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SaaS	and	Multi-Tenancy	–	Foundational	Concepts	
Version	1.0
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Document	Revision	History	
Author	 Version	 Date	 Comments	
Jeelani	Shaik	 1.0	 06/20/2012	 First	version
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1.	 Fundamentals	
1.1	 What	is	multi-tenancy?	
Multi-tenancy	is	the	ability	to	server	multiple	(many)	tenants	and	is	a	critical	feature	in	a	SaaS	world	
where	a	service	is	deployed	as	a	hosted	service	and	accessed	over	the	Internet	by	many	tenants.	A	well-
designed	SaaS	application	is	scalable,	multi-tenant-efficient	and	configurable.	The	term	multi-tenancy	
in	 general	 is	 applied	 to	 software	 development	 to	 indicate	 an	 architecture	 in	 which	 a	 single	 running	
instance	of	an	application	simultaneously	serves	multiple	clients	(tenants).	Isolating	information	(data,	
branding	and	theming,	customizations,	etc.)	pertaining	to	the	various	tenants	is	a	particular	challenge	in	
these	systems.	The	key	component	will	be	the	data	owned	by	each	tenant	stored	in	the	database;	hence	
the	data	is	also	referred	to	as	multi-tenant	data.	
1.2	 SaaS	maturity	levels		
Writing	custom	code	to	customize	end	user	experience	for	a	financial	institute	the	traditional	way	will	
bring	 a	 new	 set	 of	 challenges	 in	 a	 SaaS	 world	 and	 will	 not	 be	 economical	 and	 poses	 challenges	 in	
allowing	us	to	market	on	time.	Instead	of	customizing	the	application	the	traditional	way,	leveraging	
metadata	to	configure	the	way	the	product	appears	and	behaves	for	its	users	is	the	preferred	approach.	
The	design	and	architecture	challenge	is	to	ensure	that	the	task	of	configuring	the	product	is	simple	and	
easy	for	the	customers,	without	incurring	extra	development	and	operation	cost	for	each	configuration.	
The	 separation	 of	 data	 and	 configuration	 is	 depicted	 using	 various	 SaaS	 maturity	 levels	 based	 on	
“spectrum	of	isolation”.	
1.2.1	 Maturity	Level	1	-	Nothing	Shared	
In	 this	 architecture,	 each	 FI	 has	 its	 own	 customized	 version	 of	 the	 hosted	 instance	 deployed	 on	 the	
host’s	server.	
1.2.2	 Maturity	Level	2	-	Configurable	
In	this	architecture,	the	SaaS	provider	hosts	a	separate	instance	for	each	FI	(Tenant).	In	the	Nothing	
Shared,	each	instance	is	individually	customized	for	the	FI	(Tenant),	in	‘Configurable’,	all	instances	use	
the	 same	 code	 implementation,	 and	 the	 vendor	 meets	 customer’s	 needs	 by	 providing	 detailed	
configuration	options	that	allow	the	customer	to	change	how	the	application	looks	and	behaves	to	its	
users.	Despite	being	identical	to	one	another	at	the	code	level,	each	instance	remains	wholly	isolated	
from	all	the	others.		
1.2.3	 Maturity	Level	3	-	Configurable,	Multi-Tenant-Efficient	
At	the	third	level	of	maturity,	the	processor	runs	a	single	instance	that	serves	every	customer	(financial	
institute),	with	configurable	metadata	providing	a	unique	user	experience	and	feature	set	for	each	one.	
Authorization	and	security	policies	ensure	that	each	customer's	data	is	kept	separate	from	that	of	other
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customers;	and,	from	the	end	user's	perspective,	there	is	no	indication	that	the	application	instance	is	
being	shared	among	multiple	tenants.	
This	approach	eliminates	the	need	to	provide	server	space	for	as	many	instances	as	the	processor	has	
customers	(financial	institutes),	allowing	for	much	more	efficient	use	of	computing	resources	than	the	
second	level,	which	translates	directly	to	lower	costs.	A	significant	disadvantage	of	this	approach	is	that	
the	scalability	of	the	application	is	limited.	Unless	partitioning	is	used	to	manage	database	performance,	
the	application	can	be	scaled	only	by	moving	it	to	a	more	powerful	server	(scaling	up),	until	diminishing	
returns	make	it	impossible	to	add	more	power	cost-effectively.		
1.2.4	 Maturity	Level	4	-	Scalable,	Configurable,	Multi-Tenant-Efficient	
At	the	fourth	and	final	level	of	maturity,	the	processor	hosts	multiple	customers	(financial	institutes)	on	
a	load-balanced	farm	of	identical	instances,	with	each	customer's	data	kept	separate,	and	with	
configurable	metadata	providing	a	unique	user	experience	and	feature	set	for	each	customer.	A	SaaS	
system	is	scalable	to	an	arbitrarily	large	number	of	customers,	because	the	number	of	servers	and	
instances	on	the	back	end	can	be	increased	or	decreased	as	necessary	to	match	demand,	without	
requiring	additional	re-architecting	of	the	application,	and	changes	or	fixes	can	be	rolled	out	to	
thousands	of	tenants	as	easily	as	a	single	tenant.		
1.3	 Choosing	a	Maturity	Level		
One	might	expect	the	fourth	level	to	be	the	ultimate	goal	for	any	SaaS	application,	but	this	isn't	always	
the	case.	It	may	be	more	helpful	to	think	of	SaaS	maturity	as	a	continuum	between	isolated	data	and	
code	on	one	end,	and	shared	data	and	code	on	the	other	(see	the	diagram	below).	
