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Javier EguiluzSeptember 22, 2015
Symfony 115
License of this presentation
Javier Eguiluz
Symfony Evangelist
We won't talk about
Twig basics.
We won't provide all
the low-level details.
How can
I create a
theme? Which is
the syntax of
Read the excellent Twig
documentation to get
those details.
Fast Easy to learn
Documented Concise Full featured
Extensible Tested Useful errors
Main Twig features
My favorite feature
My favorite feature
Twig defines a very
small set of features…
… which are enough to
create any template
same syntax and
behavior since day one!
easy to learn!
«Using Twig templates
is the best decision
Drupal ever made»
Built-in Drupal templates
use ~30% of the
available Twig features.
White spaces
Debug Escaping
Because you can easily
improve the performance of
your site/app.
Accessing simple variables
<p class="comment__author">{{ author }}</p>
<p class="comment__time">{{ created }}</p>
<p class="comment__permalink">{{ permalink }}</p>
Accessing complex variables
<nav>{{ content.links }}</nav>
Accessing complex variables
<nav>{{ content.links }}</nav>
This is how Twig resolves complex variables
<nav>{{ content.links }}</nav>
Twig tries all these alternatives
and uses the first one that exists.
And what about
Resolving variables is quite expensive
<nav>{{ content.links }}</nav>
Resolving a variable is the most
expensive Twig task, specially
for very complex templates.
Improving Twig performance
• Twig provides a PHP extension.
• This extension only implements
the variable resolving logic.
• See

Some Drupal variables names are special
$variables['site_slogan']['#markup'] = ...
{{ site_slogan.#markup }}
This doesn't work because
of the # character
Some Drupal variables names are special
$variables['site_slogan']['#markup'] = ...
{{ site_slogan.#markup }}
This doesn't work because
of the # character
{{ site_slogan['#markup'] }}
{{ attribute(site_slogan, '#markup') }}
Because sooner or later
errors will happen. What
matters is how you deal
with them.
Dealing with undefined/empty variables
is empty defaultis defined
is null {% if %}
The two recommended safeguards
{% if variable %}
{% endif %}
Hi {{ variable|default('user') }}
The two recommended safeguards
{% if variable %}
{% endif %}
Hi {{ variable|default('user') }}
It checks that variable is not null
or empty or zero
ONLY works if variable is defined
The two recommended safeguards
{% if variable %}
{% endif %}
Hi {{ variable|default('user') }}
It checks that variable is not null
or empty or zero
ONLY works if variable is defined
It checks that variable is not null,
empty or undefined
It ALWAYS works as expected
Combining both safeguards
{% if variable|default('user') %}
{% endif %} It doesn't matter if the variable is not
defined, because the expression will
always have a default value.
Checking that the variable is defined
{% if variable is defined %}
{% endif %} A good practice when the rendered
template cannot be sure about the
variables passed from the code.
In Drupal 8 this problem should not
happen (the variable list is strict).
Other safeguards available
{% if variable is null %} ... {% endif %}
{% if variable is empty %} ... {% endif %}
{% if variable is not empty %} ... {% endif %}
Be ready when iterating empty collections
{% for item in collection %}
{% else %}
There are no items.
{% endfor %}
Filter values before using them in the loop
{% for item in collection if item.published %}
{% else %}
There are no items.
{% endfor %}
Avoid missing templates
{{ include('menu.twig') }}
This will always work because our
theme will provide this template.
Avoid missing templates
{{ include('menu.twig') }}
This will always work because our
theme will provide this template.
Templates with dynamic
paths are very prone to error
{{ include('users/' ~ ~ '/bio.twig') }}
Define fallback templates
{{ include([
'users/' ~ ~ '/bio.twig',
'users/' ~ ~ '/default.twig',
]) }}
Twig includes the first
template that exists
Avoid missing templates
• Sometimes it's not possible to provide fallback
• Moreover, in some cases, it's better to ignore the
missing template instead of displaying an error to
the user.
Ignore missing templates
{{ include('template.twig', ignore_missing = true) }}
{{ source('template.twig', ignore_missing = true) }}
{% embed 'template.twig' ignore missing %}
{% endembed %}
Ignore missing templates
{{ include('template.twig', ignore_missing = true) }}
{{ source('template.twig', ignore_missing = true) }}
{% embed 'template.twig' ignore missing %}
{% endembed %} NOTE
no underscore here
Twig filters defined by Drupal 8
{{ value|t }}
{{ value|trans }}
{{ value|passthrough }}
{{ value|placeholder }}
{{ value|drupal_escape }}
{{ value|safe_join }}
{{ value|without }}
{{ value|clean_class }}
{{ value|clean_id }}
{{ value|render }}
It's common for a long-
standing and complex project
to add and remove filters.
If Drupal removes a filter
used by your templates, your
site/app will break.
Declare filters as deprecated
new Twig_SimpleFilter('old_filter', ..., array(
'deprecated' => true,
'alternative' => 'new_filter'
Declare filters as deprecated
new Twig_SimpleFilter('old_filter', ..., array(
'deprecated' => true,
'alternative' => 'new_filter'
These deprecations notices are not displayed or logged
anywhere on Drupal yet.
Avoid missing blocks
{% if 'title' is block %}
<title>{{ block('title') }}<title>
{% endif %}
This feature is not available yet. It will be included in the
upcoming 1.23 version of Twig.
Avoid missing blocks
{% if 'title' is block %}
<title>{{ block('title') }}<title>
{% endif %}
Because it will make your
templates more readable
and it will save you time.
The "problem" of white spaces
Twig template HTML page
{% for i in 1..3 %}
<li>{{ i }}</li>
{% endfor %}
The "problem" of white spaces
Twig template HTML page
{% for i in 1..3 %}
<li>{{ i }}</li>
{% endfor %}
The "problem" of white spaces
Twig template HTML page
{% for i in 1..3 %}
<li>{{ i }}</li>
{% endfor %}
The "problem" of white spaces
Twig template HTML page
{% for i in 1..3 %}
<li>{{ i }}</li>
{% endfor %}
The "problem" of white spaces
Twig template HTML page
{% for i in 1..3 %}
<li>{{ i }}</li>
{% endfor %}
The "problem" of white spaces
Twig template HTML page
Removing white spaces
{%- for i in 1..3 -%}
<li>{{ i }}</li>
{%- endfor -%}
{% spaceless %}
{% for i in 1..3 %}
<li>{{ i }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endspaceless %}
Please, don't waste
your time dealing with
white spaces.
