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The sleeping problem the team will deal with is the problem of not being able to sleep after you
have sat up late in front of a pc/laptop. People that are used to connect to the internet, watch
videos or contact via the various social networks late at night, must have noticed their
incapability of falling asleep just after their activity with this electronic device. Even if feeling
tired, they are unable to sleep for minutes until hours. Anxiety, stress, hypertension - probably
caused by the exposure to the radiation - is the usual suspects for their sleeping problem.
Nowadays, because of the huge establishment of the -what so called- 24hours on line
communication, people sacrifice their need for sleep...

…came up during a brainstorming session…

                                              Try to forget the conversation          Avoid eating
                                              ….                                      ….
                                              …                                       …

                           Empty your brain
                                                                                                                             Relax the muscles of
                                                                                                                             your shoulders
                                                                                     eating &                                …
                                                                  worries          drinking over
                                                                                   the computer
                                              brain still
                                                                                                     stressed body

                                                                                                                                            circadian cycle
                                                                                                                                            Get back to the normal
Don’t keep the laptop on

                                                                                                                  got used to
                                  radiation                                                                      sitting up late
                                                                                                                   / biorythm
your legs

                              light /                                    SLEEPING                                         general
                             melatonin                                   PROBLEM

      Search for a diet rich in melatonin                                                                Drink valerian
      ….                                                                                                 ….
      …                                                                                                  …

                           Regarding the sleeping problem we framed, we made a mind map, to better map the
                           solutions during the brainstorming. Firstly, we thought that the habit of sitting up
                           late using a computer possibly has certain consequences, represented by eight blue
                           rectangular above, that by turn result in the sleeping difficulty. Then we found as
                           more different solutions for each one of the eight situations presented above, which
                           are enclosed in the dotted spaces. For lack of space only the first solution of each
                           category is shown…


The melatonin is a naturally occurring compound and forms part of the system that regulates
the sleep-wake cycle by chemically causing drowsiness and lowering the body temperature.
Production of melatonin is inhibited by light to the retina and permitted by darkness. Its
onset each evening is called the dim-light melatonin onset (DLMO).

The screen addicted night owls are highly exposed to the light, and as a result they cannot
secrete sufficient amounts of melatonin.

What could be some possible solutions?

   1) Search for a diet rich in melatonin, so as to increase your melatonin. For example,
       cherries are rich in melatonin, which helps the body regulate its sleep/wake cycle
   2) Eat nuts, they also increase the melatonin
   3) Drink a sour cherry juice when sitting up late, it will increase the melatonin and
       make you feel sleepy
   4) Take some melatonin pills
   5) Change the light settings of your computer screen to decrease it
   6) Use a filter on the screen
   7) Wear an eye mask when you go to sleep, to adjust your body to the dark
   8) Massage gently your eyes to rest them
   9) Massage your eyes with a special technique to stimulate the parasympathetic
       nervous system and cause bradycardia – it will help you wind down and feel sleepy
   10) Wear glasses when using the computer


Sitting in front of a computer, laptop, using mobile phones, watching T.V. and getting close
to any electronic device is a direct exposure to radiation, and radiation makes someone

How can you sleep just after such harm to your body and brain?

   11)   While the computer is turned on, don’t have it on your body, e.g. on your legs
   12)   Use a plant, such as the aloe, near the device, to absorb the radiation
   13)   Use other gadgets near your computer to absorb the radiation
   14)   Don’t leave the computer turned on after you go to sleep (to continue a download
         for example…), especially if you have it in your bedroom
   15)   Use a gadget to count the radiation you have been exposed to, and when getting
         over a certain limit of radiation, then the gadget will alarm you to make you leave
         the computer and go to bed
   16)   Wear a protection suit when sitting close to the computer
   17)   Don’t turn on the T.V. when in the bedroom
   18)   If you want to hear something when lying in the bed, use a radio
   19)   Don’t keep your mobile near you in the bedroom

20) Make a resolution to remove all electronic devices from your bedroom, the
        bedroom will this way be connected in your mind to sleep (or sex), but no other
        activities. So, you will get used to sleep when go to the bedroom


People adjust their biological clocks according to their long term habits. So, what if you after
all are stuck with this program and staying up late in front of a computer or connected to the
social media are part of your daily routine? What if your biological clocked has changed and
made it impossible for you to sleep early and good enough?

