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Groovy On The Trading Desk

       Jonathan Felch
      Quantitative Strategies
       Volant Trading LLC
●   Motivations for Polyglot Software with Groovy
●   Introducing Groovy: Scripting on the VM
●   Skills To Take With You: Learning Groovy
●   Groovy DSLs: Creating the syntax you need
●   Unlearning Java, C++, C#
●   Groovy Performance and Concurrency
●   Relearning Java: The Future of the VM
●   Questions

●   High Speed OO Tools + Dynamic / Functional Tools

●   Re-use existing assets

●   Lazy Evaluation

●   Externalize Logic and Business Rules

●   Dynamic Evaluation
Why Groovy ?
●   Meet Requirements
       –   Lazy & Dynamic Evaluation,
       –   Concise Synatx, Rapid Development, Iterative Prototyping
       –   Supported But Did Not Require Functional Style, Support for
           Closures / Lamda Expressions
       –   Tool Support, Attractive Adoption Pattern
       –   Human Readable / Machine Executable Data Interchange
       –   Natural Data Integration Platform

●   Strong and Focused Community
●   Familiar Syntax / Ease of Adoption
●   Expensible Syntax : DSLs
Scripting on the VM
Evolution of the VM: Towards Dynamic Programming

     –   Features Popular in Most Used 'Frameworks' Exploited
         Specific Benefits and Uses of Dynamic Programming for a
         general-purpose or 'cross-cutting' concern
          ●   Hibernate, Spring Framework, Jboss AOP, AspectJ

     –   Introduction of Dynamic Programming for Testing,
         Configuration and Business Rules
          ●   BeanShell, Jython, JRuby

     –   Next Generation Scripting: Groovy, Scala, Clojure
          ●   Specific to VM, not a straight port of another language
          ●   Emphasis on Functional Programming
          ●   Tight Integration of FP / DP with a high performance OO Language
Introducing Groovy
●   The Blue Pill: Syntactically compatible with Java
       –   Easy Adoption for Java Programmers
       –   Virtually seamless / virtually flawless integration with Java
       –   Natural Support for Multiple Styles
       –   Compatibility allows for remarkable performance tuning
●   The Red Pill: A Language On Its Own
       –   Type-system:     Dynamically / Optionally Strong Typing
       –   Closures:        Lambda Expressions / Functions as Objects
       –   GDK:             Object and Collection Enhancements
       –   Dynam Eval:      Code is Data, Data is Code
       –   Dynam Syntax:    Write your own syntax
       –   Enhancements:    New operators, data literals, new basic types
Job Trends / Adoption Hints
 for new JVM Languages
Groovy Use Cases:
●   'Super Glue': I/O and Integration

●   'Code as Data': Configuration, Process Scripting,
    Business Rules

●   'Live Analysis': Ad-Hoc Queries & Expressions

●   'Language Building': New Syntax and DSLs

●   'Half-Baked Ideas'

●   'House Elf': Cleanup and Maintenance
Learning Groovy

Im prov in g o n O b je c t
    def abstract class OptionPxModel {
       def vol, carry, strike, expiry, pc
       def abstract px (def spot)
    OptionPxModel model = new BlackScholesModel(strike : 100, pc : 'C' )
    model.vol = 0.15
    model.expiry = Date.parse('MM/dd/yyyy', '11/18/2010')
    println “The Strike 100 Nov 2010 Call is worth ${model.px(102.0)}”

C lo s u re s :
     def r = new Random()
     def normRand = { r.nextGaussian() }

     def stockPrice = { px, vol, rate, time →
         px * exp((rate – vol**2) * time + normRand() * vol * time)
Learning Groovy: Collections
L is ts
def list = [5, 6, 7, 8]
assert list.size == list.size()
assert list[2] == list.getAt(2) == list.get(2) == 7
assert [1,2,3,4,5][-1] == 5 && [1,2,3,4,5][-2] == 4
assert list.find { it > 6 } == 7 && list.findAll { it > 6 } == [7, 8]

list.each { println “$it ${it * 2}” }
['a', 'b', 'c'].eachWithIndex{ it, i -> println "$i: $it" }

Mu ltiple A s s ig n m e n t
def (int a, int b) = [1, 2]
(a, b) = [b, a]

Ra ng e s
assert ('a'..'d') == ['a','b','c','d']
assert [ 1, *3..5, 7, *9..<12 ] == [1,3,4,5,7,9,10,11]
def oneWeekForward = (new Date() .. (new Date() + 7))

