music photos dance memories spiritual religion winter snow history music box dancer ballet beauty christian music gospel music thoughts human interest tv flowers art gilbert&sullivan movies 1940's long ago farm life symphony real-time white beauty and the beast beast story lines one day ill fly away in the air aerial photography jets flying airplanes gospel religious music spiritual music old hymns spritual music christianity original music childhood memories doggies once upon a time reflections edelweiss bloom and grow love fun winter memories grizzly bear grizzly bears pets words of inspiration children dear god technology frauleins oktoberfest music oktoberfest octoberfest music rosamunde octoberfest heart heart attack 1960's 1950's conservatives beer liberals satire politics comedy 1950s layoffs depression recession hard times the great recession of 2009 911 91101 gilbertsullivan spring springtime iraq afghanistan terrorism pakistan alqaida alqaeda beatrix potter miss malua katie mcgregor ewan zellweger television renee zellweger ewan mcgregor renee miss potter katie malua beatrix potter final fantasy fantasy jesus faith christian loretto chapel miracles the lonely shepherd santa fe chapels religious jesus christ snowfall horses in snow winter scenery the mikado preikestolen en ice bill morrissey ice fishing fishing science astronomy outer space space civil war aging well health aging preikestolen paintings operetta russia the way we were hollywood
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