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10 Testing libraries
any Java developer should know
Alex Soto

Red Hat Engineer

Alex Soto
Red Hat Engineer
Who Am I?
JUnit Test
public void should_find_composer_by_name() {
// Given:
Composers composers = new Composers();
// When:
final Composer mozart = composers.findComposerByName("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart");
// Then:
assertEquals("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart", mozart.getName());
assertEquals(Era.CLASSICAL, mozart.getEra());
assertEquals(LocalDate.of(1756, 1, 27), mozart.getBirthdate());
assertEquals(LocalDate.of(1791, 12, 5), mozart.getDied());
Readable name
BDD style
AssertEquals Order
Depends On Equals
AssertJ Test
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
public void should_find_composer_by_name() {
// Given:
Composers composers = new Composers();
// When:
final Composer mozart = composers.findComposerByName("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart”);
// Then:
assertThat(mozart.getName()).isEqualTo("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart”);
assertThat(mozart).returns("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart", Composer::getName);
assertThat(mozart.getBirthdate()).isEqualTo(LocalDate.of(1756, 1, 27));
Static Import
Readable Assertions
Not Depending on
AssertJ Test Collections
public void should_find_operas_by_composer_name() {
// Given:
Composers composers = new Composers();
// When:
final List<Opera> operas = composers.findOperasByComposerName("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart");
// Then:
.containsExactlyInAnyOrder("Die Zauberflöte", "Don Giovanni”);
Train Call (IDE
support) Create List with
getName Result
Methods for String
AssertJ Soft Assertions
public void should_find_composer_by_name_soft_assertions() {
// Given:
Composers composers = new Composers();
// When:
final Composer mozart = composers.findComposerByName("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart");
// Then:
SoftAssertions.assertSoftly(softly -> {
softly.assertThat(mozart.getName()).isEqualTo("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart");
softly.assertThat(mozart.getBirthdate()).isEqualTo(LocalDate.of(1756, 1, 27));
softly.assertThat(mozart.getDied()).isEqualTo(LocalDate.of(1791, 12, 5));
Java 8 Lambda
All assertions in Block
Things go
public void should_throw_exception_if_composer_not_found() {
// Given:
Composers composers = new Composers();
// When:
try {
final Composer salieri = composers.findComposerByName("Antonio Salieri");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Then:
assertEquals("Composer Antonio Salieri is not found", e.getMessage());
Fails if Success
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
public void should_throw_exception_if_composer_not_found_version_2() {
// Given:
Composers composers = new Composers();
// When:
final Composer salieri = composers.findComposerByName("Antonio Salieri");
Special Attribute
AssertJ Exceptions
public void should_throw_exception_if_composer_not_found_version_3() {
// Given:
Composers composers = new Composers();
// When:
Throwable thrown = catchThrowable(() -> composers.findComposerByName("Antonio Salieri"));
// Then:
.withFailMessage("Composer Antonio Salieri is not found”);
Catch Exception of Lambda
Assertion Methods for
Benefits of AssertJ
> IDE Friendly
Ctrl + Space works
> Assertions Generation
> Out-of-the-Box Assertions
Guava, Joda, DB, Neo4j and Swing
Don’t Sleep, Just Wait
Asynchronous Call
public void should_play_operas() throws InterruptedException {
// Given:
final Opera nozzeDiFigaro = ...;
Gramophone gramophone = new Gramophone();
// When:;
// Then:
Asynchronous Call
Slowest Machine Time
Awaitility Example
public void should_play_operas_version_2() {
// Given:
final Opera nozzeDiFigaro = Composers.OperaFactory
.createOpera("Le Nozze di Figaro")
.language(Language.ITALIAN).librettist("Lorenzo Da Ponte")
