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ZIO Schedule John A. De Goes — @jdegoes - Scala in the City
ZIO Schedule
Scala in the City, October 2018 - London, UK
John A. De Goes
@jdegoes -
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
ZIO lets you build high-performance,
type-safe, concurrent, asynchronous
applications that don’t leak resources,
and are easy to reason about
compositionally, test, and refactor.
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
def main: Unit = {
println("Hello, what is your name?")
val name = readLine()
println(s"Good morning, $name!")
Second-Class Effects
✗ Pass to functions
✗ Return from functions
✗ Store in data structures
✗ Async/sync/concurrency
✗ Async/sync resource-safety
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
def main: IO[IOException, Unit] = for {
_ <- putStrLn("Hello, what is your name?")
name <- getStrLn
_ <- putStrLn(s"Good morning, $name!")
} yield ()
First-Class Effects
✓ Pass to functions
✓ Return from functions
✓ Store in data structures
✓ Async/sync/concurrency
✓ Async/sync resource-safety
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
IO[E, A]
IO[E, A] is an immutable value that
describes an effectful program, which
may fail with a value of type E, or return
a value of type A.
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
IO[Nothing, A]
Never fails
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
IO[E, Nothing]
Never returns
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
IO[Nothing, Nothing]
Never fails or returns
for {
queue <- Queue.unbounded[String]
worker = queue.take.flatMap(putStrLn).forever
workers10k = List.fill(10000)(worker)
_ <- IO.forkAll(workers10k)
_ <- queue.offer("Chocolate!").forever.fork
} yield ()
Lightweight “Threads”
✓ Massive scalability over threads
✓ Non-blocking
✓ Safe concurrency
✓ Automatically interruptible
✓ Always resource-safe
✓ Powerful composition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
for {
resp <- api.getUser(userId)
_ <- db.updateUser(userId, resp.profile)
_ <- promise.complete(())
} yield ()
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
✓ Massive scalability over threads
✓ Non-blocking
✓ Safe concurrency
✓ Automatically interruptible
✓ Always resource-safe
✓ Powerful composition
requests.parTraverse { request =>
for {
product <- findProduct(
update <- applyDiscount(, discount)
_ <- db.updateProduct(, update)
} yield
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
✓ Massive scalability over threads
✓ Non-blocking
✓ Safe concurrency
✓ Automatically interruptible
✓ Always resource-safe
✓ Powerful composition
def fib(n: Int): IO[Nothing, Int] =
if (n <= 1)
else fib(n-1).parWith(fib(n-2))(_ + _)
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
✓ Massive scalability over threads
✓ Non-blocking
✓ Safe concurrency
✓ Automatically interruptible
✓ Always resource-safe
✓ Powerful composition
openFile.bracket(closeFile(_)) { handle =>
def loop(ref: Ref[Chunk[Byte]]) =
for {
chunk <- handle.readChunk
<- ref.update(_ ++ chunk)
all <- if (handle.hasMore) loop(ref)
else ref.get
} yield all
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
✓ Massive scalability over threads
✓ Non-blocking
✓ Safe concurrency
✓ Automatically interruptible
✓ Always resource-safe
✓ Powerful composition
def webCrawler[E: Monoid, A: Monoid](seeds: Set[URL],
router: URL => Set[URL],
processor: (URL, String) => IO[E, A]):
IO[Nothing, Crawl[E, A]] = {
def loop(seeds: Set[URL], ref: Ref[CrawlState[E, A]]): IO[Nothing, Unit] =
ref.update(_ |+| CrawlState.visited(seeds)) *> IO.parTraverse(seeds)(
seed =>
getURL(seed).redeem(_ => IO.unit,
html => for {
visited <-
seeds <-, html).toSet
.flatMap(router) -- visited)
crawl <- processor(seed, html).redeemPure(Crawl(_, mzero[A]),
Crawl(mzero[E], _))
_ <- ref.update(_ |+| CrawlState.crawled(crawl))
_ <- loop(seeds, ref)
} yield ())).void
Ref(mzero[CrawlState[E, A]]).flatMap(ref => loop(seeds, ref).map(_ =>
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
✓ Massive scalability over threads
✓ Non-blocking
✓ Safe concurrency
✓ Automatically interruptible
✓ Always resource-safe
✓ Powerful composition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
App Web API
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
App Web API
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
App Web API
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
App Web API
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
App Web API
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
App Web API
500 503
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
App Web API
500 503
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
App Web API
500 503
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Streaming Logs
Web APIs
def networkRequest(): A = ???