Twig templates
should be readable
HTML pages
should not
Twig templates
should be readable
HTML pages
should not
this is where you
work everyday
browsers get a minimized
and compressed HTML mess
Sometimes you
should add white
White spaces around HTML attributes
<h2{{ title_attributes }}>{{ label }}</h2>
White spaces around HTML attributes
<h2{{ title_attributes }}>{{ label }}</h2>
White spaces around HTML attributes
<h2{{ title_attributes }}>{{ label }}</h2>
no white space when
the attributes are empty
<h2 class="..."> ... </h2>
<h2> ... </h2>
Add white spaces to separate Twig & HTML
<h2 {{ title_attributes }}>{{ label }}</h2>
<h2 class="..."> ... </h2>
<h2 > ... </h2>
Add white spaces to separate Twig & HTML
<h2 {{ title_attributes }}>{{ label }}</h2>
<h2 class="..."> ... </h2>
<h2 > ... </h2>
white space when the
attributes are empty
Add white spaces to separate Twig & HTML
<h2 {{ title_attributes }}>{{ label }}</h2>
<h2 class="..."> ... </h2>
<h2 > ... </h2>
white space when the
attributes are empty
Twig template is
more readable
HTML code with white
spaces is still valid
Hiding HTML code inside Twig strings
<div id="site-name"{{ hide_name ? ' class="hidden"' }}>
<div id="site-name">
<div id="site-name" class="hidden">
Hiding HTML code inside Twig strings
<div id="site-name"{{ hide_name ? ' class="hidden"' }}>
<div id="site-name">
<div id="site-name" class="hidden">
Hiding HTML code inside Twig strings
<div id="site-name"{{ hide_name ? ' class="hidden"' }}>
<div id="site-name">
<div id="site-name" class="hidden">
HTML attributes
defined in Twig strings
are easy to overlook
Hiding HTML code inside Twig strings
<div id="site-name"{{ hide_name ? ' class="hidden"' }}>
<div id="site-name">
<div id="site-name" class="hidden">
HTML attributes
defined in Twig strings
are easy to overlook
If you miss this single
white space, the page
design breaks
Don't hide HTML code inside Twig strings
<div id="site-name" class="{{ hide_name ? 'hidden' }}">
<div id="site-name" class="">
<div id="site-name" class="hidden">
HTML & Twig
are decoupled
A single white space
won't break the page
Don't hide HTML code inside Twig strings
<div id="site-name" class="{{ hide_name ? 'hidden' }}">
<div id="site-name" class="">
<div id="site-name" class="hidden">
Valid HTML code
(tested with the W3C validator)
HTML & Twig
are decoupled
A single white space
won't break the page
Because it will save you a
lot of time while developing
your templates.
Configure Twig behavior
# sites/default/services.yml
debug: true
auto_reload: null
cache: true
Configure Twig behavior
# sites/default/services.yml
debug: true
auto_reload: null
cache: true
Include debug information in
the rendered HTML contents
In production server,
always set it to false
HTML content of a rendered Drupal template
<div id="block-bartik-login" class="contextual-region block block-user block-user-login-block"
<h2>User login</h2>
<div data-contextual-id="block:block=bartik_login:langcode=en"></div>
<div class="content">
<form class="user-login-form" data-drupal-selector="user-login-form" action="/node?destination=/
node" method="post" id="user-login-form" accept-charset="UTF-8">
<!-- ... -->
HTML content when Twig debug is enabled
<!-- THEME DEBUG -->
<!-- THEME HOOK: 'block' -->
* block--bartik-login.html.twig
* block--user-login-block.html.twig
* block--user.html.twig
x block.html.twig
<!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/themes/bartik/templates/block.html.twig' -->
<div id="block-bartik-login" class="contextual-region block block-user block-user-login-block"
<h2>User login</h2>
<div data-contextual-id="block:block=bartik_login:langcode=en"></div>
<div class="content">
<!-- THEME DEBUG -->
<!-- THEME HOOK: 'form' -->
<!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/themes/classy/templates/form/form.html.twig' -->
<form class="user-login-form" data-drupal-selector="user-login-form" action="/node?destination=/
How to override the current template
<!-- THEME DEBUG -->
<!-- THEME HOOK: 'block' -->
* block--bartik-login.html.twig
* block--user-login-block.html.twig
* block--user.html.twig
x block.html.twig
<!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/themes/bartik/templates/block.html.twig' -->
How to override the current template
<!-- THEME DEBUG -->
<!-- THEME HOOK: 'block' -->
* block--bartik-login.html.twig
* block--user-login-block.html.twig
* block--user.html.twig
x block.html.twig
<!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/themes/bartik/templates/block.html.twig' -->
Drupal tried to use all these
How to override the current template
<!-- THEME DEBUG -->
<!-- THEME HOOK: 'block' -->
* block--bartik-login.html.twig
* block--user-login-block.html.twig
* block--user.html.twig
x block.html.twig
<!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/themes/bartik/templates/block.html.twig' -->
…before deciding to use this
Drupal tried to use all these
Which variables are passed to the template?
Built-in templates include
comments with the full
list of variables passed to
the Twig template.
Easier way to introspect all variables
{{ dump() }}
Easier way to introspect all variables
{{ dump() }}
It dumps the contents
of all the variables
defined in the template.
It's better to dump just the variables you need
{{ dump(label, title_attributes) }}
It's better to dump just the variables you need
{{ dump(label, title_attributes) }}
It dumps only the
given variables
Don't forget to rebuild your
cache after changing the
config files and templates.
$ drupal cache:rebuild
$ drupal c:r
Because it can prevent you
a lot of security-related
Drupal has replaced the
default Twig escaping filter
by their own.
By default, contents are escaped for HTML
Hi {{ content }}!
$content = '<strong>John</strong>';
By default, contents are escaped for HTML
Hi {{ content }}!
$content = '<strong>John</strong>';
What you expect…
Hi John!
What you get…
Hi <strong>John
The "raw" filter prevents the escaping
Hi {{ content|raw }}!
$content = '<strong>John</strong>';
The "raw" filter prevents the escaping
Hi {{ content|raw }}!
$content = '<strong>John</strong>';
What you expect…
Hi John!
What you get…
Hi John!
What if contents are used in URLs or JS?
<a href="...?param={{ value }}"></a>
var variable = "{{ content }}";
What if contents are used in URLs or JS?
<a href="...?param={{ value }}"></a>
var variable = "{{ content }}";
Applying different escaping strategies
<a href="...?param={{ value|e('url') }}"></a>
var variable = "{{ content|e('js') }}";
Escaping strategies available in Twig
{{ content|e('html') }}
{{ content|e('js') }}
{{ content|e('css') }}
{{ content|e('url') }}
{{ content|e('html_attr') }}
Because it allows you to
avoid repeating code and it
makes your themes easier
to maintain.
Lots of different ways to reuse templates
{% embed %} {% extends %}include()
{% set %} {% use %}macro()
How often are these alternatives used
{% embed %}
{% extends %} include( )
{% set %} {% use %}
macro( )
Lots of different ways to reuse templates
{% embed %} {% extends %}include()
{% set %} {% use %}macro()
Use {% extends %} to share layouts
Use {% extends %} to share layouts
1 layout with the common design elements
Use {% extends %} to share layouts
1 layout with the common design elements
4 simple pages which only define their contents
<!DOCTYPE html>
{% block title %}ACME website{% endblock %}
<div class="container">
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
{% block title %}ACME website{% endblock %}
<div class="container">
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
Other templates can reuse this layout
{% extends 'layout.twig' %}
{% block title %}Community{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<div> ... </div>
{% endblock %}
When should you use {% extends %}
• To create the layout of your theme.
• If your site/app is very complex, create two
inheritance levels (base layout and section layouts).
layout.twig schedule.twig training.twig
extends layout.twig extends schedule.twig
Lots of different ways to reuse templates
{% embed %} {% extends %}include()
{% set %} {% use %}macro()
Reusing templates with include( )
{{ include('listing.twig') }}
{% for item in items %}
<h2>{{ item.title }}</h2>
<p>{{ item.content }}</p>
{% endfor %}
When should you use include( )
• To reuse large fragments of code, such as sidebars,
navigation menus, etc.
