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8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61
Previously Asked Questions includes
1. Maxillary artery - 10 marks – (2002)
2. Circle of Willis 05 marks- 05 marks –(2003)
3. Innervation of Muscles and tongue 10 marks, 05 marks –(2002)
8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 3
â–Ș Introduction
â–Ș Embryology
â–Ș Arterial supply of head and neck
- External carotid artery and its branches
- Internal carotid artery and its branches
â–Ș Venous drainage of head and neck
- Internal jugular vein
- External jugular vein
â–Ș Applied anatomy
â–Ș Conclusion
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‱ transports fluids throughout the body; it consists of the cardiovascular and lymphatic
‱ The heart and blood vessels make up the blood transportation network, the
cardiovascular system. Through this system, the heart pumps blood through the body’s
vast system of blood vessels. The blood carries nutrients, oxygen, and waste products to
and from the cells.
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â–Ș Components of Circulatory System
Heart- It is the muscular organ that pumps the blood (oxygenated) to the body by artery
and receives (deoxygenated) blood trough the veins
Artery- Main transporter of oxygenated blood
Vein- carries blood that is low in oxygen content from the body back to the heart
Arterioles- Diameter of the artery is adjusted to regulate the blood flow.
Capillaries- Diffusion occurs in these walls
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Arterial & Venous Supply Of
Head & Neck- 61 7
Aortic arches are short vessels connecting the ventral and dorsal aorta on each side they
run within brachial (pharyngeal) arches { Seen in 4th and 5th week of I.U life}
There are total of 6 pairs in total [ 1st, 2nd, & 5th pairs soon disappear]
Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61
The 1st aortic arch – Disappears (a small portion persists and forms a piece of maxillary
The 2nd aortic arch – Disappears (small portion of this arch contributes to the hyoid and
stapedial arteries)
The 3rd aortic arch - Has the same development on the right and left side it gives rise to the
initial portion of The Internal carotid artery.
- The external carotid is derived from the
cranial portion of the ventral aorta
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The 4th aortic arch - has ultimate fate different on the right and left side
On the right - it forms the proximal segment of the right subclavian artery.
On the left - it forms a part of the arch of the aorta between left common carotid and left
subclavian artery and termination as ductus arteriousus.
The 5th aortic arch - is transient and soon obliterates
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The 6th aortic arch - pulmonary arch - gives off a branch on each side that grows toward the
developing lung bud
On the right side, the proximal part transforms into the right branch of the pulmonary artery and
the distal part disappears
On the left side, the distal part persists as the ductus arteriosus during intrauterine life and the
proximal part gives rise to the left branch of the pulmonary artery
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Arterial supply of Head & Neck
Branches of Arch of Aorta
1. Left Subclavian artery.
2. Left Common Carotid artery.
3. Brachiocephalic trunk.
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Carotid Body
â–Ș The carotid body (carotid glomus or glomus caroticum) is a small cluster
of chemoreceptors and supporting cells located near the fork (bifurcation) of the carotid
artery (which runs along both sides of the throat).
â–Ș The carotid body detects changes in the composition of arterial blood flowing through it, mainly
the partial pressure of oxygen, but also of carbon dioxide. Furthermore, it is also sensitive to
changes in pH and temperature.
â–Ș It receives a rich supply of nerves supply from glossopharyngeal, vagus & sympathetic nerves.
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Common Carotid Artery
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â–Ș The carotid arteries are major blood vessels in the neck that supply blood to the brain, neck, and
face. There are two carotid arteries, one on the right and one on the left.
Right common carotid body is a branch of brachiocephalic artery, begins in the neck
behind the right sternocephalic joint
Left common carotid body is a branch of the Arch of Aorta, begins in the thorax in front of
the trachea opposite to the little left of the centre of the manubrium and ascends back of the
sternoclavicular joint and enters the neck.
In the neck, both the arteries have the same course, They run upwards along with the
carotid sheath, under the cover of the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid.
At the level of upper border of the Thyroid cartilage, the artery ends by dividing into
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Carotid Sinus
The termination of carotid artery/ the begging of the Internal carotid artery, shows a slight dilation
known as Carotid Sinus.
In this region the tunica media is thin, but the adventitia is thick and receives a rich innervation
from glossopharyngeal and sympathetic nerves.
The Carotid Sinus acts as a Baroreceptor, and regulates B.P
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External Carotid Artery
External carotid body (ECA) is a branch of Common carotid body
Chief artery of supply to structures in the front of the neck and the face.
15% (ECA) originates lateral to Internal Carotid Artery, this variation occurs more frequently on
the right (3:1)
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Course and Relations
â–Ș External carotid artery begins in the carotid triangle, the level of the upper border of the
thyroid cartilage opposite the disc between the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae.
â–Ș Runs upwards & slightly backwards and laterally, terminating behind
the neck of the mandible as maxillary and superficial
temporal artery.
â–Ș It has slightly curved course, i.e anteromedial to the internal
carotid artery in its lower part and anterolateral to the internal
carotid artery in upper part
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Branches of ECA
 Anterior
 Superior thyroid
 Lingual
 Facial
 Posterior
 Posterior auricular
 Occipital
 Medial
Ascending pharyngeal
 Terminal
 Superficial temporal
 Maxillary
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Superior Thyroid Artery
 Origin : Below the level of the greater cornua of the hyoid bone.
 Course : Runs downwards and forward parallel and just superficial to the external
laryngeal nerve.
