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Brain surface
using game
visualizationswithUnity/Unreal → 
Petteri Teikari, PhD
Neurology,UCL, London
Version “14/12/20“
Visualize simple “Tuftean” clinically-
relevantvectorizedsurfacesfor clinicians,
Slides are compiled mostly for people into 3D visualization,
computer graphics, game developers who have not seen so many
many brain visualizations necessarily.
Overview of brains are currently being visualized and how could
be upgraded
e.g. 1mm3
Withlabel masksforhematoma
Labelmaskskept for
surface soyoucan
easilye.g.“peel off” in
XRbrain around
Could start modularwith2 models,but thiscould be eventually end-to-end model of course
(well surface+uncertainty)
visualizationdevcouldbe done
Start with simplewireframes, advance
to morephotorealistic renders,
scalable to XR applications. Use
Ideaillustrated: Real-time interactive 3DModel
See the moodboardend of this slideshow for more visualizations
Visualize the brain vasculature ifthatisthatinterestof the clinician (e.g.CT Angiography)
Nowelletal. 2016
Ideaillustrated: What complexity level?
Nowelletal. 2016
Looking pretty vsbeing understood by the end-users(e.g. datascientistsand clinicians). You need todo a
usabilitystudyonthe user experience (UX) atsome pointif you startdeveloping newvisualization tools
Looking pretty requiresalsoheavier hardware? Isthisalwaysfound in hospitals(no!), and same visualization
pipeline could have variouscomplexitylevelsimplemented? Or write anew “wireframe”library if the current
off-the-shelfphotorealisticrenderersyou are happywith?
Howlowpolyyoucango whilestillkeepingthevisualized
planar surfaces
Easytosimplify this
Easier tomodelbrainsof species
lowpolygang Artby 🚲 Art by  @andreykrygov
Youhave yoursegmentationmodel
BONE (Semi-Auto)
Mesh→ Unreal/Unity WebGL, etc. ifyou are into visualization→ 
Helpingbrainsurgeonspractice withreal-time
simulationAugust30,2019bySébastien Lozé
In their 2018 paper Enhancement Techniquesfor Human AnatomyVisualization, Hirofumi
Seo and Takeo Igarashi state that “Human anatomy is so complex that just visualizing it in
traditional ways is insufficient for easy understanding…” To address this problem, Seo has
proposed a practical approach to brain surgery using real-time rendering with
Now Seo and his team have taken this concept a step further with their 2019 paper 
Real-Time Virtual Brain Aneurysm ClippingSurgery, where they demonstrate an
application prototype for viewing and manipulating a CG representation of a
patient’sbrain in real time.
The software prototype, made possible with a grant (Grant Number JP18he1602001) from 
JapanAgencyforMedical Researchand Development(AMED), helps surgeons visualize a patient’s
uniquebrainstructurebefore, during,and after anoperation.
BrainBrowser isanopensourcefree3DbrainatlasbuiltonWebGLtechnologies,
ituses Three.JStoprovide3D/layeredbrainvisualization. Reviewedin
Interaction betweenVolumeRendered3DTextureandMeshObjects
Easythentovisualizeon computer/VR/MR/AR
VisualizingMRI &CT Scans inMixedReality /VR/AR,Part 4:
MattO'Connor July30,
Reconstruction, and
Using Augmentedand
VirtualReality (2020)
Vascular models niceto be3D printed for surgery practice, but
Makingthe Brains physicalwith 3D Printing
Makingdatamatter:Voxelprintingforthe digital
fabricationof data acrossscalesanddomains
Christoph Bader et al. The Mediated Matter Group,Media Lab,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridg (30 May2018)
We present a multimaterial voxel-printing method that
enables the physical visualization of data sets commonly
associated with scientific imaging. Leveraging voxel-based
control of multimaterial three-dimensional (3D) printing, our
method enables additive manufacturing of discontinuous data
types such as point cloud data, curve and graph data, image-
based data, and volumetric data. By converting data sets into
dithered material deposition descriptions, through
modifications to rasterization processes, we demonstrate that
data sets frequently visualized on screen can be converted into
physical, materiallyheterogeneousobjects.
Representative 3D-printed models of image-based data. (A) In vitro reconstructed living human lung
tissue on a microfluidic device, observed through confocal microscopy (29). The cilia, responsible for transporting
airway secretions and mucus-trapped particles and pathogens, are colored orange. Goblet cells, responsible for
mucus production, are colored cyan. (B) Biopsy from a mouse hippocampus, observed via confocal expansion
microscopy(proExM) (30). The 3D print visualizesneuronal cell bodies, axons, and dendrites.
(H) White matter tractography data of the human brain, created with the
3D Slicer medical image processing platform (37), visualizing bundles
of axons, which connect different regions of the brain. The original data
wereacquiredthroughdiffusion-weighted(DWI) MRI.
Probablistic data-driven deeplearningprobably the best bet here
already with current models
Surface (mesh orNURBS) fromvolumetricdata
FastSurfer- Afastandaccurate deep learning
Leonie Henschel et al. German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE),Bonn, Germany (9Oct 2019) Citedby17
To this end, we introduce an advanced deep learning architecture
capable of whole brain segmentation into 95 classes in
under 1 minute, mimicking FreeSurfer’s anatomical
segmentation and cortical parcellation. The network architecture
incorporates local and global competition via competitive dense
blocks and competitive skip pathways, as well as multi-slice
information aggregation that specifically tailor network
performance towards accurate segmentation of both
corticaland sub-corticalstructures.