Lots of different ways to reuse templates
{% embed %} {% extends %}include()
{% set %} {% use %}macro()
Repetitive HTML fragments
<div class="form-group">
<label for="{{ id }}">{{ label }}</label>
<input type="{{ type }}" class="form-control"
id="{{ id }}">
</div> Repeating the same HTML
code for all the form fields
is cumbersome
Reusing fragments with macro( )
{% macro form_field(id, label, type="text") %}
<div class="form-group">
<label for="{{ id }}">{{ label }}</label>
<input type="{{ type }}" class="form-control"
id="{{ id }}">
{% endmacro %}
Using "macros" inside templates
{% import _self as macro %}
{{ macro.form_field('first_name', 'First Name') }}
{{ macro.form_field('last_name', 'Last Name') }}
{{ macro.form_field('email', 'Email', 'email') }}
Using "macros" inside templates
{% import _self as macro %}
{{ macro.form_field('first_name', 'First Name') }}
{{ macro.form_field('last_name', 'Last Name') }}
{{ macro.form_field('email', 'Email', 'email') }}
Before using a macro, you must
"import" them (they can be
defined in a different template)
When should you use macro( )
• To reuse short fragments of code, usually in the
same template (e.g. listings, grids, forms, etc.)
• If your site/app is very complex, store all the macros
in a single file and reuse it from any other template.
Lots of different ways to reuse templates
{% embed %} {% extends %}include()
{% set %} {% use %}macro()
Grid-based design
embed allows to reuse inner page
structures (e.g. the 3-column grid)
Grid-based design
embed allows to reuse inner page
structures (e.g. the 3-column grid)
You can't use "include" to solve this problem
{{ include('common/grid_3.twig') }}
You can't use "include" to solve this problem
{{ include('common/grid_3.twig') }}
you can't change the included
contents (you include both the
structure and the content)
You can't use "extends" to solve this problem
{% extends 'common/grid_3.twig' %}
{% block column1 %} ... {% endblock %}
{% block column2 %} ... {% endblock %}
{% block column3 %} ... {% endblock %}
You can't use "extends" to solve this problem
{% extends 'common/grid_3.twig' %}
{% block column1 %} ... {% endblock %}
{% block column2 %} ... {% endblock %}
{% block column3 %} ... {% endblock %}
you can't make the whole structure
of the page (grid 2, grid 3, etc.)
because you can't extend from
multiple templates at the same time
Define a three-column grid template
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
{% block column1 %}{% endblock %}
<div class="col-md-4">
{% block column2 %}{% endblock %}
<div class="col-md-4">
{% block column3 %}{% endblock %}
Reuse the three-column grid template
{% embed 'common/grid_3.twig' %}
{% block column1 %}
... contents ...
{% endblock %}
{% block column2 %}
... contents ...
{% endblock %}
{% block column3 %}
... contents ...
{% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
When should you use {% embed %}
• To reuse page structures across different templates
(e.g. grids)
Lots of different ways to reuse templates
{% embed %} {% extends %}include()
{% set %} {% use %}macro()
Reusing fragments with {% set %}
{% set navigation %}
<a href="...">Previous</a>
<a href="...">Next</a>
{% endset %}
Reusing fragments with {% set %}
{% set navigation %}
<a href="...">Previous</a>
<a href="...">Next</a>
{% endset %} {{ navigation }}
{{ navigation }}
When should you use {% set %}
• To reuse short fragments of code inside a template
(if those fragments are configurable, use a macro).
• It's like an internal include() made from inside the
template itself.
Lots of different ways to reuse templates
{% embed %} {% extends %}include()
{% set %} {% use %}macro()
When should you use {% use %}
• This is too advanced and for very specific use
• You should probably never use it when creating
Because Drupal allows to
create sites with very
advanced needs.
Templates created on-the-fly
{% set code = 'Hi {{ name }}' %}
{% set template = template_from_string(code) %}
{{ include(template) }}
Templates created on-the-fly
{% set code = 'Hi {{ name }}' %}
{% set template = template_from_string(code) %}
{{ include(template) }}
{% extends template %}
{% embed template %} It works here too
Templates created on-the-fly
{{ include(template_from_string(
'Hi {{ name }}'
)) }}
Templates created and modified on-the-fly
{% set code = 'Hi {{ name }}' %}
{% set code = code|replace({ 'Hi': 'Bye' }) %}
{% set template = template_from_string(code) %}
{{ include(template) }}
Getting the source of any template
{{ source('core/modules/block/templates/
block.html.twig') }}
It gets the source of the
given template without
actually rendering it.
Imagine a site which allows this customization
Section 1
Section 2
Default design
Customizable site
• Users can provide their own Twig snippets to
customize the design and content of some sections.
• Problem: even if customization is restricted to a
group of controlled users (e.g. "editors") you can't
trust those templates.
Twig Sandbox
• It's used to render "untrusted templates".
• It restricts the Twig features that can be used by the
• Useful for letting users create their own templates
and maintain the application safe.
Twig Sandbox in practice
{% sandbox %}
{{ include( ~ '/sidebar.twig') }}
{% endsandbox %}
{{ include( ~ '/sidebar.twig',
sandboxed = true) }}
Twig Sandbox in practice
$policy = new Twig_Sandbox_SecurityPolicy(
$sandbox = new Twig_Extension_Sandbox($policy);
Policy is defined as a
white-list of allowed
tags, filters, etc.
Twig Sandbox policy sample
$properties = array(
'configuration' => array('label', 'module'),
'block' => array('module'),
$policy = new Twig_Sandbox_SecurityPolicy(
$tags, $filters, $methods, $properties, $functions
Because dealing with dates
is not easy and Twig can
perform a lot of operations
on dates.
Timezones support
{{ 'now'|date(timezone='Asia/Tokyo') }}
{{ 'now'|date(timezone=user.timezone) }}
Comparing dates
{% if event.startsAt > date('now') %}
Buy tickets
{% endif %}
Comparing dates
{% if event.startsAt > date('now') %}
Buy tickets
{% endif %}
NOTE This is the date( )
function, not the date filter
Modifying dates semantically
Early Bird ends at
{{ event.startsAt|date_modify('-15 days')|date }}
Confirm your sign up before
{{ user.createdAt|date_modify('+48 hours')|date }}
These are some of the
features that put Twig
years ahead of PHP
Useful filters for collections
{{ user.friends|first }}
{{ event.sessions|last }}
Useful tests for strings
{% if url starts with 'https://' %}
{% endif %}
{% if file_path ends with '.pdf' %}
{% endif %}
{% if phone matches '/^[d.]+$/' %}
{% endif %}
Useful tests for strings
{% if url starts with 'https://' %}
{% endif %}
{% if file_path ends with '.pdf' %}
{% endif %}
{% if phone matches '/^[d.]+$/' %}
{% endif %}
The "in" operator
{% if password in username %}
{% endif %}
{% if method in ['GET', 'POST'] %}
{% endif %}
The "in" operator
{% if password in username %}
{% endif %}
{% if method in ['GET', 'POST'] %}
{% endif %}
Named parameters
{{ content|convert_encoding('UTF-8', 'iso-2022-jp') }}
Named parameters
{{ content|convert_encoding('UTF-8', 'iso-2022-jp') }}
which is the original charset and
which one the target charset?
Named parameters
{{ content|convert_encoding('UTF-8', 'iso-2022-jp') }}
which is the original charset and
which one the target charset?
{{ content|convert_encoding(
from = 'UTF-8', to = 'iso-2022-jp'
) }}
Named parameters
{{ content|convert_encoding('UTF-8', 'iso-2022-jp') }}
which is the original charset and
which one the target charset?