Ma ps
[ 'id': 'FX-17', name: 'Turnip',
  99: 123, (-97): 987,
  "tail's": true
].each { key, value → println “$key => $value” }
Groovy One (or 2, 3, 4) Liners Apps
Executing A Process:
”processMyFile ./output.txt $Destination”.execute()

Adding A She-Bang To All Groovy Files:
groovy -i .bak -pe "if (count == 1) println '#!/usr/bin/groovy'" *.groovy

Print the 1st column and 2nd-to-last column from file
groovy -a -pe "split[0] split[-2]" some.filename // or set of files

Create and Shuffle a Deck of Cards
def deck = [ [ *2..10, *('J Q K A'.split()) ], 'C D H S'.split() ]
    .combinations().collect { it.join('') };

Generate 21-Character OSI Symbol for Option
def osi = { symbol, year, month, day, cp, strike ->
  sprintf('%1$s%2$2d%3$2d%4$2d%5$s%6$08.3f', [
    symbol.padLeft(6), year as Integer, month as Integer, day as Integer,
    cp as String, strike as Double ] as Object[] )
Learning Groovy: Operators
'A s O pe ra to r'
    "3.14159" as Double
    def readable = { it.put("12 34".reverse()); 5 } as Readable

A s O pe ra to r O n C lo s u re s + Ma ps → O b je c ts ?
    def map; map = [ i: 10,
           hasNext: { map.i > 0 },
           next: { map.i-- } ] as Iterator

    while ( map.hasNext() )            println

E lv is , S a fe Re fe re n c e , S pre a d & S pa c e s h ip
    def lang = data?.favoriteLanguage ?: 'Groovy'
    assert ['cat', 'elephant']*.size() == [3, 8]
    assert (3 <=> 4) == -1 && (3 <=> 3) == 0 && (5 <=> 3) == 1

Re g e x
    def list = ["foo", "bar", "moo"]
    def pattern = ~/foo/
    assert "foo" =~ list.find { it =~ pattern }
    assert ["foo", "moo"] == list.findAll { it ==~ /.*oo/ }
One Slide Apps: RSS Reader

def url =''
def items = new XmlParser().parse(url).channel.item
def cols = 'pubDate title description'.tokenize() {
  frame(id:'f', title: 'Groovy RSS', visible :true) {
      scrollPane {
         table {
             tableModel(list: items) {
                cols.each { col →
                   closureColumn header: col,
                      read: { it[col].text() }
   } } } } }

      Credit: Dierk König, GR8 Conference 2009, Copenhagen
One Slide Apps: Monte Carlo

def px = 100, rate = 0.05, vol = 0.15, time = 1.0
def strikes = [ 8..12 ].collect { it * 10 }

def w = RandomNumbers.getNormDist(1000,1000)

def S = px * exp((rate-vol ** 2)* time + sqrt(time)* vol * w)

strikes.each { K →
   def optionValue = max(0, S – K)
   def df = exp(-rate * time)
   println “${K} : ${df * optionValue as Number}”
One Slide Apps: RESTful Web Server

def isPrime = { Long N ->
    if (N < 2) return false;
    for (long i = 2; i*i < N; i++) if (N % i == 0) return false
    return true

def pws = { HttpExchange exch ->
    def pe = exch.requestURI.path.split('/')
    if (pe.size() == 3 && pe[1] == 'prime') {
      exch.responseBody.write("${isPrime(pe[2] as Long)}".bytes)
    } else exch.responseBody.write("${exch.requestURI.path}".bytes)
} as HttpHandler

def run = { handler, minutes ->
    def server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(8888),0)
    server.createContext('/', handler)

Unlearning Java: Taking the Red Pill
●   Meta-Programming

●   Design Patterns

●   Compile Time Meta-Programming

●   Power of Lazy Evaluation
Dynamic Language:
                Evaluation or Syntax
“In Lisp, you don’t just write your program down toward
the language, you also build the language up toward your
- Paul Graham

“When [Smalltalk] is used to describe an application
system, the developer extends Smalltalk, creating a
domain-specific language by adding a new vocabulary of
language elements ...”
- Adele Goldberg DSLs
●   Understanding The Type System
       –   Groovy has an optionally dynamic strongly typed type system
       –   What does that mean ?
●   Dynamic Method Invocation and GroovyObject
       –   invokeMethod, get/setProperty
       –   What is a MetaClass ?
●   Meta Object Protocol
       –   def methodMissing(String name, args) { }
       –   def propertyMissing(String name)
       –   def propertyMissing(String name, value)
●   Overloading Operators
// These Class Definitions Generate SQL and Database Tables

