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Compare And Contrast Essay Introduction
Crafting an essay, particularly a compare and contrast essay introduction example, can be a
challenging endeavor. The difficulty lies not only in the need for a deep understanding of the
chosen subjects but also in the art of articulating comparisons and contrasts effectively. The
introduction serves as the gateway to the entire essay, requiring a delicate balance between
providing enough context and sparking interest without giving away the entire argument.
Finding the right tone and structure is essential, as it sets the stage for the reader's expectations.
The writer must carefully navigate through the complexities of the topics, ensuring that each
point of comparison and contrast is clear, relevant, and contributes to the overall coherence of
the essay. It demands a keen analytical mind to identify meaningful connections and disparities
between the subjects, and the ability to present these insights in a compelling manner.
Moreover, the challenge extends beyond the intellectual aspect. Time management is crucial, as
essay writing requires dedicated research, thoughtful planning, and meticulous revision. Striking
the right balance between conciseness and thoroughness can be demanding, and the pressure to
meet deadlines adds an additional layer of complexity.
In essence, crafting a compare and contrast essay introduction is a multifaceted task that
demands both intellectual rigor and effective communication skills. It requires a writer to delve
deep into the subjects, critically assess their nuances, and present a coherent and engaging
introduction that lays the foundation for the entire essay.
For those facing challenges in this endeavor, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar
essays, as well as a wide range of academic writing services, can be accessed on platforms like, providing valuable support to individuals navigating the intricacies of essay
Compare And Contrast Essay Introduction Example Compare And Contrast Essay Introduction
How To Reduce Drinking And Driving Essay
The drinking and driving epidemic has been an on going issue that puts millions of
people in constant risk daily. This issue is only getting worse. National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration s Mark Rosekind recently quotes We re seeing these
increases that we have not seen in 50 years. It s tragic. This proves that statement
true. With that being said, something needs to be done about this growing problem.
The department of public safety should require alcohol detecting device for all
vehicles with the support of the driver s insurancecompany because the laws and
remedy s in place now are very ineffective to the public health.
Laws and remedy s suggested for drinking and driving are not in the best interest of
the people but rather ... Show more content on ...
Here s a Simple Way to Reduce Drunk DrivingDeaths. Science of Us, 5 Jan. 2017.
General OneFile,
/ sw=w u=txshracd2891 v=2.1 id=GALE%7CA476594093 it=r
asid=578d4783e07ce2dfd577e81b85a04876. Accessed 18 Apr. 2017.
Cleave, Kris Van. 2016 may go down as one of the worst years for drunk driving
deaths. CBS News. CBS Interactive, 26 Dec. 2016. Web. 20 Apr. 2017. .
Esser, Marissa B.1, et al. Evaluation of the Evidence Base for the Alcohol Industry s
Actions to Reduce Drink Driving Globally. American Journal of Public Health, vol.
106, no. 4, Apr. 2016, pp. 707 713. EBSCOhost, doi:10.2105/AJPH.2015.303026.
Nationwide waging drunk driving battle. National Underwriter Property Casualty
Risk Benefits Management, 24 Sept. 1990, p. 42+. General
/ sw=w u=txshracd2891 v=2.1 id=GALE%7CA8995420 it=r
asid=b4a9ea19a833ca853f25b806c1164a58. Accessed 18 Apr. 2017.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Results from the 2013
National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Summary of National Findings. Rockville,
MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2014.
Themes In James Baldwin s The Fire Next Time
I don t even call it violence when it s self defense; I call it intelligence. Malcolm X
It is their fault, after all. White people Is it not time that the subjugated, oppressed,
black community rise up and seize what they rightfully deserve? What really is the
cost of setting the score? James Baldwin, political activist and author, would say that
the cost, indeed, is everything. Society is sick. Black communities are hurting, and
white peopleneglect to see it. Baldwin s book The Fire Next Time chronicles
Baldwin s thoughts concerning the racial conundrum present in the U.S. He
believes that in order for true equity to be established, love will have to win out.
The text consists of two essays. The first is a letter to Baldwin s nephew and acts
as a sort of prelude to the rest of the text. What will be concentrated on here is
Baldwin s second essay, Down at the Cross: Letter from a Region in my Mind. The
text is broken down into three sections each having a focus on one of three main
ideas: The Church and it s inadequacy in addressing racial oppression, the Islamic
alternative, and finally Baldwin s call to action. As is apparent by Baldwin s
narrative, growing up in Harlem was no easy matter. the essay introduces us to
Baldwin in his early teen s, just on the threshold of when his world was finally
shattered. He was finally starting to notice the effects of racial oppression. He could
see it in the changing behavior of his friends, in the poverty, in the
The Hunt For Red October Summary
The Hunt for Red October The book I chose to write about is The Hunt for Red
October, written by Tom Clancy.
The book is about the hunt for a new Soviet nuclear submarine called Red October.
The settings of the story are Russia, America, and the Atlantic Ocean. The time is the
early 1980 s. The main characters are Jack Ryan, an intelligent American CIA agent
who lives in London, and
Marko Aleksandrovich Ramius, a Soviet submarine captain. Other characters in the
book are
Seaman Jones, a navy man, and Skip Tyler, a crippled submarine engineer. The story
begins in Russia with the nuclear stealth submarine Red October, armed with nuclear
missiles, is launched into the ocean. Inside, Captain Ramius thinks about his wife
who was killed because of the lack of efficiency of ... Show more content on ...
To make sure no one interferes with his decision to defect, Ramius kills the political
officer onboard. The Soviet Union found out that Ramius is going to defect, so they
sent anything they had to destroy the Red October, but they had trouble tracking it
because it was nearly undetectable by Soviet technology. At the same time, Jack Ryan
was sent from London to the U.S. to deliver pictures of a new Soviet submarine. After
showing the pictures to the Deputy
Director of intelligence, Ryan goes to his friend Skip Tyler to try to figure out
what type of submarine it is. Tyler noticed it is a new type of Soviet sub with a
stealth drive. A few days later, the U.S.S. Dallas was near the coast of Iceland when
Seaman Jones noticed a strange noise. He recorded it and played it over and over
again. Others onboard of the
U.S.S Dallas listened to the noise. They decided to follow the noise.
One man noticed a lot of Soviet boats were in the Atlantic Ocean and were heading
for America.
The White House and Pentagon were notified and they feared Russia might be getting
ready to attack. Two days later, the U.S.S. Dallas and another submarine caught up
with the noise
Monkey Trials History
Each year the United States makes many advances in the way life is lived and saw
the world. During this year many things changed and developed as every year does
because new things are discovered and observed. Over the course of one year many
new ideas and thoughts were put on the table which lead to court cases, new plans,
and new literature. In 1925, the Scopes Trials becomes huge because it was right after
the law was changed that states shouldnt share your opions on evolution to their
students. John Scopes taught his highschool that humans come from monkeys and
that is why they often call the Monkey Trials. Teachers arent allowed to talk about
evolution, the scientifically accepted notion that human beings developed from other
animals... Show more content on ...
Great Gatsby was published and the novel became big becuase it featured themes
and struggles in the early 20 s so most of them could relate to the problems and
events taking place in this book. The novel showed class struggles, excess wealth,
and the breakdown of the American dream during the Jazz Cafe in the 1920 s
(Pearson 1). In 1925, the New Yorker Magazine was published since it s first issue,
in 1925, The New Yorker has been know for its cartoons (Stokes 1). Ever since the
cartoons have been a very huge hit because they reflect what is hapeening in
society. The New Yorker was refered to as the best magazine in the world for
someone who can t read (Stokes 1). Back then and now, cartoons are a comic
reflection of their times, holding up a fun mirror to history (Stokes 1). The role of
literature was to reflect the current news of this time period and when they did reflect
that it showed through the pieces
Vacations In Italy
Everyone deserves a vacation from a time to time to allow them to take a break
from their busy lives. Whether you crave the warm blissful sun on a white sand
beach or a chilly winter wonderland, vacations are a must to allow one to continue a
stress free life. The big question on most potential vacationers minds is where is the
best place to vacation to? The answer is most definitely Rome, Italy. What really
makes this city a charmer is its delicious food, beautiful architecture and priceless
art. These points make Rome the ultimate vacation spot for everyone in need of a
trip away from home. For starters, the delicacies in Rome are unique to say the
least. In fact, all 20 regions of Rome have their own special dish that tourists flee to
the city to try. What makes the food in Rome so worldly renown is its simplicity
and flavour. Many restaurants stick to using family recipes passed on over many
generations. Chefs base their creations on traditional methods and ingredients to
make what is known as poor man s food , which consists of few ingredients and
easy instructions. They do so to respect the local food of the past and give what
they make more meaning. Customers can feel the love put into every bite made,
which is why tourists come in flocks to the city. Also, Rome can be credited for
exposing the world to universally known delights. For example, Rome is the place
to go for authentic pizza. It is said in legends that pizza was created by Roman
soldiers who were
Miss Brill s Point Of Loneliness
To help deal with her loneliness, Miss Brill goes to the park every Sunday. When
she goes, it s clear that she enjoys going to the park because of all the activities
going on. For example, she says, Oh, how fascinating it was! How she enjoyed it!
How she loved sitting there, watching it all! Being there every Sunday helps Miss
Brill forget about the lonely feeling that she felt at the dark little room in which
she lives. Miss Brill takes advantage of what goes around her in order to not feel
lonely. For example, she listens and watches other people as if she were included in
the activities of the park. She s believes that she s an expert at sitting in other people
s lives for just a minute by eavesdropping. When someone watches what is... Show
more content on ...
For example, when she goes to the park, she has a special bench at the park and
constantly touches the fur that she has around her neck. The fur represents some
sort of presence she feels within the fox fur. She see s her fox fur as a companion
that goes with her around the park. Ignoring reality, she sees a character and
personality within the lifeless fox that she refers as the little rogue! Another
indication that Miss Brill hides her sad reality is seen in her perception of others
versus herself. While observing the park, Miss Brill sees all the elderly people
sitting on the bench who share the same tradition as her; going to the park to
watch and listen to others. She doesn t see herself as being in the same group as
them instead, when she sees others performing the same acts as she does, she
finds them as odd, silent, nearly all old, and from the way they stared they looked
as though they d just come from little dark rooms. She refuses to see her own
reflection in the mirror of the elderly people she sees at the park. In the same way,
Miss Brill twists her perception as she begins to see herself being an actress. The
park then becomes a stage, the band orchestrates interactions, and the crowd becomes
the cast for the scene she imagines as being exactly like a play. When using this
method, she provides herself with a sense of significance,
The Difference That Michael Acquired Throughout Season...
This paper is constructed to analyze the difference that Michael acquired
throughout Season four of The Wire. While watching the season, I have depicted
numerous views about Michael which demonstrated that his character has
changed based off the change of his environment. At first, he came across as a
strong, respectful, and polite adolescent. Throughout the season, I have noticed
that Michael s initial attitude and behavior had regressed as the season went on.
He often resembled or went beyond the actions of some of the hardest members of
the drug game. Acquiring traits like violent behavior, being foul mouthed, and
disrespectful. In episode eight season four, Michael returns home form boxing
where he is surprisingly visited by Bugs dad. Michael begins to question his mom
as to why he is back and how he got out of his twelve years sentence. His mom
states that it was only parole for a minor drug charge. Michael brings into
consideration his mom s prior statement and tries to grasp why she allowed him
back after she stated how she would not allow it. .She claims to Michael that having
Bugs father around is a good thing and he will over all provide for the family. The
motherwants a sense of unity and family again, where Michael does not. This is
when Michael gets hurts and simply states You lied to me (42:32). This quote helps
us to determine how Michael s emotions are being process through his body. It also
helps us analyzes the actionhe commits later on in this scene.
Identify Suitable International Markets For Tnq
Profile international markets
Part A: Identify suitable international markets
This part of the project requires you to select at least 2 potential international markets
for investigation for TTNQ.
1. Identify at least 5 key information sources that can assist you to identify suitable
international markets.
Write down the web site reference of each of these reference sources and summarize
the information that the web site provides that will assist you to identify international
markets for TTNQ.
Industry associations:
Tourism Australia: International MarketUpdate
According to the International Visitors Survey (IVS), the result shows that ... Show
more content on ...
Mobile is a compulsory for everyone which can be bring to anywhere without
geographical boundaries with multiple usages as people in Malaysia have a busy
work life, and they might not have time to get in touch with agent to make enquiries
or booking for their travel. There are different travel applications available in cell
phone, for example application for hotel booking, flight ticket information, transport,
introduction of travel destination, deals and etc. Thus, mobile become an essential
thing in their daily life, they can manage to plan and make booking for their travel
without any time and geographical boundaries. This is a more effective and efficient
Essay on Certainty is Decartes Discourse of Method
Rene Descartes overall objective in publicizing Discourse of Method is to developing
a new system of knowledge that is free of prior prejudices for establishing the truth of
things. In Part 4 of the book he explains the philosophical basing (the meditations) for
establishing the new system. These meditations were based on the epistemological
theory of rationalism: that is if someone truly knows something then they could not
possibly be mistaken. He goes on to provide solid argument for his ideas. In
he comes to term with three certainties: the existence of the mind as the thing that
the body as an extension, and God as the supreme being. He attests that he came to
conclusions ... Show more content on ...
Besides, many of us, at one point in our lives, have wondered this very philosophical
question: Am I dreaming? Yet, even now, most of us would claim that we are awake;
however, while in a dream, on one actually believes that they are actually sleeping.
Nevertheless, Decartes doesn t concretely prove that we are dreaming. He doesn t
to. Instead, he merely raises the point that, at any moment, we may be dreaming. Just
by presenting this simple possibilty, Decartes successfully destroys all of our sensory
By proposing the Dream and Illusion theory Decartes is able to judge and
maintain that all his former beliefs as false. Using doubt as a tool, he is able to
clearly and distinctly perceive the idea of mind. The mind represented by I .
Inorder to proof his idea of I did not represent the self as in physical appearances he
proposes the following statement, Thus this, I , that is to say the soul through
which I am what I am, is entirely distinct from the body and is even easier to know
than the body, and event if there there were no boy at all, it would not cease to be all
that it is (Cress, pg 19). Through this, he is able to reach the conclusion even though
all things may be doubtful, the fact that we doubt is not doubtful. There is doubt,
thinking; which is certain. It the doubt is
Exploration And Development Of Deep Ocean Mining
Deep ocean mining is a great way for the ocean to get a rich source of minerals. At
the same time its high risks due to extreme pressure at death is harmful. It ll be
much tougher to mind largely because of ocean depth and pressure. If one problem
goes wrong it s harder to deal with a problem so far down. As an industry deep ocean
miningstill in the early stage of exploration and development, by biologist Richard
Steiner. Another reason currently, extraction of minerals by contractors of sand and
gravel or of higher value minerals such as diamonds and gold takes place in shallow
water. However, it is now believed that extracting high value minerals on the seabed
will benefit the twofold: (i) given the increase in the cost of... Show more content on ...
This notwithstanding, the Government could insist, for example, that exploitation
or exploration of the mineral resources in a particular area should be diligently
carried out; that it must comply with any plan of work authorized with a
corresponding contract and that it should comply with any rules, regulations or
procedures issued or adopted by the ISA which are applicable to contractors. It is
important to note that the Government cannot issue a license to a contractor in
relation to a specific area if the ISA has already issued a license (unless it is with a
contractor).14 However, given the extreme environment within which contractors
operate, a key question to ask is how is the Government going to be able to tell
whether in territorial or non territorial waters as a sponsoring state that a contractor
has: (i) complied with the terms and conditions of the requisite license; (ii) the
provisions (including environmental protection measures) set out in UNCLOS; (iii)
rules and regulations adopted by the state; (iv) rules and regulations introduced by the
ISA; and (v) the terms set out in an exploration or exploitation contract granted by the
Joseph Mccarthy And The Red Scare
The 1950 s was a time of paranoia in the United States a time of suspicion and fear.
The Cold War had just ended and U.S citizens were nervous for their government s
safety due to the fact that as soon as the war ended, China had become a Communist
nation. One American in particular, Senator Joseph McCarthy allegedly believed that
Communist spies were infiltrating the United Statesgovernment. These claims
resulted in Joseph McCarthybecoming a hero figure towards American citizens; the
people believed anything he said. This led to McCarthy abusing his power and
accusing citizens of un American acts. Joseph McCarthy was a hypocrite to
Americanism because he committed un American activities such as McCarthyism, the
Red Scare and Blacklisting.... Show more content on ...
The House Un American Activities Committee (HUAC), began investigating
Communist influences in the entertainment industry. The HUAC believed that
Communists were secretly sending messages in films through propaganda (
Blacklisting ). Due to these beliefs, the HUAC called ten witnesses to testify against
the accusal of Communist practices within the entertainment industry, but the
witnesses refused to speak (Littell). These ten men would soon be infamously known
as the Hollywood Ten; these men decided not to cooperate with the hearings because
they believed they were unconstitutional and due to that they were sent to prison
(Littell). Because of this, Hollywood executives initiated a blacklist, which is a list of
people whom they condemned for having a Communist background. The people
McCarthy had blacklisted, about 500 actors, writers, producers, and directors, had
their careers ruined (Hixson). Again, Joseph McCarthy is responsible for the
diminishing of people s careers and reputations due to his false accusations and strong
anti Communist beliefs; not to mention McCarthy had no evidence against the
accusal, but they were still sentenced to prison, death, or banishment. These actions
McCarthy committed are illegal and corrupt
Who Is Leslie Knope s Parks And Recreation
Parks and Recreation is a comedy tv show which stars Amy Poler as the main
character, Leslie Knope. Leslie Knope is a lively government official who works
in the Parks Department of Pawnee. Although Parks and Recreation is a comedy
tv show, Leslie Knope displays insight into misogyny, sexism, gender equality and
government sexual politics, particularly in an office place. Before we were aware
of the cliche yet degrading storyline of girls fantasizing of finding the perfect man
to marry, the media produced a majority of their films based on that specific plot.
The media portrayed the woman depending on a man to sweep her off her feet and to
live happily ever after. One major example is the story of Cinderella. The book ended
happily ever after only when Cinderella had found her prince? Finding a man solely
for living a comfortable life without any worries is in fact risky and foolish.
Dependence on a man is futile because you are indeed responsible for your own life.
Leslie Knope challenges this idea by focusing all of her time furthering her career
and improving life in the Town of Pawnee. In no way does Leslie show any signs of
achieving a happy and... Show more content on ...
In season 5 episode 11, she pointed out that sanitation was the number one offender
for gender equality due to there being no women garbage collectors. To her reply,
the representatives said that the work was too physical and demanding for a
woman. Leslie challenges the idea of a typical life job a women is familiar with and
the commonly yet demeaning characteristic women are expected to be, submissive.