Further, we perform fast cortical surface reconstruction and
thickness analysis by introducing a spectral spherical
embedding and by directly mapping the cortical labels from the
image to the surface. This approach provides a full FreeSurfer
alternative for volumetric analysis (within 1 minute) and
surface-based thickness analysis (within only around
1h run time). For sustainability of this approach we perform
extensive validation: we assert high segmentation accuracy on
several unseen datasets, measure generalizability and
demonstrate increased test-retest reliability, and increased
sensitivity to disease effectsrelative to traditional FreeSurfer.
Surface (mesh orNURBS) fromvolumetricdata#2
Surface-BasedConnectivity Integration
Martin Cole et al. (2020)
DeepCSR:A3D Deep LearningApproachforCorticalSurface
RodrigoSantaCruz et al. (2020)
Moreover, DeepCSR isasaccurate, more precise, and faster thanthe widelyused FreeSurfer toolboxand itsdeep
learningpowered variant FastSurfer on reconstructing cortical surfacesfrom MRIwhichshould facilitatelarge-scale
medical studiesand new healthcare applications.
Surface (mesh orNURBS) fromvolumetricdata#3
Futureworkwillconcentrateon generalisationofthemethod tosurface
reconstructioninthepresenceof pathologiesandreconstructionofother typesof
Surface (mesh orNURBS) fromvolumetricdata#4
JunGao,Chengcheng Tang,VigneshGanapathi-Subramanian,Jiahui Huang, Hao Su, LeonidasJ. Guibas Universityof
Toronto;VectorInstitute;Tsinghua University; Stanford University; UCSan Diego
(Submittedon 12Jan2019) -Citedby14
See also orbingol/NURBS-Python
Reconstruction ofgeometrybased ondifferentinputmodes,suchasimagesorpoint
clouds,hasbeen instrumentalin thedevelopmentof computeraided design and
involvedtheuseof spline-based representations attheircore. Mostsuchmethods
attempttosolveoptimization problemsthatminimizean output-target mismatch.
However,theseoptimization techniques requireaninitializationthatiscloseenough,as
they arelocalmethods by nature.Weproposea deeplearningarchitecturethat
adaptstoperform splinefittingtasks accordingly, providingcomplementaryresults
to theaforementionedtraditionalmethods.
To tacklechallengeswiththe 2Dcases suchas multiplesplineswithintersections,
we use a hierarchical Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) Krauseetal.2017
trained with
ground truth labels, to predict a variable number of spline curves, each with an
In the 3D case, we reconstruct surfaces of revolution and extrusion without sel-
fintersection through an unsupervised learning approach, that circumvents the
requirement for ground truth labels. We use the Chamferdistance to measure the
distance between the predicted point cloud and target point cloud. This architecture is
generalizable, since predicting other kinds of surfaces (like surfaces of sweeping or
NURBS), would require only a change of this individual layer, with the rest of the
Petteri: What would be the open-source workflow in production with NURBS?
Harder to use Rhinoceros 3D in production (open question)
HaveCT-MRIpairsfortesting? #1: UseMRIsegmentationforCT
intracranialdataStolk etal.(2017)
HaveCT-MRIpairsfortesting? #2: Use MRIsegmentation for CT
Meshresampling? Already in surfacereconstruction net?
Controlthe complexity ofthebrain mesh for the platform used to
viewthe render
How suitable aretriangular meshes actually? Howeasy to simplify
e.g. comparedto NURBS? Do youhavea NURBSpresentation
that youjustconvert to meshes if thevisualization library only
support meshes?
May2018SmartInnovation,DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-59480-4_7
Manymeshsimplificationtoolsignore UVsor don'tdoagreat
Limitations. There are at least two main areas where our
approach can further be developed, both related to time
performance. First, the eigenvectors need to be computed at the
beginning of the algorithm, while one may seek computing them at
query time, when needed. Second, our cost evaluation involves fairly
large matrices, at each evaluation which could be optimized using an
approximation scheme
YiZhou,ChengleiWu,ZimoLi,ChenCao,YutingYe,JasonSaragih,HaoLi,Yaser Sheikh
Coarse-to-fineupsampling aswell with deep learning
topological updates of Loop Subdivision, but predicting vertex positions using a neural
network conditioned on the local geometry of a patch. This approach enables us to
learn complex non-linear subdivision schemes, beyond simple linear averaging used in
classicaltechniques.Oneofour keycontributionsisa novel self-supervised training
setup that only requires a set of high-resolution meshes for learning network
weights. For any training shape, we stochastically generate diverse low-resolution
discretizations of coarse counterparts, while maintaining a bijective mapping that
Startdevelopingcomputationally lightvisualization withaframework
thatscalesto fancierphotorealisticrendersaswell
“VRx”: A MedgadgetBook Interview with AuthorDr.
Brennan Spiegel
The most readily available benefits of XR are in the
form of visualizations of 3D anatomy and real-time
display of anatomy and tooling. There are currently
no published prospective clinical trials using
AR or XR in human subjects. However, given the
rapid development in the field, we expect to see
human data in the near future. The XR hardware
landscape is changing rapidly. Future hardware
advances should improve visual realism and user
comfort. Incorporation of haptic feedback into
XR systems may be an important breakthrough for
interventional procedures.
Readers interested in more information about this
field, particularly XR display hardware considerations,
should consult our previous review [23]. The
book Mixed and Augmented Reality in
Medicine [24] will be of interest to readers looking
for an in-depth resourceabout XRin medicine.
