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            2013. 2. 22.
I. NoSQL 개요
II. NoSQL 기본개념
III.NoSQL 관련논문
V. NoSQL 성능측정
NoSQL 개요

Thinking – Extreme Data

Qcon London 2012           3
Organizations need deeper insights

Qcon London 2012                      4
New Trends   5
NoSQL 정의
 비관계형, 분산, 오픈소스, 수평 확장성을 주요 특징으로 갖는
 차세대 데이터베이스

□ NO! SQL Not Only SQL
  관계형 데이터베이스의 한계를 극복하기 위한 데이터 저장소의 새로운 형태
  최근에는 빅데이터 처리 & 분산시스템 문제에 집중!

                         Google Trends - nosql                          6
NoSQL 기술 현황
               Gartner’s 2012 Hype Cycle for Big Data

출처 : Gartner                                            7
NoSQL 유래
   □ 1998년: Carlo Strozzi가 SQL interface를 지원하지 않은 가벼운(lightweight)
     오픈소스 관계형DB를 NoSQL이라 정의
          시스템 구조를 단순화 시킴
          시스템을 이기종 장비 에도 이식시킬 수 있게 함
          쉘과 같은 툴로 임의의 UNIX 환경에서 구동시킬 수 있음
          표준 상용 제품보다 기능은 줄이면서 가격은 저렴하게 함
          데이터 필드 크기, 컬럼 등의 제약을 없앰

   □ 2009년: 랙스페이스 직원인 Eric Evans가 오픈소스, 분산, 비관계형DB 이벤트에서
     NoSQL을 재언급함. 기존 관계형 DBMS와 다른 특징으로 규정함
       비관계형 (Non-relational)
       분산 (Distributed)
       ACID 미지원

   □ 2011년: UnQL(Unstructurred Query Language) 활동 시작

출처 : Wikipedia, Dataversity                                          8
Why NoSQL?
  □ACID doesn’t scale well

  □Web apps have diffent needs (than the apps that RDBMS
   were designed for)
       Low and predictable response time(latency)
       Scalability & Elasticity (at low cost!)
       High Availability
       Flexible schema / semi-structured data
       Geographic distribution (multiple datacenters)

  □Web apps can (usually) do not
     Transaction / strong consistency / integrity
     Complex queues   9
관계형 데이터베이스의 문제 I – 확장성 문제
□ Replication - 복제에 의한 확장
   Master-Slave 구조
       결과를 슬레이브의 개수만큼 복제함. 특정 시점이 지나면 한계가 됨
       읽기(Read)는 빠르지만 쓰기(Write)는 하나의 노드에 대해서만 일어나기 때문에 병목
         현상이 발생함
       Master에서 slave로 퍼지는데 시간이 소요되기 때문에 중요한(Critical)한 읽기는 여전
         히 Master에서 읽어야 하고, 이것은 어플리케이션 개발에 고려가 필요함
       데이터 규모가 큰 경우에는 N번 복제를 해야 하기 때문에 문제가 발생할 소지가 있음.
         이것은 Master-Slave 방식으로 확장성에 대한 제한을 가지게 됨
   Master-Master 구조
       Master를 추가함으로써 쓰기성능을 향상할 수 있으나 충돌이 발생할 가능성이 있음
       충돌 가능성은 O(N3) 또는 O(N2) 에 비례함
□ Partitioning(Sharding) - 분할에 의한 확장
   Read만큼 Write도 확장할 수 있지만 애플리케이션에서 파티션된 것을 인지하고 있어야 함
   RDBMS의 가치는 관계에 있다고 할 수 있는데 파티션을 하면 이 관계가 깨져버리고 각 파
    티션된 조각간에 조인을 할 수 없기 때문에 관계에 대한 부분은 애플리케이션 레이어에서
    책임져야 합니다.
   일반적으로 RDBMS에서 수동 Sharding 은 쉽지 않다.
관계형 데이터베이스의 문제 I – 확장성 문제   11
관계형 데이터베이스의 문제 II – 필요없는 특징들
   정보의 손실이 발생하기 때문에 잘 사용되지 않음
       Auditing이나 re-activation을 위해서 기록이 필요함
       일반적으로 도메인 관점에서 삭제(deleted)나 갱신(update)는 사용되지 않음
   UPDATE나 DELETE는 INSERT와 version으로 모델 할 수 있음
       데이터가 많아지면 비활성(inactive) 데이터는 archive함
   INSERT-only 시스템에서는 2개의 문제 존재
       데이터베이스에서 종속(cascade)에 대한 트리거를 이용할 수 없음
       Query가 비활성 데이터를 걸러내야 할 필요가 있음
   피해야 하는 이유: 데이터가 많을 때 JOIN은 많은 양의 데이터에 복잡한 연산을 수행해야
    하기 때문에 비용이 많이 들며 파티션을 넘어서는 동작하지 않기 때문
   피하는 방법
      정규화의 목적: 일관된 데이터를 가지기 쉽게 하고 스토리지의 양을 줄이기 위함
      반정규화(de-normalization)를 하면 JOIN 문제를 피할 수 있음. 반정규화로 일관성에
       대한 책임을 DB에서 어플리케이션으로 이동시킬 수 있는데 이는 INSERT-only라면 어
       렵지 않음

관계형 데이터베이스의 문제 III – 필요없는 특징들
□ ACID 트랜잭션
   Atomic(원자성): 여러 레코드를 수정할 때 원자성은 필요 없으며 단일키 원자성이면 충분
   Consistency(일관성): 대부분의 시스템은 C보다는 P나 A를 필요로 하기 때문에 엄격한 일관
    성을 가질 필요는 없고 대신 결과적 일관성(Eventually Consistent)을 가질 수 잇음
   Isolation(격리성): Read-Committeed 이상의 격리성은 필요하지 않으며 단일키 원자성이 더
   Durability(지속성): 각 노드가 실패했을 때도 이용되기 위해서는 메모리가 데이터를 충분히
    보관할 수 있을 정도로 저렴해지는 시점까지는 지속성이 필요함
□ 고정된 스키마(Fixed Schema)
   RDBMS에서는 데이터를 사용하기 전에 스키마를 정의해야 함: Table, Index등을 정의해야
   스키마 수정은 기본: 현재의 웹환경에서는 빠르게 새로운 피쳐를 추가하고 이미 존재하는
    피쳐를 조정하기 위해서는 스키마 수정이 필수적으로 요구됨
   스키마 수정의 어려움: 컬럼의 추가/수정/삭제는 row에 lock을 걸고 index의 수정은 테이블
    에 lock을 걸기 때문
□ 일부 없는 특성
   계층화나 그래프를 모델하는 것은 어려움
   빠른 응답을 위해서 디스크를 피하고 메인 메모리에서 데이터를 제공하는 것이 바람직한데
    대부분의 관계형 데이터베이스는 디스크기반이기 때문에 쿼리들이 디스크에서 수행됨
NoSQL Features
    □Scale horizontally “simple Operations”
       Key lookups, reads and writes of one record or a small
        number of records, simple selections
    □Replicate/distribute data over many servers
    □Simple call level interface (constrast w/SQL)
    □Weaker concurrency model than ACID
       Eventual Consistency
       BASE
    □Efficient use of distributed indexes and RAM
    □Flexible Schema   14
NoSQL Use Cases
 □Massive data Volumes
   Massively distributed architecture required to store the data

   Google, Amazon, Yahoo, Facebook – 10K ~ 100K servers

 □Extremely query workload
   Impossible to efficiently do joins at the scale with an RDBMS

 □Schema evolution
   Schema flexibility(migration) is not trivial at large scale

   Schema changes can be gradually introduced with NoSQL
NoSQL 기본개념
    CAP 정리
    ACID vs. BASE
    Isolation Levels
    MVCC
    Distributed Transaction

CAP 정리 I
 2000 Prof. Eric Brewer PoDC Conference Keynote
 2002 Seth Gilbert and Nancy Lynch, ACM SIGACT News 33(2)

 □분산 시스템이 보장해야 할 3가지 특성
 □ Consistency: 각각의 사용자가 항상 동일한 데이터를 조회한다.
 □ Availability: 모든 사용자가 항상 읽고 쓸 수 있다.
 □ Partition tolerance: 물리적 네트워크 분산 환경에서 시스템이 잘 동작한다.

 □분산 시스템에서는 적절한 시간에 2가지 특성만 만족할 수 있



                관계형                                            DHT 기반
                           분산환경에서 적절한                    Dynamo, Cassandra
                            응답시간 이내에
                          세가지 속성을 만족시키는
                          저장소는 구성하기 어렵다.

         Consistency                                   Tolerence
                               파티셔닝 기반
                        BigTable, Hbase, MongoDB

   분산 시스템에서의 네트워크 분할은 반드시 대비해야 한다. 따라서 실제로는 어떤 것을
   포기할지에 대해 두 개의 선택권만 있다. – Werner Vogels (아마존 CTO)
CAP 정리 III – Partition Tolerence vs. Availability
     "The network will be allowed to loss arbitrarily many messages sent from
      one node to another"[...]"

     "For a distributed system to be continuously available, every request
      received by a non-failing node in the system must result in a response“
                                               - Gilbert and Lynch, SIGACT 2002

                                                           CP: request can complete at nodes that
                                                            have quoram

                                                           AP: requests can complete at any live
                                                            node, possibly violating strong
                                                            consistency                                    19
 Atomicity: All or nothing.
 Consistency: Consistent state of data and transactions.
 Isolation: Transactions are isolated from each other.
 Durability: When the transaction is committed, state
  will be durable.

 Any data store can achieve Atomicity, Isolation and Durability but do
 you always need consistency? No.

 By giving up ACID properties, one can achieve higher performance
 and scalability.

BASE – ACID alternative
 Basically available: Nodes in the a distributed
  environment can go down, but the whole system
  shouldn’t be affected.

 Soft State (scalable): The state of the system and data
  changes over time, even without input. This is
  because of the eventual consistency model.

 Eventual Consistency: Given enough time, data will
  be consistent across the distributed system.


