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Conversation and Your Brand

 Developing, growing and strengthening your brand has
 always been about the conversation that surrounds it

 s What your customers are saying
 s What your employees are saying
 s What influencers are saying
 s What the competition is saying
 s What the investment community is saying

                                             Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   02
Conversation and Your Brand

 And until recently we’ve controlled that conversation by
 carefully assigning how we communicate

 s Marketing and Advertising - broadcast the message
 s Public Relations - steer the message
 s HR - explain the message internally
 s Internal Communications - sell the message
 s Sales/Business Development - carry the message to each

                                                Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   03
What’s Changed?

 Conversation is no longer between just two people

 s In December 1998, 23 known blogs and in April 1999 the term
   “blog” was born
 s In 2003, the Oxford English Dictionary listed “blog” as both a
   noun and a verb and the worldwide blog count was at 1 million
 s Today (April 2008) Forrester Research reports the numbers to be
     18% of on-line users have published a blog or web page, uploaded
     a video or music, or posted articles or stories on line and 56% of
     online consumers had participated in some sort of social
     in the last month

                                                   Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   04
What’s Changed?

 And communicating with the customer is no longer
 easily assigned

 Kryptonite Bike Locks
 PR Dept. Response

                                         Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   05
Kryptonite’s response:

  “W e unde rs tand the re are c once rns re g arding tubular cy linde rs us e d in s ome Kry ptonite locks .
The tubular c y linde r, a s tandard indus try -w ide de s ig n, has be e n s ucce s s fully us e d for more than
30 y e ars in our products and othe r s e curity applications w ithout s ig nificant is s ue s .

    The c urre nt Kry ptonite loc ks bas e d on a tubular cy linde r de s ig n continue to pre s e nt an e ffe ctiv e
de te rre nt to the ft. As part of our continuing commitme nt to produce pe rformance and improv e d
s e c urity , Kry ptonite has be e n de v e loping a dis c-s ty le cy linde r for s ome y e ars . In 2000, Kry ptonite
introduce d the dis c -s ty le c y linde r in its pre mie r line of products , the Ne w York s e rie s . In 2002,
Kry ptonite be g an de v e lopme nt of a ne w dis c cy linde r s y s te m for both its Ev olution and Kry ptoLok
produc t line s , w hic h curre ntly us e the tubular cy linde r de s ig n. The s e products are s che dule d to be
introduce d in the ne xt fe w w e e ks .

    W e are ac c e le rating the de liv e ry of the ne w dis c cy linde r locks and w e will communicate dire ctly
w ith our dis tributors , de ale rs and cons ume rs within the coming day s . The world jus t g ot toug he r
and s o did our loc ks .”

                                                                                      Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   06
What’s Changed?

 Conversation is happening 24/7, all over the world,
 in a matter of minutes
 Amazon Goes Down (approx. 4:30-6:00 am on June 6, 2008)
 June 6, 2008 | 10:34 AM PDT — Amazon suffers U.S. outage on Friday
 June 6, 2008 | 1:36:47 — Amazon Back Up After Outage
 June 6, 2008 | 3:42 — Amazon loses $1.8-million due to outage: AdAge

 Close of Day: NASDAQ (Amazon)
 Last Price        80.67 ( 3:00 PM EDT)
 Change (%)        -3.59 (-4.26%)
 Day High          83.46
 Day Low           80.61

                                                             Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   07
What’s Changed?

 Customers will not limit their conversations about your
 business, your product or your service to your sales or
 customer service people

 s Buyers prefer to be educated, not sold and want to pursue this
   education anonymously until they’ve reached a purchasing
 s Peer opinions/reviews on product, service, company and brand
   are becoming more and more relevant to the buyer’s decision

                                                  Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   08
Can I ignore it?

 It isn’t hard to talk ourselves out of adding conversation
 to the mix

 s Business has been operating the same way for a long time and it’s
   proven effective
 s Only the young kids are into the whole conversation thing
 s My customers are all over 40 and aren’t into all that new stuff
 s Our 5-year strategic plan doesn’t take into account social
 s Conversations of this type are really just relevant to B2C and isn’t
   really affecting the B2B marketplace
 s My budget’s already stretched so thin

                                                     Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   09
No - Employees will demand it