Where	the	SaaS	architecture	should	fall	along	this	continuum	depends	on	architectural,	deployment	and	
operational	needs	of	SaaS	provider	(Processor)	as	explained	below.	As	you	can	see,	all	of	these	
considerations	are	interrelated	to	some	degree.	
§ Business	–	The	maturity	level	should	be	decided	by	keeping	the	financial	aspects	into	
consideration.	The	isolation	is	governed	by	customer’s	SLA	and	may	often	conflict	with	the	
benefits	of	shared	approach.	
§ Architecture	–	The	architecture	should	allow	customization	and	extensions	through	easy	
§ Regulations	–	Regulations	such	as	FFIEC	might	dictate	the	architecture	and	isolation	of	data.	
§ Operations	–	Feasibility	of	satisfying	SLAs	without	compromising	on	isolation.	Impact	to	
customers	when	a	maintenance	schedule	is	performed.
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2.	Multi-tenant	Data	
Multi-tenant	data	is	critical	in	designing	and	developing	SaaS	services.	There	are	three	main	approaches	
to	 isolating	 information	 (data)	 in	 these	 multi-tenant	 systems,	 which	 go	 hand-in-hand	 with	 different	
database	 schema	 definitions	 and	 JDBC	 setups.	 Each	 approach	 has	 pros	 and	 cons	 as	 well	 as	 specific	
techniques	 and	 considerations.	 The	 following	 diagram	 depicts	 these	 approaches	 with	 respect	 to	
isolation/shared.	 In	 addition	 to	 these	 three,	 there	 is	 a	 hybrid	 approach	 that	 leverages	 both	 two	 and	
2.1	 Separate	Database	
Each	 tenant's	 data	 is	 kept	 in	 a	 physically	 separate	 database	 instance.	 Database	 (JDBC)	 Connections	
would	point	specifically	to	each	database,	so	any	pooling	would	be	per-tenant.	A	general	application	
approach	here	would	be	to	define	a	database	Connection	pool	per-tenant	and	to	select	the	pool	to	use	
based	on	the	“tenant	identifier”	associated	with	the	currently	logged	in	user.	
Computing	resources	and	application	code	are	generally	shared	between	all	the	tenants	on	a	server,	but	
each	tenant	has	its	own	set	of	data	that	remains	logically	isolated	from	data	that	belongs	to	all	other	
tenants.	Metadata	associates	each	database	with	the	correct	tenant,	and	database	security	prevents	any	
tenant	from	accidentally	or	maliciously	accessing	other	tenants'	data.	
Giving	each	tenant	its	own	database	makes	it	easy	to	extend	the	application's	data	model	to	meet	
tenants'	individual	needs,	and	restoring	a	tenant's	data	from	backups	in	the	event	of	a	failure	is	a	
relatively	simple	procedure.	Unfortunately,	this	approach	tends	to	lead	to	higher	costs	for	maintaining	
equipment	and	backing	up	tenant	data.	Hardware	costs	are	also	higher	than	they	are	under	alternative	
approaches,	as	the	number	of	tenants	that	can	be	housed	on	a	given	database	server	is	limited	by	the	
number	of	databases	that	the	server	can	support.		
Separating	tenant	data	into	individual	databases	is	the	"premium"	approach,	and	the	relatively	high	
hardware	and	maintenance	requirements	and	costs	make	it	appropriate	for	customers	that	are	willing	
to	pay	extra	for	added	security	and	customization	(as	this	approach	provides	a	very	strong	data	isolation	
requirements),	and	may	not	consider	an	application	that	does	not	supply	each	tenant	with	its	own	
individual	database.
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2.2	 Separate	Schema	
Like	the	isolated	approach,	the	separate-schema	approach	is	relatively	easy	to	implement,	and	tenants	
can	extend	the	data	model	as	easily	as	with	the	separate-database	approach.	(Tables	are	created	from	a	
standard	default	set,	but	once	they	are	created	they	no	longer	need	to	conform	to	the	default	set,	and	
tenants	may	add	or	modify	columns	and	even	tables	as	desired.)	This	approach	offers	a	moderate	
degree	of	logical	data	isolation	for	security-conscious	tenants,	though	not	as	much	as	a	completely	
isolated	system	would,	and	can	support	a	larger	number	of	tenants	per	database	server.	
A	significant	drawback	of	the	separate-schema	approach	is	tenant	data	is	harder	to	restore	in	the	event	
of	a	failure.	If	each	tenant	has	its	own	database,	restoring	a	single	tenant's	data	means	simply	restoring	
the	database	from	the	most	recent	backup.	With	a	separate-schema	application,	restoring	the	entire	
database	would	mean	overwriting	the	data	of	every	tenant	on	the	same	database	with	backup	data,	
regardless	of	whether	each	one	has	experienced	any	loss	or	not.	Therefore,	to	restore	a	single	
customer's	data,	the	database	administrator	may	have	to	restore	the	database	to	a	temporary	server,	
and	then	import	the	customer's	tables	into	the	production	server—a	complicated	and	potentially	time-
consuming	task.	
The	separate	schema	approach	is	appropriate	for	applications	that	use	a	relatively	small	number	of	
database	tables,	on	the	order	of	about	100	tables	per	tenant	or	fewer.	This	approach	can	typically	
accommodate	more	tenants	per	server	than	the	separate-database	approach	can,	so	you	can	offer	the	
application	at	a	lower	cost,	as	long	as	your	customers	will	accept	having	their	data	co-located	with	that	
of	other	tenants.	
