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Fancy a Drink in Canary Wharf?: A User Study on Location-based
Mobile Search	

-A. Amin, S. Townsend, J. van Ossenbruggen, and L. Hardman
x 2014 spring
Fancy a drink in Canary Wharf?:
A User Study on Location-based Mobile Search
‘카나리 워프에서 한 잔?’
Alia Amin!
Jacco van Ossenbruggen*!
Lynda Hardman
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica!
University of Amsterdam
Sian Townsend
Google UK
*VU University, Amsterdam
Local geographical aspects are important in many web search tasks
위치 기반 검색의 중요성
of 1 million
( ! ) Publication Year
모바일 기기의 보급 등의 이유로 위치 관련 검색이 증가하고 있다.
Local Business Search and Review / City Guide / LBS / Local Traffic News
Local geographical aspects are important in many web search tasks
위치 기반 검색의 중요성
위치 기반 검색이 중요해짐에 따라 다양한 방식의 검색 엔진들이 등장했다.
Limitations in Previous Researches
이전 연구의 한계
When Where
Not focus on !
When, Where, Why topics
Limit their approach to!
Automatic Query Log Analysis
이전의 위치 기반 검색 연구들은 사용자 조사를 통한 동기, 맥락 등을 다루지 않고!
질의어 로그 분석에 초점을 맞췄다
No User Study
Research Plan
연구 계획
Diary Tool
Location-data Tracking
Search Engine Log Data
Diary Entries
In-depth Investigation
Location-based Search Behavior
Research Questions
What types of location-based search can be identified?
위치 기반 검색의 형태는 어떻게 나타나는가?1
In what context (spatial, temporal, and social) are these searched initiated?
어떤 맥락(공간, 시간, 소셜)에서 검색이 시작되는가?2
What are the information sources (e.g. maps) used for location-based searches?
위치 기반 검색에 사용되는 정보원은 무엇이 있는가?3
Research Method
Methods to capture user’s behavior on mobile platform in previous researches
모바일 플랫폼에서의 사용자 행동을 파악하기 위한 다양한 노력들
Interview Log Data!
Sampling Diary Study
Interview Log Data!
Sampling Diary Study
User’s !
realistic usage
User’s !
Research Method
Methods to capture user’s behavior on mobile platform in previous researches
모바일 플랫폼에서의 사용자 행동을 파악하기 위한 다양한 노력들
Search Event Log
Location Tracking
Diary Entry
(Google Mobile Search Logs)
• Query Entered, Clicks, Scrolls, Keystrokes w/ Timestamps!
• SMS Snippets
Research Method
The Web-based Diary Tool
웹 기반 다이어리 도구
• User’s Location (Latitude, Longitude) when search log made
• Log into diary at the end of every day!
• Answer questions about search activity
Diary Entry
Research Method
The Web-based Diary Tool
웹 기반 다이어리 도구 Identify Search Tasks1
Irish pubs!
dentist sunday
. . .
. . .
2014/04/01 13:01:45!
2014/03/31 21:31:02!
2014/03/31 21:30:15!
2014/03/31 21:30:01!
2014/03/31 12:00:42
. . .
. . .
“Find the nearest pubs”
One Search Task
The tool provide an option to group queries
어떤 경우에는 로그만으로 정보 요구를 파악하기 어려움!
다이어리를 통해서 로그 뭉치를 사용자로부터 판별해내는 작업
Query Timestamp
Diary Entry
Research Method
The Web-based Diary Tool
웹 기반 다이어리 도구 Answer Questions for Every Search Task2
How important is this task?!
Where were you?!
What were you doing?!
Who were you with?!
Describe in detail what you needed to look for.!
When was this need initiated?!
What tool(s) did you use to find your answer?!
Did you successfully accomplish your task?!
Positive and negative experiences with the tool used?
Search Task ID: 0013
Research Method
실험 절차
Diary Study SMS Reminder
‣ Briefed about research!
‣ Background information
‣ Duration: 12 days!
‣ 3 Queries per day!
‣ Followed guide as mentioned
12 6 Work days!
6 Weekend/Holidays
‣ Sent every 2 - 3 days ‣ Semi-structured interview!
‣ Complementation!
‣ Creative exercise
Research Method
9/129 complete successfully
5F / 4M
London Area
Young ProfessionalsBlackberry User
M=32.6 / SD=2.5
Different Occupations
Financial Advisor!