.roles("Count Almaviva", "Countess Rosina", "Susanna", "Figaro")
Gramophone gramophone = new Gramophone();
// When:;
// Then:
await().atMost(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS).until(gramophone::isPlaying);
Asynchronous Call
Polls until True or Timeout
Benefits of Awaitility
> Deadlock Detection
> Different Pollings
Fixed, Fibonacci, Iterative, Custom
> Simple Library
No dependencies, No magic
GET /Ludwig+van+Beethoven
"name": "Ludwig van Beethoven",
"era": "ROMANTIC",
"birthdate": {},
"died": {},
"operas": [
"name": "Fidelio",
"librettist": "Georg Friedrich Treitschke",
"language": "GERMAN",
"roles": ["Rocco", "Leonore", "Florestan"]
Simple Objects
Array of Objects
HttpClient Example
public void should_find_composer() throws IOException, URISyntaxException {
// Given:
URIBuilder uriBuilder = new URIBuilder("http://localhost:8080/");
uriBuilder.setPath("Ludwig van Beethoven");
// When:
final Content bodyContent = Request.Get(
String body = bodyContent.asString();
// Then:
assertThat(body).contains(""name":"Ludwig van Beethoven"")
.contains(""librettist":"Georg Friedrich Treitschke"");
Prepare Connection
Do connection
Get content
Manipulate String
WebDriver Example
// Given:
WebDriver browser = new FirefoxDriver();
URIBuilder uriBuilder = new URIBuilder("http://localhost:8080/");
uriBuilder.setPath("Ludwig van Beethoven");
// When:
// Then:
assertThat(browser.getPageSource()).contains(""name":"Ludwig van Beethoven"");
REST-assured Example
public void should_find_composer() {
.get("{composer}", "Ludwig van Beethoven")
.body("name", is("Ludwig van Beethoven"))
.body("operas.size()", is(1))
.body("", hasItems("Fidelio"));
GET Http Method with
GPath Expression
REST-assured Example
public void should_insert_composer() {
Composer composer = ....;
.param("parameter1", "parameterValue")
Create POJO object
Set Params
Set POJO as Body
POST Http Method
Assertion on Status Code
REST-assured Request Logging
given().log().all(). .. // Log all request specification details
given().log().params(). .. // Log only the parameters of the request
given().log().body(). .. // Log only the request body
given().log().headers(). .. // Log only the request headers
given().log().cookies(). .. // Log only the request cookies
given().log().method(). .. // Log only the request method
given().log().path(). .. // Log only the request path
REST-assured Response Logging
REST-assured Request Specification
.get("{composer}", "Ludwig van Beethoven")
RequestSpecBuilder builder = new RequestSpecBuilder();
Use domain directly
Use Spec Builder
Reuse Everywhere
REST-assured Auth
given().auth().form("John", "Doe", springSecurity().withCsrfFieldName("_csrf")).when()...
given().auth().basic("username", "password").when()...
More Features of Rest-Assured
> Custom Parsers
Not just JSON and XML
> SSL Support
> Filters
Input/Output modification
> JSON Schema Validation
Content not Important
Service Virtualization
Service Virtualization Capture Mode
Service A External Network Service B
Service Virtualization Simulate Mode
Service A External Network Service B
Hoverfly Example
public static HoverflyRule hoverflyRule =
public void should_get_composers_from_composers_microservice() {
// Given:
ComposersGateway composersGateway = new ComposersGateway("", 8081);
// When:
Composer composer = composersGateway.getComposer("Ludwig van Beethoven");
// Then:
assertThat(composer.getName()).isEqualTo("Ludwig van Beethoven");
Start Hoverfly
Use Real Host
Get Data from Real
"data" : {
"pairs" : [{
"request" : {
"path" : "/Ludwig van Beethoven",
"method" : "GET",
"destination" : “",
"response" : {
"status" : 200,
"body" : "{"name":"Ludwig van Beethoven",}",
"encodedBody" : false,
"headers" : {
"Connection" : [ "keep-alive" ],
Get Data from Proxy
Hoverfly Example Simulate
private static String RESPONSE = "[n"
+ " {n"
+ " "name": "Moon",n"
+ " "villain": "Gru",n"
+ " "wiki": ""n"
