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How to be an
Authentic Leader

Stan Garfield
March 12, 2008
1. How many people think they have
   been leaders in the past?
2. How many people think they are
   leaders right now?
3. How many people would like to
   become leaders in the future?

  12 March 2008
Have you ever
  Been a team captain?
  Done volunteer work?
  Held an elected office?
  Implemented a new idea?
  Served as a scout leader?
  Influenced others to take action?
  Organized an event or a trip?
  Spoken on behalf of others?
  Tried something you hadn’t done before?
  Helped connect people to one another?

 12 March 2008
Anyone Can Lead
     Leadership is not the same as management
     You don’t have to be the supervisor of people to lead them
     You can lead in any situation

 12 March 2008
Roles of Authentic Leaders
      Establish core
      Communicate to
      Empower by
  12 March 2008
Attributes of Authentic Leaders
           Trust, Truth, and Transparency
           Caring, Sharing, and Daring
           Integrity, Loyalty, and Courage
           Respect, Recognize, and Reward
           Empower, Empathize, and Encourage
           Coach, Communicate, and Collaborate
           Approachable, Fair, and Logical
           Passionate, Persistent, and Persuasive
           Calm, Creative, and Curious
  12 March 2008
Authentic Leaders DO NOT:
   Criticize, Blame, or Ridicule
   Demean, Embarrass, or Undermine
   Intimidate, Threaten, or Bully
   Lie, Cheat, or Exploit
   Badmouth, Belittle, or Backstab

   Have you ever had a coach, supervisor, or teacher like this?
   How did that make you feel?
   Do you think any of these behaviors are necessary?

  12 March 2008
Know Thyself
     What are your
     What are your
             Passions and Interests
             Skills and Abilities
             Weaknesses and Blind Spots
     How do you allocate your time to
             Studies and Career
             Friends and Family
             Communities and Pastimes
 12 March 2008
Maintain Your True Self
      Act the same in all settings
              Studies and Career
              Friends and Family
              Communities and Pastimes
      Don’t compartmentalize
      Let everyone know your beliefs, interests, and priorities
      Embody Competence, Commitment, and Compassion

  12 March 2008
Lead by Example
  Model desired behaviors
  Practice what you preach
  Put yourself in the shoes of others
  Prove what can actually be done
  Demonstrate expertise and credibility
  Keep in touch with reality
  Convey optimism
  Get your hands dirty

 12 March 2008
Be Bold
  Take prudent risks
  Be willing to fail
  Tackle your fears and overcome them
  Take the initiative to start things
  Imagine, Invent, and Innovate
  Prototype, Pilot, and Perfect
  Rock the boat, stir the pot, and shake things up
  Expect the unexpected

 12 March 2008
Follow Your True North
   Stick to your principles
   Act on your beliefs
   Don’t be swayed due to expediency or pressure
   Maintain healthy skepticism
   Avoid fads
   Ignore the prevailing wisdom
   Don’t follow the crowd or run with the herd
   Don’t always do it by the book
   Adjust over time based on experience

  12 March 2008
  Use common sense
  Be assertive
  Make tough decisions
  Avoid paralysis by analysis
  Know when to declare success
  Admit failure, learn, and move on
  Embrace debate, set a deadline, decide, and proceed to
  Propose, Plan, and Produce

 12 March 2008
Have a Bias for Action
    Set high standards for
    Follow up, inspect, and adjust
    Follow through and don’t let anything drop
    Avoid complacency, delay, and indecision
    Attack your own position before others do

  12 March 2008
Communicate Relentlessly
  Write and speak convincingly, completely, and compellingly
  Use language concisely, correctly, and clearly
  Use multiple channels and vehicles
  Avoid jargon, corporate speak, and buzz words
  Ask questions, listen attentively, and respond forthrightly
  Return calls and reply to email in a timely manner
  Link, converse, and correspond with diverse people

 12 March 2008
Reach Out and Engage
  Be generous with your time
  Be approachable, available, and accessible
  Avoid isolation
  Practice MBWA (Management By Walking Around)
  Seek input, encourage constructive suggestions, and follow
  Pay attention
  Reach out, motivate, and inspire

 12 March 2008
Use Storytelling
   Motivate others to action
   Build trust in you
   Build trust in your organization
   Transmit your values
   Get others working together
   Share knowledge
   Tame the grapevine
   Create and share your vision