Retail Sales Person
347 Location-based!
Mobile Search Queries
186 Search Tasks
Search Tasks a Day!
per Person
Analyzing Queries and Tasks
Examine [ queries ] from different perspectives1
- How people express location-based information needs!
- Different domain of interest!
- Different type of search tasks
Examine [ answers ] from the diary entry2
- Understand spatial, temporal, social context
when location-based information needs arose
Examine [ tools ]3
- Reasons behind unsuccessful searches
Understanding [ emerging topics ] using affinity diagrams4
Type of !
Location-based Queries
Syntactic View
Domain View
Task View
The Context of!
Location-based Search
Spatial Context
Temporal Context
Social Context
Decision Making
Information Sources
Type of Location-based Queries
위치 기반 질의어의 유형1
Type of Location-based Queries
위치 기반 질의어의 유형
사람들은 위치 기반 정보 요구를!
어떻게 표현하는가
사람들이 관심 있는 다양한 영역!
사람들이 가장 많이 찾는 장소의 종류
정보 추구 태스크 관점!
검색 목표에 도달하기까지 과정을 이해
How people express!
location-based information needs
Variety of domains!
Type of places people look for the most
Information seeking tasks!
Understand the breadth of the search goal
Type of Location-based Queries
위치 기반 질의어의 유형
6 Components
Business the orange tree pub, Charlie harmer + dry cleaning
Business category Mexican restaurant
Event cbeebies + tour2.4
Product/Service smart 12 month lease, vintage leather jacket
Location Where is covent garden, pennyhill park
Local news/weather BBC weather10.1
Transport schedule, map train times, tube map5.8
Type of Location-based Queries
위치 기반 질의어의 유형
Simple location-based query
Business the orange tree pub, Charlie harmer + dry cleaning
Business category Mexican restaurant
Event cbeebies + tour2.4
Product/Service smart 12 month lease, vintage leather jacket
Location Where is covent garden, pennyhill park
Detailed location-based query
Business and attribute tesco opening hour
Business and location burger king charing cross, nandos - se19
Business category and location canary wharf bars, model agencies in London5.8
Event and location moon walk 2008 london
Product/service and location diving testing centre - hither green, paint balling Victoria
Multiple locations directions from green park to primrose hill3.4
Type of Location-based Queries
위치 기반 질의어의 유형
Food & Drinks
Public Service
Book, Electronic, Furniture
Food & Drinks
Restaurant, Bar, Cafe, Pub
Cinema, Concert
Train, Bus, Tube, Taxi
Total 346 Queries
Distribution of Domains of Interest
Type of Location-based Queries
위치 기반 질의어의 유형
Fact Finding1
대중교통 서비스 정보 (버스시간)!
비즈니스 정보 (전화번호)
- Goal oriented and focused!
- Looking for specific factual pieces of information
Type of Location-based Search Tasks
저녁 식사 장소: 가격, 거리, 메뉴, 분위기 등 정보 모으기
- Several search task to fulfil a higher level goal!
- Making a decision where to go
이벤트에 관해 업데이트 소식을 알고 싶음
- See what’s new or interesting!
- Serendipitous browsing
Iterative several rounds of searches
Exploratory different alternative strategies
Comparative compare results before making a decision
Total 186 Tasks
Fact Finding
Information Gathering
Non-goal Oriented
The Context of Location-based Search
위치 기반 검색의 맥락
The Context of Location-based Search
위치 기반 검색의 맥락2
Spatial Temporal Social Decision!
왜 이 장소를 선택했는가?
Reason Behind!
Choosing a Place
혼자 또는 누구와 함께!
Search Conducted!
Alone or with Others
어디서 검색하는가?
Relationship !
Between Search and Location
시간측면에서의 맥락!
당장? 오늘? 이번 주말?
Spontaneous, Plan Today,!
Another Day
The Context of Location-based Search
위치 기반 검색의 맥락2
1 Location Tracking Data
User Sketch - Post-study Interview
The Context of Location-based Search
위치 기반 검색의 맥락2
User Sketch - Post-study Interview
Location Tracking Data
Curry Restaurant
Picture House!
Many are made at Home, Work, Between the two, !
and places regularly visited, regularly used routes
집, 회사, 두 지점 사이, !