 Web conversation isn’t going away
 s Personal communication needs and wants will quickly become professional
   communication needs and wants
      s Blair Christie, Cisco – “W e b 2.0 bring s w ork and pe rs onal life s ty le s clos e r tog e the r
        w ith pote ntial be ne fits to the bus ine s s w orld. It’s a mas h-up of y our w orld at home
        and our world in bus ine s s .”
      s Nancy DeLapp, VP, IBM – “The corporate w orkforce is g oing to chang e dramatically
        w ith the s oc ially ne tw orke d e mploy e e population coming into our companie s v e ry s oon.”
      s Clara Shih, The AppExchange Blog – “The Face book g e ne ration w ill g row up and
        c ompris e an inc re as ing portion of the w orkforce and company le ade rs hip.”
 s Boomers are getting there or getting out
 s X-generationers are there and demanding change in the workplace
 s Y-generationers (millenianers) will accept nothing else and will only work with
   those keeping pace with them

                                                                                    Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   10
And customers will demand it

 Your customers expect to have conversations with
 you on t h e ir t e r m s

 Target loses its “cool.”

                                         Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   11
And customers will demand it

 The Viral Garden post:
 “It all started when Amy Jussel from spotted the Target billboard to
 the right, and saw something other than a woman making a snow Angel. Amy felt that
 the billboard 'targetted' the wrong message for young girls, and emailed her complaint
 to Target. The company would later email her the following response:

 ‘Good Morning Amy ,

 Thank y ou for contacting Targ e t; unfortunate ly we are unable to re s pond to y our
 inquiry be caus e Targ e t doe s not participate with non-traditional me dia outle ts . This
 practice is in place to allow us to focus on publications that re ach our core g ue s t.

 Once ag ain thank y ou for y our inte re s t, and hav e a nice day .’”

                                                                          Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   12
Plus, the media is listening and participating

 Hot news stories for major media outlets are starting with
 conversations on the web and reporters are ensuring
 those conversations/stories reach a much wider audience

                                           Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   13
The New York Times Contacts Target
(as reported in the Viral Garden post)
“The Ne w Y ork Time s als o c ontacte d Targ e t, w ho re plie d that ‘W e do not w ork w ith blog g e rs
curre ntly ,’ s aid a c ompany s poke s woman, Amy v on W alte r. As the NYTime s points out, Targ e t
w on't talk to blog g e rs , but W ILL talk to a MS M s ource that's w riting a s tory about how the y w on't
talk to blog g e rs .

But none of this e xcus e s the fac t that it is abs olute ly unforg iv able for a major corporation, in 2008,
to hav e a policy in place that s tate s that it ig nore s blog g e rs . To g o a s te p furthe r and bas ically
imply that blog g e rs don't re pre s e nt Targ e t's 'core g ue s ts ', is the he ig ht of ig norance . Amy mig ht be
a blog g e r, but s he w as als o a Targ e t cus tome r that contacte d the company w ith a complaint. And
s he w as all but ig nore d.

BTW w he n the NY Time s c ontac te d Targ e t and the y claime d that the y don't w ork w ith blog g e rs
curre ntly , the c ompany c larifie d that s tate me nt by adding “But we hav e made e xce ptions . And w e
are re v ie w ing the polic y and may adjus t it.” IOW , the company may chang e the ir policy if the s tory
y ou are w riting c aus e s a big e noug h s tink.”

                                                                                      Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   14
The most important reason to rethink

 Faster, smarter business is all about embracing
 conversations in a Web 2.0 world

 s It’s increasing your sales force by thousands
 s It’s increasing your PR department by thousands - IBM
 s You get feedback on your product/service directly from your
   customers instantly allowing you to adjust to changing market
   conditions faster
 s Messaging can be adjusted quickly and with better insight
 s Quicker connections with audiences before, during and after
   like trade shows, symposiums, seminars, meetings, etc.

                                                   Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   15
Additional benefits

 s With buyers in control you can facilitate demand instead of generating it
 s Closer connection between marketing and sales messaging/tools
 s Ability to nurture relationship that already exists offline
 s Quicker lead generation
 s Adds peer to the mix for a quicker sale
 s Better customer segmentation
 s Achieves brand qualities that traditional marketing struggles to achieve
     s Credibility
     s Understanding
     s Sustainability
 s Quicker/stronger brand alignment

                                                       Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   16
Ok, I’m rethinking

 Where do I begin???

                       Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   17
Understand who’s in charge?

