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Sudbury :: Spr 2024
Wesley Chun
Principal, CyberWeb
Powerful Google developer
tools for immediate impact!
Where to run your code, store your data, and analyze your data
Principal Consultant, CyberWeb
● Mission: produce accelerated Python
developers, enable developers to be
successful using Google Cloud and
other Google developer tools & APIs
● Focus: Python, Google Cloud (GCP) &
Google Workspace (GWS) APIs; GAE
migrations; Google X-product sol'ns
● Services: technical consulting,
training, engineering, speaking, code
samples, hands-on tutorials, public
technical content (blogs, social, etc.)
About the speaker
Previous experience / background
● Software Engineer & Developer Advocate
○ Google, Sun, HP, Cisco, EMC, Xilinx &
○ Original Yahoo!Mail engineer/SWE
● Technical trainer, teacher, instructor
○ Teaching Math, Linux, Python since '83
○ Adjunct CS Faculty at local SV colleges
● Python community member
○ Popular Core Python series author
○ Python Software Foundation Fellow
● AB (Math/CS) & CMP (Music/Piano), UC
Berkeley and MSCS, UC Santa Barbara
● Adjunct Computer Science Faculty, Foothill
College (Silicon Valley)
GWS Dev Show
GAE migration
Impactful developer tools: why & agenda
● People know Google for search, YouTube, Chrome, Android, Gmail
● Google also has an extensive set of developer tools, APIs & platforms
● Many of these developer services part of Google Cloud
● Cloud computing has taken industry by storm & its skills are in-demand
● Look at most impactful tools for work/school projects you can use today!
Cloud computing
& Google Cloud
Where to run
your code
Google APIs
Where to
analyze your
4 5
Where to store
your data
Cloud computing
& Google Cloud
Intro and overview
Getting things done using someone else’s computers, especially
where someone else worries about maintenance, provisioning, system
administration, security, networking, failure recovery, upgrades, etc.
Google Compute Engine, Cloud Storage
AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent
Cloud service levels/"pillars"
Software as a Service
Platform as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL, Vertex AI,
Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub
AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker
Google Apps Script
Salesforce Platform (formerly
Google Workspace (was G Suite/Google Apps)
Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite, Office 365
Google App Engine, Cloud Functions
Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda
Summary of responsibility
Software as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
Platform as a Service
Managed by YOU Managed by cloud vendor
all you, no cloud
Theme - Spec/Reqs
Logistics - Design app
Space - Provision HW
Food - Build & serve app
Manage - Manage app
(Compute Engine)
(App Engine)
(Google Workspace
(formerly G Suite))
Pick theme
Plan party
Find space
Pick theme
Plan party
Rent hall
Pick theme
Plan party
Rent hall
Hire Caterer
Hire manager
Pick theme
Hire planner
Rent hall
Hire caterer
Hire manager
Imagine you’re hosting a party...
( )
Where to run
your code
Serverless simplifies it all!
> Google Compute Engine configurable
VMs of all shapes & sizes, from
"micro" to 416 vCPUs, 11.776 TB
RAM, 256 TB HDD/SSD plus Google
Cloud Storage for data lake "blobs"
(Debian, CentOS, CoreOS, SUSE, Red Hat Enterprise Linux,
Ubuntu, FreeBSD; Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012 R2, 2016, 1803,
1809, 1903/2019, 1909)
Yeah, there are VMs & big disk… but why*?
Serverless: what & why
● What is serverless?
○ Misnomer (a "PMM") :-)
○ "No worries"
○ Developers focus on writing code & solving business problems*
○ Servers (physical & virtual) completely abstracted away from the user*
● Why serverless?
○ Fastest growing segment of cloud... per analyst research:
■ $1.9B (2016) & $4.25B (2018) ⇒ $7.7B (2021), $14.93B (2023), and $21.1B (2025)^
■ $4.18B (2018) & $6.05B (2020) ⇒ $31.53B (2026), $53.08B (2028), and $86.94B (2030)†
○ What if you go viral? Autoscaling: your new best friend
○ What if you don't? Code not running? You're not paying.
* Forbes (May 2018)
^ (in USD) CB Insights (Sep 2018), MarketsandMarkets™ (Jan 2019)
† (in USD) Reports and Data (Jan 2020, Oct 2021, and Jun 2022)
Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage
AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent
Software as a Service
Platform as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
Google Workspace (was G Suite/Google Apps)
Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite, Office 365
Google App Engine, Cloud Functions
Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda
Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL,
Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub
AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker
Serverless: PaaS-y compute/processing
Google Apps Script
Salesforce Platform (formerly
Google App Engine
App-hosting in the cloud ("Serverless 1.0")
Why does App Engine exist?
● Focus on code not DevOps
○ Web app or mobile backend
● Enhance productivity
● Deploy globally
● Fully-managed
● Auto-scaling
● Pay-per-use
● Familiar languages
● Test w/local dev server
● "Bundled" services like DB,
caching, tasks, storage, etc.
Hello World (Python "MVP")
runtime: python39
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello():
return 'Hello World!'
$ gcloud app deploy
Access globally:
Google Cloud Functions
Function-hosting in the cloud ("Serverless 2.0")
Why does Cloud Functions exist?
● Don't have entire app?
○ No framework "overhead" (LAMP, MEAN...)
○ Deploy short utilities (alerts, ETL...), monoliths →
loosely-coupled microservices, event-driven tasks
● Event-driven
○ Triggered via HTTP or background events
■ Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, Firebase, etc.
○ Auto-scaling & highly-available; pay per use
● Flexible development environment
○ Cmd-line or developer console (in-browser)
○ Develop/test locally with Functions Framework
● Cloud Functions for Firebase
○ Mobile app use-cases
def hello_world(request):
return 'Hello World!'
$ gcloud functions deploy hello --runtime python39 --trigger-http
Access globally (curl):
$ curl
Access globally (browser):
Hello World (Python "MVP")
Google Cloud Run
Container-hosting in the cloud ("Serverless 2.0")
The rise of containers... ● Any language
● Any library
● Any binary
● Ecosystem of base images
● Industry standard
“We can’t be locked in.”
“How can we use
existing binaries?”
“Why do I have to choose between
containers and serverless?”
