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                          WITH NODE
                           By Tim Caswell

Saturday, June 5, 2010
Live Interaction
            The web is about doing things, not just tourism anymore.

Saturday, June 5, 2010
Uses of Live Interaction
                         Chat Widget
                         Twitter Feed
                         Stock Ticker
                         Real-Time Game
                         TXJS Demos

Saturday, June 5, 2010
Why we need non-blocking
                  Polling is too slow and inefficient.
                  Live interaction requires the server to push data.
                  In order to push data, the connections need to be
                  The server needs to handle thousands of persistent
                  Threads aren’t going to scale.

Saturday, June 5, 2010
This is your server.
                         (with blocking I/O)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
This is your server
                  with low concurrency.

Saturday, June 5, 2010
This is your server
               with high concurrency.

Saturday, June 5, 2010
              We’ll use a new node
                framework that
            “connects” the web users
                 to each other.

Saturday, June 5, 2010
It’s like Japanese Legos
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Pre-Built Blocks
             {filter: "log"},
             {filter: "body-decoder", route: "/stream"},
             {provider: "pubsub", route: "/stream"},
             {filter: "conditional-get"},
             {filter: "cache"},
             {filter: "gzip"},
             {provider: "cache-manifest", root: root},
             {provider: "static", root: root}

Saturday, June 5, 2010
And easy too!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
           var key;
           // Initialize any state (on server startup)
           exports.setup = function (env) {
               key = this.key || "_method";
           // Modify the request stream (on request)
           exports.handle = function(err, req, res, next){
               if (key in req.body) {
                    req.method = req.body[key].toUpperCase();

Saturday, June 5, 2010
        exports.handle = function(err, req, res, next){
            var start = new Date,
                writeHead = res.writeHead;

                     res.writeHead = function(code, headers){
                         res.writeHead = writeHead;
                         headers['X-Response-Time'] =
                                        (new Date - start) + "ms";
                         res.writeHead(code, headers);


Saturday, June 5, 2010
Well, actually, it’s
             not always easy.
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010
   var fs = require('fs'),
       Url = require('url'),
       Path = require('path');

   var lifetime = 1000 * 60 * 60; // 1 hour browser cache lifetime

   var DEFAULT_MIME = 'application/octet-stream';

   module.exports = {

         setup: function (env) {
             this.root = this.root || process.cwd();

         handle: function (err, req, res, next) {
             // Skip on error
             if (err) {
             var url = Url.parse(req.url);

               var pathname = url.pathname.replace(/..+/g, '.'),
                   filename = Path.join(this.root, pathname);

               if (filename[filename.length - 1] === "/") {
                   filename += "index.html";

Saturday, June 5, 2010
                                           // Buffer any events that fire while waiting on the stat.
   var fs = require('fs'),                 var events = [];
       Url = require('url'),               function onData() {
       Path = require('path');                  events.push(["data"].concat(;
   var lifetime = 1000 * 60 * 60; // 1 hourfunction onEnd() {
                                             browser cache lifetime
   var DEFAULT_MIME = 'application/octet-stream';
                                           req.addListener("data", onData);
   module.exports = {                      req.addListener("end", onEnd);

         setup: function (env) {             fs.stat(filename, function (err, stat) {
             this.root = this.root || process.cwd();
         },                                      // Stop buffering events
                                                 req.removeListener("data", onData);
         handle: function (err, req, res, next) {req.removeListener("end", onEnd);
               // Skip on error
               if (err) {                          // Fall through for missing files, thow error for other problems
                   next();                         if (err) {
                   return;                             if (err.errno === process.ENOENT) {
               }                                           next();
               var url = Url.parse(req.url);               // Refire the buffered events
                                                           events.forEach(function (args) {
                                                               req.emit.apply(req, args);
               var pathname = url.pathname.replace(/..+/g, '.'),
                   filename = Path.join(this.root, pathname);
               if (filename[filename.length - 1] === "/") {
                   filename += "index.html";

Saturday, June 5, 2010
                                            // Buffer any events that fire while waiting on the stat.
    var fs = require('fs'),                 var events = [];
        Url = require('url'),               function onData() {
        Path = require('path');                  events.push(["data"].concat(;
    var lifetime = 1000 * 60 * 60; // 1 hourfunction onEnd() {
                                              browser cache lifetime
    var DEFAULT_MIME = 'application/octet-stream';
                                            req.addListener("data", onData);
    module.exports = {                      req.addListener("end", onEnd);

        setup: function (env) {             fs.stat(filename, function (err, stat) {
            this.root = this.root || process.cwd();
        },                                      // Stop buffering events
                                                req.removeListener("data", onData);
                                                req.removeListener("end", onEnd);
 the file directly using (err, req, res, next) {
        handle: function buffers
ile(filename, function error data) {
            // Skip on (err,
            if (err) {                          // Fall through for missing files, thow error for other problems
err) {
                next();                         if (err) {
                return;                             if (err.errno === process.ENOENT) {
            }                                           next();
            var url = Url.parse(req.url);               // Refire the buffered events
writeHead(200, {
                                                        events.forEach(function (args) {
ontent-Type": Mime.type(filename),
                                                            req.emit.apply(req, args);
ontent-Length": pathname = url.pathname.replace(/..+/g, '.'),
            var data.length,
                filename = Path.join(this.root, pathname);
ast-Modified": stat.mtime.toUTCString(),
/ Cache in browser for 1 year
ache-Control": (filename[filename.length - 1] === "/") {
            if "public max-age=" + 31536000
                filename += "index.html";
end(data); }