               ACID                         BASE
    □Strong Consistency           □Weak Consistency
    □Isolation                    □Availability first
    □Focus on “commit”            □Best effort
    □Nested transactions          □Approximated answers
    □Less Availability            □Aggressive(optimistic)
    □Conservative (pessimistic)   □Simpler!
    □Difficult evolution (e.g.    □Faster
     schema)                      □Easier evolution

출처 : Brewer                                                 22
Isolation Levels
     □Read Uncommitted
                   aka (NOLOCK)
                   Does not issue shared lock, does not honor exclusive lock
                   Rows can be updated/inserted/deleted before transaction ends
                   Least restrictive

     □Read Committed
              Holds shared Lock
              Cannot read uncommitted data, but data can be changed before
               end of transaction, resulting in non repeatable read or phantom
               rows                   23
Isolation Levels
     □Repeatable Read
                   Locks data being read, prevents updates/deletes
                   New rows can be inserted during transaction, will be included in
                    later reads

                 Aka HOLDLOCK on all tables in SELECT
                 Locks range of data being read, no modifications are possible
                 Prevents updates/deletes/inserts
                 Most restrictive                       24
Dirty Reads   25
Non Repeatable Reads   26
Phantom Reads   27
Isolation Levels vs. Reads Phenoma

                                                                Non-repeatable   Phantom
         Isolation Level                         Dirty Reads
                                                                    Reads         Reads

    Read Uncommitted

    Read Committed                                          -

    Repeatable Read                                         -         -

    Serializable                                            -         -             -                                  28
Isolation Levels vs. Locks

         Isolation Level                         Range Lock     Read Lock   Write Lock

    Read Uncommitted                                        -       -            -

    Read Committed                                  Exclusive    Shared          -

    Repeatable Read                                 Exclusive   Exclusive        -

    Serializable                                    Exclusive   Exclusive    Exclusive                                29
Multi Version Concurrency Control


                   Index                         Index                         Index

      Index           Index              Index          Index              Index           Index      Index











                                                                                             Data                                                  30
Multi Version Concurrency Control
                                                                   Root                                    atomic pointer update
          new version

                                                                                                            marked for compaction
                                                 Index                              Index

                   Index                         Index                         Index                       Index         blocked

      Index           Index              Index          Index              Index           Index      Index               Index












                                                                                                                         Data                                                                    31
Distributed Transactions – 2PC
    □Voting Phase: each site is polled as to whether a
     transactions should commit (ie: whether their sub-
     transaction can commit)

    □Decision Phase: if any site says “abort” or does not
     reply, then all sites must be told to abort

    □Logging is performed for failure recovery (as usual)         32
Distributed Transactions –2PC Protocol Actions   33
Distributed Transactions –2PC Protocol Actions   34
NoSQL 관련논문
  Amazon Dynamo
  Google BigTable

Amazon Dynamo
   Motivation
   Key Features
   Consistent Hashing
   Virtual Nodes
   Vector Clocks
   Gossip Protocols & Hinted Handoffs
   Read Repair
Amazon Dynamo - Motivation
     □Vast Distributed System
             Tens of millions of customers
             Tens of thousands of servers
             Failure is a normal case

     □Outage means
             Lost Customer Trust
             Financial loses

     □Goal: great customer experience
                 Always Available
                 Fast
                 Reliable
                 Scalable   37
Key Features 1/2
     □Amazon, ~2007
     □Highly-available key-value storage system
              99.9995% of request
              Targeted for primary key access and small values(< 1MB)
     □Scalable and decentralized
     □Gives tight control over tradeoffs between:
              Availability, consistency, performance
     □Data partitioned using consistent hashing
     □Consistency facilitated by object versioning
              Quorum-like technique for replicas consistency
              Decentralized replica synchronization protocol
              Eventual consistency,   38
Key Features 2/2
     □Gossip protocol for:
              Failure detection
              Membership protocol
     □Service Level Agreements(SLAs)
              Include client’s expected request rate distribution and expected
               service latency
              e.g.: Response time < 300ms, for 99.9% of requests, for a peak
               load of 500 requests/sec.
              Example: Managing shopping carts. Write /read and available
               across multiple data centers.
     □Trusted network, no authentication
     □Incremental scalability
     □Heterogeneity, Load distribution,   39
Techniques used in Dynamo
          Consistent Hashing
          Vector Clocks
          Gossip Protocols
          Hinted Handoffs
          Read Repair
          Merkle Trees

               Problem                                Technique                                      Advantage
              Partitioning                         Consistent Hashing                             Incremental Scalability

          High Availability for         Vector clocks with reconciliation during
                                                                                      Version size is decoupled from update rates.
                writes                                   reads

          Handling temporary
                failures                                                            Provides high availability and durability guarantee
                                          Sloppy Quorum and hinted handoff
                                                                                       when some of the replicas are not available.

           Recovering from
                                            Anti-entropy using Merkle trees        Synchronizes divergent replicas in the background.
          permanent failures

                                                                                   Preserves symmetry and avoids having a centralized
       Membership and failure           Gossip-based membership protocol and        registry for storing membership and node liveness
            detection                              failure detection.                                    information.                                                              40
Modulo-based Hashing

                        N1                                     N2         N3    N4


                                                  partition = key % n_servers                    41
Modulo-based Hashing

                        N1                                     N2        N3        N4


                                             partition = key % (n_servers – 1)

                     Recalculate the hashes for all entries if n_servers changes
                    (i.e. full data redistribution when adding/removing a node)                       42
Consistent Hashing
                              2128                0
                                                                                    Same hash function
           F                                                                        for data and nodes

                                                                          B            idx = hash(key)
                           (Key Space)                                              Coordinator: next
                                                                                    available clockwise

                               D                                         43
Consistent Hashing
                              2128                0
                                                                                    Same hash function
                                                                                    for data and nodes

                                                                          B            idx = hash(key)
                           (Key Space)
                                                                                    Coordinator: next
                                                                                    available clockwise

                               D                                         44
Consistent Hashing - Replication
                              2128                0
                                                                            KeyAB hosted
                                                         A                   in B, C, D


                                                                                            Data replication in
                                                                        B                   the N-I clockwise
                                                                                             successor nodes
                           (Key Space)

                                                                    C             Node hosting
                                                                                KeyFA, KeyAB, KeyBC
                               D                                                 45
Consistent Hashing – Node Changes
                              2128                0
                                                                                           Key membership
                                                         A                                  and replicas are
                                                                                           updated when a
                                                                                         node joins or leaves
                                                                                             the network.
                  Copy KeyAB                                            B                   The number of
                                                                                         replicas for all data
                                                                                          is kept consistent.

                                       Copy KeyFA
                                                                            Copy KeyEF
                               D                                                46
Virtual Nodes
     Random assignment leads to:
        Non-uniform data
        Uneven load distribution

     Solution: “virtual nodes”
        A single node (physical machine) is assigned
         multiple random positions (“tokens”) on the ring.
        On failure of a node, the load is evenly dispersed
        On joining, a node accepts an equivalent load
        Number of virtual nodes assigned to a physical
         node can be decided based on its capacity.        47
Virtual Nodes – Load Distribution
                              2128                0

                                                                              Different Strategies
                                                                                  Virtual Nodes

                                                                            Random tokens per each
                                 Ring                                       physical node, partition by
                                                                            token value
                              (Key Space)
       G                                                                C
                                                                              Node 1: tokens A, E, G
                                                                    D         Node 2: tokens C, F, H
                                                                              Node 3: tokens B, D, I
                          F                           E                                         48
Virtual Nodes – Load Distribution   49
Replication & Consistency (Quorum)
N = number of nodes with a replica of the data
W = number of replicas that must acknowledge the update(*)
R = minimum number of replicas that must participate in a
successful read operation
                     (*) but the data will be written to N nodes no matter what

W+R>N                 Strong Consistency (usually N=3, R=W=2)

W=N, R=1              Optimised for reads
W=1, R=N              Optimised for writes
                      (durability not guranteed in presence of failures)

W+R<N                 Weak Consistency
 Latency is determined by the slowest of the R replicas for read, W replicas
  for write.
Vector Clocks & Conflict Detection
                                             Causality-based partial
                                             order over events that
                                             happen in the system.

                                               Document version
                                             history: a counter for
                                            each node that updated
                                                 the document.

                                             If all update counters in
                                              V1 are smaller or equal
                                            to all update counters in
                                            V2, then V1 precedes V2                                51
Vector Clocks & Conflict Detection
                                            Vector Clocks can detect
                                              a conflict. The conflict
                                             resolution is left to the
                                             application or the user.

                                             The application might
                                              resolve conflicts by
                                                checking relative
                                              timestamps, or with
                                              other strategies (like
                                             merging the changes).

                                            Vector clocks can grow
                                                quite large (!)                                52
Gossip Protocol + Hinted Handoff


             F                                          periodic, pairwise,
                                                         interactions of
                                 Ring                     bounded size
                              (Key Space)               among randomly-
        E                                                 chosen peers


                                  D                                     53
Gossip Protocol + Hinted Handoff


             F                                                                periodic, pairwise,
                          I can't see B, it might be
                           down but I need some
                            ACK. My Merkle Tree                                interactions of
                             root for range XY is                               bounded size
                                                                              among randomly-
        E                                                                       chosen peers
                               I can't see B either.
                             My Merkle Tree root for
                              range XY is different!             B must be down
                                                               then. Let’s disable it.
                                  D                                                           54
Gossip Protocol + Hinted Handoff

                                                        My canonical node is
                                            A            supposed to be B.

             F                                                                periodic, pairwise,
                                                                               interactions of
                                                                                bounded size
                                                                              among randomly-
        E                                                                       chosen peers

                                                C         I see. Well, I'll take care of it
                                                             for now, and let B know
                                                            when B is available again
                                  D                                                           55
Merkle Trees (Hash Trees)

                                         Leaves: hashes of
                                         data blocks.
                                         Nodes: hashes of
                                         their children.

                                         Used to detect
                                         between replicas
                                         (anti-entropy) and
                                         to minimise the
                                         amount of
                                         transferred data                        56
Merkle Trees (Hash Trees)
                    Node A                                                                           Node B

                                                   Minimal data transfer
                                               Differences are easy to locate

                                   SHA-1, Whirlpool or Tiger (TTH) hash functions            57
Read Repair



                                                    B   GET(k, R=2)



                                  D                             58
Read Repair



                                                     B                   GET(k, R=2)


                                  D                                              59
Read Repair



                                                    B                    GET(k, R=2)

                                                        UPDATE(k, XYZ)


                                  D                                              60
Google Bigtable
   Motivation
   Key Features
   System Architecture
   Building Blocks
   Data Model
   SSTable/Tablet/Table
   IO / Compaction

      □Lots of (semi-)structured data at Google
               URLs:
                      Contents crawl metadata links anchors pagerank , …
               Per-user data:
                      User preference settings, recent queries/search results, …
               Geographic locations:
                      Physical entities (shops, restaurants, etc.), roads, satellite image
                       data, user annotations, …

      □Scale is large
               Billions of URLs, many versions/page (~20K/version)
               Hundreds of millions of users, thousands of q/sec
               100TB+ of satellite image data,   62
Key Features
      □Google, ~2006

      □Distributed multi-level map
      □Fault-tolerant, persistent
                  Thousands of servers
                  Terabytes of in-memory data
                  Petabyte of disk-based data
                  Millions of reads/writes per second, efficient
              Servers can be added/removed dynamically
              Servers adjust to load imbalance,   63
System Architecture   64
Building Blocks
      □Building blocks:
              Google File System (GFS): Raw storage
              Scheduler: Google Work Queue, schedules jobs onto
              Lock service: Chubby, distributed lock manager
              MapReduce: simplified large-scale data processing