What could be some possible solutions?

    21)   Try to get back to the normal circadian cycle by going to bed early
    22)   Go to bed at the same time every night
    23)   Keep the number of hours you sleep steady
    24)   Put a limit to the time you spend in front of the computer at nights – never get over
    25)   Don’t sleep during the day (naps)
    26)   If you cannot resist to a nap, make it short – don’t sleep more than 30 minutes, and
          don’t sleep after a certain time in the evening, because you will destroy your chance
          to sleep early at night
    27)   Wake up early, so you will need to sleep the earliest possible at night
    28)   In general, follow the circadian cycle for your other activities besides sleeping –
          exercise, eating, working - and keep the routine times for them steady, it will then
          be easier for you to have a routine for sleeping too


After sitting so many hours in front of a computer working, chatting, reading, or socializing
your brain is stimulated because all these activities engage you in thinking, communicating

So, how is it possible for you to change quickly to a sleepy mood just after your computer

    29) Empty your brain from various thoughts and relax
    30) Focus on your breath and listen to its rhythm trying to get a sleep
    31) Don’t focus on your need to sleep and your inability to do so, because it makes it
        worse to finally fall asleep
    32) If any thought comes to your mind say “stop” and don’t allow yourself to elaborate
        on it
    33) Do some exercises based on breath (relaxing yoga exercises) before you go to sleep
    34) Use some sounds to help you relax, like nature sounds, water falling etc.

35) If your brain is very active and you cannot sleep after a lot of time, then get up, do
       something else, and then lie again – the body will get a new clear message to sleep,
       since the first time failed
   36) When you lie in the bed then read a light magazine to tire your brain – the more
       boring, the better..
   37) If you are sitting up late to work on your computer, then try to have the documents
       you need printed, instead of reading them in the screen - you will avoid exposure to
       the light and radiation and it will be easier for you to sleep
   38) If you are sitting up late to work on your computer, then try to start with the difficult
       part and leave the easy job for the end, to avoid being stressed before going to


It is more than common to accompany your sleepless nights with snacks, deserts or drinks.
Especially when absorbed by your activity with the computer you cannot restrain yourself
from such delicacies… you seem to forget that eating & drinking late will make your sleeping
problem worse.

What can you do about that?

   39) Avoid eating while sitting up late, because you will be heavy when go to bed
   40) If desperate to eat, then avoid having a snack of refined grains or sugars: These are
       metabolic disruptors which raise blood sugar and overstress the organs involved in
       hormone regulation throughout the body, so even if getting asleep the hormones
       will wake you up
   41) If you definitely need to eat something while sitting in front of the computer, then
       combine carbs and proteins: Carbohydrates help your brain use tryptophan, an
       amino acid that causes sleepiness. And proteins help your body build tryptophan.
       Get the duo in a light bedtime snack of peanut butter on toast or low-fat cheese and
   42) Don’t overdrink, you will get a full stomach and will be heavy for bed
   43) Don’ t drink beverages and colas, because you will get more energy and will be alive
       instead of sleepy
   44) Quit coffee or other caffeine beverages, because caffeine is stimulating
   45) Drink something that will help you calm your nerves down, e.g., a glass of wine, but
       not more than one
   46) Don’t drink a lot of water or other fluids, because you will delay to fall asleep if you
       feel like going to the toilet, or worse you will wake up in the night and disturb your
       sleep again


Another common mistake for a night owl that spent hours talking over the net or browsing to
various sites, is to think over the interactions he had after shutting down the computer and
going to sleep. Feeling anxious and worried can easily doom your desire to sleep.

So, what are the solutions to be able to fall asleep after being overwhelmed by emotions of
fear, stress and anxiety?