자주 방문하는 곳, 일상적인 경로
Several favourite businesses located within!
5-15 mins walking distance from home or work
자주 찾는 곳이 집 또는 회사에서!
도보로 5 - 15분 내 위치
The Context of Location-based Search
위치 기반 검색의 맥락2
On the move
Friend’s Home
(Gym, Cafe, Pub)
(Public Transport, Inside a Car)(Lying in bed, Preparing go out,!
Watching TV)
Total 186 Tasks
Most Common Place to Search
검색 대상 위치(타겟 로케이션)은 현재 위치 주변 보다 익숙한 위치와 더 관계가 있다
Target location related to regularly visited places rather than to the proximity of current location
가장 많은 검색이 일어난 장소는 집, 이동 중, 회사 순으로 나타남
The Context of Location-based Search
위치 기반 검색의 맥락2
Need for Information
“그 곳에 연락할 번호가 당장 필요해.”
- Prompted by activities and situations!
- Require immediate answers
Plan Today2
이따 점심 시간에 갈 레스토랑을 찾기
- Planned for the same day!
- Less sense of urgency
Need for!
Another Day3
이번 주말에 갈 캠핑 장소를 찾기
- Exploratory search!
- Not urgent at all
Total 186 Tasks
Need for!
Another Day
Plan Today
“오늘 뭐 먹지?”
The Context of Location-based Search
위치 기반 검색의 맥락2
Total 186 Tasks
Search Conducted !
in the Presence of Others
Search Alone or with Others
With Others1 - Conversation with People!
- Event Planning!
- Recommendation by People!
- Necessity
Prompted by:
“회식 후 2차 장소가 어디가 좋을지 이야기 하면서 찾게 되었어요.”
“하이드 파크에서 도심 공항으로 가는 길을 알고 싶어서 찾았어요.”
- Most driven by Necessity
모바일 기기는 사적인 성격을 가지고 있는 반면,
위치 기반 검색의 경우 대부분 소셜 인터랙션에 의해 발생하고 영향을 받는다.
More than Conversation Enhancer or Communication Tool
Supporting Social Activities
Searching for idea, Collaborating on making plans, Sharing recommendations
The Context of Location-based Search
위치 기반 검색의 맥락2
Decision Making
Most Frequent 9 Reasons to Choose a Place
has a particular product/service23.7
is recommended by other people15.8
is decided together13.2
is close to where I am now7.9
It’s my favorite place7.9
is close to my home6.6
is decided for work purpose6.6
is decided by someone else5.3
has the best offer (e.g. sale)3.9
Other (e.g. serendipity search)9.1
8-9 task randomly chosen and asked the reason behind choosing a certain business
실험 후 인터뷰를 통해 검색 결과의 선택 이유에 대하여 물음
The Context of Location-based Search
위치 기반 검색의 맥락2
Decision Making
8-9 task randomly chosen and asked the reason behind choosing a certain business
Most Frequent 9 Reasons to Choose a Place
has a particular product/service23.7
is recommended by other people15.8
is decided together13.2
is close to where I am now7.9
It’s my favorite place7.9
is close to my home6.6
is decided for work purpose6.6
is decided by someone else5.3
has the best offer (e.g. sale)3.9
Other (e.g. serendipity search)9.1
Influenced by !
Social Elements
Influenced by !
Location/Distance 실험 후 인터뷰를 통해 검색 결과의 선택 이유에 대하여 물음
Total 76 Tasks
Location-based Information Sources
위치 기반 정보원
Location-based Information Sources
위치 기반 정보원3
Is Search Task Successful?
Total 186 Tasks
a. Could not find local content or up-to-date information!
b. Difficult to conduct complex search with mobile interface!