“Can you support language _______ ?”
Serverless inaccessible for some...
Cloud Run: code, build, deploy .js .rb .go
.py ...
● Any language, library, binary
○ HTTP port, stateless
● Bundle into container
○ Build with Docker OR Cloud Build
○ Image ⇒ Container/Artifact Registry
● Deploy to Cloud Run (managed or GKE)
● GitOps: CD push-to-deploy from Git
○ See documentation & announcement
○ CI/CD with GitHub Actions tutorial
● Cloud Buildpacks: Docker, Dockerfiles,
and knowledge of containers optional
Hello World (Python "MVP")
import os
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello_world():
return 'Hello World!'
if __name__ == '__main__':, host='', port=int(os.environ.get('PORT', 8080)))
Hello World (Python "MVP")
FROM python:3-slim
COPY . .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
CMD ["python", ""]
Build (think docker build and docker push) then deploy (think docker run):
$ gcloud builds submit --tag
$ gcloud run deploy SVC_NAME --image
OR… Build and Deploy (1-line combination of above commands):
$ gcloud run deploy SVC_NAME --source .
Access globally:
Docker &
● Build containers easily & securely without creating/managing Dockerfiles
● Open source, open standard; based on CNCF Buildpacks spec v3
● Used by GCF Functions Framework to deploy locally-developed functions
● Supports most common development tools
○ Go 1.10+
○ Node.js 10+
○ Python 3.7+
○ Java 8 & 11
○ .NET Core 3.1+
● Blog posts
○ See and
Deploy to Cloud Run with Buildpacks
$ ls
index.js package.json
$ gcloud run deploy myapp --source .
$ ls requirements.txt
$ gcloud run deploy myapp --source .
Node.js, Go,
Python, etc.?
It's the same
Flexibility in options
● "Nebulous" sample web app
○ Flask/Python 2 or 3
○ Express/Node.js 10+
○ Uses Cloud Translation API
● Deployable to on-prem server
● Also GCP serverless compute
○ App Engine
○ Cloud Functions
○ Cloud Run
● With only config changes
● No changes to app code
My "Google Translate" MVP
Google Apps Script
Customized serverless JS runtime for automation, and extension
and integration with Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) and
other Google & external services
“Hello World!” in Apps Script
Sheets-bound “Hello World!”
Apps Script intro
What can you do with this?
Accessing maps from
This… with help from Google Maps & Gmail
function sendMap() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var address = sheet.getRange("A2").getValue();
var map = Maps.newStaticMap().addMarker(address);
GmailApp.sendEmail('', 'Map',
'See below.', {attachments:[map]});
Google APIs primer
How to access & use Google APIs
General steps
1. Go to Cloud Console
2. Login to Google/Gmail account
(Workspace domain may require admin approval)
3. Create project (per application)
4. Enable APIs to use
5. Enable billing (CC, Free Trial, etc.)
6. Download client library(ies)
7. Create & download credentials
8. Write code*
9. Run code (may need to authorize)
Google APIs: how to use
*In your code
1. Import API client library
2. Create API client object
3. Use client to make API Calls
Costs & pricing
● GCP & GMP: pay-per-use (CC req'd)
● GWS: "subscription" (incl. $0USD/mo.)
● GMP: $200/mo. free usage
● GCP Free Trial: $300/1Q
● GCP "Always Free" tier
○ Some products have free tier
○ Daily or monthly quota
○ Must exceed to incur billing
● More on both programs at
Cloud/GCP console
● Hub of all developer activity
● Applications == projects
○ New project for new apps
○ Projects have a billing acct
● Manage billing accounts
○ Financial instrument required
○ Personal or corporate credit cards,
Free Trial, and education grants
● Access GCP product settings
● Manage users & security
● Manage APIs in devconsole
● View application statistics
● En-/disable Google APIs
● Obtain application credentials
Using Google APIs
API manager aka Developers Console (devconsole)
Client libraries and credentials types
● Two different client library types
○ Platform-level client libraries (lower-level)
■ Multiple product groups as a "lowest-common denominator"
■ Install:
○ Product-level client libraries (higher-level)
■ Custom client libraries made specifically for 1 product or product group
■ Found on product or product group page(s)
● Three different credentials types
○ Simple: API keys (access public data)
■ Simplest form of authorization: an API key; tied to a project
○ Authorized: OAuth client IDs (access data owned by [human] user)
■ Provides additional layer of security via OAuth2 (RFC 6749)
○ Authorized: service accounts (access data owned by an app/robot user)
■ Provides additional layer of security via OAuth2 or JWT (RFC 7519)
Blog series:
Google APIs client
libraries for many
languages; demos in
OAuth2 or
API key
HTTP-based REST APIs 1
Google APIs request-response workflow
● Application makes request
● Request received by service
● Process data, return response
● Results sent to application
(typical client-server model)
How to analyze
your data
AI/ML services via API
AI & machine learning
Puppy or muffin?
Machine learning is learning
from rules plus experience.
Inference Phase
Training Phase
model ("rules")
(new) data
Vertex AI task-specific models: ML "building block" APIs
● Gain insights from data using GCP's
pre-trained machine learning models
● Leverage the same technology as Google
Translate, Photos, and Assistant
● Requires ZERO prior knowledge of ML
● If you can call an API, you can use AI/ML!
Vision Video
(S2T & T2S)
Machine Learning: Cloud Vision & Video Intelligence
Google Cloud Vision & Video
Intelligence APIs enable developers
to extract metadata & understand the
content of images & videos, making
them searchable & discoverable.
from import vision
image_uri = 'gs://cloud-samples-data/vision/using_curl/shanghai.jpeg'
client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient()
image = vision.types.Image()
image.source.image_uri = image_uri
response = client.label_detection(image=image)
print('Labels (and confidence score):')
print('=' * 30)
for label in response.label_annotations:
print(label.description, '(%.2f%%)' % (label.score*100.))
Vision: label annotation/object detection
$ python3
Labels (and confidence score):
People (95.05%)
Street (89.12%)
Mode of transport (89.09%)
Transport (85.13%)
Vehicle (84.69%)
Snapshot (84.11%)
Urban area (80.29%)
Infrastructure (73.14%)
Road (72.74%)
Pedestrian (68.90%)
Vision: label annotation/object detection
Google Photos
The app has a
search bar?!?