      □BigTable uses of building blocks:
              GFS: stores persistent data (SSTable file format for storage
               of data)
              Scheduler: schedules jobs involved in BigTable serving
              Lock service: master election, location bootstrapping
              Map Reduce: often used to read/write BigTable data,   65
Google File System
      □Large-scale distributed “filesystem”
      □Master: responsible for metadata
      □Chunk servers: responsible for reading and
       writing large chunks of data
      □Chunks replicated on 3 machines, master
       responsible for ensuring replicas exist
      □OSDI ’04 Paper,   66
      □Distributed Lock Service
      □File System {directory/file}, for locking
                    Coarse-grained locks, can store small amount of data in a lock
      □High Availability
                    5 replicas, one elected as master
                    Service live when majority is live
                    Uses Paxos algorithm to solve consensus
      □A client leases a session with the service
      □Also an OSDI ’06 Paper,   67
Data model
      □“Sparse, distributed, persistent, multidim. sorted map”
      □<Row, Column, Timestamp> triple for key - lookup, insert, and
       delete API
      □Arbitrary “columns” on a row-by-row basis
              Column family:qualifier. Family is heavyweight, qualifier lightweight
              Column-oriented physical store- rows are sparse!
      □Does not support a relational model
                    No table-wide integrity constraints
                    No multirow transactions,   68
      □Immutable, sorted file of key-value pairs
      □Chunks of data plus an index
              Index is of block ranges, not values
              triplicated across three machines in GFS

                                  64K              64K              64K
                                  block            block            block

                                                                                    Index,   69
      □Contains some range of rows of the table
                    Dynamically partitioned range of rows
      □Built out of multiple SSTables
      □Typical size: 100~200MB
      □Tablets are stored in Tablet Servers (~100 per server)
      □Unit of distribution and load balancing

             Tablet             Start:aardvark                   End:apple

                                                                SSTable                                                         SSTable
              64K             64K              64K                                     64K              64K             64K
              block           block            block                                   block            block           block

                                                                Index                                                           Index,                 70
      □Multiple tablets(table segments) make up the table
      □SSTables SSTables can be shared can be shared
      □Tablets do not overlap, SSTables can overlap

             Tablet                                           Tablet
            aardvark                       apple             apple_two_E                    boat

               SSTable SSTable                          SSTable SSTable,   71
Tablets & Splitting
      Large tables broken into tablets at row boundaries
                                                                          “language”                       “contents”

                                                                               EN                         “<html>…”




         ,   72
Finding a Tablet

     Approach: 3-level hierarchical lookup scheme for tablets
        – Location is ip:port of relevant server, all stored in META tablets
        – 1st level: bootstrapped from lock server, points to owner of META0
        – 2nd level: Uses META0 data to find owner of appropriate META1 tablet
        – 3rd level: META1 table holds locations of tablets of all other tables
           META1 table itself can be split into multiple tablets                                 73
 Tablet servers manage tablets, multiple tablets per
  server. Each tablet is 100-200 megs
  –Each tablet lives at only one server
  –Tablet server splits tablets that get too big

 Master responsible for load balancing and fault
  –Use Chubby to monitor health of tablet servers, restart failed
  –GFS replicates data. Prefer to start tablet server on same
   machine that the data is already at

BigTable I/O
                                        memtable                                 read

                memory                                   compaction

                                       tablet log

                                                               SSTable SSTable SSTable
                                                                                            BMDiff Zippy

                                                                      Merging / Major Compaction (GC)
    □ Commit log stores the writes
            Recent writes are stores in the memtable
            Older writes are stores in SSTables
    □ A read operation sees a merged view of the memtable and the SSTables
    □ Checks authorization from ACL stored in Chubby                                                     75
 Minor compaction – convert the memtable
  into an SSTable
  Reduce memory usage
  Reduce log traffic on restart
 Merging compaction
  Reduce number of SSTables
  Good place to apply policy “keep only N versions”
 Major compaction
  Merging compaction that results in only one
  No deletion records, only live data
Locality Groups

 Group column families together into an
  –Avoid mingling data, ie page contents and page
  –Can keep some groups all in memory
 Can compress locality groups
 Bloom Filters on locality groups – avoid
  searching SSTable

NoSQL 종류
   Key-value Stores
   Column Database
   Document Database
   Graph Database

NoSQL 분류표   79
NoSQL Landscape

451 group          80
NoSQL 종류 I
   □Key-Value Stores
    □Based on DHTs / Amazon’s Dynamo paper
    □Data model: (global) collection of K-V pairs
    □Example: Voldemort, Tokyo, Riak, Redis

   □Column Store
    □Based on Google’s BigTable paper
    □Data model: big table, column families
    □Example: Hbase, Cassandra, Hypertable   81
   □Document Store
    □Inspired by Lotus Notes
    □Data model: collections of K-V collections
    □Example: CouchDB, MongoDB

   □Graph Database
    □Inspired by Euler & graph theory
    □Data model: nodes, rels, K-V on both
    □Example: Neo4J, FlockDB   82
NoSQL Data Model 비교   83
Key-value Stores
    Voldemort
    Riak
    Redis

Voldemort                                                                                       AP
   □ LinkedIn, 2009, Apache 2.0, Java
   □ Model: Key-Value(Data Model), Dynamo(Distributed Model)
   □ Main point: Data is automatically replicated and partitioned to multiple
   □ Concurrency Control: MVCC
   □ Transaction: No
   □ Data Storage: BDB, MySQL, RAM
   □ Key Features
       □ Data is automatically replicated and partitioned to multiple servers
       □ Simple Optimistic Locking for multi-row updates
       □ Pluggable Storage Engine
       □ Multiple read-writes
       □ Consistent-hashing for data distribution
       □ Data Versioning
   □ Major Users: LinkedIn, GILT
   □ Best Use: Real-time, large-scale,        85
Voldemort Pros / Cons                                                                                  AP

       Pros                                                          Cons
        Highly customizable - each layer                             Versioning means lots of disk
         of the stack can be replaced as                               space being used.
         needed                                                       Does not support range queries
        Data elements are versioned                                  No complex query filters
         during changes                                               All joins must be done in code
        All nodes are independent - no                               No foreign key constraints
                                                                      No triggers
        Very, very fast reads
                                                                      Support can be hard to find                                           86
Voldemort : Logical Architecture                                                                                                        AP
   □ Dynamo DHT Implementation
   □ Consistent Hashing, Vector Clocks
                                                                                                                              APACHE 2.0

                                                                                      HTTP / Sockets

                                                                                    Conflict resolved                        API / PROTOCOL
                                                                                 at read and write Time                        HTTP Java
                                                                               Json, Java String, byte[],                        Avro
                                                                                 Thrift, Avro, Protobuf                        ProtoBuf

                                                                              Simple Optimistic Locking
                                                                                for multi-row updates,
                                                                              pluggable storage engine ,                     87
Voldemort: Physical Architecture Options               AP        88
Riak                                                                                                                         AP
   □ Basho Technologies, 2010, Apache 2.0, Erlang, C
   □ Model: Key-Value(Data Model), Dynamo(Distributed Model)
   □ Main Point: Fault tolerance
   □ Protocol: HTTP/REST or custom binary
   □ Transaction: No
   □ Data Storage: Plug-in
   □ Features
      □ Tunable trade-offs for distribution and replication (N, R, W)
      □ Pre- and post-commit hooks in JavaScript or Erlang
      □ Map/Reduce in Javascript and Erlang
      □ Links & link walking: use it as a graph database
      □ Secondary indices: but only one at once
      □ Large object support (Luwak)
   □ Major Users: Mozilla, GitHub, Comcast, AOL,
   □ Best Uses: high availability
   □ Example Usage: CMS, text search, Point-of-sales data collection.,        89
Riak Pros / Cons                                                                                                 AP

       Pros                                                          Cons
        All nodes are equal - no SPOF                                Not meant for small, discrete and
        Horizontal Scalability                                        numerous datapoints.
        Full Text Search                                             Getting data in is great; getting it
        RESTful interface(and HTTP)                                   out, not so much
        Consistency level tunable on each                            Security is non-existent:
                                                                      "Riak assumes the internal environment is
        Secondary indexes available                                  Conflict resolution can bubble up
        Map/Reduce(JavaScript & Erlang                                to the client if not careful.
         only)                                                        Erlang is fast, but it's got a serious
                                                                       learning curve.                                                     90
Riak                                                                                    AP

                                                                            APACHE 2.0

                                                                             C, Erlang

                                                                           API / PROTOCOL

                                                                             REST HTTP

                                               Buckets -> K-V
                                             “Links” (~relations)
                                          Targeted JS Map/Reduce
                                    Tunable consistency (one-quorum-all)                             91
Riak Logical Architecture                                                  AP,        92
Redis                                                                                                                        CP
   □ VMWare, 2009, BSD, C/C++
   □ Model: Key-Value(Data Model), Master-Slave(Distributed Model)
   □ Main Point: Blazing fast
   □ Protocol: Telnet-like
   □ Concurrency Control: Locks
   □ Transaction: Yes
   □ Data Storage: RAM (in-memory)
   □ Features
      □ Disk-backed in-memory database
      □ Currently without disk-swap (VM and Diskstore were abandoned)
      □ Master-slave replication
      □ Pub/Sub lets one implement messaging

   □ Major Users: StackOverflow, flickr, GitHub, Blizzard, Digg
   □ Best Uses: rapidly changing data, frequently written, rarely read
     statistical data
   □ Example Usage: Stock prices. Analytics. Real-time data,        93
Redis Pros / Cons                                                                                         CP

       Pros                                                          Cons
        Transactional support                                        Entirely in memory
        Blob storage                                                 Master-slave replication (instead
        Support for sets, lists and sorted                            of master-master)
         sets                                                         Security is non-existent:
        Support for Publish-                                         designed to be used in trusted
         Subscribe(Pub-Sub) messaging
                                                                      Does not support encryption
        Robust set of operators
                                                                      Support can be hard to find                                              94
Redis                                                                                                                           CP
   K-V store “Data Structures Server”

   Map, Set, Sorted Set, Linked List                                                                                      BSD

   Set/Queue operations, Counters, Pub-Sub, Volatile keys                                                              LANGUAGE
                                                                                                                      ANSI C, C++

                                                                                                                     API / PROTOCOL

                                                                                                                    *(Many Language)
                                                                                                                       Telnet Like


             10-100K ops (whole dataset in RAM + VM)                                                                  In Memory
                                                                                                                     bg snapshots

             Persistence via snapshotting (tunable fsync freq.)                                                       REPLICATIONS
                                                                                                                     Master / Slave

             Distributed if client supports consistent hashing,                      95
Column Families Stores
       Cassandra
       HBase