{{ content|convert_encoding(
from = 'UTF-8', to = 'iso-2022-jp'
) }}
{{ content|convert_encoding(
to = 'UTF-8', from = 'iso-2022-jp'
) }}
Named parameters
{{ content|convert_encoding('UTF-8', 'iso-2022-jp') }}
which is the original charset and
which one the target charset?
{{ content|convert_encoding(
from = 'UTF-8', to = 'iso-2022-jp'
) }}
{{ content|convert_encoding(
to = 'UTF-8', from = 'iso-2022-jp'
) }}
Named parameters
{{ include('template.html', {}, true, true) }}
{{ include('template.html', ignore_missing = true) }}
template variables
It's common to do things in batches
Image gallery
2 3
4 5 6
The HTML of the image gallery
<div class="row">
<div class="image"> ... </div>
<div class="image"> ... </div>
<div class="image"> ... </div>
<div class="row">
<div class="image"> ... </div>
<div class="image"> ... </div>
<div class="image"> ... </div>
The template without the "batch" filter
{% for i, image in images %}
{% if i is divisible by(3) %} <div class="row"> {% endif %}
<div class="image">
<img src="" alt="" >
{% if i is divisible by(3) %} </div> {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
The template without the "batch" filter
{% for i, image in images %}
{% if i is divisible by(3) %} <div class="row"> {% endif %}
<div class="image">
<img src="" alt="" >
{% if i is divisible by(3) %} </div> {% endif %}
{% endfor %}
The template with the "batch" filter
{% for row in images|batch(3) %}
<div class="row">
{% for image in row %}
<div class="image">
<img src="" alt="" >
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
The template with the "batch" filter
{% for row in images|batch(3) %}
<div class="row">
{% for image in row %}
<div class="image">
<img src="" alt="" >
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Short ternary operator
$result = $condition ? 'is true';
Short ternary operator
$result = $condition ? 'is true';
ERROR Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' on line 1
Short ternary operator
$result = $condition ? 'is true';
ERROR Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' on line 1
{{ condition ? 'is true' }}
Short ternary operator
$result = $condition ? 'is true';
ERROR Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' on line 1
OK This works perfectly on Twig
{{ condition ? 'is true' }}
Short ternary operator
<li class="{{ condition ? 'selected' }}">
<li class="{{ condition ? 'selected' : '' }}">
Short ternary operator
<li class="{{ condition ? 'selected' }}">
<li class="{{ condition ? 'selected' : '' }}">
always use this
Short slice syntax
{{ user.friends[0:3] }}
{{ user.friends[:-3] }}
It combines array_slice, mb_substr
and substr PHP functions.
get first three friends
get last three friends
Short slice syntax
{{ '0123456789'[0:] }} {# 0123456789 #}
{{ '0123456789'[1:] }} {# 123456789 #}
{{ '0123456789'[20:] }} {# (empty) #}
{{ '0123456789'[-5:] }} {# 56789 #}
{{ '0123456789'[-1:] }} {# 9 #}
{{ '0123456789'[1:5] }} {# 12345 #}
{{ '0123456789'[1:-5] }} {# 1234 #}
The "loop" magic variable
Everyone needs an $i variable inside
the for loop. So Twig provides you
this and other useful variables.
The "loop" variable exists only inside the "for"
{% for ... in collection %}
{{ loop.index }}
{{ loop.index0 }}
{{ loop.first }}
{{ loop.last }}
{{ loop.length }}
{% endfor %}
The "loop" variable exists only inside the "for"
{% for ... in collection %}
{{ loop.index }}
{{ loop.index0 }}
{{ loop.first }}
{{ loop.last }}
{{ loop.length }}
{% endfor %}
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
true, false, false, ...
..., false, false, true
{{|image(400, 150, 0.9) }}
The problem with filter arguments
{{|image(400, 150, 0.9) }}
The problem with filter arguments
What if I need to define more arguments?
{{|image(400, 150, 0.9) }}
width = 400, height = 150, opacity = 0.9
) }}
The problem with filter arguments
What if I need to define more arguments?
{{|image(400, 150, 0.9) }}
width = 400, height = 150, opacity = 0.9
) }}
The problem with filter arguments
What if I need to define more arguments?
this is a valid solution for Twig, but the
underlying PHP code is still very complex
Defining a filter with lots or arguments
$filter = new Twig_SimpleFilter('image', function (
$path, $width, $height, $opacity
) {
$path = ...
$width = ...
$height = ...
$opacity = ...
$filter = new Twig_SimpleFilter('image', function (
$path, $options = array()
) {
$path = ...
$width = $options['width'];
$height = $options['height'];
$opacity = $options['opacity'];
}, array('is_variadic' => true));
Defining a variadic filter
$filter = new Twig_SimpleFilter('image', function (
$path, $options = array()
) {
$path = ...
$width = $options['width'];
$height = $options['height'];
$opacity = $options['opacity'];
}, array('is_variadic' => true));
Defining a variadic filter
a single variadic parameter holds any
number of passed parameters (unlimited)
$filter = new Twig_SimpleFilter('image', function (
$path, $options = array()
) {
$path = ...
$width = $options['width'];
$height = $options['height'];
$opacity = $options['opacity'];
}, array('is_variadic' => true));
Defining a variadic filter
a single variadic parameter holds any
number of passed parameters (unlimited)
«Using Twig templates
is the best decision
Drupal ever made»
Drupal 8 templates are
safe, concise, modern
and consistent.
Drupal 8 templates are
safe, concise, modern
and consistent.
Drupal 8 themes
• Official Twig documentation

• Twig in Drupal 8
Contact info
Mastering Twig (DrupalCon Barcelona 2015)

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Mastering Twig (DrupalCon Barcelona 2015)

  • 1. Javier EguiluzSeptember 22, 2015 Twig TRACK ROOM DATE SPEAKER Symfony 115 Mastering
  • 2. License of this presentation
  • 6. We won't talk about Twig basics. We won't provide all the low-level details. How can I create a theme? Which is the syntax of Twig? Read the excellent Twig documentation to get those details.
  • 8. Fast Easy to learn Documented Concise Full featured Extensible Tested Useful errors Secure Main Twig features
  • 10. My favorite feature Twig defines a very small set of features… … which are enough to create any template Consistent same syntax and behavior since day one! easy to learn!
  • 11. «Using Twig templates is the best decision Drupal ever made»
  • 12. DRUPAL 8 TWIG Built-in Drupal templates use ~30% of the available Twig features.
  • 16. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?? Because you can easily improve the performance of your site/app.
  • 17. Accessing simple variables ! <p class="comment__author">{{ author }}</p> <p class="comment__time">{{ created }}</p> <p class="comment__permalink">{{ permalink }}</p> core/themes/bartik/templates/comment.html.twig
  • 18. Accessing complex variables ! <nav>{{ content.links }}</nav> core/themes/bartik/templates/comment.html.twig
  • 19. Accessing complex variables ! <nav>{{ content.links }}</nav> core/themes/bartik/templates/comment.html.twig
  • 20. This is how Twig resolves complex variables <nav>{{ content.links }}</nav> ! $content['links'] $content->links $content->links() $content->getLinks() $content->isLinks() null Twig tries all these alternatives and uses the first one that exists.
  • 22. Resolving variables is quite expensive <nav>{{ content.links }}</nav> ! $content['links'] $content->links $content->links() $content->getLinks() $content->isLinks() null Resolving a variable is the most expensive Twig task, specially for very complex templates.
