (1912-1991) art historians, and connoisseurs who presented archaeologists, themselves at the network: headquarters every Sunday morning to be obscure treasures or artifacts 01 the Uni stumped by When he died on September 9, 1991, Schuyler Van Rensselaer versity Museum Collection. Many who never actually met Cammann had two to mail and was Cammann still recall his television appearances. Whereas other manuscripts nearly ready making preparations for a trip to Australia. Still an avid panelists would take their time mulling over an object, going mountain climber, at age 79 Ki (as he was known to his friends) through their thinking process before stating what they be was as eager to travel the and write about it as lieved it was, and even it rumor has it that unexplored "hamming up," he had been when he first went to China in 1935. when his turn came Ki would in a sentence tell the audience Schuyler V. R. Cammann was born in New York City and exactly what was in front of him. No one remembers him ever was educated at St. Paul's School on Long Island and the Kent making a mistake. Occasionally this led to extra time in the School, Kent, Connecticut, where he was a member of the class show for which the Museum Registrar had selected a finite of 1931. He was awarded his B.A. from Yale College in 1935 number of objects. and a decision took him Ki returned to television in 1966, this time as narrator for upon graduation spur-of-the-moment to Changsha as a teacher of English and European history a forty-four segment series on Southeast Asia. Cammann through the Yale-in-China program. Ki stayed in Changsha believed in bringing his material to the public and in making two years, traveling whenever he could and becoming fluent himself accessible to them. Throughout his life Ki offered inChinese. The following year he conducted what he described advice and support for local and distant collectors and rug as "informal field anthropology" while traveling, often by dealers with all varieties of collections. foot, across Burma, Western China, Tibet, and North India. In the 1960s Ki Cammann moved near the and university Ki picked up languages en route. Cammann's lifelong research became very much a part of theWest Philadelphia university interest in Tibetan art was forged during that year, when he community. He knew every Asian restaurant within a several catalogued the Tibetan collection in theWestern China Union mile radius of campus and relished inviting students and classes University Museum in Chengdu. His return to the United to accompany him to a favorite or to try a new one. When States via Europe led to his assistance in catalogues of the pressed, it was clear that he knew restaurants and hotels, as Tibetan collections of the British Museum and Mus?e well as monuments and collections, in the countless countries de l'Homme in Paris. Eventually he would also catalogue the of his travels. Tibetan holdings of the Field Museum in Chicago and the In the course of his career Schuyler Cammann lectured in National Museum of Denmark. almost every country of Europe and was on several occasions Ki enrolled in Harvard Graduate School and was awarded a visiting professor or lecturer there. He wrote four books, a master's in 1941, but his career was cut short several exhibition and so many articles and reviews degree graduate catalogues, by the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Already in the Naval Reserve, that even he lost track of some of them. The bibliography that 96
  • 2. follows has been selected from his own records. Patterns on Chinese Bronze Mirrors. Archives Significant of the Chinese Ki once described himself to a university colleague who Art Society of America 9 (1955) .