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Image Compression Comparison UUssiinngg GGoollddeenn 
SSeeccttiioonn TTrraannssffoorrmm,, CCDDFF 55//33 ((LLee GGaallll 55//33)) aanndd CCDDFF 
99//77 WWaavveelleett TTrraannssffoorrmm BByy MMaattllaabb 
Jun Li
In mathematics, Golden Section Transform is a 
new class of discrete orthogonal transform. Its 
theory involves golden ratio, Fibonacci number, 
Fourier analysis, wavelet theory, stochastic 
process, integer partition, matrix analysis, group 
theory, combinatorics on words, its applied fields 
include digital signal (image/audio/video) 
processing, denoising, watermarking, 
compression, coding and so on. see here.
Simple Compression Scheme 
Source image is 
divided into 8 × 8 
blocks of pixels 
Apply 2D transform 
CDF 5/3, CDF 9/7) 
to each 8 × 8 block
Set compression ratio, keep largest 
abs(elements) in each block, and set all the 
others to zero 
Apply inverse 2D transform to each 8 × 8 block 
to reconstruct the image 
Compute PSNR and compare the results.
Transform matrix for 1D signal 
4-level 8×8 LGST matrix for 1D signal
3-level 8×8 CDF 5/3 matrix for 1D singal
3-level 8×8 CDF 9/7 matrix for 1D singal
2-level 8×8 HGST matrix for 1D signal
Matlab Code 
gstdemo.m % main file 
lgst2d.m % 4-level 2d low golden section transform 
ilgst2d.m % 4-level inverse 2d low golden section transform 
lword.m % Type-L golden section decomposion of fibonacci number 
legall53td.m % 3-level 2d CDF 5/3 transform lifting scheme 
ilegall53td.m % 3-level inverse 2d CDF 5/3 transform 
hgst2d.m % 2-level 2d high golden section transform 
ihgst2d.m % 2-level inverse 2d high golden section transform 
hword.m % Type-H golden section decomposion of fibonacci number 
cdf97td.m % 3-level 2d CDF 9/7 transform lifting scheme 
icdf97td.m % 3-level inverse 2d CDF 9/7 transform 
keep.m % keep largest abs(values) in matrix 
psnr.m % compute MSE and PSNR 
all the codes can be downloaded here:
function H = legall53td(X) 
% Author: Jun Li, more info@ 
% function H = legall53td(X,nlevel) 
% 3-level 2d LeGall 5/3 wavelet transform of 8*8 image matrix 
nlevel = 3; % 3-level transform for each 8*8 image block 
[xx,yy] = size(X); 
for i=1:nlevel 
for j=1:xx 
[ss,dd] = legall531d(H(j,1:yy)); % row transform 
H(j,1:yy) = [ss,dd]; 
for k=1:yy 
[ss,dd] = legall531d(H(1:xx,k)'); % column transform 
H(1:xx,k) = [ss,dd]'; 
xx = xx/2; 
yy = yy/2; 
%% 1d LeGall 5/3 lifting scheme % symw_ext->...12321... 
function [ss,dd] = legall531d(S) 
N = length(S); 
ga = -1/2; 
gb = 1/4; 
gc = sqrt(2); 
s0 = S(1:2:N-1); % S(1),S(3),S(5),S(7)... 
d0 = S(2:2:N); % S(2),S(4),S(6),S(8)... 
d1 = d0 + ga*(s0 + [s0(2:N/2) s0(N/2)]); 
s1 = s0 + gb*(d1 + [d1(1) d1(1:N/2-1)]); 
ss = gc*s1; 
dd = d1/gc;
cdf97td.m function H = cdf97td(X) 
% Author: Jun Li, more info@ 
function H = cdf97td(X,nlevel) 
% 3-level 2d CDF 9/7 wavelet transform of 8*8 image matrix 
nlevel = 3; % 3-level transform for each 8*8 image block 
[xx,yy] = size(X); 
for i=1:nlevel 
for j=1:xx 
[ss,dd] = cdf971d(H(j,1:yy)); % row transform 
H(j,1:yy) = [ss,dd]; 
for k=1:yy 
[ss,dd] = cdf971d(H(1:xx,k)'); % column transform 
H(1:xx,k) = [ss,dd]'; 
xx = xx/2; 
yy = yy/2; 
%% 1d CDF 9/7 wavelet lifting scheme % symw_ext->...12321... 