Cassandra                                                             AP
   □ ASF, 2008, Apache 2.0, Java
   □ Model: Column(Data Model), Dynamo(Distributed Model)
   □ Main Point: Best of BigTable and Dynamo
   □ Protocol: Thrift, Avro
   □ Concurrency Control: MVCC
   □ Transaction: No
   □ Data Storage: Disk
   □ Features
      □ Tunable trade-offs for distribution and replication (N, R, W)
      □ Querying by column, range of keys
      □ BigTable-like features: columns, column families
      □ Has secondary indices
      □ Writes are much faster than reads (!)
      □ Map/reduce possible with Apache Hadoop
      □ All nodes are similar, as opposed to Hadoop/HBase
   □ Major Users: Facebook, Netflix, Twitter, Adobe, Digg
   □ Best Uses: write often, read less
   □ Example Usage: banking, finance, logging,                                  97
Cassandra Pros / Cons                                                                                      AP

       Pros                                                          Cons
        Designed to span multiple                                    No joins
         datacenters                                                  No referential integrity
        Peer to peer communication                                   Written in Java - quite complex to
         between nodes                                                 administer and configure
        No SPOF                                                      Last update wins
        Always writeable
        Consistency level is tunable at run
        Supports secondary indexes
        Supports Map/Reduce
        Support range queries                                               98
Cassandra                                                           AP

   Data model of BigTable, infrastructure of Dynamo         LICENSE
                                                          APACHE 2.0



                                              col_name       Thrift
                                              timestamp   PERSISTENCE

                                              Column      memtable,



                             x,                                99
Cassandra                                                           AP

   Data model of BigTable, infrastructure of Dynamo         LICENSE
                                                          APACHE 2.0

                            super_column_name              PROTOCOL

                        col_name              col_name       Thrift
                                        …                    Avro
                        col_value             col_value
                         timestamp            timestamp   PERSISTENCE




                             x,                             100
Cassandra                                                           AP

   Data model of BigTable, infrastructure of Dynamo         LICENSE
                                                          APACHE 2.0
                                 Column Family             LANGUAGE
                            super_column_name              PROTOCOL

                        col_name              col_name       Thrift
  row_key                               …                    Avro
                        col_value             col_value
                         timestamp            timestamp   PERSISTENCE




                             x,                             101
Cassandra                                                                                                   AP

   Data model of BigTable, infrastructure of Dynamo                                                 LICENSE
                                                                                                  APACHE 2.0
                                                    Super Column Family                            LANGUAGE
                            super_column_name                             super_column_name        PROTOCOL

                        col_name              col_name              col_name          col_name       Thrift
  row_key                                                   …                                        Avro
                                        …                                        …
                        col_value             col_value             col_value         col_value
                         timestamp            timestamp              timestamp        timestamp   PERSISTENCE

  keyspace.get (“column_family”, key, [“super_column”], “column”)


                             x,                                                                     102
Cassandra                                                                                                       AP

   Data model of BigTable, infrastructure of Dynamo                                                     LICENSE
                                                                                                      APACHE 2.0
                                                    Super Column Family                                LANGUAGE
                            super_column_name                             super_column_name            PROTOCOL

                        col_name              col_name               col_name         col_name           Thrift
  row_key                                                   …                                            Avro
                                        …                                        …
                        col_value             col_value              col_value        col_value
                         timestamp            timestamp              timestamp        timestamp       PERSISTENCE

  keyspace.get (“column_family”, key, [“super_column”], “column”)

              A         B                                        Random Partitioner (MD5)              Tunnable
                                            ALL                  OrderPreservingPartitioner            R/W/N
                 P2P         C              ONE
                Gossip                    QUORUM
              E        D                                      Range Scans, Fulltext Index(Solandra),                                                                         103
Cassandra - Data Model                                                               AP
                                                      HashTable Object
                                                                          APACHE 2.0

        HashKey                                                            LANGUAGE






                                                                           R/W/N                 104
Cassandra - Data Model                                                                                                  AP

   •    Column                                                     {name:"emailAddress", value:""}
         • Name-Value 구조체                                          {name:"age", value:"20"}

   •    Column Family                                                Cassandra={emailAddress:””, age:”20”}
         • Column들의 집합                                             gender:”male”}
         • Hash-Key Column리스트                                        Cath= { emailAddress:”” , age:”20”,
                                                                   gender:”female”, address:”Seoul”}
   •    Super-Column
         • Column안에 Column 포함                                      {name:”username”
         • ex) username->{firstname,                                 value: firstname{name:”firstname”,value=”Terry”}
           lastname}                                                 value: lastname{name:”lastname”,value=”Cho”}

   •    Super-Column Family                                        UserList={
         • Column Family안에 Column                                     username:{firstname:”Cath”,lastname:”Yoon”}
           Family 포함                                                  address:{city:”Seoul”,postcode:”1234”}}
                                                                   }                                                     105
Cassandra – Use Case: eBay                                          AP
   □ A glimpse on eBay’s Cassandra deployment
      □ Dozens of nodes across multiple clusters
      □ 200 TB+ storage provisioned
      □ 400M+ writes & 100M+ reads per day, and growing

   □ #1: Social Signals on eBay product & item pages
   □ #2: Hunch taste graph for eBay users & items
   □ #3: Time series use cases (many):
      □ Mobile notification logging and tracking
      □ Tracking for fraud detection
      □ SOA request/response payload logging
      □ ReadLaser server logs and analytics

   □ Cassandra meets requirements
      □ Need Scalable counters
      □ Need real(or near) time analytics on collected social data
      □ Need good write performance
      □ Reads are not latency sensitive    106
HBase                                                                                                CP
   □ ASF, 2010, Apache 2.0, Java
   □ Model: Column(Data Model), Bigtable(Distributed Model)
   □ Main Point: Billions of rows X millions of columns
   □ Protocol: HTTP/REST (also Thrift)
   □ Concurrency Control: Locks
   □ Transaction: Local
   □ Data Storage: HDFS
   □ Features
      □ Query predicate push down via server side scan and get filters
      □ Optimizations for real time queries
      □ A high performance Thrift gateway
      □ HTTP supports XML, Protobuf, and binary
      □ Rolling restart for configuration changes and minor upgrades
      □ Random access performance is like MySQL
      □ A cluster consists of several different types of nodes
   □ Major Users: Facebook
   □ Best Use: random read write to large database
   □ Example Usage: Live messaging,    107
HBase Pros / Cons                                                                                        CP

       Pros                                                          Cons
        Map/Reduce support                                           Secondary indexes generally not
        More of a CA approach and AP                                  supported
        Supports predicate push down for                             Security is non-existent
         performance gains                                            Requires a Hadoop infrastructure
        Automatic partitioning and                                    to function
         rebalancing of regins
        Data is stored in a sorted
         order(not indexed)
        RESTful API
        Strong and vibrant ecosystem                                         108
HBase vs. BigTable Terminology                                                                CP

                                                                      Cons
                                 HBase                                          BigTable
                                   Table                                         Table
                                 Region                                          Tablet
                            RegionServer                                      Tablet Server
                               MemStore                                        Memtable
                                   Hfile                                        SSTable
                                   WAL                                        Commit Log
                                   Flush                                  Minor compaction
                        Minor Compaction                                 Merging compaction
                        Major Compaction                                  Major compaction
                                  HDFS                                            GFS
                             MapReduce                                        MapReduce
                              ZooKeeper                                         Chubby                             109
HBase: Architecture                                                                                                        CP

   •    Zookeeper as Coordinator (instead of Chubby)                                                               LICENSE
   •    Hmaster: support for multiple masters                                                                    APACHE 2.0
   •    HDFS, S3, S3N, EBS (with Gzip/LZO CF compression)
   •    Data sorted by key but evenly distributed across the cluster


                                                                                                                 REST, HTTP
                                                                                                                 Thrift, Avro


                                                                                                                  SSTable,                  110
HBase: Architecture - WAL                                                                                                          CP

                                                                                                                         APACHE 2.0



                                                                                                                         REST, HTTP
                                                                                                                         Thrift, Avro


                                                                                                                          SSTable,                  111
HBase: Architecture - WAL                                                                                                          CP

                                                                                                                         APACHE 2.0



                                                                                                                         REST, HTTP
                                                                                                                         Thrift, Avro


                                                                                                                          SSTable,                  112
HBase -                   Usecase: Facebook Message Service                                                            CP
   □ New Message Service
          □ combines chat, SMS, email, and Messages into a real-time conversation
          □ Data pattern
                     A short set of temporal data that tends to be volatile
                     An ever-growing set of data that rarely gets accessed
          □ chat service supports over 300 million users who send over 120 billion messages
            per month
   □ Cassandra's eventual consistency model to be a difficult pattern to reconcile
     for our new Messages infrastructure.
   □ HBase meets our requirements
       □ Has a simpler consistency model than Cassandra.
       □ Very good scalability and performance for their data patterns.
       □ Most feature rich for their requirements: auto load balancing and failover,
         compression support, multiple shards per server, etc.
       □ HDFS, the filesystem used by HBase, supports replication, end-to-end
         checksums, and automatic rebalancing.
       □ Facebook's operational teams have a lot of experience using HDFS
         because Facebook is a big user of Hadoop and Hadoop uses HDFS as its
         distributed file system.,    113
Hbase –                  Usecase: Adobe                                         CP

   □ When we started pushing 40 million records, Hbase squeaked and cracked.
     After 20M inserts it failed so bad it wouldn’t respond or restart, it mangled
     the data completely and we had to start over.
        HBase community turned out to be great, they jumped and helped us,
         and upgrading to a new HBase version fixed our problems

   □ On December 2008, Our HBase cluster would write data but couldn’t answer
     correctly to reads.
       I was able to make another backup and restore it on a MySQL cluster

   □ We decided to switch focus in the beginning of 2009. We were going to
     provide a generic, real-time, structured data storage and processing system
     that could handle any data volume.                                        114
Document Stores
    MongoDB
    CouchDB

MongoDB                                                                                              CP
   □ 10gen, 2009, AGPL, C++
   □ Model: Document(Data Model), Bigtable(Distributed Model)
   □ Main Point: Full Index Support, Querying, Easy to Use
   □ Protocol: Custom, binary(BSON)
   □ Concurrency Control: Locks
   □ Transaction: No
   □ Data Storage: Disk
   □ Features
       □ Master/slave replication (auto failover with replica sets)
       □ Sharding built-in
       □ Uses memory mapped files for data storage
       □ GridFS to store big data + metadata (not actually an FS)

   □ Major Users: Craigslist, Foursquare, SAP, MTV, Disney, Shutterfly, Intuit
   □ Example Usage: CMS system, comment storage, voting
   □ Best Use: dynamic queries, frequently written, rarely read statistical data,    116
MongoDB Pros / Cons                                                                                       CP