KeeptheExtendedReality(XR-VR/ AR)optionopen #1
February2018 doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18864.05121
Conference: SPIE MedicalImaging2018,Project: VirtualRealityinMedicine
Simon Gunacker,MarkusGall,DieterSchmalstieg,Jan Egger
Virtualinteractionandvisualisationof 3Dmedicalimagingdata withVTK andUnity
Gavin Wheeler; Shujie Deng; NicolasToussaint;Kuberan Pushparajah; JuliaA. Schnabel;John M. Simpson;Alberto
Gomez Healthcare TechnologyLetters ( Volume:5, Issue:5, 10 2018) - Cited by 17
Thesurfacerenderingtechniquesused in recentVR and AR medical visualisation systemsbuiltusing Unity requirea patient-specific
polygonalmodel oftheanatomy ofinterest. Such surfacemodelsaretypicallyderived frommedical imagesthrough
segmentation, using manual orsemi-automaticmethods.Inmostcases, thisinvolvesmanual effort,and thetimeand skill to do thismay
besignificant. Moreover, the segmentationprocessinherently losesinformationpresentin theoriginal volumedata.
Volumedata often do nothavepreciseboundaries, butvolumerendering allowstheuser to interactivelytunerendering parametersor
applyfilters,to achievethedesired appearance. By integratingvolume rendering in VR, weremovethe potentially
erroneoussegmentation stepsandgive theusermore flexibility andcontrol.
In thiswork, weaimto integrateVTK intoUnity to bring themedical imaging visualisation featuresof VTKinto interactivevirtual
environments developed using Unity. Particularly,wedescribea method to integrateVTKvolumerendering of 3Dmedical imagesinto a
VR Unityscene,and combinetherendered volumewithopaquegeometry,e.g.spherelandmarks.Wefocuson creatingcore
technology to enablethisandgivedevelopersandresearchersthe easeofuse andflexibility ofUnity combined with
thevolumerendering featuresof VTK.
High level workflowdiagramshowing thecommunication and interaction between
MeVisLab and theHTCVivevia OpenVR capsuled byan ownthread.
KeeptheExtendedReality(XR-VR/ AR)optionopen #2
NextMed,AugmentedandVirtualRealityplatform for 3Dmedical
González-Izard,S.AlonsoPlaza,Ó,Sánchez Torres, R.Juanes-Méndez,J.A.
García-Peñalvo, F.J.(2020)
The Grid Factory, a U.K.-based provider of NVIDIA GPU-accelerated services, is partnering with
telecommunications company Vodafone to showcase the potential of 5G technology with a network built at
Coventry University. Operating NVIDIACloudXR on the private 5G network, student nurses and healthcare
professionalscan experience lessonsand simulations invirtual realityenvironments.
KeeptheExtendedReality(XR-VR/ AR)optionopen #3
Validation of virtualreality orbitometry bridgesdigitaland physical worlds
MichaelReich,ClemensLange,CatherineEgan,AdnanTufail,PascalW. Hasler,Hendrik P.N.Scholl&PhilippeC.Cattin
ScientificReportsvolume10,Articlenumber: 11815(July2020)
In summary, the orbit and
possiblyall other three-
dimensionalspaces can be
non-invasively and digitally
visualized and measured in
close-to-reality conditions
and investigated with a
high precision using aVR
image display method that
measuredwhat it purportsto
measure. An objective diameter
measurement can be attained
to quantifythe dimensionsof
the orbit and improve spatial
awareness, diagnosis,
monitoringand pre-surgical
KeeptheExtendedReality(XR-VR/ AR)optionopen #4
Virtualreality in advanced medicalimmersive imaging: a workflow for introducing virtual reality asasupporting
tool in medicalimaging
MarkusM.Knodel,Babett Lemke,MichaelLampe,MichaelHoffer,ClarissaGillmann,MichaelUder,JensHillengaß, GabrielWittum&TobiasBäuerle
Computing andVisualization in Sciencevolume18,pages203–212(2018)
Our approach is based on the use of the graphical surface package VRL [4] (Visual Reflection
Library) which preserves various own packages and brings together third party single packages to
enable within one program the extraction of 3D volume and surface rendered CT and MRI image stacks.
Such an approach is based on a very intuitive and simple GUI (graphical user interface) to project them
into the virtual reality space within the environment of a versatile and prominent 3D virtual reality project,
namely COVISE / opencover (COllaborative VIsualization and Simulation Environment) [5]
of the HLRS (Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum) Stuttgart which is used widely within automotive
development processes of e.g. Mercedesand Porsche.
See UnityFormafor similar functionalityfor the automotive industry and beyond
KeeptheExtendedReality(XR-VR/ AR)optionopen #5
Modeling and VisualizationforVirtual Interaction withMedical Image Data
Fredrik Nysjö,DepartmentofInformation Technology, Division ofVisualInformation andInteraction,Box337,UppsalaUniversity, SE-75105Uppsala, Sweden.
Combining thecachingofglobal
illuminationinPaper Vwiththehybrid
raytracingofPaper VIfor improving
KeeptheExtendedReality(XR-VR/ AR)optionopen #6
How Iused AR To Build 3D MRI Scans
Autodesk 3D
KeeptheExtendedReality(XR-VR/ AR)optionopen #7
Visualizing MRI& CT Scans inMixed Reality / VR /AR,Part 2: 3D Volume Rendering
AndreasJakl(October10, 2017)
DigitalHealthcare,Augmented Reality,MobileAppsand more!AndreasJaklisa professor @St.PöltenUniversityof Applied Sciences,MicrosoftMVP forWindowsDevelopmentandAmazonAWS EducateCloud
KeeptheExtendedReality(XR-VR/ AR)optionopen #8
165 low poly 3D Brain models are available for download. These models contain a significantly smaller number of polygons and therefore requireless computing power to render.