It passes deep to the deep to the long infra hyoid muscle to reach the upper pole
of the lateral lobe of thyroid gland
 Branches : Hyoid
Sternocleidomastoid branch
Superior Laryngeal artery
Cricothyroid muscle
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Lingual Artery
 Origin : Arises from ECA opposite in the tip of the greater cornua of the hyoid bone.
 Course : Its course is divided into 3 parts
1st – lies in the carotid triangle, forms a loop which is closed by the hypoglossal
nerve, this loop permits the movement of hyoid bone.
2nd – lies deep in hypoglossus muscle along the upper border of hyoid bone.
3rd – also called as arteria profunda linguae/ deep lingual artery , runs upwards
along the anterior border of hyoglossus and horizontally forward on the under surface of the
Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 22
Branches :
 Suprahyoid Branch
 Dorsal Lingual Branch
 Deep Lingual Artery
 Sublingual Artery
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Facial Artery
Main artery of the face
 Origin : Arises from the ECA just above the tip of the greater cornua of the hyoid bone,
It has 2 parts 1st cervical part and 2nd fascial part.
 Facial part : Runs upwards on the superior constrictor of the pharynx deep to the posterior
belly of digastric with the stylohyoid and the ramus of the mandible
At the antero inferior angle of the masseter muscle, it can be palpated called
as Anaesthetic artery
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Branches of facial part :
â–Ș Superior labial- supplies to upper lip &
antero-inferior part of nasal septum.
â–Ș Inferior labial- supplies to lower lip.
â–Ș Lateral nasal- to the ala & dorsum of nose.
â–Ș Angular – supplies the lacrimal sac
and orbicularis oculi.
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â–Ș Branches of the cervical part
1. Ascending palatine artery- it supplies to root of tongue & tonsil.
2. Tonsillar.
3. Submental artery- it is a large artery which accompanies the mylohyoid nerve, and supplies
the submental triangle and sub lingual salivary gland.
4. Glandular branches that supplies submandibular salivary gland and submental lymph nodes.
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Muscles supplied by the facial artery include:
â–Ș buccinator
â–Ș levator anguli oris
â–Ș levator labii superioris
â–Ș levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
â–Ș levator veli palatini
â–Ș masseter
â–Ș mentalis
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 mylohyoid
 nasalis
 palatoglossus
 palatopharyngeus
 platysma
 procerus
 risorius
 styloglosus
 transverse portion of the nasalis
Occipital Artery
 Origin : Arises from the posterior aspect of ECA, opposite to the origin of facial artery
 Course : It is crossed in the region by he hypoglossal nerve.
In Carotid triangle, the artery give 2 branches to the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
The upper branch accompanies the accessory nerve and the lower branch
occipital artery.
Ends in scalp
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Post Auricular Artery
Origin : Arises from the posterior aspect of the ECA just above the posterior belly of the
 Course : Runs upwards and backwards deep to the parotid gland, crosses the base of the
mastoid process and ascends behind the auricle.
 Branches : Stylomastoid
Supply- facial nerve, tympanic cavity, mastoid antrum, air cells & semicircular
Auricular branch
Occipital branch
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Ascending Pharyngeal
 Origin : Small branch arises from the medial side of the ECA, deep inside the neck.
 Course : It runs vertically upwards between the side wall of the pharynx, the tonsil, the
medial wall of the middle ear and the auditory tube.
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Maxillary Artery
Origin : Begins at the behind of the neck of the mandible and is imbedded in the substance of
the parotid gland
Course : Maxillary artery is divided into 3 parts
1st Mandibular – Runs horizontally forward, below the neck of the mandible & the
sphenomandibular ligament below the auriculotemporal nerve along with the lower
border of the lateral thyroid
2nd Pterygoid – Runs upwards and forwards superficial to the lower head of the lateral
3rd Pterygopalatine – Passes between the two heads of the lateral pterygoid and through
the pterygomaxillary fissure and enter pterygopalatine fossa
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1st part (mandibular) : Lies medial to mandible, it runs along the lower border of lateral
pterygoid muscle
 Deep auricular artery
 Anterior tympanic artery
 Middle meningeal artery
 Accessory meningeal artery
 Inferior alveolar artery
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Branches Foramen transmitting Distribution
1.Deep auricular Foramen in the floor of external acoustic
External acoustic meatus,outer
surface of tympanic membrane
2.Anterior tympanic Petrotympanic fissure Inner surface of tympanic membrane
3.Middle meningeal Foramen spinosum 5th and 7th nerve, middle ear, tensor
4.Accessory meningeal Foramen ovale Meninges, Structures in the infra
temporal fossa
5.Inferior alveolar Mandibular foramen Lower teeth and mylohyoid muscle
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â–Ș 2nd part (pterygoid) – Supplies the masticatory muscles
Branches Distribution
1.Deep temporal Temporalis
2.Pterygoid Lateral and medial pterygoid
3.Masseteric Masseter
4.Buccal Buccinator
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3rd part (pterygopalatine):
 Terminal portion of the artery passes between the two heads of the lateral pterygoid muscle
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Branches Foramina Distribution
1.Post superior alveolar Alveolar canals in the body of
Upper molar and premolar teeth ;
maxillary sinus
2.Infraorbital Infraorbital fissure Lower orbital muscles, lacrimal sac
,max sinus
3.Greater palatine Greater palatine canal Soft palate, tonsil, palatine glands and
mucosa upper gums
4.Pharyngeal Pharyngeal canal Root of nose , pharynx, auditory tube,
sphenoidal sinus
5.Artery of pterygoid canal Pterygoid canal Auditory tube, upper pharynx, middle
5.Sphenopalatine(terminal part) Sphenopalatine foramen Lateral and medial wall of nose and
air sinuses
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Superficial Temporal Artery
Origin : Begins in the neck of the mandible under the cover of the parotid gland.