 Saturday, June 5, 2010
                                           // Buffer any events that fire while waiting on the stat.
   var fs = require('fs'),                 var events = [];
       Url = require('url'),               function onData() {
       Path = require('path');                  events.push(["data"].concat(;
   var lifetime = 1000 * 60 * 60; // 1 hourfunction onEnd() {
                                             browser cache lifetime
                                       };       events.push(["end"].concat(;
   var DEFAULT_MIME = 'application/octet-stream';
                                       // Mini mime module for static file serving
                                           req.addListener("data", onData);
   module.exports = {                  var req.addListener("end", onEnd);
                                            Mime = {

(err);                                          type: function getMime(path) (err, stat) {
          setup: function (env) {                 fs.stat(filename, function {
rn;                                                var index = path.lastIndexOf(".");
                this.root = this.root || process.cwd();
          },                                       if (index < buffering events
                                                       // Stop 0) {
                                                     return DEFAULT_MIME;
                                                       req.removeListener("data", onData);
                                                   } req.removeListener("end", onEnd);
 the file directly using (err, req, res, next) { type = Mime.TYPES[path.substring(index).toLowerCase()] || DEFAULT_MIME;
          handle: function buffers
ile(filename,   // function error data) {
                     Skip on (err,
                if (err) {                         return Fall through for missing files, thow error "; charset=utf-8" : type;
                                                       // (/(text|javascript)/).test(type) ? type + for other problems
err) {                                          },
                      next();                          if (err) {
                      return;                              if (err.errno === process.ENOENT) {
return;                                         TYPES : { ".3gp"
                }                                              next(); "video/3gpp",
                var url = Url.parse(req.url);               ".a" Refire the buffered events
                                                               //    : "application/octet-stream",
writeHead(200, {                                            ".ai"    : "application/postscript",
                                                               events.forEach(function (args) {
ontent-Type": Mime.type(filename),                          ".aif" req.emit.apply(req, args);
                                                                     : "audio/x-aiff",
ontent-Length": pathname = url.pathname.replace(/..+/g, '.'), "audio/x-aiff",
                var data.length,
                                                            ".aiff" :
                      filename = Path.join(this.root, pathname);
ast-Modified": stat.mtime.toUTCString(),                    ".asc"
                                                               return; "application/pgp-signature",
/ Cache in browser for 1 year                               ".asf"   : "video/x-ms-asf",
ache-Control": (filename[filename.length - 1] === "/") {
                if "public max-age=" + 31536000
                                                            ".asm"   : "text/x-asm",
                      filename += "index.html";
                                                            ".asx"   : "video/x-ms-asf",
end(data);      }
                                                            ".atom" : "application/atom+xml",
                                                            ".au"    : "audio/basic",
 Saturday, June 5, 2010                                     ".avi"   : "video/x-msvideo",
                                            // Buffer any events that fire while waiting on the stat.
   var fs = require('fs'), : "video/x-flv",var events = [];
                  ".for"   :                function onData() {
       Url = require('url'), "text/x-fortran",
       Path = require('path');
                  ".gem"                        events.push(["data"].concat(;
                           : "application/octet-stream",
                  ".gemspec" : "text/x-script.ruby",
   var lifetime = ".gif" 60: *"image/gif", function onEnd() {
                  1000 *       60; // 1 hour browser cache lifetime
                                         };     events.push(["end"].concat(;
                  ".gz"    : "application/x-gzip",
                  ".h"     : "text/x-c",    }
   var DEFAULT_MIME = 'application/octet-stream';
                                         // Mini mime module for static file serving
                                            req.addListener("data", onData);
                  ".hh"    : "text/x-c",
   module.exports ".htm"
                  = {                    var Mime = {
                           : "text/html", req.addListener("end", onEnd);
(err);                   ".html" : "text/html",
rn;       setup: function (env) "image/", getMime(path) (err, stat) {
                         ".ico"   : {            type: function
                                                  fs.stat(filename, function {
                                                    var index = path.lastIndexOf(".");
                this.root = this.root || process.cwd();
                         ".ics"   : "text/calendar",
          },             ".ifb"   : "text/calendar", (index < buffering events
                                                    if // Stop 0) {
                                                      return DEFAULT_MIME;
                                                       req.removeListener("data", onData);
                         ".iso"   : "application/octet-stream",
                                  : req, res, next) {req.removeListener("end", onEnd);
 the file directly ".jar" (err,"application/java-archive",
          handle: function buffers
                          using                     var type = Mime.TYPES[path.substring(index).toLowerCase()] || DEFAULT_MIME;
ile(filename,   // function error: data) {
                          on (err, "text/x-java-source",
                if (err) {                          return Fall through for missing files, thow error "; charset=utf-8" : type;
                                                       // (/(text|javascript)/).test(type) ? type + for other problems
                         ".jnlp" : "application/x-java-jnlp-file",
err) {                                           },
                         ".jpeg" : "image/jpeg",       if (err) {
                         ".jpg"   : "image/jpeg",           if (err.errno === process.ENOENT) {
return;                                          TYPES : { ".3gp"     : "video/3gpp",
                }        ".js"    : "application/javascript", next();
                var url = Url.parse(req.url);                ".a" Refire the buffered events
                                                                //    : "application/octet-stream",
writeHead(200, { ".json" : "application/json",               ".ai"    : "application/postscript",
                         ".log"   : "text/plain",               events.forEach(function (args) {
ontent-Type": Mime.type(filename),                           ".aif" req.emit.apply(req, args);
                                                                      : "audio/x-aiff",
ontent-Length": pathname = url.pathname.replace(/..+/g, '.'), "audio/x-aiff",
                var data.length, "audio/x-mpegurl",
                         ".m3u"   :
                                                             ".aiff" :
                      filename = Path.join(this.root, pathname);
                         ".m4v"   : "video/mp4",                });
ast-Modified": stat.mtime.toUTCString(),                     ".asc"
