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Agile-To Infinity and Beyond and
So Much More Than Just Agile
    Agile is a tool that is most often associated with the
 software process but like Buzz Lightyear in the movie Toy
   Story it can be applied to so much more. This talk will
  review some of the foundations of the agile process and
    look at the transformational adaptations of the agile
framework. The talk will give examples of other applications
      and will explore some of the latest applications.
Agile-To Infinity and
Beyond and So
Much More Than
Just Agile Software

   David Smith

1.   Review Agile
2.   What we have learned
3.   Transformation
4.   So What
Delivering business value is hard…

“Of the work executed: “Many
  (possibly most) organizations lose
  as much as 45% of their total
  revenues due to costs associated
  with low quality”
   – Six Sigma

“Some 75 percent of most large-scale
  J2EE projects fail by missing both
  time and budget projections …”
   – Mark Driver, Gartner

“64% of features actually delivered are
   either rarely or never used”
   – Jim Johnson, Standish Group


Technological innovation is now the most important
  driver for competitive success
   – Many firms earn over one-third of sales on products developed
     within last five years

Product life cycles ( time between product introduction
  to market and its withdrawal)
   – Software 4-12 months
   – Computer hardware 12-24 months
   – Large home appliances 18-36 months

                                                            Copyright, 2011 © HBMG, Inc.
Business, Knowledge, and Innovation Landscape

• Typically 80% of the key knowledge (and value) is held
by 20% of the people – we need to get it to the right
• Only 20% of the knowledge in an organization is
typically used (the rest being undiscovered or under-
• 80-90% of the products and services today will be
obsolete in 10 years – companies need to innovate &
invent faster

                                                Copyright 2012@ HBMG Inc.

The term agile can be defined as
   1) marked by ready ability to move with quick easy grace, or
   2) having a quick resourceful and adaptable character
      (Merriam-Webster 2002
   3) Latin word agilis, which means “easily moved, light,
      nimble, active”.
Brief History of Development

                                                                            AGILE e.g. XP
                                                                            (Kent Beck)
                                                                          RUP (Rational) user
                                                                              driven, low process
                                                            RAD           Object oriented,
                                                            (James Martin)iterative, time-boxed,
                                                                          user driven
                                                            Prototyping,                     RUP
                                                            iterative, time-boxed,
                                             SPIRAL MODEL   user driven           RAD
   WATERFALL (Royce)                         (Barry Boehm)
                               V-MODEL (Anon)
   Requirements, design                      Iterative Spiral Model
   implementation,             Aligns testing to
   verification &              Waterfall
   maintenance                 development V-Model

1960                    1970                       1980            85              91          98 99

The Agile Manifesto (2001)

• Not an “ideal” way - this comes from real experience

  We are uncovering better ways of developing software by
  doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have
  come to value:

   –   Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
   –   Working software over comprehensive documentation
   –   Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
   –   Responding to change over following a plan

The Agile Manifesto–a statement of values
 Agile Practice favors:

Individuals and
                   over    Process and tools
Working Product    over
                   over   Contract negotiation
 Responding to
                   over    Following a plan
What is Agile Software Development?

• Easily moved, light, nimble, active software
• Fitting the process to the project
• Avoidance of things that waste time
Agile Methods
Several methods that are often cited to be agile, e.g.,
   –   Extreme Programming
   –   Crystal Family
   –   Open Source
   –   Adaptive Software Development (ASD)
   –   SCRUM
   –   Feature Driven Development (FDD)
   –   Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM)
In addition, e.g., Rational Unified Process (RUP) and
   Capability Maturity Model (CMM) can be evaluated from
   Agile Manifesto point of view
Further, organisations often develop their own methods, or
   modify existing methods to better suit their objectives
   – These are called local method development or in-house methods
Characteristics of an Agile Process

•   Empirical (relies on observation and experience)
•   Lightweight
•   Adaptive
•   Fast – but never hurried
•   Exposes wastefulness
•   Customer-centric
•   Pushes decision making to lower levels
•   Fosters trust, honesty and courage
•   Encourages self-organization
The Big Paradigm Shift
          We’re used to                           Agile Wants

            Time Lines                     We’re done when it’s done.

         Project Managers               Disciplined self managing teams.

          Fixed Budgets                 Assumed change means no fixed
Predictable, all at once deliverables   Incremental deliverables driven by
                                           value and constant learning.
 Multiple matrixed units in multiple         Co-location – one team.
      locations make up team
   Communication by Document                 Information Radiators.

       Customer is removed                  Customer is part of team.

