vce psychology classical conditioning operant conditioning negative reinforcement positive reinforcement skinner vcepsychology cbt pathological gambling dopamine reward system naltraxone dopamine ssris depression biofeedback gaba benzodiazepenes hpa axis stress response fight-flight response allostatice load allostatis allostatic response transactional model lazarus and folkman dimensional approach mental health hans seyle general adaptation syndrome gas seyle insight learning kohler observational learning punishment elements of operant conditioning response cost parital reinforcement schedules of reinforcement skinner box law of effect instrumental learning instrumental conditioning puzzle box experiment trial and error learning thorndike sensitive periods of learning experience expectant learning critical periods of learning experience dependent learning one trial learning taste aversion garcia and koelling aversion therapy 3 phase model of operant conditioning spontaneous recovery extinction of conditioned behaviour pavlov pavlovian conditioning synaptic pruning rerouting developmental plasticity sprouting plasticty of the brain neural migration synaptogenesis adpative plasticity myelination nmda receptors neural basis of learning cerebellum hippocampus glutamate thalamus amygdala unit 4 psychology reflexes maturation fixed action pattern
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