Each	tenant's	data	is	kept	in	a	distinct	database	schema	on	a	single	database	instance.	There	are	two	
different	ways	to	define	JDBC	Connections	here:	
§ Connections	 could	 point	 specifically	 to	 each	 schema,	 as	 we	 saw	 with	 the	separate	 database	
approach.	This	is	an	option	provided	when	the	driver	supports	naming	the	default	schema	in	the	
connection	 URL	 or	 if	 the	 pooling	 mechanism	 supports	 naming	 a	 schema	 to	 use	 for	 its	
Connections.	Using	this	approach,	we	would	have	a	distinct	JDBC	Connection	pool	per-tenant	
where	the	pool	to	use	would	be	selected	based	on	the	“tenant	identifier”	associated	with	the	
currently	logged	in	user.	
§ Connections	could	point	to	the	database	itself	(using	some	default	schema)	but	the	Connections	
would	 be	 altered	 using	 the	 SQL	SET	 SCHEMA	(or	 similar)	 command.	 Using	 this	 approach,	 we
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would	have	a	single	JDBC	Connection	pool	for	use	to	service	all	tenants,	but	before	using	the	
Connection	 it	 would	 be	 altered	 to	 reference	 the	 schema	 named	 by	 the	“tenant	
identifier”	associated	with	the	currently	logged	in	user.	
2.3	 Partitioned	(discriminator)	Data	
All	 data	 is	 kept	 in	 a	 single	 database	 schema.	 The	 data	 for	 each	 tenant	 is	 partitioned	 by	 the	 use	 of	
partition	value	or	discriminator	known	as	‘Tenant	Identifier’.	The	complexity	of	this	discriminator	might	
range	from	a	simple	column	value	to	a	complex	SQL	formula.	Again,	this	approach	would	use	a	single	
Connection	pool	to	service	all	tenants.	However,	in	this	approach	the	application	needs	to	alter	each	and	
every	SQL	statement	sent	to	the	database	to	reference	the	“tenant	identifier”	discriminator.	
Of	the	three	approaches	explained	here,	the	shared	schema	approach	has	the	lowest	hardware	and	
backup	costs,	because	it	allows	you	to	serve	the	largest	number	of	tenants	per	database	server.	
However,	because	multiple	tenants	share	the	same	database	tables,	this	approach	may	incur	additional	
development	effort	in	the	area	of	security,	to	ensure	that	tenants	can	never	access	other	tenants'	data,	
even	in	the	event	of	unexpected	bugs	or	attacks.	
The	procedure	for	restoring	data	for	a	tenant	is	similar	to	that	for	the	shared-schema	approach,	with	the	
additional	complication	that	individual	rows	in	the	production	database	must	be	deleted	and	then	
reinserted	from	the	temporary	database.	If	there	are	a	very	large	number	of	rows	in	the	affected	tables,	
this	can	cause	performance	to	suffer	noticeably	for	all	the	tenants.	The	shared-schema	approach	is	
appropriate	when	it	is	important	that	the	application	be	capable	of	serving	a	large	number	of	tenants	
with	a	small	number	of	servers,	and	prospective	customers	are	willing	to	surrender	data	isolation	in	
exchange	for	the	lower	costs	that	this	approach	makes	possible.
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Tenant	Id	 Account	Number	 Date	
100	 11111111	 05-06-2012	
225	 2222222222	 05-12-2012	
456	 33333333333	 06-14-2012	
2.4	 Hybrid	Approach	
This	is	a	hybrid	version	of	separate	schema	and	partitioned	data.	In	this	design,	all	the	common	static	
and	 non-sensitive	 data	 is	 placed	 in	 a	 common	 schema	 and	 all	 the	 tenant	 specific	 sensitive	 and	
transactional	data	is	placed	in	tenant	specific	schema.	
3.	Choosing	an	Approach	
Each	of	the	three	approaches	described	above	offers	its	own	set	of	benefits	and	tradeoffs	that	make	it	
an	appropriate	model	to	follow	in	some	cases	and	not	in	others,	as	determined	by	a	number	of	business	
and	technical	considerations.	Some	of	these	considerations	are	listed	below.	
3.1	 Economic	Considerations	
Applications	optimized	for	a	shared	approach	tend	to	require	a	larger	development	effort	than	
applications	designed	using	a	more	isolated	approach	(because	of	the	relative	complexity	of	developing	
a	shared	architecture),	resulting	in	higher	initial	costs.	Because	they	can	support	more	tenants	per	
server,	however,	their	ongoing	operational	costs	tend	to	be	lower.	
The	diagram	below	shows	the	shift	in	priorities	from	On-premises	to	SaaS.	
The	shared	schema	approach	can	end	up	saving	you	money	over	the	long	run,	but	it	does	require	a	
larger	initial	development	effort	before	it	can	start	producing	revenue.	If	you	are	unable	to	fund	a	
development	effort	of	the	size	necessary	to	build	a	shared	schema	application,	or	if	you	need	to	bring
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your	application	to	market	more	quickly	than	a	large-scale	development	effort	would	allow,	you	may	
have	to	consider	a	more	isolated	approach.	
3.2	 Security	Considerations	
As	your	application	will	store	sensitive	tenant	data,	prospective	customers	will	have	high	expectations	
about	security	and	your	service	level	agreements	(SLAs)	will	need	to	provide	strong	data	safety	
guarantees.	A	common	misconception	holds	that	only	physical	isolation	can	provide	an	appropriate	level	
of	security.	In	fact,	data	stored	using	a	shared	approach	can	also	provide	strong	data	safety,	but	requires	
the	use	of	more	sophisticated	design	patterns.	
