ap world history ways of the world world history robert strayer ap art history history ap strayer chapter 16 chapter 11 south africa pinochet r.strayer anc iraq iran ataturk ghandi allende pakistan chile mandela ottoman empire sick man of europe meji restoration tokugawa chapter 19 opium wars taiping rebellion turkey opium war chapter 18 scramble for africa africa social darwinism race economies of cash crop forced labor wage of labor colonial economy colonial empires socialism social protest russia revolution social classes chapter 17 revolutions british aristocracy industrial revolution nationalism haitian revolution slavery latin america revolution feminism american revolution enlightenment scientific revolution global commerce slave trade chapter 14 political transformations 1450-1750 mesopotamia egypt agricultural revolution beginnings in history paleolithic islam worlds of islam silk road black death mongol empire mongol monument 15th century fifteenth century chapter 12 china korea tribute system buddhism foot binding vietman japan prairie style expressionism international style destijl suprematism cubism constructivism surrealism fauvism dada buahaus futurism romanticism van gogh cassatt monet renoir caillebotte degas cezanne seurat gauguin post-impressionism klimt arts and crafts movement art nouveau austrian secession symbolism nineteenth century medieval christendom art history
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