Global view
● 1B ppl depend on seafood
● 85% at/over-fishing or recovering
● 20% caught illegal, undoc'd, unreg'd
● Analysts monitoring unscalable
One solution
● Machine-learning classifiers:
○ Ship type: cargo, tug, sail, fishing
○ Ship size
○ Gear: longline, purse seine, trawl
○ Movement tracking: when and
where vessels are fishing
Cloud Vision demo: Quick Draw game
Machine Learning: Cloud Natural Language
Google Cloud Natural Language API
reveals the structure and meaning
of text, performing sentiment
analysis, content classification,
entity extraction, and syntactical
structure analysis; multi-lingual
Simple sentiment & classification analysis
from import language
TEXT = '''Google, headquartered in Mountain View, unveiled the new
Android phone at the Consumer Electronics Show. Sundar Pichai said
in his keynote that users love their new Android phones.'''
NL = language.LanguageServiceClient()
document = language.types.Document(content=TEXT,
print('TEXT:', TEXT) # sentiment analysis
sent = NL.analyze_sentiment(document).document_sentiment
print('nSENTIMENT: score (%.2f), magnitude (%.2f)' % (sent.score, sent.magnitude))
print('nCATEGORIES:') # content classification
categories = NL.classify_text(document).categories
for cat in categories:
print('* %s (%.2f)' % ([1:], cat.confidence))
Simple sentiment & classification analysis
$ python
TEXT: Google, headquartered in Mountain View, unveiled the new Android
phone at the Consumer Electronics Show. Sundar Pichai said in
his keynote that users love their new Android phones.
SENTIMENT: score (0.20), magnitude (0.50)
* Internet & Telecom (0.76)
* Computers & Electronics (0.64)
* News (0.56)
Machine Learning: AutoML
AutoML: suite of cloud APIs for
developers with limited machine
learning expertise; take task-specific
pre-trained model, perform additional
training with your data to finetune
that model
(Translation, Vision, Natural Language,
Video Intelligence, Tables)
import google.generativeai as genai
from settings import API_KEY
PROMPT = 'Describe a cat in a few sentences'
MODEL = 'gemini-pro'
print('** GenAI text: %r model & prompt %rn' % (
model = genai.GenerativeModel(MODEL)
response = model.generate_content(PROMPT)
Google AI: Gemini API
Blog series:
Full Spectrum of AI & ML Offerings
App developer Data scientist,
Data scientist, Researcher
(w/infrastructure access &
DevOps/SysAdmin skills)
Vertex AI
Build custom models,
use OSS SDK on fully-
managed infrastructure
model APIs
App developer,
data scientist
Use or fine-tune
pre-built models
Use pre-built/pre-
trained models
Build custom models, use/
extend OSS SDK, self-manage
training infrastructure
model API
Auto ML
Google and Jupyter Notebooks
Users have many ways to access an indispensable data science tool
● Jupyter Notebook support on GCP
○ Vertex AI Workbench
○ Colab Enterprise
● Kaggle
● Google Research CoLaboratory (Colab)
● GCP-deprecated: Dataproc Hub, Datalab, Vertex AI managed & user-mgd
Where to store
your data
And more ways to analyze it
Storage and Big Data
Cloud Storage & Filestore Object/file-based storage
Cloud SQL, AlloyDB, Spanner FM relational databases
Cloud Datastore, BigTable FM scalable NoSQL DBs
Firebase Realtime JSON/document store
Cloud Firestore Document DB (Datastore + Firebase)
BigQuery Data warehouse & analysis
Cloud Pub/Sub Message queue service
Storing Data: Cloud Firestore
A fully-managed, highly-scalable
NoSQL database for your web and
mobile applications, combining
Cloud Datastore with features from
the Firebase realtime database
(For choosing between Firebase & Cloud Firestore: see;
for choosing between Firestore Datastore & Firestore Native modes:
Cloud Firestore: data model
collections subcollections
Cloud Firestore: straightforward queries
Storing and Analyzing Data: BigQuery
Google BigQuery: fully-managed data
warehouse for large-scale data
analytics with built-in machine
learning (BQML); issue SQL queries
across multi-terabytes of data. BQ
Sandbox lets anyone query up to
1TB/mo for free with no obligation
BigQuery: querying Shakespeare words
TITLE = "The most common words in all of Shakespeare's works"
QUERY = '''
SELECT LOWER(word) AS word, sum(word_count) AS count
FROM [bigquery-public-data:samples.shakespeare]
rsp ={'query': QUERY}, projectId=PROJ_ID).execute()
print('n*** Results for %r:n' % TITLE)
print('t'.join(col['name'].upper()  # HEADERS
for col in rsp['schema']['fields']))
print('n'.join('t'.join(str(col['v'])  # DATA
for col in row['f']) for row in rsp['rows']))
Top 10 most common Shakespeare words
$ python
*** Results for "The most common words in all of Shakespeare's works":
the 29801
and 27529
i 21029
to 20957
of 18514
a 15370
you 14010
my 12936
in 11722
that 11519
● BigQuery public data sets:
● BQ sandbox (1TB/mo free): (see blog post)
● Other public data sets: (Google Cloud), (Google Research), and Kaggle (
● COVID-19 BigQuery data sets
○ How to use our data sets (see blog post)
○ JHU Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases data set
○ List of all COVID-19 data sets
● Cloud Life Sciences API: (see blog post)
● Cloud Healthcare API: (see blog post)
BigQuery and public data sets
Google Workspace: Google Sheets
Sheets API gives you programmatic
access to spreadsheets; perform
(w/code) almost any action you can
do from the web interface as a user
Use multiple Google APIs
to create unique solutions
Custom intelligence in Gmail
Analyze Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) data with GCP
Gmail message processing with GCP
(formerly G Suite)
Inbox augmented with Cloud Function
● Gmail API: sets up notification forwarding to Cloud Pub/Sub
● Pub/Sub: triggers logic hosted by Cloud Functions
● Cloud Functions: "orchestrator" accessing GCP (and Google Workspace/G Suite) APIs
● Combine all of the above to add custom intelligence to Gmail
● Deep dive code blog post
● Application source code
App summary
Big data analysis to slide presentation
Access GCP tools from Google Workspace (formerly G Suite)
Store big data results
Visualize big data results
Ingest data from Sheets
Link to chart in Sheets
Supercharge Workspace (G Suite) with GCP
Workspace (G Suite) GCP
Apps Script
Slides Sheets
Big data
App summary
● Leverage GCP and build the "final mile" with Google Workspace (formerly G Suite)
● Driven by Google Apps Script
● Google BigQuery for data analysis
● Google Sheets for visualization
● Google Slides for presentable results
● "Glued" together w/Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) serverless
● Build this app (codelab):
● Video and blog post:
● Application source code:
● Presented at Google Cloud NEXT (Jul 2018 [DEV229] & Apr 2019 [DEV212])
Summary & resources
Summary: Google developer tools & APIs
● Google provides more than just apps
○ More than search, YouTube, Android, Chrome, Gmail, and Docs
○ Google technology & integration available to developers via APIs
● Tour of Google (Cloud) APIs & developer tools
○ GWS: not just a set of productivity apps… you can code them too!