 No one and everyone

 s Traditional departments - advertising, PR, marketing, communications,
   customer service, IT (yes, IT), but free of silos and internal politics
 s Leadership Team and business units - proving business value to the CEO
 s CEO - champion the principles, values and behaviors
 s Employees - the best companies will let go of their message and control
   of the gate and trust it with their employees to carry forward.
 s Your customer
     s Bea Fields (author of Millennial Leaders): “Cus tome rs hav e alway s
       be e n a force in the e v olution of brands . W hat is happe ning is s imply
       that the part cus tome rs play in brand e v olution is be coming more
       v is ible and is the re fore taking on a more important role .”

                                                              Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   18
Understand the rules of the road

 s Understand push vs. pull and when to use one or the other
 s Think dialogue vs. monologue
 s Make each conversation relevant to each audience
     s McDonald’s Brand Journalism
     s St. Norbert IM addresses
 s Achieve and maintain brand alignment
 s Creating an environment that is conducive and accepting of
 s Think less about technology and more about sociology
 s Participating in the message instead of controlling it
     s Dell Hell

                                                     Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   19
Rules of the road

  Dell Hell

                    Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   20
Rules of the road

 The Manifesto for Monday Morning
 (By Peter Hirshberg, Technorati and Steven Hyden, Ogilvy)

 “Live brands participate in conversations in a manner that is:”
 s Re al
 s Cons tant
 s Ge nuine ly inte re s te d
 s Inte nt on le arning
 s Humble
 s Atte ntiv e
 s Pe rs onal

                                                       Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   21
Rules of the road


                    Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   22
Be brave

  B2C is already there. B2B is blazing a trail.
  Audiences recognize innovation in communications.

                                                  Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   23
Great conversations going on now

 s Enterprise
 s St. Norbert College
 s Dell (click on Dell Community)
 s McDonalds
 s Huggies
 s Lexus
 s Starbucks
 s Miller Electric
 s Scotland

                                    Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   24
Get started

 Get comfortable

  s Make sure your brand and your business are ready for each step
  s Break down conversation/department silos
  s Align your brand
  s Hire a community manager to listen to conversations about your
  s Get key influencers comfortable with the tools of conversation

                                                   Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   25
Get started

 Test the waters

 s Add an online response mechanism to a product description,
   white paper or case study
 s Add broadcast conversation to your careers/employment page
 s Figure out a way to connect customers with the people they
   really want to talk to inside your company
 s Figure out a way to connect your customers with each other
 s Start an Intranet blog or sales force blog

                                                 Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   26
Get started

 SelectMinds, which works mainly with B2B companies to
 create internal social networks, cites the following results
 for their clients:

 s Productivity increased on average 10.33%
 s New business increased on average 11.65%
 s Retention increased on average 5%

                                              Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   27
Get started

 When you’re ready to charge ahead - STOP!
 Ask yourself

 • How will we benefit from initiating or participating
   in a conversation?
 • With whom do we want to have the conversation?
 • Where are the conversations currently taking place?

                                                      Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   28
Don’t forget

 Sell it!

 s Define objectives and measurements
 s Determine value

                                        Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   29
“A brand is an e motional re lations hip be twe e n the us e r and the product, W e b 2.0
allows us to build that re lations hip one to one , to me as ure thing s and g e t an imme diate
re action. But pe ople talk about y our brand in way s y ou can’t control, whe the r pos itiv e
or ne g ativ e , be a part of that dis cus s ion s o y ou unde rs tand it.”

                                             Lou Aversano
                                             Managing Partner, Ogilivy Worldwide

                                                                      Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   30
 Today’s conversation was brought you by:
 •Thomas Petziner, Jr. The Wall Street Journal – Forward, The Cluetrain Manifesto
 •Susan Solomon, the ClickZ Network – Brand Journalism
 •Peter Hirshberg, Technorati and Steven Hyden, Ogilvy – The Manifesto for Monday Morning.
 •Brian Solis, principal at FutureWorks – PR 2.0 blog entry
 •Nilofer Merchant, CEO of Rubison Consulting – Segmentation in a Web 2.0 World, MarketingProfs
 April 10, 2007.
 •Bea Fields, author of Millennial Leaders
 •Ellis Booker, BtoB On-line, Leads: Finding, tracking, nurturing, converting, May 27, 2008
 •Karen Breen Vogel, CEO of ClearGuage, BtoB Online Post 5.27.08
 •Doc Searlys – The Cluetrain Manifesto
 •Tim Riesterer – Customer Message Management, Marketing Profs Virtual Seminar, June 7, 2007
 •Web 2.0 and the Corporation, Roundtable at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth
        •Toby Hoden, CMO, ING
        •Lou Aversano, Managing Partner Ogilvy Worldwide
        •Blair Christie, VP, Cisco
        •Jon Iwata, Senior VP, IBM
        •Frank Boncimino, Senior VP, Time Warner Cable
        •Nancy DeLapp, Global VP, IBM
 •Clara Shih, The AppExchange Blog,, posted January 30, 2008
 •Mack Collier, The Viral Garden Blog, posted January 29, 2008
 •Phillip Torrone, engadget, posted Sep 16th 2004 at 12:20PM