+ " }
+ "]";
public static HoverflyRule hoverflyRule =
.willReturn(success(RESPONSE, "application/json"))
Hardcoded response
Starts in simulate
Program interactions
Benefits of Service Virtualization and Hoverfly
> Do not relay on network
Yet testing all stack trace
> Hoverfly multilanguage
Can be used as standalone proxy
> Hoverfly JVM
Integration with JVM proxy settings
Contract Tests
response Stub Server
Define Consumer Expectations Verify Expectations On Provider
public class CrimesConsumerContractTest {
@StubServer URL pactServer;
@Pact(provider = "crimes", consumer = "villains")
public RequestResponsePact returnListOfCrimes(PactDslWithProvider builder) {
return builder
.uponReceiving("Gru villain to get all Crimes")
public void should_get_list_of_crimes_by_villain() {
CrimesGateway crimesGateway = new CrimesGateway(webClient, pactServer);
final Single<JsonArray> gruCrimes = crimesGateway.getCrimesByVillainName("Gru");
Stub/proxy Server URL
Defines service interaction
Provides predefined Req/Res
Executes real requests
Consumer side
public class CrimesContractTest {
Target target;
public void should_validate_contract() {
Provider under validation
Location of contracts
Http Client
Asserts All Interactions are correct
Provider side
Benefits of CDC and Pact
> Pact Foundation
Pact specification v3
> Integration with several languages
JVM, Ruby, Python, Go, .Net, Swift, JS
> Pact Broker
Sharing contracts, API documentation, Overview of services
> Arquillian Algeron
Arquillian ecosystem + Pact, Publishers/Retrievers, JBoss Forge
> Consumer Driven Contracts
Fail fast
Independent deployments
Improve communication
Containers Are Burning
Testing Containers
docker build -t myorg/myservice:1.0.0 .
docker run --rm -ti -p 8080:8080 myorg/myservice:1.0.0
docker-compose up
mvn clean test
docker-compose stop
Docker Run
Docker Compose Run
Run tests
Stop Docker Containers
Arquillian Cube Example
public class HelloWorldTest {
@DockerUrl(containerName = "helloworld", exposedPort = 8080)
RequestSpecBuilder requestSpecBuilder;
public void should_receive_ok_message() {
.assertThat().body("status", equalTo("OK"));
Arquillian Runner
REST-Assured Integration
Environment Resolver
Normal REST-Assured Call
image: jonmorehouse/ping-pong
- "8080:8080"
Arquillian Cube DSL
@SpringBootTest(classes = PingPongController.class, webEnvironment = RANDOM_PORT)
@ContextConfiguration(initializers = PingPongSpringBootTest.Initializer.class)
public class PingPongSpringBootTest {
public static ContainerDslRule redis = new ContainerDslRule("redis:3.2.6")
TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
public void should_get_data_from_redis() {
Spring Boot Test
Custom Initializer
Container Definition
public static class Initializer implements
ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> {
public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext configurableApplicationContext) {
"" + redis.getIpAddress(),
"spring.redis.port=" + redis.getBindPort(6379)
Sets Container Environment
Arquillian Kube
public class HelloWorldTest {
KubernetesClient client;
URL url;
public void testRunningPodStaysUp() throws Exception {
Kubernetes Client
URL to Access Service
AssertJ Custom Assertions
Persistence Tests
First attempt
public void should_find_composer_by_name() {
// Given:
ComposersRepository composersRepository = new ComposersRepository();
// When:
Composer mozart = composersRepository.findComposerByName("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart");
// Then:
assertThat(mozart).returns("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart", Composer::getName);
Prepare Database
Execute Query
APE SQL example
public ArquillianPersistenceRule arquillianPersistenceRule =
new ArquillianPersistenceRule();
RdbmsPopulator rdbmsPopulator;
public void populateData() {
// Given:
APE JUnit Rule
(not necessary with
Arquillian Runner)
Set DBUnit usage
Configure Connection and Dataset