class Book {
   String title
   Date releaseDate
   Author author

class Author {
   String name

// These Operation Generate SQL and Database Queries

def book = Book.findByTitle("The Stand")
book = Book.findByTitleLike("Harry Pot%")
book = Book.findByReleaseDateBetween( firstDate, secondDate )
book = Book.findByReleaseDateGreaterThan( someDate )

book = Book.findByTitleLikeOrReleaseDateLessThan(
          "%Something%", someDate )
class GORM {
   def dynamicMethods = [ ]
    def methodMissing(String name, args) {
        def method = dynamicMethods.find { it.match(name) }
        if(method) {
           GORM.metaClass."$name" = { Object[] varArgs →
               method.invoke(delegate, name, varArgs)
           return method.invoke(delegate,name, args)
        // GORM actually writes or creates a new method here
        else throw new MissingMethodException(
           name, delegate, args )
DSL: Tool Kit
●   Meta-Methods
       –   String.metaClass.swapCase= {
               delegate.collect{ c →
                   c in 'A'..'Z'? c.toLowerCase() :c.toUpperCase()

           assert "Foo".swapCase()== "fOO"

           Number.metaClass.multiply= { Grid g → g.multiple(delegate) }
●   MOP
       –   propertyMissing, methodMissing, respondsTo,
           hasProperty, listMethods, selectMethod

●   Categories, ObjectBuilder, MetaBuilder
Function Eval / Visualization
new SwingBuilder().frame(title:'Quant Modeller', size : [1100,600], // ..
parameters here not shown {
    tableLayout() {
        tr {
             td { widget(gui)
             } td { widget(editor, border : titledBorder('Model Script',
                 preferredSize :[900,600]))
             } td {
                 panel(border : titledBorder('Model Calibration'), preferredSize :
                     [200,600]) {
                     tableLayout(cellpadding :15) {
                       tr {
                         td { label(text : 'Params:') }
                         td { button(text : 'Add', * Edited Out * }
                       tr {
                         td(colspan : 2, align : 'center') {
                              button(text : 'Execute',
                                  actionPerformed : {
                                      shell.setVariable 'f', [:]
                                      def f = shell.getVariable('f')
                                      def obj = [ f : f] as Model3d
                                      gui.model = obj
             }   )   }   }    }
New AST Transforms
• @Singleton — okay, not really a pattern :-)
• @Immutable, @Lazy, @Delegate
• @Newify
• More DSL and Meta-Magic! @Category and @Mixin
• @PackageScope
• Swing’s @Bindable and @Vetoable
• Grape’s @Grab
The Evil Java Singleton
  public class Evil {
     public static final Evil instance = new Evil();

      private Evil() {}
      static Evil getInstance() { return instance; }
  • In Groovy now:
     –@Singleton class Evil {}

  • A lazy version also:
     –@Singleton(lazy = true) class Evil {}
Credit: Guillaume Laforge,
“To Infinity and Beyond” & GDK 1.7 Release notes
DSLs → They Start Out As APIs
// closure maddness
// Before refactoring
def phrase = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

def result = phrase.toLowerCase().toList().
   findAll{ it in "aeiou".toList() }.        // like WHERE …
   groupBy{ it }.                            // like GROUP BY …
   findAll{ it.value.size() > 1 }.           // like HAVING …
   sort{ it.key}.reverse().                  // like ORDER BY …
   collect{ "$it.key:${it.value.size()}" }.join(", ")

println result

Credit: Paul King, “Groovy DSL”
DSL: APIs That Get Refactored
// Refactored helper closures
def   lowercaseLetters= phrase.toLowerCase()
def   vowels = { it in "aeiou".toList() }
def   occursMoreThanOnce= { it.value.size() > 1 }
def   byReverseKey= { a, b -> b.key<=> a.key}
def   self = { it }
def   entriesAsPrettyString= { "$it.key:${it.value.size()}" }
def   withCommaDelimiter= ", "

// Refactored main closure
println lowercaseLetters.
                          Credit: Paul King, “Groovy DSL”
Putting All Together I
●   Drop Parenthesis

●   Named Parameters

●   Objects Graphs → Tree of 'Nouns' and 'Verbs'

●   Human Readable / Machine Executable

●   Specific Syntax
Putting All Together II
order to buy 200.shares of GOOG {
   limitPrice 500
   allOrNone false
   at the value of { qty * unitPrice - 100 }

take 2.pills of chloroquinine after 6.hours

def "length of Spock's & his friends' names"() {
   expect: name.size() == length
       name     | length
       "Spock"  | 5
       "Kirk"   | 4
       "Scotty" | 6
                          Credit: Paul King, “Groovy DSL”
Config Slurper
Log4j {
    appender.stdout = "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender"

    logger {

    additivity {

databaseURL : //
development {
    databaseURL : //

testing {
    databaseURL : //
●   Dynamic Typing is Expensive (But Worth It)
       –   Hot Spot Opportunity