        Certain Knowledge                            Action
Agile Project Management

Can wrap around most existing practices
   – But most effective when the practices are also Agile
Supports Iterative and incremental development
Uses Inspect/Adapt principles
   – For project planning (daily/iteration/release)
   – To ensure highest customer value
Tracks time remaining only
   – Does not track
       • People. Accuracy of estimates. Task dependencies
Example methodologies: Scrum, Crystal
The Scrum Framework
Agile Engineering

Essential Practices
   – Regular refactoring (many times daily)
       • This produces well-componentized designs, clear APIs and clean
         code without duplications
   – Frequent check ins (many times daily)
   – Unit Testing
       • Leading to Test Driven Development (TDD)
   – Continuous Build and Integration
       • Running automated tests on each build
   – Just-in-time code reviews (e.g. pair programming)
Example methodologies: XP, Agile Modeling
Agile - XP

 The Values
Agile Testing

Early involvement
   – An Agile project begins when testers convert high-level
     requirements into testable specifications.
Work as part of the development team
   – The testers work with the developers to pick unit test and
     acceptance test frameworks, and to test the software in parallel
     with development. This requires a shift in thinking.
Automate everything
   – (wherever possible)
Test early, test often
   – Never leave the testing until the end
  Customer          requirements
                                      Management          plan
 Management         Estimated CR
 scenarios        Test-before-
             Code   Coding

                                                   software product
The Agile Customer
“Customer’ is a role, not a person
   – Also known as Product Manager, Product Owner
   – Proxy for the entire customer group
Responsible for the Release Plan
Responsible for managing the Product Backlog
Determines business value & priority on a regular
Provides information to development team for
  estimation purposes
Works with testers to produce clear, testable user
  stories for each iteration
Inspects software regularly (e.g. runs acceptance
  tests) and provides feedback to the development
40 years of process* development
                                  * Process, Method, Methodology,
Late ’60s                         whatever...
            Ericsson Approach

‘87 –’96                          CMM
            Objectory Process
                                 SW-CMM            XP, SCRUM &
‘96 –’00       The Unified                         “Lightweight
                Process                             Methods”
                                                  Agile Manifesto
‘01 –’06        IBM RUP           CMMI

                                                 Everyone's Agile

‘07 –> ?

                         The Rise of Practices ?
Adoption Detractors
• Inconsistent and diverse definitions
• Lack of theoretical grounding
• Different way of thinking
  – Role changes
  – Situational customization
• Solid people skills required
• Short iterations inhibit long-term
• Risks
  – Harder to manage feature creep and customer
  – Difficult to quantify cost, time, quality.

1. Review Agile
2. What we have learned
3. Transformation
4. So What
What have we learn? They’re hard to

  You can get knowledge from books . . .
          ….or from a web-site.
Agile vs. Plan Driven Processes

1. Small products and      1. Large products and
   teams; scalability         teams; hard to scale
   limited                    down
2. Untested on safety-     2. Handles highly critical
   critical products          products; hard to scale
3. Good for dynamic, but      down
   expensive for stable    3. Good for stable, but
   environments.              expensive for dynamic
4. Require experienced        environments
   Agile personnel         4. Require experienced
   throughout                 personnel only at start
5. Personnel thrive on        if stable environment
   freedom and chaos       5. Personnel thrive on
                              structure and order
Eras of evolution
There are 100’s of so-called practices…

 Business        Test-Driven    Scrum        Product-Line      Risk-Driven    Systems
 Modeling       Development                  Engineering        Iterative    Engineering

  Aspect        Robustness      Retro-     Business Process    Use-Case          Pair
Orientation      Analysis      spectives    Re-Engineering      Driven       Programming

   PSP          User Stories     SOA           Prince2         Use-Case       Program
                                                               Modeling      Management

              …but are really all the same kind of thing?
Practices are ’end-to-end’ aspects of

Practices cross-cut the traditional   EssUP Practices
   software engineering disciplines

                                      Architecture Iteration       Use Case


                                           Component      Product

                                        Process      Team           Modeling
Self Adaptive Process
Changes over time
Alters itself to the task at hand

• Starts off with a
  problem that can be
  improved as a project
• Should adapt to the
  team that uses it as
  well as the problem
1. Review Agile
2. What we have learned
3. Transformation
4. So What
• During the 1990s, management commentators
  such as Peter Senge were pursuing learning
  organizations, systems thinking and dynamic
  business as the new orthodoxy in
  organizational studies (Senge, 1990)
• General Motors, for example tried to become a
  ‘boundary less organization’, characterized by
  fluid boundaries between hierarchies and units,
  between inside and outside, and across
  different geographic locations.
Traditional Approach to Business Operations

• Vertical structure that focuses only on own
• Areas that carry out similar tasks tend to have
  their own distinct set of procedures
• Often different areas have their own
  terminology for what is in effect the same thing
• Vital information is often stored locally and not
  available centrally
• Communications between different areas can
  be patchy
Problems with Traditional Approach

