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Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
can be achieved through
- focusing on the present moment
   & quieting the inner dialogue
       Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
    Deep Breathing
   Listening to Music
  Cleaning the House
Observing Own Thoughts
   Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Quiet Mind
   Thinking mind becomes quiet
Prevents focusing on the stressors of
        your day or your life
         Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Being In The Now
Prevents focusing on the past or the future.
  Let’s you experience each moment and
                letting it go
           Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Altered State of Consciousness
increases brain activity on happiness,
   positive thoughts and emotions
          Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Meditation Technique:

1.   Sit in a comfortable
2.   Quiet your mind by
     thinking of nothing
3.   Think of yourself as
     an ‘observer of
     your thoughts’
4.   Notice your
     thoughts but do
     not engage
5.   When thoughts
     pop in your mind,
     just let them go

                        Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
                              Meditation Technique

                              1.      Focus on something intently,
                                      but don’t engage your
                                      thoughts about it
                              2.      Focus on something visual,
                                      like a statue or sounds of
                                      ocean waves; or your own
                              3.      Focus on simple concept, like
                                      ‘unconditional compassion’
                                      where you stay in the present
                                      moment and avoid thoughts
                                      from your mind until you slip
                                      into an altered state of

Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Meditation Technique

1.   Engage in a repetitive
     activity, or one where
     you can get ‘in the
     zone’ and experience
2.   Quiets the mind as
     you allow your brain
     to shift to work
     activities like
     gardening, creating
     artwork, yoga, etc

                       Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness Technique:

                            1. Stay in the present
                            2. Focus on your body’s
                            3. Focus on emotions
                               and where you feel
                               them in your body
                            4. Do not examine
                               why you feel them
                            5. Just experience the
                               feeling as sensation
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Meditative Prayer

1. Purify your heart
2. Let God 'speaks,'
   rather than just
3. Continue the

               Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Prayer as a tool
    First Posted 02:38am (Mla time) 03/07/2007

In this techno age when every day is a race against time, for better lifestyle
and social status, it’s a must that one is equipped with all the necessary
survival tools. A practical tool one should never part with is prayer. Yes!
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God through deep and sincere dialogue with
Upon waking up, before uttering a word or drinking coffee, just stay still
and talk to God. The conversation will not only bless you, it will also give
you a sense of direction on how to deal with the day’s pressure and
requirements. If you can wake up an hour earlier so much the better; but if
you’re not used to it yet, a few minutes should be enough to draw you into
God’s circle.
Start with praise and thanksgiving, then submission of self, say your
request, seek forgiveness, then ask for guidance and protection. Continue
doing this activity every day until God becomes the center of your life and
you just revolve around Him. Mind you, it’s really worth it.            ZARA JANE   JUAN
• significant
                                             reductions in
                                             anxiety and

Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
• enjoy greater
  satisfaction in
  and deal with
  stress more

              Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
• reduction in
                                             & increase in

Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
• Improvement
  in emotions &
  greater self-
  acceptance &

            Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
• helps people
                                             keep from
                                             dwelling on

Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
• decrease
  anxiety over
  the future

            Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
• mental
                                             break from
                                             thoughts to

Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Pain caused
by mismanagement of stress

       Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Purpose of Stress &
Ways to Manage it

     Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan

Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms
                                       Cognitive Symptoms

                                                    • Memory problems
                                               • Inability to concentrate
                                                        • Poor judgment
                                             • Seeing only the negative
                                           • Anxious or racing thoughts
                                                   • Constant worrying Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
                              Mindfulness &
Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms

                                                                         Physical Symptoms

                                                           • Aches and pains
                                                    • Diarrhea or constipation
                                                          • Nausea, dizziness
                                                  • Chest pain, rapid heartbeat
                                                           • Loss of sex drive
                                                             • Frequent colds Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
                              Mindfulness &
Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms

                                                                 Emotional Symptoms

                                                     • Moodiness
                                    • Irritability or short temper
                                   • Agitation, inability to relax
                                        • Feeling overwhelmed
                             • Sense of loneliness and isolation
                                       • Depression or general
                                       Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms
                                         Behavioral Symptoms

                   • Eating more or less
        • Sleeping too much or too little
         • Isolating yourself from others
          • Procrastinating or neglecting
  • Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to
       • Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting)
           Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
How do you respond to stress?