Runs vertically upward, crossing the root of zygoma/preauricular point.
Course : Begins in the parotid gland behind the mandible neck, crosses the post. root of the
zygomatic process of the temporal bone.
About 5cm above this divides into ant. & post. Branches.
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 Transverse facial branch
 Anterior auricular branch
 Frontal branch
 Parietal branch
 Zygomatico - orbital branch
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Internal Carotid Artery
Origin : Terminal branches of Common Carotid Artery originates along the external carotid
artery at the upper border of thyroid cartilage at the 3rd and 4th vertebrae.
Cervical,petrous,cavernous and cerebral parts.
 Branches include Cervical part of the neck
Petrous part in the petrous temporal bone
Cavernous part in the cavernous sinus
Cerebral part in relation to base of brain
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â–Ș Cervical Part
~ It ascends vertically in the neck from its origin to the base of skull to reach the lower end of the
carotid canal. This part is enclosed in carotid sheath along with internal jugular and vagus nerve.
No branches arises from the internal carotid artery in the neck.
~ Its initial part shows slight dilation, carotid sinus. Which acts as a baroreceptor.
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Petrous Part
Within the petrous part of the temporal bone in the carotid runs upward forward & medially at
right angle.
1) Caroticotympanic - enter middle ear & anastomose with ant. & post. Tympanic branches
2) Artery of the Pterygoid Canal- anastomose with greater palatine artery
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Cavernous Part
With in the Cavernous Sinus
1) Artery to trigeminal ganglion
2) Superior & inferior Hypophyseal artery
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Cerebral Part
 Lies at the base of the brain after emerging from the cavernous sinus
2.Anterior Cerebral.
3.Middle Cerebral.
4.Posterior Communicating.
5. Ant. choroidal
On angiogram internal
carotid show ‘S’ shaped
figure (carotid siphon)
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â–Ș Circle of Willis
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Venous Supply of Neck
 Venous drainage from the face is entirely superficial
 All the venous drainage from the head and neck terminate in the internal jugular vein which
join the subclavian vein to form the brachiocephalic vein behind the medial end of the
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â–Ș Veins include
1. Facial Vein
2. Maxillary vein
3. Superficial Temporal vein
4. Retromandibular vein
5. External jugular vein.
6. Internal jugular vein
7. Anterior jugular vein
8. Sub clavian vein
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Facial Vein
 Formed by the union of the supraorbital & supratrochlear veins to form the
angular vein
 Communicate with the cavernous sinus through ophthalmic vein via the
 Runs downwards & backwards behind the facial artery to the lower border of
mandible ,joined by the anterior division of the retromandibular vein.
 It anastomoses
 Pterygoid plexus through deep facial vein
 Cavernous sinus through superior ophthalmic vein
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Maxillary Vein
 Formed by confluence of the veins of the pterygoid plexus
 Passes backward between the spenomandibular ligament & the neck of the mandible.
 It unites with the Superficial Temporal Vein to form the Retromandibular Vein
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Superficial Temporal Vein
‱ Begins in a widespread network joined across scalp to contra-lateral vein and with
supratrochlear, supraorbital, posterior auricular and occipital veins, all draining same
‱ cross posterior root of zygoma & enters parotid gland to unite with maxillary vein to form
retromandibular vein.
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Retromandibular Vein
 Formed by the union of the superficial temporal and maxillary vein from pterygoid plexus
 Passes downward in the substance of the parotid gland emerging from its lower border &
divided into two parts
Anterior Division- Joins the facial vein
Posterior Division – pierces the deep facia & joins the post auricular to form
the External jugular vein & drains into Subclavian Vein
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External Jugular Vein
 Begins behind the angle of the mandible by the union of the posterior auricular and posterior
division of the retromandibular veins.
 It descend obliquely, deep to the platysma, receive the posterior external jugular vein
Pierce the deep fascia just above the clavicle and drain into the subclavian vein
â–Ș Posterior branch of retromandibular vein with posterior auricular vein.
â–Ș It drains into subclavian vein
 Posterior external jugular
 Transverse cervical
 Suprascapular
 Anterior jugular
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Internal Jugular Vein
â–Ș It receive blood from the brain, face and the neck.
â–Ș It emerges through the jugular foramen, as a continuation of the sigmoid sinus descend down in
the neck, first behind then lateral to the internal carotid artery inside the carotid sheath
â–Ș Ends by joining subclavian vein to form brachiocephalic vein
 Tributaries:
 Inferior petrosal sinus
 Superior bulb
 Pharyngeal vein
 Lingual vein
 Superior thyroid vein
 Middle thyroid vein
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Pterygoid Plexus
â–Ș A network of very small veins, lie around and within the lateral pterygoid muscle in the
infratemporal region
â–Ș Receive some of the veins that correspond to the maxillary vein, inferior ophthalmic vein
(internal carotid blood) and the deep facial vein.
â–Ș Drain into a pair of large, short maxillary veins which join the superficial temporal vein to form
the retromandibular.
â–Ș Deep facial vein drain the plexus into the facial vein if the maxillary is occluded
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Subclavian Vein
Continuation of axillary vein at the outer border of 1st rib.
Joins internal jugular vein to form brachiocephalic vein.
â–Ș External jugular vein
â–Ș Dorsal scapular vein
â–Ș Thorasic duct of left side
â–Ș Right lymphatic duct on right side
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Brachiocephalic vein
â–Ș Formed by the union of IJV and subclavian vein.