• Over time processes tend to become overly
• Flexibility and mobility is difficult
• Often there is duplication of work and
• Can lead to poor customer service and
  customer relationships
• Plethora of IT Systems doing similar work
  – Growing maintenance bill
  – Not best use of resources
Approach to Change

Models to introduce change into
 the organisation
  – Incremental approach
  – Step change
  – Thin threads
Scope of change island or
Prerequisites for change
Blockers & enablers - timing
  – Key influencers
  – Other changes
  – Disasters
What to change – Best Practices

                            Most Useful
Collaborative working
Iterative projects
Visual Modelling
Risk based prioritisation
Requirements Management
Change Management
Configuration Management
                            Least Useful
Agile organizations

• Agile organizations are ‘hyper strategic’,
  tackling challenges wrought by turbulent
  external environments, while also preparing for
  future changes that are not yet apparent
• They move through an agility cycle, seeking out
  and interpreting information to inform short,
  medium and long term decision making and
In practice, agility features the
following four characteristics:

• Short term frontline responsiveness
• Strategic adaptation
• Outcomes focus
• Preventing or reducing problems before they

                                                    trends and
                    shape                           issue

                                       and         opportunities to
                   respond             design      translate information
Innovation                                         into actionable
opportunities                                      solutions and products
and risks
1. Review Agile
2. What we have learned
3. Transformation
4. So What
How the World Has Changed

• Most businesses are global at launch
• Businesses are increasingly real time
• Convergence has become a way of life
• Science, product development, and product
  cycles are compressing
• The source of value has shifted for
• Competencies, future capabilities, and “ultra
  tech” are the prime driver
• The traditional value chain is forever dead
Imagine…each time we ordered a meal at our
  favorite restaurant, the owners went out
  shopping for the ingredients to cook.
But don’t go too far

     I’ve got all this
     guidance but it
       doesn’t help
Structure – Skunk Works

Lockhead Martin needed to
  develop secret projects,
  outside formal control
Formed in June 1943 –
  Burbank CA
14 rules to ensure efficiency
  – similar to XP principles
Now seen as technique for
  introducing change – but


Kelly’s rules got their start on the XP-80 project in 1943, but it wasn’t until the early 1950’s that they
    were formalized and set in place as the Skunk Works’ rules of operation.

         1. The Skunk Works manager must be delegated practically complete
          control of his program in all aspects. He should report to a division
          president or higher.

          2. Strong but small project offices must be provided both by the
          military and industry.

          3. The number of people having any connection with the project
          must be restricted in an almost vicious manner. Use a small number
          of good people (10% to 25% compared to the so-called normal

          4. A very simple drawing and drawing release system with great
          flexibility for making changes must be provided.

          5. There must be a minimum number of reports required, but
          important work must be recorded thoroughly.

•   6 There must be a monthly cost review covering not only what has been spent and
    committed but also projected costs to the conclusion of the program. Don't have
    the books ninety days late and don't surprise the customer with sudden overruns.

    7. The contractor must be delegated and must assume more than normal
    responsibility to get good vendor bids for subcontract on the project. Commercial
    bid procedures are very often better than military ones.
    8. The inspection system as currently used by the Skunk Works, which has been
    approved by both the Air Force and Navy, meets the intent of existing military
    requirements and should be used on new projects. Push more basic inspection
    responsibility back to subcontractors and vendors. Don't duplicate so much

    9. The contractor must be delegated the authority to test his final product in flight.
    He can and must test it in the initial stages. If he doesn't, he rapidly loses his
    competency to design other vehicles.

10. The specifications applying to the hardware must be agreed to well in advance
of contracting. The Skunk Works practice of having a specification section stating
clearly which important military specification items will not knowingly be complied
with and reasons therefore is highly recommended.

11. Funding a program must be timely so that the contractor doesn't have to keep
running to the bank to support government projects.

12. There must be mutual trust between the military project organization and the
contractor with very close cooperation and liaison on a day-to-day basis. This cuts
down misunderstanding and correspondence to an absolute minimum.