-43-62. audited several of his courses as the "last generalist." This label AbstractSymbols: Some Early Chinese Symbols of Duality [The Lo-shu, surely characterizes the breadth of his scholarly interests? Ho-t'u, and the Eight Trigrams]. History of Religions 24 (3) (February magic squares, Chinese costume, virtually toggles, badges, i985):215-254. every aspect of Chinese rugs, numerous ventures symbolism, of Yin-Yang In Charles LeBlanc Symbolic Expressions into the arts ofWest, North and Central Asia, and what were Philosophy. and Susan Blader, Chinese Ideas about Nature and Society: Studies inHonour his countries of research, Tibet, and China. primary Mongolia, of Derk Bodde, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1987, This inclusive attitude toward his research was very much a 101-116. pp. part of his personality. He had a genuine love of exploration of the unknown as well as the desire to share his discoveries The Variants anda Their Uses. 29 Eight Trigrams: History of Religions with groups beyond the scholarly community. A devoted core (4) (May 1990)301-317. of adult students occasionally accompanied Ki on his travels. Magic Squares: The Evolution of the Magic in China. Square Journal Upon his death the outpouring from this group and others of of the AmericanOriental Society 80 (2) (i960): 116-119. Ki's personal letters and journalistic accounts of every Asian The Magic Square of Three inOld Chinese and European trip attest to his commitment to and impact on Philosophy and Religion. a History ofReligions 1 (1) (i96i):37-8o. population far beyond his colleagues. A religious man and Old Chinese Magic Squares. Sinol?gica7 (1) (1962): 14-53. devoted father of five and later of six, Ki was also grandfather known to take children or on his travels. Islamic and Indian Magic Part I (Islamic grandchildren along Squares. History of Religions, Those who knew Ki might have expected him to die on the Squares), 8 (3) (1969): 181-209; Part H (Hindu and European), 8 (4) back of a camel in Mongolia. His passing marks the near (i969):27i-299. to a close of a generation of scholars of Asian art who Substances: Metal, drawing Ivory, Hombill, Jade, etc.: Archaeological Evidence for gained much of their knowledge by independent travel and Chinese Contacts with India in the Han Dynasty. Sinol?gica 5 (1) (Basel, research in Asia before World War II, and who felt it their Switzerland, 1956):!-19. were bold conduct research ac purpose?and enough?to The Bactrian Nickel Theory. AmericanJournal cording to the broadest definition of the field. Even among this of Archaeology 62 (4) elite group Ki was extraordinary in the variety of his interests. (i958):409-4i4 The Animal Style Art of Eurasia (Ordos Bronzes). Journal ofAsian Nancy Shatzman Steinhardt Studies 17 (2) (February i958):232-239. University of Pennsylvania The Story of Hornbill Ivory. Bulletin of theUniversityMuseum is (4) (December 1950): 19-47. A Rare Book on Jade [a Manchu emperor's edict jade panels]. Selected Writings Expedition 22 (3) (Spring i98o):27~33. Magic andMedicinal Woods in Old Chinese Folk Carvings. Journal ofAmericanFolklore47 (292) ( 1961):116-125. Books Chinese Impressed Gourds, Reconsidered. Oriental Art n.s. 10 (4) The Land (Winter I964):217-224. of the Camel: Tents and Temples of Inner Mongolia. New York: Ronald Press, 1951. Costumes and Textiles: Cosmic on the Robes of the Symbolism Ch'ing In E. B. Trade Through theHimalayas: Early British Attempts to Open Tibet Dynasty. Dyer (ed.), Art and Thought [Coomaraswamy (Ph.D. Memorial London, 1948, pp. 126-129. thesis, revised). Princeton: Princeton Press, 1951, Volume], University republished by the Greenwood Press, Westport, CT. Origins of theCourt andOfficial Robes of theCh'ing Dynasty. Artibus Asaie 12 Switzerland, 189-201. China's Dragon Robes. New York: Ronald Press, 1952. (3) (Ascona, 1949): Substance and Symbol in Chinese Imperial Robes of the Later Oriental Art n.s. 3 (1) Toggles. Philadelphia: University of Ch'ing Dynasty. Pennsylvania Press, 1962. (1950)7-16. A Robe of the Ch'ien-lung 10 Emperor. Journal of the Walters Gallery Articles (i947):9-i9 China: On Chinese Court and Dragon Robes the Decoration of Modern in Taiwan and Hong [an Early Ch'ing image robe]. Temples Connoisseur 126 (519) (December 220. Kong. Journal of the American Oriental Society 8 (4) (1968): 785-790. i95o):2o6, in Far Eastern The Making of Dragon Robes. Pao n.s. 40 Art. New T'oung Symbolism Encyclopaedia of the Arts, York, (3) (i95i):297~32i. Presentation of Dragon Robes 1946, pp. 979-984. by the Ming and Ch'ing Courts for Types of Symbols in Chinese Art. InArthur Wright (ed.), Studies in Diplomatic Purposes. Sinol?gica 3 (3) (1955): 193-202. Chinese 1953, PP- 195?321. The Symbolism of the "Cloud Collar" Motif. The Art Bulletin 33 Thought, Chicago, (1) The in Chinese Mirror Patterns. (March 1951): 1-9. Symbolism Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Arts (Calcutta, A Rare Ming Textile in Sweden. Archives of theChinese Art I953)".45~63. Society of Chinese Mirrors America yj (i963):33~37 and Chinese Civilizataion. 