    47) Try to forget the conversations you had over the computer and the social media and
        on the other hand try to convince yourself how pleasant is to sleep
    48) If the thought remains then diverse your mind by thinking something pleasant you
        experienced during the day
    49) Fool yourself by counting to …thousand, or by counting sheep, or whatever you like
    50) Massage your head and forehead to relieve from stress
    51) Use the reflexology: Massaging the reflex points of the organ that cause sleep
        disorders can help to relieve from these disorders and relieve mental stress, anxiety
        and fear
    52) Use meditation techniques to relax and focus on sleeping
    53) Imagine yourself happy and secure, it is the easiest way to sleep fast
    54) Imagine you wake up the next morning feeling happy and imagine you accomplish
        perfectly all the tasks you have for the next day – it will make you feel secure and
        want to seep so as to be rested for the day to follow


Admit it. Spending all of your night in front of a computer, playing games or socializing,
instead of relaxing and sleeping, has become an addiction! Going against to your nature is
clearly an obsession. .. And as recent research has shown, this can be a serious problem.

What could be the solutions in this case?

    55) Ask for professional help to get over your addiction to check your mobile, connect to
        the social networks or play games late at night
    56) Find a healthier hobby when in house, than sitting in front of a computer
    57) Try to read a book or a magazine before you go to sleep, reading helps you feel
    58) Go out at night, or see some friends at home, instead of staying alone until late in
        front of a computer
    59) Quit the social networks or the computer games, because they are addictive and
        they tempt you strongly to sit up late at night
    60) Ask from your flat mates / family to put a password and keep it secret from you, so
        you cannot use the computer by yourself at night
    61) Use filters to block incoming messages after a certain time of the day, so even if you
        connect to your mail and social media, you cannot receive any messages
    62) Quit your internet connection via your mobile or the computer, until you feel safe
        you won’t stay up late anymore and are able to have a sensible use of the medium

63) Make a proper setting to receive an e-mail or a pop-up message every night at a
       certain time, let’s say at 23:30 ordering you to leave the computer and go to bed
   64) Use an eject chair, that will eject at a certain time, to remind you that you have to
       leave the computer and go to bed
   65) Make a proper setting to your computer, so that it will shut down at a certain time,
       without you being able to prevent it
   66) Install a program like “team viewer” that will allow someone else to interfere and
       shut your computer down, without you being able to prevent i
   67) Install a program that will shut the computer down at a certain time with only a
       notice “this device will shut down in 10…9…8…7… …. …. 1 second- now!”
   68) Develop a virus that will shut your computer down without any notice at a certain
       time to encourage you to go to bed
   69) Ask from someone who lives with you to hide the charger of your laptop or pull the
       cable of the computer off
   70) While working on the computer oblige yourself to listen to soft music or lullabies
       after a certain time, so as to get sleepy
   71) Change the time settings of your computer, so as to put the time one hour ahead,
       thus you will fool yourself and go to bed earlier
   72) Get a pet to help you spend time with it, instead of sitting up late in front of the
   73) Use your mate to distract you from the computer and indulge in spending some time
       to relax together lying on a sofa, before going to bed


Having been sat in front of a computer for so many hours before going to sleep has caused
strains to your body and it has already been in an uncomfortable state for long enough.

How can you adjust these circumstances to the best, so as to sleep fast and good enough?

   74) Spend extra time to relax the muscles in your shoulders and face, as these can hold a
       surprising amount of tension, after all this time you spent sitting in front of a
   75) Brush your hair to calm your head
   76) Do some exercises when you lie on the bed, do some stretching like a cat, to feel
       relaxed and ready to sleep
   77) Use a comfortable mattress to relieve your body from the stresses it suffered staying
       so many hours leaned in front of a computer, your back and shoulder are already
   78) Use a supporting and fresh pillow that helps relieve your neck from the bending over
       the computer or the mobile and properly align your body
   79) Wear comfortable clothing, such as loose, light and cool pajamas
   80) Watch your posture. Find a comfortable sleep position that supports good sleep
       posture and helps your body recover from stress. Make sure every part of your body
       is comfortable.