3.3	 Tenant	Considerations	
The	number,	nature,	and	needs	of	the	tenants	you	expect	to	serve	all	affect	your	data	architecture	
decision	in	different	ways.	Some	of	the	following	questions	may	bias	you	toward	a	more	isolated	
approach,	while	others	may	bias	you	toward	a	more	shared	approach.	
§ How	many	prospective	tenants	do	you	expect	to	target?	You	may	be	nowhere	near	being	able	to	
estimate	prospective	use	with	authority,	but	think	in	terms	of	orders	of	magnitude:	are	you	
building	an	application	for	hundreds	of	tenants?	Thousands?	Tens	of	thousands?	More?	The	
larger	you	expect	your	tenant	base	to	be,	the	more	likely	you	will	want	to	consider	a	more	
shared	approach.	
§ How	much	storage	space	do	you	expect	the	average	tenant's	data	to	occupy?	If	you	expect	
some	or	all	tenants	to	store	very	large	amounts	of	data,	the	separate-database	approach	is	
probably	best.	(Indeed,	data	storage	requirements	may	force	you	to	adopt	a	separate-database	
model	anyway.	If	so,	it	will	be	much	easier	to	design	the	application	that	way	from	the	beginning	
than	to	move	to	a	separate-database	approach	later	on.)	
§ How	many	concurrent	end	users	do	you	expect	the	average	tenant	to	support?	The	larger	the	
number,	the	more	appropriate	a	more	isolated	approach	will	be	to	meet	end-user	requirements.	
§ Do	you	expect	to	offer	any	per-tenant	value-added	services,	such	as	per-tenant	backup	and	
restore	capability?	Such	services	are	easier	to	offer	through	a	more	isolated	approach.
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Tenant-related	factors	and	how	they	affect	"isolated	versus	shared"	data	architecture	decisions	
3.4	 Regulatory	Considerations	
Processors	and	Financial	Institutes	are	subjected	to	regulatory	laws	such	as	FFIEC	that	can	affect	their	
security	and	record	storage	needs.	Hence	we	need	to	investigate	the	regulatory	environments	that	your	
prospective	customers	occupy	in	the	markets	in	which	you	expect	to	operate,	and	determine	whether	
they	present	any	considerations	that	will	affect	your	decision.	
3.5	 Realizing	Multi-Tenant	Data	Architecture	
A	well-designed	SaaS	application	is	distinguished	by	three	qualities:	scalability,	configurability,	
and	multi-tenant	efficiency.	The	table	below	lists	the	patterns	appropriate	for	each	of	the	three	
approaches,	divided	into	sections	representing	these	three	qualities.	
Optimizing	for	multi-tenant	efficiency	in	a	shared	environment	must	not	compromise	the	level	of	
security	safeguarding	data	access.	The	security	patterns	listed	below	demonstrate	how	you	can	design	
an	application	with	"virtual	isolation"	through	mechanisms	such	as	permissions,	SQL	views,	and	
Configurability	allows	SaaS	tenants	to	alter	the	way	the	application	appears	and	behaves	without	
requiring	a	separate	application	instance	for	each	individual	tenant.	The	extensibility	patterns	describe	
possible	ways	you	can	implement	a	data	model	that	tenants	can	extend	and	configure	individually	to	
meet	their	needs.
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The	approach	you	choose	for	your	SaaS	application's	data	architecture	will	affect	the	options	available	
to	you	for	scaling	it	to	accommodate	more	tenants	or	heavier	usage.	The	scalability	patterns	address	the	
different	challenges	posed	by	scaling	shared	as	well	as	dedicated	databases.	
3.5	 Patterns	for	Multi-Tenant	Applications	
Approach	 Security	Patterns	 Extensibility	Patterns	 Scalability	Patterns	
Separate	Databases	
§ Trusted	Database	
§ Secure	Database	Tables	
§ Tenant	Data	Encryption	
§ Custom	Columns	 § Single	Tenant	Scale-
Shared	Database,	
Separate	Schemas	
§ Trusted	Database	
§ Secure	Database	Tables	
§ Tenant	Data	Encryption	
§ Custom	Columns	 § Tenant-Based	
Shared	Database,	
Shared	Schema	
§ Trusted	Database	
§ Tenant	View	Filter	
§ Tenant	Data	Encryption	
§ Pre-allocated	Fields	
§ Name-Value	Pairs	
§ Tenant-Based	
4.	 Architecture	Considerations	
Multi-tenancy	imposes	more	challenges	than	those	required	for	a	white-labeled	product	both	at	the	
front	end	as	well	as	at	the	backend	mainly	the	database.	When	a	service	is	deployed	as	a	SaaS	service	in	
a	hosted	environment	and	accessed	over	the	Internet	by	various	customers	(Financial	Institutes),	apart	
from	business	requirements,	equally	important	and	critical	are	the	non-functional	requirements	(NFRs).		
4.1	 Key	Attributes	of	Multi-Tenant	Architecture	
From	architecture’s	point	of	view,	there	are	three	key	differentiators	that	separate	a	well-designed	SaaS	
application	from	that	of	a	poorly	designed:	scalable,	multi-tenant-efficient,	and	configurable.	
Scaling	the	application	means	maximizing	concurrency	and	using	application	resources	more	efficiently	-	
for	example,	optimizing	locking	duration,	statelessness,	sharing	pooled	resources	such	as	threads	and	
network	connections,	caching	reference	data,	and	partitioning	large	databases.	