13. Access by outsiders to the project and its personnel must be strictly controlled
by appropriate security measures.

14. Because only a few people will be used in engineering and most other areas,
ways must be provided to reward good performance by pay not based on the
number of personnel supervised.
The Open Economy
• New business models
  based on collaboration,
  co-creation & sharing
• Transparency as a normal
• Conversations (two way
• Open interfaces to
  partners, vendors,
  suppliers, customers
• Common technology and
  business standards
• Service and Experience
Forces that drive the practices
•   Stakeholder relationships
•   Stakeholder access
•   Number of requirements
•   Number of usage scenarios
•   Novelty of the system
•   Legal requirements
•   Business domain
•   Severity of errors (safety criticalness)
•   Team distribution and communication

Select practices based on the nature of the
  problem not the nature of the process.
Evolving—Self Forming
                                        A.I.           Deep Search               Intelligent      Intelligent                    Virtual
                                                                                   Agents        Marketplaces          Group Worlds
                                                  Weak             Inference                                        Intelligence
                                                 Signals            Engines              Knowledge         Reed’s - Enterprise
Speed of Connectivity — Informational

                                         XML           Semantic Web                                     Self Formation Minds
                                                           Knowledge                            Massive   Metaweb
                                                                                               Multiplayer     Digital World
                                        Ontologies                       Knowledge              Games                           Group
                                                                                                              Life Logs         Minds
                                                              Knowledge Management
                                                                                   Life                          Market        Emergent
                                        Taxonomics                                Casting                        Places         Groups

                                        Search Engines                     Enterprise        Mobile                 Wikis       WeBlogs
                                                                            Portals       Technologies
                                               Content Portals                                     Auctions
                                                                 Websites                                                          Social
                                                                                                        SOCIAL MEDIA Networks
                                                             WEB                  Groupware                     People
                                        Databases          Information
                                                                                           Email                               Community
                                                           Conference           PIMs                   Computer                 Portals
                                                             Calls                                    Conferencing
                                                                                        P2P File
                                        File Servers              Phone Calls           Sharing                           IM
                                                                         Speed of Connectivity — Social
            Source: David Smith
                                                                                                                      Copyright, 2010 © HBMG, Inc
The Big Paradigm Shift – some reality

   We’re used to                 Agile Wants                     What Works

      Time Lines           We’re done when it’s done.             Time Boxes

  Project Managers          Disciplined self managing     Collaboration between Coach
                                      teams.                        and P.O.
    Fixed Budgets          Assumed change means no        Cost Boxes – not more than
                                 fixed cost.                     x to spend.
Predictable, all at once     Incremental deliverables        Pre-project user story
     deliverables          driven by value and constant            sessions
   Team spread out                 Co-location.             Core time in room or on
  Communication by           Information Radiators &         Information Radiators
     Document                     Conversations            captured electronically and
                                                             posted. Daily Meetings
Customer is removed        Customer is in room as part     Core time in room and end
                                   of team.                     user interaction
Agile is a Process and Method to deliver
 Strategic Business Outcomes (Not Just
▬ Bringing New Business Models to life faster
   with “Product & Process Innovation”.
▬ Integrating the new Business Model with the
   existing one seamlessly without causing
   dysfunction to the current operations.
▬ Generating Productivity Innovating on the
   existing Processes (Out of the Box).
▬ Integrating the Process Innovation with the
   Operational Continuous Improvement practices
In essence, Agile is about the business being able
   to achieve growth and productivity; without
   compromising one for the other
Competing in a Global Business Environment
Taylor’s Law                       Sarnoff’s Law                                     Metcalfe’s Law                                          Reed’s Law
(1910 – 1950s)                     (1960 - 1980)                                     (1980 - 2000)                                           (2000 - Future)
Scientific Management              “Human Side” Management                           Quality Management Era                                  E-Manufacturing

                                  Value Chain                                  Value Shop
                                 Firm Infrastructure                           Firm Infrastructure
                                 Human Resources Management                    Human Resources Management                   Infrastructure
                                                                               Technology Development                       Support
                                 Technology Development
                                                                                 Problem Finding       Problem
                                                                                  & Acquisition        Solving
                                Inbound Operations Outbound Marketing sales
                                Logistics          Logistics & Sales Service       Simon’s Problem Solving Model   Choice


Value Created in the Assembly   Value Created by Transforming                  Value Created by Providing                                     Value Created By
Line (Operations)               Inputs Into Products                           Solutions, Not Services                                        Self Forming Groups

  •Standardization Parts           •Stable Relationships                        •Lean Manufacturing                                             •Consumer Centric
   and Processes                                                                                                                                 Design and Delivery
                                   •Price Conscious                             •Shift to Horizontal Structure
  •Economies of Scale                                                                                                                           •Flat Corporate
                                   •Producer Led Design                         •Focus on Core
  •Producer-Centric                                                              Competency
                                   •Global Companies
   Design, Mfg., and                                                                                                                            •Collaborative Virtual
                                                                                •Reliability and Durability
   Delivery                        •Regionalism                                                                                                  Networks
                                                                                •Producer Led Design
  •Vertical Orientation            •Productivity                                                                                                •Mass Customization
                                                                                •Multinational Trade
  •Required inventory              •Subsidiaries                                                                                                •Transparency
   buffers                                                                      •Market Centric
                                   •Plant Replication by                                                                                        •Speed and Agility
                                                                                 Design & Delivery
  •Locally Oriented                 Region
                                                                                                                                                •Global Orientation

     HBMG Inc. Copyright 2009
Key Points
• The future of business is
• A collective mentality to
• People are human and
• The relationship comes
• Today requires FAST,
  AGILE, and
“Planning” is everything.
 A Plan is NOTHING!