Models which have fewer polygons are best used in real time applications that require fast processing, like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), cross reality
(XR) and games, especially mobile games. Choose from our collection of rigged and animated models to easily use them in your real-time applications. Get 3D assets for environments, pick
props, objects or buy complete 3D model collections, bundles and packs with everything your game might need. Save development time and costs, make prototype experiences or use
3Dmodelsas placeholdersinyour project.Tofindmodelsthatrenderpredictably in variousengines,usethePBRfilternexttothesearchbar.
GameEngines(e.g. Unity orUnreal) fromsimple wireframestoXRvisualization
StartwithlightweightWebGL / 3DPDF visualizationswithclinicianswithlittle hardware
and/ortechnicalskills.Three.JSapproache.g. used in X Toolkit mightbe even simpler?
WebGL as your baseline?
AnatomyLearning is a free 3D anatomy atlas that exported to work with
WebGL using Unity Game Engine & Unity Web Player.  It provides 2
versions one for the modern web browser that is built on WebGL2.0 and
other for Android mobile systems.
This 3D heart anatomyVR(Virtual Reality) project is built by BabylonJS: a
WebGL JavaScript Framework, It's published as a VR (Virtual Reality)
Project at VESTA a WebVR social network that provides a sharing platform
VRartists, developers, & normal users.
TheOpen AnatomyProject is an open source 3D
anatomy atlas that works directly from the web
browser as it uses pure HTML technologies and
WebGL rendering. The Open Anatomy project is
carried out and developed by the Brigham and
Women's Hospital in Boston aiming to deliver rich
digital anatomy atlases to students, doctors,
researchers, and thegeneral public.
BrainBrowser isanopensourcefree3DbrainatlasbuiltonWebGLtechnologies,ituses Three.JSto
provide3D/layeredbrainvisualization.WehavereviewedBrainBrowser andlistedallofitscurrent
WebGL as your baseline?
ModernScientificVisualizationson the Web
LoraineFrankeand DanielHaehn InformaticsSeptember2020,7(4),37;
Modern scientific visualization is web-based
and uses emerging technology such as
WebGL (Web Graphics Library) and
WebGPU for three-dimensional computer
graphics and WebXR for augmented and
virtual reality devices. These technologies,
paired with the accessibility of websites,
potentially offer a user experience beyond
traditional standalonevisualizationsystems.
We review the state-of-the-art of web-
based scientific visualization and
present an overview of existing methods
categorized by application domain. As part
of this analysis, we introduce the Scientific
Visualization Future Readiness Score
(SciVis FRS) to rank visualizations for
a technology-driven disruptive
tomorrow. We then summarize
challenges, current state of the publication
trend, future directions, and opportunities for
thisexciting research field.
Virtual Reality Volume Rendering forreal-time VisualizationofRadiologicAnatomy (2017)
A new Web technology (WebVR) in combination with powerful smartphone graphic processors and
inexpensive virtual reality viewers (Google Cardboard) have made virtual reality cheap and easily obtainable.
These new developments and the before mentioned possibility of a more natural visualization have lead me to
Implementation Details
The existing volume renderer for WebGL was adapted to support
the new WebVR standard to allow virtual reality rendering in the
Like for mostVRrenderers aforward renderer is used. Thedifference
being, that this is normally done to be able to use MSAA (see 
Optimizing the Unreal Engine 4Renderer for VR, Pete Demoreuille);
but this is of no use for volume rendering. Instead, the ability of the
existing WebGL renderer to output an image of the volume and its
segmentation simultaneously is not needed. On the contrary, they
need to be combined in one image. Thus, the renderer was adapted
to a single stage. As a side effect, color renderings are now possible
without usingthe WEBGL_draw_buffers extension.
Since multiple layers are not supported by WebVR implementations,
some additional overlay renderers are injected before or after the
volume rendering.
Please note that, due to its experimental nature, the source code is
sometimesconfusingor even confused.
Example of Unityuse
Interactive heartwithUnity3D
To useWebGL there areanumberof toolsandenginesavailable.
Sometimeagowedealtwith the possibilitiesof Sketchfab,aweb
Sketchfabismainlya puredataviewer,interaktionissomehow
limited.Also themodelsareattachedto aweb serviceandcannot
me usedstand-aloneoroffline.
With theliberalizationoftheirlicenseconditionsandthe
integrationof WebGL/html5Unity3Dwasbecomingavery
interesting tool.Unityisactuallyagameengine,adevelopment
environmentfor games.Through it´spossibilitiestwo writeown
devices(PC, Mac,web,consoles,mobile)the possibilities are
Asasimpletestobjectfor aninteractive,medical
application,wechose ahuman heart,which shouldbe freely
emphasizeanatomicalstructures- inthisparticularcase there is
anoptiontoremove the coronaryvesselsandtoopena
partofthe hearttolookintothe ventricles.Thisisasimple
example ofthepossibilitiesofinteractivity3DModels.
Example of Unityuse #2
HolographicReconstructionofAxonalPathwaysinthe HumanBrain Mikkel V. PetersenJeffrey Mlakar Suzanne N. Haber Martin Parent Yoland Smith Peter L. Strick
Mark A. Griswold Cameron C. McIntyre Published:November 07, 2019DOI:
Example of Unityuse #3
ColorRenderinginMedical Extended-RealityApplications
AndreaSeungKim, Wei-ChungCheng, RyanBeams& AldoBadanoJournal of Digital Imaging (November 2020)
applicationsfor selectedscenes:(a)adigitalpathologyimage[8],(b) adigital
When buildingan XRapplication fordifferent
with associatedmemorysizerequirements,pixel
dimensions,andresolution oftheimagetexturesfor
each targetplatform[25],asthetypeoftexture
compression isdependenton theintendedplatform.