       Pros                                                          Cons
        Auto-sharding                                                Does not support JSON: BSON
        Auto-failover                                                 instead
        Update in place                                              Master-slave replication
        Spatial index support                                        Has had some growing pains(e.g.
        Ad hoc query support                                          Foursquare outage)
        Any field in Mongo can be                                    Not RESTful by default
         indexed                                                      Failures require a manual
        Very, very popular (lots of                                   database repair operation(similar
         production deployments)                                       to MySQL)
        Very easy transition from SQL                                Replication for availability, not
                                                                       performance                                          117
MongoDB                                                                          CP

                                                                        AGPL v3





                                                                       B+ Trees,

                                                                    In-place Updates

                                                                     replica sets                   118
MongoDB - Architecture                                                                                            CP

   •    mongod: the core database process                                                                 LICENSE
   •    mongos: the controller and query router for sharded clusters                                      AGPL v3





                                                                                                         B+ Trees,

                                                                                                      In-place Updates

                                                                                                       replica sets,                   119
CouchDB                                                                                               AP
   □ ASF, 2005, Apache 2.0, Erlang
   □ Model: Document(Data Model), Notes(Distributed Model)
   □ Main Point: DB consistency, easy to use
   □ Protocol: HTTP, REST
   □ Concurrency Control: MVCC
   □ Transaction: No
   □ Data Storage: Disk
   □ Features
       □ ACID Semantics
       □ Map/Reduce Views and Indexes
       □ Distributed Architecture with Replication
       □ Built for Offline
   □ Major Users:, CERN, BBC,
   □ Example Usage: CRM, CMS systems
   □ Best Use: accumulating, occasionally changing data with pre-defined
     queries,    120
CouchDB Pros / Cons                                                                                     AP

       Pros                                                          Cons
        Very simple API for development                              The simple API for development is
        MVCC support for read                                         somewhat limited
         consistency                                                  No foreign keys
        Full Map/Reduce support                                      Conflict resolution devolves to the
        Data is versioned                                             application
        Secondary indexes supported                                  Versioning requires extensive disk
        Some security support                                         space
        RESTful API, JSON support                                    Versioning places large load on
                                                                       I/O channels
        Materialized views with
         incremental update support                                   Replication for performance, not
                                                                       availability                                           121
CouchDB                                                                           AP
   □ ASF, 2005, Apache 2.0, Erlang
                                                                       APACHE 2.0





                                                                      Append Only,
                                                                        B+ Tree

                                                                    Crash-only design
                                                                      Multi-master                    122
Graph Database
   Neo4J

Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview
Database: NoSQL Overview

