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The	World	in	2020	
Insights	from	Mul0ple	Expert	Discussions		
January	2011 The	world’s	leading	open	foresight	program
The	Future	Agenda	is	the	world’s	largest	open	foresight	programme		
that	accesses	mul;ple	views	of	the	next	decade	so	that	we	can	all	be	be?er	
informed	and	hence	s;mulate	more	focused	and	impac@ul	innova;on.	
Future	Agenda	 Context
This	document	provides	a	summary	of	what	we	heard	from	mul;ple	expert		
voices	around	the	world	in	2010	–	on	how	it	is	changing,	what	is	driving	
change	and	what	and	where	will	be	the	impacts	over	the	next	decade.	
The	World	in	2020	 Context
Across	the	mul;ple	discussions,	52	emerging	issues	are	touching		
upon	and	connec;ng	with	eight	underlying,	and	interwoven,	themes	with		
different	emphasis	in	different	countries.	These	are	detailed	below.	
Seven	Themes	
Certain;es	 Health	 Wealth	 Happiness	
Mobility	 Security	 Locality
Four	Certain;es
By	2020	we	will	add	another	750m	people	to	the	planet,		
most	in	places	least		able	to	accommodate	them	
Imbalanced	Popula?on	Growth	 Certain?es
We	will	see	economic,	physical	and	poli;cal	shortages	of	key	
materials	that	will	result	in	major	changes	in	our	perspec;ves	
Key	Resource	Constraints	 Certain?es
The	centre	of	gravity	of	global	wealth		
shiQs	East	with	decreased	influence	for	the	US	and	Europe	
Asian	Wealth	ShiE	 Certain?es
We	will	be	connected	everywhere	-	everything	that	can		
benefit	from	a	network	connec;on	will	have	one	
Ubiquitous	Data	Access	 Certain?es
Robo;c	assisted	care	and	remote	monitoring	provide	
economically	viable	support	for	the	sick	and	elderly	so		
that	people	can	stay	home	for	longer	
Automated	People	Care	 Health
Enhanced	func;onality	will	shiQ	from	an	external		
add-on	to	an	integrated	capability	to	provide		
the	op;on	for	super-human	performance	
Clinical	Enhancement		 Health
With	diabetes	consuming	5%	of	GDP	a	combina;on	of		
fat	taxa;on,	pa;ent	data	mining	and	personal	budgets		
will	play	a	role	in	stabilising	the	obesity	epidemic	
Diabesity	 Health
We	are	likely	to	see	2	to	3	major	pandemics	start	in		
regions	with	limited	public	healthcare	and	rapidly		
spread	globally	and	so	demand	fast	response	
Global	Pandemics	 Health
Stopping	mental	degrada;on	from	Alzheimer’s	makes		
quality	ageing	more	possible	by	improving		
cogni;on	and	slowing	the	rate	of	decline	
Hal?ng	Alzheimer's		 Health
Medical	tourism	goes	main-stream	as	low-cost	cardiac		
surgery	and	broader	healthcare	provision	join		
den;stry	and	cosme;c	surgery	to	have	global	impact	
Mass	Medical	Tourism	 Health
More	customised	foods,	blur	the	line	between		
pharmaceu;cals	and	food	as	neutragenomics		
allow	individualised	diets	to	fit	gene;c	profiles		
Pharma	Foods		
The	escala;ng	economic	and	social	cost	of	suppor;ng		
the	aged	beyond	natural	lifecycles	leads		
to	wider	acceptance	of	assisted	suicide	
Systemic	Euthanasia		
As	informa;on	is	shared	globally	and	insight	is	commodi;zed,		
the	best	returns	go	to	those	who	can	produce		
non-standard,	differen;ated	knowledge	
Differen?ated	Knowledge	
Pervasive	smart	meters	and	ubiquitous	tracking	services		
create	pla@orms	for	the	dynamic	pricing	of		
resources,	access	and	travel	to	manage	demand	
Dynamic	Pricing	 Wealth
Rising	sustainability	impera;ves	and	increasing		