function [ss,dd] = cdf971d(S) 
N = length(S); 
fa = -1.586134342; 
fb = -0.05298011854; 
fc = 0.8829110762; 
fd = 0.4435068522; 
fz = 1.149604398; 
s0 = S(1:2:N-1); % S(1),S(3),S(5),S(7)... 
d0 = S(2:2:N); % S(2),S(4),S(6),S(8)... 
d1 = d0 + fa*(s0 + [s0(2:N/2) s0(N/2)]); 
s1 = s0 + fb*(d1 + [d1(1) d1(1:N/2-1)]); 
d2 = d1 + fc*(s1 + [s1(2:N/2) s1(N/2)]); 
s2 = s1 + fd*(d2 + [d2(1) d2(1:N/2-1)]); 
ss = fz*s2; 
dd = d2/fz;
function H = lgst2d(X) 
% Author: Jun Li, more info@ 
% function H = lgst2d(X,nlevel) 
% 4-level 2d low golden section transform of 8*8 image matrix 
nlevel = 4; % 4-level transform for each 8*8 image block 
global lj; % only used by function lgst1d(S) below. 
global FBL; % only used by function lgst1d(S) below. 
[xx,yy] = size(X); 
ind = floor(log(xx*sqrt(5)+1/2)/log((sqrt(5)+1)/2)); % determine index 
FBL = filter(1,[1 -1 -1],[1 zeros(1,ind-1)]); 
% FBL = Fibonacci sequence -> [1 1 2 3 5 8...]; 
for lj=1:nlevel 
for j=1:xx 
[ss,dd] = lgst1d(H(j,1:yy)); % row transform 
H(j,1:yy) = [ss,dd]; 
for k=1:yy 
[ss,dd] = lgst1d(H(1:xx,k)'); % column transform 
H(1:xx,k) = [ss,dd]'; 
xx = FBL(end-lj); % round((sqrt(5)-1)/2*xx); 8*8 block: xx=8->5->3->2 
yy = FBL(end-lj); % round((sqrt(5)-1)/2*yy); 8*8 block: yy=8->5->3->2 
%% 1d low golden section transform 
function [ss,dd] = lgst1d(S) 
global lj; 
global FBL; 
index = 0; 
h = 1; 
lform = lword(length(S)); 
for i=1:length(lform) 
index = index + lform(i); 
if lform(i) == 1 
ss(i) = S(index); 
else % lform(i) == 2 
ss(i) = (sqrt(FBL(lj))*S(index-1)+sqrt(FBL(lj+1))*S(index))/sqrt(FBL(lj+2)); 
dd(h) = (sqrt(FBL(lj+1))*S(index-1)-sqrt(FBL(lj))*S(index))/sqrt(FBL(lj+2)); 
h = h+1; 
function lform = lword(n) 
% Author: Jun Li, more info@ 
% Type-L golden section decomposion of fibonacci number n, 
% e.g. lword(8) = [1 2 2 1 2]; 
if n == 1 
lform = [1]; 
elseif n == 2 
lform = [2]; 
next = round((sqrt(5)-1)/2*n); 
lform = [lword(n-next),lword(next)]; 
function H = hgst2d(X) 
% Author: Jun Li, more info@ 
% function H = hgst2d(X,nlevel) 
% 2-level 2d high golden section transform of 8*8 image matrix 
nlevel = 2; % 2-level transform for each 8*8 image block 
global hj; % only used by function hgst1d(S) below. 
global FBH; % only used by function hgst1d(S) below. 