○ GCP: compute, storage, networking, security, data & machine learning tools
■ Serverless: frees developers from infrastructure
■ So you can focus on building solutions
● Interesting possibilities when using >1 Google product families/APIs
● With Google: run your apps, analyze & store your data
Other Google APIs & platforms
● Google Workspace (G Suite) (code Gmail, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides!)
● Firebase (mobile development platform and RT DB plus ML-Kit)
○ and
● Google Data Studio (data visualization, dashboards, etc.)
● Actions on Google/Assistant/DialogFlow (voice apps)
● YouTube (Data, Analytics, and Livestreaming APIs)
● Google Maps (Maps, Routes, and Places APIs)
● Flutter (native apps [Android, iOS, web] w/1 code base[!])
● Documentation (most APIs have "Quickstarts")
○ GCP:{docs,appengine,functions,run,vision,automl,translate,language,
○ GWS:{gsuite,drive,calendar,gmail,docs,sheets,slides,apps-script}
● Introductory "codelabs" ([free] self-paced, hands-on tutorials)
○ GWS APIs: (featuring Drive API)
○ Apps Script:
○ App Engine:
○ Cloud Functions:
○ Cloud Run:
○ Others: (all Google codelabs) and (GCP-only)
● Videos: (GCP) and (GWS)
● Code samples: (GCP) and (GWS)
● Cloud Free Trial (new users) and Always Free (daily/monthly tier) programs:
● Know AWS/Azure? Compare with GCP products at
● Language support:{python,java,nodejs,go,php,ruby,dotnet}
Resources (industry)
● Google Cloud (GCP)
○ Code samples for students:
○ Videos:
○ Codelabs (free, self-paced, hands-on tutorials):
○ Cloud Skills Boost/QwikLabs (free only for students):
● GCP docs/quickstarts -{docs,appengine,functions,run,vision,automl,translate,
language, speech,texttospeech,video-intelligence,firestore,bigquery,compute,storage,gpu,tpu}
● Like GCP? Wanna use it in class or your research lab? Send your profs to to
apply for GCP teaching/research or Cloud Skills Boost/Qwiklabs/training credits!
● Know AWS/Azure? Compare w/GCP at
● GCP Free Trial (ignore) and Always Free (tier) -
● Mobile apps: Firebase - and Flutter -
● Workspace -{workspace,drive,docs,sheets,slides} and
● Other Google (non-GCP) codelabs:
● Developer Student Clubs - - Global Google student developer groups
● Internships & other career stuff -
Resources (students)
Prepare for careers in a cloud-first
world. Ask your faculty to apply now.
Career Readiness
track: certification
Get free access to Architecting
with Google Compute Engine
specialization on-demand on
(100% discount)
Self-paced labs
Get free access to relevant
Google Cloud quests & other
Cloud Skills Boost self-paced
labs powered by Qwiklabs.
(100% discount: 10+ labs)
Google Cloud Certified
Prepare to take the exam and
earn your Cloud certification.
(100% discount for faculty, 50% discount for
students per adherence to timelines and
other criteria)
Careers at Google (and other tech)
Software Engineer (SWE): not the only technical role @Google
● Application Engineer
● Business Analyst
● Developer Advocate (DA)
● Developer Programs Engineer (DPE)
● Hardware Engineer
● Mechanical Engineer
● Network Engineer
● Product Manager (PM)
● Program Manager (PgM or TPM)
● Quantitative Analyst (Quant)
● Release Engineer
● Research Scientist
● Security Engineer
● Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)
● Software Engineer in Test (SET)
● System Administrator
● Technical Writer (TW)
● UX Content Strategist
● UX Designer
● UX Engineer
● Student careers:
● Technical development guide:
● Sample technical interview
Bring me to your organization
... it is my job to help you!
● Engineering consulting
● Software development
● Technical seminars/tech talks
● Hands-on workshops
● Technical training courses
● Migration strategy & planning
you're looking
at them now
(long multi-topic video)
Nebulous serverless
Big data ⇒ slides
Progress bars
Thank you! Questions?