- id: 1
name: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
birthdate: 27/1/1756
died: 5/12/1791
APE SQL example
public void clean_database() {
// Given:
Clean After Test
Clean Database
Benefits of Arquillian APE
> Boilerplate Code
> Programmatic/Declarative
> SQL Support
DBUnit and Flyway
> RESTAPI Support
Postman Collections
> NoSQL Support
MongoDB, Couchbase, CouchDB, Vault, Redis, Infinispan
Visual Testing
Arquillian Drone
Arquillian Drone example
public class LoginScreenTest {
private WebDriver browser;
public void should_login_user() {
Arquillian Runner
Injection of WebDriver instance
Arquillian Graphene
Arquillian Graphene Page Object example
public class HomePage {
private UserPage userPage;
@FindBy(id = "submit")
private WebElement submitButton;
@FindBy(id = "form")
private LoginPopup loginPopup;
// methods
Location of the page
Another Page Object
Find web element by id
Page fragment
Arquillian Graphene example
public class LoginTest {
WebDriver webDriver;
public void should_create_a_new_speaker(@InitialPage HomePage homePage) {
homePage.login("username", "pasword");
Open given page
Use Page Object method
Docker and Selenium
Benefits of Graphene
> Reduces Configuration Code
> Page Object pattern
With extra features like AJAX-enabled, fragments, JQuery expressions
> Docker integration
Multiple versions, multiple browsers, recording
Speeding Test Execution
Production Sources Tests
Smart Testing Maven Extension
curl -sSL | bash
Installs extension
mvn clean test -Dsmart.testing="new, changed, affected"
Runs only new, changed and prod related tests
mvn clean test -Dsmart.testing.mode=ordering -Dsmart.testing="new, changed, affected”
Prioritize new, changed and prod related tests
More about Smart Testing
> Heuristics
new, changed, affected, failed and categorized
> Range of Commits
Define where you want to look at
> Configuration
System Properties or YAML file (global or per module)
> Jenkins Pipeline Shared Library
Integrate with your CI/CD pipeline
> Detection of none class changes
> Surefire based
Works with any kind of test that can be run in Surefire

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Testing XXIst CenturyAlex Soto
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Testing in the 21st Century (ExpoQA)
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10 Testing libraries any Java developer should know

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 Red Hat Engineer
  • 2. @alexsotob2 Alex Soto Red Hat Engineer @alexsotob Who Am I?
  • 6. @alexsotob JUnit Test @Test public void should_find_composer_by_name() { // Given: Composers composers = new Composers(); // When: final Composer mozart = composers.findComposerByName("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart"); // Then: assertEquals("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart", mozart.getName()); assertEquals(Era.CLASSICAL, mozart.getEra()); assertEquals(LocalDate.of(1756, 1, 27), mozart.getBirthdate()); assertEquals(LocalDate.of(1791, 12, 5), mozart.getDied()); } 6 Readable name BDD style AssertEquals Order Depends On Equals
  • 8. @alexsotob AssertJ Test import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat; @Test public void should_find_composer_by_name() { // Given: Composers composers = new Composers(); // When: final Composer mozart = composers.findComposerByName("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart”); // Then: assertThat(mozart.getName()).isEqualTo("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart”); assertThat(mozart).returns("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart", Composer::getName); assertThat(mozart.getBirthdate()).isEqualTo(LocalDate.of(1756, 1, 27)); assertThat(mozart).isEqualToComparingFieldByField(expectedMozart); assertThat(mozart).isEqualToIgnoringNullFields(expectedMozart); } 8 Static Import Readable Assertions Not Depending on Equals