●   Dynamic Method Invocation is expensive
    (But Getting Better)
       –   Da Vinci Project and invokeDynamic bytecode
       –   Hot Spot Opportunity

●   BigDecimal & Collections → Insanely Expensive
    For Serious Math
       –   People need to better learn to use IEEE floating point types
Performance II
●   Getting Too Groovy ???
       –   Abusing .each { tuple →} // for loops versus anon closures

●   Simplicity --> faster
       –   Groovy reduces your dependency on Java Enterprise
       –   Gpath vs Xpath (Gpath almost always wins)
       –   Use Visual VM: Groovy Memory Use Can Be Mysterious

●   Too Many Collections ?
       –   Is The Idea to 'Cache' The World As A Map
●   Use Groovy-Aware Java for Faster Code
       –   People Need to learn IEEE Floating Point Types
Scaling the VM: Immutable Data Message + Services
class Player extends AbstractPooledActor {
   String name
   def random = new Random()

    void act() {
       loop {
          react {
             // player replies with a random move
             reply Move.values()[
Are Java & C# Becoming Groovy ?
●   Google Guava (formerly Collections)
●   Lots of new Libraries for FP, Enhanced
    Collections, Tuples, Monads, etc...
●   Doug Lea's Fork-Join + Predicate Libraries
●   Project Lambda : Closures for Java (JDK 8 ?)
●   Da Vinci Project : invokeDynamic (JDK 7 ?)
●   Is Gpath LINQ for Java ? (Now ?)
●   Universal Low Level VM
●   Will Groovy or Groovy++ Continue ?
A few bad months for Java
    JavaTM By Oracle ,
●   The Java Community Process, Doug Lea
●   The Java Community Process, Apache
●   JavaOne, The Conference
●   Oracle vs Google
●   Oracle vs Apache
●   IBM and Apache
●   OpenJDK
Where is Goovy Going ?
●   Some Important JDK Improvements will be in
    JDK 7 (as planned): invokeDynamic

●   More explicitly FP approach to concurrency and
       –   AST MP / GoF Patterns
       –   @Immutable / @Singleton ( lazy : true)
       –   GPars Actor-like syntax

●   Groovy Server for Fast Scripting
       –   Difficult on a cluster
Where is Goovy Going ?
●   Closures with Memory
      def cl = {a, b →
         sleep(3000) // create a noticeable pause
      a + b
      def mem = cl.memoize()

      //    memorize() variants are
      //       memorizeAtMost(n), memorizeAtLeast(n),
      //       memorizeBetween(m, n)

●   Groovy++
      –    Not a fully compatible fork
      –    An interesting argument
      –    But no.
Groovy Gotchas!
●   Subclassing Map, Unexpected Results
            ●   Map.class
            ●   the dot operator,
                getAt(...), getXXX(), [   name ] literals

●   Private isn't Private
            ●   Inconvenient when you really want to hide implementation data

●   Unexpected Weird Effects
       –   Combining Static and Dynamic Numeric Types Across Java Code
           and Groovy Code
            ● Be careful and deliberate with typing
       –   Method selection surprises
            ●   identical static closures and static functions do not respond to
                the same way Invoked dynamically
Best Practices
●   Explicitly Signatures and Types Where You Can
              ●   Better GroovyDoc documentation
              ●   Faster method selection
              ●   More shareable (with Java / Scala / Ioke / etc..) Libraries

●   Write Groovy Aware (GroovySupport) Java
              ●   This is where to build your high-speed / high-performance code

●   Use ConfigSlurper to externalize environment / context data

●   Use CliBuilder and Groovy Server if it fits your production model

●   Add Performance Tests To Your Suite / Learn to use Visual VM
        –   Testing is more important with dynamic and functional programming
        –   Small tests – small in terms of code coverage – on big data sets
              ●   Best place to find surprising performance enhancements
                    – Automating 'Just Got Lucky' Into Your Development Cycle
Acknowledgments & Suggestions
●   Derik Kognig, Author Groovy In Action
●   Peter Bell, Systems Forge
●   Paul King, Asset Australia
●   Guillaume Laforge, Groovy Project Manager
●   PLEAC, Project Euler, Groovy Zone
Contact Info
       –   Rare but regular contributions via Blog, GitHub,
            ●   3 – 5 contributions a year, typically unfinished half-baked ideas
            ●   Really targeted at a dozen or so people that I have worked with
                in the past or occasionally collaborate