â–Ș Right is shorter than left.
â–Ș Two brachiocephalic veins unite at the lower border of right first costal cartilage to form
superior venacava.
â–Ș Tributaries correspond to branches of first part of subclavian artery
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Venous sinuses
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â–Ș Name Drains to
â–Ș Inferior sagittal sinus - Straight sinus
â–Ș Superior sagittal sinus - Confluence of sinus
‱ Straight sinus - Confluence of sinus
‱ Occipital sinus - Confluence of sinus
‱ Confluence of sinuses - Transverse sinuses
â–Ș Cavernous sinuses - Superior and petrosal sinus
â–Ș Transvers sinus - Sigmoid sinus
â–Ș Superior petrosal sinus - Sigmoid sinus
â–Ș Inferior petrosal sinus - Internal Jugular vein
â–Ș Sigmoid sinus - Internal jugular vein
Applied Anatomy
Facial Artery : During surgical removal of the Sub mandibular salivary gland – Incision is given
half inch below the lower border of the mandible
Lingual Artery : Surgical removal of tongue, first the artery is ligated within the lingual triangle
before it gives off branches to the tongue & tonsil
Common Carotid Artery : Can be compressed against the carotid tubercle; the anterior tubercle
of the transverse process of vertebrae C6 which lies at the level of the cartilage.
A cervical rib may compress the subclavian artery diminishing the radial pulse.
Aneurysm in the 3rd part of the subclavian artery causes pressure on the brachial plexus leading
to weakness and numbness in the upper limb.
Right SCA may arise from descending aorta. Then it passes posterior to esophagus leading to
dysphagia lusoria.
â–Ș Communication between cavernous sinus and ICA may be produced during head injury leading
to Pulsating Exophthalmosis. 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61
 Danger area of face:
The facial vein is devoid of valves and rests directly on the facial muscle.
The movement of facial muscles might facilitate the spread of septic emboli from the infected
area of upper lip and lower part of the nose in retrograde direction.
Cause thrombosis of cavernous sinus with serious complication.
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Human Anatomy Vol 3 Head,Neck & Brain
- BD Chaurasia’s 4th Edition
Textbook of Anatomy Vol3
- Inderbir Singh 3rd Edition
2nd Edition – Grays Anatomy
Cunninghams Manaul of Practical Anatomy Vol 3, Head, Neck &
Anatomy of the Head & Neck – M.J Ferenbach, S.W Herring 3rd
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Arterial supply & venous drainage of head and neck manohar

  • 1. 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61
  • 3. Previously Asked Questions includes 1. Maxillary artery - 10 marks – (2002) 2. Circle of Willis 05 marks- 05 marks –(2003) 3. Innervation of Muscles and tongue 10 marks, 05 marks –(2002) 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 3
  • 4. CONTENTS: â–Ș Introduction â–Ș Embryology â–Ș Arterial supply of head and neck - External carotid artery and its branches - Internal carotid artery and its branches â–Ș Venous drainage of head and neck - Internal jugular vein - External jugular vein â–Ș Applied anatomy â–Ș Conclusion 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 4
  • 5. ‱ THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM ‱ transports fluids throughout the body; it consists of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. ‱ The heart and blood vessels make up the blood transportation network, the cardiovascular system. Through this system, the heart pumps blood through the body’s vast system of blood vessels. The blood carries nutrients, oxygen, and waste products to and from the cells. 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 5
  • 6. â–Ș Components of Circulatory System Heart- It is the muscular organ that pumps the blood (oxygenated) to the body by artery and receives (deoxygenated) blood trough the veins Artery- Main transporter of oxygenated blood Vein- carries blood that is low in oxygen content from the body back to the heart Arterioles- Diameter of the artery is adjusted to regulate the blood flow. Capillaries- Diffusion occurs in these walls 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 6
  • 7. 8/31/2016 Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 7
  • 8. Embryology Aortic arches are short vessels connecting the ventral and dorsal aorta on each side they run within brachial (pharyngeal) arches { Seen in 4th and 5th week of I.U life} There are total of 6 pairs in total [ 1st, 2nd, & 5th pairs soon disappear] 8/31/2016 Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 8
  • 9. The 1st aortic arch – Disappears (a small portion persists and forms a piece of maxillary artery) The 2nd aortic arch – Disappears (small portion of this arch contributes to the hyoid and stapedial arteries) The 3rd aortic arch - Has the same development on the right and left side it gives rise to the initial portion of The Internal carotid artery. - The external carotid is derived from the cranial portion of the ventral aorta 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 9
  • 10. The 4th aortic arch - has ultimate fate different on the right and left side On the right - it forms the proximal segment of the right subclavian artery. On the left - it forms a part of the arch of the aorta between left common carotid and left subclavian artery and termination as ductus arteriousus. The 5th aortic arch - is transient and soon obliterates 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 10
  • 11. The 6th aortic arch - pulmonary arch - gives off a branch on each side that grows toward the developing lung bud On the right side, the proximal part transforms into the right branch of the pulmonary artery and the distal part disappears On the left side, the distal part persists as the ductus arteriosus during intrauterine life and the proximal part gives rise to the left branch of the pulmonary artery 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 11
  • 12. Arterial supply of Head & Neck AORTA Branches of Arch of Aorta 1. Left Subclavian artery. 2. Left Common Carotid artery. 3. Brachiocephalic trunk. 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 12
  • 13. Carotid Body â–Ș The carotid body (carotid glomus or glomus caroticum) is a small cluster of chemoreceptors and supporting cells located near the fork (bifurcation) of the carotid artery (which runs along both sides of the throat). â–Ș The carotid body detects changes in the composition of arterial blood flowing through it, mainly the partial pressure of oxygen, but also of carbon dioxide. Furthermore, it is also sensitive to changes in pH and temperature. â–Ș It receives a rich supply of nerves supply from glossopharyngeal, vagus & sympathetic nerves. 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 13