  12 March 2008
Be Thirsty for Knowledge
   Curiosity won’t kill you
   Set a regular time for reading
   Make time to attend lectures, seminars, and conferences
   Listen to books on tape, podcasts, and broadcasts while
   Know what is going on in your organization, specialty, and field
   Participate in communities of practice and interest
   Know your stuff and become a respected thought leader
   Share your knowledge
   Try things out
   Allow time for thinking, imagining, and brainstorming

  12 March 2008
Practice Personal Knowledge Management
 Share – let others know what you have learned
 Innovate – take good ideas and improve on them
 Reuse – don’t reinvent the wheel
 Collaborate – take advantage of what others know
 Learn – don’t repeat the same mistakes
 Be aware of what you don’t know
 Hypothesize, Test, Analyze, Ponder, and Conclude
 Observe, Experiment, and Improve

 12 March 2008
Can you lead without deep knowledge?
  Some say good managers can manage anything; they can manage
  without really knowing what they are trying to manage. It’s the
  management skills that count.
  I argue strongly that the best job can be done when the manager
  has a genuine and thorough knowledge and understanding of the
  I don’t see how managers can even understand what standards to
  observe, what performance to require, and how to measure results
  unless they understand in some detail the specific nature of the
  work they are trying to supervise.

                 Source: David Packard in The HP Way, pages 154-
 12 March 2008
Build Your Team
  Recognize others with similar strengths
  Seek out others with complementary skills and attributes
  Recruit, mentor, and promote wisely
  Learn from those you lead and those who lead you
  Don’t be threatened by others with more knowledge and skills
  Encourage team members to move on when they are ready
  Constantly add to your social network
  Set high expectations, but treat people decently
  Replace team members as required

 12 March 2008
Manage Your Time
  Always be on time
  Be organized
  Don’t short-change any element of your life
  Don’t be a workaholic
  Work efficiently during the normal work hours, and then go home
  Encourage others to do the same
  Delegate appropriately
  Don’t micromanage
  Budget your time
  Consistently use electronic tools such as calendar and task list

 12 March 2008
  Identify key priorities
  Stay on task
  Stick to a few key goals
  Don’t get distracted
  Follow a schedule
  Meet all commitments
  Expect the same from others

 12 March 2008
Check Your Ego
  Act unselfishly
  Let your deeds speak for you
  Share the credit for achievements
  Publicize the accomplishments of others
  Don’t worry about yourself
  Help anyone who asks
  Pay it forward – it will all come back to you

 12 March 2008
10 Commandments
Authentic Inauthentic
 1. Be bold                     1. Be reluctant
 2. Be upbeat                   2. Point out what’s wrong
 3. Know what’s going on        3. Be ignorant
 4. Tell stories                4. Recite dry facts
 5. Act                         5. Wait
 6. Collaborate                 6. Go it alone
 7. Seek out ideas of others    7. Know it all
 8. Try new things              8. Stick to the tried and
 9. Remain calm
                                9. Blow up
10. Plan
                               10. React

   12 March 2008
10 More Commandments
Authentic Inauthentic
 1. Admit mistakes               1. Spin, make excuses, and pass blame
 2. Speak spontaneously          2. Repeat the usual message
 3. Use direct language          3. Use clichés
 4. Communicate openly           4. Withhold information
 5. Be visible and accessible    5. Hide behind closed doors
 6. Be courageous                6. Be afraid to fail
 7. Tell the truth               7. Obscure, obstruct, and obfuscate
 8. Take a chance and go for     8. Play it safe and delay
                                 9. Always go by the book
 9. Think for yourself
                                10. Exploit others
10. Treat others fairly

   12 March 2008
The Wisdom of Hewlett and Packard
 Dave Packard: Create an environment where people
       Have a chance to do their best
       Realize their potential
       Are recognized for their achievements
       Take initiative in return for individual freedom
       Work as a team for a common purpose

 Bill Hewlett: Cardinal points of his moral compass
  1. Knowledge
  2. Modesty
  3. Justice
  4. Hard Work
  12 March 2008
Corporate Objectives
 1. Profit: To recognize that profit is the best single
    measure of our contribution to society and the ultimate
    source of our corporate strength. We should attempt to
    achieve the maximum possible profit consistent with our
    other objectives.
 2. Customers: To strive for continual improvement in the
    quality, usefulness, and value of the products and
    services we offer our customers.
 3. Field of Interest: To concentrate our efforts, continually
    seeking new opportunities for growth but limiting our
    involvement to fields in which we have capability and
    can make a contribution.
 4. Growth: To emphasize growth as a measure of strength
    and a requirement for survival.