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Groovy On Trading Desk (2010)

  • 1. Groovy On The Trading Desk Jonathan Felch Quantitative Strategies Volant Trading LLC
  • 2. Overview ● Motivations for Polyglot Software with Groovy ● Introducing Groovy: Scripting on the VM ● Skills To Take With You: Learning Groovy ● Groovy DSLs: Creating the syntax you need ● Unlearning Java, C++, C# ● Groovy Performance and Concurrency ● Relearning Java: The Future of the VM ● Questions
  • 3. Motivations ● High Speed OO Tools + Dynamic / Functional Tools ● Re-use existing assets ● Lazy Evaluation ● Externalize Logic and Business Rules ● Dynamic Evaluation
  • 4. Why Groovy ? ● Meet Requirements – Lazy & Dynamic Evaluation, – Concise Synatx, Rapid Development, Iterative Prototyping – Supported But Did Not Require Functional Style, Support for Closures / Lamda Expressions – Tool Support, Attractive Adoption Pattern – Human Readable / Machine Executable Data Interchange – Natural Data Integration Platform ● Strong and Focused Community ● Familiar Syntax / Ease of Adoption ● Expensible Syntax : DSLs
  • 5. Scripting on the VM Evolution of the VM: Towards Dynamic Programming – Features Popular in Most Used 'Frameworks' Exploited Specific Benefits and Uses of Dynamic Programming for a general-purpose or 'cross-cutting' concern ● Hibernate, Spring Framework, Jboss AOP, AspectJ – Introduction of Dynamic Programming for Testing, Configuration and Business Rules ● BeanShell, Jython, JRuby – Next Generation Scripting: Groovy, Scala, Clojure ● Specific to VM, not a straight port of another language ● Emphasis on Functional Programming ● Tight Integration of FP / DP with a high performance OO Language
  • 6. Introducing Groovy ● The Blue Pill: Syntactically compatible with Java – Easy Adoption for Java Programmers – Virtually seamless / virtually flawless integration with Java – Natural Support for Multiple Styles – Compatibility allows for remarkable performance tuning ● The Red Pill: A Language On Its Own – Type-system: Dynamically / Optionally Strong Typing – Closures: Lambda Expressions / Functions as Objects – GDK: Object and Collection Enhancements – Dynam Eval: Code is Data, Data is Code – Dynam Syntax: Write your own syntax – Enhancements: New operators, data literals, new basic types
  • 7. Job Trends / Adoption Hints for new JVM Languages
  • 8. Groovy Use Cases: ● 'Super Glue': I/O and Integration ● 'Code as Data': Configuration, Process Scripting, Business Rules ● 'Live Analysis': Ad-Hoc Queries & Expressions ● 'Language Building': New Syntax and DSLs ● 'Half-Baked Ideas' ● 'House Elf': Cleanup and Maintenance
  • 9. Learning Groovy Im prov in g o n O b je c t def abstract class OptionPxModel { def vol, carry, strike, expiry, pc def abstract px (def spot) } OptionPxModel model = new BlackScholesModel(strike : 100, pc : 'C' ) model.vol = 0.15 model.expiry = Date.parse('MM/dd/yyyy', '11/18/2010') println “The Strike 100 Nov 2010 Call is worth ${model.px(102.0)}” C lo s u re s : def r = new Random() def normRand = { r.nextGaussian() } def stockPrice = { px, vol, rate, time → px * exp((rate – vol**2) * time + normRand() * vol * time) }
  • 10. Learning Groovy: Collections L is ts def list = [5, 6, 7, 8] assert list.size == list.size() assert list[2] == list.getAt(2) == list.get(2) == 7 assert [1,2,3,4,5][-1] == 5 && [1,2,3,4,5][-2] == 4 assert list.find { it > 6 } == 7 && list.findAll { it > 6 } == [7, 8] list.each { println “$it ${it * 2}” } ['a', 'b', 'c'].eachWithIndex{ it, i -> println "$i: $it" } Mu ltiple A s s ig n m e n t def (int a, int b) = [1, 2] (a, b) = [b, a] Ra ng e s assert ('a'..'d') == ['a','b','c','d'] assert [ 1, *3..5, 7, *9..<12 ] == [1,3,4,5,7,9,10,11] def oneWeekForward = (new Date() .. (new Date() + 7)) Ma ps [ 'id': 'FX-17', name: 'Turnip', 99: 123, (-97): 987, "tail's": true ].each { key, value → println “$key => $value” }