def networkRequestWithRetries(max: Int, millis: Long): A = {
var i = 0
while (i < max) {
try {
return networkRequest()
catch {
case _ : Exception =>
i = i + 1
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Retrying Synchronously
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Log Rotation File Cleanup
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
def reportGen(): A = ???
def repeatedReportGen(max: Int, millis: Long): List[A] = {
var list = List.empty[A]
var i = 0
while (i < max) {
list = reportGen() :: list
i = i + 1
Repeating Synchronously
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Schedule[A, B]
Schedule[A, B] is an immutable
value that describes an effectful
schedule, which after consuming an A,
produces a B and decides to halt or
continue after some delay d.
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Schedule[A, B]
Continue after delay d
Halt immediately
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Should I repeat a
program that failed
with an E?
Should I repeat a
program that
returned an A?
Retries Repeats
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Retries Repeats
Schedule[E, B] Schedule[A, B]
Retry policy
Consumes errors of type E
Emits values of type B
Repeat policy
Consumes return values of type
Emits values of type B
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Schedule.never : Schedule[Any, Nothing]
Zero Recurrences
Accepts any input
Never recurs, never emitting a value
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Schedule.once : Schedule[Any, Unit]
One Recurrence
Accepts any input
Recurs once, emitting unit
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Schedule.forever : Schedule[Any, Int]
Infinite Recurrences
Consumes any input
Recurs forever without delay, emitting the number of recurrences so far
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Schedule.recurs(n: Int) : Schedule[Any, Int]
Fixed Recurrences
Accepts any input
Recurs the specified number of times, emitting number of recurrences so far
durationtask task
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Schedule.spaced(d: Duration) : Schedule[Any, Int]
Spaced Recurrences
Accepts any input
Recurs forever with delay, emitting the number of recurrences so far
task task
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Schedule.fixed(d: Duration) : Schedule[Any, Int]
Fixed Recurrences
Accepts any input
Recurs forever with a delay, emitting number of recurrences so far
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Schedule.exponential(d: Duration, f: Double = 2.0) : Schedule[Any, Duration]
Exponential Recurrences
Accepts any input
Recurs forever with delay, emitting the current delay between steps
Scaling factor
Starting duration
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Schedule.doWhile[A](f: A => Boolean): Schedule[A, A]
Conditional Recurrences
Accepts an A
Recurs while the predicate is true without delay, emitting the same A
Recurrence condition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Schedule.doUntil[A](f: A => Boolean): Schedule[A, A]
Conditional Recurrences
Accepts an A
Recurs until the predicate is true without delay, emitting the same A
Recurrence condition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Schedule.collect: Schedule[A, List[A]]
Collecting Recurrences
Recurs forever without delay, emitting a list of all consumed A’s
Consumes an A
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Schedule.identity[A]: Schedule[A, A]
Identity Recurrences
Recurs forever without delay, emitting the same A
Consumes an A
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Schedule.unfold[A](a: => A)(f: A => A): Schedule[Any, A]
Unfold Recurrences
Recurs forever without delay, emitting an A by unfolding the seed through repeated application
Consumes any value
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Schedule.point[A](a: => A): Schedule[Any, A]
Constant Output
Recurs forever without delay, emitting a constant
Consumes any value
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Schedule.lift[A, B](f: A => B): Schedule[A, B]
Function Output
Recurs forever without delay, emitting the function applied to the input
Consumes an A
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Retries Repeats
val action: IO[E, A] = ???
val policy: Schedule[E, B] = ???
val retried: IO[E, A] =
action retry policy
val action: IO[E, A] = ???
val policy: Schedule[A, B] = ???
val repeated: IO[E, B] =
action repeat policy
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Retries Repeats
val action: IO[E, A] = ???
val policy: Schedule[E, B] = ???
val orElse: (E, B) => IO[E2, A] = ???
