library libraries ai artificial intelligence technology conference innovation 3d printing ux ala bohyun kim user experience makerspace gamification learning coding acrl usability machine learning algorithmic biases blockchain information technology code4lib higher education programming mobile american library association machine morality application it robot 3d scanning health sciences healthcare visualization education workshop change mobile web librarian emerging technologies computer vision information profession dataism human-robot relationship the fourth industrial revolution issues ai lab ethics distributed ledger technology social impact social entrepreneurship internet search engine user interface ifla workflow acrl2017 ala annual conference javascript bitcoin synthetic biology instruction medicine librareis second machine age scripting php game-based learinng educational games serious games google chart libraries lightning talk chart #litaforum google spreadsheet data game trends techsource medical library ala2013 responsive web design #charleston12 2012 desktop web user behavior open source website social media web services summarization content extraction archival processing metadata experiments pilots applications archives archive governance platform businesses biotechnology internet of things #alaac21 proprietary software open knowledge open scholarship naclin delnet annual lecture ai ethics deep learning automation ghost work knowledge industry deception manipulation safety natural language generation chatbot smart voice assistant society webinar nfais niso #wilc2019 wilc2019 ifla2019 #sla19 dlt cross-disciplinary research moral decision making morality #acrl2019 techno-utopianism techno-chauvinism extended reality digital disruption adoption challenges digital ledger educaton risks biases pedagogy web scale discovery discovery social innovation virtual reality university lab poster c4l18 social design design thinking reference and information serivce university of warsaw keynote wsd web scade discovery library discovery version control documentation annual conference 2017 web development development environment development logistics price operations conference presentation service design staff pricing life sciences baltimore #el #lita #ala11 #alaac16 gender inequality social justice women in it bias search algorithm servers fee revenue management budget maker movement librarians python library services websites strategic plan personas persona #c4l16 public services #alamw16 av classroom user instruction maker program drone programmable biology diybio synbio future #alaac15 innovation space mla implementaiton health sciences library innvation 3d 3d scanner ala techsource #t_gamification smart machines #ltc2015 maker culture economy librarianship milex expert review heuristic evaluation presentaiton acrl md unconference c4ldc code4libdc js jquery ajax stripe online payment medicine healthcare #c4l14 code4lib 2014 conference database bohyunkim query language api trend medical education consumer behavior the mobile web technologies southeast florida health sciences consortium library technology report techspace e-book e-book reader kindle seflin games pros mobile computing consulting #acrl liaising outreach webcast #stealthlib stealth librarianship best practice tips charleston conference codeyear #hhlib #hhlib7 marketing handheld librarian online conference mobile computing interest group mcig mobile website lita #ala12 patrick t. colegrove jason clark diy patron paradigm shift #ala12. #diy paradigm small libraries oss card sorting words ischool drexel online networking acrl11 kiyomi deards acrl2011 personal branding erin dorney alison miller marissa ball 2011 computers in libraries cil11 pecha kucha hhlib online handheld librarian confer information overload personal information manageme hhlib2 handheld librarian online conference 2010 underfunded opal understaffed
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