  • 11. Groovy One (or 2, 3, 4) Liners Apps Executing A Process: ”processMyFile ./output.txt $Destination”.execute() Adding A She-Bang To All Groovy Files: groovy -i .bak -pe "if (count == 1) println '#!/usr/bin/groovy'" *.groovy Print the 1st column and 2nd-to-last column from file groovy -a -pe "split[0] split[-2]" some.filename // or set of files Create and Shuffle a Deck of Cards def deck = [ [ *2..10, *('J Q K A'.split()) ], 'C D H S'.split() ] .combinations().collect { it.join('') }; Collections.shuffle(deck) Generate 21-Character OSI Symbol for Option def osi = { symbol, year, month, day, cp, strike -> sprintf('%1$s%2$2d%3$2d%4$2d%5$s%6$08.3f', [ symbol.padLeft(6), year as Integer, month as Integer, day as Integer, cp as String, strike as Double ] as Object[] ) }
  • 12. Learning Groovy: Operators 'A s O pe ra to r' "3.14159" as Double def readable = { it.put("12 34".reverse()); 5 } as Readable A s O pe ra to r O n C lo s u re s + Ma ps → O b je c ts ? def map; map = [ i: 10, hasNext: { map.i > 0 }, next: { map.i-- } ] as Iterator while ( map.hasNext() ) println E lv is , S a fe Re fe re n c e , S pre a d & S pa c e s h ip def lang = data?.favoriteLanguage ?: 'Groovy' assert ['cat', 'elephant']*.size() == [3, 8] assert (3 <=> 4) == -1 && (3 <=> 3) == 0 && (5 <=> 3) == 1 Re g e x def list = ["foo", "bar", "moo"] def pattern = ~/foo/ assert "foo" =~ list.find { it =~ pattern } assert ["foo", "moo"] == list.findAll { it ==~ /.*oo/ }
  • 13. One Slide Apps: RSS Reader def url ='' def items = new XmlParser().parse(url).channel.item def cols = 'pubDate title description'.tokenize() { frame(id:'f', title: 'Groovy RSS', visible :true) { scrollPane { table { tableModel(list: items) { cols.each { col → closureColumn header: col, read: { it[col].text() } } } } } } f.pack() }.show() Credit: Dierk König, GR8 Conference 2009, Copenhagen
  • 14. One Slide Apps: Monte Carlo def px = 100, rate = 0.05, vol = 0.15, time = 1.0 def strikes = [ 8..12 ].collect { it * 10 } def w = RandomNumbers.getNormDist(1000,1000) def S = px * exp((rate-vol ** 2)* time + sqrt(time)* vol * w) strikes.each { K → def optionValue = max(0, S – K) def df = exp(-rate * time) println “${K} : ${df * optionValue as Number}” })
  • 15. One Slide Apps: RESTful Web Server import*; def isPrime = { Long N -> if (N < 2) return false; for (long i = 2; i*i < N; i++) if (N % i == 0) return false return true } def pws = { HttpExchange exch -> exch.sendResponseHeaders(200,0); def pe = exch.requestURI.path.split('/') if (pe.size() == 3 && pe[1] == 'prime') { exch.responseBody.write("${isPrime(pe[2] as Long)}".bytes) } else exch.responseBody.write("${exch.requestURI.path}".bytes) exch.responseBody.close(); } as HttpHandler def run = { handler, minutes -> def server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(8888),0) server.createContext('/', handler) server.start() } run(pws,1)
  • 16. Unlearning Java: Taking the Red Pill ● Meta-Programming ● Design Patterns ● Compile Time Meta-Programming ● Power of Lazy Evaluation
  • 17. Dynamic Language: Evaluation or Syntax “In Lisp, you don’t just write your program down toward the language, you also build the language up toward your program” - Paul Graham “When [Smalltalk] is used to describe an application system, the developer extends Smalltalk, creating a domain-specific language by adding a new vocabulary of language elements ...” - Adele Goldberg DSLs
  • 18. Meta-Programming ● Understanding The Type System – Groovy has an optionally dynamic strongly typed type system – What does that mean ? ● Dynamic Method Invocation and GroovyObject – invokeMethod, get/setProperty – What is a MetaClass ? ● Meta Object Protocol – def methodMissing(String name, args) { } – def propertyMissing(String name) – def propertyMissing(String name, value) ● Overloading Operators
  • 19. GORM as a DSL // These Class Definitions Generate SQL and Database Tables class Book { String title Date releaseDate Author author } class Author { String name } // These Operation Generate SQL and Database Queries def book = Book.findByTitle("The Stand") book = Book.findByTitleLike("Harry Pot%") book = Book.findByReleaseDateBetween( firstDate, secondDate ) book = Book.findByReleaseDateGreaterThan( someDate ) book = Book.findByTitleLikeOrReleaseDateLessThan( "%Something%", someDate )