val retried: IO[E2, A] =
action retryOrElse (policy, orElse)
val action: IO[E, A] = ???
val policy: Schedule[A, B] = ???
val orElse: (E, Option[B]) => IO[E2, B] = ???
val repeated: IO[E2, B] =
action repeatOrElse (policy, onError)
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Retries Repeats
val action: IO[E, A] = ???
val policy: Schedule[E, B] = ???
val orElse: (E, B) => IO[E2, B] = ???
val retried: IO[E2, Either[B, A]] =
action retryOrElse0 (policy, orElse)
val action: IO[E, A] = ???
val policy: Schedule[A, B] = ???
val orElse: (E, Option[B]) => IO[E2, C] = ???
val repeated: IO[E2, Either[C, B]] =
action repeatOrElse0 (policy, onError)
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
def networkRequestWithRetries(factor: Float = 1.5f, init: Int = 1, cur: Int = 0)
(implicit as: ActorSystem): Future[String] = {
networkRequest().recoverWith {
case NetworkException =>
val next: Int =
if (cur == 0) init
else Math.ceil(cur * factor).toInt
after(next.milliseconds, as.scheduler, global, Future.successful(1)).flatMap { _ =>
networkRequestWithRetries(factor, init, next)
case t: Throwable => throw t
Future Retries*
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
def retry[F[_]: Timer: RaiseThrowable, O](
fo : F[O],
delay : FiniteDuration,
nextDelay : FiniteDuration => FiniteDuration,
maxAttempts : Int,
retriable : Throwable => Boolean): Stream[F, O] = ???
FS2 Retry
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Monix Retry & Repeat
Retries Repeats
val task : Task[A] = ???
val retries: Int = ???
val retried1: Task[A] =
task onErrorRestart (retries)
val pred: Throwable => Boolean = ???
val retried2: Task[A] =
task onErrorRestartIf (pred)
// onErrorRestartLoop
val task: Task[A] = ???
val pred: A => Boolean = ???
val repeated: Task[A] =
task restartUntil (pred)
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
(s1 : Schedule[A, B]) && (s2 : Schedule[A, C]) : Schedule[A, (B, C)]
s1 s2 s1 && s2
Continue : Boolean b1 b2 b1 && b2
Delay : Duration d1 d2 d1.max(d2)
Emit : (A, B) a b (a, b)
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
(s1 : Schedule[A, B]) || (s2 : Schedule[A, C]) : Schedule[A, (B, C)]
s1 s2 s1 || s2
Continue : Boolean b1 b2 b1 || b2
Delay : Duration d1 d2 d1.min(d2)
Emit : (A, B) a b (a, b)
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
(s1 : Schedule[A, B]) andThen (s2 : Schedule[A, C]) : Schedule[A, Either[B, C]]
s1 andThen s2A Either[B, C]
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
(s1 : Schedule[A, B]) >>> (s2 : Schedule[B, C]) : Schedule[A, C]
s1 >>> s2A C
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
(s1 : Schedule[A, B]).jittered : Schedule[A, B]
A AB Bs1 s1’
Delays randomly
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
(s1 : Schedule[A, B]).collect : Schedule[A, List[B]]
A AB List[C]s1 s1’
Emissions collected
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
(s1 : Schedule[A, B]).whileInput(f: A => Boolean) : Schedule[A, B]
Filtering By Input
A AB Bs1 s1’
Continues while/until f returns true
(s1 : Schedule[A, B]).untilInput(f: A => Boolean) : Schedule[A, B]
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
(s1 : Schedule[A, B]).whileOutput(f: B => Boolean) : Schedule[A, B]
Filtering By Output
A AB Bs1 s1’
Continues while/until f returns true
(s1 : Schedule[A, B]).untilOutput(f: B => Boolean) : Schedule[A, B]
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
(s1 : Schedule[A, B]).map(f: B => C) : Schedule[A, C]
A AB Cs1 s1’
B mapped to C
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
(s1 : Schedule[A, B]) *> (s2 : Schedule[A, C]) : Schedule[A, C]
(s1 && s2).map(_._2)
Left / Right Ap
(s1 : Schedule[A, B]) <* (s2 : Schedule[A, C]) : Schedule[A, B]
(s1 && s2).map(_._1)
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
(s1 : Schedule[A, B]).logInput(f: A => IO[Nothing, Unit]) : Schedule[A, B]
Logging Inputs
A AB Bs1 s1’
Inputs logged to f
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
(s1 : Schedule[A, B]).logOutput(f: B => IO[Nothing, Unit]) : Schedule[A, B]
Logging Outputs
A AB Bs1 s1’
Outputs logged to f
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Crafting a ZIO Schedule
Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10
milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed
spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100
times, and emits a list of the collected inputs.