  • 9. @alexsotob AssertJ Test Collections @Test public void should_find_operas_by_composer_name() { // Given: Composers composers = new Composers(); // When: final List<Opera> operas = composers.findOperasByComposerName("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart"); // Then: assertThat(operas) .hasSize(2) .extracting(Opera::getName) .containsExactlyInAnyOrder("Die Zauberflöte", "Don Giovanni”); } 9 Train Call (IDE support) Create List with getName Result Methods for String
  • 10. @alexsotob AssertJ Soft Assertions @Test public void should_find_composer_by_name_soft_assertions() { // Given: Composers composers = new Composers(); // When: final Composer mozart = composers.findComposerByName("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart"); // Then: SoftAssertions.assertSoftly(softly -> { softly.assertThat(mozart.getName()).isEqualTo("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart"); softly.assertThat(mozart.getEra()).isEqualTo(Era.CLASSICAL); softly.assertThat(mozart.getBirthdate()).isEqualTo(LocalDate.of(1756, 1, 27)); softly.assertThat(mozart.getDied()).isEqualTo(LocalDate.of(1791, 12, 5)); }); } 10 Java 8 Lambda All assertions in Block
  • 12. @alexsotob Try/Catch @Test public void should_throw_exception_if_composer_not_found() { // Given: Composers composers = new Composers(); // When: try { final Composer salieri = composers.findComposerByName("Antonio Salieri"); fail(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // Then: assertEquals("Composer Antonio Salieri is not found", e.getMessage()); } } 12 Fails if Success
  • 13. @alexsotob JUnit @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void should_throw_exception_if_composer_not_found_version_2() { // Given: Composers composers = new Composers(); // When: final Composer salieri = composers.findComposerByName("Antonio Salieri"); } 13 Special Attribute
  • 14. @alexsotob AssertJ Exceptions @Test public void should_throw_exception_if_composer_not_found_version_3() { // Given: Composers composers = new Composers(); // When: Throwable thrown = catchThrowable(() -> composers.findComposerByName("Antonio Salieri")); // Then: assertThat(thrown).isInstanceOf(IllegalArgumentException.class) .withFailMessage("Composer Antonio Salieri is not found”); } 14 Catch Exception of Lambda Assertion Methods for Exceptions
  • 16. @alexsotob16 Benefits of AssertJ > IDE Friendly Ctrl + Space works > Assertions Generation ComposerAssert.assertThat(mozart).hasName(“Mozart”).hasBirthdate(LocalDate.of(..); > Out-of-the-Box Assertions Guava, Joda, DB, Neo4j and Swing
  • 18. @alexsotob Asynchronous Call @Test public void should_play_operas() throws InterruptedException { // Given: final Opera nozzeDiFigaro = ...; Gramophone gramophone = new Gramophone(); // When:; // Then: TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(3); assertThat(gramophone.getCurrentOpera()).isEqualTo(nozzeDiFigaro); } 18 Asynchronous Call Slowest Machine Time
  • 20. @alexsotob Awaitility Example @Test public void should_play_operas_version_2() { // Given: final Opera nozzeDiFigaro = Composers.OperaFactory .createOpera("Le Nozze di Figaro") .language(Language.ITALIAN).librettist("Lorenzo Da Ponte") .roles("Count Almaviva", "Countess Rosina", "Susanna", "Figaro") .build(); Gramophone gramophone = new Gramophone(); // When:; // Then: await().atMost(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS).until(gramophone::isPlaying); assertThat(gramophone.getCurrentOpera()).isEqualTo(nozzeDiFigaro); } 20 Asynchronous Call Polls until True or Timeout
  • 22. @alexsotob22 Benefits of Awaitility > Deadlock Detection > Different Pollings Fixed, Fibonacci, Iterative, Custom > Simple Library No dependencies, No magic
  • 24. @alexsotob GET /Ludwig+van+Beethoven { "name": "Ludwig van Beethoven", "era": "ROMANTIC", "birthdate": {}, "died": {}, "operas": [ { "name": "Fidelio", "librettist": "Georg Friedrich Treitschke", "language": "GERMAN", "roles": ["Rocco", "Leonore", "Florestan"] } ] } 24 Simple Objects Array of Objects