Wesley Chun
Principal Consultant, CyberWeb
Python, GCP & GWS specialist
CONTACT: @wescpy@

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Powerful Google developer tools for immediate impact! (2023-24 C)

  • 1. Sudbury :: Spr 2024 Wesley Chun Principal, CyberWeb @wescpy@ Powerful Google developer tools for immediate impact! Where to run your code, store your data, and analyze your data Principal Consultant, CyberWeb ● Mission: produce accelerated Python developers, enable developers to be successful using Google Cloud and other Google developer tools & APIs ● Focus: Python, Google Cloud (GCP) & Google Workspace (GWS) APIs; GAE migrations; Google X-product sol'ns ● Services: technical consulting, training, engineering, speaking, code samples, hands-on tutorials, public technical content (blogs, social, etc.) About the speaker Previous experience / background ● Software Engineer & Developer Advocate ○ Google, Sun, HP, Cisco, EMC, Xilinx & ○ Original Yahoo!Mail engineer/SWE ● Technical trainer, teacher, instructor ○ Teaching Math, Linux, Python since '83 ○ Adjunct CS Faculty at local SV colleges ● Python community member ○ Popular Core Python series author ○ Python Software Foundation Fellow ● AB (Math/CS) & CMP (Music/Piano), UC Berkeley and MSCS, UC Santa Barbara ● Adjunct Computer Science Faculty, Foothill College (Silicon Valley) GWS Dev Show GAE migration
  • 2. Impactful developer tools: why & agenda ● People know Google for search, YouTube, Chrome, Android, Gmail ● Google also has an extensive set of developer tools, APIs & platforms ● Many of these developer services part of Google Cloud ● Cloud computing has taken industry by storm & its skills are in-demand ● Look at most impactful tools for work/school projects you can use today! Cloud computing & Google Cloud 1 Where to run your code 2 Google APIs primer 3 Where to analyze your data 4 5 Where to store your data 7 Wrap-up 6 Inspiration 01 Cloud computing & Google Cloud Intro and overview
  • 3. Getting things done using someone else’s computers, especially where someone else worries about maintenance, provisioning, system administration, security, networking, failure recovery, upgrades, etc. Google Compute Engine, Cloud Storage AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent Cloud service levels/"pillars" SaaS Software as a Service PaaS Platform as a Service IaaS Infrastructure as a Service Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL, Vertex AI, Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker Google Apps Script Salesforce Platform (formerly Google Workspace (was G Suite/Google Apps) Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite, Office 365 Google App Engine, Cloud Functions Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda
  • 4. Summary of responsibility SaaS Software as a Service Applications Data Runtime Middleware OS Virtualization Servers Storage Networking Applications Data Runtime Middleware OS Virtualization Servers Storage Networking IaaS Infrastructure as a Service Applications Data Runtime Middleware OS Virtualization Servers Storage Networking PaaS Platform as a Service Managed by YOU Managed by cloud vendor Applications Data Runtime Middleware OS Virtualization Servers Storage Networking on-prem all you, no cloud Theme - Spec/Reqs Logistics - Design app Space - Provision HW Food - Build & serve app Manage - Manage app on-prem (DIY) IaaS (Compute Engine) PaaS (App Engine) SaaS (Google Workspace (formerly G Suite)) Pick theme Plan party Find space Cook On-call Pick theme Plan party Rent hall Cook On-call Pick theme Plan party Rent hall Hire Caterer Hire manager Pick theme Hire planner Rent hall Hire caterer Hire manager Imagine you’re hosting a party...
  • 5. formerly ( ) 02 Where to run your code Serverless simplifies it all!
  • 6. > Google Compute Engine configurable VMs of all shapes & sizes, from "micro" to 416 vCPUs, 11.776 TB RAM, 256 TB HDD/SSD plus Google Cloud Storage for data lake "blobs" (Debian, CentOS, CoreOS, SUSE, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Ubuntu, FreeBSD; Windows Server 2008 R2, 2012 R2, 2016, 1803, 1809, 1903/2019, 1909) Yeah, there are VMs & big disk… but why*? Serverless: what & why ● What is serverless? ○ Misnomer (a "PMM") :-) ○ "No worries" ○ Developers focus on writing code & solving business problems* ○ Servers (physical & virtual) completely abstracted away from the user* ● Why serverless? ○ Fastest growing segment of cloud... per analyst research: ■ $1.9B (2016) & $4.25B (2018) ⇒ $7.7B (2021), $14.93B (2023), and $21.1B (2025)^ ■ $4.18B (2018) & $6.05B (2020) ⇒ $31.53B (2026), $53.08B (2028), and $86.94B (2030)† ○ What if you go viral? Autoscaling: your new best friend ○ What if you don't? Code not running? You're not paying. * Forbes (May 2018) ^ (in USD) CB Insights (Sep 2018), MarketsandMarkets™ (Jan 2019) † (in USD) Reports and Data (Jan 2020, Oct 2021, and Jun 2022)
  • 7. Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent SaaS Software as a Service PaaS Platform as a Service IaaS Infrastructure as a Service Google Workspace (was G Suite/Google Apps) Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite, Office 365 Google App Engine, Cloud Functions Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL, Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker Serverless: PaaS-y compute/processing Google Apps Script Salesforce Platform (formerly Google App Engine App-hosting in the cloud ("Serverless 1.0")
  • 8. Why does App Engine exist? ● Focus on code not DevOps ○ Web app or mobile backend ● Enhance productivity ● Deploy globally ● Fully-managed ● Auto-scaling ● Pay-per-use ● Familiar languages ● Test w/local dev server ● "Bundled" services like DB, caching, tasks, storage, etc. Hello World (Python "MVP") app.yaml runtime: python39 from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def hello(): return 'Hello World!' requirements.txt flask Deploy: $ gcloud app deploy Access globally:
  • 9. Google Cloud Functions Function-hosting in the cloud ("Serverless 2.0") Why does Cloud Functions exist? ● Don't have entire app? ○ No framework "overhead" (LAMP, MEAN...) ○ Deploy short utilities (alerts, ETL...), monoliths → loosely-coupled microservices, event-driven tasks ● Event-driven ○ Triggered via HTTP or background events ■ Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, Firebase, etc. ○ Auto-scaling & highly-available; pay per use ● Flexible development environment ○ Cmd-line or developer console (in-browser) ○ Develop/test locally with Functions Framework ● Cloud Functions for Firebase ○ Mobile app use-cases
  • 10. def hello_world(request): return 'Hello World!' Deploy: $ gcloud functions deploy hello --runtime python39 --trigger-http Access globally (curl): $ curl Access globally (browser): Hello World (Python "MVP") Google Cloud Run Container-hosting in the cloud ("Serverless 2.0")
  • 11. The rise of containers... ● Any language ● Any library ● Any binary ● Ecosystem of base images ● Industry standard FLEXIBILITY “We can’t be locked in.” “How can we use existing binaries?” “Why do I have to choose between containers and serverless?” “Can you support language _______ ?” Serverless inaccessible for some... CONVENIENCE
  • 12. Cloud Run: code, build, deploy .js .rb .go .sh .py ... ● Any language, library, binary ○ HTTP port, stateless ● Bundle into container ○ Build with Docker OR Cloud Build ○ Image ⇒ Container/Artifact Registry ● Deploy to Cloud Run (managed or GKE) ● GitOps: CD push-to-deploy from Git ○ See documentation & announcement ○ CI/CD with GitHub Actions tutorial ● Cloud Buildpacks: Docker, Dockerfiles, and knowledge of containers optional State HTTP Hello World (Python "MVP") import os from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def hello_world(): return 'Hello World!' if __name__ == '__main__':, host='', port=int(os.environ.get('PORT', 8080))) requirements.txt flask
  • 13. Hello World (Python "MVP") Dockerfile FROM python:3-slim WORKDIR /app COPY . . RUN pip install -r requirements.txt CMD ["python", ""] .dockerignore Dockerfile *.pyc *.pyo .git/ __pycache__ Build (think docker build and docker push) then deploy (think docker run): $ gcloud builds submit --tag $ gcloud run deploy SVC_NAME --image OR… Build and Deploy (1-line combination of above commands): $ gcloud run deploy SVC_NAME --source . Access globally: Docker & Dockerfile OPTIONAL!! ● Build containers easily & securely without creating/managing Dockerfiles ● Open source, open standard; based on CNCF Buildpacks spec v3 ● Used by GCF Functions Framework to deploy locally-developed functions ● Supports most common development tools ○ Go 1.10+ ○ Node.js 10+ ○ Python 3.7+ ○ Java 8 & 11 ○ .NET Core 3.1+ ● Blog posts ○ See and Deploy to Cloud Run with Buildpacks $ ls index.js package.json $ gcloud run deploy myapp --source . $ ls requirements.txt $ gcloud run deploy myapp --source . Node.js, Go, Python, etc.? It's the same command!