  • 14. Common Carotid Artery 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 14
  • 15. 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 15
  • 16. â–Ș The carotid arteries are major blood vessels in the neck that supply blood to the brain, neck, and face. There are two carotid arteries, one on the right and one on the left. Right common carotid body is a branch of brachiocephalic artery, begins in the neck behind the right sternocephalic joint Left common carotid body is a branch of the Arch of Aorta, begins in the thorax in front of the trachea opposite to the little left of the centre of the manubrium and ascends back of the sternoclavicular joint and enters the neck. In the neck, both the arteries have the same course, They run upwards along with the carotid sheath, under the cover of the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid. At the level of upper border of the Thyroid cartilage, the artery ends by dividing into EXTERNAL & INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 16
  • 17. Carotid Sinus The termination of carotid artery/ the begging of the Internal carotid artery, shows a slight dilation known as Carotid Sinus. In this region the tunica media is thin, but the adventitia is thick and receives a rich innervation from glossopharyngeal and sympathetic nerves. The Carotid Sinus acts as a Baroreceptor, and regulates B.P 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 17
  • 18. External Carotid Artery External carotid body (ECA) is a branch of Common carotid body Chief artery of supply to structures in the front of the neck and the face. 15% (ECA) originates lateral to Internal Carotid Artery, this variation occurs more frequently on the right (3:1) 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 18
  • 19. Course and Relations â–Ș External carotid artery begins in the carotid triangle, the level of the upper border of the thyroid cartilage opposite the disc between the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae. â–Ș Runs upwards & slightly backwards and laterally, terminating behind the neck of the mandible as maxillary and superficial temporal artery. â–Ș It has slightly curved course, i.e anteromedial to the internal carotid artery in its lower part and anterolateral to the internal carotid artery in upper part 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 19
  • 20. Branches of ECA  Anterior  Superior thyroid  Lingual  Facial  Posterior  Posterior auricular  Occipital  Medial Ascending pharyngeal  Terminal  Superficial temporal  Maxillary 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 20
  • 21. Superior Thyroid Artery  Origin : Below the level of the greater cornua of the hyoid bone.  Course : Runs downwards and forward parallel and just superficial to the external laryngeal nerve. It passes deep to the deep to the long infra hyoid muscle to reach the upper pole of the lateral lobe of thyroid gland  Branches : Hyoid Sternocleidomastoid branch Superior Laryngeal artery Cricothyroid muscle 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 21
  • 22. Lingual Artery  Origin : Arises from ECA opposite in the tip of the greater cornua of the hyoid bone.  Course : Its course is divided into 3 parts 1st – lies in the carotid triangle, forms a loop which is closed by the hypoglossal nerve, this loop permits the movement of hyoid bone. 2nd – lies deep in hypoglossus muscle along the upper border of hyoid bone. 3rd – also called as arteria profunda linguae/ deep lingual artery , runs upwards along the anterior border of hyoglossus and horizontally forward on the under surface of the tongue 8/31/2016 Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 22
  • 23. Branches :  Suprahyoid Branch  Dorsal Lingual Branch  Deep Lingual Artery  Sublingual Artery 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 23
  • 24. Facial Artery Main artery of the face  Origin : Arises from the ECA just above the tip of the greater cornua of the hyoid bone, It has 2 parts 1st cervical part and 2nd fascial part.  Facial part : Runs upwards on the superior constrictor of the pharynx deep to the posterior belly of digastric with the stylohyoid and the ramus of the mandible At the antero inferior angle of the masseter muscle, it can be palpated called as Anaesthetic artery 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 24
  • 25. Branches of facial part : â–Ș Superior labial- supplies to upper lip & antero-inferior part of nasal septum. â–Ș Inferior labial- supplies to lower lip. â–Ș Lateral nasal- to the ala & dorsum of nose. â–Ș Angular – supplies the lacrimal sac and orbicularis oculi. 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 25
  • 26. â–Ș Branches of the cervical part 1. Ascending palatine artery- it supplies to root of tongue & tonsil. 2. Tonsillar. 3. Submental artery- it is a large artery which accompanies the mylohyoid nerve, and supplies the submental triangle and sub lingual salivary gland. 4. Glandular branches that supplies submandibular salivary gland and submental lymph nodes. 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 26
  • 27. Muscles supplied by the facial artery include: â–Ș buccinator â–Ș levator anguli oris â–Ș levator labii superioris â–Ș levator labii superioris alaeque nasi â–Ș levator veli palatini â–Ș masseter â–Ș mentalis 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 27  mylohyoid  nasalis  palatoglossus  palatopharyngeus  platysma  procerus  risorius  styloglosus  transverse portion of the nasalis
  • 28. Occipital Artery  Origin : Arises from the posterior aspect of ECA, opposite to the origin of facial artery  Course : It is crossed in the region by he hypoglossal nerve. In Carotid triangle, the artery give 2 branches to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The upper branch accompanies the accessory nerve and the lower branch occipital artery. Ends in scalp 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 28
  • 29. Post Auricular Artery Origin : Arises from the posterior aspect of the ECA just above the posterior belly of the digastric  Course : Runs upwards and backwards deep to the parotid gland, crosses the base of the mastoid process and ascends behind the auricle.  Branches : Stylomastoid Supply- facial nerve, tympanic cavity, mastoid antrum, air cells & semicircular canals. Auricular branch Occipital branch 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 29
  • 30. Ascending Pharyngeal  Origin : Small branch arises from the medial side of the ECA, deep inside the neck.  Course : It runs vertically upwards between the side wall of the pharynx, the tonsil, the medial wall of the middle ear and the auditory tube. 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 30