  • 23. Improving Twig performance • Twig provides a PHP extension. • This extension only implements the variable resolving logic. • See installation.html#installing-the- c-extension EXPECTED
  • 24. Some Drupal variables names are special ! $variables['site_slogan']['#markup'] = ... ! {{ site_slogan.#markup }} core/themes/bartik/bartik.theme This doesn't work because of the # character
  • 25. Some Drupal variables names are special ! $variables['site_slogan']['#markup'] = ... ! {{ site_slogan.#markup }} core/themes/bartik/bartik.theme This doesn't work because of the # character {{ site_slogan['#markup'] }} {{ attribute(site_slogan, '#markup') }}
  • 27. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?? Because sooner or later errors will happen. What matters is how you deal with them.
  • 28. Dealing with undefined/empty variables is empty defaultis defined is null {% if %}
  • 29. The two recommended safeguards {% if variable %} ... {% endif %} ! ! Hi {{ variable|default('user') }}
  • 30. The two recommended safeguards {% if variable %} ... {% endif %} ! ! Hi {{ variable|default('user') }} It checks that variable is not null or empty or zero ! ONLY works if variable is defined
  • 31. The two recommended safeguards {% if variable %} ... {% endif %} ! ! Hi {{ variable|default('user') }} It checks that variable is not null or empty or zero ! ONLY works if variable is defined It checks that variable is not null, empty or undefined ! It ALWAYS works as expected
  • 32. Combining both safeguards {% if variable|default('user') %} ... {% endif %} It doesn't matter if the variable is not defined, because the expression will always have a default value.
  • 33. Checking that the variable is defined {% if variable is defined %} ... {% endif %} A good practice when the rendered template cannot be sure about the variables passed from the code. ! In Drupal 8 this problem should not happen (the variable list is strict).
  • 34. Other safeguards available {% if variable is null %} ... {% endif %} ! ! {% if variable is empty %} ... {% endif %} {% if variable is not empty %} ... {% endif %}
  • 35. Be ready when iterating empty collections {% for item in collection %} ... {% else %} There are no items. {% endfor %}
  • 36. Filter values before using them in the loop {% for item in collection if item.published %} ... {% else %} There are no items. {% endfor %}
  • 37. Avoid missing templates {{ include('menu.twig') }} This will always work because our theme will provide this template.
  • 38. Avoid missing templates {{ include('menu.twig') }} This will always work because our theme will provide this template. Templates with dynamic paths are very prone to error {{ include('users/' ~ ~ '/bio.twig') }}
  • 39. Define fallback templates {{ include([ 'users/' ~ ~ '/bio.twig', 'users/' ~ ~ '/default.twig', 'common/user_bio.twig' ]) }} Twig includes the first template that exists
  • 40. Avoid missing templates • Sometimes it's not possible to provide fallback templates. • Moreover, in some cases, it's better to ignore the missing template instead of displaying an error to the user.
  • 41. Ignore missing templates {{ include('template.twig', ignore_missing = true) }} ! {{ source('template.twig', ignore_missing = true) }} ! {% embed 'template.twig' ignore missing %} ... {% endembed %}
  • 42. Ignore missing templates {{ include('template.twig', ignore_missing = true) }} ! {{ source('template.twig', ignore_missing = true) }} ! {% embed 'template.twig' ignore missing %} ... {% endembed %} NOTE no underscore here
  • 43. Twig filters defined by Drupal 8 {{ value|t }} {{ value|trans }} {{ value|passthrough }} {{ value|placeholder }} {{ value|drupal_escape }} {{ value|safe_join }} {{ value|without }} {{ value|clean_class }} {{ value|clean_id }} {{ value|render }} It's common for a long- standing and complex project to add and remove filters. ! If Drupal removes a filter used by your templates, your site/app will break.
  • 44. Declare filters as deprecated new Twig_SimpleFilter('old_filter', ..., array( 'deprecated' => true, 'alternative' => 'new_filter' ));
  • 45. Declare filters as deprecated new Twig_SimpleFilter('old_filter', ..., array( 'deprecated' => true, 'alternative' => 'new_filter' )); These deprecations notices are not displayed or logged anywhere on Drupal yet. NOTE
  • 46. Avoid missing blocks {% if 'title' is block %} <title>{{ block('title') }}<title> {% endif %}
  • 47. This feature is not available yet. It will be included in the upcoming 1.23 version of Twig. NOTE Avoid missing blocks {% if 'title' is block %} <title>{{ block('title') }}<title> {% endif %}
  • 49. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?? Because it will make your templates more readable and it will save you time.
  • 51. <ul> {% for i in 1..3 %} <li>{{ i }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> <ul> <li>1</li> <li>2</li> <li>3</li> </ul> The "problem" of white spaces Twig template HTML page
  • 52. <ul> {% for i in 1..3 %} <li>{{ i }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> <ul> <li>1</li> <li>2</li> <li>3</li> </ul> The "problem" of white spaces Twig template HTML page
  • 53. <ul> {% for i in 1..3 %} <li>{{ i }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> <ul> <li>1</li> <li>2</li> <li>3</li> </ul> The "problem" of white spaces Twig template HTML page
  • 54. <ul> {% for i in 1..3 %} <li>{{ i }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> <ul> <li>1</li> <li>2</li> <li>3</li> </ul> The "problem" of white spaces Twig template HTML page
  • 55. <ul> {% for i in 1..3 %} <li>{{ i }}</li> {% endfor %} </ul> <ul> <li>1</li> <li>2</li> <li>3</li> </ul> The "problem" of white spaces Twig template HTML page
  • 56. Removing white spaces <ul> {%- for i in 1..3 -%} <li>{{ i }}</li> {%- endfor -%} </ul> <ul> {% spaceless %} {% for i in 1..3 %} <li>{{ i }}</li> {% endfor %} {% endspaceless %} </ul>
  • 57. Please, don't waste your time dealing with white spaces.
  • 58. ! Twig templates should be readable HTML pages should not !