  • 25. @alexsotob HttpClient Example @Test public void should_find_composer() throws IOException, URISyntaxException { // Given: URIBuilder uriBuilder = new URIBuilder("http://localhost:8080/"); uriBuilder.setPath("Ludwig van Beethoven"); // When: final Content bodyContent = Request.Get( .execute().returnContent(); String body = bodyContent.asString(); // Then: assertThat(body).contains(""name":"Ludwig van Beethoven"") .contains(""librettist":"Georg Friedrich Treitschke""); } 25 Prepare Connection Do connection Get content Manipulate String
  • 26. @alexsotob WebDriver Example // Given: WebDriver browser = new FirefoxDriver(); URIBuilder uriBuilder = new URIBuilder("http://localhost:8080/"); uriBuilder.setPath("Ludwig van Beethoven"); // When: browser.navigate().to(; // Then: assertThat(browser.getPageSource()).contains(""name":"Ludwig van Beethoven""); 26
  • 28. @alexsotob REST-assured Example @Test public void should_find_composer() { given() .when() .get("{composer}", "Ludwig van Beethoven") .then() .assertThat() .body("name", is("Ludwig van Beethoven")) .body("operas.size()", is(1)) .body("", hasItems("Fidelio")); } 28 GET Http Method with Placeholders GPath Expression
  • 29. @alexsotob REST-assured Example @Test public void should_insert_composer() { Composer composer = ....; given() .param("parameter1", "parameterValue") .body(composer) .when() .post() .then() .assertThat() .statusCode(201); } 29 Create POJO object Set Params Set POJO as Body POST Http Method Assertion on Status Code
  • 30. @alexsotob REST-assured Request Logging given().log().all(). .. // Log all request specification details given().log().params(). .. // Log only the parameters of the request given().log().body(). .. // Log only the request body given().log().headers(). .. // Log only the request headers given().log().cookies(). .. // Log only the request cookies given().log().method(). .. // Log only the request method given().log().path(). .. // Log only the request path 30
  • 32. @alexsotob REST-assured Request Specification .get("{composer}", "Ludwig van Beethoven") RequestSpecBuilder builder = new RequestSpecBuilder(); builder.setBaseUri(""); given().spec( 32 Use domain directly Use Spec Builder Reuse Everywhere
  • 33. @alexsotob REST-assured Auth given().auth().oauth2(accessToken).when()... given().auth().form("John", "Doe", springSecurity().withCsrfFieldName("_csrf")).when()... given().auth().basic("username", "password").when()... 33
  • 35. @alexsotob35 More Features of Rest-Assured > Custom Parsers Not just JSON and XML > SSL Support .relaxedHTTPSValidation() > Filters Input/Output modification > JSON Schema Validation Content not Important
  • 37. @alexsotob Service Virtualization Capture Mode 37 Service A External Network Service B Scripts Proxy
  • 38. @alexsotob Service Virtualization Simulate Mode 38 Service A External Network Service B Scripts Proxy
  • 40. @alexsotob Hoverfly Example @ClassRule public static HoverflyRule hoverflyRule = HoverflyRule.inCaptureOrSimulationMode("getcomposers.json"); @Test public void should_get_composers_from_composers_microservice() { // Given: ComposersGateway composersGateway = new ComposersGateway("", 8081); // When: Composer composer = composersGateway.getComposer("Ludwig van Beethoven"); // Then: assertThat(composer.getName()).isEqualTo("Ludwig van Beethoven"); } 40 Start Hoverfly Use Real Host Get Data from Real { "data" : { "pairs" : [{ "request" : { "path" : "/Ludwig van Beethoven", "method" : "GET", "destination" : “", ... } "response" : { "status" : 200, "body" : "{"name":"Ludwig van Beethoven",}", "encodedBody" : false, "headers" : { "Connection" : [ "keep-alive" ], ... } } } } Get Data from Proxy
