deep learning word embeddings computer vision neural networks natural language processing machine learning nlp convolutional neural networks creative ai generative word vector space kth graphs creativity recurrent neural networks visual-semantic embeddings multimodality distributed semantics computational creativity text generation music generation style transfer image generation vector spaces artificial intelligence data science design information retrieval stockholm neo4j low tech oss

 * making

 * open source

 * renewable energy

 * hardware

 * climate

 * technology

 * uncertainty

 * climate change

 * music tsne augmentation nuclai dialogue systems play chat bots diy computing hardware gpu cloud deep dream video generation lecture search artificial experience hippocratic oath ethics regularization lasagne data augmentation data-science python cnn data visualization visual storytelling infographics charts datavis restricted boltzmann machines pycon cat pyconse dog search engines meetup overview state of the art current developments natural langauge processing cvap cross-modal transfer reading group zero-shot language understanding language technology image captions syntax semantics multi-layer perceptrons intro representation learning history energy diffusion bernoulli wilson bayesian classification rating ranking probabilistic matrix factorization alternating least squares stochastic gradient descent svd neighborhood methods latent factors evaluation matrices recsys matrix factorization recommender systems hack
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