  • 59. ! Twig templates should be readable HTML pages should not this is where you work everyday ! browsers get a minimized and compressed HTML mess
  • 60. Sometimes you should add white spaces…
  • 61. White spaces around HTML attributes <h2{{ title_attributes }}>{{ label }}</h2> core/modules/block/templates/block.html.twig
  • 62. White spaces around HTML attributes <h2{{ title_attributes }}>{{ label }}</h2> core/modules/block/templates/block.html.twig
  • 63. White spaces around HTML attributes <h2{{ title_attributes }}>{{ label }}</h2> core/modules/block/templates/block.html.twig no white space when the attributes are empty <h2 class="..."> ... </h2> <h2> ... </h2>
  • 64. Add white spaces to separate Twig & HTML <h2 {{ title_attributes }}>{{ label }}</h2> ! ! <h2 class="..."> ... </h2> <h2 > ... </h2>
  • 65. Add white spaces to separate Twig & HTML <h2 {{ title_attributes }}>{{ label }}</h2> ! ! <h2 class="..."> ... </h2> <h2 > ... </h2> white space when the attributes are empty
  • 66. Add white spaces to separate Twig & HTML <h2 {{ title_attributes }}>{{ label }}</h2> ! ! <h2 class="..."> ... </h2> <h2 > ... </h2> white space when the attributes are empty IT DOES NOT MATTER Twig template is more readable HTML code with white spaces is still valid
  • 67. Hiding HTML code inside Twig strings <div id="site-name"{{ hide_name ? ' class="hidden"' }}> ! ! ! ! ! <div id="site-name"> <div id="site-name" class="hidden"> core/themes/bartik/templates/maintenance-page.html.twig
  • 68. Hiding HTML code inside Twig strings <div id="site-name"{{ hide_name ? ' class="hidden"' }}> ! ! ! ! ! <div id="site-name"> <div id="site-name" class="hidden"> core/themes/bartik/templates/maintenance-page.html.twig
  • 69. Hiding HTML code inside Twig strings <div id="site-name"{{ hide_name ? ' class="hidden"' }}> ! ! ! ! ! <div id="site-name"> <div id="site-name" class="hidden"> WARNING HTML attributes defined in Twig strings are easy to overlook core/themes/bartik/templates/maintenance-page.html.twig
  • 70. Hiding HTML code inside Twig strings <div id="site-name"{{ hide_name ? ' class="hidden"' }}> ! ! ! ! ! <div id="site-name"> <div id="site-name" class="hidden"> WARNING HTML attributes defined in Twig strings are easy to overlook core/themes/bartik/templates/maintenance-page.html.twig DANGER If you miss this single white space, the page design breaks
  • 71. Don't hide HTML code inside Twig strings <div id="site-name" class="{{ hide_name ? 'hidden' }}"> ! ! ! ! ! <div id="site-name" class=""> <div id="site-name" class="hidden"> HTML & Twig are decoupled A single white space won't break the page
  • 72. Don't hide HTML code inside Twig strings <div id="site-name" class="{{ hide_name ? 'hidden' }}"> ! ! ! ! ! <div id="site-name" class=""> <div id="site-name" class="hidden"> Valid HTML code (tested with the W3C validator) HTML & Twig are decoupled A single white space won't break the page
  • 73. DEBUG
  • 74. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?? Because it will save you a lot of time while developing your templates.
  • 75. Configure Twig behavior # sites/default/services.yml parameters: twig.config: debug: true auto_reload: null cache: true
  • 76. Configure Twig behavior # sites/default/services.yml parameters: twig.config: debug: true auto_reload: null cache: true Include debug information in the rendered HTML contents In production server, always set it to false
  • 77. HTML content of a rendered Drupal template <div id="block-bartik-login" class="contextual-region block block-user block-user-login-block" role="form"> <h2>User login</h2> <div data-contextual-id="block:block=bartik_login:langcode=en"></div> <div class="content"> ! <form class="user-login-form" data-drupal-selector="user-login-form" action="/node?destination=/ node" method="post" id="user-login-form" accept-charset="UTF-8"> ! <!-- ... -->
  • 78. HTML content when Twig debug is enabled <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'block' --> <!-- FILE NAME SUGGESTIONS: * block--bartik-login.html.twig * block--user-login-block.html.twig * block--user.html.twig x block.html.twig --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/themes/bartik/templates/block.html.twig' --> <div id="block-bartik-login" class="contextual-region block block-user block-user-login-block" role="form"> <h2>User login</h2> <div data-contextual-id="block:block=bartik_login:langcode=en"></div> <div class="content"> ! <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'form' --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/themes/classy/templates/form/form.html.twig' --> <form class="user-login-form" data-drupal-selector="user-login-form" action="/node?destination=/
  • 79. How to override the current template <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'block' --> <!-- FILE NAME SUGGESTIONS: * block--bartik-login.html.twig * block--user-login-block.html.twig * block--user.html.twig x block.html.twig --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/themes/bartik/templates/block.html.twig' -->
  • 80. How to override the current template <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'block' --> <!-- FILE NAME SUGGESTIONS: * block--bartik-login.html.twig * block--user-login-block.html.twig * block--user.html.twig x block.html.twig --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/themes/bartik/templates/block.html.twig' --> Drupal tried to use all these templates…
  • 81. How to override the current template <!-- THEME DEBUG --> <!-- THEME HOOK: 'block' --> <!-- FILE NAME SUGGESTIONS: * block--bartik-login.html.twig * block--user-login-block.html.twig * block--user.html.twig x block.html.twig --> <!-- BEGIN OUTPUT from 'core/themes/bartik/templates/block.html.twig' --> …before deciding to use this template. Drupal tried to use all these templates…
  • 82. Which variables are passed to the template? Built-in templates include comments with the full list of variables passed to the Twig template.
  • 83. Easier way to introspect all variables <pre> {{ dump() }} </pre>
  • 84. Easier way to introspect all variables <pre> {{ dump() }} </pre> It dumps the contents of all the variables defined in the template.
  • 85. It's better to dump just the variables you need <pre> {{ dump(label, title_attributes) }} </pre>
  • 86. It's better to dump just the variables you need <pre> {{ dump(label, title_attributes) }} </pre> It dumps only the given variables
  • 87. CAUTION! Don't forget to rebuild your cache after changing the config files and templates.
  • 91. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?? Because it can prevent you a lot of security-related problems.
  • 92. CAUTION! Drupal has replaced the default Twig escaping filter by their own.
  • 93. By default, contents are escaped for HTML Hi {{ content }}! $content = '<strong>John</strong>';
  • 94. By default, contents are escaped for HTML Hi {{ content }}! $content = '<strong>John</strong>'; What you expect… Hi John! What you get… Hi <strong>John </strong>!
  • 95. The "raw" filter prevents the escaping Hi {{ content|raw }}! $content = '<strong>John</strong>';
  • 96. The "raw" filter prevents the escaping Hi {{ content|raw }}! $content = '<strong>John</strong>'; What you expect… Hi John! What you get… Hi John!
  • 97. What if contents are used in URLs or JS? <a href="...?param={{ value }}"></a> ! ! ! <script> var variable = "{{ content }}"; </script>
  • 98. What if contents are used in URLs or JS? <a href="...?param={{ value }}"></a> ! ! ! <script> var variable = "{{ content }}"; </script> WRONG HTML ESCAPING
  • 99. Applying different escaping strategies <a href="...?param={{ value|e('url') }}"></a> ! ! ! <script> var variable = "{{ content|e('js') }}"; </script>
  • 100. Escaping strategies available in Twig {{ content|e('html') }} {{ content|e('js') }} {{ content|e('css') }} {{ content|e('url') }} {{ content|e('html_attr') }}
  • 102. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?? Because it allows you to avoid repeating code and it makes your themes easier to maintain.
  • 103. Lots of different ways to reuse templates {% embed %} {% extends %}include() {% set %} {% use %}macro()
  • 104. How often are these alternatives used {% embed %} {% extends %} include( ) {% set %} {% use %} macro( ) Always Sometimes Rarely
  • 105. Lots of different ways to reuse templates {% embed %} {% extends %}include() {% set %} {% use %}macro()
  • 106. Use {% extends %} to share layouts
  • 107. Use {% extends %} to share layouts 1 layout with the common design elements
  • 108. Use {% extends %} to share layouts 1 layout with the common design elements + 4 simple pages which only define their contents
  • 109. layout.twig <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title> {% block title %}ACME website{% endblock %} </title> </head> <body> <div class="container"> {% block content %}{% endblock %} </div> </body> </html>
  • 110. layout.twig <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title> {% block title %}ACME website{% endblock %} </title> </head> <body> <div class="container"> {% block content %}{% endblock %} </div> </body> </html>
  • 111. Other templates can reuse this layout {% extends 'layout.twig' %} ! {% block title %}Community{% endblock %} {% block content %} <div> ... </div> {% endblock %}
  • 112. When should you use {% extends %} • To create the layout of your theme. • If your site/app is very complex, create two inheritance levels (base layout and section layouts). layout.twig schedule.twig training.twig extends layout.twig extends schedule.twig
  • 113. Lots of different ways to reuse templates {% embed %} {% extends %}include() {% set %} {% use %}macro()
  • 114. Reusing templates with include( ) ! {{ include('listing.twig') }} ! ! <div> {% for item in items %} <h2>{{ item.title }}</h2> <p>{{ item.content }}</p> {% endfor %} </div> blog/index.twig blog/listing.twig
  • 115. When should you use include( ) • To reuse large fragments of code, such as sidebars, navigation menus, etc.