81) Lie in the same position every night, so your body becomes accustomed to falling
       asleep in the same way
   82) Chill Out: A cool bedroom lowers your core body temperature, which initiates
       sleepiness. Especially, after having been exposed to radiation a change in the
       temperature is necessary to fell sleepy. Ideal thermostat setting? It varies from
       person to person, but try 65 degrees to start and then adjust, if necessary
   83) Don’t watch TV or use your computer and mobile in bed. The bed should be
       associated with sleep, so when getting to bed, the body will get the message
   84) Use a radio to hear some lullabies at a certain time, so as to make you go to bed and
       feel sleepy
   85) Use lavender sticks in the bedroom, as well as in the room you are sitting with your
       computer, so as to make you feel sleepy


A few more advices that can be followed for any sleeping problem, as well as when sitting up
late in front of a computer

   86)   Drink valerian
   87)   Don’t work out at night, it increases your heart rate and makes it difficult to sleep
   88)   Put special plants in the bedroom
   89)   Take a hot bath after you leave the computer
   90)   Drink some hot milk
   91)   If you sleep with another person, try not to wake him/her up especially if he/she has
         been waiting for you, because a quarrel will make it worse for you to get sleepy
   92)   Get as much information as you can in order to realize the consequences of your
         sleeping problem - getting information about a problem you might not be even
         aware you suffer from, may allow you to help yourself by consciously avoiding sitting
         up late
   93)   Avoid focusing on your sleeping problem and discuss for it or listen to other sleeping
         problems, because you might be affected and allow the problem to be more
         powerful than you – minimize the anxiety caused and believe you can sleep
   94)   Spray your room with lavender, or put some lavender in your pillow
   95)   Have sex before trying to sleep, it will make your body need it more
   96)   Get a parrot and teach it to remind you every night at a certain time that “you fool,
         go to bed, sleep…sleep… sleep…”
   97)   Avoid smoking while sitting up late, because it is stimulating and won’t allow you to
         feel sleepy enough
   98)   When going to bed and cannot be able to sleep, try to count reversely, it is proven
         that it helps you get tired
   99)   When going to bed give yourself a few minutes of relaxation by doing a positive
         thinking exercise: rub your hands to produce heat close to your face, and then leave
         your hands over your face without touching it, so as the heat is emitted over your
         face and by moving your hands downward try to put away all the negative thoughts
         – this exercise makes your mind peaceful

100) After getting up from the computer, rest on a swing or a swing chair and relax for
   about 10-15 minutes, it will calm you down and make it easier for you to fall asleep