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Crafting a ZIO Schedule
Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10
milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed
spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100
times, and emits a list of the collected inputs.
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Crafting a ZIO Schedule
Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10
milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed
spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100
times, and emits a list of the collected inputs.
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Crafting a ZIO Schedule
Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10
milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed
spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100
times, and emits a list of the collected inputs.
andThen ???)
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Crafting a ZIO Schedule
Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10
milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed
spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100
times, and emits a list of the collected inputs.
(Schedule.exponential(10.milliseconds).whileOutput(_ < 60.seconds)
andThen ???)
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Crafting a ZIO Schedule
Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10
milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed
spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100
times, and emits a list of the collected inputs.
(Schedule.exponential(10.milliseconds).whileOutput(_ < 60.seconds)
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Crafting a ZIO Schedule
Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10
milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed
spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100
times, and emits a list of the collected inputs.
(Schedule.exponential(10.milliseconds).whileOutput(_ < 60.seconds)
(Schedule.fixed(60.seconds) && Schedule.recurs(100))
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Crafting a ZIO Schedule
Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10
milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed
spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100
times, and emits a list of the collected inputs.
(Schedule.exponential(10.milliseconds).whileOutput(_ < 60.seconds)
(Schedule.fixed(60.seconds) && Schedule.recurs(100)).jittered
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Crafting a ZIO Schedule
Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10
milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed
spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100
times, and emits a list of the collected inputs.
(Schedule.exponential(10.milliseconds).whileOutput(_ < 60.seconds)
(Schedule.fixed(60.seconds) && Schedule.recurs(100)).jittered
*> Schedule.identity[A].collect
What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
Crafting a ZIO Schedule
Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10
milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed
spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100
times, and emits a list of the collected inputs.
def customSchedule[A]: Schedule[A, List[A]] = {
import Schedule._
(exponential(10.millis).whileOutput(_ < 60.secs) andThen
(fixed(60.secs) && recurs(100)).jittered *> identity[A].collect
ZIO Chat
Scalaz Chat
That’s A Wrap!
Functional Scala by John A. De Goes
Local Remote Date
London London Time Oct 21 - 23
Paris Paris Time Oct 25 - 27
SF / SV Pacific Coast Time Nov 18 - 21
That’s A Wrap!
@jdegoes -
That’s A Wrap!

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ZIO Schedule: Conquering Flakiness & Recurrence with Pure Functional Programming

  • 1. ZIO Schedule John A. De Goes — @jdegoes - Scala in the City ZIO Schedule Scala in the City, October 2018 - London, UK John A. De Goes @jdegoes -
  • 2. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
  • 3. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition ZIO ZIO lets you build high-performance, type-safe, concurrent, asynchronous applications that don’t leak resources, and are easy to reason about compositionally, test, and refactor.