c. Problem with mobile connection
Alternative Sources
Business Directory Yelp
Event Guide Website TimeOut
Travel Website National Rail
News Website BBC
Information in Public Place Poster or Map on the wall
Key Findings
Most location-based search is conducted in the presence of others
대부분의 위치 기반 검색은 다른 사람과 함께 한다
개인의 정보 요구 보다 집단의 정보 요구인 경우가 많음
전체 중 76.1%가 다른 사람과 함께 검색
위치 기반 검색은 소셜/그룹 활동과 긴밀한 관계를 가짐
소셜 팩터가 의사 결정에 영향을 미침 (22.4%)
Key Findings
Search now vs. Search later
지금 검색 vs. 나중에 검색
전보다 빠르게 정보 접근이 가능, 편하게 접근이 가능해짐에 따라 데스크탑을 대체
모바일 기기 덕분에 시간과 공간에 제약 받지 않고 정보 접근이 쉬워짐
계획하는 시간을 덜 사용
“오늘 저녁 뭐 먹지?” 저녁 먹기 전에 검색
Key Findings
Resident vs. Tourist
거주자 vs. 관광객
다양한 도메인에 관심이 있는 거주자와 달리, 제한된 도메인(랜드마크, 경로)에 관심
지역에 친숙한 거주자와 지역에 낯설고 시간 제약이 있는 관광객의 차이
검색 형태, 공간적 맥락, 시간적 맥락, 소셜 맥락 등 모두 다른 형태를 가질 것
블랙베리 사용자만을 대상1
시스템 환경의 이슈로 인해 블랙베리만 다이어리 툴 설치 가능
다양한 계층의 실험참여자가 필요2
비슷한 프로파일을 가진 실험참여자
타 기기와 비교해 기기 환경(Qwerty Keyboard 등)에 따라 사용 패턴에서 차이가 있을 것
End of Document

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[SNU UX Lab] Fancy a Drink in Canary Wharf?: A User Study on Location-based Mobile Search

  • 1. Fancy a Drink in Canary Wharf?: A User Study on Location-based Mobile Search + INTERACT 2009 -A. Amin, S. Townsend, J. van Ossenbruggen, and L. Hardman /유지형 x 2014 spring
  • 2. Fancy a drink in Canary Wharf?: A User Study on Location-based Mobile Search ‘카나리 워프에서 한 잔?’
  • 3. Alia Amin! Jacco van Ossenbruggen*! Lynda Hardman Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica! University of Amsterdam Sian Townsend Google UK Researchers *VU University, Amsterdam
  • 4. Introduction Local geographical aspects are important in many web search tasks 위치 기반 검색의 중요성 19.7% 2001 9-10% 2008 15% 2006 of 1 million ( ! ) Publication Year 모바일 기기의 보급 등의 이유로 위치 관련 검색이 증가하고 있다.
  • 5. Introduction Local Business Search and Review / City Guide / LBS / Local Traffic News Local geographical aspects are important in many web search tasks 위치 기반 검색의 중요성 위치 기반 검색이 중요해짐에 따라 다양한 방식의 검색 엔진들이 등장했다.
  • 6. Introduction Limitations in Previous Researches 이전 연구의 한계 When Where Why Not focus on ! When, Where, Why topics Limit their approach to! Automatic Query Log Analysis 이전의 위치 기반 검색 연구들은 사용자 조사를 통한 동기, 맥락 등을 다루지 않고! 질의어 로그 분석에 초점을 맞췄다 No User Study
  • 7. Introduction Research Plan 연구 계획 Web-based! Diary Tool Location-data Tracking Search Engine Log Data Diary Entries In-depth Investigation of Location-based Search Behavior
  • 8. Research Questions What types of location-based search can be identified? 위치 기반 검색의 형태는 어떻게 나타나는가?1 In what context (spatial, temporal, and social) are these searched initiated? 어떤 맥락(공간, 시간, 소셜)에서 검색이 시작되는가?2 What are the information sources (e.g. maps) used for location-based searches? 위치 기반 검색에 사용되는 정보원은 무엇이 있는가?3
  • 9. Research Method Methods to capture user’s behavior on mobile platform in previous researches 모바일 플랫폼에서의 사용자 행동을 파악하기 위한 다양한 노력들 Interview Log Data! Analysis (Video)! Observation Experience! Sampling Diary Study
  • 10. Interview Log Data! Analysis (Video)! Observation Experience! Sampling Diary Study User’s ! realistic usage User’s ! intention Research Method Methods to capture user’s behavior on mobile platform in previous researches 모바일 플랫폼에서의 사용자 행동을 파악하기 위한 다양한 노력들
  • 11. Search Event Log Location Tracking Diary Entry (Google Mobile Search Logs) • Query Entered, Clicks, Scrolls, Keystrokes w/ Timestamps! • SMS Snippets Research Method The Web-based Diary Tool 웹 기반 다이어리 도구 • User’s Location (Latitude, Longitude) when search log made • Log into diary at the end of every day! • Answer questions about search activity DIARY TOOL