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100 solutions

  • 1. The sleeping problem the team will deal with is the problem of not being able to sleep after you have sat up late in front of a pc/laptop. People that are used to connect to the internet, watch videos or contact via the various social networks late at night, must have noticed their incapability of falling asleep just after their activity with this electronic device. Even if feeling tired, they are unable to sleep for minutes until hours. Anxiety, stress, hypertension - probably caused by the exposure to the radiation - is the usual suspects for their sleeping problem. Nowadays, because of the huge establishment of the -what so called- 24hours on line communication, people sacrifice their need for sleep... 1
  • 2. …came up during a brainstorming session… Try to forget the conversation Avoid eating …. …. … … Empty your brain Relax the muscles of …. your shoulders … …. eating & … worries drinking over the computer brain still stressed body active … …. circadian cycle Get back to the normal Don’t keep the laptop on got used to radiation sitting up late / biorythm your legs …. … light / SLEEPING general melatonin PROBLEM Search for a diet rich in melatonin Drink valerian …. …. … … Regarding the sleeping problem we framed, we made a mind map, to better map the solutions during the brainstorming. Firstly, we thought that the habit of sitting up late using a computer possibly has certain consequences, represented by eight blue rectangular above, that by turn result in the sleeping difficulty. Then we found as more different solutions for each one of the eight situations presented above, which are enclosed in the dotted spaces. For lack of space only the first solution of each category is shown… 2
  • 3. EXPOSURE TO LIGHT – MELATONIN DECREASE The melatonin is a naturally occurring compound and forms part of the system that regulates the sleep-wake cycle by chemically causing drowsiness and lowering the body temperature. Production of melatonin is inhibited by light to the retina and permitted by darkness. Its onset each evening is called the dim-light melatonin onset (DLMO). The screen addicted night owls are highly exposed to the light, and as a result they cannot secrete sufficient amounts of melatonin. What could be some possible solutions? 1) Search for a diet rich in melatonin, so as to increase your melatonin. For example, cherries are rich in melatonin, which helps the body regulate its sleep/wake cycle 2) Eat nuts, they also increase the melatonin 3) Drink a sour cherry juice when sitting up late, it will increase the melatonin and make you feel sleepy 4) Take some melatonin pills 5) Change the light settings of your computer screen to decrease it 6) Use a filter on the screen 7) Wear an eye mask when you go to sleep, to adjust your body to the dark 8) Massage gently your eyes to rest them 9) Massage your eyes with a special technique to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and cause bradycardia – it will help you wind down and feel sleepy 10) Wear glasses when using the computer EXPOSURE TO RADIATION Sitting in front of a computer, laptop, using mobile phones, watching T.V. and getting close to any electronic device is a direct exposure to radiation, and radiation makes someone stimulated. How can you sleep just after such harm to your body and brain? 11) While the computer is turned on, don’t have it on your body, e.g. on your legs 12) Use a plant, such as the aloe, near the device, to absorb the radiation 13) Use other gadgets near your computer to absorb the radiation 14) Don’t leave the computer turned on after you go to sleep (to continue a download for example…), especially if you have it in your bedroom 15) Use a gadget to count the radiation you have been exposed to, and when getting over a certain limit of radiation, then the gadget will alarm you to make you leave the computer and go to bed 16) Wear a protection suit when sitting close to the computer 17) Don’t turn on the T.V. when in the bedroom 18) If you want to hear something when lying in the bed, use a radio 19) Don’t keep your mobile near you in the bedroom 3
  • 4. 20) Make a resolution to remove all electronic devices from your bedroom, the bedroom will this way be connected in your mind to sleep (or sex), but no other activities. So, you will get used to sleep when go to the bedroom GOT USED TO SITTING UP LATE – BIORYTHM People adjust their biological clocks according to their long term habits. So, what if you after all are stuck with this program and staying up late in front of a computer or connected to the social media are part of your daily routine? What if your biological clocked has changed and made it impossible for you to sleep early and good enough? What could be some possible solutions? 21) Try to get back to the normal circadian cycle by going to bed early 22) Go to bed at the same time every night 23) Keep the number of hours you sleep steady 24) Put a limit to the time you spend in front of the computer at nights – never get over it 25) Don’t sleep during the day (naps) 26) If you cannot resist to a nap, make it short – don’t sleep more than 30 minutes, and don’t sleep after a certain time in the evening, because you will destroy your chance to sleep early at night 27) Wake up early, so you will need to sleep the earliest possible at night 28) In general, follow the circadian cycle for your other activities besides sleeping – exercise, eating, working - and keep the routine times for them steady, it will then be easier for you to have a routine for sleeping too BRAIN STILL ACTIVE After sitting so many hours in front of a computer working, chatting, reading, or socializing your brain is stimulated because all these activities engage you in thinking, communicating etc. So, how is it possible for you to change quickly to a sleepy mood just after your computer session? 29) Empty your brain from various thoughts and relax 30) Focus on your breath and listen to its rhythm trying to get a sleep 31) Don’t focus on your need to sleep and your inability to do so, because it makes it worse to finally fall asleep 32) If any thought comes to your mind say “stop” and don’t allow yourself to elaborate on it 33) Do some exercises based on breath (relaxing yoga exercises) before you go to sleep 34) Use some sounds to help you relax, like nature sounds, water falling etc. 4