cost	of	ownership	shiQ	the	balance	from		
ownership	to	access	and	we	prefer	to	rent	than	buy		
Lease	Everything	 Wealth
Consumers	are	incen;vised	to	use	significantly		
less	energy	as	escala;ng	growth	in	carbon	emissions		
force	u;li;es	to	change	their	business	models	
Less	Energy	 Wealth
The	revitalisa;on	of	bartering,	decreased	trust	in		
banks	and	increasing	tax	avoidance	broadens		
the	adop;on	of	alterna;ve	stores	of	value	for	trade		
Local	Currency		 Wealth
Proven	systems	built	on	mobile	connec;vity	and		
increasingly	flexible	means	of	exchange	provide	a		
;pping	point	in	the	shiQ	towards	the	cashless	society	
Mobile	Money	 Wealth
Widening	differences	in	wealth	between	and	within		
urban	and	rural	communi;es	extends	the	gap	between		
rich	and	poor	-	but	they	s;ll	need	each	other	
Richer	Poorer	 Wealth
The	economic	rise	of	Asia	and	the	need	for	an	alterna;ve		
to	the	US	dollar	as	the	world’s	reserve	currency	produces		
a	parallel	broad-basket	Asian	Currency	Unit	
Third	Global	Currency	 Wealth
A	wealthier,	healthier	older	genera;on	increasingly		
engage	in	more	ac;ve	lives,	having	extended	careers		
and	becoming	more	poli;cally	involved	
Ac?ve	Elderly	 Happiness
The	increasing	fragmenta;on	of	society	and		
looser	connec;on	between	religion	and	the	state		
sees	more	of	us	turning	to	God	
Choosing	God	 Happiness
The	need	to		differen;ate	between	real	and	virtual	
	disappears	-	who	you	are	ceases	to	use	a	singular	iden;ty		
as	we	manage	mul;ple	iden;ty	por@olios	
Cocktail	Iden??es	 Happiness
Growing	sa;sfac;on	in	the	basics	of	life	focuses		
more	on	making	the	most	of	the	day-to-day		
and	increasingly	valuing	the	ordinary	
Enjoying	the	Ordinary	 Happiness
The	future	is	one	of	reduced	choice	but	not	less	interest		
as	retailers	provide	an	increasingly	edited	por@olio		
of	products	through	ever	more	efficient	channels	
Less	Variety	 Happiness
The	role	of	live	in	an	increasingly	virtual,		
isolated	world	becomes	more	important	to		
create	moments	for	deeper,	richer	connec;ons	
Live	Experiences	 Happiness
Mul;ple	media	sources	are	instantly	integrated	at		
the	point	of	consump;on	to	provide	us	with	immersive		
access	to	tailored,	bite-sized	content	
Seamless	Media	Consump?on	 Happiness
Being	disconnected	in	an	always	connected	world	leads		
to	virtual	cocoons	at	home	and	real	physical		
solitude	becomes	an	op;on	only	for	the	rich	
Switching	Off	 Happiness
Led	by	more	tourists	and	steady	growth	in	cargo		
transporta;on,	Asian	avia;on	places	more	orders		
and	becomes	the	largest	air	market	in	the	world	
Asian	Avia?on	 Mobility
China,	the	pacese?er	for	change	in	inter-urban	
transport,	is	inves;ng	over	$1	trillion	expanding	its		
rail	network	to	120,000km	by	2020	
Chinese	Trains	 Mobility
Under	increasing	pressure	to	improve	efficiency		
freight	shipping	adopts	a	range	of	alterna;ve		
policies	and	power	systems		
Clean	Shipping	 Mobility
With	France	and	Germany	taking	the	ini;al	lead	roles,		
electric	cars	take	off	and	form	up	to	10%	of	the		
world’s	vehicle	fleet	by	2020	
Electric	Mobility	 Mobility
Mesh	networks	and	ubiquitous	mobile	connec;ons		
deliver	automated	highways	to	improve	safety,		
increase	capacity	and	reduce	conges;on	
Intelligent	Highways	 Mobility
With	increasing	economic	migra;on	the	total		
Muslim	popula;on	of	Europe	is	similar	in	size	to	that		