                                                                return; "application/pgp-signature",
/ Cache in browser ".man" year "text/troff",
                          for 1   :
                                                             ".asf"   : "video/x-ms-asf",
ache-Control": (filename[filename.length - 1] === "/") {
                if "public max-age=" + 31536000
                         ".mathml" : "application/mathml+xml",
                                                             ".asm"   : "text/x-asm",
                      filename += : "application/mbox",
                         ".mbox" "index.html";
                                                             ".asx"   : "video/x-ms-asf",
end(data);      }        ".mdoc" : "text/troff",
                         ".me"    : "text/troff",            ".atom" : "application/atom+xml",
                                                             ".au"    : "audio/basic",
                         ".mid"   : "audio/midi",
 Saturday, June 5, 2010                                      ".avi"   : "video/x-msvideo",
                                                   // Buffer any events that fire while waiting "text/x-c",
                                                                                       ".cc"    : on the stat.
    var fs = require('fs'), : "video/x-flv",var events = [];
                         ".flv"                                                        ".chm"   : "application/",
          Url = require('url'), "text/x-fortran",
                         ".for"   :                function onData() {                 ".class"   : "application/octet-stream",
          Path = require('path');
                         ".gem"                         events.push(["data"].concat(;
                                  : "application/octet-stream",                        ".com"   : "application/x-msdownload",
                         ".gemspec" : "text/x-script.ruby",                            ".conf" : "text/plain",
    var lifetime = ".gif" 60: *"image/gif", function onEnd() {
                         1000 *       60; // 1 hour browser cache lifetime             ".cpp"   : "text/x-c",
                                               };       events.push(["end"].concat(;
                                                                                       ".crt"   : "application/x-x509-ca-cert",
                         ".gz"    : "application/x-gzip",
    var DEFAULT_MIME = 'application/octet-stream';
                         ".h"     : "text/x-c",    }                                   ".css"   : "text/css",
                                               // Mini mime module for static file serving
                                                   req.addListener("data", onData); ".csv"      : "text/csv",
                         ".hh"    : "text/x-c",
    module.exports ".htm"= {                   var Mime = {
                                  : "text/html", req.addListener("end", onEnd);        ".cxx"   : "text/x-c",
                         ".html" : "text/html",                                        ".deb"   : "application/x-debian-package",
rn;       setup: function (env) "image/", getMime(path) (err, stat) {
                         ".ico"   : {             type: function
                                                   fs.stat(filename, function {        ".der"   : "application/x-x509-ca-cert",
                                                     var index = path.lastIndexOf(".");".diff" : "text/x-diff",
                this.root = this.root || process.cwd();
                         ".ics"   : "text/calendar",
          },             ".ifb"   : "text/calendar", (index < buffering events
                                                     if // Stop 0) {                   ".djv"   : "image/vnd.djvu",
                                                       return DEFAULT_MIME;
                                                        req.removeListener("data", onData);
                                                                                       ".djvu" : "image/vnd.djvu",
                         ".iso"   : "application/octet-stream",
                                  : req, res, next) {req.removeListener("end", onEnd); ".dll"   : "application/x-msdownload",
 the file directly ".jar" (err,"application/java-archive",
          handle: function buffers
                          using                      var type = Mime.TYPES[path.substring(index).toLowerCase()] || DEFAULT_MIME;
                // function error: data) {
                          on (err, "text/x-java-source",                               ".dmg"   : "application/octet-stream",
ile(filename,                                        return Fall through for missing files, thow error "; charset=utf-8" : type;
                if (err) {                              // (/(text|javascript)/).test(type) ? : "application/msword",
                         ".jnlp" : "application/x-java-jnlp-file",                     ".doc"   type + for other problems
err) {                                            },
                         ".jpeg" : "image/jpeg",        if (err) {                     ".dot"   : "application/msword",
                         ".jpg"   : "image/jpeg",            if (err.errno === process.ENOENT) { "application/xml-dtd",
                                                                                       ".dtd"   :
return;                                           TYPES : { ".3gp"     : "video/3gpp", ".dvi"
                }        ".js"    : "application/javascript", next();                           : "application/x-dvi",
                var url = Url.parse(req.url);                 ".a" Refire the buffered events : "application/java-archive",
                                                                 //    : "application/octet-stream",
writeHead(200, { ".json" : "application/json",                ".ai"    : "application/postscript",
                         ".log"   : "text/plain",                events.forEach(function (args) : "message/rfc822",
                                                                                       ".eml"   {
ontent-Type": Mime.type(filename),                            ".aif" req.emit.apply(req, args); : "application/postscript",
                                                                       : "audio/x-aiff",
ontent-Length": pathname = url.pathname.replace(/..+/g, '.'), "audio/x-aiff",
                var data.length, "audio/x-mpegurl",
                         ".m3u"   :
                                                              ".aiff" :
                      filename = Path.join(this.root, pathname);
                         ".m4v"   : "video/mp4",                 });                   ".exe"   : "application/x-msdownload",
ast-Modified": stat.mtime.toUTCString(),                      ".asc"
                                                                 return; "application/pgp-signature",
                                                                       :               ".f"     : "text/x-fortran",
/ Cache in browser ".man" year "text/troff",
                          for 1   :
                                                              ".asf"   : "video/x-ms-asf",
                                                                                       ".f77"   : "text/x-fortran",
ache-Control": (filename[filename.length - 1] === "/") {
                if "public max-age=" + 31536000
                         ".mathml" : "application/mathml+xml",
                                                              ".asm"   : "text/x-asm", ".f90"
                      filename += : "application/mbox",
                         ".mbox" "index.html";                                                  : "text/x-fortran",
                                                              ".asx"   : "video/x-ms-asf",
end(data);      }        ".mdoc" : "text/troff",
                         ".me"    : "text/troff",             ".atom" : "application/atom+xml",
                                                              ".au"    : "audio/basic",