Multi-tenancy	may	be	the	most	significant	paradigm	shift	that	an	architect	accustomed	to	designing	
isolated,	single-tenant	applications	has	to	make.	For	example,	when	a	user	at	a	financial	institute	
accesses	information,	the	application	instance	that	the	user	connects	to	may	be	accommodating	users	
from	dozens,	or	even	hundreds,	of	other	financial	institutes	-	all	completely	unknown	to	any	of	the
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users.	This	requires	an	architecture	that	maximizes	the	sharing	of	resources	across	tenants,	but	that	is	
still	able	to	differentiate	data	belonging	to	different	customers.	
Of	course,	if	a	single	application	instance	on	a	single	server	has	to	accommodate	users	from	several	
different	companies	at	once,	you	can't	simply	write	custom	code	to	customize	the	end-user	
experience—anything	you	do	to	customize	the	application	for	one	customer	will	change	the	application	
for	other	customers	as	well.	Instead	of	customizing	the	application	in	the	traditional	sense,	the	
architecture	should	leverage	metadata	to	configure	the	way	the	application	appears	and	behaves	for	its	
users.	The	challenge	is	to	ensure	that	the	task	of	configuring	applications	is	simple	and	easy	for	the	
customers,	without	incurring	extra	development	or	operation	costs	for	each	configuration.	
4.2	 Configuration	using	Metadata	
Metadata,	at	the	service	level	as	well	as	in	the	database,	is	used	for	managing	application	configuration	
for	individual	tenants.	Business	Services	interact	with	the	metadata	(services)	in	order	to	retrieve	
information	that	describes	configurations	and	extensions	that	are	specific	to	each	tenant.	
In	a	mature	SaaS	application,	the	metadata	service	provides	customers	with	the	primary	means	of	
customizing	and	configuring	the	application	to	meet	their	needs.	Typically,	customers	can	make	
configuration	changes	in	four	broad	areas:	
§ User	interface	and	branding	–	Refers	to	the	ability	to	modify	the	user	interface	to	reflect	their	
corporate	branding,	and	therefore	SaaS	applications	typically	offer	features	that	allow	
customers	to	change	UI	aspects	such	as	graphics,	colors,	fonts,	and	so	on.	
§ Workflow	and	business	rule	-	To	be	of	use	to	a	wide	range	of	potential	customers,	a	business-
critical	SaaS	application	has	to	be	able	to	accommodate	differences	in	workflow.		
§ Extensions	to	the	data	model	-	An	extensible	data	model	gives	customers	the	freedom	to	
enhance	the	data	model	to	meet	their	specific	data	needs.		
§ Access	control	-	Typically,	each	customer	is	responsible	for	creating	individual	accounts	for	end	
users,	and	for	determining	which	resources	and	functions	each	user	should	be	allowed	to	
access.	Access	rights	and	restrictions	for	each	user	are	tracked	by	using	security	policies,	which	
should	be	configurable	by	each	tenant.	
To	provide	customers	with	flexibility	in	configuring	the	software	as	necessary,	these	options	are	
organized	into	hierarchical	configuration	units	known	as	scopes,	each	of	which	contains	options	for	
making	changes	in	each	of	the	four	areas	listed	above.	Every	customer	has	a	top-level	scope	that	it	can	
configure	as	needed,	and	the	customer	may	establish	one	or	more	scopes	underneath	the	top	level	in	an	
arbitrary	hierarchy.	A	relationship	strategy	determines	how	and	whether	child	nodes	inherit	and	
override	configuration	settings	from	parent	nodes.	
For	example,	a	typical	mega-processor	may	have	several	financial	institutes	with	distinct	needs,	all	of	
which	must	follow	certain	processor-wide	standards,	but	also	must	be	able	to	configure	some	aspects	of	
the	application	individually.	Within	each	financial	institute	as	well,	there	may	be	organizational	groups	
that	have	their	own	special	configuration	needs.	For	each	of	these	identified	organizational	units,	the	
customer	can	establish	a	scope	that	gives	the	group	access	to	the	configuration	options	that	it	may	set	
or	change.
13 | P a g e
Unlike	traditional	vendor-customized	line-of-business	applications,	SaaS	applications	are	much	more	
likely	to	be	configured	by	customers	themselves.	Designing	the	configuration	interface	is	therefore	
almost	as	important	as	designing	the	interface	for	end	users.	Ideally,	customers	should	be	able	to	
configure	the	application	through	a	wizard,	or	through	simple,	intuitive	screens	that	present	all	available	
options	without	causing	information	overload	and	that	clearly	distinguish	between	options	that	can	and	
cannot	be	changed	within	a	given	scope.	