  12 March 2008
Corporate Objectives (continued)
 1. Employees: To provide employment opportunities for HP
    people that include the opportunity to share in the
    company's success, which they help make possible. To
    provide for them job security based on performance, and
    to provide the opportunity for personal satisfaction that
    comes from a sense of accomplishment in their work.
 2. Organization: To maintain an organizational
    environment that fosters individual motivation, initiative
    and creativity, and a wide latitude of freedom in working
    toward established objectives and goals.
 3. Citizenship: To meet the obligations of good citizenship
    by making contributions to the community and to the
    institutions in our society which generate the
    environment in which we operate.

  12 March 2008
Bill George on Authentic Leadership
Create your own Personal Leadership Development Plan based on:
 1. Knowing your authentic self
 2. Defining your values and leadership principles
 3. Understanding your motivations
 4. Building your support team
 5. Staying grounded by integrating all aspects of your life
Authentic leaders demonstrate these five traits:
1. Pursuing their purpose with passion
2. Practicing solid values
3. Leading with their hearts as well as their heads
4. Establishing connected relationships
5. Demonstrating self-discipline Source
   12 March 2008
Examples 1-5 from Bill George
 Purpose: Wendy Kopp started Teach For America, the most
 successful secondary educational program of the past 25
 Values: Thad Allen built the Coast Guard around values. When
 Hurricane Katrina hit, officials at all levels of government
 argued about who was responsible while the Coast Guard
 simply swung into action, saving the lives of stranded victims.
 Leading with heart: Marilyn Carlson Nelson changed Carlson
 Companies from decades of top-down rule to expressing
 empathy for her employees and compassion for her
 Relationships: A. G. Lafley, CEO of Procter & Gamble, took
 over an organization in turmoil. On a visit to a remote office, he
 looked a young employee in the eye and said, "The work you
 are doing is vital to the future of P&G."
 Self-discipline: Warren Buffett became the wealthiest man in the
 world by avoiding debt and high-risk investments and concentrating
 onMarch 2008 companies and long-term positions. Buffett has been an
 12 value
Examples 6-8: World Leaders

      Mohandas Gandhi

      Martin Luther King

      Nelson Mandela

  12 March 2008
Examples 9-10: Presidential Candidates
 "The two leading candidates at present, John McCain and
 Barack Obama, are on the rise precisely because they are
 McCain, who experienced his crucible as a prisoner-of-war in
 Vietnam, tells it like it is. He is not afraid to go against popular
 positions or the Republican hierarchy, including the current
 president. As he has assumed front-runner status for the
 nomination, the hard-liners in the Republican Party have tried to
 bring him in line, but he has steadfastly refused.
 Obama's authenticity is precisely what makes him so appealing
 to such a wide range of voters. He seems "good in his skin," and
 is able to rise above the negative attacks. His message of hope
 and change, backed up by specific programs that seem logical to
 most people, is inspiring a lot of Americans to get engaged in the
 political process. For all the talk that he would wither under the
 pressure, he seems to get stronger and more confident as he
 goes." Source: Bill George
  12 March 2008
Examples 11-13: Hewlett-Packard
      Bill Hewlett       Dave Packard

      Mark Hurd

  12 March 2008
Examples 14-16: Basketball
                             Hubie Brown
      Larry Brown

      Joe Dumars

  12 March 2008
Examples 17-19: Baseball

      Gil Hodges


      Jim Leyland

  12 March 2008
Examples 20-22: Michigan State

      Tom Izzo

      Mark Dantonio

      Rick Comley

  12 March 2008
My Leadership Journey

  Boy Scouts               HP

  Washington               Conferences

                           Articles, Blogs, and Book
  Saint Louis University


                           Basketball Coaching

  12 March 2008
Ten Keys to Remember
 1. Follow your passions – play to your strengths
 2. Treat others with respect – and earn theirs
 3. Never give up – keep on striving
 4. Be true to your word – do what you say you will
 5. Stay positive – have fun in what you do
 6. Expect a lot of yourself – and of others
 7. Challenge conventional wisdom – think for yourself
 8. Ask not what others can do for you – ask what you can do for them
 9. Leave the world a better place – make a contribution
10. Put a little love into everything you do – it is always possible

   12 March 2008
How to remember the keys: PICKLES


 12 March 2008
Final Exam
1. What would the world be like if everyone adopted these
2. How would you like to work for an authentic leader?
3. Are you willing to be an authentic leader?