                                                                     Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers   31

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Communications 2.0

  • 1.
  • 2. Conversation and Your Brand Developing, growing and strengthening your brand has always been about the conversation that surrounds it s What your customers are saying s What your employees are saying s What influencers are saying s What the competition is saying s What the investment community is saying Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 02
  • 3. Conversation and Your Brand And until recently we’ve controlled that conversation by carefully assigning how we communicate s Marketing and Advertising - broadcast the message s Public Relations - steer the message s HR - explain the message internally s Internal Communications - sell the message s Sales/Business Development - carry the message to each customer Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 03
  • 4. What’s Changed? Conversation is no longer between just two people s In December 1998, 23 known blogs and in April 1999 the term “blog” was born s In 2003, the Oxford English Dictionary listed “blog” as both a noun and a verb and the worldwide blog count was at 1 million s Today (April 2008) Forrester Research reports the numbers to be 18% of on-line users have published a blog or web page, uploaded a video or music, or posted articles or stories on line and 56% of all online consumers had participated in some sort of social application in the last month Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 04
  • 5. What’s Changed? And communicating with the customer is no longer easily assigned Kryptonite Bike Locks PR Dept. Response Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 05
  • 6. Kryptonite’s response: “W e unde rs tand the re are c once rns re g arding tubular cy linde rs us e d in s ome Kry ptonite locks . The tubular c y linde r, a s tandard indus try -w ide de s ig n, has be e n s ucce s s fully us e d for more than 30 y e ars in our products and othe r s e curity applications w ithout s ig nificant is s ue s . The c urre nt Kry ptonite loc ks bas e d on a tubular cy linde r de s ig n continue to pre s e nt an e ffe ctiv e de te rre nt to the ft. As part of our continuing commitme nt to produce pe rformance and improv e d s e c urity , Kry ptonite has be e n de v e loping a dis c-s ty le cy linde r for s ome y e ars . In 2000, Kry ptonite introduce d the dis c -s ty le c y linde r in its pre mie r line of products , the Ne w York s e rie s . In 2002, Kry ptonite be g an de v e lopme nt of a ne w dis c cy linde r s y s te m for both its Ev olution and Kry ptoLok produc t line s , w hic h curre ntly us e the tubular cy linde r de s ig n. The s e products are s che dule d to be introduce d in the ne xt fe w w e e ks . W e are ac c e le rating the de liv e ry of the ne w dis c cy linde r locks and w e will communicate dire ctly w ith our dis tributors , de ale rs and cons ume rs within the coming day s . The world jus t g ot toug he r and s o did our loc ks .” Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 06
  • 7. What’s Changed? Conversation is happening 24/7, all over the world, in a matter of minutes Amazon Goes Down (approx. 4:30-6:00 am on June 6, 2008) June 6, 2008 | 10:34 AM PDT — Amazon suffers U.S. outage on Friday June 6, 2008 | 1:36:47 — Amazon Back Up After Outage June 6, 2008 | 3:42 — Amazon loses $1.8-million due to outage: AdAge Close of Day: NASDAQ (Amazon) Last Price 80.67 ( 3:00 PM EDT) Change (%) -3.59 (-4.26%) Day High 83.46 Day Low 80.61 Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 07
  • 8. What’s Changed? Customers will not limit their conversations about your business, your product or your service to your sales or customer service people s Buyers prefer to be educated, not sold and want to pursue this education anonymously until they’ve reached a purchasing decision s Peer opinions/reviews on product, service, company and brand are becoming more and more relevant to the buyer’s decision Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 08
  • 9. Can I ignore it? It isn’t hard to talk ourselves out of adding conversation to the mix s Business has been operating the same way for a long time and it’s proven effective s Only the young kids are into the whole conversation thing s My customers are all over 40 and aren’t into all that new stuff s Our 5-year strategic plan doesn’t take into account social networking s Conversations of this type are really just relevant to B2C and isn’t really affecting the B2B marketplace s My budget’s already stretched so thin Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 09