[xx,yy] = size(X); 
ind = floor(log(xx*sqrt(5)+1/2)/log((sqrt(5)+1)/2)); % determine index 
FBH = filter(1,[1 -1 -1],[1 zeros(1,ind-1)]); 
% FBH = Fibonacci sequence -> [1 1 2 3 5 8...]; 
for hj=1:nlevel 
for j=1:xx 
[ss,dd] = hgst1d(H(j,1:yy)); % row transform 
H(j,1:yy) = [ss,dd]; 
for k=1:yy 
[ss,dd] = hgst1d(H(1:xx,k)'); % column transform 
H(1:xx,k) = [ss,dd]'; 
xx = FBH(end-2*hj); % round((3-sqrt(5))/2*xx); 8*8 block: xx=8->3 
yy = FBH(end-2*hj); % round((3-sqrt(5))/2*yy); 8*8 block: yy=8->3 
%% 1d high golden section transform 
function [ss,dd] = hgst1d(S) 
global hj; 
global FBH; 
index = 0; 
g = 1; 
h = 1; 
hform = hword(length(S)); 
for i=1:length(hform) 
index = index + hform(i); 
if hform(i) == 2 
ss(i) = (sqrt(FBH(2*hj-1))*S(index-1)+sqrt(FBH(2*hj))*S(index))/sqrt(FBH(2*hj+1)); 
dd(2*i-g) = (sqrt(FBH(2*hj))*S(index-1)-sqrt(FBH(2*hj-1))*S(index))/sqrt(FBH(2*hj+1)); 
g = g+1; 
else % hform(i) == 3 
ss(i) = (sqrt(FBH(2*hj))*S(index-2)+sqrt(FBH(2*hj-1))*S(index-1)+sqrt(FBH(2*hj))*S(index))/sqrt(FBH(2*hj+2)); 
dd(i+h-1) = (sqrt(FBH(2*hj-1))*S(index-2)-2*sqrt(FBH(2*hj))*S(index-1)+sqrt(FBH(2*hj-1))*S(index))/sqrt(2*FBH(2*hj+2)); 
dd(i+h) = (S(index-2)-S(index))/sqrt(2); 
h = h+1; 
function hform = hword(n) 
% Author: Jun Li, more info@ 
% Type-H golden section decomposion of fibonacci number n, 
% e.g. hword(8) = [3 2 3]; 
if n == 2 
hform = [2]; 
elseif n == 3 
hform = [3]; 
next = round((sqrt(5)-1)/2*n); 
hform = [hword(n-next),hword(next)]; 
function X = keep(X) 
% keep the largest abs(elements) of X, 
% global RATIO set in gstdemo.m is in [0,1]. 
global RATIO; 
N = floor(prod(size(X))*RATIO); 
[MM,i] = sort(abs(X(:))); 
X(i(1:end-N)) = 0;
function [MSE,PSNR] = psnr(X,Y) 
% Compute MSE and PSNR. 
MSE = sum((X(:)-Y(:)).^2)/prod(size(X)); 
if MSE == 0 
PSNR = Inf; 
PSNR = 10*log10(255^2/MSE); 
Baboon 512*512
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Jun Li's Golden Section Transform Home Page 
The infinite Fibonacci word, 
Lower Wythoff sequence, 
Upper Wythoff sequence,
My Book
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Image Compression Comparison Using Golden Section Transform, CDF 5/3 (Le Gall 5/3) and CDF 9/7 Wavelet Transform By Matlab

  • 1. Image Compression Comparison UUssiinngg GGoollddeenn SSeeccttiioonn TTrraannssffoorrmm,, CCDDFF 55//33 ((LLee GGaallll 55//33)) aanndd CCDDFF 99//77 WWaavveelleett TTrraannssffoorrmm BByy MMaattllaabb Jun Li
  • 2. Introduction In mathematics, Golden Section Transform is a new class of discrete orthogonal transform. Its theory involves golden ratio, Fibonacci number, Fourier analysis, wavelet theory, stochastic process, integer partition, matrix analysis, group theory, combinatorics on words, its applied fields include digital signal (image/audio/video) processing, denoising, watermarking, compression, coding and so on. see here.
  • 3. Simple Compression Scheme Source image is divided into 8 × 8 blocks of pixels Apply 2D transform (LGST, HGST, CDF 5/3, CDF 9/7) to each 8 × 8 block
  • 4. Set compression ratio, keep largest abs(elements) in each block, and set all the others to zero Apply inverse 2D transform to each 8 × 8 block to reconstruct the image Compute PSNR and compare the results.