She challenges those ideas by volunteering to work at a garbage truck in order to
fight sexism in the city government. Instead of bearing with the representatives
sexism, Leslie takes it as a challenge and
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Track Gauge
In attempt to stimulate economic development and de congest roadways between
two major cities in South Africa, the decision has been made to build a railway as
alternative transport. An important decision needs to then be made concerning the
type of track gauge for the new railway line. A comparison, by a review of pros and
cons, is made between the 1076mm Cape gauge and the 1435mm Standard gaugein
order to recommend the more economically viable track gauge for the transport
The Cape gauge was initially a better option as the narrow gauge reduced costs when
building through and around South Africa s mountainous terrain. These narrow
networks are lighter and have smaller radius curves, this makes them useful in the
mining, construction, tunnelling and quarrying industries where temporary railway
is needed.
Moving rolling stock is difficult with Cape gauges so there must always be enough
rolling stock to keep up with demand during peak periods, however, this is
unprofitable during periods of low demand.
The Standard gauge is used widely in the United States, Canada, Europe, China and
many other countries which allows for a wider variety of suppliers. Fewer countries
make use of the ... Show more content on ...
Cost per kilometre for the Cape gauge lies at R1.6 million while the Standard
gauge cost is higher per kilometre at R1.8 million. The track costs are balanced out
due to the ease with which the rolling stock for a Standard gauge can be accessed
as there are existing designs that have been tried and tested that are available, this
saves vast quantities of money and time. If a Cape gauge were to be used the
designs would have to be tested, prototyped and optimised before they are
Benefits Of Cover Letter
Cover Letters 101: 5 Top Tips to Get Your Cover Letter Noticed
Are you having a tough time securing job interviews? Do you submit your resume
and cover letter, yet never receive a call for an interview? It could be your cover
letter is standing between you and a new job. If you want to improve the
effectiveness of your cover letter, bear the following tips in mind.
Personalize your cover letter for each job employment opportunity. Recruiters
appreciate when you take the time to research their company.
A cover letter should be brief. This isn t your opportunity to write a long winded
summary of your employment history. Introduce yourself, reference your resume and
skill sets, and let your employment history speak for itself.
Rembrandt s Christ On The Sea Of Galilee
The challenges faced in the passages were more than a couple. Two different places
and two different years, but same problem. Neither cases were completed and
became cold cases. Many challenges faced in the first passage Isabella Stewart
Gardner Heist: 25 Years of Theories came to a dead end. A stolen artifact, a painting,
Rembrandt s Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee was on of the most sought
after stolen masterpieces in the world. Making the robbery the largest art theft in
American history, mostly because 13 paintings were stolen. They were stolen in
March 1990 from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, they haven t caught the
thieves. It remains a cold case because the main detective that knew everything to the
case is dead.
Persuasive Essay About Christopher Columbus
The year was 1492, and a European catholic man determined to find a new trade
route to the Asian continents accidently discovers the American continent, by doing
so he introduces the old world to the new. I m speaking of course of Christopher
Columbus, the great explore. Little did he know that he would spark a fire of
exploration and conquest. Fueled by greed and of lavish stories told about cities of
gold. The Conquistadors of Spain would come in ships by the hundreds, roaming and
pillaging the new lands of South America. As the conquistadors moved further north
they discover a very hostile and beautiful land later called Texas. Years later, the
French come to Texas and so do the Anglos which derived of Germans, Irish and...
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I m speaking of cores of Houston, Dallas and San Antonio. There are also city s
such as Austin, Fort Worth and El Paso with populations exceeding over 500,000.
Between the years of 2011 and 2012 the city of San Marcos had the highest growth
rate in all the united states cities with more than a 50,000 population increases. In a
2010 census the population in Texas the population was estimated to be
25,145,561. The 2010 census confirmed a population growth of 20.6%from the
previous census back in 2000were the estimated population was at 20,851,820.
This percentage may seem like a big number but it is a steady and for the most part
a very accurate calculation for the Texas population. The largest increase in the
population of Texas was between the years of 1850 through 1860 were the
population was 212,592 and shot up to 604,215. Giving this ten year period a
184.2%. (US Census) In a 11 article the Texas Population
Projections 2010 to 2050, highlights a population explosion that may well occur
over the next 45 years those individuals aged 14 and under would nearly double
from 5.7 million in 2010 to 10.2 million in 2050. The 15 64 demographic would
swell from 16.8 million to 34.7 million, and the senior 65 and over demographic
would jump from 2.6 million to 9.4 million. In total, Texas population would swell to
54.4 million, based on immigration and people moving from other U.S. states. The
report predicted Hispanic population to
Office Space
In 1999, Hollywood writer and director, Mike Judge, wrote and directed a movie
entitled Office Space. Office Space is a satirical look at the human experience in
the workplace environment. Although the scenarios presented in this comedy are
far fetched, they do shine a light on several industrial and organizational
psychological principles. Some themes that are touched on in the movie are
leadership, communication, motivation, job analysis, groupthink, and
counterproductive workplace behaviors. This paper will attempt to analyze and
evaluate the workplace conditions presented through the lens of Herzberg s two
factor theory and make recommendations to increase production as well as job
satisfaction. Introduction Office Space opens with a scenario that is enough to
drive anyone crazy. We first meet our protagonist, Peter Gibbons, while he is stuck
in rush hour traffic on his way to work. At one point, he even sees an elderly man
passing him on a sidewalk while using a walker. This overwhelming feeling of
going nowhere would prove to be a recurring theme for Peter throughout the movie.
Peter s relationship with his girlfriend is at a stalemate, and he believes she may be...
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He parks his car in his boss s parking spot. He does not comply with the dress code,
and he begins removing things that bother him like the infamous shocking door
handle and the cubicle wall that blocks his view of the window. On this same
morning, Peter has his interview with the consultants. As a result of his euphoric
state, and already certain that he was going to get fired, Peter is blunt with the
consultants about his daily routine at Initech. He admits to only performing 15
minutes of actual work in a given week, while spending most of his time just spacing
out . He also informs the consultants of other office problems, like the fact that he has
Ashes By Susan Beth Pfeffer Summary
Divorce is a struggle in Ashleigh s life. Ashleigh has to make a decision that is not
easy. Ashleigh is 13 or 14 years old, and is having a tough time with her parents
divorce. Her dad is a good person, but he and Ashleigh s mom fight a lot. Her dad
needs help paying a loan and asks Ashleigh a favor. Ashleigh is asked to grab her
mom s emergency money to help out her dad. Did she take the money and help her
dad? Or did she keep it in the teapot, and not help her dad out? Ashleigh did not take
the money because she did not want her mom to get mad at her. In the story (Ashes
page 1), (Susan Beth Pfeffer) it says Mom yelled... Her mom was always mad and
didn t want to make her mad at anything else. Also, in the story (Ashes page 4),
(Susan Beth... Show more content on ...
A quote from the text (Ashes page 4), (Susan Beth Pfeffer) is You. This is
explaining that it isn t a big deal and the dad wouldn t be taking money from her
mom, it would be borrowing money from her, Ashleigh. An inference I made was
that Ashleigh was feeling like she was put in the middle of both of her parents, she
did not want to make her mom mad or her dad upset because he did not have the
money to pay the loan. One last quote from the text (Ashes page 4), (Susan Beth
Pfeffer) is What if mom finds out? This quote is explaining that Ashleigh is worried
that her mom will find out about the deal with her dad or her mom will see her
getting in the teapot. She respects both parents and does not want to make either
parent upset or angry.
In conclusion, Ashleigh did not take the money because she did not want to make
her mom mad, she would not have been able to give the money to her dad because
he drove away, and she respected both of her parents. If you were in this position,
what would you have done? Would you have taken the money, or left it in the teapot
so you did not get in trouble? Ashleigh s parents divorce might have had a big part
in her decision. Ashleigh was put in the middle of her parents, which is intimidating
when her parents are divorced. It puts even more stress on her to make the
Climate Change In Canada Essay
In the words of Barack Obama, climate change is no longer some far off problem; it
is happening here, it is happening now. (J. S. World Economic Forum, 2015) This
global phenomenon is causing many problems around the world and is affecting both
developed countries like Canada and other countries in the process of developing.
This report investigates how climate change can pose significant impacts on all
countries despite economic stability. Places like Canada are affected by the severe
storms and drastic changes in weather and these changes can hurt the environment
and the economy. They can also pose threats to crop production and public health.
Climate change can also hurt the developmental progression of low income countries
... Show more content on ...
The potential harm that climate change could have in Canada is concerning because
Canada has one of the most diverse landscapes which is host to a countless number of
species and ecosystems that are examples of at risk habitats (David Suzuki
Foundation, 2017). Natural resources Canada believes that climate change will affect
many of the forests in Canada in a range of complex ways. These affects include
changes in plant mortality, disturbance in plant growth and distribution. These
impacts are cumulative and can increase insect vulnerability or cause more wildfires.
These problems can weaken the plant population and increase their chances of being
disease prone or attacked by insects. Some habitats may disappear, because of
changing weather patterns. Many forestry dependant communities and aboriginal
communities will be affected and loss in their wood supply like timber would hinder
their economic strength and harvesting potential (Natural resources Canada, 2017). In
the Atlantic, the affects of climate change would result in an increase of weather
inconsistency. The region may face more storm events, storm intensity, rising sea
levels and coastal erosion. Since much of the Canadian population lives in costal
regions this can have grave implications. It can affect the socio economic well being
of Atlantic communities in vital infrastructure, and industries like fishery and tourism
(Climate Action Network,
The Training Of A Neural Networks
In order to have a better understanding of the mechanism used in the prediction
process, we need to know what are the stopping conditions, as this process involves a
finite number of iterations known a priori. It has been previously proved one of the
problems that occur during the training of a neural networks is overfitting towards
the input data, which generates low quality predictions [56]. In order to reduce this
tendency, the early stopping criteria has been formulated. This involves dividing the
input set in three subsets [57]: training set, used to estimte the weights; testing set,
used to assess the prediction sample and validation set, which is an accuracy indicator
of the prediction sample, although it is not used during the... Show more content on ...
Application using neural networks for the real Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
prediction This is an empirical example which has the role of highlighting the
differences between a neural network and a linear regression model. Lamy Robert
estimated a linear regression model to predict the growth of real GDP in Canada
[59]. His model explains 82% of the GDP variation in the period 1978 1998. The
coefficient obtained are statistically significant so, he the model can be used to
predict the values of the GDP for different periods. His model contains six
independent variables, which are: R_(t 1) is the quarterly growth of the Canadian
Financial Index at t 1; F_t is the employment growth rate at time t; F_(t 1) is the
employment growth rate at t 1; B_t is the consumer confidence index; d_(t 9) is
the first difference of the long term real interest rate at time t 9 (9 month before
time t); d_(t 3) is the first difference of the government budget balance as a share of
GDP, at time t 3 (3 months before time t). Four dummy variables have been
included in the model to control four periods (quarter 1 in 1980, quarter 1 in 1981,
quarter 4 in 1986 and quarter 3 in 1991). The linear regression model was estimated
based on 62 observations and is given by: гЂ–GDPгЂ—_t= 1.695+0.075R_(t
1)+0.3F_t+0.25F_(t 1)+0.019B_t 0.175d_(t 9) 0.32d_(t 3)
1.15d^1+1.168d^2+0.0906d^3 0.84d^4+Оµ_t (4.11) where: d^1,d^2,d^3 and d^4 are
dummy variables. The neural
The Great Gatsby Love Essay
Is Scott Fitzgerald s, The Great Gatsby truly one of the greatest love stories of all
time? Or his love story overwhelmed by unrealistic sequences and fantasizing? In his
article, The Serious Superficiality of The Great Gatsby, Joshua Rothman vehemently
denies the presupposition that The Great Gatsby is about love and father states that
many characters and sequences in the novel are unrealistic. Other critics who would
argue that the novel is about love are too dogmatic in their beliefs. Supported by a
preponderance of evidence from the book itself, Rothman s claims that The Great
Gatsbyis about fantasizing rather than love and that the story itself is unrealistic are
indeed accurate. First, Rothman precisely claims that The Great Gatsby is about
fantasizing, not love. He says, Much of... Show more content on ...
He claims that scenes such as the hit and run and a murder suicide are defiantly
unrealistic and that the characters seem unreal. Furthermore, the scene in which
Gatsby expresses optimism that he can repeat his past with Daisy is also
intangible. Gatsby cries, Can repeat the past? Why of course you can! and I m
going to fix everything just the way it was before. She ll see (Fitzgerald 110).
Gatsby is obsessed with Daisy to the point where he thinks he can repeat the past
and relive the relationship he once had with Daisy. However, this dream is nearly
impossible as repeating the past is an unimaginable phenomenon. Also, Gatsby s
rise to fortune is highly improbable since Gatsby came from an impoverished
family and managed to become one of the wealthiest men in New York in a couple
of years following the war. This adds to the skepticism of the events of the book and
the plot along with the many other implausible sequences. The amalgam of
unrealistic sequences in The Great Gatsby proves Rothman s claim that many
sequences in the novel are unrealistic to be
The Father Of All Monsters
Richard Zepeda
Professor Macias
College Writing 111
7 April 2016 The Father of All Monsters Typhon, the force to be reckoned with and
the one that only few can match. This terrifying beast is definitely not your ordinary
monster; according to Hesiod s The Theogony he is a son of Gaia (the earth) and
Tartarus (the depths of hell). Though, as stated in The Homeric Hymn, Typhon was
the child of Hera without help. Hera was angry at Zeus for giving birth to Athena by
himself, so she prayed to Gaia to give her a son that was as powerful as Zeus, after
that Hera whacked the floor and she became pregnant. Hera then gave her baby
Typhon to the serpent Python to take care of, and Typhon grew up to become a great
annoyance to mortals. There are many different stories of how this creature came
about; nonetheless neither can discredit this monster as being the most fierce and
terrifying. Typhon is said to have been the most ferocious creature to have ever
roamed the earth. Typhon is perhaps undoubtedly the most disturbing and powerful
monster in Greek mythology.
Typhon, however, was not just a monster, he was a god, being the son of the Gaia
and Tartarus gave him such title. Now just because Typhon is a son of gods, that
alone does not make him one of the most feared creatures in Greek mythology, rather
than his ascribed status, it is Typhon s actual physical appearance and capabilities
that strike fear into his foes and anyone else who comes across his path. This
Analysis Of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings s The Yearling
Prize, a thing given as a reward to the winner of a competition or race or in
recognition of another outstanding achievement . A prize is not given out to just
anyone, especially the Pulitzer Prize, an award for an achievement in American
journalism, literature, or music. With only thirteen made each year, it is a challenge,
but writer Marjorie Kinnan Rawlingshas beat the challenge by winning a Pulitzer
Prize for her novel, The Yearling, published in 1938. She won this award not only
for the brilliant thoughts she put into words but also for the way she structured the
words. Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings obtained her Pulitzer Prize in part for her use of
sensory details, figurative language, and syntax in her novel The Yearling.
One reason why Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings deservedly won a Pulitzer Prize, is
because of her use of sensory detail in The Yearling. Sensory details are details that
help create a better image for a reader by expressing smell, taste, touch, sound, and
sight and they are used abundantly in the four pages provided from the book. For
example, on page six, it states, He moved a stone that was matching its corners
against his sharp ribs and burrowed a little... . This description is an example of the
good use of sensory detail because, it allows the readers to feel what the boy, Jody,
is feeling, which allows a better connection between the reader and the book.
Another example, is on page six, when she describes what it was like when he
awoke and says, The sun
Communicative Participation And Its Participation
Communicative Participation Communicative participation can be defined as how
individuals participate in a range of discourse activities in contextually situated ways
that, in turn, reflect on the manner of their involvement in culture (Kovarsky, 2003).
Communicative participation varies dramatically based on whom the individual is
that is attempting communication, and what the purpose of the communication is.
There are an extraordinary amount of contexts that can affect the communicative
participation as well. Communicative participation is such a broad term that covers
so much, that it is divided into many layers. These layers are overlapping and
construct the whole of communicative participation. The five layers that work to...
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The first is the example from an article written by Laura Polich, that examines
deafness in Nicaragua. In Nicaragua, deafness is considered a disease that affects
more than just your ability to hear. This religious worldview has influenced how
deaf children, who are so communicatively shut out of an oral world, were (and are)
seen by society: most likely the result of God s wrath brought on by some sin
(Polich, 2005, p. 225 226). Being deaf in Nicaragua does not only affect one s
ability to hear but also their ability to participate in society. Deaf individuals in
Nicaragua are outcasts, their disability is thought to be because someone in their
family committed a strong enough sin that God wanted to place deafness on them.
For this reasoning, deaf children used to be hidden from society, it is less common
now, however it does still occur. This all results from the fact that deaf individuals
in Nicaragua can not communicate very much orally. Lacking the ability to speak is
considered a serious detriment, because very few people in Nicaragua had embraced
sign language up until recently. In this respect, the community of Nicaragua had
almost no way to communicate with those around them and were extremely
culturally dis valued. Because of this lack of communication, in Polich s survey
(1998) (as cited in Polish, 2005) 40% of people responded to the question with which
[hearing] person living in your
Pedestrian Safety Research Paper
U.S. Department of Transportation secretary Anthony Foxx has started the
Department s Safer people, Safer streets initiative, only to tackle non motorized
safety issues and helping communities by making them safer, better, well connected
bicycling and walking networks. As a part of this initiative, Department s field
offices are meeting transportation agencies. From the past 7.5 years, the Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA) has been immensely trying to reduce pedestrian
deaths by giving more attention on the extra aid on the states and cities with the
highest numbers or rate of fatalities. In the past few years, 13 states experienced
through pedestrian fatalities more than 150 per year and more than the national rate
of 2.5 of 100,000 population. To tackle this issue FHWA s Focused Approach to
Pedestrian safety project started with a memorandum in May 2004 describing the
goal of reducing pedestrian fatalities by 10% by the year 2008. In addition ... Show
more content on ...
According to the statistical data, 88% of the bicyclists were killed and 80% of those
injured were male and out of it 48% of bicyclists deaths occurred between 4 p.m. and
midnight out of it 24% of those killed while riding bicycles were 45 54 years old and
9% of bicyclist fatalities and 20% of injuries occurred among children under 16.
24% of bicyclists killed has BACs(Blood Alcohol Concentration) of .08 g/dL or
higher, which is the illegal alcohol level in all states. Bicyclists accounted for 2
percent of all the present traffic fatalities and more 2% of all crash related injuries
recorded in the year 2012. The majority of bicyclist fatalities occurred in the Urban
areas(72%) and at non intersections
Summary Of The R. J Reynolds Tobacco Company s
Today in American society the social normality of smoking cigarettes is in a rapid
decline. It seems with each passing year there are increasing numbers of legislation
restricting where people can place advertisement and where smoking is even
permitted. Smoking cigarettes for many years was a focal point in American culture
projecting the image of this prosperous social status obtainable for everyone. R.J.