  • 116. Lots of different ways to reuse templates {% embed %} {% extends %}include() {% set %} {% use %}macro()
  • 117. Repetitive HTML fragments <div class="form-group"> <label for="{{ id }}">{{ label }}</label> <input type="{{ type }}" class="form-control" id="{{ id }}"> </div> Repeating the same HTML code for all the form fields is cumbersome
  • 118. Reusing fragments with macro( ) {% macro form_field(id, label, type="text") %} <div class="form-group"> <label for="{{ id }}">{{ label }}</label> <input type="{{ type }}" class="form-control" id="{{ id }}"> </div> {% endmacro %}
  • 119. Using "macros" inside templates {% import _self as macro %} ! <form> {{ macro.form_field('first_name', 'First Name') }} {{ macro.form_field('last_name', 'Last Name') }} {{ macro.form_field('email', 'Email', 'email') }} ... </form>
  • 120. Using "macros" inside templates {% import _self as macro %} ! <form> {{ macro.form_field('first_name', 'First Name') }} {{ macro.form_field('last_name', 'Last Name') }} {{ macro.form_field('email', 'Email', 'email') }} ... </form> Before using a macro, you must "import" them (they can be defined in a different template)
  • 121. When should you use macro( ) • To reuse short fragments of code, usually in the same template (e.g. listings, grids, forms, etc.) • If your site/app is very complex, store all the macros in a single file and reuse it from any other template.
  • 122. Lots of different ways to reuse templates {% embed %} {% extends %}include() {% set %} {% use %}macro()
  • 123. Grid-based design embed allows to reuse inner page structures (e.g. the 3-column grid)
  • 124. Grid-based design embed allows to reuse inner page structures (e.g. the 3-column grid)
  • 125. You can't use "include" to solve this problem {{ include('common/grid_3.twig') }}
  • 126. You can't use "include" to solve this problem {{ include('common/grid_3.twig') }} you can't change the included contents (you include both the structure and the content)
  • 127. You can't use "extends" to solve this problem {% extends 'common/grid_3.twig' %} ! {% block column1 %} ... {% endblock %} {% block column2 %} ... {% endblock %} {% block column3 %} ... {% endblock %}
  • 128. You can't use "extends" to solve this problem {% extends 'common/grid_3.twig' %} ! {% block column1 %} ... {% endblock %} {% block column2 %} ... {% endblock %} {% block column3 %} ... {% endblock %} you can't make the whole structure of the page (grid 2, grid 3, etc.) because you can't extend from multiple templates at the same time
  • 129. Define a three-column grid template <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-4"> {% block column1 %}{% endblock %} </div> ! <div class="col-md-4"> {% block column2 %}{% endblock %} </div> ! <div class="col-md-4"> {% block column3 %}{% endblock %} </div> </div>
  • 130. Reuse the three-column grid template {% embed 'common/grid_3.twig' %} {% block column1 %} ... contents ... {% endblock %} ! {% block column2 %} ... contents ... {% endblock %} ! {% block column3 %} ... contents ... {% endblock %} {% endembed %}
  • 131. When should you use {% embed %} • To reuse page structures across different templates (e.g. grids)
  • 132. Lots of different ways to reuse templates {% embed %} {% extends %}include() {% set %} {% use %}macro()
  • 133. Reusing fragments with {% set %} {% set navigation %} <a href="...">Previous</a> ... ... <a href="...">Next</a> {% endset %}
  • 134. Reusing fragments with {% set %} {% set navigation %} <a href="...">Previous</a> ... ... <a href="...">Next</a> {% endset %} {{ navigation }} {{ navigation }}
  • 135. When should you use {% set %} • To reuse short fragments of code inside a template (if those fragments are configurable, use a macro). • It's like an internal include() made from inside the template itself.
  • 136. Lots of different ways to reuse templates {% embed %} {% extends %}include() {% set %} {% use %}macro()
  • 137. When should you use {% use %} • This is too advanced and for very specific use cases. • You should probably never use it when creating themes.
  • 139. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?? Because Drupal allows to create sites with very advanced needs.
  • 140. Templates created on-the-fly {% set code = 'Hi {{ name }}' %} {% set template = template_from_string(code) %} ! {{ include(template) }}
  • 141. Templates created on-the-fly {% set code = 'Hi {{ name }}' %} {% set template = template_from_string(code) %} ! {{ include(template) }} {% extends template %} {% embed template %} It works here too
  • 142. Templates created on-the-fly {{ include(template_from_string( 'Hi {{ name }}' )) }}
  • 143. Templates created and modified on-the-fly {% set code = 'Hi {{ name }}' %} {% set code = code|replace({ 'Hi': 'Bye' }) %} ! {% set template = template_from_string(code) %} ! {{ include(template) }}
  • 144. Getting the source of any template {{ source('core/modules/block/templates/ block.html.twig') }} It gets the source of the given template without actually rendering it.
  • 145. Imagine a site which allows this customization Section 1 Section 2 Default design
  • 146. Customizable site • Users can provide their own Twig snippets to customize the design and content of some sections. • Problem: even if customization is restricted to a group of controlled users (e.g. "editors") you can't trust those templates.
  • 147. Twig Sandbox • It's used to render "untrusted templates". • It restricts the Twig features that can be used by the template. • Useful for letting users create their own templates and maintain the application safe.
  • 148. Twig Sandbox in practice {% sandbox %} {{ include( ~ '/sidebar.twig') }} {% endsandbox %} ! ! {{ include( ~ '/sidebar.twig', sandboxed = true) }}
  • 149. Twig Sandbox in practice $policy = new Twig_Sandbox_SecurityPolicy( $tags, $filters, $methods, $properties, $functions ); ! $sandbox = new Twig_Extension_Sandbox($policy); $twig->addExtension($sandbox); Policy is defined as a white-list of allowed tags, filters, etc.
  • 150. Twig Sandbox policy sample $properties = array( 'label', 'configuration' => array('label', 'module'), 'block' => array('module'), 'attributes', ); ! $policy = new Twig_Sandbox_SecurityPolicy( $tags, $filters, $methods, $properties, $functions );
  • 151. DATES
  • 152. WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?? Because dealing with dates is not easy and Twig can perform a lot of operations on dates.