  12 March 2008
Note: Most images are linked to sites with additional details
My Articles and Presentations
Reading List
These Slides
MSU Promotions Commons

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How To Be An Authentic Leader

  • 1. How to be an Authentic Leader Stan Garfield March 12, 2008
  • 2. Pre-test 1. How many people think they have been leaders in the past? 2. How many people think they are leaders right now? 3. How many people would like to become leaders in the future? 12 March 2008
  • 3. Have you ever Been a team captain? Done volunteer work? Held an elected office? Implemented a new idea? Served as a scout leader? Influenced others to take action? Organized an event or a trip? Spoken on behalf of others? Tried something you hadn’t done before? Helped connect people to one another? 12 March 2008
  • 4. Anyone Can Lead Leadership is not the same as management You don’t have to be the supervisor of people to lead them You can lead in any situation School Work Family Friends Team Organization Group 12 March 2008
  • 5. Roles of Authentic Leaders Establish core Principles Values Objectives Communicate to Inspire Align Motivate Empower by Listening Trusting Supporting 12 March 2008
  • 6. Attributes of Authentic Leaders NOUNS Trust, Truth, and Transparency Caring, Sharing, and Daring Integrity, Loyalty, and Courage VERBS Respect, Recognize, and Reward Empower, Empathize, and Encourage Coach, Communicate, and Collaborate ADJECTIVES Approachable, Fair, and Logical Passionate, Persistent, and Persuasive Calm, Creative, and Curious 12 March 2008
  • 7. Authentic Leaders DO NOT: Criticize, Blame, or Ridicule Demean, Embarrass, or Undermine Intimidate, Threaten, or Bully Lie, Cheat, or Exploit Badmouth, Belittle, or Backstab Questions Have you ever had a coach, supervisor, or teacher like this? How did that make you feel? Do you think any of these behaviors are necessary? 12 March 2008
  • 8. Know Thyself What are your Values Principles Beliefs What are your Passions and Interests Skills and Abilities Weaknesses and Blind Spots How do you allocate your time to Studies and Career Friends and Family Communities and Pastimes 12 March 2008
  • 9. Maintain Your True Self Act the same in all settings Studies and Career Friends and Family Communities and Pastimes Don’t compartmentalize Let everyone know your beliefs, interests, and priorities Embody Competence, Commitment, and Compassion 12 March 2008
  • 10. Lead by Example Model desired behaviors Practice what you preach Put yourself in the shoes of others Prove what can actually be done Demonstrate expertise and credibility Keep in touch with reality Convey optimism Get your hands dirty 12 March 2008
  • 11. Be Bold Take prudent risks Be willing to fail Tackle your fears and overcome them Take the initiative to start things Imagine, Invent, and Innovate Prototype, Pilot, and Perfect Rock the boat, stir the pot, and shake things up Expect the unexpected 12 March 2008
  • 12. Follow Your True North Stick to your principles Act on your beliefs Don’t be swayed due to expediency or pressure Maintain healthy skepticism Avoid fads Ignore the prevailing wisdom Don’t follow the crowd or run with the herd Don’t always do it by the book Adjust over time based on experience 12 March 2008
  • 13. Decide Use common sense Be assertive Make tough decisions Avoid paralysis by analysis Know when to declare success Admit failure, learn, and move on Embrace debate, set a deadline, decide, and proceed to implement Propose, Plan, and Produce 12 March 2008
  • 14. Have a Bias for Action Set high standards for Achievements Results Deliverables Follow up, inspect, and adjust Follow through and don’t let anything drop Avoid complacency, delay, and indecision Attack your own position before others do 12 March 2008
  • 15. Communicate Relentlessly Write and speak convincingly, completely, and compellingly Use language concisely, correctly, and clearly Use multiple channels and vehicles Avoid jargon, corporate speak, and buzz words Ask questions, listen attentively, and respond forthrightly Return calls and reply to email in a timely manner Link, converse, and correspond with diverse people 12 March 2008
  • 16. Reach Out and Engage Be generous with your time Be approachable, available, and accessible Avoid isolation Practice MBWA (Management By Walking Around) Seek input, encourage constructive suggestions, and follow through Pay attention Reach out, motivate, and inspire 12 March 2008
  • 17. Use Storytelling Motivate others to action Build trust in you Build trust in your organization Transmit your values Get others working together Share knowledge Tame the grapevine Create and share your vision 12 March 2008