Forinstance,astandaloneXR HMD,Androidmobile
device,andaPCwill each havetheir own unique
compression formatsthatwork with their specific
compressed formats.Developershavetheabilityto
platformin theimportsettingsoftheinspector
Example of Unityuse #4
Virtual linearmeasurementsystemforaccuratequantificationof medicalimages
Gavin Wheeler;ShujieDeng;Kuberan Pushparajah;JuliaA. Schnabel;John M. Simpson;AlbertoGomez
School ofBiomedicalEngineering& ImagingSciences, King'sCollegeLondon,London,UK
HealthcareTechnologyLetters ( Volume:6, Issue:6,122019)
Hierarchical structureof themeasurementprefab, asimplemented in Unity.Themeasurement
objecthas fivechild objects, asillustrated. Objectsmarked with ‘I’havephysicsinteractors.Blueand
purplearrowsindicatethelinking of theconnectorlinesto thestartpoint, end pointand label. Green
arrowsindicatetheUnityscriptsgoverning thescaleof theobjects. Thered arrow indicatesthe
redirection of editing (translate, rotate)fromtheconnectorto themeasurementparent. Shapes,
coloursand label textarearepresentativeexample
We proposed a 3D VR system to carry out linear measurements on volumetric images, and
demonstrated it on echocardiographic images of a calibration phantom and of cardiac patients.
All measurements were carried out with Philips QLAB (our baseline), Tomtec (its 3D
measurement system only) and our proposed VR platform. Overall, this study showed that a
VR system can have measurement tools that are comparable to clinically used
commercial tools, while providing further insight and understanding into complex 3D
Example of Unityuse #5
ApplicationsofVRmedicalimage visualizationtochordallengthmeasurementsforcardiacprocedures
PatrickCarnahan, John Moore, Daniel BainbridgeM.D., Gavin Wheeler, ShujieDeng, Kuberan Pushparajah, ElvisC. S. Chen, John M. Simpson, TerryM. Peters
ProceedingsVolume11315,MedicalImaging2020: Image-GuidedProcedures, RoboticInterventions,andModeling; 1131528(2020)
Example of Unrealuse #1
Helpingbrainsurgeonspractice withreal-time
simulation August30,2019bySébastienLozé
In their 2018 paper Enhancement Techniquesfor Human AnatomyVisualization, Hirofumi
Seo and Takeo Igarashi state that “Human anatomy is so complex that just visualizing it in
traditional ways is insufficient for easy understanding…” To address this problem, Seo has
proposed a practical approach to brain surgery using real-time rendering with
Unreal Engine. 
Now Seo and his team have taken this concept a step further with their 2019 paper 
Real-Time Virtual BrainAneurysm ClippingSurgery, where they demonstrate an
application prototype for viewing and manipulating a CG representation of a
patient’sbrain in realtime.
In developing the application, Seo’s team chose Unreal Engine as the underlying real-time
technology because of its graphics and programming tools. “Unreal Engine has powerful
mathematical C++ APIs such as FVector, FMath, and UKismetMathLibrary, so we find it to
be asuitable platform for research on3D CG geometry,” saysSeo.
Example of Unrealuse #2
VolumeRendering inUnrealEngine4.
08-04-2016,04:20PMTobehonest,Iamnotsurethisshouldbehere,butIfelttheother topicswereevenlessrelevantasIamtalkingaboutrendering.Justnotthestandard
methodsinUE4.FeelfreetomoveifIplaceditinthewrongarea.Tostart,letmebetransparent. IamworkingonamastersthesisusingVRandscientific
visualization.Isawpotentialinthemergingof UE4andscientificvisualizationforstudents,scientists,gamersandallgraphicalartistsalike.
Example of Unrealuse #3
VolumetricMedicalData Visualizationfor
Collaborative VREnvironments 27 October 2020
RolandFischer,Kai-ChingChang, René Weller,Gabriel
interactions.Themain ideaistocombine astate-of-
Engine4,withanewvolumerenderer forCT
Theunderlyinggameenginebasis guaranteesthe
extensibility andallowsforeasy adaptionofour
developments.Inourexample application,remote
manipulate anddiscussthe volume-rendereddatain
For the future we plan to expand the interaction possibilities with the volume
visualization,specifically,wearelooking atintegratingadynamicclippingplaneforabetterview
of internal regions and a volumetric drawing tool allowing for quick sketches and
annotationsinside the volume.Other improvementswouldbe adirectintegrationand
parallelization of the preprocessing part to speed up the workflow and allowing for a
dynamic adjustment of the transfer functions. To improve the visualization of complex
structures and organs that involve multiple materials support for multi-dimensional
Example of Unrealuse #4
3D Kinematicsof UpperLimb FunctionalAssessment UsingHTCVive in
KaiLiang Lew,Kok SweeSim,ShingChiangTan, FazlySalleh Abas19November
The purpose of research in this paper is to quantify the accuracy
and precision of HTC Vive by making upper limb
assessment measurements and performing functional
tasks in the Unreal Engine 4. Thirty healthy males performed
daily aim functional tasks, and arm length measurement and
assessment were made. Each participant attended two testing
sessions and one arm length measurement session. The upper
limblength wasmeasured using HTC Vive after making three types
of hand posture exercises. The arm assessment included the
minimum and maximum angle of shoulder adduction, abduction,
flexionand extension.