In Parting: Be Paranoid

 “Sooner or later, something
fundamental in your business
     world will change.”

         Andrew S. Grove, Founder, Intel
             “Only the Paranoid Survive”

           Copyright @2008 HBMG Inc.
In Parting: Be Paranoid

 “Sooner or later, something
fundamental in your business
     world will change.”

        Andrew S. Grove, Founder, Intel
            “Only the Paranoid Survive”

                Copyright @2008 HBMG Inc.
Lean Canvas

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Agile- To Infinity and Beyond

  • 1. Agile-To Infinity and Beyond and So Much More Than Just Agile Software Agile is a tool that is most often associated with the software process but like Buzz Lightyear in the movie Toy Story it can be applied to so much more. This talk will review some of the foundations of the agile process and look at the transformational adaptations of the agile framework. The talk will give examples of other applications and will explore some of the latest applications.
  • 2. Agile-To Infinity and Beyond and So Much More Than Just Agile Software David Smith CEO HBMGInc.
  • 3. Outline 1. Review Agile 2. What we have learned 3. Transformation 4. So What
  • 4. Delivering business value is hard… “Of the work executed: “Many (possibly most) organizations lose as much as 45% of their total revenues due to costs associated with low quality” – Six Sigma “Some 75 percent of most large-scale J2EE projects fail by missing both time and budget projections …” – Mark Driver, Gartner “64% of features actually delivered are either rarely or never used” – Jim Johnson, Standish Group 4
  • 5. Why? Technological innovation is now the most important driver for competitive success – Many firms earn over one-third of sales on products developed within last five years Product life cycles ( time between product introduction to market and its withdrawal) – Software 4-12 months – Computer hardware 12-24 months – Large home appliances 18-36 months Copyright, 2011 © HBMG, Inc.
  • 6. Business, Knowledge, and Innovation Landscape • Typically 80% of the key knowledge (and value) is held by 20% of the people – we need to get it to the right people • Only 20% of the knowledge in an organization is typically used (the rest being undiscovered or under- utilized) • 80-90% of the products and services today will be obsolete in 10 years – companies need to innovate & invent faster Copyright 2012@ HBMG Inc.
  • 7. Definitions The term agile can be defined as 1) marked by ready ability to move with quick easy grace, or 2) having a quick resourceful and adaptable character (Merriam-Webster 2002 3) Latin word agilis, which means “easily moved, light, nimble, active”.
  • 8. Brief History of Development Methodologies AGILE e.g. XP (Kent Beck) Methodologies RUP (Rational) user Incremental, driven, low process RAD Object oriented, (James Martin)iterative, time-boxed, user driven Prototyping, RUP iterative, time-boxed, SPIRAL MODEL user driven RAD WATERFALL (Royce) (Barry Boehm) V-MODEL (Anon) Requirements, design Iterative Spiral Model implementation, Aligns testing to verification & Waterfall maintenance development V-Model Waterfall 1960 1970 1980 85 91 98 99 8
  • 9. The Agile Manifesto (2001) • Not an “ideal” way - this comes from real experience We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: – Individuals and interactions over processes and tools – Working software over comprehensive documentation – Customer collaboration over contract negotiation – Responding to change over following a plan
  • 10. The Agile Manifesto–a statement of values Agile Practice favors: Individuals and over Process and tools interactions Comprehensive Working Product over documentation Customer over Contract negotiation collaboration Responding to over Following a plan change
  • 11. What is Agile Software Development? • Easily moved, light, nimble, active software processes • Fitting the process to the project • Avoidance of things that waste time
  • 12. Agile Methods Several methods that are often cited to be agile, e.g., – Extreme Programming – Crystal Family – Open Source – Adaptive Software Development (ASD) – SCRUM – Feature Driven Development (FDD) – Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM) In addition, e.g., Rational Unified Process (RUP) and Capability Maturity Model (CMM) can be evaluated from Agile Manifesto point of view Further, organisations often develop their own methods, or modify existing methods to better suit their objectives – These are called local method development or in-house methods
  • 13. Characteristics of an Agile Process • Empirical (relies on observation and experience) • Lightweight • Adaptive • Fast – but never hurried • Exposes wastefulness • Customer-centric • Pushes decision making to lower levels • Fosters trust, honesty and courage • Encourages self-organization
  • 14. The Big Paradigm Shift We’re used to Agile Wants Time Lines We’re done when it’s done. Project Managers Disciplined self managing teams. Fixed Budgets Assumed change means no fixed cost. Predictable, all at once deliverables Incremental deliverables driven by value and constant learning. Multiple matrixed units in multiple Co-location – one team. locations make up team Communication by Document Information Radiators. Customer is removed Customer is part of team. Certain Knowledge Action