  • 18. Be Thirsty for Knowledge Curiosity won’t kill you Set a regular time for reading Make time to attend lectures, seminars, and conferences Listen to books on tape, podcasts, and broadcasts while multitasking Know what is going on in your organization, specialty, and field Participate in communities of practice and interest Know your stuff and become a respected thought leader Share your knowledge Try things out Allow time for thinking, imagining, and brainstorming 12 March 2008
  • 19. Practice Personal Knowledge Management Share – let others know what you have learned Innovate – take good ideas and improve on them Reuse – don’t reinvent the wheel Collaborate – take advantage of what others know Learn – don’t repeat the same mistakes Be aware of what you don’t know Hypothesize, Test, Analyze, Ponder, and Conclude Observe, Experiment, and Improve 12 March 2008
  • 20. Can you lead without deep knowledge? Some say good managers can manage anything; they can manage without really knowing what they are trying to manage. It’s the management skills that count. I argue strongly that the best job can be done when the manager has a genuine and thorough knowledge and understanding of the work. I don’t see how managers can even understand what standards to observe, what performance to require, and how to measure results unless they understand in some detail the specific nature of the work they are trying to supervise. Source: David Packard in The HP Way, pages 154- 12 March 2008 155
  • 21. Build Your Team Recognize others with similar strengths Seek out others with complementary skills and attributes Recruit, mentor, and promote wisely Learn from those you lead and those who lead you Don’t be threatened by others with more knowledge and skills Encourage team members to move on when they are ready Constantly add to your social network Set high expectations, but treat people decently Replace team members as required 12 March 2008
  • 22. Manage Your Time Always be on time Be organized Don’t short-change any element of your life Don’t be a workaholic Work efficiently during the normal work hours, and then go home Encourage others to do the same Delegate appropriately Don’t micromanage Budget your time Consistently use electronic tools such as calendar and task list 12 March 2008
  • 23. Focus Identify key priorities Stay on task Stick to a few key goals Don’t get distracted Follow a schedule Meet all commitments Expect the same from others 12 March 2008
  • 24. Check Your Ego Act unselfishly Let your deeds speak for you Share the credit for achievements Publicize the accomplishments of others Don’t worry about yourself Help anyone who asks Pay it forward – it will all come back to you 12 March 2008
  • 25. 10 Commandments Authentic Inauthentic 1. Be bold 1. Be reluctant 2. Be upbeat 2. Point out what’s wrong 3. Know what’s going on 3. Be ignorant 4. Tell stories 4. Recite dry facts 5. Act 5. Wait 6. Collaborate 6. Go it alone 7. Seek out ideas of others 7. Know it all 8. Try new things 8. Stick to the tried and true 9. Remain calm 9. Blow up 10. Plan 10. React 12 March 2008
  • 26. 10 More Commandments Authentic Inauthentic 1. Admit mistakes 1. Spin, make excuses, and pass blame 2. Speak spontaneously 2. Repeat the usual message 3. Use direct language 3. Use clichés 4. Communicate openly 4. Withhold information 5. Be visible and accessible 5. Hide behind closed doors 6. Be courageous 6. Be afraid to fail 7. Tell the truth 7. Obscure, obstruct, and obfuscate 8. Take a chance and go for 8. Play it safe and delay it 9. Always go by the book 9. Think for yourself 10. Exploit others 10. Treat others fairly 12 March 2008
  • 27. The Wisdom of Hewlett and Packard Dave Packard: Create an environment where people Have a chance to do their best Realize their potential Are recognized for their achievements Take initiative in return for individual freedom Work as a team for a common purpose Bill Hewlett: Cardinal points of his moral compass 1. Knowledge 2. Modesty 3. Justice 4. Hard Work 12 March 2008
  • 28. Corporate Objectives 1. Profit: To recognize that profit is the best single measure of our contribution to society and the ultimate source of our corporate strength. We should attempt to achieve the maximum possible profit consistent with our other objectives. 2. Customers: To strive for continual improvement in the quality, usefulness, and value of the products and services we offer our customers. 3. Field of Interest: To concentrate our efforts, continually seeking new opportunities for growth but limiting our involvement to fields in which we have capability and can make a contribution. 4. Growth: To emphasize growth as a measure of strength and a requirement for survival. 12 March 2008