• Foot on the gas – An angry or agitated stress
  response. You’re heated, keyed up, overly
  emotional, and unable to sit still.

                 • Foot on both – A tense and frozen stress
                   response. You “freeze” under pressure and
                   can’t do anything. You look paralyzed, but
                   under the surface you’re extremely agitated.

 • Foot on the brake – A withdrawn or
   depressed stress response. You shut
   down, space out, and show very little
   energy or emotion.

                       Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
•     Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health
               •   WHO > Programmes and projects > Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity & Health

• Unhealthy diets and physical inactivity are two of
    the main risk factors for raised blood pressure,
       raised blood glucose, abnormal blood lipids,
     overweight/obesity, and for the major chronic
  diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer,
                                       and diabetes.

• Overall, 2.7 million deaths are attributable to low
                           fruit and vegetable intake
   • Overall, 1.9 million deaths are attributable to
                                   physical inactivity.

         Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
In the recent report of the World Health Organization,
           Lifestyle diseases such as stroke, cancer, diabetes,
                Obesity & hypertension claimed the lives
                  of men and women at their prime age
                     leaving their family behind and a
                  fruitful career that suppose to bring a
                   big difference in the development of
                         the economy worldwide.

     It is in this call that Wellness Series on Tour was born in 2008
        with the aim of educating & inspiring everyone to protect
                               one’s own health
                         through the host’s formula of
             wellness in mind, body, environment & economics
                    as tools for peace & nation building

Supported by wellness practitioners & health advocates now aptly called
    ZARA (Zone of Advocates for Refinement Anywhere), it received
                   citations and endorsements from
               The Office of the President NCRFW, NCDA,
 Philippine Heart Center, Philippine Lung Center, Philippine Academy of
              Rehabilitation Medicine, businesses & civic clubs

                 Wellness Tour became a regular need of
  private offices, government agencies, civic organizations nationwide.
                   Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
 Wellness Series
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Wellness in Mind & Body
 Focusing & Breathing

      Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Wellness in MIND &BODY


       Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mind + Body + Spirit + Environment
   = Good Economics = Peace

           Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
      sound mind
    nourished body
     nurtured spirit
  healthy environment
       Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  has a lot to do with our

        Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
How can our Personality
 contributes to Stress?

consist of our emotions,
  memory, thoughts,
 physical look, dreams,
imaginations, reactions,
  attitude, habit, etc.
      Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
= given by birth
= acquired

        Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
•To manage stress is
 to find your Inner
•Think, what it is
       Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
•What is that
 that you want to
      Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
… the Personality
that you want
other people to
see in you…
      Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan


 Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:

     Take time to nourish
      your discriminating
    taste.. view plays, visit
      museums, listen to
      classical music, etc
                                Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
• The leaves good source of calcium, iron,
  ascorbic acid and phosphorus.
• Young pods, seeds & flowers anti-oxidant,
  anti-diabetic, circulatory stimulations
• lowers blood pressure, aid in pains caused by
  rheumatism, headaches and migraines, anti-
  tumor plant
• also used for purgative and anti-fungal

                  Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan

  Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:

    Friendliness is
peace work in process.
   Love them all.
 Do not discriminate
                        Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
• improve impotence, sexual dysfunction, night
  blindness, long term cough
• strengthens kidney and eliminates cold
• anti-cancer effect
• folic acid fight against free radicals
  (substances that cause cancer)
• lignin strengthen immune system to fight
  against cancerous cells
• a good diet for hypertensive people