Reynolds TobaccoCompany, the creators of the Newport Pleasure! Advertisement
heavily takes this progressive movement into consideration when creating the illusion
that smokingis socially accepted. The R.J Reynolds Tobacco Company s advertising
campaign connects the use of logos and pathos extremely and effectively displaying
their message. In order to recreate the social normality of smoking advertisers select a
wide range of healthy socially active youth, place a campaign slogan that their
consumers are unable to miss, and heavily doctor the focal elements of this
advertisement. A consumer viewing this advertisement is... Show more content on ...
Advertisers at R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company hold no bounds on the hyperbole
used in this advertisement. The logical inference made in the human brain when
reading Newport Pleasure! , an exclaimed expression, leaves the impression that
pleasure is attained through use of a Newport cigarette. This heavy word play used to
entice consumers completely disregards the consequences associated with smoking
that certainly are not pleasurable. The effects of smoking like a bright shiny yellow
smile and a pungent lingering odor that perforates from consumers skin are actually
quite unpleasant. The enticing campaign rhetoric pushes this false reality solely for
the purpose of recapturing the once highly aspired social status behind smoking in
Analysis Of A Flower Garden By Li Bai
This poem creates a scene in which the poet, Li Bai is sitting alone under the
moonlight as he sips on his drink and can share his loneliness with no one but the
moon and his shadow. By pointing out that he is at a flower garden with moonlight
shined upon him and a pot of wine by his side, the setting of the poem is rather
pleasant and relaxing. The poet, however, appears to be frustrated because he has no
real friends who are there for him. With a quick thought, LiBai decides to think the
moonand his shadow as his companion and meanwhile starts to sing and dance
with them. The fact that neither the moon nor his shadow is animated does not
bother Li Bai as he slowly gets more involved in the atmosphere he created for
himself, or, in his words, it makes us [them] three . From there on, the poet does
not care about what other people think of him anymore and instead starts to live
his life the way that will not leave behind any regrets. In order to achieve such
impression and create an image for the readers, Li Bai incorporates myriad
rhetorical devices in the writing of the poem. Out of all techniques being used,
imagery is one that appears throughout the poem. The poem opens up with an
image of a flower garden a which indicates the poet s location and sets the tone for
the slight twist in emotion in next couple of lines of the poem. The poet s
mentioning of his loneliness sharply contrasts the setting in which both wine and
flowers are supposed to bring a sense of prosperity and happiness. Moving on, the
fourth and fifth lines express Li Bai s loneliness by creating an image of the
faraway moon and his shadow. The line states that the moon is too far away to
enjoy the wine with Li Bai, and his shadow cannot communicate with or truly
comprehend the poet. Li Bai s use of the phrase creeps about my heels to describe
the behavior of his shadow is interesting thoughtful, showing that even though the
shadow is very close to him in distance, Li Bai feels as if all the shadow does is
blindly following him. Considering Li Bai s experience of rejecting the government
official s position in Chang an the capital of China because of his unwillingness to
sacrifice his entire life for the Royals monetary
How Does Rainsford Use Deception In The Most Dangerous
Stranded, lost, and alone is how Sanger Rainsford felt as he scaled the rocky cliffs
of the island. The Most Dangerous Game is a short story written by Richard
Connell and published on January 19, 1924. Sanger Rainsford a legendary hunter
falls overboard off a yacht on his way to the Amazon. He finds himself on `Ship
Trap Island` where he meets General Zaroff the owner of a mansion on the island
and Ivan his servant. General Zaroff invites Sanger Rainsford to hunt with him.
Rainsford is disgusted and sickened at the fact that General Zaroff s idea of hunting
means hunting humans. In return for his passage off the island Zaroff forces
Rainsford to participate in his hunting game where he is the hunter and Rainsford is
the prey. The main characters,... Show more content on ...
For example, his bizarreness and ruthlessness are shown when he says I had to
invent a new animal to hunt, (pg12). Zaroff had become bored with hunting animals
because he always caught his prey. He introduced his cruel new hunting game as if it
were not unusual at all. An illustration, of his unsympathetic and uncivilized
characteristics, are when he is telling Rainsford I wanted the ideal animal to hunt,
explained the general. So I said, `What are the attributes of an ideal quarry? And the
answer was, of course, `It must have courage, cunning, and, above all, it must be able
to reason (pg12). Zaroff is talking about hunting a human being and he is showing no
feelings or remorse about it. He showed a total lack of compassion when describing
his new animal to hunt which is a human. Lastly, when he talks about his game You ll
find this game worth playing, the general said enthusiastically (pg16), shows his
coldheartedness and cruelness to others. Zaroff is comparing a game of chess to the
killing of another human. He is very excited and enthusiastic about the thoughts of
hunting a human being. Throughout the story, Zaroff s cruel and inhuman
characteristics are shown by the way he talked to Rainsford about his hunting of
humans. He shows no compassion and is actually excited about the possibility of
King Louis Ix And Richard Lionheart
The Medieval period was perhaps one of the most interesting and unique time
periods in history. This time is usually viewed as a lull in progress or lacking
productivity, when in reality this was one of the most pivotal points in history. Two
people who played outstanding roles in this time period were those of King Saint
Louis IX of Franceand Richard Lionheart I of England. Both King Louis IX and
Richard Lionheart made significant social, political, and cultural advancements to
society by contributing leadership techniques and government systems that were
pivotal in the Medieval times, yet very contrasting of each other in their execution.
King Louis IX of France was born April 25, 1214 in Poissy, France to the parents of
Louis VIII of France and Blanche of Castille. King Louis, commonly known as
Saint Louis, ruled from the age of twelve after his father s death in 1226 until his
death in 1270. He was the fourth born child, but the three before him died at young
ages, and seven were born after him. As a child, Louis had temper fits which lead
to questioning of his decision making as king of France. He married Margaret of
Provence at age twenty in 1234. Margaret was the sister in law to King Henry III of
England, sisters with Eleanor of Provence.
Richard The Lionheart I of England was born September 8, 1157 in Beaumont
Palace, Oxford, England to the parents of Henry II, and Eleanor of Aquitaine. He was
given the nickname Lionheart because of his immense strength and
The Rock Of Rock And Roll
Since the beginning of time there has always been music in the world. The Native
Americans had their tribal music, which was used for healing, ceremonies, and
ancient rituals. Ever since the beginning of the 20th century there has been rock
and roll. Rock and roll has changed drastically over the years. In my opinion, it is
possibly one of the most important genres there is. 1950s: The Birth of Rock and
Roll This was the decade that rock and roll first emerged. Even though swing
music was still popular it was time for rock to enjoy the limelight. In its earliest
stages rock could be described as blues with electric guitar. The first widely known
Rock Star was Elvis Presley. He was more famous with the girls because of his
dashing... Show more content on ...
The world was now just beginning to witness the power of rock really had on society.
1970s: Rock becomes big business After the Vietnam war had ended the people, and
music began to settle down. The early 70s marked the deaths of many artists, and the
breakup of The Beatles. Psychedelic music declines but bands such as Led Zepplin
have created their own sound. The perfect blend of blues and hard rock. Later on a
band called The Ramones made their own pre genre of rock...punk. This intense
genre of teenage rage and rock and roll influenced many bands in the future. In the
1970s FM radio starts to play rock music, car stereos become common also. Early
70s are dominated by soft rock and singer, songwriters. Reggae moves away from
Jamaica to become a world wide genre. Disco dominates the radio and dance floors
in the late 70s. Popular disco groups include: Abba, Bees Gees, Kool and the gang,
Earth, wind, and Fire. Those are just a few but there is many more where that comes
from, In all honesty the 70s was a great decade, movie tickets were just 1.50, what s
not to love about that?!
1980s:CD s, Synths, and the rise of MTV In 1981 MTV (music television) is launched
on 300 cable systems. The first music video ever shown on MTV was Video killed
the radio star by the buggles. MTV grew very popular as the years went by, the
prevalence of music videos was basically a 24/4 hour marketing tool.
School Choice For K 12 Students
School choice for K 12 students is still a controversial education reform topic.
Choice programs for education include school vouchers, tax credits scholarships,
individual tax credit, and Education Savings Accounts (ESA), provide financial
support to families who wish to access private schooling for their child (Wolf, 2016).
There are now 61 private school choice programs in 30 states and the District of
Columbia (Forster, 2016). Texas publicly funded school choices are limited to public
schools and some charter schools. This paper explores the empirical evidence on
school choice to establish an argument for expanding school choice in Texas,
particularly the school voucher program. We will examine the empirical evidence
involving all five domains 1. Academic outcomes of choice participants, 2. Academic
outcomes of public school, 3. Fiscal impact on taxpayers and public schools, 4.
Racial segregation in schools and 5. Civic values and practices. And lastly will look
at surveys to find public opinions on K 12 school choice programs, especially
millennials who are more than any other generations to have children in K 12 school.
School choice programs is a variety of choices in which parents can actively choose
where to send their children. It can be divided into public school choice and private
school choice as in self financed private schooling, publicly funded school vouchers,
tax credit scholarships and Education Savings Accounts (ESA). In 1990,
Summary Of Ernest Hemingway s The Sun Also Rises
Well, he said, talk a lot of Spanish? He was telling me about the bulls coming in
tonight. Let s find the gang and go down. (Hemingway 137 138). Bill could have
just stopped at Let s find the gang if he wanted to see a bullfight; His friends could
stand in for every roll in the bullfight. Ernest Hemingwayuses the description of bulls
and steers along with indirect character traits, character descriptions, and character
interactions within The Sun Also Risesto characterize the main characters as either
bulls or steers. The easiest observation that can be connected between the
characters and those of the bovine species is that of their physical characteristics.
More specifically, the genitalia of the characters. Jake Barnes, as the reader would
learn early on, lost (or at the very least, severely damaged) his genitalia during the
Great War, rendering him impotent. This gives him a very obvious, physical link
to being a castrated steer. By comparison, The rest of the male characters, such as
Robert Cohn, Mike Campbell, and Pedro Romero still have their functioning
genitalia, designating these characters as bulls . These characters are also
described as physically strong and fit characters, such as Cohn, who Jake says was
Princeton s middle weight boxing champion and that ...he could knock down
anybody that was snooty to him... (Hemingway 11), and Romero, who is described
as young and physically fit, unable to be harmed by the bulls due to his age and
Protagonists Essay
The protagonists in The Yellow Wallpaper , The Storm , and Eveline all seem to
have similarities in their character. They are all women that have lived in an era in
which women are seen as nothing. This woman had no identity in this world because
they were told what to do by men. Human nature is also another important element
that these women have in common.
Calixta from The Storm is a married woman with a family. She is living in a time
period in which woman have no control in what goes on in their life. The husband
handles everything and she does the housework and childbearing. Te other two
women in the novels seem to be in the same situation. Throughout the novel there
seems to be a lot of sexuality and passion ... Show more content on ...
These women are all victims of male domination and machismo. This woman has to
do everything that John tells her to do and he is driving her depression into insanity.
In the short story Eveline this young girl has lived with her father al her life. So
basically she is another victim in this male dominated society. She meets this guy
and falls in love with him and sees that she can maybe get married and leave her
fathers side once in for all. So she faces the decision which will either make her life
wonderful or horrendous. She must choose weather to leave with her fiancГ© to
Buenos Aires or to stay at her father s side in Ireland. Here again we see the
domination of the male species trying to control the woman once again. Joyce says
She had consented to go away, to leave her home (890). In the long run Eveline
made a wise choice in staying with her father. He will always be there for her and
never leave her even if she does something really shocking.
All these women where in a male dominate society. They had assigned roles which
they had to do and weren t allowed to get into anything else. These women in this
era where forced to do whatever they were told. However, Calixta, Eveline and the
protagonist from The Yellow Wallpaper , seemed to get away murder. Calixta was
unfaithful; Eveline made a choice which affected the rest of her life and the
protagonist of The Yellow Wallpaper relived her self
No More Boomerang Poem Analysis
No More Boomerang by Oodgeroo Noonuccal is a short poem about western
European culture replaced Australia Indigenous culture. This poem represented the
struggle of Indigenous people. The poet conveyed a regretful tone to persuade
readers to accept about the Indigenous culture. The poem begin with an alliteration
sentence, No more boomerang no more spear. Now all civilized colour bar and beer.
This sentence had shown the overruling of Indigenous culture. The European want
them to be a civilized nation. In this sentence, Indigenous people were represented
as uncouth and savages. The author also used a symbolism to show the control of
Indigenous culture. No more corroboree gay dance and din. Now we got movies and
pay to go in are symbolic of the culture s changing, Indigenous people now have to
pay for their entertainment. In this poem,... Show more content on ...
Because a good structural can make the poem more interesting, then it will be easy
to remember for the readers. The main thing that the author want to present is that
European dominated their culture and lifestyle, although it was extremely
disrespectful. One evidence is No more firestick that made whites scoff. Now all
electric and no better off. It rhyming sentence had shown the whites were scoff
about the Indigenous tools, and replaced them into more advanced things. Another
structural device is repetition. The start of the sentence in first two stanzas are No
more. And Now For example the first stanza said No more boomerang no more
spear. Now all civilised colour bar and beer. No more corroboree gay dance and
din. Now we got movies and pay to go in. This repetition highlighted the difference
of Indigenous life before and after the European came. Before, Indigenous people
were living free and joyful, but after the European came, they lost all of the freedom
and they must living like western
Network, Virtual Local Area Networks ( Vlans )
In the past, companies were hampered by the cost, performance, and security issues
that are associated with local area networks or LANs. LANs must be connected
physically to switches which means that each LAN must have its own switch
(, 2016, para. 13). The virtualized version of the LANs, virtual local
area networks (VLANs), allows users to invest in only one switch (,
2016, para. 13). The VLAN is used in a virtual data center environment to separate
a single LAN into more than one network while being physically connected to only
one switch. One advantage of VLANs is that network administrators can now sort
devices by whatever criteria they require without physical location being an issue.
Different VLANs can be set for different groups or departments within the same
LAN. Performance is improved because, when the LAN is broken up into VLANs,
it is not receiving broadcasts from all of the devices (, 2015, para. 4).
Cost is decreased because separate physical switches are not required for VLANs. A
security benefit is provided because VLANs can be configured to accommodate the
different security levels needed, and the administrator can choose whether or not to
allow the VLANs to communicate with each other (, 2015, para. 6).
VRFs Virtualization is also used in the data center to acquire more routing instances
without acquiring more hardware (Santana, 2014. P. 90). This technology is known
as Virtual Routing and
Distinguishing the Difference in News Coverage among...
Distinguishing the Difference in News Coverage among International and Domestic
Images Not Included Identifying a Variance in News Coverage It became evident
throughout our investigation that separating domestic news source sites from
international news source sites would be beneficial in addressing our question of the
variance in coverage among these news sources when identifying natural disasters
throughout the world. With the objective of properly addressing this inquiry, we
decided upon a proposition in order to accurately identify whether a difference in
news source coverage truly exists. Therefore, we propose that world reports provide
more specifications about international involvement in natural disasters rather than
reports... Show more content on ...
Although the lack of articles was difficult to project, having more stories per news
source would prove to be increasingly beneficial when making statements regarding
the objectives of each site. Nevertheless, it is important to wisely use the stories we
have in order to accurately make distinctions between sources; therefore, it is
imperative to discuss the role of geography and pictures presented in the articles. A
Geographic Input Because the objective of this project is to identify differences
and similarities between world news sources and domestic news sources with the
given tags, discussing the role of geography will be useful in order to understand
what the differences and similarities mean. The attached chart (at the bottom of this
section) attentively illustrates what region(s) of the world each news source
focuses on. One obvious pattern is the amount of articles CNN and CNN World
have. Therefore, why is this pattern apparent? This pattern can possibly be due to
the fact that there is a quicker turnover with articles on CNN, or because CNN has
an objective of covering an array of stories in many different regions. Nevertheless,
the larger number of CNN and CNN World articles is helpful for comparing the news
sources to one another. As well, the current issue of the flooding and destruction in
Dog Food At Pet Wants
Dog owners want only the best nutrition in the dog food they feed their dogs; dogs
want only the best tasting food for their bellies. Want fresh, all natural ingredients in
a dog food delivered straight to your door? Try buying your dog food online at Pet
Wants, serving Houstonse.
The proprietors of Pet Wants Houstonse, Chance and Lydia, met with the owner of
Pet Wants and were excited to try the company s fresh dog food. They noticed
immediately that their dogs loved the taste of the food and eventually they saw an
improvement in their overall health and coats. They believed in the product so much
that they opened a branch of the business in southeast Houston.
The food is made from only the freshest ingredients and slow cooked in small
En Europe Du Dix Huitieme Siecle
En Europe du dix huitiГЁme siГЁcle, les AmГ©riques reprГ©sentaient la promesse
de longue date d une nouvelle et plus lumineux avenir pour l humanitГ©. Le
Nouveau Monde a attirГ© clergГ© Г la recherche de convertis, marchands Г la
recherche de richesses, et d innombrables aventuriers Г la recherche d une nouvelle
aventure. Dans le chapitre 10, Candideexprime l espoir que le Nouveau Mondeest le
monde parfait Pangloss parlГ©, depuis l Ancien Monde ne est clairement pas.
Au XVIIIe siГЁcle, cependant, le cГґtГ© sombre de la colonisation avait dГ©jГ
Г©mergГ©. Personnes formГ©es connaissaient les horreurs de l esclavage, l
oppression des indigГЁnes, et les maladies transmises par contact inter culturelle
(dont la syphilis de Pangloss est un exemple). Dans ces chapitres, et celles qui
suivent, VoltairedГ©peint les AmГ©riques une rГ©gion profondГ©ment corrompu,
par les vices de l Ancien Monde.
La rГ©bellion au Paraguay expose l hypocrisie et intrigues de la politique sud
amГ©ricains. Les prГЄtres jГ©suites mГЁnent une rГ©volte des peuples indigГЁnes
contre le gouvernement colonial espagnol, mais les jГ©suites ne se battent pas pour
le droit Г l autonomie gouvernementale pour ces indigГЁnes opprimГ©s. L attitude
de la Biglugs vers jГ©suites, il est clair que les peuples autochtones ne se sentent pas
la parentГ© avec les prГЄtres qui prГ©tendent se battre pour eux. Au lieu de cela,
les jГ©suites exploit simplement les rebelles dans une campagne avide de saisir la
richesse et le pouvoir des mains du
Council Compensation Claims
Council compensation claims
The fraud concerning claims from the councils insurers assume staging damages
blamable on the local authorities (in most cases falls and journeys on council owned
land) or inflating the cost of current damages.[40]
Detecting insurance fraud
The detection of coverage fraud commonly occurs in steps. The first step is to
perceive suspicious claims that have a higher possibility of being fraudulent. This
can be carried out by computerized statistical evaluation or by means of referrals
from claims adjusters or coverage dealers. Additionally, the public can offer
guidelines to insurance companies, law enforcement and other businesses regarding
suspected, located, or admitted coverage fraud perpetrated by other people. ... Show
more content on ...