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Database: NoSQL Overview

  • 1. Database 민형기(S-Core) 2013. 2. 22.
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  • 7. NoSQL 정의 비관계형, 분산, 오픈소스, 수평 확장성을 주요 특징으로 갖는 차세대 데이터베이스 – □ NO! SQL Not Only SQL  관계형 데이터베이스의 한계를 극복하기 위한 데이터 저장소의 새로운 형태  최근에는 빅데이터 처리 & 분산시스템 문제에 집중! Google Trends - nosql 6
  • 8. NoSQL 기술 현황 Gartner’s 2012 Hype Cycle for Big Data 출처 : Gartner 7
  • 9. NoSQL 유래 □ 1998년: Carlo Strozzi가 SQL interface를 지원하지 않은 가벼운(lightweight) 오픈소스 관계형DB를 NoSQL이라 정의  시스템 구조를 단순화 시킴  시스템을 이기종 장비 에도 이식시킬 수 있게 함  쉘과 같은 툴로 임의의 UNIX 환경에서 구동시킬 수 있음  표준 상용 제품보다 기능은 줄이면서 가격은 저렴하게 함  데이터 필드 크기, 컬럼 등의 제약을 없앰 □ 2009년: 랙스페이스 직원인 Eric Evans가 오픈소스, 분산, 비관계형DB 이벤트에서 NoSQL을 재언급함. 기존 관계형 DBMS와 다른 특징으로 규정함  비관계형 (Non-relational)  분산 (Distributed)  ACID 미지원 □ 2011년: UnQL(Unstructurred Query Language) 활동 시작 출처 : Wikipedia, Dataversity 8
  • 10. Why NoSQL? □ACID doesn’t scale well □Web apps have diffent needs (than the apps that RDBMS were designed for)  Low and predictable response time(latency)  Scalability & Elasticity (at low cost!)  High Availability  Flexible schema / semi-structured data  Geographic distribution (multiple datacenters) □Web apps can (usually) do not  Transaction / strong consistency / integrity  Complex queues 9
  • 11. 관계형 데이터베이스의 문제 I – 확장성 문제 □ Replication - 복제에 의한 확장  Master-Slave 구조  결과를 슬레이브의 개수만큼 복제함. 특정 시점이 지나면 한계가 됨  읽기(Read)는 빠르지만 쓰기(Write)는 하나의 노드에 대해서만 일어나기 때문에 병목 현상이 발생함  Master에서 slave로 퍼지는데 시간이 소요되기 때문에 중요한(Critical)한 읽기는 여전 히 Master에서 읽어야 하고, 이것은 어플리케이션 개발에 고려가 필요함  데이터 규모가 큰 경우에는 N번 복제를 해야 하기 때문에 문제가 발생할 소지가 있음. 이것은 Master-Slave 방식으로 확장성에 대한 제한을 가지게 됨  Master-Master 구조  Master를 추가함으로써 쓰기성능을 향상할 수 있으나 충돌이 발생할 가능성이 있음  충돌 가능성은 O(N3) 또는 O(N2) 에 비례함 □ Partitioning(Sharding) - 분할에 의한 확장  Read만큼 Write도 확장할 수 있지만 애플리케이션에서 파티션된 것을 인지하고 있어야 함  RDBMS의 가치는 관계에 있다고 할 수 있는데 파티션을 하면 이 관계가 깨져버리고 각 파 티션된 조각간에 조인을 할 수 없기 때문에 관계에 대한 부분은 애플리케이션 레이어에서 책임져야 합니다.  일반적으로 RDBMS에서 수동 Sharding 은 쉽지 않다. 10
  • 12. 관계형 데이터베이스의 문제 I – 확장성 문제 11
  • 13. 관계형 데이터베이스의 문제 II – 필요없는 특징들 □ UPDATE와 DELETE  정보의 손실이 발생하기 때문에 잘 사용되지 않음  Auditing이나 re-activation을 위해서 기록이 필요함  일반적으로 도메인 관점에서 삭제(deleted)나 갱신(update)는 사용되지 않음  UPDATE나 DELETE는 INSERT와 version으로 모델 할 수 있음  데이터가 많아지면 비활성(inactive) 데이터는 archive함  INSERT-only 시스템에서는 2개의 문제 존재  데이터베이스에서 종속(cascade)에 대한 트리거를 이용할 수 없음  Query가 비활성 데이터를 걸러내야 할 필요가 있음 □ JOIN  피해야 하는 이유: 데이터가 많을 때 JOIN은 많은 양의 데이터에 복잡한 연산을 수행해야 하기 때문에 비용이 많이 들며 파티션을 넘어서는 동작하지 않기 때문  피하는 방법  정규화의 목적: 일관된 데이터를 가지기 쉽게 하고 스토리지의 양을 줄이기 위함  반정규화(de-normalization)를 하면 JOIN 문제를 피할 수 있음. 반정규화로 일관성에 대한 책임을 DB에서 어플리케이션으로 이동시킬 수 있는데 이는 INSERT-only라면 어 렵지 않음 12
  • 14. 관계형 데이터베이스의 문제 III – 필요없는 특징들 □ ACID 트랜잭션  Atomic(원자성): 여러 레코드를 수정할 때 원자성은 필요 없으며 단일키 원자성이면 충분  Consistency(일관성): 대부분의 시스템은 C보다는 P나 A를 필요로 하기 때문에 엄격한 일관 성을 가질 필요는 없고 대신 결과적 일관성(Eventually Consistent)을 가질 수 잇음  Isolation(격리성): Read-Committeed 이상의 격리성은 필요하지 않으며 단일키 원자성이 더 쉽다.  Durability(지속성): 각 노드가 실패했을 때도 이용되기 위해서는 메모리가 데이터를 충분히 보관할 수 있을 정도로 저렴해지는 시점까지는 지속성이 필요함 □ 고정된 스키마(Fixed Schema)  RDBMS에서는 데이터를 사용하기 전에 스키마를 정의해야 함: Table, Index등을 정의해야 하는데  스키마 수정은 기본: 현재의 웹환경에서는 빠르게 새로운 피쳐를 추가하고 이미 존재하는 피쳐를 조정하기 위해서는 스키마 수정이 필수적으로 요구됨  스키마 수정의 어려움: 컬럼의 추가/수정/삭제는 row에 lock을 걸고 index의 수정은 테이블 에 lock을 걸기 때문 □ 일부 없는 특성  계층화나 그래프를 모델하는 것은 어려움  빠른 응답을 위해서 디스크를 피하고 메인 메모리에서 데이터를 제공하는 것이 바람직한데 대부분의 관계형 데이터베이스는 디스크기반이기 때문에 쿼리들이 디스크에서 수행됨 13
  • 15. NoSQL Features □Scale horizontally “simple Operations”  Key lookups, reads and writes of one record or a small number of records, simple selections □Replicate/distribute data over many servers □Simple call level interface (constrast w/SQL) □Weaker concurrency model than ACID  Eventual Consistency  BASE □Efficient use of distributed indexes and RAM □Flexible Schema 14
  • 16. NoSQL Use Cases □Massive data Volumes  Massively distributed architecture required to store the data  Google, Amazon, Yahoo, Facebook – 10K ~ 100K servers □Extremely query workload  Impossible to efficiently do joins at the scale with an RDBMS □Schema evolution  Schema flexibility(migration) is not trivial at large scale  Schema changes can be gradually introduced with NoSQL 15
  • 17. NoSQL 기본개념  CAP 정리  ACID vs. BASE  Isolation Levels  MVCC  Distributed Transaction 16
  • 18. CAP 정리 I 2000 Prof. Eric Brewer PoDC Conference Keynote 2002 Seth Gilbert and Nancy Lynch, ACM SIGACT News 33(2) □분산 시스템이 보장해야 할 3가지 특성 □ Consistency: 각각의 사용자가 항상 동일한 데이터를 조회한다. □ Availability: 모든 사용자가 항상 읽고 쓸 수 있다. □ Partition tolerance: 물리적 네트워크 분산 환경에서 시스템이 잘 동작한다. □분산 시스템에서는 적절한 시간에 2가지 특성만 만족할 수 있 다. 17
  • 19. CAP 정리 II Availability 관계형 DHT 기반 분산환경에서 적절한 Dynamo, Cassandra RDBMS 응답시간 이내에 세가지 속성을 만족시키는 저장소는 구성하기 어렵다. Partition Consistency Tolerence 파티셔닝 기반 BigTable, Hbase, MongoDB 분산 시스템에서의 네트워크 분할은 반드시 대비해야 한다. 따라서 실제로는 어떤 것을 포기할지에 대해 두 개의 선택권만 있다. – Werner Vogels (아마존 CTO) 18
  • 20. CAP 정리 III – Partition Tolerence vs. Availability "The network will be allowed to loss arbitrarily many messages sent from one node to another"[...]" "For a distributed system to be continuously available, every request received by a non-failing node in the system must result in a response“ - Gilbert and Lynch, SIGACT 2002  CP: request can complete at nodes that have quoram  AP: requests can complete at any live node, possibly violating strong consistency 19
  • 21. ACID Atomicity: All or nothing. Consistency: Consistent state of data and transactions. Isolation: Transactions are isolated from each other. Durability: When the transaction is committed, state will be durable. Any data store can achieve Atomicity, Isolation and Durability but do you always need consistency? No. By giving up ACID properties, one can achieve higher performance and scalability. 20
  • 22. BASE – ACID alternative Basically available: Nodes in the a distributed environment can go down, but the whole system shouldn’t be affected. Soft State (scalable): The state of the system and data changes over time, even without input. This is because of the eventual consistency model. Eventual Consistency: Given enough time, data will be consistent across the distributed system. 21
  • 23. ACID vs. BASE ACID BASE □Strong Consistency □Weak Consistency □Isolation □Availability first □Focus on “commit” □Best effort □Nested transactions □Approximated answers □Less Availability □Aggressive(optimistic) □Conservative (pessimistic) □Simpler! □Difficult evolution (e.g. □Faster schema) □Easier evolution 출처 : Brewer 22
  • 24. Isolation Levels □Read Uncommitted  aka (NOLOCK)  Does not issue shared lock, does not honor exclusive lock  Rows can be updated/inserted/deleted before transaction ends  Least restrictive □Read Committed  Holds shared Lock  Cannot read uncommitted data, but data can be changed before end of transaction, resulting in non repeatable read or phantom rows 23
  • 25. Isolation Levels □Repeatable Read  Locks data being read, prevents updates/deletes  New rows can be inserted during transaction, will be included in later reads □Serializable  Aka HOLDLOCK on all tables in SELECT  Locks range of data being read, no modifications are possible  Prevents updates/deletes/inserts  Most restrictive 24
  • 29. Isolation Levels vs. Reads Phenoma Non-repeatable Phantom Isolation Level Dirty Reads Reads Reads Read Uncommitted Read Committed - Repeatable Read - - Serializable - - - 28
  • 30. Isolation Levels vs. Locks Isolation Level Range Lock Read Lock Write Lock Read Uncommitted - - - Read Committed Exclusive Shared - Repeatable Read Exclusive Exclusive - Serializable Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive 29
  • 31. Multi Version Concurrency Control Root Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data 30
  • 32. Multi Version Concurrency Control obsolete Root atomic pointer update new version marked for compaction Index Index Reads: never Index Index Index Index blocked Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Index Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data Data 31
  • 33. Distributed Transactions – 2PC □Voting Phase: each site is polled as to whether a transactions should commit (ie: whether their sub- transaction can commit) □Decision Phase: if any site says “abort” or does not reply, then all sites must be told to abort □Logging is performed for failure recovery (as usual) 32
  • 34. Distributed Transactions –2PC Protocol Actions 33
  • 35. Distributed Transactions –2PC Protocol Actions 34
  • 36. NoSQL 관련논문  Amazon Dynamo  Google BigTable 35
  • 37. Amazon Dynamo  Motivation  Key Features  Consistent Hashing  Virtual Nodes  Vector Clocks  Gossip Protocols & Hinted Handoffs  Read Repair 36
  • 38. Amazon Dynamo - Motivation □Vast Distributed System  Tens of millions of customers  Tens of thousands of servers  Failure is a normal case □Outage means  Lost Customer Trust  Financial loses □Goal: great customer experience  Always Available  Fast  Reliable  Scalable 37
  • 39. Key Features 1/2 □Amazon, ~2007 □Highly-available key-value storage system  99.9995% of request  Targeted for primary key access and small values(< 1MB) □Scalable and decentralized □Gives tight control over tradeoffs between:  Availability, consistency, performance □Data partitioned using consistent hashing □Consistency facilitated by object versioning  Quorum-like technique for replicas consistency  Decentralized replica synchronization protocol  Eventual consistency, 38
  • 40. Key Features 2/2 □Gossip protocol for:  Failure detection  Membership protocol □Service Level Agreements(SLAs)  Include client’s expected request rate distribution and expected service latency  e.g.: Response time < 300ms, for 99.9% of requests, for a peak load of 500 requests/sec.  Example: Managing shopping carts. Write /read and available across multiple data centers. □Trusted network, no authentication □Incremental scalability □Symmetry □Heterogeneity, Load distribution, 39
  • 41. Techniques used in Dynamo  Consistent Hashing  Vector Clocks  Gossip Protocols  Hinted Handoffs  Read Repair  Merkle Trees Problem Technique Advantage Partitioning Consistent Hashing Incremental Scalability High Availability for Vector clocks with reconciliation during Version size is decoupled from update rates. writes reads Handling temporary failures Provides high availability and durability guarantee Sloppy Quorum and hinted handoff when some of the replicas are not available. Recovering from Anti-entropy using Merkle trees Synchronizes divergent replicas in the background. permanent failures Preserves symmetry and avoids having a centralized Membership and failure Gossip-based membership protocol and registry for storing membership and node liveness detection failure detection. information. 40
  • 42. Modulo-based Hashing N1 N2 N3 N4 ? partition = key % n_servers 41
  • 43. Modulo-based Hashing N1 N2 N3 N4 ? partition = key % (n_servers – 1) Recalculate the hashes for all entries if n_servers changes (i.e. full data redistribution when adding/removing a node) 42
  • 44. Consistent Hashing 2128 0 hash(key) A Same hash function F for data and nodes B idx = hash(key) Ring (Key Space) Coordinator: next E available clockwise node C D 43
  • 45. Consistent Hashing 2128 0 hash(key) A Same hash function F for data and nodes B idx = hash(key) Ring (Key Space) E Coordinator: next available clockwise node C D 44
  • 46. Consistent Hashing - Replication 2128 0 KeyAB hosted A in B, C, D F Data replication in B the N-I clockwise Ring successor nodes (Key Space) E C Node hosting KeyFA, KeyAB, KeyBC D 45
  • 47. Consistent Hashing – Node Changes 2128 0 Key membership A and replicas are updated when a F node joins or leaves the network. Copy KeyAB B The number of replicas for all data is kept consistent. E Copy KeyFA C Copy KeyEF D 46
  • 48. Virtual Nodes  Random assignment leads to:  Non-uniform data  Uneven load distribution  Solution: “virtual nodes”  A single node (physical machine) is assigned multiple random positions (“tokens”) on the ring.  On failure of a node, the load is evenly dispersed  On joining, a node accepts an equivalent load  Number of virtual nodes assigned to a physical node can be decided based on its capacity. 47