  • 20. GORM as a DSL class GORM { def dynamicMethods = [ ] def methodMissing(String name, args) { def method = dynamicMethods.find { it.match(name) } if(method) { GORM.metaClass."$name" = { Object[] varArgs → method.invoke(delegate, name, varArgs) } return method.invoke(delegate,name, args) } // GORM actually writes or creates a new method here else throw new MissingMethodException( name, delegate, args ) } }
  • 21. DSL: Tool Kit ● Meta-Methods – String.metaClass.swapCase= { delegate.collect{ c → c in 'A'..'Z'? c.toLowerCase() :c.toUpperCase() }.join()} assert "Foo".swapCase()== "fOO" Number.metaClass.multiply= { Grid g → g.multiple(delegate) } ● MOP – propertyMissing, methodMissing, respondsTo, hasProperty, listMethods, selectMethod ● Categories, ObjectBuilder, MetaBuilder
  • 22. Function Eval / Visualization new SwingBuilder().frame(title:'Quant Modeller', size : [1100,600], // .. parameters here not shown { tableLayout() { tr { td { widget(gui) } td { widget(editor, border : titledBorder('Model Script', preferredSize :[900,600])) } td { panel(border : titledBorder('Model Calibration'), preferredSize : [200,600]) { tableLayout(cellpadding :15) { tr { td { label(text : 'Params:') } td { button(text : 'Add', * Edited Out * } tr { td(colspan : 2, align : 'center') { button(text : 'Execute', actionPerformed : { shell.setVariable 'f', [:] shell.eval1uate(editor.text) def f = shell.getVariable('f') def obj = [ f : f] as Model3d gui.model = obj gui.redraw() } ) } } }
  • 23. New AST Transforms • @Singleton — okay, not really a pattern :-) • @Immutable, @Lazy, @Delegate • @Newify • More DSL and Meta-Magic! @Category and @Mixin • @PackageScope • Swing’s @Bindable and @Vetoable • Grape’s @Grab
  • 24. The Evil Java Singleton public class Evil { public static final Evil instance = new Evil(); private Evil() {} static Evil getInstance() { return instance; } } • In Groovy now: –@Singleton class Evil {} • A lazy version also: –@Singleton(lazy = true) class Evil {} Credit: Guillaume Laforge, “To Infinity and Beyond” & GDK 1.7 Release notes
  • 25. DSLs → They Start Out As APIs // closure maddness // Before refactoring def phrase = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" def result = phrase.toLowerCase().toList(). findAll{ it in "aeiou".toList() }. // like WHERE … groupBy{ it }. // like GROUP BY … findAll{ it.value.size() > 1 }. // like HAVING … sort{ it.key}.reverse(). // like ORDER BY … collect{ "$it.key:${it.value.size()}" }.join(", ") println result Credit: Paul King, “Groovy DSL”
  • 26. DSL: APIs That Get Refactored // Refactored helper closures def lowercaseLetters= phrase.toLowerCase() def vowels = { it in "aeiou".toList() } def occursMoreThanOnce= { it.value.size() > 1 } def byReverseKey= { a, b -> b.key<=> a.key} def self = { it } def entriesAsPrettyString= { "$it.key:${it.value.size()}" } def withCommaDelimiter= ", " // Refactored main closure println lowercaseLetters. findAll(vowels). groupBy(self). findAll(occursMoreThanOnce). sort(byReverseKey). collect(entriesAsPrettyString). join(withCommaDelimiter) Credit: Paul King, “Groovy DSL”
  • 27. Putting All Together I ● Drop Parenthesis ● Named Parameters ● Objects Graphs → Tree of 'Nouns' and 'Verbs' ● Human Readable / Machine Executable ● Specific Syntax
  • 28. Putting All Together II order to buy 200.shares of GOOG { limitPrice 500 allOrNone false at the value of { qty * unitPrice - 100 } } take 2.pills of chloroquinine after 6.hours def "length of Spock's & his friends' names"() { expect: name.size() == length where: name | length "Spock" | 5 "Kirk" | 4 "Scotty" | 6 } Credit: Paul King, “Groovy DSL”
  • 29. Config Slurper Log4j { appender.stdout = "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender" appender."stdout.layout"="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout" rootLogger="error,stdout" logger { org.springframework="info,stdout" } additivity { org.springframework=false } } databaseURL : // development { databaseURL : // } testing { databaseURL : // }