According to Alfred Manes, the majority of belongings insurance crimes involve
arson.[37] One reason for this is that any evidence that a hearth changed into
started by arson is regularly destroyed via the hearth itself. According to the USA
Fire Administration, in the United States there have been approximately 31,000
fires as a result of arson in 2006, ensuing in losses of $755 million.[38] For example,
the Moulin Rouge Hotel in Las Vegas was struck by way of arson twice within six
Australian Aboriginal Impact
When the first fleet first landed in Australia they impacted many Aboriginal tribes of
Australia, and around the Sydney area these included the Cammeraigal, the
Kameygal, the Birrabirragal, the Eora and the Illawarra tribes. Indigenous Australia
refer to themselves in different ways and often in new south wales aboriginal
australians refer to themselves as the Korris (Korries) meaning peoples or persons
(, 2016) . Europeans initially had short term impacts on the
Sydney tribes, such as violence, dispossession and disease. These short term impacts
then led to long term impacts through decreased population. There were further long
term impacts when Europeans forced Indigenous Australiansto change their lifestyle
to... Show more content on ...
The majority of short term impacts led to a decrees in population and in some
cases tribes were completely wiped out. In addition, with the short term impact s the
long term impact s had a major effect on the Aboriginal society, killing off many
people s heritage, taking away a part of this worlds history. With only 60 languages
left and many ceremonies lost or adapted to a more European standard. The
combination of short and long term impacts largely destroyed aboriginal culture in
What Are The Similarities Between Ancient Egypt And...
Water is fundamental to all forms of life on Earth, this goes the same for early
civilizations that emerged around 5,000 years ago that developed close to rivers.
Among these civilizations are Ancient Egypt and Ancient China who have left a great
impacts in our history. These two civilizations have many similarities and differences
in things like culture, social structure and their state (political). Ancient Egypt and
Ancient China had similarities and differences with regard to culture. The Ancient
Chinese didn t have a great amount of interest in religion like the Ancient Egyptians
did. The Ancient Chinese believed in tian which translates to heaven. They believed
that it was responsible for picking and removing their rulers, also known as the
mandate of heaven. This can be because the Chinese had... Show more content on ...
Unlike the Chinese, the Egyptians were polytheistic and believed that it was
important to worship the gods; it was a responsibility to do so. They had gods such
as Amon, Re, and Osiris and each of these gods had a different role such as Amon
giving fertility to crops and Osiris who judged whether a person had the right to gain
immortality or not. The Egyptians also had priests and temples that they had for the
gods. Clearly the Chinese and the Egyptians had different views in religion. The
Chinese and the Egyptians both had valuable items buried along with them in their
tombs. The Egyptians believed that when someone died, they went into another
dimension of existence which is the reason why they mummified the dead, built
pyramids for their rulers, and had slaves, food, clothes and other items buried with
them; it was to accompany them and aid in the afterlife. The Ancient Chinese also
had a similar belief that after
Analysis Of War For The Planet Of The Apes
War for the Planet of the Apes is a 2017 American sci fi movie coordinated by Matt
Reeves and composed by Mark Bomback and Reeves. A continuation of Rise of the
Planet of the Apes (2011) and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014), it is the third
portion in the Planet of the Apes reboot and arrangement. The filmstars Andy Serkis,
Woody Harrelson, and Steve Zahn, and takes after a showdown between the chimps,
drove by Caesar, and the people for control of Earth. Like its ancestor, its introduce
shares a few similitudes to the fifth movie in the first arrangement, Battle for the
Planet of the Apes, however, it isn t an immediate revamp.
Principal photography started on October 14, 2015, in Vancouver. War for the
Planet of the Apes debuted in New York City on July 10, 2017, and was
dramatically discharged in the United States on July 14, 2017, by Twentieth Century
Fox.[6] The movie has netted over $490 million and got basic acclaim, with
numerous analysts featuring the acting (especially Serkis), visual impacts, story,
melodic score and bearing.
The various formal systems in the film relates to one another in various ways,
contributing to the overall effect of the film. From a specific angle the film s
cinematography is exquisite, with some beautiful view and camera work to make
excellent utilization of the scene and activity ( How War For The Planet Of The
Apes Turned A Visual Effect Into A Reluctant Hero ). Reeves accentuation on close
ups and facial shots help mean the
Delving Into Gothic Design With Annamarie Lopinto
Delving into Gothic Design with Annamarie Lopinto If you want an interior design
that is striking and romantic, Annamarie Lopinto states that the Gothic Design is
ideal for your taste. This design style, which is often confused with Medieval design,
is similar in some aspects, but much different in others. The Gothic design era was
actually after the Medieval design reign, and incorporated some new characteristics
along the way. A recurring theme in the Gothic design philosophy is that of the flying
buttress, an architectural engineering feat that includes beautiful archways and
columns. Understandably, this type of design element is not practical for most
common residential rooms, especially for those with a standard height ceiling.... Show
more content on ...
11. Travel the Decades with Retro Design and Annamarie Lopinto When
Annamarie Lopinto hears the term retro , she knows that it can refer to any of the
design characteristics of the 1950s, 1960s, or 1970s. Each decade has its own
unique qualities, and offers a different take on the theme desired. 1950S retro is
very much influenced by the end of World War II, when consumerism was at its
peak in the United States. 1950S retro design can use a variety of color palettes,
from bright color to more muted tones. The furniture created in the Eames style is
very appropriate for that decade of style. In 1960s retro, the designs gravitate
towards more of a groovy feel, with swirling lines and interesting patterns. The
colors used can be complimentary or contrasting, and the textiles will include
obscenely large prints. The furniture is very surreal, with odd lines, and often an
utter lack of symmetry. Pop art and posters are found on the walls, tastefully
framed. Lighting will have bold cloth lamp shades, or even colored glass globes as
an accent. 1970s retro takes the design concepts of the 1960s and adds an urban or
ethnic twist. This style is what could be called psychedelic today. A hip mix of
Boho chic, beatnik, and hippie, 1970s retro seams to have a true split personality.
Annamarie Lopinto explains that the 1970s retro style also includes all of the design
elements of the disco music era as well, complete with glittery disco
Essay about Civil War Battles of Chancelorsville and...
This is only two battles in the whole Civil War yet countless lives were lost in each
one. These battles were only two months apart. The goal of this paper is to give
information on these two Civil War battles Chancelorsville and Gettysburg.
The Battle of Chancelorsville In the Battle of Chancelorsville, Hooker was the
Union general and Lee was the Confederate general. Hooker had 130,000 men and
Lee had 60,000 men. Hooker had more men and supplies and Lee was
outnumbered. Before the battle Hooker said, May God have mercy on General Lee,
for I will have none. In the morning of May 1, 1863, Hooker was condensing his
forces waiting for Lee to attack. That afternoon fighting started, with Hooker and Lee
having skirmishes outside of ... Show more content on ...
Later that day Lee got news that a Union force under Sedgwick was marching toward
Chancelorsville. Lee went after Sedgwick.
On May 4, 1863 Lee and Sedgwick met at the Battle of the Salem Church. The
battle was indecisive. That night both Hooker and Sedgwick retreated over the
Rappahannock. The Union lost 16,800 men and the Confederates lost 13,000 men.
It is considered one of Lee s finest battles. Jackson s arm had to be amputated from
the injury he got. Gangrene set in and he died on May 10, 1863. Even though the
Confederates had won the battle of Chancelorsville it was at high costs.
The Battle of Gettysburg The Battle of Gettysburg happened after Lee won
Chancelorsville. Lee went to Pennsylvania hoping to capture a northern city and re
supply his men. Lee also hoped to draw the Union men from the Mississippi River.
On July 1, 1863 Lee sent Confederate General Harry Heth to Gettysburg to get shoes
for his troops. Union General John Buford s force was dug in at Seminary Ridge in
Gettysburg. Heth came in contact with Buford s scouts. The Confederates went up
an unfinished railroad and arrived outside of town at 8:00A.M. The Confederates
line was at Cemetery Ridge. After two hours of fighting Reynold s Union force
arrived on the scene. Reynold was killed by a Confederate sharpshooter almost as
soon as he entered the battle field so Abner Doubleday took his place of command.
Later the
Discussing the Chrysanthemums Essay
Discussing the Chrysanthemums
In studying the various schools of criticism and using them to decipher the inner
workings of novels, short stories, and poems, it becomes apparent that they all share a
common factor: a theme. The theme of a story is the general idea or insight, which is
revealed by the entire story (Kennedy, 195). Although there are many themes that
seem to be similar, it is difficult, perhaps impossible, to find to stories with identical
themes. Two stories with similar themes, however, are The Chrysanthemums, by John
Steinbeck, and The Yellow
Wallpaper, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. These two stories show the damage caused
by male domination in the past.
The short story The Chrysanthemums gives insight ... Show more content on ...
Husband to Elisa, Henry is easily described as a well intentioned and decent man.
However, he fails to see that in providing everything for his wife, and by being the
decision maker in the relationship, he has not made her content.
It is apparent in this piece that Elisa needs more than a neat house and an excellent
The tinker who comes to the house offers Elisa a new and interesting experience.
At first she is reluctant to even speak to the tinker for very long, but we quickly
see the man use crafty tricks to ease her mood. The tinker s tactics can be seen in
the line, That s a bad dog in a fight when he gets started. This seemingly innocent
rhetoric allows for the tinker to develop a friendly conversation; he is able to start a
personal joke between Elisa and himself, in turn easing her mood. Described as a
large, bearded, and graying man who has been around, and has experienced many
people, the tinker intrigues Elisa.
He is a spontaneous man who seeks adventure, lacking restrictions of time and a
home. In comparing the two men in this story it is simple to see that the tinker is
much more romantic and exciting than Henry.
In the conversation with the tinker, Elisa reveals something, which he uses to take
advantage of her. As they begin to discuss Elisa s chrysanthemums, the tinker
deliberately mentions how beautiful they are to make her feel appreciated.
Essay about the red cap
Essay: essay# Talking to Strangers Talking to Strangers There are two ways that
people are able to choose when they meet strangers. Frist, people can friendly to the
strangers and have a good time to communicate with strangers. The other way is that
people can indifferent to the strangers and never stop to talk with them. It seems that
more and more people choose the second way, because they are afraid of meeting
trouble. There is a tale called Little Red Cap , written by Brothers Grimm. Through
personification and symbolism, the author illustrated the character of Little Red Cap
become indifferent after being deceived by the first wolf, which revealing people will
easily become indifferent after they suffer from cheating, hurting.... Show more
content on ...
However, the character of kindness also brings a big dangerous to Little Red Cap.
Then the author describes the scene that Little Red Cap is eaten by the wolf then is
saved by the hunter to illustrate that Little Red Cap grows up from naive child to a
little big mature girl and the character of Little Red Cap also changes from naГЇve to
clever. The plot that, Little Red Cap quickly fetched some large stones and filled
the wolf s belly with them. (Brothers Grimm 15). After Little Red Cap comes from
the wolf s belly, she quickly fetched some large stones in it. It describe the aspect
of the little girl is smart. Although before was eaten by the wolf, she is weak and
doesn t know how to deal with the dangerous, now she is very smart and knows
how to handle the wolf. It means after this experience the little girl grow up.
Moreover, Little Red Cap puts some large stones in the belly rather than sew the
belly directly. After be cheat by the wolf, Little Red Cap choices kill the wolf rather
than forgive it. It hints the characters of Little Red Cap are also changed. At
beginning, she is naГЇve, kind, weak, but now she is calm, revengeful, and merciless.
It is a big contrast.
Only after this experience the characters of Little Red Cap are thoroughly changed
and the way she connects with strangers also be changed. She becomes calmness,
cautious, and
Project Manager Interview Paper
4.1.1 Interview 1 Name: Jordan Fortino Job Responsibilities: Project
ManagerContractor: Core Urban Inc Adress: 41 King William St. Questions:
1.When your whole project of midrise deal with timber, does shortage of supply
happens, especially when it comes to making wood beams and columns
(laminated Veneer Lumber, Glulam Laminated Beams, etc.)? Thankfully, we have
not had to cross that road yet. I think it that would be very hard to happen seeing as
all of our wood is specifically ordered for the job. One good thing with wood
compared to steel is, if there was a shortage I could get faster on site then steel.
2.Why building with wood over concrete or steel has changed the way we build
midrise buildings in Ontario? Wood is great because... Show more content on ...
In Ontario, since we deal with summer and winter season, is it possible
constructing wood midrise in winter? Why or why not It is possible, we have been
fortunate enough with this weather thus far, but we will continue to build this
structure no matter what the weather. 4.Is there frequent maintenance specifically
needed in wood midrise? If yes, please specify. I think the maintenance is
reciprocal to steal or concrete. For example there is much more framing in wood
framing then let s say concrete. But concrete would need time to cure ect. 5.What
is the risk of shrinkage in wood midrise, the type of shrinkage and ways to prevent
it? Most of the wood that we are getting is engineered. The beams and other spans
are just typical wood, they are engineered and charred to with stand fires, and are
able to expand and shrink with at ease with the building. 6.Is there restriction on
live on dead load overall in wood midrise? No, we would not of done this type of
building if it did not provide the same strength as concrete and steel. 7.What type of
wood (Pine, other timber, etc.) mainly distributed or preferable to work with in this
construction? LVL beams 8.With midrise construction how relatively fast, can wood
midrise be completed over traditional
Social Information Processing Theory Research Paper
Social Information Processing Theory
Social Information Processing Theory was developed by Joseph Walter s in 1992.It is
a subtype of interpersonal communication theory that explains dynamics of online
Social Information Processing Theory deals with the nature and structure of online
relationships developed over computed mediated communication (CMC). The theory
states that the online relationships are essentially same as any other form of face to
face relationships, only difference being that online relationship may take longer time
to develop.
The Social Information Processing Theory highlights the fact that majority of online
relationships develop in spite of the geographical distance or cultural diversity.
The theory dwells on the fact of the mental image perceived and the mental image
portrayed. The theory states a sender receiver model. The model consists of a sender
(where people can select how they project themselves) and a receiver (people create
an ideal image for the person at the other end). Channel is the medium through which
the participants communicate and it is flexible in nature, as on an online platform
people can choose their suitable time. A large amount of communication is also
influenced by the feedback, molding one s portrayed image to align it with the
expectations and responses ... Show more content on ...
The relationships developed online are prone to be more fragile than day to day
relationships. It also involves the fact that in online relationships, people tend to be
less inhibited which can have either positive or negative impact on the relationship.
On one hand it opens up the person to share his/her dreams, desires and feelings and
help in strengthening the relationship in long term ; while on the other hand it can
make a person self absorbed and completely insensitive towards the consequences of
Gingivitis Research Paper
Running Head: What is Gingivitis?
What is Gingivitis?
Gingivitis is a dental disorder characterized by the inflammation of the gums. It
occurs after films of bacteria accumulate around the teeth (plaque induced gingivitis).
Gingivitis is one of the non destructive types of periodontal diseases. Gingivitis
could worsen and progress to periodontitis if left un attended. Periodontitis is worse
and could lead to the loss of your tooth. Individuals with gingivitis have puffy and
red gums and bleed once they brush their teeth. Gingivitis can be solved with proper
dental hygiene flossing, as well as more frequent and longer brushing. In mild cases
of the diseases, individuals may not realize that they have it since the symptoms ...
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b. Non plaque induced gingivitis
Gingivitis caused by a particular virus
Gingivitis caused by specific bacteria
Gingivitis created by some genetic factors
Gingivitis caused by a specific fungus
Signs and symptoms of Gingivitis
A symptom is the feeling described by the patient. A symptom could include painful
gums. Signs are what everyone can see including the nurses and the doctors. A sign
could include a swelling. However, at mild cases, there might be no identifiable signs
or symptoms. Gingivitis has several signs and symptoms that include:
Gums are purple or bright red
Gums bleed when flossing or brushing teeth
Bad breath (Halitosis)
Soft gums
Inflammation of the gums
Receding gums
Sometimes gums are painful to touch and are tender
Soft gums
Causes of Gingivitis
Accumulation of plague Accumulation of plaque between and around the teeth
triggers an immune response that eventually destroys the gingival tissue.
Dental plaque The plaque accumulates around the teeth naturally. The plaque hardens
leading to periodontal diseases, and tooth decay. The periodontal diseases include
periodontitis and
Henry Allison s Two Aspect View
Henry Allison s two aspect view differs profoundly from the two world view by
introducing epistemic conditions. For Allison, the difference between appearances
and things in themselves is epistemic rather than ontological. Rather than reflecting
two separate realms, phenomena and noumena reflect the structure of the mind.21
The notable distinction here is that rather than the identification of the appearance
with the representation, the appearance is associated with the thing in itself.22
Allison argues that Kant s conditions of human knowledge should be taken as
epistemic conditions rather than logical conditions.23 Allison defines an epistemic
condition as a simply a condition that is necessary for an object or objective state of
affairs.24 These epistemic then turn out to be space, time and the categories; it can be
known a priori that every object is structured in terms of these conditions.25 By
introducing epistemic conditions, Allison is capable of separating the two aspect
view from the two world view. These epistemic conditions must be distinguished from
metaphysical, ontological and psychological conditions.26 The psychological
conditions are defined as a disposition of the mind which governs belief
acquisition.27 The prime example of this would be Hume s customs or habit as
features of the mind.28 Epistemic conditions differ from them by reflecting the
structure mind but differ in that they are objectivating; psychological conditions
reflect how the mind
Essay about The Problems of Gangsta Rap
The Problems of Gangsta Rap
The cultural majority in America is up in arms over the rising levels of violence and
horrific images that have seeped into popular entertainment.
Movies, television, and music have always been controversial, but even they can
cross the line between poor taste and immorality. Entertainment corporations and
record labels don t even blink, when told of the excessive torture or satanic lyrics
found in material. Producers and directors continue to push the envelop on what is
done in good taste.
Gangsta rap is one of the current problems of society. Popular music for teens has
always been controversial, or at least in conflict with middle class attitudes. Teen
music has always been under scrutiny ... Show more content on ...
According to the American Psychological Association, a typical child sees 8,000
murders and 100,000 acts of violence on TV before graduating from elementary
school (Nation, 1994).
The results of how television, specifically sex and violence, affect children is not
completely known. Although psychologists state, Aggressive children like to watch
violent TV shows, and it appears that watching violent TV shows makes children
more aggressive; this is presumably due to their exposure to aggressive models
(Eron, 1987). One of Hollywood s more remarkable aspects, is that it has produced
approximately 400 pictures that convey traditional integrity and the mainstream
virtues of love, loyalty, honor, duty, and compassion. Consider movies such as Forrest
Gump, Little Women, and The Lion
King. In contrast, a movie such as Natural Born Killers was intended to imitate the
link between violence and media attention in our culture.
In the long run, individuals will make decisions about what they will buy, read, or
see. Some will lean towards the vulgar and the pornographic. The
American society has some sense of this. They may be irritated or outraged by pop
culture, but the polls state that the principal courses of violence and other national
problems lie beyond the entertainment industry (Congressional
Quarterly Weekly Report, 1995).