  • 49. Virtual Nodes – Load Distribution 2128 0 Different Strategies A I Virtual Nodes H Random tokens per each B Ring physical node, partition by token value (Key Space) G C Node 1: tokens A, E, G D Node 2: tokens C, F, H Node 3: tokens B, D, I F E 48
  • 50. Virtual Nodes – Load Distribution 49
  • 51. Replication & Consistency (Quorum) N = number of nodes with a replica of the data W = number of replicas that must acknowledge the update(*) R = minimum number of replicas that must participate in a successful read operation (*) but the data will be written to N nodes no matter what W+R>N Strong Consistency (usually N=3, R=W=2) W=N, R=1 Optimised for reads W=1, R=N Optimised for writes (durability not guranteed in presence of failures) W+R<N Weak Consistency  Latency is determined by the slowest of the R replicas for read, W replicas for write. 50
  • 52. Vector Clocks & Conflict Detection Causality-based partial order over events that happen in the system. Document version history: a counter for each node that updated the document. If all update counters in V1 are smaller or equal to all update counters in V2, then V1 precedes V2 51
  • 53. Vector Clocks & Conflict Detection Vector Clocks can detect a conflict. The conflict resolution is left to the application or the user. The application might resolve conflicts by checking relative timestamps, or with other strategies (like merging the changes). Vector clocks can grow quite large (!) 52
  • 54. Gossip Protocol + Hinted Handoff A F periodic, pairwise, inter-process interactions of B Ring bounded size (Key Space) among randomly- E chosen peers C D 53
  • 55. Gossip Protocol + Hinted Handoff A F periodic, pairwise, I can't see B, it might be inter-process down but I need some ACK. My Merkle Tree interactions of B root for range XY is bounded size "ab03Idab4a385afda" among randomly- E chosen peers I can't see B either. My Merkle Tree root for range XY is different! B must be down C then. Let’s disable it. D 54
  • 56. Gossip Protocol + Hinted Handoff My canonical node is A supposed to be B. F periodic, pairwise, inter-process interactions of B bounded size among randomly- E chosen peers C I see. Well, I'll take care of it for now, and let B know when B is available again D 55
  • 57. Merkle Trees (Hash Trees) Leaves: hashes of data blocks. Nodes: hashes of their children. Used to detect inconsistencies between replicas (anti-entropy) and to minimise the amount of transferred data 56
  • 58. Merkle Trees (Hash Trees) Node A Node B gossip exchange Minimal data transfer Differences are easy to locate SHA-1, Whirlpool or Tiger (TTH) hash functions 57
  • 59. Read Repair A F B GET(k, R=2) E C D 58
  • 60. Read Repair K=XYZ(v.2) A F K=XYZ(v.2) B GET(k, R=2) E C K=ABC(v.1) D 59
  • 61. Read Repair A F B GET(k, R=2) E UPDATE(k, XYZ) C D 60
  • 62. Google Bigtable  Motivation  Key Features  System Architecture  Building Blocks  Data Model  SSTable/Tablet/Table  IO / Compaction 61
  • 63. Motivation □Lots of (semi-)structured data at Google  URLs:  Contents crawl metadata links anchors pagerank , …  Per-user data:  User preference settings, recent queries/search results, …  Geographic locations:  Physical entities (shops, restaurants, etc.), roads, satellite image data, user annotations, … □Scale is large  Billions of URLs, many versions/page (~20K/version)  Hundreds of millions of users, thousands of q/sec  100TB+ of satellite image data, 62
  • 64. Key Features □Google, ~2006 □Distributed multi-level map □Fault-tolerant, persistent □Scalable  Thousands of servers  Terabytes of in-memory data  Petabyte of disk-based data  Millions of reads/writes per second, efficient scans □Self-managing  Servers can be added/removed dynamically  Servers adjust to load imbalance, 63
  • 66. Building Blocks □Building blocks:  Google File System (GFS): Raw storage  Scheduler: Google Work Queue, schedules jobs onto machines  Lock service: Chubby, distributed lock manager  MapReduce: simplified large-scale data processing □BigTable uses of building blocks:  GFS: stores persistent data (SSTable file format for storage of data)  Scheduler: schedules jobs involved in BigTable serving  Lock service: master election, location bootstrapping  Map Reduce: often used to read/write BigTable data, 65
  • 67. Google File System □Large-scale distributed “filesystem” □Master: responsible for metadata □Chunk servers: responsible for reading and writing large chunks of data □Chunks replicated on 3 machines, master responsible for ensuring replicas exist □OSDI ’04 Paper, 66
  • 68. Chubby □Distributed Lock Service □File System {directory/file}, for locking  Coarse-grained locks, can store small amount of data in a lock □High Availability  5 replicas, one elected as master  Service live when majority is live  Uses Paxos algorithm to solve consensus □A client leases a session with the service □Also an OSDI ’06 Paper, 67
  • 69. Data model □“Sparse, distributed, persistent, multidim. sorted map” □<Row, Column, Timestamp> triple for key - lookup, insert, and delete API □Arbitrary “columns” on a row-by-row basis  Column family:qualifier. Family is heavyweight, qualifier lightweight  Column-oriented physical store- rows are sparse! □Does not support a relational model  No table-wide integrity constraints  No multirow transactions, 68
  • 70. SSTable □Immutable, sorted file of key-value pairs □Chunks of data plus an index  Index is of block ranges, not values  triplicated across three machines in GFS SSTable 64K 64K 64K block block block Index, 69
  • 71. Tablet □Contains some range of rows of the table  Dynamically partitioned range of rows □Built out of multiple SSTables □Typical size: 100~200MB □Tablets are stored in Tablet Servers (~100 per server) □Unit of distribution and load balancing Tablet Start:aardvark End:apple SSTable SSTable 64K 64K 64K 64K 64K 64K block block block block block block Index Index, 70
  • 72. Table □Multiple tablets(table segments) make up the table □SSTables SSTables can be shared can be shared □Tablets do not overlap, SSTables can overlap Tablet Tablet aardvark apple apple_two_E boat SSTable SSTable SSTable SSTable, 71
  • 73. Tablets & Splitting Large tables broken into tablets at row boundaries “language” “contents” EN “<html>…” TABLETS … …, 72
  • 74. Finding a Tablet Approach: 3-level hierarchical lookup scheme for tablets – Location is ip:port of relevant server, all stored in META tablets – 1st level: bootstrapped from lock server, points to owner of META0 – 2nd level: Uses META0 data to find owner of appropriate META1 tablet – 3rd level: META1 table holds locations of tablets of all other tables META1 table itself can be split into multiple tablets 73
  • 75. Servers Tablet servers manage tablets, multiple tablets per server. Each tablet is 100-200 megs –Each tablet lives at only one server –Tablet server splits tablets that get too big Master responsible for load balancing and fault tolerance –Use Chubby to monitor health of tablet servers, restart failed servers –GFS replicates data. Prefer to start tablet server on same machine that the data is already at 74
  • 76. BigTable I/O memtable read minor memory compaction GFS tablet log SSTable SSTable SSTable BMDiff Zippy write Merging / Major Compaction (GC) □ Commit log stores the writes  Recent writes are stores in the memtable  Older writes are stores in SSTables □ A read operation sees a merged view of the memtable and the SSTables □ Checks authorization from ACL stored in Chubby 75
  • 77. Compactions Minor compaction – convert the memtable into an SSTable Reduce memory usage Reduce log traffic on restart Merging compaction Reduce number of SSTables Good place to apply policy “keep only N versions” Major compaction Merging compaction that results in only one SSTable No deletion records, only live data 76
  • 78. Locality Groups Group column families together into an SSTable –Avoid mingling data, ie page contents and page metadata –Can keep some groups all in memory Can compress locality groups Bloom Filters on locality groups – avoid searching SSTable 77
  • 79. NoSQL 종류  Key-value Stores  Column Database  Document Database  Graph Database 78
  • 82. NoSQL 종류 I □Key-Value Stores □Based on DHTs / Amazon’s Dynamo paper □Data model: (global) collection of K-V pairs □Example: Voldemort, Tokyo, Riak, Redis □Column Store □Based on Google’s BigTable paper □Data model: big table, column families □Example: Hbase, Cassandra, Hypertable 81
  • 83. NoSQL 종류 II □Document Store □Inspired by Lotus Notes □Data model: collections of K-V collections □Example: CouchDB, MongoDB □Graph Database □Inspired by Euler & graph theory □Data model: nodes, rels, K-V on both □Example: Neo4J, FlockDB 82
  • 84. NoSQL Data Model 비교 83
  • 85. Key-value Stores  Voldemort  Riak  Redis 84
  • 86. Voldemort AP □ LinkedIn, 2009, Apache 2.0, Java □ Model: Key-Value(Data Model), Dynamo(Distributed Model) □ Main point: Data is automatically replicated and partitioned to multiple servers □ Concurrency Control: MVCC □ Transaction: No □ Data Storage: BDB, MySQL, RAM □ Key Features □ Data is automatically replicated and partitioned to multiple servers □ Simple Optimistic Locking for multi-row updates □ Pluggable Storage Engine □ Multiple read-writes □ Consistent-hashing for data distribution □ Data Versioning □ Major Users: LinkedIn, GILT □ Best Use: Real-time, large-scale, 85
  • 87. Voldemort Pros / Cons AP Pros Cons  Highly customizable - each layer  Versioning means lots of disk of the stack can be replaced as space being used. needed  Does not support range queries  Data elements are versioned  No complex query filters during changes  All joins must be done in code  All nodes are independent - no  No foreign key constraints SPOF  No triggers  Very, very fast reads  Support can be hard to find 86
  • 88. Voldemort : Logical Architecture AP □ Dynamo DHT Implementation LICENSE □ Consistent Hashing, Vector Clocks APACHE 2.0 LANGUAGE HTTP / Sockets Java Conflict resolved API / PROTOCOL at read and write Time HTTP Java Thrift Json, Java String, byte[], Avro Thrift, Avro, Protobuf ProtoBuf CONCURRENCY MVCC Simple Optimistic Locking for multi-row updates, pluggable storage engine , 87
  • 89. Voldemort: Physical Architecture Options AP 88
  • 90. Riak AP □ Basho Technologies, 2010, Apache 2.0, Erlang, C □ Model: Key-Value(Data Model), Dynamo(Distributed Model) □ Main Point: Fault tolerance □ Protocol: HTTP/REST or custom binary □ Transaction: No □ Data Storage: Plug-in □ Features □ Tunable trade-offs for distribution and replication (N, R, W) □ Pre- and post-commit hooks in JavaScript or Erlang □ Map/Reduce in Javascript and Erlang □ Links & link walking: use it as a graph database □ Secondary indices: but only one at once □ Large object support (Luwak) □ Major Users: Mozilla, GitHub, Comcast, AOL, □ Best Uses: high availability □ Example Usage: CMS, text search, Point-of-sales data collection., 89
  • 91. Riak Pros / Cons AP Pros Cons  All nodes are equal - no SPOF  Not meant for small, discrete and  Horizontal Scalability numerous datapoints.  Full Text Search  Getting data in is great; getting it  RESTful interface(and HTTP) out, not so much  Consistency level tunable on each  Security is non-existent: "Riak assumes the internal environment is operation trusted"  Secondary indexes available  Conflict resolution can bubble up  Map/Reduce(JavaScript & Erlang to the client if not careful. only)  Erlang is fast, but it's got a serious learning curve. 90
  • 92. Riak AP LICENSE APACHE 2.0 LANGUAGE C, Erlang API / PROTOCOL REST HTTP * ProtoBuf Buckets -> K-V “Links” (~relations) Targeted JS Map/Reduce Tunable consistency (one-quorum-all) 91
  • 93. Riak Logical Architecture AP, 92
  • 94. Redis CP □ VMWare, 2009, BSD, C/C++ □ Model: Key-Value(Data Model), Master-Slave(Distributed Model) □ Main Point: Blazing fast □ Protocol: Telnet-like □ Concurrency Control: Locks □ Transaction: Yes □ Data Storage: RAM (in-memory) □ Features □ Disk-backed in-memory database □ Currently without disk-swap (VM and Diskstore were abandoned) □ Master-slave replication □ Pub/Sub lets one implement messaging □ Major Users: StackOverflow, flickr, GitHub, Blizzard, Digg □ Best Uses: rapidly changing data, frequently written, rarely read statistical data □ Example Usage: Stock prices. Analytics. Real-time data, 93