  • 14. Flexibility in options Cloud Functions App Engine Cloud Run local server ● "Nebulous" sample web app ○ Flask/Python 2 or 3 ○ Express/Node.js 10+ ○ Uses Cloud Translation API ● Deployable to on-prem server ● Also GCP serverless compute ○ App Engine ○ Cloud Functions ○ Cloud Run ● With only config changes ● No changes to app code Cloud Translation My "Google Translate" MVP Google Apps Script Customized serverless JS runtime for automation, and extension and integration with Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) and other Google & external services
  • 15. “Hello World!” in Apps Script Sheets-bound “Hello World!” Apps Script intro
  • 16. What can you do with this? Accessing maps from spreadsheets?!? This… with help from Google Maps & Gmail function sendMap() { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); var address = sheet.getRange("A2").getValue(); var map = Maps.newStaticMap().addMarker(address); GmailApp.sendEmail('', 'Map', 'See below.', {attachments:[map]}); } JS
  • 17. 03 Google APIs primer How to access & use Google APIs
  • 18.
  • 19. General steps 1. Go to Cloud Console 2. Login to Google/Gmail account (Workspace domain may require admin approval) 3. Create project (per application) 4. Enable APIs to use 5. Enable billing (CC, Free Trial, etc.) 6. Download client library(ies) 7. Create & download credentials 8. Write code* 9. Run code (may need to authorize) Google APIs: how to use *In your code 1. Import API client library 2. Create API client object 3. Use client to make API Calls Costs & pricing ● GCP & GMP: pay-per-use (CC req'd) ● GWS: "subscription" (incl. $0USD/mo.) ● GMP: $200/mo. free usage ● GCP Free Trial: $300/1Q ● GCP "Always Free" tier ○ Some products have free tier ○ Daily or monthly quota ○ Must exceed to incur billing ● More on both programs at
  • 20. Cloud/GCP console ● Hub of all developer activity ● Applications == projects ○ New project for new apps ○ Projects have a billing acct ● Manage billing accounts ○ Financial instrument required ○ Personal or corporate credit cards, Free Trial, and education grants ● Access GCP product settings ● Manage users & security ● Manage APIs in devconsole ● View application statistics ● En-/disable Google APIs ● Obtain application credentials Using Google APIs API manager aka Developers Console (devconsole)
  • 21. Client libraries and credentials types ● Two different client library types ○ Platform-level client libraries (lower-level) ■ Multiple product groups as a "lowest-common denominator" ■ Install: ○ Product-level client libraries (higher-level) ■ Custom client libraries made specifically for 1 product or product group ■ Found on product or product group page(s) ● Three different credentials types ○ Simple: API keys (access public data) ■ Simplest form of authorization: an API key; tied to a project ○ Authorized: OAuth client IDs (access data owned by [human] user) ■ Provides additional layer of security via OAuth2 (RFC 6749) ○ Authorized: service accounts (access data owned by an app/robot user) ■ Provides additional layer of security via OAuth2 or JWT (RFC 7519) Blog series: & Google APIs client libraries for many languages; demos in client-library /cloud-client-libraries
  • 22. OAuth2 or API key HTTP-based REST APIs 1 HTTP 2 Google APIs request-response workflow ● Application makes request ● Request received by service ● Process data, return response ● Results sent to application (typical client-server model) 04 How to analyze your data AI/ML services via API
  • 23. AI & machine learning Puppy or muffin? Source: puppy-or-bagel-meme-gallery
  • 24. Machine learning is learning from rules plus experience. Inference Phase Training Phase answers data model ("rules") Machine Learning Model predictions (new) data
  • 25. Vertex AI task-specific models: ML "building block" APIs ● Gain insights from data using GCP's pre-trained machine learning models ● Leverage the same technology as Google Translate, Photos, and Assistant ● Requires ZERO prior knowledge of ML ● If you can call an API, you can use AI/ML! ● Vision Video Intelligence Speech (S2T & T2S) Natural Language Translation Machine Learning: Cloud Vision & Video Intelligence Google Cloud Vision & Video Intelligence APIs enable developers to extract metadata & understand the content of images & videos, making them searchable & discoverable.