The Ethics Of Scientific Knowledge
Cortni Volkman
Science surrounds just about every aspect of human interaction but where does this
scientific knowledge come from? The communication of scientific knowledge trickles
in a fashion opposite to that of the filtration of water through a carbon scrubber,
where the highest concentration of pure scientific knowledge exists within the
prestigious community of scientists and scientific knowledge within the academic
and public communities has to be filtered from the other particles of ideas, leaving
much room for interpretation. This paper will explore these different interactions
among various communities and how it shapes communication of scientific
knowledge. One such community is that of the very scientists who do the research
and publications which supply much of the scientific knowledge we know today.
However, research and publishing is heavily time consuming and expensive so many
scientist must seek out funding. Bias, or a conflict of interest, can be argued to exist
in all aspects of science depending on when and how results are obtained. It is
without discourse than to argue that all research, even that done at collegiate level,
has some amount of bias whether from the funding received, the council from
professors or advisors, or the availability of more advanced technology to obtain data
(Krimsky 2012). Such bias from technological means can even limit what scientists
can publish. Often the military relies on scientists for their expertise in

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Compare And Contrast Essay Introduction Example

  • 1. Compare And Contrast Essay Introduction Example Crafting an essay, particularly a compare and contrast essay introduction example, can be a challenging endeavor. The difficulty lies not only in the need for a deep understanding of the chosen subjects but also in the art of articulating comparisons and contrasts effectively. The introduction serves as the gateway to the entire essay, requiring a delicate balance between providing enough context and sparking interest without giving away the entire argument. Finding the right tone and structure is essential, as it sets the stage for the reader's expectations. The writer must carefully navigate through the complexities of the topics, ensuring that each point of comparison and contrast is clear, relevant, and contributes to the overall coherence of the essay. It demands a keen analytical mind to identify meaningful connections and disparities between the subjects, and the ability to present these insights in a compelling manner. Moreover, the challenge extends beyond the intellectual aspect. Time management is crucial, as essay writing requires dedicated research, thoughtful planning, and meticulous revision. Striking the right balance between conciseness and thoroughness can be demanding, and the pressure to meet deadlines adds an additional layer of complexity. In essence, crafting a compare and contrast essay introduction is a multifaceted task that demands both intellectual rigor and effective communication skills. It requires a writer to delve deep into the subjects, critically assess their nuances, and present a coherent and engaging introduction that lays the foundation for the entire essay. For those facing challenges in this endeavor, it's worth noting that assistance is available. Similar essays, as well as a wide range of academic writing services, can be accessed on platforms like, providing valuable support to individuals navigating the intricacies of essay composition. Compare And Contrast Essay Introduction Example Compare And Contrast Essay Introduction Example
  • 2. How To Reduce Drinking And Driving Essay The drinking and driving epidemic has been an on going issue that puts millions of people in constant risk daily. This issue is only getting worse. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration s Mark Rosekind recently quotes We re seeing these increases that we have not seen in 50 years. It s tragic. This proves that statement true. With that being said, something needs to be done about this growing problem. The department of public safety should require alcohol detecting device for all vehicles with the support of the driver s insurancecompany because the laws and remedy s in place now are very ineffective to the public health. Laws and remedy s suggested for drinking and driving are not in the best interest of the people but rather ... Show more content on ... Here s a Simple Way to Reduce Drunk DrivingDeaths. Science of Us, 5 Jan. 2017. General OneFile, / sw=w u=txshracd2891 v=2.1 id=GALE%7CA476594093 it=r asid=578d4783e07ce2dfd577e81b85a04876. Accessed 18 Apr. 2017. Cleave, Kris Van. 2016 may go down as one of the worst years for drunk driving deaths. CBS News. CBS Interactive, 26 Dec. 2016. Web. 20 Apr. 2017. . Esser, Marissa B.1, et al. Evaluation of the Evidence Base for the Alcohol Industry s Actions to Reduce Drink Driving Globally. American Journal of Public Health, vol. 106, no. 4, Apr. 2016, pp. 707 713. EBSCOhost, doi:10.2105/AJPH.2015.303026. Nationwide waging drunk driving battle. National Underwriter Property Casualty Risk Benefits Management, 24 Sept. 1990, p. 42+. General OneFile, / sw=w u=txshracd2891 v=2.1 id=GALE%7CA8995420 it=r asid=b4a9ea19a833ca853f25b806c1164a58. Accessed 18 Apr. 2017. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Results from the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Summary of National Findings. Rockville, MD: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2014.
  • 3. Themes In James Baldwin s The Fire Next Time I don t even call it violence when it s self defense; I call it intelligence. Malcolm X It is their fault, after all. White people Is it not time that the subjugated, oppressed, black community rise up and seize what they rightfully deserve? What really is the cost of setting the score? James Baldwin, political activist and author, would say that the cost, indeed, is everything. Society is sick. Black communities are hurting, and white peopleneglect to see it. Baldwin s book The Fire Next Time chronicles Baldwin s thoughts concerning the racial conundrum present in the U.S. He believes that in order for true equity to be established, love will have to win out. The text consists of two essays. The first is a letter to Baldwin s nephew and acts as a sort of prelude to the rest of the text. What will be concentrated on here is Baldwin s second essay, Down at the Cross: Letter from a Region in my Mind. The text is broken down into three sections each having a focus on one of three main ideas: The Church and it s inadequacy in addressing racial oppression, the Islamic alternative, and finally Baldwin s call to action. As is apparent by Baldwin s narrative, growing up in Harlem was no easy matter. the essay introduces us to Baldwin in his early teen s, just on the threshold of when his world was finally shattered. He was finally starting to notice the effects of racial oppression. He could see it in the changing behavior of his friends, in the poverty, in the
  • 4. The Hunt For Red October Summary The Hunt for Red October The book I chose to write about is The Hunt for Red October, written by Tom Clancy. The book is about the hunt for a new Soviet nuclear submarine called Red October. The settings of the story are Russia, America, and the Atlantic Ocean. The time is the early 1980 s. The main characters are Jack Ryan, an intelligent American CIA agent who lives in London, and Marko Aleksandrovich Ramius, a Soviet submarine captain. Other characters in the book are Seaman Jones, a navy man, and Skip Tyler, a crippled submarine engineer. The story begins in Russia with the nuclear stealth submarine Red October, armed with nuclear missiles, is launched into the ocean. Inside, Captain Ramius thinks about his wife who was killed because of the lack of efficiency of ... Show more content on ... To make sure no one interferes with his decision to defect, Ramius kills the political officer onboard. The Soviet Union found out that Ramius is going to defect, so they sent anything they had to destroy the Red October, but they had trouble tracking it because it was nearly undetectable by Soviet technology. At the same time, Jack Ryan was sent from London to the U.S. to deliver pictures of a new Soviet submarine. After showing the pictures to the Deputy Director of intelligence, Ryan goes to his friend Skip Tyler to try to figure out what type of submarine it is. Tyler noticed it is a new type of Soviet sub with a stealth drive. A few days later, the U.S.S. Dallas was near the coast of Iceland when Seaman Jones noticed a strange noise. He recorded it and played it over and over again. Others onboard of the U.S.S Dallas listened to the noise. They decided to follow the noise. One man noticed a lot of Soviet boats were in the Atlantic Ocean and were heading for America. The White House and Pentagon were notified and they feared Russia might be getting ready to attack. Two days later, the U.S.S. Dallas and another submarine caught up with the noise
  • 5. Monkey Trials History Each year the United States makes many advances in the way life is lived and saw the world. During this year many things changed and developed as every year does because new things are discovered and observed. Over the course of one year many new ideas and thoughts were put on the table which lead to court cases, new plans, and new literature. In 1925, the Scopes Trials becomes huge because it was right after the law was changed that states shouldnt share your opions on evolution to their students. John Scopes taught his highschool that humans come from monkeys and that is why they often call the Monkey Trials. Teachers arent allowed to talk about evolution, the scientifically accepted notion that human beings developed from other animals... Show more content on ... Great Gatsby was published and the novel became big becuase it featured themes and struggles in the early 20 s so most of them could relate to the problems and events taking place in this book. The novel showed class struggles, excess wealth, and the breakdown of the American dream during the Jazz Cafe in the 1920 s (Pearson 1). In 1925, the New Yorker Magazine was published since it s first issue, in 1925, The New Yorker has been know for its cartoons (Stokes 1). Ever since the cartoons have been a very huge hit because they reflect what is hapeening in society. The New Yorker was refered to as the best magazine in the world for someone who can t read (Stokes 1). Back then and now, cartoons are a comic reflection of their times, holding up a fun mirror to history (Stokes 1). The role of literature was to reflect the current news of this time period and when they did reflect that it showed through the pieces
  • 6. Vacations In Italy Everyone deserves a vacation from a time to time to allow them to take a break from their busy lives. Whether you crave the warm blissful sun on a white sand beach or a chilly winter wonderland, vacations are a must to allow one to continue a stress free life. The big question on most potential vacationers minds is where is the best place to vacation to? The answer is most definitely Rome, Italy. What really makes this city a charmer is its delicious food, beautiful architecture and priceless art. These points make Rome the ultimate vacation spot for everyone in need of a trip away from home. For starters, the delicacies in Rome are unique to say the least. In fact, all 20 regions of Rome have their own special dish that tourists flee to the city to try. What makes the food in Rome so worldly renown is its simplicity and flavour. Many restaurants stick to using family recipes passed on over many generations. Chefs base their creations on traditional methods and ingredients to make what is known as poor man s food , which consists of few ingredients and easy instructions. They do so to respect the local food of the past and give what they make more meaning. Customers can feel the love put into every bite made, which is why tourists come in flocks to the city. Also, Rome can be credited for exposing the world to universally known delights. For example, Rome is the place to go for authentic pizza. It is said in legends that pizza was created by Roman soldiers who were
  • 7. Miss Brill s Point Of Loneliness To help deal with her loneliness, Miss Brill goes to the park every Sunday. When she goes, it s clear that she enjoys going to the park because of all the activities going on. For example, she says, Oh, how fascinating it was! How she enjoyed it! How she loved sitting there, watching it all! Being there every Sunday helps Miss Brill forget about the lonely feeling that she felt at the dark little room in which she lives. Miss Brill takes advantage of what goes around her in order to not feel lonely. For example, she listens and watches other people as if she were included in the activities of the park. She s believes that she s an expert at sitting in other people s lives for just a minute by eavesdropping. When someone watches what is... Show more content on ... For example, when she goes to the park, she has a special bench at the park and constantly touches the fur that she has around her neck. The fur represents some sort of presence she feels within the fox fur. She see s her fox fur as a companion that goes with her around the park. Ignoring reality, she sees a character and personality within the lifeless fox that she refers as the little rogue! Another indication that Miss Brill hides her sad reality is seen in her perception of others versus herself. While observing the park, Miss Brill sees all the elderly people sitting on the bench who share the same tradition as her; going to the park to watch and listen to others. She doesn t see herself as being in the same group as them instead, when she sees others performing the same acts as she does, she finds them as odd, silent, nearly all old, and from the way they stared they looked as though they d just come from little dark rooms. She refuses to see her own reflection in the mirror of the elderly people she sees at the park. In the same way, Miss Brill twists her perception as she begins to see herself being an actress. The park then becomes a stage, the band orchestrates interactions, and the crowd becomes the cast for the scene she imagines as being exactly like a play. When using this method, she provides herself with a sense of significance,
  • 8. The Difference That Michael Acquired Throughout Season... This paper is constructed to analyze the difference that Michael acquired throughout Season four of The Wire. While watching the season, I have depicted numerous views about Michael which demonstrated that his character has changed based off the change of his environment. At first, he came across as a strong, respectful, and polite adolescent. Throughout the season, I have noticed that Michael s initial attitude and behavior had regressed as the season went on. He often resembled or went beyond the actions of some of the hardest members of the drug game. Acquiring traits like violent behavior, being foul mouthed, and disrespectful. In episode eight season four, Michael returns home form boxing where he is surprisingly visited by Bugs dad. Michael begins to question his mom as to why he is back and how he got out of his twelve years sentence. His mom states that it was only parole for a minor drug charge. Michael brings into consideration his mom s prior statement and tries to grasp why she allowed him back after she stated how she would not allow it. .She claims to Michael that having Bugs father around is a good thing and he will over all provide for the family. The motherwants a sense of unity and family again, where Michael does not. This is when Michael gets hurts and simply states You lied to me (42:32). This quote helps us to determine how Michael s emotions are being process through his body. It also helps us analyzes the actionhe commits later on in this scene.
  • 9. Identify Suitable International Markets For Tnq Profile international markets Part A: Identify suitable international markets This part of the project requires you to select at least 2 potential international markets for investigation for TTNQ. 1. Identify at least 5 key information sources that can assist you to identify suitable international markets. Write down the web site reference of each of these reference sources and summarize the information that the web site provides that will assist you to identify international markets for TTNQ. Industry associations: Tourism Australia: International MarketUpdate /documents/Markets/TAINT10315_International_Market_Update_March_2016.pdf According to the International Visitors Survey (IVS), the result shows that ... Show more content on ... Mobile is a compulsory for everyone which can be bring to anywhere without geographical boundaries with multiple usages as people in Malaysia have a busy work life, and they might not have time to get in touch with agent to make enquiries or booking for their travel. There are different travel applications available in cell phone, for example application for hotel booking, flight ticket information, transport, introduction of travel destination, deals and etc. Thus, mobile become an essential thing in their daily life, they can manage to plan and make booking for their travel without any time and geographical boundaries. This is a more effective and efficient
  • 10. Essay on Certainty is Decartes Discourse of Method Rene Descartes overall objective in publicizing Discourse of Method is to developing a new system of knowledge that is free of prior prejudices for establishing the truth of things. In Part 4 of the book he explains the philosophical basing (the meditations) for establishing the new system. These meditations were based on the epistemological theory of rationalism: that is if someone truly knows something then they could not possibly be mistaken. He goes on to provide solid argument for his ideas. In Meditations he comes to term with three certainties: the existence of the mind as the thing that thinks, the body as an extension, and God as the supreme being. He attests that he came to these conclusions ... Show more content on ... Besides, many of us, at one point in our lives, have wondered this very philosophical question: Am I dreaming? Yet, even now, most of us would claim that we are awake; however, while in a dream, on one actually believes that they are actually sleeping. Nevertheless, Decartes doesn t concretely prove that we are dreaming. He doesn t have to. Instead, he merely raises the point that, at any moment, we may be dreaming. Just by presenting this simple possibilty, Decartes successfully destroys all of our sensory beliefs. By proposing the Dream and Illusion theory Decartes is able to judge and maintain that all his former beliefs as false. Using doubt as a tool, he is able to clearly and distinctly perceive the idea of mind. The mind represented by I . Inorder to proof his idea of I did not represent the self as in physical appearances he proposes the following statement, Thus this, I , that is to say the soul through which I am what I am, is entirely distinct from the body and is even easier to know than the body, and event if there there were no boy at all, it would not cease to be all that it is (Cress, pg 19). Through this, he is able to reach the conclusion even though
  • 11. all things may be doubtful, the fact that we doubt is not doubtful. There is doubt, thinking; which is certain. It the doubt is
  • 12. Exploration And Development Of Deep Ocean Mining Deep ocean mining is a great way for the ocean to get a rich source of minerals. At the same time its high risks due to extreme pressure at death is harmful. It ll be much tougher to mind largely because of ocean depth and pressure. If one problem goes wrong it s harder to deal with a problem so far down. As an industry deep ocean miningstill in the early stage of exploration and development, by biologist Richard Steiner. Another reason currently, extraction of minerals by contractors of sand and gravel or of higher value minerals such as diamonds and gold takes place in shallow water. However, it is now believed that extracting high value minerals on the seabed will benefit the twofold: (i) given the increase in the cost of... Show more content on ... This notwithstanding, the Government could insist, for example, that exploitation or exploration of the mineral resources in a particular area should be diligently carried out; that it must comply with any plan of work authorized with a corresponding contract and that it should comply with any rules, regulations or procedures issued or adopted by the ISA which are applicable to contractors. It is important to note that the Government cannot issue a license to a contractor in relation to a specific area if the ISA has already issued a license (unless it is with a contractor).14 However, given the extreme environment within which contractors operate, a key question to ask is how is the Government going to be able to tell whether in territorial or non territorial waters as a sponsoring state that a contractor has: (i) complied with the terms and conditions of the requisite license; (ii) the provisions (including environmental protection measures) set out in UNCLOS; (iii) rules and regulations adopted by the state; (iv) rules and regulations introduced by the ISA; and (v) the terms set out in an exploration or exploitation contract granted by the ISA
  • 13. Joseph Mccarthy And The Red Scare The 1950 s was a time of paranoia in the United States a time of suspicion and fear. The Cold War had just ended and U.S citizens were nervous for their government s safety due to the fact that as soon as the war ended, China had become a Communist nation. One American in particular, Senator Joseph McCarthy allegedly believed that Communist spies were infiltrating the United Statesgovernment. These claims resulted in Joseph McCarthybecoming a hero figure towards American citizens; the people believed anything he said. This led to McCarthy abusing his power and accusing citizens of un American acts. Joseph McCarthy was a hypocrite to Americanism because he committed un American activities such as McCarthyism, the Red Scare and Blacklisting.... Show more content on ... The House Un American Activities Committee (HUAC), began investigating Communist influences in the entertainment industry. The HUAC believed that Communists were secretly sending messages in films through propaganda ( Blacklisting ). Due to these beliefs, the HUAC called ten witnesses to testify against the accusal of Communist practices within the entertainment industry, but the witnesses refused to speak (Littell). These ten men would soon be infamously known as the Hollywood Ten; these men decided not to cooperate with the hearings because they believed they were unconstitutional and due to that they were sent to prison (Littell). Because of this, Hollywood executives initiated a blacklist, which is a list of people whom they condemned for having a Communist background. The people McCarthy had blacklisted, about 500 actors, writers, producers, and directors, had their careers ruined (Hixson). Again, Joseph McCarthy is responsible for the diminishing of people s careers and reputations due to his false accusations and strong anti Communist beliefs; not to mention McCarthy had no evidence against the accusal, but they were still sentenced to prison, death, or banishment. These actions McCarthy committed are illegal and corrupt
  • 14. Who Is Leslie Knope s Parks And Recreation Parks and Recreation is a comedy tv show which stars Amy Poler as the main character, Leslie Knope. Leslie Knope is a lively government official who works in the Parks Department of Pawnee. Although Parks and Recreation is a comedy tv show, Leslie Knope displays insight into misogyny, sexism, gender equality and government sexual politics, particularly in an office place. Before we were aware of the cliche yet degrading storyline of girls fantasizing of finding the perfect man to marry, the media produced a majority of their films based on that specific plot. The media portrayed the woman depending on a man to sweep her off her feet and to live happily ever after. One major example is the story of Cinderella. The book ended happily ever after only when Cinderella had found her prince? Finding a man solely for living a comfortable life without any worries is in fact risky and foolish. Dependence on a man is futile because you are indeed responsible for your own life. Leslie Knope challenges this idea by focusing all of her time furthering her career and improving life in the Town of Pawnee. In no way does Leslie show any signs of achieving a happy and... Show more content on ... In season 5 episode 11, she pointed out that sanitation was the number one offender for gender equality due to there being no women garbage collectors. To her reply, the representatives said that the work was too physical and demanding for a woman. Leslie challenges the idea of a typical life job a women is familiar with and the commonly yet demeaning characteristic women are expected to be, submissive. She challenges those ideas by volunteering to work at a garbage truck in order to fight sexism in the city government. Instead of bearing with the representatives sexism, Leslie takes it as a challenge and
  • 15. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Track Gauge In attempt to stimulate economic development and de congest roadways between two major cities in South Africa, the decision has been made to build a railway as alternative transport. An important decision needs to then be made concerning the type of track gauge for the new railway line. A comparison, by a review of pros and cons, is made between the 1076mm Cape gauge and the 1435mm Standard gaugein order to recommend the more economically viable track gauge for the transport infrastructure. The Cape gauge was initially a better option as the narrow gauge reduced costs when building through and around South Africa s mountainous terrain. These narrow networks are lighter and have smaller radius curves, this makes them useful in the mining, construction, tunnelling and quarrying industries where temporary railway is needed. Moving rolling stock is difficult with Cape gauges so there must always be enough rolling stock to keep up with demand during peak periods, however, this is unprofitable during periods of low demand. The Standard gauge is used widely in the United States, Canada, Europe, China and many other countries which allows for a wider variety of suppliers. Fewer countries make use of the ... Show more content on ... Cost per kilometre for the Cape gauge lies at R1.6 million while the Standard gauge cost is higher per kilometre at R1.8 million. The track costs are balanced out due to the ease with which the rolling stock for a Standard gauge can be accessed as there are existing designs that have been tried and tested that are available, this saves vast quantities of money and time. If a Cape gauge were to be used the designs would have to be tested, prototyped and optimised before they are
  • 16. Benefits Of Cover Letter Cover Letters 101: 5 Top Tips to Get Your Cover Letter Noticed Are you having a tough time securing job interviews? Do you submit your resume and cover letter, yet never receive a call for an interview? It could be your cover letter is standing between you and a new job. If you want to improve the effectiveness of your cover letter, bear the following tips in mind. Personalize your cover letter for each job employment opportunity. Recruiters appreciate when you take the time to research their company. A cover letter should be brief. This isn t your opportunity to write a long winded summary of your employment history. Introduce yourself, reference your resume and skill sets, and let your employment history speak for itself.