                 Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
• Wellness Tip:

• Carrot and spinach juices
  prepared in 3:2 ratio are highly
  recommended for the relief of

            Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan


Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:

  In giving we forget
   in receiving… we
     must remember
              Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
• Rich in Vitamin C
• iron content is exceptional
• a good source of manganese
• Calcium
• high in potassium
• a valuable therapy for kidney stones
• diuretic for rheumatism, menstrual insufficiency
  and settles the stomach
• Improves appetite
• Vitamin C assists the absorption of the valuable
  quantity of iron in the body

                   Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan

  Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Get hold of
yourself before
you present it!
  Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
• vitamin C
• Vitamin A,
• Potassium
• Lycopene, antioxidant, neutralizing free
  radicals in the body
• 10 servings of tomatoes/week can cut the
  risk of developing prostate cancer by 45 %
• help prevent lung cancer for smokers

                     Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan


   Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:

             Find beauty
    in all things, situations and
       people you don’t like
      That way your focus of
      discussion will always be
         on the bright side
                   Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
•   Good for:
•   Asthma
•   Bronchitis
•   Tuberculosis
•   Pneumonia
•   Rheumatism
•   Prevent kidney stone
•   Helps lower cholesterol
•   Helps prevent diabetes
•   Arthritis
•   High blood pressure
•   desire for liquor/ alcohol is reduced by drinking orange juice

                                 Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan


 Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:

      Being poor is an
      insult to humanity
       No one is poor.
        Everything given is a
                Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
• Vitamin C, beta-carotene, and folic acid, all
  found in bell peppers significantly reduced
  risk of colon cancer.
• vitamin C-rich foods, such as bell and chili
  peppers protection against arthritis;
• vitamin A-rich foods, such as bell peppers
  good for smokers

                       Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan

 Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:

  To get the best result,
     master the art of
  perfect timing to your
       loved ones.
                        Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
•   Breast cancer
•   Cholesterol: reduce the excessive production of cholesterol from the liver.
•   Diabetes
•   Digestive disorder: aids bowel movements.
•   Fatigue: drink a glass of grapefruit juice with lemon juice in equal parts with a
    little honey,
•   Fever
•   Insomnia: promote sleep and alleviates insomnia.
•   Pregnant woman: reduce water retention and swelling of the legs during
•   Sore throat: relieve sore throats and soothes coughs.
•   Stomach and pancreatic cancer: anti-cancer agents
•   Weight-loss: This fruit has a fat-burning enzyme and can help to absorb and
    reduce the starch and sugar in the body.

                                       Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
• Note: Grapefruit contains high levels of
  flavonoid naringin that will reject
  synthetic man-made drugs. The presence
  of grapefruits may halt the metabolism of
  these drugs, leaving the drugs in your
  body thus creating the risk of toxic
• Take only in moderation. Excessive
  consumption of any citrus juices can leach
  calcium from the body system, causing
  decay of the bones and teeth.

            Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan

 Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:

    Your ideas do not have
    expiration date because
   you can improve it day by
       day. Go! Proceed!
       Make it happen!
                    Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
• stop cancer cells from spreading in breast cancer by
  ridding the body of excess estrogen.
• beneficial in the digestive system
• Vitamin C helps to strengthen and maintain the elasticity
  of arteries.
• FAT BURNING enzyme absorb and reduce the starch and
  sugar in the body.