of	Germany	and	a	rising	cultural	/	poli;cal	influence	
Muslim	Europe	 Mobility
The	acceptance	of	being	tracked	by	your	mobile	is		
accelerated	by	;cket-less	transport	systems,	increased	
surveillance	and	successful	loca;on-based	services	
People	Tracking	 Mobility
Informed	choices,	growth,	conges;on	and	regula;on		
impact	the	world’s	ci;es	to	drive	a	shiQ	to		
more	sustainable	efficient	transport	op;ons	
Urban	(Im)mobility	 Mobility
The	shiQ	in	global	diet	from	rice	to	meat	brings		
new	sources	of	protein	like	lab-grown	manufactured		
meats	and	high	protein	vegetable	combina;ons	
Alterna?ve	Proteins	 Security
Ac;ve	gathering	and	interpreta;on	of	data	related		
to	threats	to	human	and	animal	health	delivers		
faster	early	warning	and	situa;onal	awareness	
Bio-Surveillance		 Security
Greater	informa;on	overload	moves	our	focus		
from	simply	accessing	data	to	include	the	source		
of	the	insight	to	dis;nguish	what	we	trust	
Credible	Sources	 Security
With	more	free	agents	and	outsourcing,	non-core		
func;ons	within	organisa;ons	are	interchangeable		
and	easily	rebuilt	around	value-crea;ng	units		
Corporate	LEGO	 Security
Intelligent	UAVs	choose	their	vic;ms	themselves		
as	the	race	for	more	focused	military	influence	leads		
to	the	prolifera;on	of	assassina;on	tools	
Drone	Wars	 Security
Increasing	governmental	focus	on	energy	security		
and	climate	change	drives	the	uptake	of	large-scale		
solar	as	the	leading	renewable	supply	
Solar	Sunrise	 Security
Advanced	water	purifica;on,	irriga;on	and	desalina;on	
technologies	are	used	to	help	communi;es	to	
manage	the	rising	supply	/	demand	imbalance	
Water	Management		
Trus;ng	our	digital	creden;als	allows	us	to	par;cipate	
confidently	in	open	global	transac;ons	to	gain	access		
to	what	we	want	when	we	want	it	
Virtual	Authen?city		 Security
Escala;ng	waste	produc;on	and	new	adtudes,		
approaches,	regula;on	and	business	models	lead		
many	to	aim	for	an	almost	zero	waste	society	
Almost	Zero	Waste	
The	need	to	make	public	transport	as	flexible	as	private	
focuses	a?en;on	on	the	last	mile	between	mul;-modal		
hubs	and	the	home	/	work	des;na;on	
Bridging	The	Last	Mile	
In	rural	and	urban	environments,	the	community	is	a		
prized	goal	for	the	middle	aged,	middle	classes	as		
they	seek	to	reconnect	with	“people	like	us”	
Community	Living	 Locality
As	urban	migra;on	increases,	efficient,	densely		
populated	ci;es,	not	distributed	op;ons,	are	the		
blueprints	for	more	sustainable	places	to	live		
Dense	Ci?es	 Locality
Increased	transparency	on	food	availability	and	security,		
land	use	and	eco-literacy	accelerate	mass	consump;on		
of	locally	grown	and	processed	foods	
Local	Foods	 Locality
Smarter,	be?er	connected,	self-monitoring	homes		
and	offices	provide	safer,	more	secure,	low	energy		
buildings	able	to	self-manage	u;li;es		
Intelligent	buildings	
Increasing	compe;;on	between	ci;es	over-rides	na;onal	
priori;es	as	mayors	lead	bold	ini;a;ves	to	place	their		
ci;es	at	the	forefront	of	the	global	stage	
Mega	City	States	
Immigra;on	is	part	of	economic	development	strategies		
and,	especially	in	low	fer;lity	economies,		
na;ons	posi;on	themselves	to	a?ract	migrants	
Migra?on	Magnets	 Locality
Future Agenda
84 Brook Street
+44 203 0088 141
The	world’s	leading	open	foresight	program	
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