  • 29. Corporate Objectives (continued) 1. Employees: To provide employment opportunities for HP people that include the opportunity to share in the company's success, which they help make possible. To provide for them job security based on performance, and to provide the opportunity for personal satisfaction that comes from a sense of accomplishment in their work. 2. Organization: To maintain an organizational environment that fosters individual motivation, initiative and creativity, and a wide latitude of freedom in working toward established objectives and goals. 3. Citizenship: To meet the obligations of good citizenship by making contributions to the community and to the institutions in our society which generate the environment in which we operate. 12 March 2008
  • 30. Bill George on Authentic Leadership Create your own Personal Leadership Development Plan based on: 1. Knowing your authentic self 2. Defining your values and leadership principles 3. Understanding your motivations 4. Building your support team 5. Staying grounded by integrating all aspects of your life Authentic leaders demonstrate these five traits: 1. Pursuing their purpose with passion 2. Practicing solid values 3. Leading with their hearts as well as their heads 4. Establishing connected relationships 5. Demonstrating self-discipline Source 12 March 2008
  • 31. Examples 1-5 from Bill George Purpose: Wendy Kopp started Teach For America, the most successful secondary educational program of the past 25 years. Values: Thad Allen built the Coast Guard around values. When Hurricane Katrina hit, officials at all levels of government argued about who was responsible while the Coast Guard simply swung into action, saving the lives of stranded victims. Leading with heart: Marilyn Carlson Nelson changed Carlson Companies from decades of top-down rule to expressing empathy for her employees and compassion for her customers. Relationships: A. G. Lafley, CEO of Procter & Gamble, took over an organization in turmoil. On a visit to a remote office, he looked a young employee in the eye and said, "The work you are doing is vital to the future of P&G." Self-discipline: Warren Buffett became the wealthiest man in the world by avoiding debt and high-risk investments and concentrating onMarch 2008 companies and long-term positions. Buffett has been an 12 value
  • 32. Examples 6-8: World Leaders Mohandas Gandhi Martin Luther King Jr. Nelson Mandela 12 March 2008
  • 33. Examples 9-10: Presidential Candidates "The two leading candidates at present, John McCain and Barack Obama, are on the rise precisely because they are authentic. McCain, who experienced his crucible as a prisoner-of-war in Vietnam, tells it like it is. He is not afraid to go against popular positions or the Republican hierarchy, including the current president. As he has assumed front-runner status for the nomination, the hard-liners in the Republican Party have tried to bring him in line, but he has steadfastly refused. Obama's authenticity is precisely what makes him so appealing to such a wide range of voters. He seems "good in his skin," and is able to rise above the negative attacks. His message of hope and change, backed up by specific programs that seem logical to most people, is inspiring a lot of Americans to get engaged in the political process. For all the talk that he would wither under the pressure, he seems to get stronger and more confident as he goes." Source: Bill George 12 March 2008
  • 34. Examples 11-13: Hewlett-Packard Bill Hewlett Dave Packard Mark Hurd 12 March 2008
  • 35. Examples 14-16: Basketball Hubie Brown Larry Brown Joe Dumars 12 March 2008
  • 36. Examples 17-19: Baseball Gil Hodges Whitey Herzog Jim Leyland 12 March 2008
  • 37. Examples 20-22: Michigan State Tom Izzo Mark Dantonio Rick Comley 12 March 2008
  • 38. My Leadership Journey Boy Scouts HP Washington Conferences University Articles, Blogs, and Book Saint Louis University Communities DEC Basketball Coaching Compaq 12 March 2008
  • 39. Ten Keys to Remember 1. Follow your passions – play to your strengths 2. Treat others with respect – and earn theirs 3. Never give up – keep on striving 4. Be true to your word – do what you say you will 5. Stay positive – have fun in what you do 6. Expect a lot of yourself – and of others 7. Challenge conventional wisdom – think for yourself 8. Ask not what others can do for you – ask what you can do for them 9. Leave the world a better place – make a contribution 10. Put a little love into everything you do – it is always possible 12 March 2008
  • 40. How to remember the keys: PICKLES Passion Integrity Communication Knowledge Love Empowerment Service Bob Farrell 12 March 2008
  • 41. Final Exam 1. What would the world be like if everyone adopted these principles? 2. How would you like to work for an authentic leader? 3. Are you willing to be an authentic leader? 12 March 2008
  • 42. Note: Most images are linked to sites with additional details My Articles and Presentations Reading List These Slides MSU Promotions Commons