  • 26. from import vision image_uri = 'gs://cloud-samples-data/vision/using_curl/shanghai.jpeg' client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient() image = vision.types.Image() image.source.image_uri = image_uri response = client.label_detection(image=image) print('Labels (and confidence score):') print('=' * 30) for label in response.label_annotations: print(label.description, '(%.2f%%)' % (label.score*100.)) Vision: label annotation/object detection $ python3 Labels (and confidence score): ============================== People (95.05%) Street (89.12%) Mode of transport (89.09%) Transport (85.13%) Vehicle (84.69%) Snapshot (84.11%) Urban area (80.29%) Infrastructure (73.14%) Road (72.74%) Pedestrian (68.90%) Vision: label annotation/object detection
  • 27. Google Photos The app has a search bar?!? Global view Problem ● 1B ppl depend on seafood ● 85% at/over-fishing or recovering ● 20% caught illegal, undoc'd, unreg'd ● Analysts monitoring unscalable One solution ● ● Machine-learning classifiers: ○ Ship type: cargo, tug, sail, fishing ○ Ship size ○ Gear: longline, purse seine, trawl ○ Movement tracking: when and where vessels are fishing
  • 28. Cloud Vision demo: Quick Draw game Machine Learning: Cloud Natural Language Google Cloud Natural Language API reveals the structure and meaning of text, performing sentiment analysis, content classification, entity extraction, and syntactical structure analysis; multi-lingual
  • 29. Simple sentiment & classification analysis from import language TEXT = '''Google, headquartered in Mountain View, unveiled the new Android phone at the Consumer Electronics Show. Sundar Pichai said in his keynote that users love their new Android phones.''' NL = language.LanguageServiceClient() document = language.types.Document(content=TEXT, type=language.enums.Document.Type.PLAIN_TEXT) print('TEXT:', TEXT) # sentiment analysis sent = NL.analyze_sentiment(document).document_sentiment print('nSENTIMENT: score (%.2f), magnitude (%.2f)' % (sent.score, sent.magnitude)) print('nCATEGORIES:') # content classification categories = NL.classify_text(document).categories for cat in categories: print('* %s (%.2f)' % ([1:], cat.confidence)) Simple sentiment & classification analysis $ python TEXT: Google, headquartered in Mountain View, unveiled the new Android phone at the Consumer Electronics Show. Sundar Pichai said in his keynote that users love their new Android phones. SENTIMENT: score (0.20), magnitude (0.50) CATEGORIES: * Internet & Telecom (0.76) * Computers & Electronics (0.64) * News (0.56)
  • 30. Machine Learning: AutoML AutoML: suite of cloud APIs for developers with limited machine learning expertise; take task-specific pre-trained model, perform additional training with your data to finetune that model (Translation, Vision, Natural Language, Video Intelligence, Tables) import google.generativeai as genai from settings import API_KEY PROMPT = 'Describe a cat in a few sentences' MODEL = 'gemini-pro' print('** GenAI text: %r model & prompt %rn' % ( MODEL, PROMPT)) genai.configure(api_key=API_KEY) model = genai.GenerativeModel(MODEL) response = model.generate_content(PROMPT) print(response.text) Google AI: Gemini API Blog series:
  • 31. Full Spectrum of AI & ML Offerings App developer Data scientist, developer Data scientist, Researcher (w/infrastructure access & DevOps/SysAdmin skills) Vertex AI platform Build custom models, use OSS SDK on fully- managed infrastructure Single-task model APIs App developer, data scientist Use or fine-tune pre-built models Use pre-built/pre- trained models Build custom models, use/ extend OSS SDK, self-manage training infrastructure LMM/large multimodal model API Auto ML Google and Jupyter Notebooks Users have many ways to access an indispensable data science tool ● Jupyter Notebook support on GCP ○ ○ Vertex AI Workbench ■ ○ Colab Enterprise ■ ● Kaggle ○ ● Google Research CoLaboratory (Colab) ○ ● GCP-deprecated: Dataproc Hub, Datalab, Vertex AI managed & user-mgd
  • 32. 05 Where to store your data And more ways to analyze it Storage and Big Data Cloud Storage & Filestore Object/file-based storage Cloud SQL, AlloyDB, Spanner FM relational databases Cloud Datastore, BigTable FM scalable NoSQL DBs Firebase Realtime JSON/document store Cloud Firestore Document DB (Datastore + Firebase) BigQuery Data warehouse & analysis Cloud Pub/Sub Message queue service
  • 33. Storing Data: Cloud Firestore A fully-managed, highly-scalable NoSQL database for your web and mobile applications, combining Cloud Datastore with features from the Firebase realtime database (For choosing between Firebase & Cloud Firestore: see; for choosing between Firestore Datastore & Firestore Native modes: see Cloud Firestore: data model collections subcollections
  • 34. Cloud Firestore: straightforward queries Storing and Analyzing Data: BigQuery Google BigQuery: fully-managed data warehouse for large-scale data analytics with built-in machine learning (BQML); issue SQL queries across multi-terabytes of data. BQ Sandbox lets anyone query up to 1TB/mo for free with no obligation
  • 35. BigQuery: querying Shakespeare words TITLE = "The most common words in all of Shakespeare's works" QUERY = ''' SELECT LOWER(word) AS word, sum(word_count) AS count FROM [bigquery-public-data:samples.shakespeare] GROUP BY word ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10 ''' rsp ={'query': QUERY}, projectId=PROJ_ID).execute() print('n*** Results for %r:n' % TITLE) print('t'.join(col['name'].upper() # HEADERS for col in rsp['schema']['fields'])) print('n'.join('t'.join(str(col['v']) # DATA for col in row['f']) for row in rsp['rows'])) Top 10 most common Shakespeare words $ python *** Results for "The most common words in all of Shakespeare's works": WORD COUNT the 29801 and 27529 i 21029 to 20957 of 18514 a 15370 you 14010 my 12936 in 11722 that 11519
  • 36. ● BigQuery public data sets: ● BQ sandbox (1TB/mo free): (see blog post) ● Other public data sets: (Google Cloud), (Google Research), and Kaggle ( ● COVID-19 BigQuery data sets ○ How to use our data sets (see blog post) ○ JHU Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases data set ○ List of all COVID-19 data sets ● Cloud Life Sciences API: (see blog post) ● Cloud Healthcare API: (see blog post) BigQuery and public data sets Google Workspace: Google Sheets Sheets API gives you programmatic access to spreadsheets; perform (w/code) almost any action you can do from the web interface as a user