  • 12. Diary Entry Research Method The Web-based Diary Tool 웹 기반 다이어리 도구 Identify Search Tasks1 cvs! pubs! bars! Irish pubs! dentist sunday . . . . . . 2014/04/01 13:01:45! 2014/03/31 21:31:02! 2014/03/31 21:30:15! 2014/03/31 21:30:01! 2014/03/31 12:00:42 . . . . . . “Find the nearest pubs” One Search Task The tool provide an option to group queries 어떤 경우에는 로그만으로 정보 요구를 파악하기 어려움! 다이어리를 통해서 로그 뭉치를 사용자로부터 판별해내는 작업 Query Timestamp
  • 13. Diary Entry Research Method The Web-based Diary Tool 웹 기반 다이어리 도구 Answer Questions for Every Search Task2 How important is this task?! Where were you?! What were you doing?! Who were you with?! Describe in detail what you needed to look for.! When was this need initiated?! What tool(s) did you use to find your answer?! Did you successfully accomplish your task?! Positive and negative experiences with the tool used? Search Task ID: 0013
  • 14. Research Method Procedure 실험 절차 Pre-study! Interview Post-study! Interview Diary Study SMS Reminder ‣ Briefed about research! ‣ Background information ‣ Duration: 12 days! ‣ 3 Queries per day! ‣ Followed guide as mentioned 12 6 Work days! 6 Weekend/Holidays ‣ Sent every 2 - 3 days ‣ Semi-structured interview! ‣ Complementation! ‣ Creative exercise
  • 15. Research Method Participants 실험참여자 9/129 complete successfully 5F / 4M London Area Young ProfessionalsBlackberry User 27-35 M=32.6 / SD=2.5 Different Occupations Financial Advisor! Photographer! Retail Sales Person
  • 17. Result Overview 실험결과 347 Location-based! Mobile Search Queries 186 Search Tasks 1.87 Average! Search Tasks a Day! per Person Analyzing Queries and Tasks Examine [ queries ] from different perspectives1 - How people express location-based information needs! - Different domain of interest! - Different type of search tasks Examine [ answers ] from the diary entry2 - Understand spatial, temporal, social context when location-based information needs arose Examine [ tools ]3 - Reasons behind unsuccessful searches Understanding [ emerging topics ] using affinity diagrams4
  • 18. Result Overview 실험결과 Type of ! Location-based Queries Syntactic View Domain View Task View The Context of! Location-based Search Spatial Context Temporal Context Social Context Decision Making Location-based! Information Sources
  • 19. Type of Location-based Queries 위치 기반 질의어의 유형1
  • 20. Result Type of Location-based Queries 위치 기반 질의어의 유형 Syntactic 사람들은 위치 기반 정보 요구를! 어떻게 표현하는가 Domain 사람들이 관심 있는 다양한 영역! 사람들이 가장 많이 찾는 장소의 종류 Task 정보 추구 태스크 관점! 검색 목표에 도달하기까지 과정을 이해 How people express! location-based information needs Variety of domains! Type of places people look for the most Information seeking tasks! Understand the breadth of the search goal 1
  • 21. Result Type of Location-based Queries 위치 기반 질의어의 유형 Syntactic 6 Components Business the orange tree pub, Charlie harmer + dry cleaning Business category Mexican restaurant 22.9 4.3 Event cbeebies + tour2.4 Product/Service smart 12 month lease, vintage leather jacket Location Where is covent garden, pennyhill park 7.2 2.9 URL Local news/weather BBC weather10.1 Transport schedule, map train times, tube map5.8 1 1
