resilience fractal social organizations adaptive systems organization society antifragile behaviors dependability healthcare fractal organizations social organizations computational antifragility antifragile engineering elasticity mutual assistance communities processors computer architectures computer design compilers programming languages algorithms parallel computing evolvability software reliability fault-tolerance behavior multi-agent simulation identity digital ecosystems service-oriented communities cyber-physical societies socio-technical systems perception history of computing system programming programming software safety collective adaptive systems services fractals service science fall detection dynamic systems modularity behavioral method general systems theory win-win mutualistic relationships pervasive computing ubiquitous computing quality of service reflective variables reflection redundancy error recovery software fault-tolerance distributed systems embedded systems c programs permutation of words combinatorics distributed algorithms interaction faults context-awareness human-computer interaction complex adaptive systems games fractal music generative music computer music music sociotechnical systems fidelity hierarchy theory robustness smarter planet buckminster fuller smarter organizations community smarter systems service systems engineering catalyst services metarchies community resilience crisis management value co-creation code; machine; environment; system model; fault mo performance analysis pervasive social computing social energy e-referral social computing c language object orientation in c fidelity software engineering human-computer inter sustainability haikudeck philosophy telemonitoring ambient assistance environment behavioral ecoregion strategy-environment fit system-environment fit purpose teleology boulding cybernetics wiener leibniz entelechy metaphysics substance syste resilie holarchies qualia computational qualia application-level fault-tolerance web applications recovery languages fault-injection visualization parallel systems hypermedia applications hypermedia www apperception semantic service description semantic processing semantic service matching reliability composition open systems application-leven fault-tolerance human errors adaptive user interfaces situation awareness context- awareness service orientation measurement techniques n-version programming redundancy dimensioning fault-masking voting turing machine lex yacc syntactical analysis flex bison parsing lexycal analysis pipelined processors algorithmic parallelism tuneable parallelism gossiping autonomic systems situation identification attacks security user interfaces individual and collective systems and behaviors complex systems
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