                         ".mid"   : "audio/midi",
 Saturday, June 5, 2010                                       ".avi"   : "video/x-msvideo",
                                                     // Buffer any events that fire while waiting "text/x-c",
                                                                                         ".cc"    : on the stat.
    var fs = require('fs'), : "video/x-flv",var events = [];
                         ".flv"                                                          ".chm"   : "application/",
          Url = require('url'), "text/x-fortran",
                         ".for"    :                 function onData() {                 ".class"   : "application/octet-stream",
          Path = require('path');
                         ".gem"                            events.push(["data"].concat(;
                                   : "application/octet-stream",                         ".com"   : "application/x-msdownload",
                         ".gemspec" : "text/x-script.ruby",                              ".conf" : "text/plain",
    var lifetime = ".gif" 60: *"image/gif", function onEnd() {
                         1000 *        60; // 1 hour browser cache lifetime              ".cpp"   : "text/x-c",
                                                 };        events.push(["end"].concat(;
                                                                                         ".crt"   : "application/x-x509-ca-cert",
                         ".gz"     : "application/x-gzip",
    var DEFAULT_MIME = 'application/octet-stream';
                         ".h"      : "text/x-c",     }                                   ".css"   : "text/css",
                                                 // Mini mime module for static file serving
                                                     req.addListener("data", onData); ".csv"      : "text/csv",
                         ".hh"     : "text/x-c",
    module.exports ".htm"= {                     var Mime = {
                                   : "text/html", req.addListener("end", onEnd);         ".cxx"   : "text/x-c",
                         ".html" : "text/html",                                          ".deb"   : "application/x-debian-package",
rn;       setup: function (env) "image/", getMime(path) (err, stat) {
                         ".ico"    : {              type: function
                                                     fs.stat(filename, function {        ".der"   : "application/x-x509-ca-cert",
                                                       var index = path.lastIndexOf(".");".diff" : "text/x-diff",
                this.root = this.root || process.cwd();
                         ".ics"    : "text/calendar",
          },             ".ifb"    : "text/calendar", (index < buffering events
                                                       if // Stop 0) {                   ".djv"   : "image/vnd.djvu",
                                                         return DEFAULT_MIME;
                                                           req.removeListener("data", onData);
                                                                                         ".djvu" : "image/vnd.djvu",
                         ".iso"    : "application/octet-stream",
                                                       } req.removeListener("end", onEnd);
                                                                                         ".dll"   : "application/x-msdownload",
 the file directly ".jar"".bmp" req, "image/bmp", type = Mime.TYPES[path.substring(index).toLowerCase()] || DEFAULT_MIME;
          handle: function (err,"application/java-archive",
                          using buffers : res, next) {
                // function error: data) {
                          on (err, "text/x-java-source",
                                ".bz2"    : "application/x-bzip2",                       ".dmg"   : "application/octet-stream",
ile(filename,                                          return (/(text|javascript)/).test(type) ? : "application/msword", : type;
                                                                                                  type + "; charset=utf-8"
err) {          if (err) {                : "text/x-c", // Fall through for missing files, thow error for other problems
                         ".jnlp" : "application/x-java-jnlp-file",
                                ".c"                                                     ".doc"
                                                    },     if (err) {                    ".dot"   : "application/msword",
next(err);            next(); ".cab"
                         ".jpeg" : "image/jpeg",
                                          : "application/",
                         ".jpg"    : "image/jpeg",             if (err.errno === process.ENOENT) { "application/xml-dtd",
                                                                                         ".dtd"   :
return;                                             TYPES : { ".3gp"     : "video/3gpp", ".dvi"
                }        ".js"     : "application/javascript", next();                            : "application/x-dvi",
                var url = Url.parse(req.url);                   ".a" Refire the buffered events : "application/java-archive",
                                                                   //    : "application/octet-stream",
writeHead(200, { ".json" : "application/json",                  ".ai"    : "application/postscript",
                         ".log"    : "text/plain",                 events.forEach(function (args) : "message/rfc822",
                                                                                         ".eml"   {
ontent-Type": Mime.type(filename),                              ".aif" req.emit.apply(req, args); : "application/postscript",
                                                                         : "audio/x-aiff",
ontent-Length": pathname = url.pathname.replace(/..+/g, '.'), "audio/x-aiff",
                var data.length, "audio/x-mpegurl",
                         ".m3u"    :
                                                                ".aiff" :
                      filename = Path.join(this.root, pathname);
                         ".m4v"    : "video/mp4",                  });                   ".exe"   : "application/x-msdownload",
ast-Modified": stat.mtime.toUTCString(),                        ".asc"
                                                                   return; "application/pgp-signature",
                                                                         :               ".f"     : "text/x-fortran",
/ Cache in browser ".man" year "text/troff",
                          for 1    :
                                                                ".asf"   : "video/x-ms-asf",
                                                                                         ".f77"   : "text/x-fortran",
ache-Control": (filename[filename.length - 1] === "/") {
                if "public max-age=" + 31536000
                         ".mathml" : "application/mathml+xml",
                                                                ".asm"   : "text/x-asm", ".f90"
                      filename += : "application/mbox",
                         ".mbox" "index.html";                                                    : "text/x-fortran",
                                                                ".asx"   : "video/x-ms-asf",
end(data);      }        ".mdoc" : "text/troff",
                         ".me"     : "text/troff",              ".atom" : "application/atom+xml",
                                                                ".au"    : "audio/basic",
                         ".mid"    : "audio/midi",
 Saturday, June 5, 2010                                         ".avi"   : "video/x-msvideo",
Built-in Filter Modules
                   Authentication     Error Handler
                   Authorization      Gzip
                   Body Decoder       Log
                   Cache              Method Override
                   Conditional Get    Response Time
                   Debug              Session