Multi-tenancy	in	Hibernate:

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SaaS and Multi-Tenancy – Foundational Concepts

  • 1. 1 | P a g e SaaS and Multi-Tenancy – Foundational Concepts Version 1.0
  • 2. 2 | P a g e Document Revision History Author Version Date Comments Jeelani Shaik 1.0 06/20/2012 First version
  • 3. 3 | P a g e 1. Fundamentals 1.1 What is multi-tenancy? Multi-tenancy is the ability to server multiple (many) tenants and is a critical feature in a SaaS world where a service is deployed as a hosted service and accessed over the Internet by many tenants. A well- designed SaaS application is scalable, multi-tenant-efficient and configurable. The term multi-tenancy in general is applied to software development to indicate an architecture in which a single running instance of an application simultaneously serves multiple clients (tenants). Isolating information (data, branding and theming, customizations, etc.) pertaining to the various tenants is a particular challenge in these systems. The key component will be the data owned by each tenant stored in the database; hence the data is also referred to as multi-tenant data. 1.2 SaaS maturity levels Writing custom code to customize end user experience for a financial institute the traditional way will bring a new set of challenges in a SaaS world and will not be economical and poses challenges in allowing us to market on time. Instead of customizing the application the traditional way, leveraging metadata to configure the way the product appears and behaves for its users is the preferred approach. The design and architecture challenge is to ensure that the task of configuring the product is simple and easy for the customers, without incurring extra development and operation cost for each configuration. The separation of data and configuration is depicted using various SaaS maturity levels based on “spectrum of isolation”. 1.2.1 Maturity Level 1 - Nothing Shared In this architecture, each FI has its own customized version of the hosted instance deployed on the host’s server. 1.2.2 Maturity Level 2 - Configurable In this architecture, the SaaS provider hosts a separate instance for each FI (Tenant). In the Nothing Shared, each instance is individually customized for the FI (Tenant), in ‘Configurable’, all instances use the same code implementation, and the vendor meets customer’s needs by providing detailed configuration options that allow the customer to change how the application looks and behaves to its users. Despite being identical to one another at the code level, each instance remains wholly isolated from all the others. 1.2.3 Maturity Level 3 - Configurable, Multi-Tenant-Efficient At the third level of maturity, the processor runs a single instance that serves every customer (financial institute), with configurable metadata providing a unique user experience and feature set for each one. Authorization and security policies ensure that each customer's data is kept separate from that of other
  • 4. 4 | P a g e customers; and, from the end user's perspective, there is no indication that the application instance is being shared among multiple tenants. This approach eliminates the need to provide server space for as many instances as the processor has customers (financial institutes), allowing for much more efficient use of computing resources than the second level, which translates directly to lower costs. A significant disadvantage of this approach is that the scalability of the application is limited. Unless partitioning is used to manage database performance, the application can be scaled only by moving it to a more powerful server (scaling up), until diminishing returns make it impossible to add more power cost-effectively. 1.2.4 Maturity Level 4 - Scalable, Configurable, Multi-Tenant-Efficient At the fourth and final level of maturity, the processor hosts multiple customers (financial institutes) on a load-balanced farm of identical instances, with each customer's data kept separate, and with configurable metadata providing a unique user experience and feature set for each customer. A SaaS system is scalable to an arbitrarily large number of customers, because the number of servers and instances on the back end can be increased or decreased as necessary to match demand, without requiring additional re-architecting of the application, and changes or fixes can be rolled out to thousands of tenants as easily as a single tenant. 1.3 Choosing a Maturity Level One might expect the fourth level to be the ultimate goal for any SaaS application, but this isn't always the case. It may be more helpful to think of SaaS maturity as a continuum between isolated data and code on one end, and shared data and code on the other (see the diagram below). Where the SaaS architecture should fall along this continuum depends on architectural, deployment and operational needs of SaaS provider (Processor) as explained below. As you can see, all of these considerations are interrelated to some degree. § Business – The maturity level should be decided by keeping the financial aspects into consideration. The isolation is governed by customer’s SLA and may often conflict with the benefits of shared approach. § Architecture – The architecture should allow customization and extensions through easy configurations. § Regulations – Regulations such as FFIEC might dictate the architecture and isolation of data. § Operations – Feasibility of satisfying SLAs without compromising on isolation. Impact to customers when a maintenance schedule is performed.
  • 5. 5 | P a g e 2. Multi-tenant Data Multi-tenant data is critical in designing and developing SaaS services. There are three main approaches to isolating information (data) in these multi-tenant systems, which go hand-in-hand with different database schema definitions and JDBC setups. Each approach has pros and cons as well as specific techniques and considerations. The following diagram depicts these approaches with respect to isolation/shared. In addition to these three, there is a hybrid approach that leverages both two and three. 2.1 Separate Database Each tenant's data is kept in a physically separate database instance. Database (JDBC) Connections would point specifically to each database, so any pooling would be per-tenant. A general application approach here would be to define a database Connection pool per-tenant and to select the pool to use based on the “tenant identifier” associated with the currently logged in user. Computing resources and application code are generally shared between all the tenants on a server, but each tenant has its own set of data that remains logically isolated from data that belongs to all other tenants. Metadata associates each database with the correct tenant, and database security prevents any tenant from accidentally or maliciously accessing other tenants' data. Giving each tenant its own database makes it easy to extend the application's data model to meet tenants' individual needs, and restoring a tenant's data from backups in the event of a failure is a relatively simple procedure. Unfortunately, this approach tends to lead to higher costs for maintaining equipment and backing up tenant data. Hardware costs are also higher than they are under alternative approaches, as the number of tenants that can be housed on a given database server is limited by the number of databases that the server can support. Separating tenant data into individual databases is the "premium" approach, and the relatively high hardware and maintenance requirements and costs make it appropriate for customers that are willing to pay extra for added security and customization (as this approach provides a very strong data isolation requirements), and may not consider an application that does not supply each tenant with its own individual database.