  • 5. Transform matrix for 1D signal 4-level 8×8 LGST matrix for 1D signal
  • 6. 3-level 8×8 CDF 5/3 matrix for 1D singal
  • 7. 3-level 8×8 CDF 9/7 matrix for 1D singal
  • 8. 2-level 8×8 HGST matrix for 1D signal
  • 9. Matlab Code gstdemo.m % main file lgst2d.m % 4-level 2d low golden section transform ilgst2d.m % 4-level inverse 2d low golden section transform lword.m % Type-L golden section decomposion of fibonacci number legall53td.m % 3-level 2d CDF 5/3 transform lifting scheme ilegall53td.m % 3-level inverse 2d CDF 5/3 transform hgst2d.m % 2-level 2d high golden section transform ihgst2d.m % 2-level inverse 2d high golden section transform hword.m % Type-H golden section decomposion of fibonacci number cdf97td.m % 3-level 2d CDF 9/7 transform lifting scheme icdf97td.m % 3-level inverse 2d CDF 9/7 transform keep.m % keep largest abs(values) in matrix psnr.m % compute MSE and PSNR all the codes can be downloaded here:
  • 10. legall53td.m function H = legall53td(X) % Author: Jun Li, more info@ % % function H = legall53td(X,nlevel) % 3-level 2d LeGall 5/3 wavelet transform of 8*8 image matrix nlevel = 3; % 3-level transform for each 8*8 image block [xx,yy] = size(X); H=X; for i=1:nlevel for j=1:xx [ss,dd] = legall531d(H(j,1:yy)); % row transform H(j,1:yy) = [ss,dd]; end for k=1:yy [ss,dd] = legall531d(H(1:xx,k)'); % column transform H(1:xx,k) = [ss,dd]'; end xx = xx/2; yy = yy/2; end %% 1d LeGall 5/3 lifting scheme % symw_ext->...12321... function [ss,dd] = legall531d(S) N = length(S); ga = -1/2; gb = 1/4; gc = sqrt(2); s0 = S(1:2:N-1); % S(1),S(3),S(5),S(7)... d0 = S(2:2:N); % S(2),S(4),S(6),S(8)... d1 = d0 + ga*(s0 + [s0(2:N/2) s0(N/2)]); s1 = s0 + gb*(d1 + [d1(1) d1(1:N/2-1)]); ss = gc*s1; dd = d1/gc;
  • 11. cdf97td.m function H = cdf97td(X) % Author: Jun Li, more info@ %% function H = cdf97td(X,nlevel) % 3-level 2d CDF 9/7 wavelet transform of 8*8 image matrix nlevel = 3; % 3-level transform for each 8*8 image block [xx,yy] = size(X); H=X; for i=1:nlevel for j=1:xx [ss,dd] = cdf971d(H(j,1:yy)); % row transform H(j,1:yy) = [ss,dd]; end for k=1:yy [ss,dd] = cdf971d(H(1:xx,k)'); % column transform H(1:xx,k) = [ss,dd]'; end xx = xx/2; yy = yy/2; end %% 1d CDF 9/7 wavelet lifting scheme % symw_ext->...12321... function [ss,dd] = cdf971d(S) N = length(S); fa = -1.586134342; fb = -0.05298011854; fc = 0.8829110762; fd = 0.4435068522; fz = 1.149604398; s0 = S(1:2:N-1); % S(1),S(3),S(5),S(7)... d0 = S(2:2:N); % S(2),S(4),S(6),S(8)... d1 = d0 + fa*(s0 + [s0(2:N/2) s0(N/2)]); s1 = s0 + fb*(d1 + [d1(1) d1(1:N/2-1)]); d2 = d1 + fc*(s1 + [s1(2:N/2) s1(N/2)]); s2 = s1 + fd*(d2 + [d2(1) d2(1:N/2-1)]); ss = fz*s2; dd = d2/fz;
  • 12. lgst2d.m function H = lgst2d(X) % Author: Jun Li, more info@ % function H = lgst2d(X,nlevel) % 4-level 2d low golden section transform of 8*8 image matrix nlevel = 4; % 4-level transform for each 8*8 image block global lj; % only used by function lgst1d(S) below. global FBL; % only used by function lgst1d(S) below. [xx,yy] = size(X); ind = floor(log(xx*sqrt(5)+1/2)/log((sqrt(5)+1)/2)); % determine index FBL = filter(1,[1 -1 -1],[1 zeros(1,ind-1)]); % FBL = Fibonacci sequence -> [1 1 2 3 5 8...]; H=X; for lj=1:nlevel for j=1:xx [ss,dd] = lgst1d(H(j,1:yy)); % row transform H(j,1:yy) = [ss,dd]; end for k=1:yy [ss,dd] = lgst1d(H(1:xx,k)'); % column