  • 4. ZIO What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
  • 5. def main: Unit = { println("Hello, what is your name?") val name = readLine() println(s"Good morning, $name!") } Second-Class Effects ✗ Pass to functions ✗ Return from functions ✗ Store in data structures ✗ Async/sync/concurrency ✗ Async/sync resource-safety What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
  • 6. def main: IO[IOException, Unit] = for { _ <- putStrLn("Hello, what is your name?") name <- getStrLn _ <- putStrLn(s"Good morning, $name!") } yield () First-Class Effects ✓ Pass to functions ✓ Return from functions ✓ Store in data structures ✓ Async/sync/concurrency ✓ Async/sync resource-safety What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
  • 7. IO[E, A] IO[E, A] is an immutable value that describes an effectful program, which may fail with a value of type E, or return a value of type A. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition ZIO IO
  • 8. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition IO[Nothing, A] Never fails ZIO IO
  • 9. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition IO[E, Nothing] Never returns ZIO IO
  • 10. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition IO[Nothing, Nothing] Never fails or returns ZIO IO
  • 11. for { queue <- Queue.unbounded[String] worker = queue.take.flatMap(putStrLn).forever workers10k = List.fill(10000)(worker) _ <- IO.forkAll(workers10k) _ <- queue.offer("Chocolate!").forever.fork } yield () Lightweight “Threads” ✓ Massive scalability over threads ✓ Non-blocking ✓ Safe concurrency ✓ Automatically interruptible ✓ Always resource-safe ✓ Powerful composition What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
  • 12. for { resp <- api.getUser(userId) _ <- db.updateUser(userId, resp.profile) _ <- promise.complete(()) } yield () What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition ✓ Massive scalability over threads ✓ Non-blocking ✓ Safe concurrency ✓ Automatically interruptible ✓ Always resource-safe ✓ Powerful composition Asynchronicity
  • 13. requests.parTraverse { request => for { product <- findProduct( update <- applyDiscount(, discount) _ <- db.updateProduct(, update) } yield } What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition ✓ Massive scalability over threads ✓ Non-blocking ✓ Safe concurrency ✓ Automatically interruptible ✓ Always resource-safe ✓ Powerful composition Concurrency
  • 14. def fib(n: Int): IO[Nothing, Int] = if (n <= 1) else fib(n-1).parWith(fib(n-2))(_ + _) fib(Int.MaxValue).fork(_.interrupt) What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition ✓ Massive scalability over threads ✓ Non-blocking ✓ Safe concurrency ✓ Automatically interruptible ✓ Always resource-safe ✓ Powerful composition Interruption
  • 15. openFile.bracket(closeFile(_)) { handle => def loop(ref: Ref[Chunk[Byte]]) = for { chunk <- handle.readChunk <- ref.update(_ ++ chunk) all <- if (handle.hasMore) loop(ref) else ref.get } yield all Ref(Chunk.empty).flatMap(loop) } What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition ✓ Massive scalability over threads ✓ Non-blocking ✓ Safe concurrency ✓ Automatically interruptible ✓ Always resource-safe ✓ Powerful composition Bracket
  • 16. def webCrawler[E: Monoid, A: Monoid](seeds: Set[URL], router: URL => Set[URL], processor: (URL, String) => IO[E, A]): IO[Nothing, Crawl[E, A]] = { def loop(seeds: Set[URL], ref: Ref[CrawlState[E, A]]): IO[Nothing, Unit] = ref.update(_ |+| CrawlState.visited(seeds)) *> IO.parTraverse(seeds)( seed => getURL(seed).redeem(_ => IO.unit, html => for { visited <- seeds <-, html).toSet .flatMap(router) -- visited) crawl <- processor(seed, html).redeemPure(Crawl(_, mzero[A]), Crawl(mzero[E], _)) _ <- ref.update(_ |+| CrawlState.crawled(crawl)) _ <- loop(seeds, ref) } yield ())).void Ref(mzero[CrawlState[E, A]]).flatMap(ref => loop(seeds, ref).map(_ => } What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition ✓ Massive scalability over threads ✓ Non-blocking ✓ Safe concurrency ✓ Automatically interruptible ✓ Always resource-safe ✓ Powerful composition Composable
  • 17. Retries What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
  • 18. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition App Web API
  • 19. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition App Web API 408
  • 20. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition App Web API 408429
  • 21. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition App Web API 408429 423
  • 22. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition App Web API 408429 423 500
  • 23. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition App Web API 408429 423 500 503
  • 24. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition App Web API 408429 423 500 503 504
  • 25. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition App Web API 408429 423 500 503 504
  • 26. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition AppDatabase Cache Local Storage Cloud Storage Streaming Logs Analytics Web APIs
  • 27. def networkRequest(): A = ??? def networkRequestWithRetries(max: Int, millis: Long): A = { var i = 0 while (i < max) { try { return networkRequest() } catch { case _ : Exception => i = i + 1 Thread.sleep(millis) } } } What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Retrying Synchronously
  • 28. Repeats What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
  • 29. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition App Generate Report
  • 30. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition App Generate Report Every user
  • 31. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition App Generate Report Every user Every day
  • 32. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition App Generate Report Every user Every day Every account
  • 33. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition App Generate Report Every user Every day Every account Every week
  • 34. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition AppService Heartbeat Data Retrieval Remote Uploading Report Generation Log Rotation File Cleanup User Reminders Garbage Collection
  • 35. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition def reportGen(): A = ??? def repeatedReportGen(max: Int, millis: Long): List[A] = { var list = List.empty[A] var i = 0 while (i < max) { list = reportGen() :: list Thread.sleep(millis) i = i + 1 } list } Repeating Synchronously
  • 36. Schedule What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
  • 37. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition ZIO SCHEDULE Schedule[A, B] Schedule[A, B] is an immutable value that describes an effectful schedule, which after consuming an A, produces a B and decides to halt or continue after some delay d.