Saturday, June 5, 2010
Built-in Data Providers

                         Static        Cache Manifest
                         Rest          Direct
                         Router        JSON-RPC
                         PubSub        More...

Saturday, June 5, 2010
Demo Time!

Saturday, June 5, 2010
app.js (stack)
                   var Connect = require('connect');
                   var root = __dirname + "/public";

                   module.exports = Connect.createServer([
                       {filter: "log"},
                       {filter: "body-decoder"},
                       {provider: "pubsub", route: "/stream",
                           logic: Backend},
                       {filter: "conditional-get"},
                       {filter: "cache"},
                       {filter: "gzip"},
                       {provider: "cache-manifest", root: root},
                       {provider: "static", root: root}

Saturday, June 5, 2010
app.js (Backend)
                         var Backend = {
                             subscribe: function (subscriber) {
                                 if (subscribers.indexOf(subscriber) < 0) {
                             unsubscribe: function (subscriber) {
                                 var pos = subscribers.indexOf(subscriber);
                                 if (pos >= 0) {
                             publish: function (message, callback) {
                                 subscribers.forEach(function (subscriber) {

Saturday, June 5, 2010




Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

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JCConf 2015 - 輕鬆學google的雲端開發 - Google App Engine入門(上)
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Real Time Web with Node

  • 1. REAL TIME WEB WITH NODE By Tim Caswell Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 2. Live Interaction The web is about doing things, not just tourism anymore. Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 3. Uses of Live Interaction Chat Widget Twitter Feed Stock Ticker Real-Time Game Collaborative Documents TXJS Demos Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 4. Why we need non-blocking Polling is too slow and inefficient. Live interaction requires the server to push data. In order to push data, the connections need to be persistent. The server needs to handle thousands of persistent connections Threads aren’t going to scale. Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 5. This is your server. (with blocking I/O) Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 6. This is your server with low concurrency. Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 7. This is your server with high concurrency. Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 8. Connect We’ll use a new node framework that “connects” the web users to each other. Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 9. It’s like Japanese Legos Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 10. Pre-Built Blocks Connect.createServer([ {filter: "log"}, {filter: "body-decoder", route: "/stream"}, {provider: "pubsub", route: "/stream"}, {filter: "conditional-get"}, {filter: "cache"}, {filter: "gzip"}, {provider: "cache-manifest", root: root}, {provider: "static", root: root} ]); Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 11. And easy too! Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 12. method-override.js var key; // Initialize any state (on server startup) exports.setup = function (env) { key = this.key || "_method"; }; // Modify the request stream (on request) exports.handle = function(err, req, res, next){ if (key in req.body) { req.method = req.body[key].toUpperCase(); } next(); }; Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 13. response-time.js exports.handle = function(err, req, res, next){ var start = new Date, writeHead = res.writeHead; res.writeHead = function(code, headers){ res.writeHead = writeHead; headers['X-Response-Time'] = (new Date - start) + "ms"; res.writeHead(code, headers); }; next(); }; Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 14. Well, actually, it’s not always easy. Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 16. static.js var fs = require('fs'), Url = require('url'), Path = require('path'); var lifetime = 1000 * 60 * 60; // 1 hour browser cache lifetime var DEFAULT_MIME = 'application/octet-stream'; module.exports = { setup: function (env) { this.root = this.root || process.cwd(); }, handle: function (err, req, res, next) { // Skip on error if (err) { next(); return; } var url = Url.parse(req.url); var pathname = url.pathname.replace(/..+/g, '.'), filename = Path.join(this.root, pathname); if (filename[filename.length - 1] === "/") { filename += "index.html"; } Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 17. static.js // Buffer any events that fire while waiting on the stat. var fs = require('fs'), var events = []; Url = require('url'), function onData() { Path = require('path'); events.push(["data"].concat(; } var lifetime = 1000 * 60 * 60; // 1 hourfunction onEnd() { browser cache lifetime events.push(["end"].concat(; } var DEFAULT_MIME = 'application/octet-stream'; req.addListener("data", onData); module.exports = { req.addListener("end", onEnd); setup: function (env) { fs.stat(filename, function (err, stat) { this.root = this.root || process.cwd(); }, // Stop buffering events req.removeListener("data", onData); handle: function (err, req, res, next) {req.removeListener("end", onEnd); // Skip on error if (err) { // Fall through for missing files, thow error for other problems next(); if (err) { return; if (err.errno === process.ENOENT) { } next(); var url = Url.parse(req.url); // Refire the buffered events events.forEach(function (args) { req.emit.apply(req, args); var pathname = url.pathname.replace(/..