  • 31. Maxillary Artery Origin : Begins at the behind of the neck of the mandible and is imbedded in the substance of the parotid gland Course : Maxillary artery is divided into 3 parts 1st Mandibular – Runs horizontally forward, below the neck of the mandible & the sphenomandibular ligament below the auriculotemporal nerve along with the lower border of the lateral thyroid 2nd Pterygoid – Runs upwards and forwards superficial to the lower head of the lateral pterygoid 3rd Pterygopalatine – Passes between the two heads of the lateral pterygoid and through the pterygomaxillary fissure and enter pterygopalatine fossa 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 31
  • 32. Branches 1st part (mandibular) : Lies medial to mandible, it runs along the lower border of lateral pterygoid muscle  Deep auricular artery  Anterior tympanic artery  Middle meningeal artery  Accessory meningeal artery  Inferior alveolar artery 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 32
  • 33. Branches Foramen transmitting Distribution 1.Deep auricular Foramen in the floor of external acoustic meatus External acoustic meatus,outer surface of tympanic membrane 2.Anterior tympanic Petrotympanic fissure Inner surface of tympanic membrane 3.Middle meningeal Foramen spinosum 5th and 7th nerve, middle ear, tensor tympani 4.Accessory meningeal Foramen ovale Meninges, Structures in the infra temporal fossa 5.Inferior alveolar Mandibular foramen Lower teeth and mylohyoid muscle 8/31/2016 Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 33
  • 34. â–Ș 2nd part (pterygoid) – Supplies the masticatory muscles Branches Distribution 1.Deep temporal Temporalis 2.Pterygoid Lateral and medial pterygoid 3.Masseteric Masseter 4.Buccal Buccinator 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 34
  • 35. 3rd part (pterygopalatine):  Terminal portion of the artery passes between the two heads of the lateral pterygoid muscle 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 35
  • 36. Branches Foramina Distribution 1.Post superior alveolar Alveolar canals in the body of maxilla Upper molar and premolar teeth ; maxillary sinus 2.Infraorbital Infraorbital fissure Lower orbital muscles, lacrimal sac ,max sinus 3.Greater palatine Greater palatine canal Soft palate, tonsil, palatine glands and mucosa upper gums 4.Pharyngeal Pharyngeal canal Root of nose , pharynx, auditory tube, sphenoidal sinus 5.Artery of pterygoid canal Pterygoid canal Auditory tube, upper pharynx, middle ear 5.Sphenopalatine(terminal part) Sphenopalatine foramen Lateral and medial wall of nose and air sinuses 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 36
  • 37. Superficial Temporal Artery Origin : Begins in the neck of the mandible under the cover of the parotid gland. Runs vertically upward, crossing the root of zygoma/preauricular point. Course : Begins in the parotid gland behind the mandible neck, crosses the post. root of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone. About 5cm above this divides into ant. & post. Branches. 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 37
  • 38. Branches  Transverse facial branch  Anterior auricular branch  Frontal branch  Parietal branch  Zygomatico - orbital branch 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 38
  • 39. Internal Carotid Artery Origin : Terminal branches of Common Carotid Artery originates along the external carotid artery at the upper border of thyroid cartilage at the 3rd and 4th vertebrae. Cervical,petrous,cavernous and cerebral parts.  Branches include Cervical part of the neck Petrous part in the petrous temporal bone Cavernous part in the cavernous sinus Cerebral part in relation to base of brain 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 39
  • 40. â–Ș Cervical Part ~ It ascends vertically in the neck from its origin to the base of skull to reach the lower end of the carotid canal. This part is enclosed in carotid sheath along with internal jugular and vagus nerve. No branches arises from the internal carotid artery in the neck. ~ Its initial part shows slight dilation, carotid sinus. Which acts as a baroreceptor. 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 40
  • 41. Petrous Part Within the petrous part of the temporal bone in the carotid runs upward forward & medially at right angle. Branches 1) Caroticotympanic - enter middle ear & anastomose with ant. & post. Tympanic branches 2) Artery of the Pterygoid Canal- anastomose with greater palatine artery 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 41
  • 42. Cavernous Part With in the Cavernous Sinus Branches 1) Artery to trigeminal ganglion 2) Superior & inferior Hypophyseal artery 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 42
  • 43. Cerebral Part  Lies at the base of the brain after emerging from the cavernous sinus Branches 1.Ophthalmic. 2.Anterior Cerebral. 3.Middle Cerebral. 4.Posterior Communicating. 5. Ant. choroidal On angiogram internal carotid show ‘S’ shaped figure (carotid siphon) 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 43
  • 44. â–Ș Circle of Willis 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 44
  • 46.  Venous drainage from the face is entirely superficial  All the venous drainage from the head and neck terminate in the internal jugular vein which join the subclavian vein to form the brachiocephalic vein behind the medial end of the clavicle 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 46
  • 47. â–Ș Veins include 1. Facial Vein 2. Maxillary vein 3. Superficial Temporal vein 4. Retromandibular vein 5. External jugular vein. 6. Internal jugular vein 7. Anterior jugular vein 8. Sub clavian vein 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 47
  • 48. Facial Vein  Formed by the union of the supraorbital & supratrochlear veins to form the angular vein  Communicate with the cavernous sinus through ophthalmic vein via the supraorbital.  Runs downwards & backwards behind the facial artery to the lower border of mandible ,joined by the anterior division of the retromandibular vein.  It anastomoses  Pterygoid plexus through deep facial vein  Cavernous sinus through superior ophthalmic vein 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 48
  • 49. Maxillary Vein  Formed by confluence of the veins of the pterygoid plexus  Passes backward between the spenomandibular ligament & the neck of the mandible.  It unites with the Superficial Temporal Vein to form the Retromandibular Vein 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 49
  • 50. Superficial Temporal Vein ‱ Begins in a widespread network joined across scalp to contra-lateral vein and with supratrochlear, supraorbital, posterior auricular and occipital veins, all draining same network ‱ cross posterior root of zygoma & enters parotid gland to unite with maxillary vein to form retromandibular vein. 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 50