  • 15. Agile Project Management Can wrap around most existing practices – But most effective when the practices are also Agile Supports Iterative and incremental development Uses Inspect/Adapt principles – For project planning (daily/iteration/release) – To ensure highest customer value Tracks time remaining only – Does not track • People. Accuracy of estimates. Task dependencies Example methodologies: Scrum, Crystal
  • 17. Agile Engineering Essential Practices – Regular refactoring (many times daily) • This produces well-componentized designs, clear APIs and clean code without duplications – Frequent check ins (many times daily) – Unit Testing • Leading to Test Driven Development (TDD) – Continuous Build and Integration • Running automated tests on each build – Just-in-time code reviews (e.g. pair programming) Example methodologies: XP, Agile Modeling
  • 18. Agile - XP The Values Communication Simplicity Feedback Courage Respect
  • 19. Agile Testing Early involvement – An Agile project begins when testers convert high-level requirements into testable specifications. Work as part of the development team – The testers work with the developers to pick unit test and acceptance test frameworks, and to test the software in parallel with development. This requires a shift in thinking. Automate everything – (wherever possible) Test early, test often – Never leave the testing until the end
  • 20. Customer Customer requirements Project Iteration Requirements Management plan Management Estimated CR Project planning Estimations Communication Design Testing scenarios Test-before- code Code Coding standard Test software product
  • 21. The Agile Customer “Customer’ is a role, not a person – Also known as Product Manager, Product Owner – Proxy for the entire customer group Responsible for the Release Plan Responsible for managing the Product Backlog Determines business value & priority on a regular basis Provides information to development team for estimation purposes Works with testers to produce clear, testable user stories for each iteration Inspects software regularly (e.g. runs acceptance tests) and provides feedback to the development team
  • 22. 40 years of process* development * Process, Method, Methodology, Late ’60s whatever... Ericsson Approach ‘87 –’96 CMM Objectory Process SW-CMM XP, SCRUM & ‘96 –’00 The Unified “Lightweight Process Methods” XX-CMM Agile Manifesto ‘01 –’06 IBM RUP CMMI Everyone's Agile EssUP ‘07 –> ? The Rise of Practices ?
  • 23. Adoption Detractors • Inconsistent and diverse definitions • Lack of theoretical grounding • Different way of thinking – Role changes – Situational customization • Solid people skills required • Short iterations inhibit long-term perspective • Risks – Harder to manage feature creep and customer expectations – Difficult to quantify cost, time, quality.
  • 24. Outline 1. Review Agile 2. What we have learned 3. Transformation 4. So What
  • 25. What have we learn? They’re hard to learn… You can get knowledge from books . . . ….or from a web-site.
  • 26. Agile vs. Plan Driven Processes 1. Small products and 1. Large products and teams; scalability teams; hard to scale limited down 2. Untested on safety- 2. Handles highly critical critical products products; hard to scale 3. Good for dynamic, but down expensive for stable 3. Good for stable, but environments. expensive for dynamic 4. Require experienced environments Agile personnel 4. Require experienced throughout personnel only at start 5. Personnel thrive on if stable environment freedom and chaos 5. Personnel thrive on structure and order
  • 28. There are 100’s of so-called practices… Business Test-Driven Scrum Product-Line Risk-Driven Systems Modeling Development Engineering Iterative Engineering Development Aspect Robustness Retro- Business Process Use-Case Pair Orientation Analysis spectives Re-Engineering Driven Programming Development PSP User Stories SOA Prince2 Use-Case Program Modeling Management …but are really all the same kind of thing?
  • 29. Practices are ’end-to-end’ aspects of process Practices cross-cut the traditional EssUP Practices software engineering disciplines Architecture Iteration Use Case $ Component Product Process Team Modeling
  • 30. Self Adaptive Process Changes over time Alters itself to the task at hand • Starts off with a problem that can be improved as a project continues • Should adapt to the team that uses it as well as the problem
  • 31. 1. Review Agile 2. What we have learned 3. Transformation 4. So What
  • 32. • During the 1990s, management commentators such as Peter Senge were pursuing learning organizations, systems thinking and dynamic business as the new orthodoxy in organizational studies (Senge, 1990) • General Motors, for example tried to become a ‘boundary less organization’, characterized by fluid boundaries between hierarchies and units, between inside and outside, and across different geographic locations.
  • 33. Traditional Approach to Business Operations • Vertical structure that focuses only on own area • Areas that carry out similar tasks tend to have their own distinct set of procedures • Often different areas have their own terminology for what is in effect the same thing • Vital information is often stored locally and not available centrally • Communications between different areas can be patchy