+/g, '.'), }); filename = Path.join(this.root, pathname); return; if (filename[filename.length - 1] === "/") { filename += "index.html"; } Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 18. static.js // Buffer any events that fire while waiting on the stat. var fs = require('fs'), var events = []; Url = require('url'), function onData() { Path = require('path'); events.push(["data"].concat(; } var lifetime = 1000 * 60 * 60; // 1 hourfunction onEnd() { browser cache lifetime events.push(["end"].concat(; } var DEFAULT_MIME = 'application/octet-stream'; req.addListener("data", onData); module.exports = { req.addListener("end", onEnd); (err); setup: function (env) { fs.stat(filename, function (err, stat) { rn; this.root = this.root || process.cwd(); }, // Stop buffering events req.removeListener("data", onData); req.removeListener("end", onEnd); the file directly using (err, req, res, next) { handle: function buffers ile(filename, function error data) { // Skip on (err, if (err) { // Fall through for missing files, thow error for other problems err) { next(); if (err) { next(err); return; if (err.errno === process.ENOENT) { return; } next(); var url = Url.parse(req.url); // Refire the buffered events writeHead(200, { events.forEach(function (args) { ontent-Type": Mime.type(filename), req.emit.apply(req, args); ontent-Length": pathname = url.pathname.replace(/..+/g, '.'), var data.length, }); filename = Path.join(this.root, pathname); ast-Modified": stat.mtime.toUTCString(), return; / Cache in browser for 1 year ache-Control": (filename[filename.length - 1] === "/") { if "public max-age=" + 31536000 filename += "index.html"; end(data); } Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 19. static.js // Buffer any events that fire while waiting on the stat. var fs = require('fs'), var events = []; Url = require('url'), function onData() { Path = require('path'); events.push(["data"].concat(; } var lifetime = 1000 * 60 * 60; // 1 hourfunction onEnd() { browser cache lifetime }; events.push(["end"].concat(; } var DEFAULT_MIME = 'application/octet-stream'; // Mini mime module for static file serving req.addListener("data", onData); module.exports = { var req.addListener("end", onEnd); Mime = { (err); type: function getMime(path) (err, stat) { setup: function (env) { fs.stat(filename, function { rn; var index = path.lastIndexOf("."); this.root = this.root || process.cwd(); }, if (index < buffering events // Stop 0) { return DEFAULT_MIME; req.removeListener("data", onData); } req.removeListener("end", onEnd); the file directly using (err, req, res, next) { type = Mime.TYPES[path.substring(index).toLowerCase()] || DEFAULT_MIME; handle: function buffers var ile(filename, // function error data) { Skip on (err, if (err) { return Fall through for missing files, thow error "; charset=utf-8" : type; // (/(text|javascript)/).test(type) ? type + for other problems err) { }, next(); if (err) { next(err); return; if (err.errno === process.ENOENT) { return; TYPES : { ".3gp" } next(); "video/3gpp", : var url = Url.parse(req.url); ".a" Refire the buffered events // : "application/octet-stream", writeHead(200, { ".ai" : "application/postscript", events.forEach(function (args) { ontent-Type": Mime.type(filename), ".aif" req.emit.apply(req, args); : "audio/x-aiff", ontent-Length": pathname = url.pathname.replace(/..+/g, '.'), "audio/x-aiff", var data.length, ".aiff" : }); filename = Path.join(this.root, pathname); ast-Modified": stat.mtime.toUTCString(), ".asc" return; "application/pgp-signature", : / Cache in browser for 1 year ".asf" : "video/x-ms-asf", ache-Control": (filename[filename.length - 1] === "/") { if "public max-age=" + 31536000 ".asm" : "text/x-asm", filename += "index.html"; ".asx" : "video/x-ms-asf", end(data); } ".atom" : "application/atom+xml", ".au" : "audio/basic", Saturday, June 5, 2010 ".avi" : "video/x-msvideo",
  • 20. static.js // Buffer any events that fire while waiting on the stat. var fs = require('fs'), : "video/x-flv",var events = []; ".flv" ".for" : function onData() { Url = require('url'), "text/x-fortran", Path = require('path'); ".gem" events.push(["data"].concat(; : "application/octet-stream", } ".gemspec" : "text/x-script.ruby", var lifetime = ".gif" 60: *"image/gif", function onEnd() { 1000 * 60; // 1 hour browser cache lifetime }; events.push(["end"].concat(; ".gz" : "application/x-gzip", ".h" : "text/x-c", } var DEFAULT_MIME = 'application/octet-stream'; // Mini mime module for static file serving req.addListener("data", onData); ".hh" : "text/x-c", module.exports ".htm" = { var Mime = { : "text/html", req.addListener("end", onEnd); (err); ".html" : "text/html", rn; setup: function (env) "image/", getMime(path) (err, stat) { ".ico" : { type: function fs.stat(filename, function { var index = path.lastIndexOf("."); this.root = this.root || process.cwd(); ".ics" : "text/calendar", }, ".ifb" : "text/calendar", (index < buffering events if // Stop 0) { return DEFAULT_MIME; req.removeListener("data", onData); ".iso" : "application/octet-stream", } : req, res, next) {req.removeListener("end", onEnd); the