  • 153. Timezones support {{ 'now'|date(timezone='Asia/Tokyo') }} ! {{ 'now'|date(timezone=user.timezone) }}
  • 154. Comparing dates {% if event.startsAt > date('now') %} Buy tickets {% endif %}
  • 155. Comparing dates {% if event.startsAt > date('now') %} Buy tickets {% endif %} NOTE This is the date( ) function, not the date filter
  • 156. Modifying dates semantically Early Bird ends at {{ event.startsAt|date_modify('-15 days')|date }} ! Confirm your sign up before {{ user.createdAt|date_modify('+48 hours')|date }}
  • 158. These are some of the features that put Twig years ahead of PHP
  • 159. Useful filters for collections {{ user.friends|first }} {{ event.sessions|last }}
  • 160. Useful tests for strings {% if url starts with 'https://' %} {% endif %} ! {% if file_path ends with '.pdf' %} {% endif %} ! {% if phone matches '/^[d.]+$/' %} {% endif %}
  • 161. REJECTED BY PHP Useful tests for strings {% if url starts with 'https://' %} {% endif %} ! {% if file_path ends with '.pdf' %} {% endif %} ! {% if phone matches '/^[d.]+$/' %} {% endif %}
  • 162. The "in" operator {% if password in username %} BAD PASSWORD {% endif %} ! {% if method in ['GET', 'POST'] %} ... {% endif %}
  • 163. The "in" operator {% if password in username %} BAD PASSWORD {% endif %} ! {% if method in ['GET', 'POST'] %} ... {% endif %} REJECTED BY PHP
  • 165. Named parameters {{ content|convert_encoding('UTF-8', 'iso-2022-jp') }} which is the original charset and which one the target charset?
  • 166. Named parameters {{ content|convert_encoding('UTF-8', 'iso-2022-jp') }} which is the original charset and which one the target charset? {{ content|convert_encoding( from = 'UTF-8', to = 'iso-2022-jp' ) }}
  • 167. Named parameters {{ content|convert_encoding('UTF-8', 'iso-2022-jp') }} which is the original charset and which one the target charset? {{ content|convert_encoding( from = 'UTF-8', to = 'iso-2022-jp' ) }} {{ content|convert_encoding( to = 'UTF-8', from = 'iso-2022-jp' ) }}
  • 168. Named parameters {{ content|convert_encoding('UTF-8', 'iso-2022-jp') }} PROPOSED FOR PHP which is the original charset and which one the target charset? {{ content|convert_encoding( from = 'UTF-8', to = 'iso-2022-jp' ) }} {{ content|convert_encoding( to = 'UTF-8', from = 'iso-2022-jp' ) }}
  • 169. Named parameters {{ include('template.html', {}, true, true) }} ! ! ! {{ include('template.html', ignore_missing = true) }} template variables with_context ignore_missing
  • 170. It's common to do things in batches 1 Image gallery 2 3 4 5 6
  • 171. The HTML of the image gallery <div class="row"> <div class="image"> ... </div> <div class="image"> ... </div> <div class="image"> ... </div> </div> ! <div class="row"> <div class="image"> ... </div> <div class="image"> ... </div> <div class="image"> ... </div> </div>
  • 172. The template without the "batch" filter {% for i, image in images %} {% if i is divisible by(3) %} <div class="row"> {% endif %} ! <div class="image"> <img src="" alt="" > <p>...</p> </div> ! {% if i is divisible by(3) %} </div> {% endif %} {% endfor %}
  • 173. The template without the "batch" filter {% for i, image in images %} {% if i is divisible by(3) %} <div class="row"> {% endif %} ! <div class="image"> <img src="" alt="" > <p>...</p> </div> ! {% if i is divisible by(3) %} </div> {% endif %} {% endfor %} UGLY CODE
  • 174. The template with the "batch" filter {% for row in images|batch(3) %} <div class="row"> ! {% for image in row %} <div class="image"> <img src="" alt="" > <p>...</p> </div> {% endfor %} ! </div> {% endfor %}
  • 175. The template with the "batch" filter {% for row in images|batch(3) %} <div class="row"> ! {% for image in row %} <div class="image"> <img src="" alt="" > <p>...</p> </div> {% endfor %} ! </div> {% endfor %}
  • 176. Short ternary operator $result = $condition ? 'is true';
  • 177. Short ternary operator $result = $condition ? 'is true'; ERROR Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' on line 1
  • 178. Short ternary operator $result = $condition ? 'is true'; ERROR Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' on line 1 {{ condition ? 'is true' }}
  • 179. Short ternary operator $result = $condition ? 'is true'; ERROR Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';' on line 1 OK This works perfectly on Twig {{ condition ? 'is true' }}
  • 180. Short ternary operator <li class="{{ condition ? 'selected' }}"> ... </li> ! <li class="{{ condition ? 'selected' : '' }}"> ... </li>
  • 181. Short ternary operator <li class="{{ condition ? 'selected' }}"> ... </li> ! <li class="{{ condition ? 'selected' : '' }}"> ... </li> always use this
  • 182. Short slice syntax ! ! ! {{ user.friends[0:3] }} {{ user.friends[:-3] }} It combines array_slice, mb_substr and substr PHP functions. get first three friends get last three friends
  • 183. Short slice syntax {{ '0123456789'[0:] }} {# 0123456789 #} {{ '0123456789'[1:] }} {# 123456789 #} {{ '0123456789'[20:] }} {# (empty) #} {{ '0123456789'[-5:] }} {# 56789 #} {{ '0123456789'[-1:] }} {# 9 #} {{ '0123456789'[1:5] }} {# 12345 #} {{ '0123456789'[1:-5] }} {# 1234 #} OUTPUT
  • 184. The "loop" magic variable Everyone needs an $i variable inside the for loop. So Twig provides you this and other useful variables.
  • 185. The "loop" variable exists only inside the "for" {% for ... in collection %} {{ loop.index }} {{ loop.index0 }} {{ loop.first }} {{ loop.last }} {{ loop.length }} {% endfor %}
  • 186. The "loop" variable exists only inside the "for" {% for ... in collection %} {{ loop.index }} {{ loop.index0 }} {{ loop.first }} {{ loop.last }} {{ loop.length }} {% endfor %} 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... true, false, false, ... ..., false, false, true 5
  • 187. {{|image(400, 150, 0.9) }} The problem with filter arguments
  • 188. {{|image(400, 150, 0.9) }} The problem with filter arguments What if I need to define more arguments?
  • 189. {{|image(400, 150, 0.9) }} {{|image( width = 400, height = 150, opacity = 0.9 ) }} The problem with filter arguments What if I need to define more arguments?
  • 190. {{|image(400, 150, 0.9) }} {{|image( width = 400, height = 150, opacity = 0.9 ) }} The problem with filter arguments What if I need to define more arguments? this is a valid solution for Twig, but the underlying PHP code is still very complex
  • 191. Defining a filter with lots or arguments $filter = new Twig_SimpleFilter('image', function ( $path, $width, $height, $opacity ) { $path = ... $width = ... $height = ... $opacity = ... });
  • 192. $filter = new Twig_SimpleFilter('image', function ( $path, $options = array() ) { $path = ... $width = $options['width']; $height = $options['height']; $opacity = $options['opacity']; }, array('is_variadic' => true)); Defining a variadic filter
  • 193. $filter = new Twig_SimpleFilter('image', function ( $path, $options = array() ) { $path = ... $width = $options['width']; $height = $options['height']; $opacity = $options['opacity']; }, array('is_variadic' => true)); Defining a variadic filter a single variadic parameter holds any number of passed parameters (unlimited)
  • 194. $filter = new Twig_SimpleFilter('image', function ( $path, $options = array() ) { $path = ... $width = $options['width']; $height = $options['height']; $opacity = $options['opacity']; }, array('is_variadic' => true)); ACCEPTED BY PHP Defining a variadic filter a single variadic parameter holds any number of passed parameters (unlimited)
  • 196. «Using Twig templates is the best decision Drupal ever made»
  • 197. Drupal 8 templates are safe, concise, modern and consistent. Twig
  • 198. Drupal 8 templates are safe, concise, modern and consistent.
  • 201. References • Official Twig documentation
 • Twig in Drupal 8
  • 203. Contact info • • • ! ! !