  • 5. 35) If your brain is very active and you cannot sleep after a lot of time, then get up, do something else, and then lie again – the body will get a new clear message to sleep, since the first time failed 36) When you lie in the bed then read a light magazine to tire your brain – the more boring, the better.. 37) If you are sitting up late to work on your computer, then try to have the documents you need printed, instead of reading them in the screen - you will avoid exposure to the light and radiation and it will be easier for you to sleep 38) If you are sitting up late to work on your computer, then try to start with the difficult part and leave the easy job for the end, to avoid being stressed before going to sleep EATING OR DRINKING LATE It is more than common to accompany your sleepless nights with snacks, deserts or drinks. Especially when absorbed by your activity with the computer you cannot restrain yourself from such delicacies… you seem to forget that eating & drinking late will make your sleeping problem worse. What can you do about that? 39) Avoid eating while sitting up late, because you will be heavy when go to bed 40) If desperate to eat, then avoid having a snack of refined grains or sugars: These are metabolic disruptors which raise blood sugar and overstress the organs involved in hormone regulation throughout the body, so even if getting asleep the hormones will wake you up 41) If you definitely need to eat something while sitting in front of the computer, then combine carbs and proteins: Carbohydrates help your brain use tryptophan, an amino acid that causes sleepiness. And proteins help your body build tryptophan. Get the duo in a light bedtime snack of peanut butter on toast or low-fat cheese and crackers 42) Don’t overdrink, you will get a full stomach and will be heavy for bed 43) Don’ t drink beverages and colas, because you will get more energy and will be alive instead of sleepy 44) Quit coffee or other caffeine beverages, because caffeine is stimulating 45) Drink something that will help you calm your nerves down, e.g., a glass of wine, but not more than one 46) Don’t drink a lot of water or other fluids, because you will delay to fall asleep if you feel like going to the toilet, or worse you will wake up in the night and disturb your sleep again 5
  • 6. THINKING OVER THE DISCUSSIONS YOU HAD WHILE ON LINE Another common mistake for a night owl that spent hours talking over the net or browsing to various sites, is to think over the interactions he had after shutting down the computer and going to sleep. Feeling anxious and worried can easily doom your desire to sleep. So, what are the solutions to be able to fall asleep after being overwhelmed by emotions of fear, stress and anxiety? 47) Try to forget the conversations you had over the computer and the social media and on the other hand try to convince yourself how pleasant is to sleep 48) If the thought remains then diverse your mind by thinking something pleasant you experienced during the day 49) Fool yourself by counting to …thousand, or by counting sheep, or whatever you like 50) Massage your head and forehead to relieve from stress 51) Use the reflexology: Massaging the reflex points of the organ that cause sleep disorders can help to relieve from these disorders and relieve mental stress, anxiety and fear 52) Use meditation techniques to relax and focus on sleeping 53) Imagine yourself happy and secure, it is the easiest way to sleep fast 54) Imagine you wake up the next morning feeling happy and imagine you accomplish perfectly all the tasks you have for the next day – it will make you feel secure and want to seep so as to be rested for the day to follow ADDICTION Admit it. Spending all of your night in front of a computer, playing games or socializing, instead of relaxing and sleeping, has become an addiction! Going against to your nature is clearly an obsession. .. And as recent research has shown, this can be a serious problem. What could be the solutions in this case? 55) Ask for professional help to get over your addiction to check your mobile, connect to the social networks or play games late at night 56) Find a healthier hobby when in house, than sitting in front of a computer 57) Try to read a book or a magazine before you go to sleep, reading helps you feel sleepy 58) Go out at night, or see some friends at home, instead of staying alone until late in front of a computer 59) Quit the social networks or the computer games, because they are addictive and they tempt you strongly to sit up late at night 60) Ask from your flat mates / family to put a password and keep it secret from you, so you cannot use the computer by yourself at night 61) Use filters to block incoming messages after a certain time of the day, so even if you connect to your mail and social media, you cannot receive any messages 62) Quit your internet connection via your mobile or the computer, until you feel safe you won’t stay up late anymore and are able to have a sensible use of the medium 6