The experiment showed all the upper limb measurements
collected from the functional tasks as well as the position and
rotation of the upper limb could be estimated correctly. The
proposed system is potentially useful for assessing stroke
rehabilitationinthe hospital and rehabilitationcenter.
Example of Unrealuse #5
The Uterine Games:UsingaGame EnginetoDevelop
a 3D DigitalFemale ReproductiveTracttoAidin
YunaK. Park DanielleRoyer(18 April2020)
The aim of this project was to iteratively design and develop a
mobile application (app) depicting a 3D model of the
plastinated female reproductive tract. A 3D surface
model of the plastinate was digitally reconstructed using an
Artec Space Spider 3D Scanner. Artifacts were smoothed and
texture was refined in ZBrushCore 2018 and Autodesk Maya
2019. The model was packaged into a mobile app using a
gameengine, UnrealEngine4 (UE4).
Compared to other app development software, UE4 was
chosen for its robust visualization of 3D models, cross‐
platform deployment, and zero upfront costs. With online
tutorials, UE4’s Blueprints visual scripting system is
relatively simple to grasp, and the node based interface is‐
a powerful approach for non programmers‐programmers , allowing
extreme flexibilitywithout the need for coding.Utilizing
this flexibility, the app was designed to promote self paced‐
independent learning of the female reproductive tract and
Unity (C#, simpler?) vsUnreal(C++, morephotorealistic)
VisualizingBrainImaginginInteractive3D by JohnMuschelli
Nice exampleof hownotto visualizebrain Veryhard toanalyze structureswiththesemanuallyset
anatomicalopacitieswithout skull-stripping surface visualization→“Data-drivenautomatic reconstructionat thislevel?”
BlenderandCycles arebothopen-source,andsuitableforproduction (atleastfornon-realtimesolutions),checkforlicenses?
Blender2.91.0Python APIDocumentation
BVTKNodes - photorealistic rendering ofVTK data in Blender
cycles volumerendering 3D image texture (CTorMR
Aninteractiveframeworkforwhole-brainmapsat cellular resolution Fürthet al.(2017)
Collection of lowpoly brain models clickimagesfor source
In other words, why hand-model these, if you could create automatically low-poly brains from acquired CT/MRI images, and these low-poly models with ROI
overlays of the structure of interest highlighted in them, in a interactive 3D model. And if nothing else, you can use this as an inspiration for your startup
webcontent developers
VessMorphoVis implementsdifferentalgorithms
forvisualizingvascular networks.Theoutlineofthe
thesamecolorin(C)and(F),withalternating colors
in(D) and(G)andalsousingtransparentshadersin
Users can control the visual quality of the skeleton, choosing between
highly optimized geometry (A and C) for global far views or high-quality
reconstructions(B and D) for close up views. Morphologypolylinesare rendered
using bevel objects with 4 and 16 sides in A and B, respectively. The piecewise
segments of the polylines (C) might limit the visual quality in case of close ups;
therefore, we added another parameter to use spline interpolation to smooth
their curvature (D)
A high-qualityrendering of a largevasculaturemesh
reconstructed froma vasculargraphhaving 2.1 million∼2.1 million 
samplesbased on ourmetaballs implementation. The
meshisrendered using theartistic glossyshaderwith
withfourdifferentshaders: glossy, flat, artisticbumby and artistic
glossy inA,B,CandD,respectively,using theWorkbenchand
UncertaintyVisualization (youshouldhaveyouruncertaintiespropagated
green) toindicateuncertaintyinsurfaceposition.
InProceedingsofthe5thinternationalconferenceonMedicalimaging andaugmentedreality
(MIAR),Beijing,China,Springer-Verlag,Berlin,Heidelbergpp.179--190.September,2010 - Citedby17
Cinematicrenderingoffersclinicalutilityinmusculoskeletal (MSK) CT
PhysicallyBasedShadingformedicalimagedata 17Feb2017
Classicaltechniquesforrenderingmedicalimagedatain3Dhavebeenaroundsincethe1980s,including multi-planar reformatting(MPR),maximumintensityprojection(MIP)anddirectvolume
rendering (DVR)withcolorandopacitymapping.Thesetechniquesarehighlyusefulbutbasedonverysimplemodelsofcolor,lighting,andtransparencythatdonotaccuratelyrepresentthe
highdynamicrangeanddepthoffield. Thesetechniquescanbeusedinteractivelyontypicaldesktopmachineswithstandardgraphicshardware.
Imageacquisition and
The images were acquired at the Research Imaging Institute, University of
Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, in a Siemens magnetom Trio 3T
system, in two sessions, each consisting of 6 acquisitions of T1-weighted
images, using a mprage sequence, with voxel size of 0.8×0.8×0.8 milimeters.
The images were registered and averaged to improve signal-to-noise ratio, as
described here, and bias corrected using spm8 software. The already
realigned, averagedand bias-corrected volume,in nifti format, isavailable here.
The generation of the cortical meshes and subcortical
segmentations used FreeSurfer 5.2.0. The splitting of the cortical
meshes into independent objects was performed using a custom script that
soon will be released at (update: they are now available here). The
subcortical meshes were produced from the volumetric segmentations, as
described here.
Subcortical structures
In addition to the above cortical meshes, surfacesforsubcortical structures
are also available.These are not produced directly by the FreeSurfer pipeline.
However, the segmented volumesthat are part of the subcortical stream can
be used to generate surfacesforvisualisation purposes, asdescribed here.