  • 17. Rembrandt s Christ On The Sea Of Galilee The challenges faced in the passages were more than a couple. Two different places and two different years, but same problem. Neither cases were completed and became cold cases. Many challenges faced in the first passage Isabella Stewart Gardner Heist: 25 Years of Theories came to a dead end. A stolen artifact, a painting, Rembrandt s Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee was on of the most sought after stolen masterpieces in the world. Making the robbery the largest art theft in American history, mostly because 13 paintings were stolen. They were stolen in March 1990 from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, they haven t caught the thieves. It remains a cold case because the main detective that knew everything to the case is dead.
  • 18. Persuasive Essay About Christopher Columbus The year was 1492, and a European catholic man determined to find a new trade route to the Asian continents accidently discovers the American continent, by doing so he introduces the old world to the new. I m speaking of course of Christopher Columbus, the great explore. Little did he know that he would spark a fire of exploration and conquest. Fueled by greed and of lavish stories told about cities of gold. The Conquistadors of Spain would come in ships by the hundreds, roaming and pillaging the new lands of South America. As the conquistadors moved further north they discover a very hostile and beautiful land later called Texas. Years later, the French come to Texas and so do the Anglos which derived of Germans, Irish and... Show more content on ... I m speaking of cores of Houston, Dallas and San Antonio. There are also city s such as Austin, Fort Worth and El Paso with populations exceeding over 500,000. Between the years of 2011 and 2012 the city of San Marcos had the highest growth rate in all the united states cities with more than a 50,000 population increases. In a 2010 census the population in Texas the population was estimated to be 25,145,561. The 2010 census confirmed a population growth of 20.6%from the previous census back in 2000were the estimated population was at 20,851,820. This percentage may seem like a big number but it is a steady and for the most part a very accurate calculation for the Texas population. The largest increase in the population of Texas was between the years of 1850 through 1860 were the population was 212,592 and shot up to 604,215. Giving this ten year period a 184.2%. (US Census) In a 11 article the Texas Population Projections 2010 to 2050, highlights a population explosion that may well occur over the next 45 years those individuals aged 14 and under would nearly double from 5.7 million in 2010 to 10.2 million in 2050. The 15 64 demographic would swell from 16.8 million to 34.7 million, and the senior 65 and over demographic would jump from 2.6 million to 9.4 million. In total, Texas population would swell to 54.4 million, based on immigration and people moving from other U.S. states. The report predicted Hispanic population to
  • 19. Office Space In 1999, Hollywood writer and director, Mike Judge, wrote and directed a movie entitled Office Space. Office Space is a satirical look at the human experience in the workplace environment. Although the scenarios presented in this comedy are far fetched, they do shine a light on several industrial and organizational psychological principles. Some themes that are touched on in the movie are leadership, communication, motivation, job analysis, groupthink, and counterproductive workplace behaviors. This paper will attempt to analyze and evaluate the workplace conditions presented through the lens of Herzberg s two factor theory and make recommendations to increase production as well as job satisfaction. Introduction Office Space opens with a scenario that is enough to drive anyone crazy. We first meet our protagonist, Peter Gibbons, while he is stuck in rush hour traffic on his way to work. At one point, he even sees an elderly man passing him on a sidewalk while using a walker. This overwhelming feeling of going nowhere would prove to be a recurring theme for Peter throughout the movie. Peter s relationship with his girlfriend is at a stalemate, and he believes she may be... Show more content on ... He parks his car in his boss s parking spot. He does not comply with the dress code, and he begins removing things that bother him like the infamous shocking door handle and the cubicle wall that blocks his view of the window. On this same morning, Peter has his interview with the consultants. As a result of his euphoric state, and already certain that he was going to get fired, Peter is blunt with the consultants about his daily routine at Initech. He admits to only performing 15 minutes of actual work in a given week, while spending most of his time just spacing out . He also informs the consultants of other office problems, like the fact that he has eight
  • 20. Ashes By Susan Beth Pfeffer Summary Divorce is a struggle in Ashleigh s life. Ashleigh has to make a decision that is not easy. Ashleigh is 13 or 14 years old, and is having a tough time with her parents divorce. Her dad is a good person, but he and Ashleigh s mom fight a lot. Her dad needs help paying a loan and asks Ashleigh a favor. Ashleigh is asked to grab her mom s emergency money to help out her dad. Did she take the money and help her dad? Or did she keep it in the teapot, and not help her dad out? Ashleigh did not take the money because she did not want her mom to get mad at her. In the story (Ashes page 1), (Susan Beth Pfeffer) it says Mom yelled... Her mom was always mad and didn t want to make her mad at anything else. Also, in the story (Ashes page 4), (Susan Beth... Show more content on ... A quote from the text (Ashes page 4), (Susan Beth Pfeffer) is You. This is explaining that it isn t a big deal and the dad wouldn t be taking money from her mom, it would be borrowing money from her, Ashleigh. An inference I made was that Ashleigh was feeling like she was put in the middle of both of her parents, she did not want to make her mom mad or her dad upset because he did not have the money to pay the loan. One last quote from the text (Ashes page 4), (Susan Beth Pfeffer) is What if mom finds out? This quote is explaining that Ashleigh is worried that her mom will find out about the deal with her dad or her mom will see her getting in the teapot. She respects both parents and does not want to make either parent upset or angry. In conclusion, Ashleigh did not take the money because she did not want to make her mom mad, she would not have been able to give the money to her dad because he drove away, and she respected both of her parents. If you were in this position, what would you have done? Would you have taken the money, or left it in the teapot so you did not get in trouble? Ashleigh s parents divorce might have had a big part in her decision. Ashleigh was put in the middle of her parents, which is intimidating when her parents are divorced. It puts even more stress on her to make the
  • 21. Climate Change In Canada Essay Introduction In the words of Barack Obama, climate change is no longer some far off problem; it is happening here, it is happening now. (J. S. World Economic Forum, 2015) This global phenomenon is causing many problems around the world and is affecting both developed countries like Canada and other countries in the process of developing. This report investigates how climate change can pose significant impacts on all countries despite economic stability. Places like Canada are affected by the severe storms and drastic changes in weather and these changes can hurt the environment and the economy. They can also pose threats to crop production and public health. Climate change can also hurt the developmental progression of low income countries ... Show more content on ... The potential harm that climate change could have in Canada is concerning because Canada has one of the most diverse landscapes which is host to a countless number of species and ecosystems that are examples of at risk habitats (David Suzuki Foundation, 2017). Natural resources Canada believes that climate change will affect many of the forests in Canada in a range of complex ways. These affects include changes in plant mortality, disturbance in plant growth and distribution. These impacts are cumulative and can increase insect vulnerability or cause more wildfires. These problems can weaken the plant population and increase their chances of being disease prone or attacked by insects. Some habitats may disappear, because of changing weather patterns. Many forestry dependant communities and aboriginal communities will be affected and loss in their wood supply like timber would hinder their economic strength and harvesting potential (Natural resources Canada, 2017). In the Atlantic, the affects of climate change would result in an increase of weather inconsistency. The region may face more storm events, storm intensity, rising sea levels and coastal erosion. Since much of the Canadian population lives in costal regions this can have grave implications. It can affect the socio economic well being of Atlantic communities in vital infrastructure, and industries like fishery and tourism (Climate Action Network,
  • 22. The Training Of A Neural Networks In order to have a better understanding of the mechanism used in the prediction process, we need to know what are the stopping conditions, as this process involves a finite number of iterations known a priori. It has been previously proved one of the problems that occur during the training of a neural networks is overfitting towards the input data, which generates low quality predictions [56]. In order to reduce this tendency, the early stopping criteria has been formulated. This involves dividing the input set in three subsets [57]: training set, used to estimte the weights; testing set, used to assess the prediction sample and validation set, which is an accuracy indicator of the prediction sample, although it is not used during the... Show more content on ... Application using neural networks for the real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) prediction This is an empirical example which has the role of highlighting the differences between a neural network and a linear regression model. Lamy Robert estimated a linear regression model to predict the growth of real GDP in Canada [59]. His model explains 82% of the GDP variation in the period 1978 1998. The coefficient obtained are statistically significant so, he the model can be used to predict the values of the GDP for different periods. His model contains six independent variables, which are: R_(t 1) is the quarterly growth of the Canadian Financial Index at t 1; F_t is the employment growth rate at time t; F_(t 1) is the employment growth rate at t 1; B_t is the consumer confidence index; d_(t 9) is the first difference of the long term real interest rate at time t 9 (9 month before time t); d_(t 3) is the first difference of the government budget balance as a share of GDP, at time t 3 (3 months before time t). Four dummy variables have been included in the model to control four periods (quarter 1 in 1980, quarter 1 in 1981, quarter 4 in 1986 and quarter 3 in 1991). The linear regression model was estimated based on 62 observations and is given by: гЂ–GDPгЂ—_t= 1.695+0.075R_(t 1)+0.3F_t+0.25F_(t 1)+0.019B_t 0.175d_(t 9) 0.32d_(t 3) 1.15d^1+1.168d^2+0.0906d^3 0.84d^4+Оµ_t (4.11) where: d^1,d^2,d^3 and d^4 are dummy variables. The neural
  • 23. The Great Gatsby Love Essay Is Scott Fitzgerald s, The Great Gatsby truly one of the greatest love stories of all time? Or his love story overwhelmed by unrealistic sequences and fantasizing? In his article, The Serious Superficiality of The Great Gatsby, Joshua Rothman vehemently denies the presupposition that The Great Gatsby is about love and father states that many characters and sequences in the novel are unrealistic. Other critics who would argue that the novel is about love are too dogmatic in their beliefs. Supported by a preponderance of evidence from the book itself, Rothman s claims that The Great Gatsbyis about fantasizing rather than love and that the story itself is unrealistic are indeed accurate. First, Rothman precisely claims that The Great Gatsby is about fantasizing, not love. He says, Much of... Show more content on ... He claims that scenes such as the hit and run and a murder suicide are defiantly unrealistic and that the characters seem unreal. Furthermore, the scene in which Gatsby expresses optimism that he can repeat his past with Daisy is also intangible. Gatsby cries, Can repeat the past? Why of course you can! and I m going to fix everything just the way it was before. She ll see (Fitzgerald 110). Gatsby is obsessed with Daisy to the point where he thinks he can repeat the past and relive the relationship he once had with Daisy. However, this dream is nearly impossible as repeating the past is an unimaginable phenomenon. Also, Gatsby s rise to fortune is highly improbable since Gatsby came from an impoverished family and managed to become one of the wealthiest men in New York in a couple of years following the war. This adds to the skepticism of the events of the book and the plot along with the many other implausible sequences. The amalgam of unrealistic sequences in The Great Gatsby proves Rothman s claim that many sequences in the novel are unrealistic to be
  • 24. The Father Of All Monsters Richard Zepeda Professor Macias College Writing 111 7 April 2016 The Father of All Monsters Typhon, the force to be reckoned with and the one that only few can match. This terrifying beast is definitely not your ordinary monster; according to Hesiod s The Theogony he is a son of Gaia (the earth) and Tartarus (the depths of hell). Though, as stated in The Homeric Hymn, Typhon was the child of Hera without help. Hera was angry at Zeus for giving birth to Athena by himself, so she prayed to Gaia to give her a son that was as powerful as Zeus, after that Hera whacked the floor and she became pregnant. Hera then gave her baby Typhon to the serpent Python to take care of, and Typhon grew up to become a great annoyance to mortals. There are many different stories of how this creature came about; nonetheless neither can discredit this monster as being the most fierce and terrifying. Typhon is said to have been the most ferocious creature to have ever roamed the earth. Typhon is perhaps undoubtedly the most disturbing and powerful monster in Greek mythology. Typhon, however, was not just a monster, he was a god, being the son of the Gaia and Tartarus gave him such title. Now just because Typhon is a son of gods, that alone does not make him one of the most feared creatures in Greek mythology, rather than his ascribed status, it is Typhon s actual physical appearance and capabilities that strike fear into his foes and anyone else who comes across his path. This
  • 25. Analysis Of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings s The Yearling Prize, a thing given as a reward to the winner of a competition or race or in recognition of another outstanding achievement . A prize is not given out to just anyone, especially the Pulitzer Prize, an award for an achievement in American journalism, literature, or music. With only thirteen made each year, it is a challenge, but writer Marjorie Kinnan Rawlingshas beat the challenge by winning a Pulitzer Prize for her novel, The Yearling, published in 1938. She won this award not only for the brilliant thoughts she put into words but also for the way she structured the words. Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings obtained her Pulitzer Prize in part for her use of sensory details, figurative language, and syntax in her novel The Yearling. One reason why Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings deservedly won a Pulitzer Prize, is because of her use of sensory detail in The Yearling. Sensory details are details that help create a better image for a reader by expressing smell, taste, touch, sound, and sight and they are used abundantly in the four pages provided from the book. For example, on page six, it states, He moved a stone that was matching its corners against his sharp ribs and burrowed a little... . This description is an example of the good use of sensory detail because, it allows the readers to feel what the boy, Jody, is feeling, which allows a better connection between the reader and the book. Another example, is on page six, when she describes what it was like when he awoke and says, The sun
  • 26. Communicative Participation And Its Participation Communicative Participation Communicative participation can be defined as how individuals participate in a range of discourse activities in contextually situated ways that, in turn, reflect on the manner of their involvement in culture (Kovarsky, 2003). Communicative participation varies dramatically based on whom the individual is that is attempting communication, and what the purpose of the communication is. There are an extraordinary amount of contexts that can affect the communicative participation as well. Communicative participation is such a broad term that covers so much, that it is divided into many layers. These layers are overlapping and construct the whole of communicative participation. The five layers that work to... Show more content on ... The first is the example from an article written by Laura Polich, that examines deafness in Nicaragua. In Nicaragua, deafness is considered a disease that affects more than just your ability to hear. This religious worldview has influenced how deaf children, who are so communicatively shut out of an oral world, were (and are) seen by society: most likely the result of God s wrath brought on by some sin (Polich, 2005, p. 225 226). Being deaf in Nicaragua does not only affect one s ability to hear but also their ability to participate in society. Deaf individuals in Nicaragua are outcasts, their disability is thought to be because someone in their family committed a strong enough sin that God wanted to place deafness on them. For this reasoning, deaf children used to be hidden from society, it is less common now, however it does still occur. This all results from the fact that deaf individuals in Nicaragua can not communicate very much orally. Lacking the ability to speak is considered a serious detriment, because very few people in Nicaragua had embraced sign language up until recently. In this respect, the community of Nicaragua had almost no way to communicate with those around them and were extremely culturally dis valued. Because of this lack of communication, in Polich s survey (1998) (as cited in Polish, 2005) 40% of people responded to the question with which [hearing] person living in your
  • 27. Pedestrian Safety Research Paper BICYCLES U.S. Department of Transportation secretary Anthony Foxx has started the Department s Safer people, Safer streets initiative, only to tackle non motorized safety issues and helping communities by making them safer, better, well connected bicycling and walking networks. As a part of this initiative, Department s field offices are meeting transportation agencies. From the past 7.5 years, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has been immensely trying to reduce pedestrian deaths by giving more attention on the extra aid on the states and cities with the highest numbers or rate of fatalities. In the past few years, 13 states experienced through pedestrian fatalities more than 150 per year and more than the national rate of 2.5 of 100,000 population. To tackle this issue FHWA s Focused Approach to Pedestrian safety project started with a memorandum in May 2004 describing the goal of reducing pedestrian fatalities by 10% by the year 2008. In addition ... Show more content on ... According to the statistical data, 88% of the bicyclists were killed and 80% of those injured were male and out of it 48% of bicyclists deaths occurred between 4 p.m. and midnight out of it 24% of those killed while riding bicycles were 45 54 years old and 9% of bicyclist fatalities and 20% of injuries occurred among children under 16. 24% of bicyclists killed has BACs(Blood Alcohol Concentration) of .08 g/dL or higher, which is the illegal alcohol level in all states. Bicyclists accounted for 2 percent of all the present traffic fatalities and more 2% of all crash related injuries recorded in the year 2012. The majority of bicyclist fatalities occurred in the Urban areas(72%) and at non intersections
  • 28. Summary Of The R. J Reynolds Tobacco Company s Advertising... Today in American society the social normality of smoking cigarettes is in a rapid decline. It seems with each passing year there are increasing numbers of legislation restricting where people can place advertisement and where smoking is even permitted. Smoking cigarettes for many years was a focal point in American culture projecting the image of this prosperous social status obtainable for everyone. R.J. Reynolds TobaccoCompany, the creators of the Newport Pleasure! Advertisement heavily takes this progressive movement into consideration when creating the illusion that smokingis socially accepted. The R.J Reynolds Tobacco Company s advertising campaign connects the use of logos and pathos extremely and effectively displaying their message. In order to recreate the social normality of smoking advertisers select a wide range of healthy socially active youth, place a campaign slogan that their consumers are unable to miss, and heavily doctor the focal elements of this advertisement. A consumer viewing this advertisement is... Show more content on ... Advertisers at R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company hold no bounds on the hyperbole used in this advertisement. The logical inference made in the human brain when reading Newport Pleasure! , an exclaimed expression, leaves the impression that pleasure is attained through use of a Newport cigarette. This heavy word play used to entice consumers completely disregards the consequences associated with smoking that certainly are not pleasurable. The effects of smoking like a bright shiny yellow smile and a pungent lingering odor that perforates from consumers skin are actually quite unpleasant. The enticing campaign rhetoric pushes this false reality solely for the purpose of recapturing the once highly aspired social status behind smoking in American