  • 41. @alexsotob Hoverfly Example Simulate private static String RESPONSE = "[n" + " {n" + " "name": "Moon",n" + " "villain": "Gru",n" + " "wiki": ""n" + " } + "]"; @ClassRule public static HoverflyRule hoverflyRule = HoverflyRule.inSimulationMode(dsl( service("crimesdb:8080") .get("/crimes/Gru") .willReturn(success(RESPONSE, "application/json")) 41 Hardcoded response Starts in simulate Host Program interactions
  • 42. @alexsotob42 Benefits of Service Virtualization and Hoverfly > Do not relay on network Yet testing all stack trace > Hoverfly multilanguage Can be used as standalone proxy > Hoverfly JVM Integration with JVM proxy settings
  • 45. @alexsotob45 @RunWith(Arquillian.class) public class CrimesConsumerContractTest { @StubServer URL pactServer; @Pact(provider = "crimes", consumer = "villains") public RequestResponsePact returnListOfCrimes(PactDslWithProvider builder) { return builder .uponReceiving("Gru villain to get all Crimes") .path("/crimes/Gru") .method("GET") .willRespondWith() .status(200) .body(RESPONSE) .toPact(); } @Test @PactVerification("crimes") public void should_get_list_of_crimes_by_villain() { CrimesGateway crimesGateway = new CrimesGateway(webClient, pactServer); final Single<JsonArray> gruCrimes = crimesGateway.getCrimesByVillainName("Gru"); } Stub/proxy Server URL Defines service interaction Provides predefined Req/Res Executes real requests Consumer side
  • 46. @alexsotob46 @RunWith(Arquillian.class) @Provider("crimes") @ContractsFolder("~/crimescontract") public class CrimesContractTest { @ArquillianResource Target target; @Test public void should_validate_contract() { assertThat(target).withUrl(getCrimesServer()).satisfiesContract(); } } Provider under validation Location of contracts Http Client Asserts All Interactions are correct Provider side
  • 48. @alexsotob48 Benefits of CDC and Pact > Pact Foundation Pact specification v3 > Integration with several languages JVM, Ruby, Python, Go, .Net, Swift, JS > Pact Broker Sharing contracts, API documentation, Overview of services > Arquillian Algeron Arquillian ecosystem + Pact, Publishers/Retrievers, JBoss Forge > Consumer Driven Contracts Fail fast Independent deployments Improve communication
  • 50. @alexsotob Testing Containers docker build -t myorg/myservice:1.0.0 . docker run --rm -ti -p 8080:8080 myorg/myservice:1.0.0 docker-compose up mvn clean test docker-compose stop 50 Docker Run Docker Compose Run Run tests Stop Docker Containers
  • 52. @alexsotob Arquillian Cube Example @RunWith(Arquillian.class) public class HelloWorldTest { @ArquillianResource @DockerUrl(containerName = "helloworld", exposedPort = 8080) RequestSpecBuilder requestSpecBuilder; @Test public void should_receive_ok_message() { RestAssured .given() .spec( .when() .get() .then() .assertThat().body("status", equalTo("OK")); } } 52 Arquillian Runner REST-Assured Integration Environment Resolver Normal REST-Assured Call helloworld: image: jonmorehouse/ping-pong ports: - "8080:8080" src/test/docker/docker-compose.yml
  • 53. @alexsotob Arquillian Cube DSL @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) @SpringBootTest(classes = PingPongController.class, webEnvironment = RANDOM_PORT) @ContextConfiguration(initializers = PingPongSpringBootTest.Initializer.class) public class PingPongSpringBootTest { @ClassRule public static ContainerDslRule redis = new ContainerDslRule("redis:3.2.6") .withPortBinding(6379); @Autowired TestRestTemplate restTemplate; @Test public void should_get_data_from_redis() { } 53 Spring Boot Test Custom Initializer Container Definition public static class Initializer implements ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> { @Override public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext configurableApplicationContext) { EnvironmentTestUtils.addEnvironment("testcontainers", configurableApplicationContext.getEnvironment(), "" + redis.getIpAddress(), "spring.redis.port=" + redis.getBindPort(6379) ); Sets Container Environment