The meshesforthe same brain, in different formats,can be downloaded here: 
srf mz3 obj ply.
Hybridrenderingof explodedviewsformedicalimageatlasvisualization“In thisworkwehavedescribedan interactiveatlasvisualization systemwhich iscapableofcreatingexplodedviewsbasedon the
hierarchicalstructureofthedata. Ourhybridrenderingtechniqueiscapableofexplodinganatomic meshesinto slabstorevealan underlyingmedical image.Wedetailedan OpenGLimplementation oftherenderingprocess, and
presentedresultsfromtheAALneuroanatomical atlas.Ourimplementation isabletomaintain interactiveframerates,even on tablethardware.”
Thispublicinstanceofthe  👑   DashEnterprise   👑   appmanager runs>60Dashappsfor100sofconcurrentusersonAzureKubernetesService.ClickonaDashapp'snamebelowformore
infoandlinksto Python&Rsourcecode onGitHub.
The importance of visualization AustenLester
Simulation offlow incerebral blood vessels
Reference: Adaptive Surface Visualization of VesselswithAnimated Blood Flow,
The AuthorsComputer GraphicsForum, author:K. Lawonn et al.; 
Otto-von-Gericke- UniversityMagdeburg, Dept. of Simulation and Graphics
Implementation of azSpace control within MeVisLab
Reference:  zSpace, author:P. Saalfeld; 
Otto-von-Gericke- UniversityMagdeburg, Dept. ofSimulati
onand Graphics
Assessing performance of augmented reality-
based neurosurgicaltraining
Wei-Xin Si, Xiang-Yun Liao, Yin-LingQian, Hai-TaoSun, 
Xiang-Dong Chen, QiongWang & PhengAnnHeng 
Visual Computingfor Industry, Biomedicine, and Art
 volume 2, Article number: 6 (2019)
Testing #Cinematic 3DVRRenderinginOsiriX.This
enginewillrequirethe28-coresofthenew #MacPro
Petteri: TODO! Overlay
segmented surfaces with
the volumetric “baseline
18 Healthcare AugmentedReality andVirtualRealityCompanies toWatch
NVIDIA Healthcare2.0– Developingand deployingAIin healthcare
NVIDIA is already working with various partners in adopting AI for their products. For example, Siemens Healthineers is using a NVIDIA GPU-based
supercomputing infrastructure to develop AI software to generate organ segmentations that enable precision radiation therapy. Furthermore, Siemens’
SherlockAI supercomputer whichisused to run more than 500 AI experimentsdaily,is also powered byNVIDIAtechnology.
However, NVIDIA is not only working with the industry, but also with academic and research institutions. They are collaborating with the King’s College
London (Jorge Cardoso et al.) to bring AI in medical imaging to the point of care. In another project, they are applying ‘federated learning’ to algorithm
development, allowing algorithms to be developed on site, using data from the local institutions, without the need for data to travel outside of its own domain.
The work could lead to breakthroughs in classifying stroke and neurological impairments, determining the underlying causes of cancers, as well as
recommendingthe best treatment forpatients.
Renderinga3DBrain volumein Blender
InoneofmypostsItalkedaboutusing renderingbrainvolumesin-browser usingXTK.The
edges.ButnowI’llshowacouplemethodsofrenderingabrainusing Blender.Thefirst
FreeSurfer.Ithink itgivesprettycoolresults,check itoutbelow.(FreeSurfer .ascto
Wavefront.objscript) Learn toturn yourCAT(CT)orMRI scan intoa3Dmodel.
 Aorticstentfractureinthree-dimensional volumerendering (3DVR).(A)3DVR imagesdemonstratecompletetransverseaorticstentfracture
(green circle)with angulation and slightlateralstentdisplacement.(B)Theeliminationof thesurrounding softtissueand vesselsallows fora
bettervisualizationof thehardware.
originating(redasterisk) fromtherightcoronaryartery(greenarrow).(B) Itis
 Spinalfixation hardwareand
disc spacerin three-
hardwareand adiscspaceron
(A)anterior-posteriorand (B)
lateralviews.Theelimination of
bones allowsforthebetter
visualization ofthespinal
fixation hardware(green arrow)
anddisc spacer(red arrow)in
hardwarecomplicationson (C)
TheAdditionalDiagnosticValueoftheThree-dimensionalVolumeRendering ImaginginRoutineRadiologyPractice
TheAdditionalDiagnosticValueof theThree-dimensionalVolumeRendering Imagingin RoutineRadiologyPractice
VisualizationofHemodynamics inaSiliconAneurysmModelUsingTime-Resolved,3D,Phase-
ContrastMRI (2006)
Surface Renderingof aBrain Tumor

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Brain surface visualization using game engines

  • 1. Brain surface visualization using game engines Fromsimplifiedwireframemodels tophotorealisticextendedreality visualizationswithUnity/Unreal → WebGL/headsets Petteri Teikari, PhD High-dimensionalNeurology,Queen’sSquareof Neurology,UCL, London Version “14/12/20“
  • 2. GOAL Visualize simple “Tuftean” clinically- relevantvectorizedsurfacesfor clinicians, insteadof“messier”voxelbrainimages Slides are compiled mostly for people into 3D visualization, computer graphics, game developers who have not seen so many many brain visualizations necessarily. Overview of brains are currently being visualized and how could be upgraded
  • 3. ExecutiveSummary “Rasterbrain” e.g. 1mm3 MNI CT Withlabel masksforhematoma andbeyond “Vectorizedbrain” e.g.mesh/NURBS Labelmaskskept for surface soyoucan easilye.g.“peel off” in XRbrain around hematoma Could start modularwith2 models,but thiscould be eventually end-to-end model of course “PerfectMesh” (well surface+uncertainty) visualizationdevcouldbe done separatelyfrommeshextraction Start with simplewireframes, advance to morephotorealistic renders, scalable to XR applications. Use industry-standardgameengines
  • 4. Ideaillustrated: Real-time interactive 3DModel See the moodboardend of this slideshow for more visualizations Visualize the brain vasculature ifthatisthatinterestof the clinician (e.g.CT Angiography) Nowelletal. 2016
  • 5. Ideaillustrated: What complexity level? Nowelletal. 2016 2048%2C/0/default.jpg helping-brain-surgeons-practice-with-real-time -simulation Tradeoffs: ● Looking pretty vsbeing understood by the end-users(e.g. datascientistsand clinicians). You need todo a usabilitystudyonthe user experience (UX) atsome pointif you startdeveloping newvisualization tools ● Looking pretty requiresalsoheavier hardware? Isthisalwaysfound in hospitals(no!), and same visualization pipeline could have variouscomplexitylevelsimplemented? Or write anew “wireframe”library if the current off-the-shelfphotorealisticrenderersyou are happywith?