  • 30. Performance ● Dynamic Typing is Expensive (But Worth It) – Hot Spot Opportunity ● Dynamic Method Invocation is expensive (But Getting Better) – Da Vinci Project and invokeDynamic bytecode – Hot Spot Opportunity ● BigDecimal & Collections → Insanely Expensive For Serious Math – People need to better learn to use IEEE floating point types –
  • 31. Performance II ● Getting Too Groovy ??? – Abusing .each { tuple →} // for loops versus anon closures ● Simplicity --> faster – Groovy reduces your dependency on Java Enterprise – Gpath vs Xpath (Gpath almost always wins) – Use Visual VM: Groovy Memory Use Can Be Mysterious ● Too Many Collections ? – Is The Idea to 'Cache' The World As A Map ● Use Groovy-Aware Java for Faster Code – People Need to learn IEEE Floating Point Types
  • 32. Actors Scaling the VM: Immutable Data Message + Services class Player extends AbstractPooledActor { String name def random = new Random() void act() { loop { react { // player replies with a random move reply Move.values()[ random.nextInt(Move.values().length) ] } } } }
  • 33. Are Java & C# Becoming Groovy ? ● Google Guava (formerly Collections) ● Lots of new Libraries for FP, Enhanced Collections, Tuples, Monads, etc... ● Doug Lea's Fork-Join + Predicate Libraries ● Project Lambda : Closures for Java (JDK 8 ?) ● Da Vinci Project : invokeDynamic (JDK 7 ?) ● Is Gpath LINQ for Java ? (Now ?) ● Universal Low Level VM ● Will Groovy or Groovy++ Continue ?
  • 34. A few bad months for Java ● JavaTM By Oracle , ● The Java Community Process, Doug Lea ● The Java Community Process, Apache ● JavaOne, The Conference ● Oracle vs Google ● Oracle vs Apache ● IBM and Apache ● OpenJDK
  • 35. Where is Goovy Going ? ● Some Important JDK Improvements will be in JDK 7 (as planned): invokeDynamic ● More explicitly FP approach to concurrency and state – AST MP / GoF Patterns – @Immutable / @Singleton ( lazy : true) – GPars Actor-like syntax ● Groovy Server for Fast Scripting – Difficult on a cluster
  • 36. Where is Goovy Going ? ● Closures with Memory def cl = {a, b → sleep(3000) // create a noticeable pause a + b } def mem = cl.memoize() // memorize() variants are // memorizeAtMost(n), memorizeAtLeast(n), // memorizeBetween(m, n) ● Groovy++ – Not a fully compatible fork – An interesting argument – But no.
  • 37. Groovy Gotchas! ● Subclassing Map, Unexpected Results ● Map.class ● the dot operator, getAt(...), getXXX(), [ name ] literals ● Private isn't Private ● Inconvenient when you really want to hide implementation data ● Unexpected Weird Effects – Combining Static and Dynamic Numeric Types Across Java Code and Groovy Code ● Be careful and deliberate with typing – Method selection surprises ● identical static closures and static functions do not respond to the same way Invoked dynamically
  • 38. Best Practices ● Explicitly Signatures and Types Where You Can ● Better GroovyDoc documentation ● Faster method selection ● More shareable (with Java / Scala / Ioke / etc..) Libraries ● Write Groovy Aware (GroovySupport) Java ● This is where to build your high-speed / high-performance code ● Use ConfigSlurper to externalize environment / context data ● Use CliBuilder and Groovy Server if it fits your production model ● Add Performance Tests To Your Suite / Learn to use Visual VM – Testing is more important with dynamic and functional programming – Small tests – small in terms of code coverage – on big data sets ● Best place to find surprising performance enhancements – Automating 'Just Got Lucky' Into Your Development Cycle
  • 39. Acknowledgments & Suggestions ● Derik Kognig, Author Groovy In Action ● Peter Bell, Systems Forge ● Paul King, Asset Australia ● Guillaume Laforge, Groovy Project Manager ● PLEAC, Project Euler, Groovy Zone
  • 40. Contact Info ● ● ● – Rare but regular contributions via Blog, GitHub, SlideShare ● 3 – 5 contributions a year, typically unfinished half-baked ideas ● Really targeted at a dozen or so people that I have worked with in the past or occasionally collaborate