  • 29. Analysis Of A Flower Garden By Li Bai This poem creates a scene in which the poet, Li Bai is sitting alone under the moonlight as he sips on his drink and can share his loneliness with no one but the moon and his shadow. By pointing out that he is at a flower garden with moonlight shined upon him and a pot of wine by his side, the setting of the poem is rather pleasant and relaxing. The poet, however, appears to be frustrated because he has no real friends who are there for him. With a quick thought, LiBai decides to think the moonand his shadow as his companion and meanwhile starts to sing and dance with them. The fact that neither the moon nor his shadow is animated does not bother Li Bai as he slowly gets more involved in the atmosphere he created for himself, or, in his words, it makes us [them] three . From there on, the poet does not care about what other people think of him anymore and instead starts to live his life the way that will not leave behind any regrets. In order to achieve such impression and create an image for the readers, Li Bai incorporates myriad rhetorical devices in the writing of the poem. Out of all techniques being used, imagery is one that appears throughout the poem. The poem opens up with an image of a flower garden a which indicates the poet s location and sets the tone for the slight twist in emotion in next couple of lines of the poem. The poet s mentioning of his loneliness sharply contrasts the setting in which both wine and flowers are supposed to bring a sense of prosperity and happiness. Moving on, the fourth and fifth lines express Li Bai s loneliness by creating an image of the faraway moon and his shadow. The line states that the moon is too far away to enjoy the wine with Li Bai, and his shadow cannot communicate with or truly comprehend the poet. Li Bai s use of the phrase creeps about my heels to describe the behavior of his shadow is interesting thoughtful, showing that even though the shadow is very close to him in distance, Li Bai feels as if all the shadow does is blindly following him. Considering Li Bai s experience of rejecting the government official s position in Chang an the capital of China because of his unwillingness to sacrifice his entire life for the Royals monetary
  • 30. How Does Rainsford Use Deception In The Most Dangerous Game Stranded, lost, and alone is how Sanger Rainsford felt as he scaled the rocky cliffs of the island. The Most Dangerous Game is a short story written by Richard Connell and published on January 19, 1924. Sanger Rainsford a legendary hunter falls overboard off a yacht on his way to the Amazon. He finds himself on `Ship Trap Island` where he meets General Zaroff the owner of a mansion on the island and Ivan his servant. General Zaroff invites Sanger Rainsford to hunt with him. Rainsford is disgusted and sickened at the fact that General Zaroff s idea of hunting means hunting humans. In return for his passage off the island Zaroff forces Rainsford to participate in his hunting game where he is the hunter and Rainsford is the prey. The main characters,... Show more content on ... For example, his bizarreness and ruthlessness are shown when he says I had to invent a new animal to hunt, (pg12). Zaroff had become bored with hunting animals because he always caught his prey. He introduced his cruel new hunting game as if it were not unusual at all. An illustration, of his unsympathetic and uncivilized characteristics, are when he is telling Rainsford I wanted the ideal animal to hunt, explained the general. So I said, `What are the attributes of an ideal quarry? And the answer was, of course, `It must have courage, cunning, and, above all, it must be able to reason (pg12). Zaroff is talking about hunting a human being and he is showing no feelings or remorse about it. He showed a total lack of compassion when describing his new animal to hunt which is a human. Lastly, when he talks about his game You ll find this game worth playing, the general said enthusiastically (pg16), shows his coldheartedness and cruelness to others. Zaroff is comparing a game of chess to the killing of another human. He is very excited and enthusiastic about the thoughts of hunting a human being. Throughout the story, Zaroff s cruel and inhuman characteristics are shown by the way he talked to Rainsford about his hunting of humans. He shows no compassion and is actually excited about the possibility of hunting
  • 31. King Louis Ix And Richard Lionheart The Medieval period was perhaps one of the most interesting and unique time periods in history. This time is usually viewed as a lull in progress or lacking productivity, when in reality this was one of the most pivotal points in history. Two people who played outstanding roles in this time period were those of King Saint Louis IX of Franceand Richard Lionheart I of England. Both King Louis IX and Richard Lionheart made significant social, political, and cultural advancements to society by contributing leadership techniques and government systems that were pivotal in the Medieval times, yet very contrasting of each other in their execution. King Louis IX of France was born April 25, 1214 in Poissy, France to the parents of Louis VIII of France and Blanche of Castille. King Louis, commonly known as Saint Louis, ruled from the age of twelve after his father s death in 1226 until his death in 1270. He was the fourth born child, but the three before him died at young ages, and seven were born after him. As a child, Louis had temper fits which lead to questioning of his decision making as king of France. He married Margaret of Provence at age twenty in 1234. Margaret was the sister in law to King Henry III of England, sisters with Eleanor of Provence. Richard The Lionheart I of England was born September 8, 1157 in Beaumont Palace, Oxford, England to the parents of Henry II, and Eleanor of Aquitaine. He was given the nickname Lionheart because of his immense strength and
  • 32. The Rock Of Rock And Roll Since the beginning of time there has always been music in the world. The Native Americans had their tribal music, which was used for healing, ceremonies, and ancient rituals. Ever since the beginning of the 20th century there has been rock and roll. Rock and roll has changed drastically over the years. In my opinion, it is possibly one of the most important genres there is. 1950s: The Birth of Rock and Roll This was the decade that rock and roll first emerged. Even though swing music was still popular it was time for rock to enjoy the limelight. In its earliest stages rock could be described as blues with electric guitar. The first widely known Rock Star was Elvis Presley. He was more famous with the girls because of his dashing... Show more content on ... The world was now just beginning to witness the power of rock really had on society. 1970s: Rock becomes big business After the Vietnam war had ended the people, and music began to settle down. The early 70s marked the deaths of many artists, and the breakup of The Beatles. Psychedelic music declines but bands such as Led Zepplin have created their own sound. The perfect blend of blues and hard rock. Later on a band called The Ramones made their own pre genre of rock...punk. This intense genre of teenage rage and rock and roll influenced many bands in the future. In the 1970s FM radio starts to play rock music, car stereos become common also. Early 70s are dominated by soft rock and singer, songwriters. Reggae moves away from Jamaica to become a world wide genre. Disco dominates the radio and dance floors in the late 70s. Popular disco groups include: Abba, Bees Gees, Kool and the gang, Earth, wind, and Fire. Those are just a few but there is many more where that comes from, In all honesty the 70s was a great decade, movie tickets were just 1.50, what s not to love about that?! 1980s:CD s, Synths, and the rise of MTV In 1981 MTV (music television) is launched on 300 cable systems. The first music video ever shown on MTV was Video killed the radio star by the buggles. MTV grew very popular as the years went by, the prevalence of music videos was basically a 24/4 hour marketing tool.
  • 33. School Choice For K 12 Students Abstract School choice for K 12 students is still a controversial education reform topic. Choice programs for education include school vouchers, tax credits scholarships, individual tax credit, and Education Savings Accounts (ESA), provide financial support to families who wish to access private schooling for their child (Wolf, 2016). There are now 61 private school choice programs in 30 states and the District of Columbia (Forster, 2016). Texas publicly funded school choices are limited to public schools and some charter schools. This paper explores the empirical evidence on school choice to establish an argument for expanding school choice in Texas, particularly the school voucher program. We will examine the empirical evidence involving all five domains 1. Academic outcomes of choice participants, 2. Academic outcomes of public school, 3. Fiscal impact on taxpayers and public schools, 4. Racial segregation in schools and 5. Civic values and practices. And lastly will look at surveys to find public opinions on K 12 school choice programs, especially millennials who are more than any other generations to have children in K 12 school. Background School choice programs is a variety of choices in which parents can actively choose where to send their children. It can be divided into public school choice and private school choice as in self financed private schooling, publicly funded school vouchers, tax credit scholarships and Education Savings Accounts (ESA). In 1990,
  • 34. Summary Of Ernest Hemingway s The Sun Also Rises Well, he said, talk a lot of Spanish? He was telling me about the bulls coming in tonight. Let s find the gang and go down. (Hemingway 137 138). Bill could have just stopped at Let s find the gang if he wanted to see a bullfight; His friends could stand in for every roll in the bullfight. Ernest Hemingwayuses the description of bulls and steers along with indirect character traits, character descriptions, and character interactions within The Sun Also Risesto characterize the main characters as either bulls or steers. The easiest observation that can be connected between the characters and those of the bovine species is that of their physical characteristics. More specifically, the genitalia of the characters. Jake Barnes, as the reader would learn early on, lost (or at the very least, severely damaged) his genitalia during the Great War, rendering him impotent. This gives him a very obvious, physical link to being a castrated steer. By comparison, The rest of the male characters, such as Robert Cohn, Mike Campbell, and Pedro Romero still have their functioning genitalia, designating these characters as bulls . These characters are also described as physically strong and fit characters, such as Cohn, who Jake says was Princeton s middle weight boxing champion and that ...he could knock down anybody that was snooty to him... (Hemingway 11), and Romero, who is described as young and physically fit, unable to be harmed by the bulls due to his age and
  • 35. Protagonists Essay Protagonists The protagonists in The Yellow Wallpaper , The Storm , and Eveline all seem to have similarities in their character. They are all women that have lived in an era in which women are seen as nothing. This woman had no identity in this world because they were told what to do by men. Human nature is also another important element that these women have in common. Calixta from The Storm is a married woman with a family. She is living in a time period in which woman have no control in what goes on in their life. The husband handles everything and she does the housework and childbearing. Te other two women in the novels seem to be in the same situation. Throughout the novel there seems to be a lot of sexuality and passion ... Show more content on ... These women are all victims of male domination and machismo. This woman has to do everything that John tells her to do and he is driving her depression into insanity. In the short story Eveline this young girl has lived with her father al her life. So basically she is another victim in this male dominated society. She meets this guy and falls in love with him and sees that she can maybe get married and leave her fathers side once in for all. So she faces the decision which will either make her life wonderful or horrendous. She must choose weather to leave with her fiancГ© to Buenos Aires or to stay at her father s side in Ireland. Here again we see the domination of the male species trying to control the woman once again. Joyce says She had consented to go away, to leave her home (890). In the long run Eveline made a wise choice in staying with her father. He will always be there for her and never leave her even if she does something really shocking. All these women where in a male dominate society. They had assigned roles which they had to do and weren t allowed to get into anything else. These women in this era where forced to do whatever they were told. However, Calixta, Eveline and the protagonist from The Yellow Wallpaper , seemed to get away murder. Calixta was unfaithful; Eveline made a choice which affected the rest of her life and the protagonist of The Yellow Wallpaper relived her self
  • 36. No More Boomerang Poem Analysis No More Boomerang by Oodgeroo Noonuccal is a short poem about western European culture replaced Australia Indigenous culture. This poem represented the struggle of Indigenous people. The poet conveyed a regretful tone to persuade readers to accept about the Indigenous culture. The poem begin with an alliteration sentence, No more boomerang no more spear. Now all civilized colour bar and beer. This sentence had shown the overruling of Indigenous culture. The European want them to be a civilized nation. In this sentence, Indigenous people were represented as uncouth and savages. The author also used a symbolism to show the control of Indigenous culture. No more corroboree gay dance and din. Now we got movies and pay to go in are symbolic of the culture s changing, Indigenous people now have to pay for their entertainment. In this poem,... Show more content on ... Because a good structural can make the poem more interesting, then it will be easy to remember for the readers. The main thing that the author want to present is that European dominated their culture and lifestyle, although it was extremely disrespectful. One evidence is No more firestick that made whites scoff. Now all electric and no better off. It rhyming sentence had shown the whites were scoff about the Indigenous tools, and replaced them into more advanced things. Another structural device is repetition. The start of the sentence in first two stanzas are No more. And Now For example the first stanza said No more boomerang no more spear. Now all civilised colour bar and beer. No more corroboree gay dance and din. Now we got movies and pay to go in. This repetition highlighted the difference of Indigenous life before and after the European came. Before, Indigenous people were living free and joyful, but after the European came, they lost all of the freedom and they must living like western
  • 37. Network, Virtual Local Area Networks ( Vlans ) In the past, companies were hampered by the cost, performance, and security issues that are associated with local area networks or LANs. LANs must be connected physically to switches which means that each LAN must have its own switch (, 2016, para. 13). The virtualized version of the LANs, virtual local area networks (VLANs), allows users to invest in only one switch (, 2016, para. 13). The VLAN is used in a virtual data center environment to separate a single LAN into more than one network while being physically connected to only one switch. One advantage of VLANs is that network administrators can now sort devices by whatever criteria they require without physical location being an issue. Different VLANs can be set for different groups or departments within the same LAN. Performance is improved because, when the LAN is broken up into VLANs, it is not receiving broadcasts from all of the devices (, 2015, para. 4). Cost is decreased because separate physical switches are not required for VLANs. A security benefit is provided because VLANs can be configured to accommodate the different security levels needed, and the administrator can choose whether or not to allow the VLANs to communicate with each other (, 2015, para. 6). VRFs Virtualization is also used in the data center to acquire more routing instances without acquiring more hardware (Santana, 2014. P. 90). This technology is known as Virtual Routing and
  • 38. Distinguishing the Difference in News Coverage among... Distinguishing the Difference in News Coverage among International and Domestic Images Not Included Identifying a Variance in News Coverage It became evident throughout our investigation that separating domestic news source sites from international news source sites would be beneficial in addressing our question of the variance in coverage among these news sources when identifying natural disasters throughout the world. With the objective of properly addressing this inquiry, we decided upon a proposition in order to accurately identify whether a difference in news source coverage truly exists. Therefore, we propose that world reports provide more specifications about international involvement in natural disasters rather than reports... Show more content on ... Although the lack of articles was difficult to project, having more stories per news source would prove to be increasingly beneficial when making statements regarding the objectives of each site. Nevertheless, it is important to wisely use the stories we have in order to accurately make distinctions between sources; therefore, it is imperative to discuss the role of geography and pictures presented in the articles. A Geographic Input Because the objective of this project is to identify differences and similarities between world news sources and domestic news sources with the given tags, discussing the role of geography will be useful in order to understand what the differences and similarities mean. The attached chart (at the bottom of this section) attentively illustrates what region(s) of the world each news source focuses on. One obvious pattern is the amount of articles CNN and CNN World have. Therefore, why is this pattern apparent? This pattern can possibly be due to the fact that there is a quicker turnover with articles on CNN, or because CNN has an objective of covering an array of stories in many different regions. Nevertheless, the larger number of CNN and CNN World articles is helpful for comparing the news sources to one another. As well, the current issue of the flooding and destruction in Indonesia
  • 39. Dog Food At Pet Wants Dog owners want only the best nutrition in the dog food they feed their dogs; dogs want only the best tasting food for their bellies. Want fresh, all natural ingredients in a dog food delivered straight to your door? Try buying your dog food online at Pet Wants, serving Houstonse. The proprietors of Pet Wants Houstonse, Chance and Lydia, met with the owner of Pet Wants and were excited to try the company s fresh dog food. They noticed immediately that their dogs loved the taste of the food and eventually they saw an improvement in their overall health and coats. They believed in the product so much that they opened a branch of the business in southeast Houston. The food is made from only the freshest ingredients and slow cooked in small
  • 40. En Europe Du Dix Huitieme Siecle En Europe du dix huitiГЁme siГЁcle, les AmГ©riques reprГ©sentaient la promesse de longue date d une nouvelle et plus lumineux avenir pour l humanitГ©. Le Nouveau Monde a attirГ© clergГ© Г la recherche de convertis, marchands Г la recherche de richesses, et d innombrables aventuriers Г la recherche d une nouvelle aventure. Dans le chapitre 10, Candideexprime l espoir que le Nouveau Mondeest le monde parfait Pangloss parlГ©, depuis l Ancien Monde ne est clairement pas. Au XVIIIe siГЁcle, cependant, le cГґtГ© sombre de la colonisation avait dГ©jГ Г©mergГ©. Personnes formГ©es connaissaient les horreurs de l esclavage, l oppression des indigГЁnes, et les maladies transmises par contact inter culturelle (dont la syphilis de Pangloss est un exemple). Dans ces chapitres, et celles qui suivent, VoltairedГ©peint les AmГ©riques une rГ©gion profondГ©ment corrompu, par les vices de l Ancien Monde. La rГ©bellion au Paraguay expose l hypocrisie et intrigues de la politique sud amГ©ricains. Les prГЄtres jГ©suites mГЁnent une rГ©volte des peuples indigГЁnes contre le gouvernement colonial espagnol, mais les jГ©suites ne se battent pas pour le droit Г l autonomie gouvernementale pour ces indigГЁnes opprimГ©s. L attitude de la Biglugs vers jГ©suites, il est clair que les peuples autochtones ne se sentent pas la parentГ© avec les prГЄtres qui prГ©tendent se battre pour eux. Au lieu de cela, les jГ©suites exploit simplement les rebelles dans une campagne avide de saisir la richesse et le pouvoir des mains du
  • 41. Council Compensation Claims Council compensation claims The fraud concerning claims from the councils insurers assume staging damages blamable on the local authorities (in most cases falls and journeys on council owned land) or inflating the cost of current damages.[40] Detecting insurance fraud The detection of coverage fraud commonly occurs in steps. The first step is to perceive suspicious claims that have a higher possibility of being fraudulent. This can be carried out by computerized statistical evaluation or by means of referrals from claims adjusters or coverage dealers. Additionally, the public can offer guidelines to insurance companies, law enforcement and other businesses regarding suspected, located, or admitted coverage fraud perpetrated by other people. ... Show more content on ... According to Alfred Manes, the majority of belongings insurance crimes involve arson.[37] One reason for this is that any evidence that a hearth changed into started by arson is regularly destroyed via the hearth itself. According to the USA Fire Administration, in the United States there have been approximately 31,000 fires as a result of arson in 2006, ensuing in losses of $755 million.[38] For example, the Moulin Rouge Hotel in Las Vegas was struck by way of arson twice within six
  • 42. Australian Aboriginal Impact When the first fleet first landed in Australia they impacted many Aboriginal tribes of Australia, and around the Sydney area these included the Cammeraigal, the Kameygal, the Birrabirragal, the Eora and the Illawarra tribes. Indigenous Australia refer to themselves in different ways and often in new south wales aboriginal australians refer to themselves as the Korris (Korries) meaning peoples or persons (, 2016) . Europeans initially had short term impacts on the Sydney tribes, such as violence, dispossession and disease. These short term impacts then led to long term impacts through decreased population. There were further long term impacts when Europeans forced Indigenous Australiansto change their lifestyle to... Show more content on ... The majority of short term impacts led to a decrees in population and in some cases tribes were completely wiped out. In addition, with the short term impact s the long term impact s had a major effect on the Aboriginal society, killing off many people s heritage, taking away a part of this worlds history. With only 60 languages left and many ceremonies lost or adapted to a more European standard. The combination of short and long term impacts largely destroyed aboriginal culture in