  • 34. Problems with Traditional Approach • Over time processes tend to become overly complex • Flexibility and mobility is difficult • Often there is duplication of work and information • Can lead to poor customer service and customer relationships • Plethora of IT Systems doing similar work – Growing maintenance bill – Not best use of resources
  • 35. Approach to Change Models to introduce change into the organisation – Incremental approach – Step change – Thin threads Scope of change island or wholesale Prerequisites for change Blockers & enablers - timing – Key influencers – Other changes – Disasters
  • 36. What to change – Best Practices Most Useful Collaborative working Iterative projects Visual Modelling Risk based prioritisation Requirements Management Change Management Configuration Management Tools Traceability Least Useful 36
  • 37. Agile organizations • Agile organizations are ‘hyper strategic’, tackling challenges wrought by turbulent external environments, while also preparing for future changes that are not yet apparent • They move through an agility cycle, seeking out and interpreting information to inform short, medium and long term decision making and action.
  • 38. In practice, agility features the following four characteristics: • Short term frontline responsiveness • Strategic adaptation • Outcomes focus • Preventing or reducing problems before they arise.
  • 39. AGILITY CYCLE future emerging environments trends and shape issue scan and forecast AGILITY CYCLE Sense and opportunities to respond design translate information Innovation into actionable opportunities solutions and products and risks
  • 40. 1. Review Agile 2. What we have learned 3. Transformation 4. So What
  • 41. How the World Has Changed • Most businesses are global at launch • Businesses are increasingly real time • Convergence has become a way of life • Science, product development, and product cycles are compressing • The source of value has shifted for manufacturing • Competencies, future capabilities, and “ultra tech” are the prime driver • The traditional value chain is forever dead
  • 42. Imagine…each time we ordered a meal at our favorite restaurant, the owners went out shopping for the ingredients to cook.
  • 43. But don’t go too far I’ve got all this guidance but it doesn’t help me
  • 44. Structure – Skunk Works Lockhead Martin needed to develop secret projects, outside formal control Formed in June 1943 – Burbank CA 14 rules to ensure efficiency – similar to XP principles Now seen as technique for introducing change – but … 44
  • 45. KELLY'S 14 RULES Kelly’s rules got their start on the XP-80 project in 1943, but it wasn’t until the early 1950’s that they were formalized and set in place as the Skunk Works’ rules of operation. 1. The Skunk Works manager must be delegated practically complete control of his program in all aspects. He should report to a division president or higher. 2. Strong but small project offices must be provided both by the military and industry. 3. The number of people having any connection with the project must be restricted in an almost vicious manner. Use a small number of good people (10% to 25% compared to the so-called normal systems). 4. A very simple drawing and drawing release system with great flexibility for making changes must be provided. 5. There must be a minimum number of reports required, but important work must be recorded thoroughly.
  • 46. KELLY'S 14 RULES • 6 There must be a monthly cost review covering not only what has been spent and committed but also projected costs to the conclusion of the program. Don't have the books ninety days late and don't surprise the customer with sudden overruns. 7. The contractor must be delegated and must assume more than normal responsibility to get good vendor bids for subcontract on the project. Commercial bid procedures are very often better than military ones. 8. The inspection system as currently used by the Skunk Works, which has been approved by both the Air Force and Navy, meets the intent of existing military requirements and should be used on new projects. Push more basic inspection responsibility back to subcontractors and vendors. Don't duplicate so much inspection. 9. The contractor must be delegated the authority to test his final product in flight. He can and must test it in the initial stages. If he doesn't, he rapidly loses his competency to design other vehicles.
  • 47. KELLY'S 14 RULES 10. The specifications applying to the hardware must be agreed to well in advance of contracting. The Skunk Works practice of having a specification section stating clearly which important military specification items will not knowingly be complied with and reasons therefore is highly recommended. 11. Funding a program must be timely so that the contractor doesn't have to keep running to the bank to support government projects. 12. There must be mutual trust between the military project organization and the contractor with very close cooperation and liaison on a day-to-day basis. This cuts down misunderstanding and correspondence to an absolute minimum. 13. Access by outsiders to the project and its personnel must be strictly controlled by appropriate security measures. 14. Because only a few people will be used in engineering and most other areas, ways must be provided to reward good performance by pay not based on the number of personnel supervised.