  • 7. 63) Make a proper setting to receive an e-mail or a pop-up message every night at a certain time, let’s say at 23:30 ordering you to leave the computer and go to bed 64) Use an eject chair, that will eject at a certain time, to remind you that you have to leave the computer and go to bed 65) Make a proper setting to your computer, so that it will shut down at a certain time, without you being able to prevent it 66) Install a program like “team viewer” that will allow someone else to interfere and shut your computer down, without you being able to prevent i 67) Install a program that will shut the computer down at a certain time with only a notice “this device will shut down in 10…9…8…7… …. …. 1 second- now!” 68) Develop a virus that will shut your computer down without any notice at a certain time to encourage you to go to bed 69) Ask from someone who lives with you to hide the charger of your laptop or pull the cable of the computer off 70) While working on the computer oblige yourself to listen to soft music or lullabies after a certain time, so as to get sleepy 71) Change the time settings of your computer, so as to put the time one hour ahead, thus you will fool yourself and go to bed earlier 72) Get a pet to help you spend time with it, instead of sitting up late in front of the computer 73) Use your mate to distract you from the computer and indulge in spending some time to relax together lying on a sofa, before going to bed BODY – SLEEPING ENVIRONMENT Having been sat in front of a computer for so many hours before going to sleep has caused strains to your body and it has already been in an uncomfortable state for long enough. How can you adjust these circumstances to the best, so as to sleep fast and good enough? 74) Spend extra time to relax the muscles in your shoulders and face, as these can hold a surprising amount of tension, after all this time you spent sitting in front of a computer 75) Brush your hair to calm your head 76) Do some exercises when you lie on the bed, do some stretching like a cat, to feel relaxed and ready to sleep 77) Use a comfortable mattress to relieve your body from the stresses it suffered staying so many hours leaned in front of a computer, your back and shoulder are already strained 78) Use a supporting and fresh pillow that helps relieve your neck from the bending over the computer or the mobile and properly align your body 79) Wear comfortable clothing, such as loose, light and cool pajamas 80) Watch your posture. Find a comfortable sleep position that supports good sleep posture and helps your body recover from stress. Make sure every part of your body is comfortable. 7
  • 8. 81) Lie in the same position every night, so your body becomes accustomed to falling asleep in the same way 82) Chill Out: A cool bedroom lowers your core body temperature, which initiates sleepiness. Especially, after having been exposed to radiation a change in the temperature is necessary to fell sleepy. Ideal thermostat setting? It varies from person to person, but try 65 degrees to start and then adjust, if necessary 83) Don’t watch TV or use your computer and mobile in bed. The bed should be associated with sleep, so when getting to bed, the body will get the message 84) Use a radio to hear some lullabies at a certain time, so as to make you go to bed and feel sleepy 85) Use lavender sticks in the bedroom, as well as in the room you are sitting with your computer, so as to make you feel sleepy GENERAL ADVICES A few more advices that can be followed for any sleeping problem, as well as when sitting up late in front of a computer 86) Drink valerian 87) Don’t work out at night, it increases your heart rate and makes it difficult to sleep 88) Put special plants in the bedroom 89) Take a hot bath after you leave the computer 90) Drink some hot milk 91) If you sleep with another person, try not to wake him/her up especially if he/she has been waiting for you, because a quarrel will make it worse for you to get sleepy 92) Get as much information as you can in order to realize the consequences of your sleeping problem - getting information about a problem you might not be even aware you suffer from, may allow you to help yourself by consciously avoiding sitting up late 93) Avoid focusing on your sleeping problem and discuss for it or listen to other sleeping problems, because you might be affected and allow the problem to be more powerful than you – minimize the anxiety caused and believe you can sleep 94) Spray your room with lavender, or put some lavender in your pillow 95) Have sex before trying to sleep, it will make your body need it more 96) Get a parrot and teach it to remind you every night at a certain time that “you fool, go to bed, sleep…sleep… sleep…” 97) Avoid smoking while sitting up late, because it is stimulating and won’t allow you to feel sleepy enough 98) When going to bed and cannot be able to sleep, try to count reversely, it is proven that it helps you get tired 99) When going to bed give yourself a few minutes of relaxation by doing a positive thinking exercise: rub your hands to produce heat close to your face, and then leave your hands over your face without touching it, so as the heat is emitted over your face and by moving your hands downward try to put away all the negative thoughts – this exercise makes your mind peaceful 8
  • 9. 100) After getting up from the computer, rest on a swing or a swing chair and relax for about 10-15 minutes, it will calm you down and make it easier for you to fall asleep 9