  • 43. What Are The Similarities Between Ancient Egypt And... Water is fundamental to all forms of life on Earth, this goes the same for early civilizations that emerged around 5,000 years ago that developed close to rivers. Among these civilizations are Ancient Egypt and Ancient China who have left a great impacts in our history. These two civilizations have many similarities and differences in things like culture, social structure and their state (political). Ancient Egypt and Ancient China had similarities and differences with regard to culture. The Ancient Chinese didn t have a great amount of interest in religion like the Ancient Egyptians did. The Ancient Chinese believed in tian which translates to heaven. They believed that it was responsible for picking and removing their rulers, also known as the mandate of heaven. This can be because the Chinese had... Show more content on ... Unlike the Chinese, the Egyptians were polytheistic and believed that it was important to worship the gods; it was a responsibility to do so. They had gods such as Amon, Re, and Osiris and each of these gods had a different role such as Amon giving fertility to crops and Osiris who judged whether a person had the right to gain immortality or not. The Egyptians also had priests and temples that they had for the gods. Clearly the Chinese and the Egyptians had different views in religion. The Chinese and the Egyptians both had valuable items buried along with them in their tombs. The Egyptians believed that when someone died, they went into another dimension of existence which is the reason why they mummified the dead, built pyramids for their rulers, and had slaves, food, clothes and other items buried with them; it was to accompany them and aid in the afterlife. The Ancient Chinese also had a similar belief that after
  • 44. Analysis Of War For The Planet Of The Apes War for the Planet of the Apes is a 2017 American sci fi movie coordinated by Matt Reeves and composed by Mark Bomback and Reeves. A continuation of Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014), it is the third portion in the Planet of the Apes reboot and arrangement. The filmstars Andy Serkis, Woody Harrelson, and Steve Zahn, and takes after a showdown between the chimps, drove by Caesar, and the people for control of Earth. Like its ancestor, its introduce shares a few similitudes to the fifth movie in the first arrangement, Battle for the Planet of the Apes, however, it isn t an immediate revamp. Principal photography started on October 14, 2015, in Vancouver. War for the Planet of the Apes debuted in New York City on July 10, 2017, and was dramatically discharged in the United States on July 14, 2017, by Twentieth Century Fox.[6] The movie has netted over $490 million and got basic acclaim, with numerous analysts featuring the acting (especially Serkis), visual impacts, story, melodic score and bearing. The various formal systems in the film relates to one another in various ways, contributing to the overall effect of the film. From a specific angle the film s cinematography is exquisite, with some beautiful view and camera work to make excellent utilization of the scene and activity ( How War For The Planet Of The Apes Turned A Visual Effect Into A Reluctant Hero ). Reeves accentuation on close ups and facial shots help mean the
  • 45. Delving Into Gothic Design With Annamarie Lopinto Delving into Gothic Design with Annamarie Lopinto If you want an interior design that is striking and romantic, Annamarie Lopinto states that the Gothic Design is ideal for your taste. This design style, which is often confused with Medieval design, is similar in some aspects, but much different in others. The Gothic design era was actually after the Medieval design reign, and incorporated some new characteristics along the way. A recurring theme in the Gothic design philosophy is that of the flying buttress, an architectural engineering feat that includes beautiful archways and columns. Understandably, this type of design element is not practical for most common residential rooms, especially for those with a standard height ceiling.... Show more content on ... 11. Travel the Decades with Retro Design and Annamarie Lopinto When Annamarie Lopinto hears the term retro , she knows that it can refer to any of the design characteristics of the 1950s, 1960s, or 1970s. Each decade has its own unique qualities, and offers a different take on the theme desired. 1950S retro is very much influenced by the end of World War II, when consumerism was at its peak in the United States. 1950S retro design can use a variety of color palettes, from bright color to more muted tones. The furniture created in the Eames style is very appropriate for that decade of style. In 1960s retro, the designs gravitate towards more of a groovy feel, with swirling lines and interesting patterns. The colors used can be complimentary or contrasting, and the textiles will include obscenely large prints. The furniture is very surreal, with odd lines, and often an utter lack of symmetry. Pop art and posters are found on the walls, tastefully framed. Lighting will have bold cloth lamp shades, or even colored glass globes as an accent. 1970s retro takes the design concepts of the 1960s and adds an urban or ethnic twist. This style is what could be called psychedelic today. A hip mix of Boho chic, beatnik, and hippie, 1970s retro seams to have a true split personality. Annamarie Lopinto explains that the 1970s retro style also includes all of the design elements of the disco music era as well, complete with glittery disco
  • 46. Essay about Civil War Battles of Chancelorsville and... This is only two battles in the whole Civil War yet countless lives were lost in each one. These battles were only two months apart. The goal of this paper is to give information on these two Civil War battles Chancelorsville and Gettysburg. The Battle of Chancelorsville In the Battle of Chancelorsville, Hooker was the Union general and Lee was the Confederate general. Hooker had 130,000 men and Lee had 60,000 men. Hooker had more men and supplies and Lee was outnumbered. Before the battle Hooker said, May God have mercy on General Lee, for I will have none. In the morning of May 1, 1863, Hooker was condensing his forces waiting for Lee to attack. That afternoon fighting started, with Hooker and Lee having skirmishes outside of ... Show more content on ... Later that day Lee got news that a Union force under Sedgwick was marching toward Chancelorsville. Lee went after Sedgwick. On May 4, 1863 Lee and Sedgwick met at the Battle of the Salem Church. The battle was indecisive. That night both Hooker and Sedgwick retreated over the Rappahannock. The Union lost 16,800 men and the Confederates lost 13,000 men. It is considered one of Lee s finest battles. Jackson s arm had to be amputated from the injury he got. Gangrene set in and he died on May 10, 1863. Even though the Confederates had won the battle of Chancelorsville it was at high costs. The Battle of Gettysburg The Battle of Gettysburg happened after Lee won Chancelorsville. Lee went to Pennsylvania hoping to capture a northern city and re supply his men. Lee also hoped to draw the Union men from the Mississippi River. On July 1, 1863 Lee sent Confederate General Harry Heth to Gettysburg to get shoes for his troops. Union General John Buford s force was dug in at Seminary Ridge in Gettysburg. Heth came in contact with Buford s scouts. The Confederates went up an unfinished railroad and arrived outside of town at 8:00A.M. The Confederates line was at Cemetery Ridge. After two hours of fighting Reynold s Union force arrived on the scene. Reynold was killed by a Confederate sharpshooter almost as soon as he entered the battle field so Abner Doubleday took his place of command. Later the
  • 47. Discussing the Chrysanthemums Essay Discussing the Chrysanthemums In studying the various schools of criticism and using them to decipher the inner workings of novels, short stories, and poems, it becomes apparent that they all share a common factor: a theme. The theme of a story is the general idea or insight, which is revealed by the entire story (Kennedy, 195). Although there are many themes that seem to be similar, it is difficult, perhaps impossible, to find to stories with identical themes. Two stories with similar themes, however, are The Chrysanthemums, by John Steinbeck, and The Yellow Wallpaper, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. These two stories show the damage caused by male domination in the past. The short story The Chrysanthemums gives insight ... Show more content on ... Husband to Elisa, Henry is easily described as a well intentioned and decent man. However, he fails to see that in providing everything for his wife, and by being the decision maker in the relationship, he has not made her content. It is apparent in this piece that Elisa needs more than a neat house and an excellent garden. The tinker who comes to the house offers Elisa a new and interesting experience. At first she is reluctant to even speak to the tinker for very long, but we quickly see the man use crafty tricks to ease her mood. The tinker s tactics can be seen in the line, That s a bad dog in a fight when he gets started. This seemingly innocent rhetoric allows for the tinker to develop a friendly conversation; he is able to start a personal joke between Elisa and himself, in turn easing her mood. Described as a large, bearded, and graying man who has been around, and has experienced many people, the tinker intrigues Elisa. He is a spontaneous man who seeks adventure, lacking restrictions of time and a home. In comparing the two men in this story it is simple to see that the tinker is much more romantic and exciting than Henry. In the conversation with the tinker, Elisa reveals something, which he uses to take advantage of her. As they begin to discuss Elisa s chrysanthemums, the tinker deliberately mentions how beautiful they are to make her feel appreciated.
  • 48. Essay about the red cap Essay: essay# Talking to Strangers Talking to Strangers There are two ways that people are able to choose when they meet strangers. Frist, people can friendly to the strangers and have a good time to communicate with strangers. The other way is that people can indifferent to the strangers and never stop to talk with them. It seems that more and more people choose the second way, because they are afraid of meeting trouble. There is a tale called Little Red Cap , written by Brothers Grimm. Through personification and symbolism, the author illustrated the character of Little Red Cap become indifferent after being deceived by the first wolf, which revealing people will easily become indifferent after they suffer from cheating, hurting.... Show more content on ... However, the character of kindness also brings a big dangerous to Little Red Cap. Then the author describes the scene that Little Red Cap is eaten by the wolf then is saved by the hunter to illustrate that Little Red Cap grows up from naive child to a little big mature girl and the character of Little Red Cap also changes from naГЇve to clever. The plot that, Little Red Cap quickly fetched some large stones and filled the wolf s belly with them. (Brothers Grimm 15). After Little Red Cap comes from the wolf s belly, she quickly fetched some large stones in it. It describe the aspect of the little girl is smart. Although before was eaten by the wolf, she is weak and doesn t know how to deal with the dangerous, now she is very smart and knows how to handle the wolf. It means after this experience the little girl grow up. Moreover, Little Red Cap puts some large stones in the belly rather than sew the belly directly. After be cheat by the wolf, Little Red Cap choices kill the wolf rather than forgive it. It hints the characters of Little Red Cap are also changed. At beginning, she is naГЇve, kind, weak, but now she is calm, revengeful, and merciless. It is a big contrast. Only after this experience the characters of Little Red Cap are thoroughly changed and the way she connects with strangers also be changed. She becomes calmness, cautious, and
  • 49. Project Manager Interview Paper 4.1.1 Interview 1 Name: Jordan Fortino Job Responsibilities: Project ManagerContractor: Core Urban Inc Adress: 41 King William St. Questions: 1.When your whole project of midrise deal with timber, does shortage of supply happens, especially when it comes to making wood beams and columns (laminated Veneer Lumber, Glulam Laminated Beams, etc.)? Thankfully, we have not had to cross that road yet. I think it that would be very hard to happen seeing as all of our wood is specifically ordered for the job. One good thing with wood compared to steel is, if there was a shortage I could get faster on site then steel. 2.Why building with wood over concrete or steel has changed the way we build midrise buildings in Ontario? Wood is great because... Show more content on ... In Ontario, since we deal with summer and winter season, is it possible constructing wood midrise in winter? Why or why not It is possible, we have been fortunate enough with this weather thus far, but we will continue to build this structure no matter what the weather. 4.Is there frequent maintenance specifically needed in wood midrise? If yes, please specify. I think the maintenance is reciprocal to steal or concrete. For example there is much more framing in wood framing then let s say concrete. But concrete would need time to cure ect. 5.What is the risk of shrinkage in wood midrise, the type of shrinkage and ways to prevent it? Most of the wood that we are getting is engineered. The beams and other spans are just typical wood, they are engineered and charred to with stand fires, and are able to expand and shrink with at ease with the building. 6.Is there restriction on live on dead load overall in wood midrise? No, we would not of done this type of building if it did not provide the same strength as concrete and steel. 7.What type of wood (Pine, other timber, etc.) mainly distributed or preferable to work with in this construction? LVL beams 8.With midrise construction how relatively fast, can wood midrise be completed over traditional
  • 50. Social Information Processing Theory Research Paper Social Information Processing Theory Social Information Processing Theory was developed by Joseph Walter s in 1992.It is a subtype of interpersonal communication theory that explains dynamics of online relationships. Social Information Processing Theory deals with the nature and structure of online relationships developed over computed mediated communication (CMC). The theory states that the online relationships are essentially same as any other form of face to face relationships, only difference being that online relationship may take longer time to develop. The Social Information Processing Theory highlights the fact that majority of online relationships develop in spite of the geographical distance or cultural diversity. The theory dwells on the fact of the mental image perceived and the mental image portrayed. The theory states a sender receiver model. The model consists of a sender (where people can select how they project themselves) and a receiver (people create an ideal image for the person at the other end). Channel is the medium through which the participants communicate and it is flexible in nature, as on an online platform people can choose their suitable time. A large amount of communication is also influenced by the feedback, molding one s portrayed image to align it with the expectations and responses ... Show more content on ... The relationships developed online are prone to be more fragile than day to day relationships. It also involves the fact that in online relationships, people tend to be less inhibited which can have either positive or negative impact on the relationship. On one hand it opens up the person to share his/her dreams, desires and feelings and help in strengthening the relationship in long term ; while on the other hand it can make a person self absorbed and completely insensitive towards the consequences of their
  • 51. Gingivitis Research Paper Running Head: What is Gingivitis? Date Title What is Gingivitis? Gingivitis is a dental disorder characterized by the inflammation of the gums. It occurs after films of bacteria accumulate around the teeth (plaque induced gingivitis). Gingivitis is one of the non destructive types of periodontal diseases. Gingivitis could worsen and progress to periodontitis if left un attended. Periodontitis is worse and could lead to the loss of your tooth. Individuals with gingivitis have puffy and red gums and bleed once they brush their teeth. Gingivitis can be solved with proper dental hygiene flossing, as well as more frequent and longer brushing. In mild cases of the diseases, individuals may not realize that they have it since the symptoms ... Show more content on ... b. Non plaque induced gingivitis Gingivitis caused by a particular virus Gingivitis caused by specific bacteria Gingivitis created by some genetic factors Gingivitis caused by a specific fungus Signs and symptoms of Gingivitis A symptom is the feeling described by the patient. A symptom could include painful gums. Signs are what everyone can see including the nurses and the doctors. A sign could include a swelling. However, at mild cases, there might be no identifiable signs or symptoms. Gingivitis has several signs and symptoms that include: Gums are purple or bright red Gums bleed when flossing or brushing teeth Bad breath (Halitosis) Soft gums Inflammation of the gums Receding gums Sometimes gums are painful to touch and are tender Soft gums Causes of Gingivitis Accumulation of plague Accumulation of plaque between and around the teeth triggers an immune response that eventually destroys the gingival tissue. Dental plaque The plaque accumulates around the teeth naturally. The plaque hardens leading to periodontal diseases, and tooth decay. The periodontal diseases include periodontitis and
  • 52. Henry Allison s Two Aspect View Henry Allison s two aspect view differs profoundly from the two world view by introducing epistemic conditions. For Allison, the difference between appearances and things in themselves is epistemic rather than ontological. Rather than reflecting two separate realms, phenomena and noumena reflect the structure of the mind.21 The notable distinction here is that rather than the identification of the appearance with the representation, the appearance is associated with the thing in itself.22 Allison argues that Kant s conditions of human knowledge should be taken as epistemic conditions rather than logical conditions.23 Allison defines an epistemic condition as a simply a condition that is necessary for an object or objective state of affairs.24 These epistemic then turn out to be space, time and the categories; it can be known a priori that every object is structured in terms of these conditions.25 By introducing epistemic conditions, Allison is capable of separating the two aspect view from the two world view. These epistemic conditions must be distinguished from metaphysical, ontological and psychological conditions.26 The psychological conditions are defined as a disposition of the mind which governs belief acquisition.27 The prime example of this would be Hume s customs or habit as features of the mind.28 Epistemic conditions differ from them by reflecting the structure mind but differ in that they are objectivating; psychological conditions reflect how the mind
  • 53. Essay about The Problems of Gangsta Rap The Problems of Gangsta Rap The cultural majority in America is up in arms over the rising levels of violence and horrific images that have seeped into popular entertainment. Movies, television, and music have always been controversial, but even they can cross the line between poor taste and immorality. Entertainment corporations and record labels don t even blink, when told of the excessive torture or satanic lyrics found in material. Producers and directors continue to push the envelop on what is done in good taste. Gangsta rap is one of the current problems of society. Popular music for teens has always been controversial, or at least in conflict with middle class attitudes. Teen music has always been under scrutiny ... Show more content on ... According to the American Psychological Association, a typical child sees 8,000 murders and 100,000 acts of violence on TV before graduating from elementary school (Nation, 1994). The results of how television, specifically sex and violence, affect children is not completely known. Although psychologists state, Aggressive children like to watch violent TV shows, and it appears that watching violent TV shows makes children more aggressive; this is presumably due to their exposure to aggressive models (Eron, 1987). One of Hollywood s more remarkable aspects, is that it has produced approximately 400 pictures that convey traditional integrity and the mainstream virtues of love, loyalty, honor, duty, and compassion. Consider movies such as Forrest Gump, Little Women, and The Lion King. In contrast, a movie such as Natural Born Killers was intended to imitate the link between violence and media attention in our culture. In the long run, individuals will make decisions about what they will buy, read, or see. Some will lean towards the vulgar and the pornographic. The American society has some sense of this. They may be irritated or outraged by pop culture, but the polls state that the principal courses of violence and other national problems lie beyond the entertainment industry (Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, 1995).
  • 54. The Ethics Of Scientific Knowledge Cortni Volkman 7/30/2015 Science surrounds just about every aspect of human interaction but where does this scientific knowledge come from? The communication of scientific knowledge trickles in a fashion opposite to that of the filtration of water through a carbon scrubber, where the highest concentration of pure scientific knowledge exists within the prestigious community of scientists and scientific knowledge within the academic and public communities has to be filtered from the other particles of ideas, leaving much room for interpretation. This paper will explore these different interactions among various communities and how it shapes communication of scientific knowledge. One such community is that of the very scientists who do the research and publications which supply much of the scientific knowledge we know today. However, research and publishing is heavily time consuming and expensive so many scientist must seek out funding. Bias, or a conflict of interest, can be argued to exist in all aspects of science depending on when and how results are obtained. It is without discourse than to argue that all research, even that done at collegiate level, has some amount of bias whether from the funding received, the council from professors or advisors, or the availability of more advanced technology to obtain data (Krimsky 2012). Such bias from technological means can even limit what scientists can publish. Often the military relies on scientists for their expertise in