  • 48. The Open Economy • New business models based on collaboration, co-creation & sharing • Transparency as a normal practice • Conversations (two way communication) • Open interfaces to partners, vendors, suppliers, customers • Common technology and business standards • Service and Experience Mentality
  • 50. Forces that drive the practices used… • Stakeholder relationships • Stakeholder access • Number of requirements • Number of usage scenarios • Novelty of the system • Legal requirements • Business domain • Severity of errors (safety criticalness) • Team distribution and communication Select practices based on the nature of the problem not the nature of the process.
  • 51.
  • 52. Evolving—Self Forming A.I. Deep Search Intelligent Intelligent Virtual Agents Marketplaces Group Worlds Weak Inference Intelligence Signals Engines Knowledge Reed’s - Enterprise Speed of Connectivity — Informational Networks XML Semantic Web Self Formation Minds Knowledge Massive Metaweb Multiplayer Digital World Ontologies Knowledge Games Group Life Logs Minds Knowledge Management Bases Life Market Emergent Taxonomics Casting Places Groups Search Engines Enterprise Mobile Wikis WeBlogs Portals Technologies Content Portals Auctions Websites Social SOCIAL MEDIA Networks WEB Groupware People Databases Information Email Community Conference PIMs Computer Portals Calls Conferencing P2P File File Servers Phone Calls Sharing IM Speed of Connectivity — Social Source: David Smith Copyright, 2010 © HBMG, Inc
  • 53. The Big Paradigm Shift – some reality We’re used to Agile Wants What Works Time Lines We’re done when it’s done. Time Boxes Project Managers Disciplined self managing Collaboration between Coach teams. and P.O. Fixed Budgets Assumed change means no Cost Boxes – not more than fixed cost. x to spend. Predictable, all at once Incremental deliverables Pre-project user story deliverables driven by value and constant sessions learning. Team spread out Co-location. Core time in room or on phone Communication by Information Radiators & Information Radiators Document Conversations captured electronically and posted. Daily Meetings Customer is removed Customer is in room as part Core time in room and end of team. user interaction
  • 54.
  • 55. Agile is a Process and Method to deliver Strategic Business Outcomes (Not Just Software!): ▬ Bringing New Business Models to life faster with “Product & Process Innovation”. ▬ Integrating the new Business Model with the existing one seamlessly without causing dysfunction to the current operations. ▬ Generating Productivity Innovating on the existing Processes (Out of the Box). ▬ Integrating the Process Innovation with the Operational Continuous Improvement practices (Reengineering). In essence, Agile is about the business being able to achieve growth and productivity; without compromising one for the other
  • 56. Competing in a Global Business Environment Taylor’s Law Sarnoff’s Law Metcalfe’s Law Reed’s Law (1910 – 1950s) (1960 - 1980) (1980 - 2000) (2000 - Future) Scientific Management “Human Side” Management Quality Management Era E-Manufacturing Value Chain Value Shop Firm Infrastructure Firm Infrastructure Human Resources Management Human Resources Management Infrastructure Technology Development Support Technology Development Procurement Procurement Problem Finding Problem & Acquisition Solving After- Inbound Operations Outbound Marketing sales Logistics Logistics & Sales Service Simon’s Problem Solving Model Choice Control/ Execution Evaluation Value Created in the Assembly Value Created by Transforming Value Created by Providing Value Created By Line (Operations) Inputs Into Products Solutions, Not Services Self Forming Groups •Standardization Parts •Stable Relationships •Lean Manufacturing •Consumer Centric and Processes Design and Delivery •Price Conscious •Shift to Horizontal Structure •Economies of Scale •Flat Corporate •Producer Led Design •Focus on Core Structures •Producer-Centric Competency •Global Companies Design, Mfg., and •Collaborative Virtual •Reliability and Durability Delivery •Regionalism Networks •Producer Led Design •Vertical Orientation •Productivity •Mass Customization •Multinational Trade •Required inventory •Subsidiaries •Transparency buffers •Market Centric •Plant Replication by •Speed and Agility Design & Delivery •Locally Oriented Region •Global Orientation HBMG Inc. Copyright 2009
  • 57. Key Points • The future of business is relationships • A collective mentality to problems • People are human and digital • The relationship comes first • Today requires FAST, AGILE, and COLLABORATIVE
  • 58. “Planning” is everything. A Plan is NOTHING! DWIGHT EISENHOWER
  • 59. In Parting: Be Paranoid “Sooner or later, something fundamental in your business world will change.”  Andrew S. Grove, Founder, Intel “Only the Paranoid Survive” Copyright @2008 HBMG Inc.
  • 60. In Parting: Be Paranoid “Sooner or later, something fundamental in your business world will change.”  Andrew S. Grove, Founder, Intel “Only the Paranoid Survive” Copyright @2008 HBMG Inc.