  • 22. Result Type of Location-based Queries 위치 기반 질의어의 유형 Syntactic Simple location-based query Business the orange tree pub, Charlie harmer + dry cleaning Business category Mexican restaurant 22.9 4.3 Event cbeebies + tour2.4 Product/Service smart 12 month lease, vintage leather jacket Location Where is covent garden, pennyhill park 7.2 2.9 URL Detailed location-based query Business and attribute tesco opening hour Business and location burger king charing cross, nandos - se19 1.4 13.0 Business category and location canary wharf bars, model agencies in London5.8 Event and location moon walk 2008 london Product/service and location diving testing centre - hither green, paint balling Victoria 1.9 6.8 Multiple locations directions from green park to primrose hill3.4 1 1 51.8% 32.3%
  • 23. Result Type of Location-based Queries 위치 기반 질의어의 유형 Domain Stores 27.0 Food & Drinks Entertainment News Transport Sports Property Legal Hotel Public Service Other 24.5 13.7 12.3 10.3 2.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.3 5.9 Store Book, Electronic, Furniture Food & Drinks Restaurant, Bar, Cafe, Pub Entertainment Cinema, Concert Transport Train, Bus, Tube, Taxi Total 346 Queries Distribution of Domains of Interest 2 1
  • 24. Result Type of Location-based Queries 위치 기반 질의어의 유형 Task Fact Finding1 대중교통 서비스 정보 (버스시간)! 비즈니스 정보 (전화번호) - Goal oriented and focused! - Looking for specific factual pieces of information Type of Location-based Search Tasks Information! Gathering2 저녁 식사 장소: 가격, 거리, 메뉴, 분위기 등 정보 모으기 - Several search task to fulfil a higher level goal! - Making a decision where to go 42.7% 43.8% Non-goal! Oriented3 이벤트에 관해 업데이트 소식을 알고 싶음 - See what’s new or interesting! - Serendipitous browsing 13.4% Iterative several rounds of searches Exploratory different alternative strategies Comparative compare results before making a decision 3 1 Total 186 Tasks Fact Finding Information Gathering Non-goal Oriented
  • 25. 2 The Context of Location-based Search 위치 기반 검색의 맥락
  • 26. Result The Context of Location-based Search 위치 기반 검색의 맥락2 Spatial Temporal Social Decision! Making 왜 이 장소를 선택했는가? Reason Behind! Choosing a Place 혼자 또는 누구와 함께! 검색했는가? Search Conducted! Alone or with Others 어디서 검색하는가? Relationship ! Between Search and Location 시간측면에서의 맥락! 당장? 오늘? 이번 주말? Spontaneous, Plan Today,! Another Day
  • 27. Result The Context of Location-based Search 위치 기반 검색의 맥락2 Spatial 1 Location Tracking Data User Sketch - Post-study Interview
  • 28. Result The Context of Location-based Search 위치 기반 검색의 맥락2 Spatial 1 User Sketch - Post-study Interview Location Tracking Data Pubs Home Work Curry Restaurant Picture House! Cinema Cafe Supermarket Pubs Curry! Restaurant Home Work Many are made at Home, Work, Between the two, ! and places regularly visited, regularly used routes 집, 회사, 두 지점 사이, ! 자주 방문하는 곳, 일상적인 경로 Several favourite businesses located within! 5-15 mins walking distance from home or work 자주 찾는 곳이 집 또는 회사에서! 도보로 5 - 15분 내 위치
  • 29. Result The Context of Location-based Search 위치 기반 검색의 맥락2 Spatial 1 On the move 20% 12% 8.5% Work Public! Places Family/! Friend’s Home 6.5% (Gym, Cafe, Pub) 53% Home (Public Transport, Inside a Car)(Lying in bed, Preparing go out,! Watching TV) Total 186 Tasks Most Common Place to Search 검색 대상 위치(타겟 로케이션)은 현재 위치 주변 보다 익숙한 위치와 더 관계가 있다 Target location related to regularly visited places rather than to the proximity of current location 가장 많은 검색이 일어난 장소는 집, 이동 중, 회사 순으로 나타남
  • 30. Result The Context of Location-based Search 위치 기반 검색의 맥락2 Temporal 2 Need for Information Spontaneous1 “그 곳에 연락할 번호가 당장 필요해.” - Prompted by activities and situations! - Require immediate answers 66.1% Plan Today2 이따 점심 시간에 갈 레스토랑을 찾기 - Planned for the same day! - Less sense of urgency 21.5% Need for! Another Day3 이번 주말에 갈 캠핑 장소를 찾기 - Exploratory search! - Not urgent at all 12.4% Total 186 Tasks Spontaneous Need for! Another Day Plan Today “오늘 뭐 먹지?”