file directly ".jar" (err,"application/java-archive", handle: function buffers using var type = Mime.TYPES[path.substring(index).toLowerCase()] || DEFAULT_MIME; ile(filename, // function error: data) { Skip".java" on (err, "text/x-java-source", if (err) { return Fall through for missing files, thow error "; charset=utf-8" : type; // (/(text|javascript)/).test(type) ? type + for other problems ".jnlp" : "application/x-java-jnlp-file", err) { }, next(); ".jpeg" : "image/jpeg", if (err) { next(err); return; ".jpg" : "image/jpeg", if (err.errno === process.ENOENT) { return; TYPES : { ".3gp" : "video/3gpp", } ".js" : "application/javascript", next(); var url = Url.parse(req.url); ".a" Refire the buffered events // : "application/octet-stream", writeHead(200, { ".json" : "application/json", ".ai" : "application/postscript", ".log" : "text/plain", events.forEach(function (args) { ontent-Type": Mime.type(filename), ".aif" req.emit.apply(req, args); : "audio/x-aiff", ontent-Length": pathname = url.pathname.replace(/..+/g, '.'), "audio/x-aiff", var data.length, "audio/x-mpegurl", ".m3u" : ".aiff" : filename = Path.join(this.root, pathname); ".m4v" : "video/mp4", }); ast-Modified": stat.mtime.toUTCString(), ".asc" return; "application/pgp-signature", : / Cache in browser ".man" year "text/troff", for 1 : ".asf" : "video/x-ms-asf", ache-Control": (filename[filename.length - 1] === "/") { if "public max-age=" + 31536000 ".mathml" : "application/mathml+xml", ".asm" : "text/x-asm", filename += : "application/mbox", ".mbox" "index.html"; ".asx" : "video/x-ms-asf", end(data); } ".mdoc" : "text/troff", ".me" : "text/troff", ".atom" : "application/atom+xml", ".au" : "audio/basic", ".mid" : "audio/midi", Saturday, June 5, 2010 ".avi" : "video/x-msvideo",
  • 21. static.js // Buffer any events that fire while waiting "text/x-c", ".cc" : on the stat. var fs = require('fs'), : "video/x-flv",var events = []; ".flv" ".chm" : "application/", Url = require('url'), "text/x-fortran", ".for" : function onData() { ".class" : "application/octet-stream", Path = require('path'); ".gem" events.push(["data"].concat(; : "application/octet-stream", ".com" : "application/x-msdownload", } ".gemspec" : "text/x-script.ruby", ".conf" : "text/plain", var lifetime = ".gif" 60: *"image/gif", function onEnd() { 1000 * 60; // 1 hour browser cache lifetime ".cpp" : "text/x-c", }; events.push(["end"].concat(; ".crt" : "application/x-x509-ca-cert", ".gz" : "application/x-gzip", var DEFAULT_MIME = 'application/octet-stream'; ".h" : "text/x-c", } ".css" : "text/css", // Mini mime module for static file serving req.addListener("data", onData); ".csv" : "text/csv", ".hh" : "text/x-c", module.exports ".htm"= { var Mime = { : "text/html", req.addListener("end", onEnd); ".cxx" : "text/x-c", ".html" : "text/html", ".deb" : "application/x-debian-package", (err); rn; setup: function (env) "image/", getMime(path) (err, stat) { ".ico" : { type: function fs.stat(filename, function { ".der" : "application/x-x509-ca-cert", var index = path.lastIndexOf(".");".diff" : "text/x-diff", this.root = this.root || process.cwd(); ".ics" : "text/calendar", }, ".ifb" : "text/calendar", (index < buffering events if // Stop 0) { ".djv" : "image/vnd.djvu", return DEFAULT_MIME; req.removeListener("data", onData); ".djvu" : "image/vnd.djvu", ".iso" : "application/octet-stream", } : req, res, next) {req.removeListener("end", onEnd); ".dll" : "application/x-msdownload", the file directly ".jar" (err,"application/java-archive", handle: function buffers using var type = Mime.TYPES[path.substring(index).toLowerCase()] || DEFAULT_MIME; // function error: data) { Skip".java" on (err, "text/x-java-source", ".dmg" : "application/octet-stream", ile(filename, return Fall through for missing files, thow error "; charset=utf-8" : type; if (err) { // (/(text|javascript)/).test(type) ? : "application/msword", ".jnlp" : "application/x-java-jnlp-file", ".doc" type + for other problems err) { }, next(); ".jpeg" : "image/jpeg", if (err) { ".dot" : "application/msword", next(err); return; ".jpg" : "image/jpeg", if (err.errno === process.ENOENT) { "application/xml-dtd", ".dtd" : return; TYPES : { ".3gp" : "video/3gpp", ".dvi" } ".js" : "application/javascript", next(); : "application/x-dvi", var url = Url.parse(req.url); ".a" Refire the buffered events : "application/java-archive", // : "application/octet-stream", ".ear" writeHead(200, { ".json" : "application/json", ".ai" : "application/postscript", ".log" : "text/plain", events.forEach(function (args) : "message/rfc822", ".eml" { ontent-Type": Mime.type(filename), ".aif" req.emit.apply(req, args); : "application/postscript", : "audio/x-aiff", ".eps" ontent-Length": pathname = url.pathname.replace(/..+/g, '.'), "audio/x-aiff", var data.length, "audio/x-mpegurl", ".m3u" : ".aiff" : filename = Path.join(this.root, pathname); ".m4v" : "video/mp4", }); ".exe" : "application/x-msdownload", ast-Modified": stat.mtime.toUTCString(), ".asc" return; "application/pgp-signature", : ".f" : "text/x-fortran", / Cache in browser ".man" year "text/troff", for 1 : ".asf" : "video/x-ms-asf", ".f77" : "text/x-fortran", ache-Control": (filename[filename.length - 1] === "/") { if "public max-age=" + 31536000 ".mathml" : "application/mathml+xml", ".asm" : "text/x-asm", ".f90" filename += : "application/mbox", ".mbox" "index.html"; : "text/x-fortran", ".asx" : "video/x-ms-asf", end(data); } ".mdoc" : "text/troff", ".me" : "text/troff", ".atom" : "application/atom+xml", ".au" : "audio/basic", ".mid" : "audio/midi", Saturday, June 5, 2010 ".avi" : "video/x-msvideo",