  • 37. 06 Inspiration Use multiple Google APIs to create unique solutions Custom intelligence in Gmail Analyze Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) data with GCP
  • 38. Gmail message processing with GCP Gmail Cloud Pub/Sub Cloud Functions Cloud Vision Workspace (formerly G Suite) GCP Star message Message notification Trigger function Extract images Categorize images
  • 39. Inbox augmented with Cloud Function ● Gmail API: sets up notification forwarding to Cloud Pub/Sub ● ● Pub/Sub: triggers logic hosted by Cloud Functions ● ● Cloud Functions: "orchestrator" accessing GCP (and Google Workspace/G Suite) APIs ● Combine all of the above to add custom intelligence to Gmail ● Deep dive code blog post ● adding-custom-intelligence-to-gmail-with-serverless-on-gcp ● Application source code ● App summary
  • 40. Big data analysis to slide presentation Access GCP tools from Google Workspace (formerly G Suite)
  • 41. Store big data results Visualize big data results
  • 42. Ingest data from Sheets Link to chart in Sheets
  • 43. Supercharge Workspace (G Suite) with GCP Workspace (G Suite) GCP BigQuery Apps Script Slides Sheets Application request Big data analytics
  • 44. App summary ● Leverage GCP and build the "final mile" with Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) ● Driven by Google Apps Script ● Google BigQuery for data analysis ● Google Sheets for visualization ● Google Slides for presentable results ● "Glued" together w/Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) serverless ● Build this app (codelab): ● Video and blog post: ● Application source code: ● Presented at Google Cloud NEXT (Jul 2018 [DEV229] & Apr 2019 [DEV212]) ● ● 07 Wrap-up Summary & resources
  • 45. Summary: Google developer tools & APIs ● Google provides more than just apps ○ More than search, YouTube, Android, Chrome, Gmail, and Docs ○ Google technology & integration available to developers via APIs ● Tour of Google (Cloud) APIs & developer tools ○ GWS: not just a set of productivity apps… you can code them too! ○ GCP: compute, storage, networking, security, data & machine learning tools ■ Serverless: frees developers from infrastructure ■ So you can focus on building solutions ● Interesting possibilities when using >1 Google product families/APIs ● With Google: run your apps, analyze & store your data Other Google APIs & platforms ● Google Workspace (G Suite) (code Gmail, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides!) ○ ● Firebase (mobile development platform and RT DB plus ML-Kit) ○ and ● Google Data Studio (data visualization, dashboards, etc.) ○ ○ ● Actions on Google/Assistant/DialogFlow (voice apps) ○ ● YouTube (Data, Analytics, and Livestreaming APIs) ○ ● Google Maps (Maps, Routes, and Places APIs) ○ ● Flutter (native apps [Android, iOS, web] w/1 code base[!]) ○
  • 46. ● Documentation (most APIs have "Quickstarts") ○ GCP:{docs,appengine,functions,run,vision,automl,translate,language, speech,texttospeech,video-intelligence,firestore,bigquery,compute,storage,gpu,tpu} ○ GWS:{gsuite,drive,calendar,gmail,docs,sheets,slides,apps-script} ● Introductory "codelabs" ([free] self-paced, hands-on tutorials) ○ GWS APIs: (featuring Drive API) ○ Apps Script: ○ App Engine: ○ Cloud Functions: ○ Cloud Run: ○ Others: (all Google codelabs) and (GCP-only) ● Videos: (GCP) and (GWS) ● Code samples: (GCP) and (GWS) ● Cloud Free Trial (new users) and Always Free (daily/monthly tier) programs: ● Know AWS/Azure? Compare with GCP products at ● Language support:{python,java,nodejs,go,php,ruby,dotnet} Resources (industry) ● Google Cloud (GCP) ○ Code samples for students: ○ Videos: ○ Codelabs (free, self-paced, hands-on tutorials): ○ Cloud Skills Boost/QwikLabs (free only for students): ● GCP docs/quickstarts -{docs,appengine,functions,run,vision,automl,translate, language, speech,texttospeech,video-intelligence,firestore,bigquery,compute,storage,gpu,tpu} ● Like GCP? Wanna use it in class or your research lab? Send your profs to to apply for GCP teaching/research or Cloud Skills Boost/Qwiklabs/training credits! ● Know AWS/Azure? Compare w/GCP at ● GCP Free Trial (ignore) and Always Free (tier) - ● Mobile apps: Firebase - and Flutter - ● Workspace -{workspace,drive,docs,sheets,slides} and ● Other Google (non-GCP) codelabs: ● Developer Student Clubs - - Global Google student developer groups ● Internships & other career stuff - Resources (students)
  • 47. Prepare for careers in a cloud-first world. Ask your faculty to apply now. Career Readiness track: certification On-demand Get free access to Architecting with Google Compute Engine specialization on-demand on Coursera. (100% discount) Self-paced labs Get free access to relevant Google Cloud quests & other Cloud Skills Boost self-paced labs powered by Qwiklabs. (100% discount: 10+ labs) Google Cloud Certified Prepare to take the exam and earn your Cloud certification. (100% discount for faculty, 50% discount for students per adherence to timelines and other criteria) Careers at Google (and other tech) Software Engineer (SWE): not the only technical role @Google ● Application Engineer ● Business Analyst ● Developer Advocate (DA) ● Developer Programs Engineer (DPE) ● Hardware Engineer ● Mechanical Engineer ● Network Engineer ● Product Manager (PM) ● Program Manager (PgM or TPM) ● Quantitative Analyst (Quant) ● Release Engineer ● Research Scientist ● Security Engineer ● Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) ● Software Engineer in Test (SET) ● System Administrator ● Technical Writer (TW) ● UX Content Strategist ● UX Designer ● UX Engineer ● Student careers: ● Technical development guide: ● Sample technical interview
  • 48. Bring me to your organization ... it is my job to help you! ● Engineering consulting ● Software development ● Technical seminars/tech talks ● Hands-on workshops ● Technical training courses ● Migration strategy & planning ● ● Slides you're looking at them now Work Books Blog GWS+ML+Svrls (long multi-topic video) Nebulous serverless Big data ⇒ slides Progress bars Thank you! Questions? Wesley Chun Principal Consultant, CyberWeb Python, GCP & GWS specialist CONTACT: @wescpy@