  • 51. Retromandibular Vein  Formed by the union of the superficial temporal and maxillary vein from pterygoid plexus  Passes downward in the substance of the parotid gland emerging from its lower border & divided into two parts Anterior Division- Joins the facial vein Posterior Division – pierces the deep facia & joins the post auricular to form the External jugular vein & drains into Subclavian Vein 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 51
  • 52. External Jugular Vein  Begins behind the angle of the mandible by the union of the posterior auricular and posterior division of the retromandibular veins.  It descend obliquely, deep to the platysma, receive the posterior external jugular vein Pierce the deep fascia just above the clavicle and drain into the subclavian vein â–Ș Posterior branch of retromandibular vein with posterior auricular vein. â–Ș It drains into subclavian vein Tributaries:  Posterior external jugular  Transverse cervical  Suprascapular  Anterior jugular 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 52
  • 53. Internal Jugular Vein â–Ș It receive blood from the brain, face and the neck. â–Ș It emerges through the jugular foramen, as a continuation of the sigmoid sinus descend down in the neck, first behind then lateral to the internal carotid artery inside the carotid sheath â–Ș Ends by joining subclavian vein to form brachiocephalic vein  Tributaries:  Inferior petrosal sinus  Superior bulb  Pharyngeal vein  Lingual vein  Superior thyroid vein  Middle thyroid vein 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 53
  • 54. Pterygoid Plexus â–Ș A network of very small veins, lie around and within the lateral pterygoid muscle in the infratemporal region â–Ș Receive some of the veins that correspond to the maxillary vein, inferior ophthalmic vein (internal carotid blood) and the deep facial vein. â–Ș Drain into a pair of large, short maxillary veins which join the superficial temporal vein to form the retromandibular. â–Ș Deep facial vein drain the plexus into the facial vein if the maxillary is occluded 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 54
  • 55. Subclavian Vein Continuation of axillary vein at the outer border of 1st rib. Joins internal jugular vein to form brachiocephalic vein. Tributaries: â–Ș External jugular vein â–Ș Dorsal scapular vein â–Ș Thorasic duct of left side â–Ș Right lymphatic duct on right side 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 55
  • 56. Brachiocephalic vein â–Ș Formed by the union of IJV and subclavian vein. â–Ș Right is shorter than left. â–Ș Two brachiocephalic veins unite at the lower border of right first costal cartilage to form superior venacava. â–Ș Tributaries correspond to branches of first part of subclavian artery 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 56
  • 57. Venous sinuses 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 57 â–Ș Name Drains to â–Ș Inferior sagittal sinus - Straight sinus â–Ș Superior sagittal sinus - Confluence of sinus ‱ Straight sinus - Confluence of sinus ‱ Occipital sinus - Confluence of sinus ‱ Confluence of sinuses - Transverse sinuses â–Ș Cavernous sinuses - Superior and petrosal sinus â–Ș Transvers sinus - Sigmoid sinus â–Ș Superior petrosal sinus - Sigmoid sinus â–Ș Inferior petrosal sinus - Internal Jugular vein â–Ș Sigmoid sinus - Internal jugular vein
  • 58. Applied Anatomy Facial Artery : During surgical removal of the Sub mandibular salivary gland – Incision is given half inch below the lower border of the mandible Lingual Artery : Surgical removal of tongue, first the artery is ligated within the lingual triangle before it gives off branches to the tongue & tonsil Common Carotid Artery : Can be compressed against the carotid tubercle; the anterior tubercle of the transverse process of vertebrae C6 which lies at the level of the cartilage. A cervical rib may compress the subclavian artery diminishing the radial pulse. Aneurysm in the 3rd part of the subclavian artery causes pressure on the brachial plexus leading to weakness and numbness in the upper limb. Right SCA may arise from descending aorta. Then it passes posterior to esophagus leading to dysphagia lusoria. â–Ș Communication between cavernous sinus and ICA may be produced during head injury leading to Pulsating Exophthalmosis. 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 58
  • 59.  Danger area of face: The facial vein is devoid of valves and rests directly on the facial muscle. The movement of facial muscles might facilitate the spread of septic emboli from the infected area of upper lip and lower part of the nose in retrograde direction. Cause thrombosis of cavernous sinus with serious complication. 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 59
  • 60. References Human Anatomy Vol 3 Head,Neck & Brain - BD Chaurasia’s 4th Edition Textbook of Anatomy Vol3 - Inderbir Singh 3rd Edition 2nd Edition – Grays Anatomy Cunninghams Manaul of Practical Anatomy Vol 3, Head, Neck & Brain Anatomy of the Head & Neck – M.J Ferenbach, S.W Herring 3rd Edition 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 60
  • 61. 8/31/2016Arterial & Venous Supply Of Head & Neck- 61 61

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1.  anatomy is the scientific study of the structure of organisms including their systems, organs and tissues. In 1628 anatomist WILIAM harvEy demonstrated that blood in veins always flows towards the heart
  2. There are many systems in our body includes circulatory, skeletal, reproductive, digestive, urinary, respiratory, Endocrine etc.. About 84% of entire blood volume of body is in systemic circulation and 16% in heart and lungs. Of the 84 % in systemic circulation,64%is in veins,13%in arteries and 7% in systemic arterioles and capillaries
  3. Circulatory or cardiovascular or vascular system
  4. The aortic arches or pharyngeal arch arteries (once referred to as branchial arches in human embryos) are a series of six paired embryological vascular structures which give rise to the great arteries of the neck and head. They are ventral to the dorsal aorta and arise from the aortic sac. The aortic arches are formed sequentially within the pharyngeal arches and initially appear symmetrical on both sides of the embryo,[1] but then undergo a significant remodelling to form the final asymmetrical structure of the great arteries.[1][2]
  5. Aorta arises from left ventricle Decending aorta gives off to iliac arteries supply to abdomen
  6. The carotid arteries are major blood vessels in the neck that supply blood to the brain, neck, and face. There are two carotid arteries, one on the right and one on the left.