  • 31. Result The Context of Location-based Search 위치 기반 검색의 맥락2 Social 3 Total 186 Tasks Alone Search Conducted ! in the Presence of Others Search Alone or with Others With Others1 - Conversation with People! - Event Planning! - Recommendation by People! - Necessity 76.1% Prompted by: “회식 후 2차 장소가 어디가 좋을지 이야기 하면서 찾게 되었어요.” Alone2 “하이드 파크에서 도심 공항으로 가는 길을 알고 싶어서 찾았어요.” - Most driven by Necessity 23.9% 모바일 기기는 사적인 성격을 가지고 있는 반면, 위치 기반 검색의 경우 대부분 소셜 인터랙션에 의해 발생하고 영향을 받는다. More than Conversation Enhancer or Communication Tool Supporting Social Activities Searching for idea, Collaborating on making plans, Sharing recommendations
  • 32. Result The Context of Location-based Search 위치 기반 검색의 맥락2 Decision Making 4 Most Frequent 9 Reasons to Choose a Place has a particular product/service23.7 is recommended by other people15.8 is decided together13.2 is close to where I am now7.9 It’s my favorite place7.9 is close to my home6.6 is decided for work purpose6.6 is decided by someone else5.3 has the best offer (e.g. sale)3.9 Other (e.g. serendipity search)9.1 8-9 task randomly chosen and asked the reason behind choosing a certain business 실험 후 인터뷰를 통해 검색 결과의 선택 이유에 대하여 물음
  • 33. Result The Context of Location-based Search 위치 기반 검색의 맥락2 Decision Making 4 8-9 task randomly chosen and asked the reason behind choosing a certain business Most Frequent 9 Reasons to Choose a Place has a particular product/service23.7 is recommended by other people15.8 is decided together13.2 is close to where I am now7.9 It’s my favorite place7.9 is close to my home6.6 is decided for work purpose6.6 is decided by someone else5.3 has the best offer (e.g. sale)3.9 Other (e.g. serendipity search)9.1 24.3 Influenced by ! Social Elements 22.4 Influenced by ! Location/Distance 실험 후 인터뷰를 통해 검색 결과의 선택 이유에 대하여 물음 Total 76 Tasks
  • 35. Result Location-based Information Sources 위치 기반 정보원3 Is Search Task Successful? 64.1 Successful 24.3Partially! Successful 11.7 Unsuccessful Total 186 Tasks a. Could not find local content or up-to-date information! b. Difficult to conduct complex search with mobile interface! c. Problem with mobile connection Alternative Sources Business Directory Yelp Event Guide Website TimeOut Travel Website National Rail News Website BBC Information in Public Place Poster or Map on the wall
  • 36. Discussion Key Findings Most location-based search is conducted in the presence of others 대부분의 위치 기반 검색은 다른 사람과 함께 한다 개인의 정보 요구 보다 집단의 정보 요구인 경우가 많음 전체 중 76.1%가 다른 사람과 함께 검색 위치 기반 검색은 소셜/그룹 활동과 긴밀한 관계를 가짐 소셜 팩터가 의사 결정에 영향을 미침 (22.4%) 1
  • 37. Discussion Key Findings Search now vs. Search later 지금 검색 vs. 나중에 검색 전보다 빠르게 정보 접근이 가능, 편하게 접근이 가능해짐에 따라 데스크탑을 대체 모바일 기기 덕분에 시간과 공간에 제약 받지 않고 정보 접근이 쉬워짐 계획하는 시간을 덜 사용 “오늘 저녁 뭐 먹지?” 저녁 먹기 전에 검색 2
  • 38. Discussion Key Findings Resident vs. Tourist 거주자 vs. 관광객 다양한 도메인에 관심이 있는 거주자와 달리, 제한된 도메인(랜드마크, 경로)에 관심 지역에 친숙한 거주자와 지역에 낯설고 시간 제약이 있는 관광객의 차이 검색 형태, 공간적 맥락, 시간적 맥락, 소셜 맥락 등 모두 다른 형태를 가질 것 3
  • 39. Discussion Limitation 블랙베리 사용자만을 대상1 시스템 환경의 이슈로 인해 블랙베리만 다이어리 툴 설치 가능 다양한 계층의 실험참여자가 필요2 비슷한 프로파일을 가진 실험참여자 타 기기와 비교해 기기 환경(Qwerty Keyboard 등)에 따라 사용 패턴에서 차이가 있을 것