                             Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan

   Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:

   Love your heart, your face
         and your looks,
  don’t cause distortion to your
         beautiful self….
     So avoid being angry
                            Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan

• soothing food for the nerves.
• maintains blood cholesterol level
• high in calcium, potassium and
  magnesium, together with lots of B
  complex – all vital to a healthy nervous

             Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan


Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:

      Wisdom is learning to
    understand people around
    Just maintain a pure heart
    and pure thoughts will pour
               out …
                    Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
•   effective remedy for intestinal worms
•   reduces excess water buildups
•   effective in treatment of hemorrhoids, colitis, sore
    throat and menstrual disorders.
•   effective antioxidant, fights bacterial and viral
    infections, and does help the body to absorb iron
•   source of Vitamin B1converting blood sugar into
•   good for the heart as it reduces blood clots in the

           Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan


Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:

        rest…pray…work… hope…

            but when you pray,
               make it early
             before deadline,
        to give heaven the time to
                            Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
•   prevent damage to our neurons
•   helps in the production and absorption of iron in the
    body, thus leading to better blood circulation, which
    further leads to the growth of healthy tissues.
•   prevent any other infection of the eye, in the long run.
•   anti-cancer agents that may help prevent the growth of
    cancerous cells and tumors in the body.
•   cleansing agents that keep the blood pure and prevent
    complications of the heart.
•   Vitamin C against health conditions like asthma and colon

                   Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
For Proper Nourishment
     check out this
 Food Pyramid as our
    Nutrition Guide
        per day

     Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
And we need
     to eat or drink
Fresh fruits & vegetables
@ 2-5 servings per day.

       Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
For effective daily
Detoxification, try out
  the Rainbow Diet

       Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
                       HEALTHY LIFE CHART

         Protects       Prevents       Blocks       Improves           Cushions
APPLES   your heart     constipation   diarrhea     lung capacity      joints

AVOCADOS    Battles     Lowers         Helps stop     Controls           Smoothes
            diabetes    cholesterol    strokes        blood              skin

GARLIC   Lowers         Controls       Combats        Kills bacteria     Fights
         cholesterol    blood          cancer                            fungus

BEANS    Prevents       Helps           Lowers          Combats          Stabilizes
         constipation   hemorrhoids     cholesterol     cancer           blood sugar
CABBAGE Combats       Prevents        Promotes      Protects your Helps
        cancer        constipation    weight loss   heart         hemorrhoids

CARROTS   Saves         Protects       Prevents        Combats     Promotes
          eyesight      your heart     constipation    cancer      weight loss

CAULIFLO Protects       Combats        Strengthen Banishes         Guards
WER      against        breast         s bones    bruises          against
         prostate       cancer                                     heart
         cancer                                                    disease

BANANAS    Protects     Quiets         Strengthen Controls         Blocks
           your         cough          bones      blood            diarrhea
           heart                                  pressure

CHILI      Aids         Soothes        Clears         Combats      Boosts
PEPPERS    digestion    sore throat    sinuses        cancer       immune
GRAPE Protects          Promotes      Helps       Combats        Lowers
FRUIT against heart     weight loss   stops       prostate       cholesterol
      attack                          strokes     cancer

GREEN     Combats       Protects      Helps       Promotes       Kills
TEA       cancer        your heart    stops       weight loss    bacteria

MANGOES     Combats     Boosts        Regulates   Aids digestion Shields
            cancer      memory        thyroid                    against

MUSHROOM      Controls Lowers         Kills       Combats        Strengthen
              blood    cholesterol    bacteria    caner          bones

OATS      Lowers        Combats       Battles     Prevents       Smoothes
          cholesterol   cancer        diabetes    constipation   skin
ONIONS    Reduced          Combats       Kills       Lowers          Fights
          risks of heart   cancer        bacteria    cholesterol     fungus

PEANUTS      Protects      Promotes      Combats     Lowers
             against       weight loss   prostate    cholesterol
             heart                       cancer

PINEAPPLE     Strengthen Relieves        Aids        Dissolves
              bones      colds           digestion   warts

TOMATOES      Protects     Combats       Lowers      Protects your
              prostate     cancer        cholesterol heart

WATER     Promotes         Combats       Conquers    Smoothes
          weight loss      cancer        kidney      skin
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Wellness in
 (within self)

  Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mind + Body + Spirit + Environment
   = Good Economics = Peace

           Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Wellness in
  (with other people)

      Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan

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Mindfulness & Wellness - Stress Management, Health & Yoga Retreat by Amb Juan

  • 1. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 2. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 3. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 4. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 5. can be achieved through Meditation - focusing on the present moment & quieting the inner dialogue Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 6. Meditation Deep Breathing Listening to Music Cleaning the House Observing Own Thoughts Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 7. Quiet Mind Thinking mind becomes quiet Prevents focusing on the stressors of your day or your life Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 8. Being In The Now Prevents focusing on the past or the future. Let’s you experience each moment and letting it go Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 9. Altered State of Consciousness increases brain activity on happiness, positive thoughts and emotions Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 10. Basic Meditation Technique: 1. Sit in a comfortable position 2. Quiet your mind by thinking of nothing 3. Think of yourself as an ‘observer of your thoughts’ 4. Notice your thoughts but do not engage 5. When thoughts pop in your mind, just let them go Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 11. Focused Meditation Technique 1. Focus on something intently, but don’t engage your thoughts about it 2. Focus on something visual, like a statue or sounds of ocean waves; or your own breathing 3. Focus on simple concept, like ‘unconditional compassion’ where you stay in the present moment and avoid thoughts from your mind until you slip into an altered state of consciousness. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 12. Activity-Oriented Meditation Technique 1. Engage in a repetitive activity, or one where you can get ‘in the zone’ and experience ‘flow.’ 2. Quiets the mind as you allow your brain to shift to work activities like gardening, creating artwork, yoga, etc Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 13. Mindfulness Technique: 1. Stay in the present moment 2. Focus on your body’s sensations 3. Focus on emotions and where you feel them in your body 4. Do not examine why you feel them 5. Just experience the feeling as sensation Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 14. Meditative Prayer 1. Purify your heart 2. Let God 'speaks,' rather than just listening 3. Continue the dialogue Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 15. Prayer as a tool Inquirer First Posted 02:38am (Mla time) 03/07/2007 In this techno age when every day is a race against time, for better lifestyle and social status, it’s a must that one is equipped with all the necessary survival tools. A practical tool one should never part with is prayer. Yes! Seek ye first the Kingdom of God through deep and sincere dialogue with Him. Upon waking up, before uttering a word or drinking coffee, just stay still and talk to God. The conversation will not only bless you, it will also give you a sense of direction on how to deal with the day’s pressure and requirements. If you can wake up an hour earlier so much the better; but if you’re not used to it yet, a few minutes should be enough to draw you into God’s circle. Start with praise and thanksgiving, then submission of self, say your request, seek forgiveness, then ask for guidance and protection. Continue doing this activity every day until God becomes the center of your life and you just revolve around Him. Mind you, it’s really worth it. ZARA JANE JUAN
  • 16. • significant reductions in anxiety and depressive symptoms Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 17. • enjoy greater satisfaction in relationships, and deal with stress more constructively Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 18. • reduction in sleep disturbance & increase in sleep quality Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 19. • Improvement in emotions & behaviors, greater self- awareness, acceptance & compassion Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 20. • helps people keep from dwelling on negative thoughts. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 21. • decrease anxiety over the future Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 22. • mental break from stressful thoughts to gain perspective Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 23. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 24. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 25. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 26. Pain caused by mismanagement of stress Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 27. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 28. Purpose of Stress & Ways to Manage it Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 29. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 30. . Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 33. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 34. Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms Cognitive Symptoms • Memory problems • Inability to concentrate • Poor judgment • Seeing only the negative • Anxious or racing thoughts • Constant worrying Wellness by Zara Jane Juan Mindfulness &
  • 35. Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms Physical Symptoms • Aches and pains • Diarrhea or constipation • Nausea, dizziness • Chest pain, rapid heartbeat • Loss of sex drive • Frequent colds Wellness by Zara Jane Juan Mindfulness &
  • 36. Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms Emotional Symptoms • Moodiness • Irritability or short temper • Agitation, inability to relax • Feeling overwhelmed • Sense of loneliness and isolation • Depression or general unhappiness Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 37. Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms Behavioral Symptoms • Eating more or less • Sleeping too much or too little • Isolating yourself from others • Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities • Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax • Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting) Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 38. How do you respond to stress? • Foot on the gas – An angry or agitated stress response. You’re heated, keyed up, overly emotional, and unable to sit still. • Foot on both – A tense and frozen stress response. You “freeze” under pressure and can’t do anything. You look paralyzed, but under the surface you’re extremely agitated. • Foot on the brake – A withdrawn or depressed stress response. You shut down, space out, and show very little energy or emotion. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 39. Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health • WHO > Programmes and projects > Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity & Health • Unhealthy diets and physical inactivity are two of the main risk factors for raised blood pressure, raised blood glucose, abnormal blood lipids, overweight/obesity, and for the major chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes. • Overall, 2.7 million deaths are attributable to low fruit and vegetable intake . • Overall, 1.9 million deaths are attributable to physical inactivity. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 40. In the recent report of the World Health Organization, Lifestyle diseases such as stroke, cancer, diabetes, Obesity & hypertension claimed the lives of men and women at their prime age leaving their family behind and a fruitful career that suppose to bring a big difference in the development of the economy worldwide. It is in this call that Wellness Series on Tour was born in 2008 with the aim of educating & inspiring everyone to protect one’s own health through the host’s formula of wellness in mind, body, environment & economics as tools for peace & nation building Supported by wellness practitioners & health advocates now aptly called ZARA (Zone of Advocates for Refinement Anywhere), it received citations and endorsements from The Office of the President NCRFW, NCDA, Philippine Heart Center, Philippine Lung Center, Philippine Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine, businesses & civic clubs Wellness Tour became a regular need of private offices, government agencies, civic organizations nationwide. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 41. ZARA JANE JUAN Wellness Series
  • 42. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 43. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 44. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 45. Wellness in Mind & Body Focusing & Breathing exercises Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 46. Wellness in MIND &BODY breath…detox…focus… nourish….relax… Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 47. Wellness Mind + Body + Spirit + Environment ___________________________ = Good Economics = Peace Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 48. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 49. STRESS MANAGEMENT sound mind nourished body nurtured spirit healthy environment Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 50. STRESS MANAGEMENT has a lot to do with our Personality Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 51. How can our Personality contributes to Stress? Personalities consist of our emotions, memory, thoughts, physical look, dreams, imaginations, reactions, attitude, habit, etc. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 52. Personalities = given by birth = acquired Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 53. •To manage stress is to find your Inner Personality •Think, what it is Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 54. •What is that Personality that you want to develop… Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 55. … the Personality that you want other people to see in you… Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 56. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 57. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 58. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 59. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 60. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 61. colors DARK GREEN CONSERVATIVE & PRECIOUS Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 62. Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip: Take time to nourish your discriminating taste.. view plays, visit museums, listen to classical music, etc Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 63. MALUNGGAY • The leaves good source of calcium, iron, ascorbic acid and phosphorus. • Young pods, seeds & flowers anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, circulatory stimulations • lowers blood pressure, aid in pains caused by rheumatism, headaches and migraines, anti- tumor plant • also used for purgative and anti-fungal purposes Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 64. colors ORANGE FRIENDLY, WARM & UNDEMANDING Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 65. Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip: Friendliness is peace work in process. Love them all. Do not discriminate Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 66. CARROTS • improve impotence, sexual dysfunction, night blindness, long term cough • strengthens kidney and eliminates cold • anti-cancer effect • folic acid fight against free radicals (substances that cause cancer) • lignin strengthen immune system to fight against cancerous cells • a good diet for hypertensive people Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 67. • Wellness Tip: • Carrot and spinach juices prepared in 3:2 ratio are highly recommended for the relief of VARICOSE VEINS Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 68. colors GREEN RELAXED & GENEROUS Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 69. Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip: In giving we forget in receiving… we must remember Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 70. PARSLEY • Rich in Vitamin C • iron content is exceptional • a good source of manganese • Calcium • high in potassium • a valuable therapy for kidney stones • diuretic for rheumatism, menstrual insufficiency and settles the stomach • Improves appetite • Vitamin C assists the absorption of the valuable quantity of iron in the body Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 71. colors RED POWERFUL, BOLD & AGGRESSIVE Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 72. Get hold of yourself before you present it! Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 73. TOMATOES • vitamin C • Vitamin A, • Potassium • Lycopene, antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals in the body • 10 servings of tomatoes/week can cut the risk of developing prostate cancer by 45 % • help prevent lung cancer for smokers Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 74. colors YELLOW ORANGE HONEST & SOCIABLE Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 75. Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip: Find beauty in all things, situations and people you don’t like That way your focus of discussion will always be on the bright side Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 76. ORANGE • Good for: • Asthma • Bronchitis • Tuberculosis • Pneumonia • Rheumatism • Prevent kidney stone • Helps lower cholesterol • Helps prevent diabetes • Arthritis • High blood pressure • desire for liquor/ alcohol is reduced by drinking orange juice Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 77. colors MAROON COMFORTABLE & HIGH-END Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 78. Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip: Being poor is an insult to humanity No one is poor. Everything given is a blessing. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 79. BELL & CHILI PEPPERS • Vitamin C, beta-carotene, and folic acid, all found in bell peppers significantly reduced risk of colon cancer. • vitamin C-rich foods, such as bell and chili peppers protection against arthritis; • vitamin A-rich foods, such as bell peppers good for smokers Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 80. colors PINK CAPTIVATING, SEDUCTIVE & ROMANTIC Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 81. Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip: To get the best result, master the art of perfect timing to your loved ones. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 82. GRAPEFRUIT • Breast cancer • Cholesterol: reduce the excessive production of cholesterol from the liver. • Diabetes • Digestive disorder: aids bowel movements. • Fatigue: drink a glass of grapefruit juice with lemon juice in equal parts with a little honey, • Fever • Insomnia: promote sleep and alleviates insomnia. • Pregnant woman: reduce water retention and swelling of the legs during pregnancy. • Sore throat: relieve sore throats and soothes coughs. • Stomach and pancreatic cancer: anti-cancer agents • Weight-loss: This fruit has a fat-burning enzyme and can help to absorb and reduce the starch and sugar in the body. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 83. • Note: Grapefruit contains high levels of flavonoid naringin that will reject synthetic man-made drugs. The presence of grapefruits may halt the metabolism of these drugs, leaving the drugs in your body thus creating the risk of toxic poisoning. • Take only in moderation. Excessive consumption of any citrus juices can leach calcium from the body system, causing decay of the bones and teeth. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 84. colors RED-ORANGE LIVELY, EXPRESSIVE & YOUTHFUL Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 85. Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip: Your ideas do not have expiration date because you can improve it day by day. Go! Proceed! Make it happen! Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 86. POMELO • stop cancer cells from spreading in breast cancer by ridding the body of excess estrogen. • beneficial in the digestive system • Vitamin C helps to strengthen and maintain the elasticity of arteries. • FAT BURNING enzyme absorb and reduce the starch and sugar in the body. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 87. colors TAN CALM & INVITING Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 88. Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip: Love your heart, your face and your looks, don’t cause distortion to your beautiful self…. So avoid being angry Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 89. OATS • soothing food for the nerves. • maintains blood cholesterol level • high in calcium, potassium and magnesium, together with lots of B complex – all vital to a healthy nervous system Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 90. colors YELLOW W/ WISDOM & PATIENCE Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 91. Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip: Wisdom is learning to understand people around us… Just maintain a pure heart and pure thoughts will pour out … Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 92. PINEAPPLE • effective remedy for intestinal worms • reduces excess water buildups • effective in treatment of hemorrhoids, colitis, sore throat and menstrual disorders. • effective antioxidant, fights bacterial and viral infections, and does help the body to absorb iron • source of Vitamin B1converting blood sugar into energy • good for the heart as it reduces blood clots in the blood-stream. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 93. colors BLUE SPIRITUAL & DIGNIFIED Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 94. Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip: rest…pray…work… hope… but when you pray, make it early before deadline, to give heaven the time to prepare Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 95. PLUMS / PRUNES • prevent damage to our neurons • helps in the production and absorption of iron in the body, thus leading to better blood circulation, which further leads to the growth of healthy tissues. • prevent any other infection of the eye, in the long run. • anti-cancer agents that may help prevent the growth of cancerous cells and tumors in the body. • cleansing agents that keep the blood pure and prevent complications of the heart. • Vitamin C against health conditions like asthma and colon cancer Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 96. For Proper Nourishment check out this Food Pyramid as our Nutrition Guide per day Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 97. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 98. And we need to eat or drink Fresh fruits & vegetables @ 2-5 servings per day. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 99. For effective daily Detoxification, try out the Rainbow Diet Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 100. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 101. FRUIT & VEGETABLE HEALTHY LIFE CHART Protects Prevents Blocks Improves Cushions APPLES your heart constipation diarrhea lung capacity joints AVOCADOS Battles Lowers Helps stop Controls Smoothes diabetes cholesterol strokes blood skin pressure GARLIC Lowers Controls Combats Kills bacteria Fights cholesterol blood cancer fungus pressure BEANS Prevents Helps Lowers Combats Stabilizes constipation hemorrhoids cholesterol cancer blood sugar
  • 102.
  • 103. CABBAGE Combats Prevents Promotes Protects your Helps cancer constipation weight loss heart hemorrhoids CARROTS Saves Protects Prevents Combats Promotes eyesight your heart constipation cancer weight loss CAULIFLO Protects Combats Strengthen Banishes Guards WER against breast s bones bruises against prostate cancer heart cancer disease BANANAS Protects Quiets Strengthen Controls Blocks your cough bones blood diarrhea heart pressure CHILI Aids Soothes Clears Combats Boosts PEPPERS digestion sore throat sinuses cancer immune system
  • 104.
  • 105. GRAPE Protects Promotes Helps Combats Lowers FRUIT against heart weight loss stops prostate cholesterol attack strokes cancer GREEN Combats Protects Helps Promotes Kills TEA cancer your heart stops weight loss bacteria strokes MANGOES Combats Boosts Regulates Aids digestion Shields cancer memory thyroid against Alzheimer’s MUSHROOM Controls Lowers Kills Combats Strengthen blood cholesterol bacteria caner bones pressure OATS Lowers Combats Battles Prevents Smoothes cholesterol cancer diabetes constipation skin
  • 106.
  • 107. ONIONS Reduced Combats Kills Lowers Fights risks of heart cancer bacteria cholesterol fungus attack PEANUTS Protects Promotes Combats Lowers against weight loss prostate cholesterol heart cancer disease PINEAPPLE Strengthen Relieves Aids Dissolves bones colds digestion warts TOMATOES Protects Combats Lowers Protects your prostate cancer cholesterol heart WATER Promotes Combats Conquers Smoothes weight loss cancer kidney skin stones
  • 108. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 109. Wellness in MIND & BODY (within self) Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 110. Wellness Mind + Body + Spirit + Environment ___________________________ = Good Economics = Peace Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 111. Wellness in SPIRIT & ENVIRONMENT (with other people) Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 112. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 113. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 114. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 115. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 116. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 117. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 118. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 119. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 120. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 121. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 122. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
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  • 130. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 131. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
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  • 162. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
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  • 170. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 171. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
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  • 180. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan
  • 181. Mindfulness & Wellness by Zara Jane Juan