  7. The common carotid arteries differ on the right and left sides with respect to their origins. On the right, the common carotid arises from the brachiocephalic artery as it passes behind the sternoclavicular joint. On the left, the common carotid artery comes directly from the arch of the aorta in the superior mediastinum. The right common carotid has, therefore, only a cervical part whereas the left common carotid has cervical and thoracic parts. Following a similar course on both sides, the common carotid artery ascends, diverging laterally from behind the sternoclavicular joint to the level of the upper border of the thyroid cartilage of the larynx (C3-4 junction), where it divides into external and internal carotid arteries.
  8. 1.The infrahyoid branch (or hyoid artery): a small artery that runs along the lower border of the hyoid bone beneath the thyrohyoid muscle. This artery connects with the infrahyoid branch of the opposite side. The infrahyoid branch is a derivative of the second aortic arch. 2.The sternocleidomastoid branch runs downward and laterally across the sheath of the common carotid artery, and supplies the sternocleidomastoideus muscle and neighboring muscles and skin; it frequently arises as a separate branch from the external carotid artery. 3.The superior laryngeal artery accompanies the internal laryngeal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve, beneath thethyrohyoid muscle. This artery branches from the superior thyroid artery near its bifurcation from the external carotid artery. Together with the internal laryngeal nerve, it pierces the lateral thyrohyoid membrane, and supplies blood to the muscles,mucous membrane, and glands of the larynx, connecting with the branch from the opposite side. 4.The cricothyroid artery may contribute to the supply of the larynx. It follows a variable course either superficial or deep to thesternothyroid muscle. If superficial, it may be accompanied by branches of the ansa cervicalis, and if deep, it may be related to the external laryngeal nerve. It can connect with the artery of the opposite side and with the laryngeal arteries
  9. 1st – lies in the carotid triangle, forms a loop which is closed by the hypoglossal nerve, this loop permits the movement of hyoid bone. 2nd – lies deep in hypoglossus muscle along the upper border of hyoid bone. 3rd – also called as arteria profunda linguae/ deep lingual artery , runs upwards along the anterior border of hyoglossus and horizontally forward on the under surface of the tongue
  10. The suprahyoid branch of the lingual artery runs along the upper border of the hyoid bone, supplying oxygenated blood to the muscles attached to it and anastomosing with its fellow of the opposite side. The dorsal lingual branches of lingual artery consist usually of two or three small branches which arise beneath the Hyoglossus. They ascend to the back part of the dorsum of the tongue, and supply the mucous membrane in this situation, the glossopalatine arch, the tonsil, soft palate, and epiglottis; anastomosing with the vessels of the opposite side. The deep lingual artery (or ranine artery) is the terminal portion of the lingual artery after the sublingual artery is given off. it travels superiorly in a tortuous course along the under (ventral) surface of the tongue, below theLongitudinalis inferior, and above the mucous membrane. The Sublingual Artery arises at the anterior margin of the Hyoglossus, and runs forward between the Genioglossus and Mylohyoideus to the sublingual gland.
  11. Function The arrangement of the brain's arteries into the circle of Willis creates redundancies or collaterals in the cerebral circulation. If one part of the circle becomes blocked or narrowed (stenosed) or one of the arteries supplying the circle is blocked or narrowed, blood flow from the other blood vessels can often preserve the cerebral perfusion well enough to avoid the symptoms of ischemia. Clinical significance Aneurysms Circle of Willis with the most common locations of ruptured aneurysms Subclavian steal syndrome The redundancies that the circle of Willis introduce can also lead to reduced cerebral perfusion. In subclavian steal syndrome, blood is "stolen" from the circle of Willis to preserve blood flow to the upper limb. Subclavian steal syndrome results from a proximal stenosis(narrowing) of the subclavian artery, an artery supplied by the aorta which is also the same blood vessel that eventually feeds the circle of Willis via the vertebral artery.
  12. The word "jugular" refers to the throat or neck. It derives from the Latin "jugulum" meaning throat or collarbone and the Latin "jugum" meaning yoke. To go for the jugular is to attack a vital part that is particularly vulnerable.