  • 55. @alexsotob Arquillian Kube @RunWith(Arquillian.class) public class HelloWorldTest { @ArquillianResource KubernetesClient client; @Named(“hello-world-service") @PortForward @ArquillianResource URL url; @Test public void testRunningPodStaysUp() throws Exception { assertThat(client).deployments().pods().isPodReadyForPeriod(); } } 55 Kubernetes Client URL to Access Service AssertJ Custom Assertions
  • 57. @alexsotob First attempt @Test public void should_find_composer_by_name() { // Given: clearDatabase(jdbcUri); insertComposersData(jdbcUri); ComposersRepository composersRepository = new ComposersRepository(); // When: Composer mozart = composersRepository.findComposerByName("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart"); // Then: assertThat(mozart).returns("Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart", Composer::getName); } 57 Prepare Database Execute Query
  • 59. @alexsotob APE SQL example @Rule public ArquillianPersistenceRule arquillianPersistenceRule = new ArquillianPersistenceRule(); @DbUnit @ArquillianResource RdbmsPopulator rdbmsPopulator; @Before public void populateData() { // Given: rdbmsPopulator.forUri(jdbcUri).withDriver(Driver.class).withUsername("sa") .withPassword("").usingDataSet("composers.yml") .execute(); } 59 APE JUnit Rule (not necessary with Arquillian Runner) Set DBUnit usage Configure Connection and Dataset Populate composers: - id: 1 name: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart birthdate: 27/1/1756 died: 5/12/1791
  • 60. @alexsotob APE SQL example @After public void clean_database() { // Given: rdbmsPopulator.forUri(jdbcUri).withDriver(Driver.class).withUsername("sa") .withPassword("").usingDataSet("composers.yml") .clean(); } 60 Clean After Test Clean Database
  • 62. @alexsotob62 Benefits of Arquillian APE > Boilerplate Code > Programmatic/Declarative @UsingDataSet/@ShouldMatchDataSet > SQL Support DBUnit and Flyway > RESTAPI Support Postman Collections > NoSQL Support MongoDB, Couchbase, CouchDB, Vault, Redis, Infinispan
  • 66. @alexsotob Arquillian Drone example @RunWith(Arquillian.class) public class LoginScreenTest { @Drone private WebDriver browser; @Test public void should_login_user() { driver.get(""); driver.findElement("loginForm:login")).click(); } } 66 Arquillian Runner Injection of WebDriver instance
  • 68. @alexsotob Arquillian Graphene Page Object example @Location("login.xhtml") public class HomePage { @Page private UserPage userPage; @FindBy(id = "submit") private WebElement submitButton; @FindBy(id = "form") private LoginPopup loginPopup; // methods } 68 Location of the page Another Page Object Find web element by id Page fragment
  • 69. @alexsotob Arquillian Graphene example @RunWith(Arquillian.class) public class LoginTest { @Drone WebDriver webDriver; @Test public void should_create_a_new_speaker(@InitialPage HomePage homePage) { homePage.login("username", "pasword"); } } 69 Open given page Use Page Object method
  • 72. @alexsotob72 Benefits of Graphene > Reduces Configuration Code > Page Object pattern With extra features like AJAX-enabled, fragments, JQuery expressions > Docker integration Multiple versions, multiple browsers, recording
  • 75. @alexsotob Smart Testing Maven Extension curl -sSL | bash 75 Installs extension mvn clean test -Dsmart.testing="new, changed, affected" Runs only new, changed and prod related tests mvn clean test -Dsmart.testing.mode=ordering -Dsmart.testing="new, changed, affected” Prioritize new, changed and prod related tests
  • 77. @alexsotob77 More about Smart Testing > Heuristics new, changed, affected, failed and categorized > Range of Commits Define where you want to look at > Configuration System Properties or YAML file (global or per module) > Jenkins Pipeline Shared Library Integrate with your CI/CD pipeline > Detection of none class changes @WatchFile("src/main/resources/META-INF/ > Surefire based Works with any kind of test that can be run in Surefire