  • 6. 6 | P a g e 2.2 Separate Schema Like the isolated approach, the separate-schema approach is relatively easy to implement, and tenants can extend the data model as easily as with the separate-database approach. (Tables are created from a standard default set, but once they are created they no longer need to conform to the default set, and tenants may add or modify columns and even tables as desired.) This approach offers a moderate degree of logical data isolation for security-conscious tenants, though not as much as a completely isolated system would, and can support a larger number of tenants per database server. A significant drawback of the separate-schema approach is tenant data is harder to restore in the event of a failure. If each tenant has its own database, restoring a single tenant's data means simply restoring the database from the most recent backup. With a separate-schema application, restoring the entire database would mean overwriting the data of every tenant on the same database with backup data, regardless of whether each one has experienced any loss or not. Therefore, to restore a single customer's data, the database administrator may have to restore the database to a temporary server, and then import the customer's tables into the production server—a complicated and potentially time- consuming task. The separate schema approach is appropriate for applications that use a relatively small number of database tables, on the order of about 100 tables per tenant or fewer. This approach can typically accommodate more tenants per server than the separate-database approach can, so you can offer the application at a lower cost, as long as your customers will accept having their data co-located with that of other tenants. Each tenant's data is kept in a distinct database schema on a single database instance. There are two different ways to define JDBC Connections here: § Connections could point specifically to each schema, as we saw with the separate database approach. This is an option provided when the driver supports naming the default schema in the connection URL or if the pooling mechanism supports naming a schema to use for its Connections. Using this approach, we would have a distinct JDBC Connection pool per-tenant where the pool to use would be selected based on the “tenant identifier” associated with the currently logged in user. § Connections could point to the database itself (using some default schema) but the Connections would be altered using the SQL SET SCHEMA (or similar) command. Using this approach, we
  • 7. 7 | P a g e would have a single JDBC Connection pool for use to service all tenants, but before using the Connection it would be altered to reference the schema named by the “tenant identifier” associated with the currently logged in user. 2.3 Partitioned (discriminator) Data All data is kept in a single database schema. The data for each tenant is partitioned by the use of partition value or discriminator known as ‘Tenant Identifier’. The complexity of this discriminator might range from a simple column value to a complex SQL formula. Again, this approach would use a single Connection pool to service all tenants. However, in this approach the application needs to alter each and every SQL statement sent to the database to reference the “tenant identifier” discriminator. Of the three approaches explained here, the shared schema approach has the lowest hardware and backup costs, because it allows you to serve the largest number of tenants per database server. However, because multiple tenants share the same database tables, this approach may incur additional development effort in the area of security, to ensure that tenants can never access other tenants' data, even in the event of unexpected bugs or attacks. The procedure for restoring data for a tenant is similar to that for the shared-schema approach, with the additional complication that individual rows in the production database must be deleted and then reinserted from the temporary database. If there are a very large number of rows in the affected tables, this can cause performance to suffer noticeably for all the tenants. The shared-schema approach is appropriate when it is important that the application be capable of serving a large number of tenants with a small number of servers, and prospective customers are willing to surrender data isolation in exchange for the lower costs that this approach makes possible.
  • 8. 8 | P a g e Tenant Id Account Number Date 100 11111111 05-06-2012 225 2222222222 05-12-2012 456 33333333333 06-14-2012 2.4 Hybrid Approach This is a hybrid version of separate schema and partitioned data. In this design, all the common static and non-sensitive data is placed in a common schema and all the tenant specific sensitive and transactional data is placed in tenant specific schema. 3. Choosing an Approach Each of the three approaches described above offers its own set of benefits and tradeoffs that make it an appropriate model to follow in some cases and not in others, as determined by a number of business and technical considerations. Some of these considerations are listed below. 3.1 Economic Considerations Applications optimized for a shared approach tend to require a larger development effort than applications designed using a more isolated approach (because of the relative complexity of developing a shared architecture), resulting in higher initial costs. Because they can support more tenants per server, however, their ongoing operational costs tend to be lower. The diagram below shows the shift in priorities from On-premises to SaaS. The shared schema approach can end up saving you money over the long run, but it does require a larger initial development effort before it can start producing revenue. If you are unable to fund a development effort of the size necessary to build a shared schema application, or if you need to bring
  • 9. 9 | P a g e your application to market more quickly than a large-scale development effort would allow, you may have to consider a more isolated approach. 3.2 Security Considerations As your application will store sensitive tenant data, prospective customers will have high expectations about security and your service level agreements (SLAs) will need to provide strong data safety guarantees. A common misconception holds that only physical isolation can provide an appropriate level of security. In fact, data stored using a shared approach can also provide strong data safety, but requires the use of more sophisticated design patterns. 3.3 Tenant Considerations The number, nature, and needs of the tenants you expect to serve all affect your data architecture decision in different ways. Some of the following questions may bias you toward a more isolated approach, while others may bias you toward a more shared approach. § How many prospective tenants do you expect to target? You may be nowhere near being able to estimate prospective use with authority, but think in terms of orders of magnitude: are you building an application for hundreds of tenants? Thousands? Tens of thousands? More? The larger you expect your tenant base to be, the more likely you will want to consider a more shared approach. § How much storage space do you expect the average tenant's data to occupy? If you expect some or all tenants to store very large amounts of data, the separate-database approach is probably best. (Indeed, data storage requirements may force you to adopt a separate-database model anyway. If so, it will be much easier to design the application that way from the beginning than to move to a separate-database approach later on.) § How many concurrent end users do you expect the average tenant to support? The larger the number, the more appropriate a more isolated approach will be to meet end-user requirements. § Do you expect to offer any per-tenant value-added services, such as per-tenant backup and restore capability? Such services are easier to offer through a more isolated approach.