2 Archaeology (3) (i949):ii4-i20. Two Rare Ming Textiles. Oriental Art n.s. 10 (1964): 175-180. A Rare Mirror. The Art Quarterly 9 (2) (Spring Notes on the Origin of Chinese K'o-ssu Artibus Asaie 11 T'ang i946).*93-ii3. Tapestry. The "TLV" Pattern on Cosmic Mirrors of the Han (i948):90-i09. Dynasty. Journal of the AmericanOriental Society 68 (4) (1948): 159-167. Embroidery Techniques inOld China. Archives of the ChineseArt Society Lion and Grape Patterns on Chinese Bronze Mirrors. Artibus Asaie 16 of America 16 (1962): 16-40. (Ascona, Switzerland, i953):265-29i. Chinese Badges of Rank: The of the Mandarin Development Square. 97
  • 3. HarvardJournal ofAsiatic Studies 8 (2) (August 1944)71-130. Near Eastern and Rugs: Cosmic on Carpets from the Carpets Symbolism Museum In Peter Chelkowski Studies in Art and Chinese Mandarin Squares. Bulletin of the University 17 (3) (June Sanguszko Group. (ed.), New York: i953):5-6o. Architecture of theNear East inHonor of Richard Ettinghausen. as Arts New York University Press, 1974, pp. 181-208. Birds and Animals Ming and Ch'ing Badges of Rank. of Asia 21 (3) (May-June 1991):88-94. The Systematic Study of Oriental Rugs: Techniques and Patterns. AmericanOriental Society 95 (2) (i975):248-26o. Journal of the Ming Festival Symbols. Archives of the Chinese Art Society of America 7 in Persian Art [involving rugs]. History of Religions (i95i):66-70. Religious Symbolism Some Beasts. Oriental Art n.s. 11 J5 (3) (Winter 1976): 193-208. Strange Ming (3) (i956):94-i02. In Proceedings Chinese Costume Accessories: Chinese Belt Oriental Art n.s. 8 Paradox in Persian Carpet Patterns. of the International Toggles. on Oriental in London, June 1976, London, Conference Carpets Held 1978. (2) (i962):72-78. The of Art, Literature, and Religion in Safavid Symbolism. Chinese Inside-Painted Snuff Bottles and Their Makers. Harvardjournal Interplay ofAsiatic Studies 20 (Spring i957):295~326. Journal of theRoyal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland (London), no. 2 124-136. to Inner (1978): and Tibet: Mongol Dwellings, with Special Reference Mongolia Britannica Rebus (Symbols). Encyclopaedia (1962-1973 editions), 19, 13. In Aspects Altaic Civilization, Indiana University Ural-Altaic Mongolia. of IN, 1963): 17-22. Life and Works of Ananda K. Coomaraswamy. Studies, 23 (Bloomington, Remembering Again: Chess with Lamas. Natural Parabola3 (2) ( 1978)184-91. Mongolian History 55 (9) (November I946):407-4H V. R. Cammann also was the author of 80 more articles and A Prince Schuyler of the Lama Church (in Inner Mongolia). University Museum about 50 book reviews. Bulletin 14 (2) (1949): 19-32. The Panchen Lama's Visit to in 1780. The Far Eastern Peking Quarterly 9 (1) (November i949):248-263. New on Hue and G?bet: Their from Lhasa 1846. The Light Expulsion Far Eastern Quarterly 1 (4) (August i942):248-263 The Paradise of Bhaishajyaguru (in Lama paintings). Gazette des Beaux Myron Folk, Jr. Arts series 6, vol. 5 (Paris and New York, 1944), pp. 283-298. of the Tibetan M?ndala The Art Quarterly The Asia Society and the Archives of Asian Art join in Suggested Origin Paintings. sorrow to announce the death of Myron Falk, Jr., known 13 (2) (1950)1107-119. to all as Johnny. An avid collector of Chinese art, a The Four Great of Heaven in Lama Buddhist an Kings (Deva the West China Border Research kings Part art). 100 founding member of the Archives of Asian Art, and Journal of Society, I, 9 (1937): active of Asian arts supporter many organizations, 102; Part II, 11 (1940). us. A memorial article Johnny will be missed by all of Chinese Painting: A Ming Dynasty Pantheon Painting. Archives of the will appear in the 1993 Archives ofAsian Art. We extend Chinese Art Society of America 18 (1964) 3 8-46. our condolences to his family and friends. On the Decoration of Modern in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Temples AmericanOriental Society 88 (4) (i968):785-79o. Journal of the 98