  • 38. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition ZIO SCHEDULE Schedule[A, B] A B B Continue? Continue after delay d Halt immediately
  • 39. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Should I repeat a program that failed with an E? Should I repeat a program that returned an A? Retries Repeats
  • 40. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Retries Repeats Schedule[E, B] Schedule[A, B] Retry policy Consumes errors of type E Emits values of type B Repeat policy Consumes return values of type A Emits values of type B
  • 41. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Schedule.never : Schedule[Any, Nothing] Zero Recurrences Accepts any input Never recurs, never emitting a value
  • 42. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Schedule.once : Schedule[Any, Unit] One Recurrence Accepts any input Recurs once, emitting unit
  • 43. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Schedule.forever : Schedule[Any, Int] Infinite Recurrences Consumes any input Recurs forever without delay, emitting the number of recurrences so far
  • 44. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Schedule.recurs(n: Int) : Schedule[Any, Int] Fixed Recurrences Accepts any input Recurs the specified number of times, emitting number of recurrences so far
  • 45. durationtask task What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Schedule.spaced(d: Duration) : Schedule[Any, Int] Spaced Recurrences Accepts any input Recurs forever with delay, emitting the number of recurrences so far
  • 46. duration task task What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Schedule.fixed(d: Duration) : Schedule[Any, Int] Fixed Recurrences Accepts any input Recurs forever with a delay, emitting number of recurrences so far duration
  • 47. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Schedule.exponential(d: Duration, f: Double = 2.0) : Schedule[Any, Duration] Exponential Recurrences Accepts any input Recurs forever with delay, emitting the current delay between steps Scaling factor Starting duration
  • 48. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Schedule.doWhile[A](f: A => Boolean): Schedule[A, A] Conditional Recurrences Accepts an A Recurs while the predicate is true without delay, emitting the same A Recurrence condition
  • 49. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Schedule.doUntil[A](f: A => Boolean): Schedule[A, A] Conditional Recurrences Accepts an A Recurs until the predicate is true without delay, emitting the same A Recurrence condition
  • 50. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Schedule.collect: Schedule[A, List[A]] Collecting Recurrences Recurs forever without delay, emitting a list of all consumed A’s Consumes an A
  • 51. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Schedule.identity[A]: Schedule[A, A] Identity Recurrences Recurs forever without delay, emitting the same A Consumes an A
  • 52. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Schedule.unfold[A](a: => A)(f: A => A): Schedule[Any, A] Unfold Recurrences Recurs forever without delay, emitting an A by unfolding the seed through repeated application Consumes any value
  • 53. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Schedule.point[A](a: => A): Schedule[Any, A] Constant Output Recurs forever without delay, emitting a constant Consumes any value
  • 54. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Schedule.lift[A, B](f: A => B): Schedule[A, B] Function Output Recurs forever without delay, emitting the function applied to the input Consumes an A
  • 55. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Retries Repeats val action: IO[E, A] = ??? val policy: Schedule[E, B] = ??? val retried: IO[E, A] = action retry policy val action: IO[E, A] = ??? val policy: Schedule[A, B] = ??? val repeated: IO[E, B] = action repeat policy
  • 56. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Retries Repeats val action: IO[E, A] = ??? val policy: Schedule[E, B] = ??? val orElse: (E, B) => IO[E2, A] = ??? val retried: IO[E2, A] = action retryOrElse (policy, orElse) val action: IO[E, A] = ??? val policy: Schedule[A, B] = ??? val orElse: (E, Option[B]) => IO[E2, B] = ??? val repeated: IO[E2, B] = action repeatOrElse (policy, onError)