  • 95. Redis Pros / Cons CP Pros Cons  Transactional support  Entirely in memory  Blob storage  Master-slave replication (instead  Support for sets, lists and sorted of master-master) sets  Security is non-existent:  Support for Publish- designed to be used in trusted environments Subscribe(Pub-Sub) messaging  Does not support encryption  Robust set of operators  Support can be hard to find 94
  • 96. Redis CP K-V store “Data Structures Server” LICENSE Map, Set, Sorted Set, Linked List BSD Set/Queue operations, Counters, Pub-Sub, Volatile keys LANGUAGE ANSI C, C++ API / PROTOCOL *(Many Language) Telnet Like PERSISTENCE 10-100K ops (whole dataset in RAM + VM) In Memory bg snapshots Persistence via snapshotting (tunable fsync freq.) REPLICATIONS Master / Slave Distributed if client supports consistent hashing, 95
  • 97. Column Families Stores  Cassandra  HBase 96
  • 98. Cassandra AP □ ASF, 2008, Apache 2.0, Java □ Model: Column(Data Model), Dynamo(Distributed Model) □ Main Point: Best of BigTable and Dynamo □ Protocol: Thrift, Avro □ Concurrency Control: MVCC □ Transaction: No □ Data Storage: Disk □ Features □ Tunable trade-offs for distribution and replication (N, R, W) □ Querying by column, range of keys □ BigTable-like features: columns, column families □ Has secondary indices □ Writes are much faster than reads (!) □ Map/reduce possible with Apache Hadoop □ All nodes are similar, as opposed to Hadoop/HBase □ Major Users: Facebook, Netflix, Twitter, Adobe, Digg □ Best Uses: write often, read less □ Example Usage: banking, finance, logging, 97
  • 99. Cassandra Pros / Cons AP Pros Cons  Designed to span multiple  No joins datacenters  No referential integrity  Peer to peer communication  Written in Java - quite complex to between nodes administer and configure  No SPOF  Last update wins  Always writeable  Consistency level is tunable at run time  Supports secondary indexes  Supports Map/Reduce  Support range queries 98
  • 100. Cassandra AP Data model of BigTable, infrastructure of Dynamo LICENSE APACHE 2.0 LANGUAGE Java PROTOCOL col_name Thrift Avro col_value timestamp PERSISTENCE Column memtable, SSTable CONSISTENCY Tunnable R/W/N x, 99
  • 101. Cassandra AP Data model of BigTable, infrastructure of Dynamo LICENSE APACHE 2.0 LANGUAGE Java super_column_name PROTOCOL col_name col_name Thrift … Avro col_value col_value timestamp timestamp PERSISTENCE memtable, SSTable CONSISTENCY Tunnable R/W/N x, 100
  • 102. Cassandra AP Data model of BigTable, infrastructure of Dynamo LICENSE APACHE 2.0 Column Family LANGUAGE Java super_column_name PROTOCOL col_name col_name Thrift row_key … Avro col_value col_value timestamp timestamp PERSISTENCE memtable, SSTable CONSISTENCY Tunnable R/W/N x, 101
  • 103. Cassandra AP Data model of BigTable, infrastructure of Dynamo LICENSE APACHE 2.0 Super Column Family LANGUAGE Java super_column_name super_column_name PROTOCOL col_name col_name col_name col_name Thrift row_key … Avro … … col_value col_value col_value col_value timestamp timestamp timestamp timestamp PERSISTENCE memtable, SSTable keyspace.get (“column_family”, key, [“super_column”], “column”) CONSISTENCY Tunnable R/W/N x, 102
  • 104. Cassandra AP Data model of BigTable, infrastructure of Dynamo LICENSE APACHE 2.0 Super Column Family LANGUAGE Java super_column_name super_column_name PROTOCOL col_name col_name col_name col_name Thrift row_key … Avro … … col_value col_value col_value col_value timestamp timestamp timestamp timestamp PERSISTENCE memtable, SSTable keyspace.get (“column_family”, key, [“super_column”], “column”) CONSISTENCY A B Random Partitioner (MD5) Tunnable ALL OrderPreservingPartitioner R/W/N P2P C ONE F Gossip QUORUM x E D Range Scans, Fulltext Index(Solandra), 103
  • 105. Cassandra - Data Model AP HashTable Object LICENSE APACHE 2.0 HashKey LANGUAGE Java PROTOCOL Thrift Avro PERSISTENCE memtable, SSTable CONSISTENCY Tunnable R/W/N 104
  • 106. Cassandra - Data Model AP • Column {name:"emailAddress", value:""} • Name-Value 구조체 {name:"age", value:"20"} UserProfile={ • Column Family Cassandra={emailAddress:””, age:”20”} TerryCho={emailAddress:””, • Column들의 집합 gender:”male”} • Hash-Key Column리스트 Cath= { emailAddress:”” , age:”20”, gender:”female”, address:”Seoul”} } • Super-Column • Column안에 Column 포함 {name:”username” • ex) username->{firstname, value: firstname{name:”firstname”,value=”Terry”} lastname} value: lastname{name:”lastname”,value=”Cho”} } • Super-Column Family UserList={ Cath:{ • Column Family안에 Column username:{firstname:”Cath”,lastname:”Yoon”} Family 포함 address:{city:”Seoul”,postcode:”1234”}} Terry:{ username:{firstname:”Terry”,lastname:”Cho”} account:{bank:”hana”,accounted:”1234”}} } 105
  • 107. Cassandra – Use Case: eBay AP □ A glimpse on eBay’s Cassandra deployment □ Dozens of nodes across multiple clusters □ 200 TB+ storage provisioned □ 400M+ writes & 100M+ reads per day, and growing □ #1: Social Signals on eBay product & item pages □ #2: Hunch taste graph for eBay users & items □ #3: Time series use cases (many): □ Mobile notification logging and tracking □ Tracking for fraud detection □ SOA request/response payload logging □ ReadLaser server logs and analytics □ Cassandra meets requirements □ Need Scalable counters □ Need real(or near) time analytics on collected social data □ Need good write performance □ Reads are not latency sensitive 106
  • 108. HBase CP □ ASF, 2010, Apache 2.0, Java □ Model: Column(Data Model), Bigtable(Distributed Model) □ Main Point: Billions of rows X millions of columns □ Protocol: HTTP/REST (also Thrift) □ Concurrency Control: Locks □ Transaction: Local □ Data Storage: HDFS □ Features □ Query predicate push down via server side scan and get filters □ Optimizations for real time queries □ A high performance Thrift gateway □ HTTP supports XML, Protobuf, and binary □ Rolling restart for configuration changes and minor upgrades □ Random access performance is like MySQL □ A cluster consists of several different types of nodes □ Major Users: Facebook □ Best Use: random read write to large database □ Example Usage: Live messaging, 107
  • 109. HBase Pros / Cons CP Pros Cons  Map/Reduce support  Secondary indexes generally not  More of a CA approach and AP supported  Supports predicate push down for  Security is non-existent performance gains  Requires a Hadoop infrastructure  Automatic partitioning and to function rebalancing of regins  Data is stored in a sorted order(not indexed)  RESTful API  Strong and vibrant ecosystem 108
  • 110. HBase vs. BigTable Terminology CP  Cons HBase BigTable Table Table Region Tablet RegionServer Tablet Server MemStore Memtable Hfile SSTable WAL Commit Log Flush Minor compaction Minor Compaction Merging compaction Major Compaction Major compaction HDFS GFS MapReduce MapReduce ZooKeeper Chubby 109
  • 111. HBase: Architecture CP • Zookeeper as Coordinator (instead of Chubby) LICENSE • Hmaster: support for multiple masters APACHE 2.0 • HDFS, S3, S3N, EBS (with Gzip/LZO CF compression) LANGUAGE • Data sorted by key but evenly distributed across the cluster Java PROTOCOL REST, HTTP Thrift, Avro PERSISTENCE memtable, SSTable, 110
  • 112. HBase: Architecture - WAL CP LICENSE APACHE 2.0 LANGUAGE Java PROTOCOL REST, HTTP Thrift, Avro PERSISTENCE memtable, SSTable, 111
  • 113. HBase: Architecture - WAL CP LICENSE APACHE 2.0 LANGUAGE Java PROTOCOL REST, HTTP Thrift, Avro PERSISTENCE memtable, SSTable, 112
  • 114. HBase - Usecase: Facebook Message Service CP □ New Message Service □ combines chat, SMS, email, and Messages into a real-time conversation □ Data pattern  A short set of temporal data that tends to be volatile  An ever-growing set of data that rarely gets accessed □ chat service supports over 300 million users who send over 120 billion messages per month □ Cassandra's eventual consistency model to be a difficult pattern to reconcile for our new Messages infrastructure. □ HBase meets our requirements □ Has a simpler consistency model than Cassandra. □ Very good scalability and performance for their data patterns. □ Most feature rich for their requirements: auto load balancing and failover, compression support, multiple shards per server, etc. □ HDFS, the filesystem used by HBase, supports replication, end-to-end checksums, and automatic rebalancing. □ Facebook's operational teams have a lot of experience using HDFS because Facebook is a big user of Hadoop and Hadoop uses HDFS as its distributed file system., 113
  • 115. Hbase – Usecase: Adobe CP □ When we started pushing 40 million records, Hbase squeaked and cracked. After 20M inserts it failed so bad it wouldn’t respond or restart, it mangled the data completely and we had to start over.  HBase community turned out to be great, they jumped and helped us, and upgrading to a new HBase version fixed our problems □ On December 2008, Our HBase cluster would write data but couldn’t answer correctly to reads.  I was able to make another backup and restore it on a MySQL cluster □ We decided to switch focus in the beginning of 2009. We were going to provide a generic, real-time, structured data storage and processing system that could handle any data volume. 114
  • 116. Document Stores  MongoDB  CouchDB 115
  • 117. MongoDB CP □ 10gen, 2009, AGPL, C++ □ Model: Document(Data Model), Bigtable(Distributed Model) □ Main Point: Full Index Support, Querying, Easy to Use □ Protocol: Custom, binary(BSON) □ Concurrency Control: Locks □ Transaction: No □ Data Storage: Disk □ Features □ Master/slave replication (auto failover with replica sets) □ Sharding built-in □ Uses memory mapped files for data storage □ GridFS to store big data + metadata (not actually an FS) □ Major Users: Craigslist, Foursquare, SAP, MTV, Disney, Shutterfly, Intuit □ Example Usage: CMS system, comment storage, voting □ Best Use: dynamic queries, frequently written, rarely read statistical data, 116
  • 118. MongoDB Pros / Cons CP Pros Cons  Auto-sharding  Does not support JSON: BSON  Auto-failover instead  Update in place  Master-slave replication  Spatial index support  Has had some growing pains(e.g.  Ad hoc query support Foursquare outage)  Any field in Mongo can be  Not RESTful by default indexed  Failures require a manual  Very, very popular (lots of database repair operation(similar production deployments) to MySQL)  Very easy transition from SQL  Replication for availability, not performance 117
  • 119. MongoDB CP LICENSE AGPL v3 LANGUAGE C++ PROTOCOL REST/BSON PERSISTENCE B+ Trees, Snapshots CONCURRENCY In-place Updates REPLICATION master-slave replica sets 118
  • 120. MongoDB - Architecture CP • mongod: the core database process LICENSE • mongos: the controller and query router for sharded clusters AGPL v3 LANGUAGE C++ PROTOCOL REST/BSON PERSISTENCE B+ Trees, Snapshots CONCURRENCY In-place Updates REPLICATION master-slave replica sets, 119
  • 121. CouchDB AP □ ASF, 2005, Apache 2.0, Erlang □ Model: Document(Data Model), Notes(Distributed Model) □ Main Point: DB consistency, easy to use □ Protocol: HTTP, REST □ Concurrency Control: MVCC □ Transaction: No □ Data Storage: Disk □ Features □ ACID Semantics □ Map/Reduce Views and Indexes □ Distributed Architecture with Replication □ Built for Offline □ Major Users:, CERN, BBC, □ Example Usage: CRM, CMS systems □ Best Use: accumulating, occasionally changing data with pre-defined queries, 120
  • 122. CouchDB Pros / Cons AP Pros Cons  Very simple API for development  The simple API for development is  MVCC support for read somewhat limited consistency  No foreign keys  Full Map/Reduce support  Conflict resolution devolves to the  Data is versioned application  Secondary indexes supported  Versioning requires extensive disk  Some security support space  RESTful API, JSON support  Versioning places large load on I/O channels  Materialized views with incremental update support  Replication for performance, not availability 121
  • 123. CouchDB AP □ ASF, 2005, Apache 2.0, Erlang LICENSE APACHE 2.0 LANGUAGE Erlang PROTOCOL REST/JSON PERSISTENCE Append Only, B+ Tree CONCURRENCY MVCC CONSISTENCY Crash-only design REPLICATION Multi-master 122
  • 124. Graph Database  Neo4J 123