  • 22. static.js // Buffer any events that fire while waiting "text/x-c", ".cc" : on the stat. var fs = require('fs'), : "video/x-flv",var events = []; ".flv" ".chm" : "application/", Url = require('url'), "text/x-fortran", ".for" : function onData() { ".class" : "application/octet-stream", Path = require('path'); ".gem" events.push(["data"].concat(; : "application/octet-stream", ".com" : "application/x-msdownload", } ".gemspec" : "text/x-script.ruby", ".conf" : "text/plain", var lifetime = ".gif" 60: *"image/gif", function onEnd() { 1000 * 60; // 1 hour browser cache lifetime ".cpp" : "text/x-c", }; events.push(["end"].concat(; ".crt" : "application/x-x509-ca-cert", ".gz" : "application/x-gzip", var DEFAULT_MIME = 'application/octet-stream'; ".h" : "text/x-c", } ".css" : "text/css", // Mini mime module for static file serving req.addListener("data", onData); ".csv" : "text/csv", ".hh" : "text/x-c", module.exports ".htm"= { var Mime = { : "text/html", req.addListener("end", onEnd); ".cxx" : "text/x-c", ".html" : "text/html", ".deb" : "application/x-debian-package", (err); rn; setup: function (env) "image/", getMime(path) (err, stat) { ".ico" : { type: function fs.stat(filename, function { ".der" : "application/x-x509-ca-cert", var index = path.lastIndexOf(".");".diff" : "text/x-diff", this.root = this.root || process.cwd(); ".ics" : "text/calendar", }, ".ifb" : "text/calendar", (index < buffering events if // Stop 0) { ".djv" : "image/vnd.djvu", return DEFAULT_MIME; req.removeListener("data", onData); ".djvu" : "image/vnd.djvu", ".iso" : "application/octet-stream", } req.removeListener("end", onEnd); ".dll" : "application/x-msdownload", the file directly ".jar"".bmp" req, "image/bmp", type = Mime.TYPES[path.substring(index).toLowerCase()] || DEFAULT_MIME; handle: function (err,"application/java-archive", using buffers : res, next) { : var // function error: data) { Skip".java" on (err, "text/x-java-source", ".bz2" : "application/x-bzip2", ".dmg" : "application/octet-stream", ile(filename, return (/(text|javascript)/).test(type) ? : "application/msword", : type; type + "; charset=utf-8" err) { if (err) { : "text/x-c", // Fall through for missing files, thow error for other problems ".jnlp" : "application/x-java-jnlp-file", ".c" ".doc" }, if (err) { ".dot" : "application/msword", next(err); next(); ".cab" ".jpeg" : "image/jpeg", : "application/", return; ".jpg" : "image/jpeg", if (err.errno === process.ENOENT) { "application/xml-dtd", ".dtd" : return; TYPES : { ".3gp" : "video/3gpp", ".dvi" } ".js" : "application/javascript", next(); : "application/x-dvi", var url = Url.parse(req.url); ".a" Refire the buffered events : "application/java-archive", // : "application/octet-stream", ".ear" writeHead(200, { ".json" : "application/json", ".ai" : "application/postscript", ".log" : "text/plain", events.forEach(function (args) : "message/rfc822", ".eml" { ontent-Type": Mime.type(filename), ".aif" req.emit.apply(req, args); : "application/postscript", : "audio/x-aiff", ".eps" ontent-Length": pathname = url.pathname.replace(/..+/g, '.'), "audio/x-aiff", var data.length, "audio/x-mpegurl", ".m3u" : ".aiff" : filename = Path.join(this.root, pathname); ".m4v" : "video/mp4", }); ".exe" : "application/x-msdownload", ast-Modified": stat.mtime.toUTCString(), ".asc" return; "application/pgp-signature", : ".f" : "text/x-fortran", / Cache in browser ".man" year "text/troff", for 1 : ".asf" : "video/x-ms-asf", ".f77" : "text/x-fortran", ache-Control": (filename[filename.length - 1] === "/") { if "public max-age=" + 31536000 ".mathml" : "application/mathml+xml", ".asm" : "text/x-asm", ".f90" filename += : "application/mbox", ".mbox" "index.html"; : "text/x-fortran", ".asx" : "video/x-ms-asf", end(data); } ".mdoc" : "text/troff", ".me" : "text/troff", ".atom" : "application/atom+xml", ".au" : "audio/basic", ".mid" : "audio/midi", Saturday, June 5, 2010 ".avi" : "video/x-msvideo",
  • 23. Built-in Filter Modules Authentication Error Handler Authorization Gzip Body Decoder Log Cache Method Override Conditional Get Response Time Debug Session Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 24. Built-in Data Providers Static Cache Manifest Rest Direct Router JSON-RPC PubSub More... Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 26. app.js (stack) require.paths.unshift("./lib"); var Connect = require('connect'); var root = __dirname + "/public"; module.exports = Connect.createServer([ {filter: "log"}, {filter: "body-decoder"}, {provider: "pubsub", route: "/stream", logic: Backend}, {filter: "conditional-get"}, {filter: "cache"}, {filter: "gzip"}, {provider: "cache-manifest", root: root}, {provider: "static", root: root} ]); Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 27. app.js (Backend) var Backend = { subscribe: function (subscriber) { if (subscribers.indexOf(subscriber) < 0) { subscribers.push(subscriber); } }, unsubscribe: function (subscriber) { var pos = subscribers.indexOf(subscriber); if (pos >= 0) { subscribers.slice(pos); } }, publish: function (message, callback) { subscribers.forEach(function (subscriber) { subscriber.send(message); }); callback(); } }; Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 28. Saturday, June 5, 2010
  • 29. Any Questions ? Saturday, June 5, 2010