  • 10. 10 | P a g e Tenant-related factors and how they affect "isolated versus shared" data architecture decisions 3.4 Regulatory Considerations Processors and Financial Institutes are subjected to regulatory laws such as FFIEC that can affect their security and record storage needs. Hence we need to investigate the regulatory environments that your prospective customers occupy in the markets in which you expect to operate, and determine whether they present any considerations that will affect your decision. 3.5 Realizing Multi-Tenant Data Architecture A well-designed SaaS application is distinguished by three qualities: scalability, configurability, and multi-tenant efficiency. The table below lists the patterns appropriate for each of the three approaches, divided into sections representing these three qualities. Optimizing for multi-tenant efficiency in a shared environment must not compromise the level of security safeguarding data access. The security patterns listed below demonstrate how you can design an application with "virtual isolation" through mechanisms such as permissions, SQL views, and encryption. Configurability allows SaaS tenants to alter the way the application appears and behaves without requiring a separate application instance for each individual tenant. The extensibility patterns describe possible ways you can implement a data model that tenants can extend and configure individually to meet their needs.
  • 11. 11 | P a g e The approach you choose for your SaaS application's data architecture will affect the options available to you for scaling it to accommodate more tenants or heavier usage. The scalability patterns address the different challenges posed by scaling shared as well as dedicated databases. 3.5 Patterns for Multi-Tenant Applications Approach Security Patterns Extensibility Patterns Scalability Patterns Separate Databases § Trusted Database Connections § Secure Database Tables § Tenant Data Encryption § Custom Columns § Single Tenant Scale- out Shared Database, Separate Schemas § Trusted Database Connections § Secure Database Tables § Tenant Data Encryption § Custom Columns § Tenant-Based Horizontal Partitioning Shared Database, Shared Schema § Trusted Database Connections § Tenant View Filter § Tenant Data Encryption § Pre-allocated Fields § Name-Value Pairs § Tenant-Based Horizontal Partitioning 4. Architecture Considerations Multi-tenancy imposes more challenges than those required for a white-labeled product both at the front end as well as at the backend mainly the database. When a service is deployed as a SaaS service in a hosted environment and accessed over the Internet by various customers (Financial Institutes), apart from business requirements, equally important and critical are the non-functional requirements (NFRs). 4.1 Key Attributes of Multi-Tenant Architecture From architecture’s point of view, there are three key differentiators that separate a well-designed SaaS application from that of a poorly designed: scalable, multi-tenant-efficient, and configurable. Scaling the application means maximizing concurrency and using application resources more efficiently - for example, optimizing locking duration, statelessness, sharing pooled resources such as threads and network connections, caching reference data, and partitioning large databases. Multi-tenancy may be the most significant paradigm shift that an architect accustomed to designing isolated, single-tenant applications has to make. For example, when a user at a financial institute accesses information, the application instance that the user connects to may be accommodating users from dozens, or even hundreds, of other financial institutes - all completely unknown to any of the
  • 12. 12 | P a g e users. This requires an architecture that maximizes the sharing of resources across tenants, but that is still able to differentiate data belonging to different customers. Of course, if a single application instance on a single server has to accommodate users from several different companies at once, you can't simply write custom code to customize the end-user experience—anything you do to customize the application for one customer will change the application for other customers as well. Instead of customizing the application in the traditional sense, the architecture should leverage metadata to configure the way the application appears and behaves for its users. The challenge is to ensure that the task of configuring applications is simple and easy for the customers, without incurring extra development or operation costs for each configuration. 4.2 Configuration using Metadata Metadata, at the service level as well as in the database, is used for managing application configuration for individual tenants. Business Services interact with the metadata (services) in order to retrieve information that describes configurations and extensions that are specific to each tenant. In a mature SaaS application, the metadata service provides customers with the primary means of customizing and configuring the application to meet their needs. Typically, customers can make configuration changes in four broad areas: § User interface and branding – Refers to the ability to modify the user interface to reflect their corporate branding, and therefore SaaS applications typically offer features that allow customers to change UI aspects such as graphics, colors, fonts, and so on. § Workflow and business rule - To be of use to a wide range of potential customers, a business- critical SaaS application has to be able to accommodate differences in workflow. § Extensions to the data model - An extensible data model gives customers the freedom to enhance the data model to meet their specific data needs. § Access control - Typically, each customer is responsible for creating individual accounts for end users, and for determining which resources and functions each user should be allowed to access. Access rights and restrictions for each user are tracked by using security policies, which should be configurable by each tenant. To provide customers with flexibility in configuring the software as necessary, these options are organized into hierarchical configuration units known as scopes, each of which contains options for making changes in each of the four areas listed above. Every customer has a top-level scope that it can configure as needed, and the customer may establish one or more scopes underneath the top level in an arbitrary hierarchy. A relationship strategy determines how and whether child nodes inherit and override configuration settings from parent nodes. For example, a typical mega-processor may have several financial institutes with distinct needs, all of which must follow certain processor-wide standards, but also must be able to configure some aspects of the application individually. Within each financial institute as well, there may be organizational groups that have their own special configuration needs. For each of these identified organizational units, the customer can establish a scope that gives the group access to the configuration options that it may set or change.
  • 13. 13 | P a g e Unlike traditional vendor-customized line-of-business applications, SaaS applications are much more likely to be configured by customers themselves. Designing the configuration interface is therefore almost as important as designing the interface for end users. Ideally, customers should be able to configure the application through a wizard, or through simple, intuitive screens that present all available options without causing information overload and that clearly distinguish between options that can and cannot be changed within a given scope. Appendix: Multi-tenancy in Hibernate: