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Facebook	Ads	for	B2B	Leaders
Facebook	Ads
Learn	to	Recognize	and	Write	Great	Facebooks	Ads
What	Makes	A	Great	Ad?
A	Guide	for	B2B	Marketers
Will	Marlow	Agency
The	Principles	of	Advertising
If	you	understand	the	fundamentals	 of	ad	writing,	
it	doesn’t	matter	where	the	ad	appears.
My	hero	David	Ogilvy,	known	as	the	father	of	modern	advertising,	wrote	
extensively	on	what	makes	great	ads,	and	his	guidance	is	still	valid	today,	even	if	it	
is	largely	ignored,	and	we	draw	on	his	expertise	heavily.
My	other	hero,	the	fictional	Don	Draper,	said	that	you	should	bathe	yourself	in	ads	
if	you	want	to	be	a	great	ad	writer.	
This	eBook	is	meant	to	help	marketers	become	better	ad	writers	by	
1. highlighting	Facebook	Ads	that	work	well,
2. highlighting	Facebook	Ads	that	are	terrible,	and
3. helping	you	consider	lots	of	ads	at	once.
This	approach	to	teaching	ad	writing	is	premised	on	the	belief	that	repetition	
breeds	excellence.		That	is,	if	you	are	studying	painting,	you	are	better	off	
spending	six	months	paintings	100	portraits	rather	than	six	months	trying	to	make	
one	portrait	perfect.		We	want	you	to	look	through	these	ads	that	follow	to	be	
able	to	make	quick	judgments	on	whether	the	ad	is	powerful.
My	hero	David	Ogilvy,	known	as	the	father	of	modern	advertising,	wrote	
extensively	on	what	makes	great	ads,	and	his	guidance	is	still	valid	today,	even	if	it	
is	largely	ignored,	and	we	draw	on	his	expertise	heavily.
My	other	hero,	the	fictional	Don	Draper,	said	that	you	should	bathe	yourself	in	ads	
if	you	want	to	be	a	great	ad	writer.
And	you	should	do	so	in	the	context	of	the	following	9	questions,	because	as	the	
great	Tony	Robbins	says,	the	quality	of	your	results	is	determined	by	the	quality	of	
your	questions.		You	should	think	about	the	following	questions	as	you	are	writing	
your	own	ads,	and	you	should	start	by	thinking	about	these	questions	in	the	
context	of	the	ads	that	follow.
Finally,	I	want	to	point	out	that	advertising	in	the	digital	arena	is	an	eco-system.		
You	are	always	competing	for	the	attention	of	your	audience,	and	you	are	not	
always	competing	against	your	direct	competitors.		
It	is	critically	important	to	understand	that	the	following	ads	were	drawn	from	
only	twopeople.		This	means	that	approximately	200	ads	were	in	the	Facebook	
Newsfeeds	of	two	people.		That	is	a	lot	of	ads.			
I	have	tried	to	group	the	ads	in	a	sensible	way:	i.e.,	ads	for	the	New	York	Times	are	
next	to	ads	for	the	Wall	Street	Journal,	and	desktop	ads	are	separated	from	
mobile	ads.		But	even	though	the	Wall	Street	Journal	is	directly	competing	with	
the	New	York	Times,	it	is	also	competing	with	Whirlpool,	Dyson,	the	
Commonwealth	of	Virginia,	and	IBM,	all	of	whom	are	buying	ads	to	reach	the	
same	people.
It	helps	to	remember	that	your	ads	need	to	stand	out	not	only	against	your	
competitors,	but	against	all	other	ads	that	are	reaching	the	same	individual.		
What	follows	are	the	questions	you	should	consider	when	looking	at	the	ads.		I	
hope	you	find	this	exercise	useful	in	becoming	a	more	effective	marketer.	
1. Does	the	headline	grab	your	attention?	David	Ogilvy	said	that	when	
someone	sees	your	ad,	the	headline	will	be	read	80%	more	frequently	
than	the	lower	body	copy,	and	we	believe	that	this	is	still	true.		If	you	
make	your	headline	more	effective,	you	are	going	to	have	far	better	
results	than	if	you	spend	time	dithering	with	the	less-read	subtext.	
2. Does	the	headline	evoke	a	compelling	emotion?	Selling	is	not	an	
entirely	rational	thing.		If	you	are	simply	trying	to	state	the	facts,	you	
are	unlikely	to	stand	out.
3. Does	the	image	grab	your	attention?	Since	the	beginning	of	
advertising,	there	has	been	a	war	between	the	art	department	and	the	
copy	department	over	which	is	more	important.		My	own	position	is	that	
you	need	to	excel	somewhere.		You	can’t	make	a	great	ad	if	you	have	
mediocre	copy	and	mediocre	art.		But	you	can	make	a	great	ad	if	you	
are	excel	only	in	one	of	the	two	areas
4. Does	the	image	evoke	a	compelling	emotion?	Once	your	attention	is	
grabbed,	you	need	to	be	compelled	to	do	something.		We	believe	that	
the	image	should	evoke	an	emotion	of	some	type,	just	like	the	copy.
5. Does	the	ad	hold	your	interest?	
6. Does	the	ad	appeal	to	your	ego?
7. Does	the	ad	appeal	to	your	sense	of	greed?	Or	more	nicely	put,	does	it	
appeal	to	your	“expectation	of	gain?”
8. Does	the	ad	appeal	to	your	sense	of	fear?	It	is	important	to	note	that	
“fear	of	loss”	is	significantly	more	motivational	than	anticipation	of	
gains.	Some	studies	show	that	the	fear	of	losing	$50	is	more	
motivational	than	the	expectation	of	gaining	$500.
9. Does	compel	you	to	take	an	action,	and	is	the	action	clear?
The	same	ad	does	not	need	to	hit	all	of	these	points.	You	can	have	a	great	ad	that	
appeals	to	greed	and	not	fear,	for	instance.		But	you	can’t	have	a	great	ad	that	
misses	all	of	these	points.		And	now	that	you	know	them,	I	encourage	you	to	
bathe	yourself	in	the	ads	that	follow	and	see	how	they	measure	up.		
Don’t	forget	that	even	the	bad	ads	were	likely	approved	by	more	than	one	
professionally	trained	marketer,	which	should	give	you	hope	that	there	is	plenty	of	
room	for	you	to	be	a	leader	in	this	industry.	
-Will	Marlow
Analysis:	Strong	ad:	plays	on	“anticipation	of	gain”	– get	$300	
toward	accomplishing	a	goal.	However,	it	should	be	noted	that	“fear	
of	loss”	is	generally	more	effective.	People	are	more	motivated	by	a	
fear	of	losing	$50	than	by	the	possibility	of	gaining	$500.	Still,	good	
job	to	Google	for	providing	a	compelling	incentive.
Analysis:	Unlike	the	previous	page	which	showed	a	strong	ad	from	
Google,	this	is	a	weak	ad	from	Bing.	At	best,	this	is	an	“awareness”	
ad	– it	is	attempting	to	motivate	via	fear,	but	it	fails	because	the	fear	
is	completely	ill-defined:	anyone	“at	risk”	of	missing	the	30%	of	
searchers	who	use	Bing	is	already	missing	them,	and	has	lived	with	
the	consequences	of	this	risk	for	a	long	time.		Fear	needs	to	be	real	
in	order	to	be	credible	in	an	ad.
Grade:	F.
Analysis:	This	is	slightly	better	than	the	previous	Bing	Ad	– it	plays	on	
the	“anticipation	of	gain”	with	the	$100	ad	credit,	and	it	gives	a	
meaningful	size	of	opportunity	by	highlighting	the	56M	searchers	in	
their	network	– much	better	than	the	other	ad	that	highlights	“30%	
of	searchers”	which	is	a	meaningless	number	– 30%	could	be	a	lot	or	
a	little	depending	on	how	you	define	it.
Grade:	B
Analysis:	Another	terrible	ad	– this	is	essentially	an	informational	or	
awareness	play	at	best.		We	see	these	a	lot:	they	come	from	
marketers	who	think	that	all	a	consumer	needs	is	more	information	
about	their	product	– then	they’ll	buy!	Alas,	this	is	not	effective.	This	
ad	gets	an	F.	
Grade:	F.
Analysis:	We	are	not	fans	of	this	ad	– it	is	not	an	“F”	because	it	uses	
a	proven	“click-bait”	headline	to	attract	the	target	audience:	people	
interested	in	cloud	trends.	 But	we	can’t	give	this	ad	above	a	“C”	due	
to	the	absence	of	a	compelling	reason	for	downloading	the	report.	It	
should	have	said	something	like,	“The	Top	Ten	Cloud	Trends	for	
2017”	that	will	change	the	way	you	do	business”	– playing	on	fear	of	
the	unknown	and	relevance	to	their	life.	
Grade:	C.
Analysis:	This	is	a	strong	ad	– it	may	not	play	on	greed	or	fear,	but	it	
does	intrigue	people	into	seeing	data	visualizations	that	changed	
history,	which	can	play	on	a	desire	to	change	history	if	targeted	at	
the	right	group	of	people	– those	who	are	actively	creating	data	
Grade:	B
Analysis:	This	is	another	bad	ad.	It	mixes	fear	+	gain,	but	it	fails	to	
execute	on	either	approach.	The	hero	image	orders	the	audience	to	
“delight	their	customers	every	time”	without	providing	any	real	
information,	and	the	description	stokes	fear	by	saying	that	
businesses	are	failing	at	marketing,	but	doesn’t	finish	the	thought.		
This	ad	should	be	rewritten	as:	“9/10	businesses	are	failing	at	digital	
marketing.	Read	this	ebook to	avoid	ending	up	like	one	of	them.”	
Grade:	F-
Analysis:	This	is	an	outstanding	ad:	everyone	hates	meetings,	and	
avoiding	25%	of	your	meetings	is	a	super	tangible	benefit.	On	top	of	
that,	they	get	points	for	using	humor	in	a	B2B	ad,	which	is	rarely	
Grade:	A+
Analysis:	This	ad	is	another	hohum B2B	ad	– where	is	the	benefit?	
Where	is	the	gain?	Where	the	fear	of	loss?	The	benefit	(reaching	
new	audiences	and	re-engaging	followers)	is	compelling	if	you	
believe	it,	and	if	you’re	already	interested,	but	it	would	work	better	
if	it	said	something	like:	“We	found	that	making	just	one	change	can	
lead	to	an	average	uptick	of	124%	in	ROI	on	social	media	marketing.	
Learn	how.”	
Grade:	C+
Analysis:	This	is	a	completely	terrible	ad	– written	by	insiders,	for	
insiders.		It	asks	the	intriguing	question:	is	there	any	difference	among	
the	dozens	of	BI	tools	out	there?	Of	course	there	is,	but	who	cares?	No	
one,	unless	you	phrase	the	question	differently.	Such	as:	“Picking	the	
right	BI	tool	can	save	you	hundreds	of	thousands	of	dollars.	Good	
thing	we	made	a	free	BI	comparison	guide	just	for	you.”
Grade:	F
Analysis:	I	want	to	give	this	ad	an	A+,	because	I	love	
as	a	company,	but	I	just	can’t	do	it.	This	ad	is	too	confusing:	it	talks	
about	mapping	out	marketing,	then	planning	a	customer	journey,	
and	the	benefit	statement	is	muddled:	“70%	of	top	marketers	say	
customer	journeys	lead	to	revenue	growth.”	That’s	a	meaningless	
statement:	who	are	“top”	marketers?	WTF	is	a	customer	journey?	
Why	do	I	care	what	marketers	“say”?	
Grade:	F
Analysis:	This	is	another	bad	ad,	which	is	painful	for	me	to	say,	
because	I	love	as	a	company.	This	ad	needs	to	be	
more	direct,	as	in:	“Find	out	why	70%	of	marketers	believe	that	
“customer	journeys”	are	leading	them	to	more	revenue.”
Grade:	F
Analysis:	This	could	be	a	great	ad,	but	it’s	not.		Too	unclear.		Unless	I	
read	the	fine	print,	I	won’t	know	that	this	is	a	landing	page	
benchmark	report,	and	that	lack	of	clarity	makes	it	all	less	
compelling	– the	general	“Conversion	Benchmark	Report”	is	simply	
not	specific	enough	to	entice	me.	It	should	say:	“You	can	finally	find	
out	if	your	landing	pages	are	performing	better	or	worse	than	your	
Grade:	F
Analysis:	I’m	really	getting	sick	of	looking	at	terrible	ads.	As	much	as	
I	want	to	like	it,	the	message	in	the	ad	below	is	muddled,	and	again,	
no	benefit	statement.	It	also	seems	like	they	could	go	a	humorous	
angle	with	something	like	this,	as	in:	“Does	Your	LinkedIn	Profile	
Have	B.O.?		Clean	yourself	up	with	our	new	LinkedIn	Professional	
Profile	Kit.”	I	often	tell	clients:	I’ll	test	any	message,	and	I’d	love	to	
test	their	boring	ad	below	against	a	“B.O.”	version.
Grade:	D
Analysis:	I	admit	that	I’m	very	biased	here.	First,	I	can’t	believe	that	
the	US	Postal	Service	could	produce	a	good	ad	(which	they	didn’t)	
and	I	don’t	care	about	millennial	stereotypes	regarding	ROI,	so	I	
have	no	incentive	to	click	on	the	ad	below.	They	should	have	been	
direct:	“Find	out	the	shockingly	high	ROI	of	Direct	mail	[free	
report].”	And	if	I	ran	their	ads,	I	would	A/B	test	it	against	“You’ll	be	
shocked	to	learn	the	ROI	of	Direct	mail	in	2017	[Free	Study].”	
Grade:	F
Analysis:	This	is	a	reasonable	ad:	beautiful	imagery	of	a	conference	
room	that	you	could	use,	a	good	description	of	amenities,	but	still	
lacking	an	incentive.	Scheduling	a	tour?	That’s	an	imposition,	an	
inconvenience.		They	could	at	least	offer	some	benefit,	as	in:	
“Schedule	A	Tour	(The	Freshly	Brewed	Coffee	Will	Be	On	Us)”.
Grade:	F
Analysis:	This	ad	is	also	terrible	– no	benefit,	no	incentive,	no	reason	
to	click.	Instead	of	the	flat	line	“Commercial	Real	Estate	Jobs”	they	
could	at	least	say	“The	Most	Rewarding	Jobs	In	Commercial	Real	
Grade:	F
Analysis:	Finally,	a	great	ad	from	I	love	their	eye-
catching	statistics,	and	even	though	they	don’t	have	a	tangible	
benefit,	they	go	better	with	an	intangible:	countless	high-fives.
Grade:	A+
Analysis:	This	is	all	feature,	and	no	benefit.	They	should	say:	“Still	
using	spreadsheets?	After	reading	this,	you’ll	agree	that	you’ve	been	
flushing	money	down	the	toilet.”
Grade:	F
Analysis:	This	feels	like	the	most	common	B2B	ad.	Nothing	but	
descriptive	text.	This	one	below	is	begging	for	FOMO,	and	should	be	
re-written	as:	“Why	Everyone	Is	Taking	BI	To	The	Cloud.”
Grade:	C
Analysis:	This	is	an	OK	ad.	As	a	B2B	marketer,	it	is	intriguing	to	see	
wonder	what	the	3	main	challenges	are,	and	I’m	a	big	fan	of	the	
“Complete	Guide”	incentives.
Grade:	B+
Analysis:	This	ad	is	identical	to	the	one	on	the	previous	page	– worth	
seeing	that	their	A/B	test	is	purely	on	the	visual,	as	everything	else	is	
the	same.
Grade:	B+
Analysis:	I	would	change	2	things	about	this	ad:	make	the	“increase	
sales”	line	hard	hitting	by	adding	a	#,	as	in	“Increase	Sales	2x,”	and	
I’d	eliminate	a	bunch	of	words	elsewhere	– lots	of	wasted	verbage.
Grade:	C
Analysis:	Finally,	another	good	one.	Huge	benefit	statement,	
meaningfully	focused.	Also,	they	hit	the	“ease	of	use”	angle	well.	It’s	
a	little	odd	that	the	imagery	is	so	terrible.
Grade:	A-
Analysis:	This	is	pretty	good	– there’s	a	clear	statement	of	value	
given	the	promise	of	quick	information.	Moz also	projects	
confidence	in	their	ability	to	monetize	traffic,	given	the	lack	of	a	CTA.
Grade:	A-
Analysis:	This	is	better	than	the	IBM	desktop	ad	from	above.	It	is	
clearly	written,	and	they	hint	at	a	benefit	with	“more	conversions.”	If	
they	pushed	that	benefit	further	I	would	bump	them	a	letter	grade.
Grade:	B-
Analysis:	This	is	an	example	of	an	ad	that	could	be	great	with	the	
right	Facebook	targeting:	if	you	hit	an	audience	with	this	problem,	a	
“Dummies”	guide	communicates	a	nice	time-to-value	incentive.	
Grade:	B
Analysis:	Who	expected	a	good	ad	from	Microsoft?	Not	me,	so	no	
surprise	here.	Honestly,	I	have	no	idea	what	they	are	trying	to	sell	
with	this	ad	below.
Grade:	F- - -
Analysis:	I	have	to	give	WordStream credit	here:	the	benefit	is	as	
clear	as	can	be,	as	long	as	you	know	what	a	bid	is,	which	is	a	
targeting	issue.
Grade:	A
Analysis:	This	is	a	terrible	ad,	because	they	mix	“Maximize	Potential	
Deductions”	with	“Save	60%”	With	“Stay	Organized.”	My	advice	to	
whoever	wrote	this	ad:	pick	a	knife,	then	plunge	it	hilt-deep.
Grade:	F
Analysis:	This	is	a	pretty	good	one	– it’s	a	real	“free	ice	cream	for	
everyone”	ad.	This	is	one	of	those	messages	that	sounds	great,	but	
rarely	drive	sales.	Still,	hard	to	argue	with	trying	it.
Need	more?
We	do	two	things:	run	data-driven	marketing	
campaigns,	and	teach	people	how	to	run	data-driven	
marketing	campaigns.
Email	us	for	more.

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