  • 57. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Retries Repeats val action: IO[E, A] = ??? val policy: Schedule[E, B] = ??? val orElse: (E, B) => IO[E2, B] = ??? val retried: IO[E2, Either[B, A]] = action retryOrElse0 (policy, orElse) val action: IO[E, A] = ??? val policy: Schedule[A, B] = ??? val orElse: (E, Option[B]) => IO[E2, C] = ??? val repeated: IO[E2, Either[C, B]] = action repeatOrElse0 (policy, onError)
  • 58. Composition What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition
  • 59. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition def networkRequestWithRetries(factor: Float = 1.5f, init: Int = 1, cur: Int = 0) (implicit as: ActorSystem): Future[String] = { networkRequest().recoverWith { case NetworkException => val next: Int = if (cur == 0) init else Math.ceil(cur * factor).toInt after(next.milliseconds, as.scheduler, global, Future.successful(1)).flatMap { _ => networkRequestWithRetries(factor, init, next) } case t: Throwable => throw t } } Future Retries* *
  • 60. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition def retry[F[_]: Timer: RaiseThrowable, O]( fo : F[O], delay : FiniteDuration, nextDelay : FiniteDuration => FiniteDuration, maxAttempts : Int, retriable : Throwable => Boolean): Stream[F, O] = ??? FS2 Retry
  • 61. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Monix Retry & Repeat Retries Repeats val task : Task[A] = ??? val retries: Int = ??? val retried1: Task[A] = task onErrorRestart (retries) val pred: Throwable => Boolean = ??? val retried2: Task[A] = task onErrorRestartIf (pred) // onErrorRestartLoop val task: Task[A] = ??? val pred: A => Boolean = ??? val repeated: Task[A] = task restartUntil (pred)
  • 62. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition ZIO SCHEDULE Monoid append zero
  • 63. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition ZIO SCHEDULE Monoid append zero Applicative map point ap
  • 64. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition ZIO SCHEDULE Monoid append zero Applicative map point ap Category id compose
  • 65. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition ZIO SCHEDULE Monoid append zero Applicative map point ap Category id compose Profunctor lmap rmap dimap
  • 66. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition ZIO SCHEDULE Monoid append zero Applicative map point ap Category id compose Profunctor lmap rmap dimap Strong first second
  • 67. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition ZIO SCHEDULE Monoid append zero Applicative map point ap Category id compose Profunctor lmap rmap dimap Strong first second Choice left right
  • 68. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition (s1 : Schedule[A, B]) && (s2 : Schedule[A, C]) : Schedule[A, (B, C)] Intersection s1 s2 s1 && s2 Continue : Boolean b1 b2 b1 && b2 Delay : Duration d1 d2 d1.max(d2) Emit : (A, B) a b (a, b)
  • 69. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition (s1 : Schedule[A, B]) || (s2 : Schedule[A, C]) : Schedule[A, (B, C)] Union s1 s2 s1 || s2 Continue : Boolean b1 b2 b1 || b2 Delay : Duration d1 d2 d1.min(d2) Emit : (A, B) a b (a, b)
  • 70. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition (s1 : Schedule[A, B]) andThen (s2 : Schedule[A, C]) : Schedule[A, Either[B, C]] Sequence A A B C s1 s2 s1 andThen s2A Either[B, C]
  • 71. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition (s1 : Schedule[A, B]) >>> (s2 : Schedule[B, C]) : Schedule[A, C] Compose A B B C s1 s2 s1 >>> s2A C
  • 72. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition (s1 : Schedule[A, B]).jittered : Schedule[A, B] Jittering A AB Bs1 s1’ Delays randomly jittered
  • 73. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition (s1 : Schedule[A, B]).collect : Schedule[A, List[B]] Collecting A AB List[C]s1 s1’ Emissions collected
  • 74. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition (s1 : Schedule[A, B]).whileInput(f: A => Boolean) : Schedule[A, B] Filtering By Input A AB Bs1 s1’ Continues while/until f returns true (s1 : Schedule[A, B]).untilInput(f: A => Boolean) : Schedule[A, B]
  • 75. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition (s1 : Schedule[A, B]).whileOutput(f: B => Boolean) : Schedule[A, B] Filtering By Output A AB Bs1 s1’ Continues while/until f returns true (s1 : Schedule[A, B]).untilOutput(f: B => Boolean) : Schedule[A, B]
  • 76. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition (s1 : Schedule[A, B]).map(f: B => C) : Schedule[A, C] Mapping A AB Cs1 s1’ B mapped to C