transform H(1:xx,k) = [ss,dd]'; end xx = FBL(end-lj); % round((sqrt(5)-1)/2*xx); 8*8 block: xx=8->5->3->2 yy = FBL(end-lj); % round((sqrt(5)-1)/2*yy); 8*8 block: yy=8->5->3->2 end %% 1d low golden section transform function [ss,dd] = lgst1d(S) global lj; global FBL; index = 0; h = 1; lform = lword(length(S)); for i=1:length(lform) index = index + lform(i); if lform(i) == 1 ss(i) = S(index); else % lform(i) == 2 ss(i) = (sqrt(FBL(lj))*S(index-1)+sqrt(FBL(lj+1))*S(index))/sqrt(FBL(lj+2)); dd(h) = (sqrt(FBL(lj+1))*S(index-1)-sqrt(FBL(lj))*S(index))/sqrt(FBL(lj+2)); h = h+1; end end
  • 13. lword.m function lform = lword(n) % Author: Jun Li, more info@ % Type-L golden section decomposion of fibonacci number n, % e.g. lword(8) = [1 2 2 1 2]; if n == 1 lform = [1]; elseif n == 2 lform = [2]; else next = round((sqrt(5)-1)/2*n); lform = [lword(n-next),lword(next)]; end
  • 14. hgst2d.m function H = hgst2d(X) % Author: Jun Li, more info@ % function H = hgst2d(X,nlevel) % 2-level 2d high golden section transform of 8*8 image matrix nlevel = 2; % 2-level transform for each 8*8 image block global hj; % only used by function hgst1d(S) below. global FBH; % only used by function hgst1d(S) below. [xx,yy] = size(X); ind = floor(log(xx*sqrt(5)+1/2)/log((sqrt(5)+1)/2)); % determine index FBH = filter(1,[1 -1 -1],[1 zeros(1,ind-1)]); % FBH = Fibonacci sequence -> [1 1 2 3 5 8...]; H=X; for hj=1:nlevel for j=1:xx [ss,dd] = hgst1d(H(j,1:yy)); % row transform H(j,1:yy) = [ss,dd]; end for k=1:yy [ss,dd] = hgst1d(H(1:xx,k)'); % column transform H(1:xx,k) = [ss,dd]'; end xx = FBH(end-2*hj); % round((3-sqrt(5))/2*xx); 8*8 block: xx=8->3 yy = FBH(end-2*hj); % round((3-sqrt(5))/2*yy); 8*8 block: yy=8->3 end %% 1d high golden section transform function [ss,dd] = hgst1d(S) global hj; global FBH; index = 0; g = 1; h = 1; hform = hword(length(S)); for i=1:length(hform) index = index + hform(i); if hform(i) == 2 ss(i) = (sqrt(FBH(2*hj-1))*S(index-1)+sqrt(FBH(2*hj))*S(index))/sqrt(FBH(2*hj+1)); dd(2*i-g) = (sqrt(FBH(2*hj))*S(index-1)-sqrt(FBH(2*hj-1))*S(index))/sqrt(FBH(2*hj+1)); g = g+1; else % hform(i) == 3 ss(i) = (sqrt(FBH(2*hj))*S(index-2)+sqrt(FBH(2*hj-1))*S(index-1)+sqrt(FBH(2*hj))*S(index))/sqrt(FBH(2*hj+2)); dd(i+h-1) = (sqrt(FBH(2*hj-1))*S(index-2)-2*sqrt(FBH(2*hj))*S(index-1)+sqrt(FBH(2*hj-1))*S(index))/sqrt(2*FBH(2*hj+2)); dd(i+h) = (S(index-2)-S(index))/sqrt(2); h = h+1; end end
  • 15. hword.m function hform = hword(n) % Author: Jun Li, more info@ % Type-H golden section decomposion of fibonacci number n, % e.g. hword(8) = [3 2 3]; if n == 2 hform = [2]; elseif n == 3 hform = [3]; else next = round((sqrt(5)-1)/2*n); hform = [hword(n-next),hword(next)]; end
  • 16. keep.m function X = keep(X) % keep the largest abs(elements) of X, % global RATIO set in gstdemo.m is in [0,1]. global RATIO; N = floor(prod(size(X))*RATIO); [MM,i] = sort(abs(X(:))); X(i(1:end-N)) = 0;
  • 17. psnr.m function [MSE,PSNR] = psnr(X,Y) % Compute MSE and PSNR. MSE = sum((X(:)-Y(:)).^2)/prod(size(X)); if MSE == 0 PSNR = Inf; else PSNR = 10*log10(255^2/MSE); end
  • 19.
  • 21.
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  • 27. Links Jun Li's Golden Section Transform Home Page R.Knott/Fibonacci/fibrab.html The infinite Fibonacci word, Lower Wythoff sequence, Upper Wythoff sequence,