  • 10. No - Employees will demand it Web conversation isn’t going away s Personal communication needs and wants will quickly become professional communication needs and wants s Blair Christie, Cisco – “W e b 2.0 bring s w ork and pe rs onal life s ty le s clos e r tog e the r w ith pote ntial be ne fits to the bus ine s s w orld. It’s a mas h-up of y our w orld at home and our world in bus ine s s .” s Nancy DeLapp, VP, IBM – “The corporate w orkforce is g oing to chang e dramatically w ith the s oc ially ne tw orke d e mploy e e population coming into our companie s v e ry s oon.” s Clara Shih, The AppExchange Blog – “The Face book g e ne ration w ill g row up and c ompris e an inc re as ing portion of the w orkforce and company le ade rs hip.” s Boomers are getting there or getting out s X-generationers are there and demanding change in the workplace s Y-generationers (millenianers) will accept nothing else and will only work with those keeping pace with them Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 10
  • 11. And customers will demand it Your customers expect to have conversations with you on t h e ir t e r m s Target loses its “cool.” Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 11
  • 12. And customers will demand it The Viral Garden post: “It all started when Amy Jussel from spotted the Target billboard to the right, and saw something other than a woman making a snow Angel. Amy felt that the billboard 'targetted' the wrong message for young girls, and emailed her complaint to Target. The company would later email her the following response: ‘Good Morning Amy , Thank y ou for contacting Targ e t; unfortunate ly we are unable to re s pond to y our inquiry be caus e Targ e t doe s not participate with non-traditional me dia outle ts . This practice is in place to allow us to focus on publications that re ach our core g ue s t. Once ag ain thank y ou for y our inte re s t, and hav e a nice day .’” Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 12
  • 13. Plus, the media is listening and participating Hot news stories for major media outlets are starting with conversations on the web and reporters are ensuring those conversations/stories reach a much wider audience Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 13
  • 14. The New York Times Contacts Target (as reported in the Viral Garden post) “The Ne w Y ork Time s als o c ontacte d Targ e t, w ho re plie d that ‘W e do not w ork w ith blog g e rs curre ntly ,’ s aid a c ompany s poke s woman, Amy v on W alte r. As the NYTime s points out, Targ e t w on't talk to blog g e rs , but W ILL talk to a MS M s ource that's w riting a s tory about how the y w on't talk to blog g e rs . But none of this e xcus e s the fac t that it is abs olute ly unforg iv able for a major corporation, in 2008, to hav e a policy in place that s tate s that it ig nore s blog g e rs . To g o a s te p furthe r and bas ically imply that blog g e rs don't re pre s e nt Targ e t's 'core g ue s ts ', is the he ig ht of ig norance . Amy mig ht be a blog g e r, but s he w as als o a Targ e t cus tome r that contacte d the company w ith a complaint. And s he w as all but ig nore d. BTW w he n the NY Time s c ontac te d Targ e t and the y claime d that the y don't w ork w ith blog g e rs curre ntly , the c ompany c larifie d that s tate me nt by adding “But we hav e made e xce ptions . And w e are re v ie w ing the polic y and may adjus t it.” IOW , the company may chang e the ir policy if the s tory y ou are w riting c aus e s a big e noug h s tink.” Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 14
  • 15. The most important reason to rethink Faster, smarter business is all about embracing conversations in a Web 2.0 world s It’s increasing your sales force by thousands s It’s increasing your PR department by thousands - IBM s You get feedback on your product/service directly from your customers instantly allowing you to adjust to changing market conditions faster s Messaging can be adjusted quickly and with better insight s Quicker connections with audiences before, during and after events like trade shows, symposiums, seminars, meetings, etc. Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 15
  • 16. Additional benefits s With buyers in control you can facilitate demand instead of generating it s Closer connection between marketing and sales messaging/tools s Ability to nurture relationship that already exists offline s Quicker lead generation s Adds peer to the mix for a quicker sale s Better customer segmentation s Achieves brand qualities that traditional marketing struggles to achieve s Credibility s Understanding s Sustainability s Quicker/stronger brand alignment Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 16
  • 17. Ok, I’m rethinking Where do I begin??? Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 17
  • 18. Understand who’s in charge? No one and everyone s Traditional departments - advertising, PR, marketing, communications, customer service, IT (yes, IT), but free of silos and internal politics s Leadership Team and business units - proving business value to the CEO s CEO - champion the principles, values and behaviors s Employees - the best companies will let go of their message and control of the gate and trust it with their employees to carry forward. s Your customer s Bea Fields (author of Millennial Leaders): “Cus tome rs hav e alway s be e n a force in the e v olution of brands . W hat is happe ning is s imply that the part cus tome rs play in brand e v olution is be coming more v is ible and is the re fore taking on a more important role .” Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 18