  • 77. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition (s1 : Schedule[A, B]) *> (s2 : Schedule[A, C]) : Schedule[A, C] (s1 && s2).map(_._2) Left / Right Ap (s1 : Schedule[A, B]) <* (s2 : Schedule[A, C]) : Schedule[A, B] (s1 && s2).map(_._1)
  • 78. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition (s1 : Schedule[A, B]).logInput(f: A => IO[Nothing, Unit]) : Schedule[A, B] Logging Inputs A AB Bs1 s1’ Inputs logged to f
  • 79. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition (s1 : Schedule[A, B]).logOutput(f: B => IO[Nothing, Unit]) : Schedule[A, B] Logging Outputs A AB Bs1 s1’ Outputs logged to f
  • 80. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Crafting a ZIO Schedule Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10 milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100 times, and emits a list of the collected inputs.
  • 81. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Crafting a ZIO Schedule Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10 milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100 times, and emits a list of the collected inputs.
  • 82. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Crafting a ZIO Schedule Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10 milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100 times, and emits a list of the collected inputs. Schedule.exponential(10.milliseconds)
  • 83. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Crafting a ZIO Schedule Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10 milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100 times, and emits a list of the collected inputs. (Schedule.exponential(10.milliseconds) andThen ???)
  • 84. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Crafting a ZIO Schedule Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10 milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100 times, and emits a list of the collected inputs. (Schedule.exponential(10.milliseconds).whileOutput(_ < 60.seconds) andThen ???)
  • 85. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Crafting a ZIO Schedule Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10 milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100 times, and emits a list of the collected inputs. (Schedule.exponential(10.milliseconds).whileOutput(_ < 60.seconds) andThen Schedule.fixed(60.seconds))
  • 86. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Crafting a ZIO Schedule Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10 milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100 times, and emits a list of the collected inputs. (Schedule.exponential(10.milliseconds).whileOutput(_ < 60.seconds) andThen (Schedule.fixed(60.seconds) && Schedule.recurs(100))
  • 87. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Crafting a ZIO Schedule Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10 milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100 times, and emits a list of the collected inputs. (Schedule.exponential(10.milliseconds).whileOutput(_ < 60.seconds) andThen (Schedule.fixed(60.seconds) && Schedule.recurs(100)).jittered
  • 88. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Crafting a ZIO Schedule Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10 milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100 times, and emits a list of the collected inputs. (Schedule.exponential(10.milliseconds).whileOutput(_ < 60.seconds) andThen (Schedule.fixed(60.seconds) && Schedule.recurs(100)).jittered *> Schedule.identity[A].collect
  • 89. What is ZIO? Retries Repeats Schedule Composition Crafting a ZIO Schedule Produce a jittered schedule that first does exponential spacing (starting from 10 milliseconds), but then after the spacing reaches 60 seconds, switches over to fixed spacing of 60 seconds between recurrences, but will only do that for up to 100 times, and emits a list of the collected inputs. def customSchedule[A]: Schedule[A, List[A]] = { import Schedule._ (exponential(10.millis).whileOutput(_ < 60.secs) andThen (fixed(60.secs) && recurs(100)).jittered *> identity[A].collect }
  • 91. Functional Scala by John A. De Goes Local Remote Date London London Time Oct 21 - 23 Paris Paris Time Oct 25 - 27 SF / SV Pacific Coast Time Nov 18 - 21 That’s A Wrap!
  • 92. THANK YOU! @jdegoes - That’s A Wrap!