  • 19. Understand the rules of the road s Understand push vs. pull and when to use one or the other s Think dialogue vs. monologue s Make each conversation relevant to each audience s McDonald’s Brand Journalism s St. Norbert IM addresses s Achieve and maintain brand alignment s Creating an environment that is conducive and accepting of conversation s Think less about technology and more about sociology s Participating in the message instead of controlling it s Dell Hell Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 19
  • 20. Rules of the road Dell Hell Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 20
  • 21. Rules of the road The Manifesto for Monday Morning (By Peter Hirshberg, Technorati and Steven Hyden, Ogilvy) “Live brands participate in conversations in a manner that is:” s Re al s Cons tant s Ge nuine ly inte re s te d s Inte nt on le arning s Humble s Atte ntiv e s Pe rs onal Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 21
  • 22. Rules of the road Wal-Mart Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 22
  • 23. Be brave B2C is already there. B2B is blazing a trail. Audiences recognize innovation in communications. Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 23
  • 24. Great conversations going on now s Enterprise s St. Norbert College s Dell (click on Dell Community) s McDonalds s Huggies s Lexus s Starbucks s Miller Electric s Scotland Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 24
  • 25. Get started Get comfortable s Make sure your brand and your business are ready for each step s Break down conversation/department silos s Align your brand s Hire a community manager to listen to conversations about your brand s Get key influencers comfortable with the tools of conversation Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 25
  • 26. Get started Test the waters s Add an online response mechanism to a product description, white paper or case study s Add broadcast conversation to your careers/employment page s Figure out a way to connect customers with the people they really want to talk to inside your company s Figure out a way to connect your customers with each other s Start an Intranet blog or sales force blog Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 26
  • 27. Get started SelectMinds, which works mainly with B2B companies to create internal social networks, cites the following results for their clients: s Productivity increased on average 10.33% s New business increased on average 11.65% s Retention increased on average 5% Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 27
  • 28. Get started When you’re ready to charge ahead - STOP! Ask yourself • How will we benefit from initiating or participating in a conversation? • With whom do we want to have the conversation? • Where are the conversations currently taking place? Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 28
  • 29. Don’t forget Sell it! s Define objectives and measurements s Determine value Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 29
  • 30. “A brand is an e motional re lations hip be twe e n the us e r and the product, W e b 2.0 allows us to build that re lations hip one to one , to me as ure thing s and g e t an imme diate re action. But pe ople talk about y our brand in way s y ou can’t control, whe the r pos itiv e or ne g ativ e , be a part of that dis cus s ion s o y ou unde rs tand it.” Lou Aversano Managing Partner, Ogilivy Worldwide Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 30
  • 31. Conversation Today’s conversation was brought you by: •Thomas Petziner, Jr. The Wall Street Journal – Forward, The Cluetrain Manifesto •Susan Solomon, the ClickZ Network – Brand Journalism •Peter Hirshberg, Technorati and Steven Hyden, Ogilvy – The Manifesto for Monday Morning. •Brian Solis, principal at FutureWorks – PR 2.0 blog entry •Nilofer Merchant, CEO of Rubison Consulting – Segmentation in a Web 2.0 World, MarketingProfs April 10, 2007. •Bea Fields, author of Millennial Leaders •Ellis Booker, BtoB On-line, Leads: Finding, tracking, nurturing, converting, May 27, 2008 •Karen Breen Vogel, CEO of ClearGuage, BtoB Online Post 5.27.08 •Doc Searlys – The Cluetrain Manifesto •Tim Riesterer – Customer Message Management, Marketing Profs Virtual Seminar, June 7, 2007 •Web 2.0 and the Corporation, Roundtable at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth •Toby Hoden, CMO, ING •Lou Aversano, Managing Partner Ogilvy Worldwide •Blair Christie, VP, Cisco •Jon Iwata, Senior VP, IBM •Frank Boncimino, Senior VP, Time Warner Cable •Nancy DeLapp, Global VP, IBM •Clara Shih, The AppExchange Blog,, posted January 30, 2008 •Mack Collier, The Viral Garden Blog, posted January 29, 2008 •Phillip Torrone, engadget, posted Sep 16th 2004 at 12:20PM Rethink—a fresh take on connecting with your customers 31