  • 6. Howlowpolyyoucango whilestillkeepingthevisualized braininterpretable? “Engineered” planar surfaces Easytosimplify this forvisualizations withhighfidelity Leaves,likehumanbrain,require morehighpolyrepresentation Easier tomodelbrainsof species withnogyrificationifyouareintomodeling forexamplemousebrain lowpolygang Artby 🚲 Art by  @andreykrygov
  • 9. Mesh→ Unreal/Unity WebGL, etc. ifyou are into visualization→ Helpingbrainsurgeonspractice withreal-time simulationAugust30,2019bySébastien Lozé n-surgeons-practice-with-real-time-simulation In their 2018 paper Enhancement Techniquesfor Human AnatomyVisualization, Hirofumi Seo and Takeo Igarashi state that “Human anatomy is so complex that just visualizing it in traditional ways is insufficient for easy understanding…” To address this problem, Seo has proposed a practical approach to brain surgery using real-time rendering with UnrealEngine.  Now Seo and his team have taken this concept a step further with their 2019 paper  Real-Time Virtual Brain Aneurysm ClippingSurgery, where they demonstrate an application prototype for viewing and manipulating a CG representation of a patient’sbrain in real time. The software prototype, made possible with a grant (Grant Number JP18he1602001) from  JapanAgencyforMedical Researchand Development(AMED), helps surgeons visualize a patient’s uniquebrainstructurebefore, during,and after anoperation. BrainBrowser isanopensourcefree3DbrainatlasbuiltonWebGLtechnologies, ituses Three.JStoprovide3D/layeredbrainvisualization. Reviewedin Blender.blendfilebyplacedintheAssetsfolderofaUnityproject Interaction betweenVolumeRendered3DTextureandMeshObjects h-objects.451345/
  • 10. Easythentovisualizeon computer/VR/MR/AR OCTOBER14,2017 BY ANDIJAKL VisualizingMRI &CT Scans inMixedReality /VR/AR,Part 4: SegmentingtheBrain Combining3DscansandMRIdata mri-data/ VRsoftwaremaybring MRIsegmentationinto thefuture MattO'Connor July30, 2018 AdvancedVisualization https://www.healthimaging. com/topics/advanced-visu alization/vr-software-mri-s egmentation-future Nextmed:Automatic Imaging Segmentation,3D Reconstruction, and 3DModel VisualizationPlatform Using Augmentedand VirtualReality (2020) 0102962
  • 11. PhysicalModels? Vascular models niceto be3D printed for surgery practice, but hematoma?
  • 12. Makingthe Brains physicalwith 3D Printing Makingdatamatter:Voxelprintingforthe digital fabricationof data acrossscalesanddomains Christoph Bader et al. The Mediated Matter Group,Media Lab,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridg (30 May2018) We present a multimaterial voxel-printing method that enables the physical visualization of data sets commonly associated with scientific imaging. Leveraging voxel-based control of multimaterial three-dimensional (3D) printing, our method enables additive manufacturing of discontinuous data types such as point cloud data, curve and graph data, image- based data, and volumetric data. By converting data sets into dithered material deposition descriptions, through modifications to rasterization processes, we demonstrate that data sets frequently visualized on screen can be converted into physical, materiallyheterogeneousobjects. Representative 3D-printed models of image-based data. (A) In vitro reconstructed living human lung tissue on a microfluidic device, observed through confocal microscopy (29). The cilia, responsible for transporting airway secretions and mucus-trapped particles and pathogens, are colored orange. Goblet cells, responsible for mucus production, are colored cyan. (B) Biopsy from a mouse hippocampus, observed via confocal expansion microscopy(proExM) (30). The 3D print visualizesneuronal cell bodies, axons, and dendrites. (H) White matter tractography data of the human brain, created with the 3D Slicer medical image processing platform (37), visualizing bundles of axons, which connect different regions of the brain. The original data wereacquiredthroughdiffusion-weighted(DWI) MRI.
  • 14. Surface (mesh orNURBS) fromvolumetricdata FastSurfer- Afastandaccurate deep learning basedneuroimagingpipeline Leonie Henschel et al. German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE),Bonn, Germany (9Oct 2019) Citedby17 To this end, we introduce an advanced deep learning architecture capable of whole brain segmentation into 95 classes in under 1 minute, mimicking FreeSurfer’s anatomical segmentation and cortical parcellation. The network architecture incorporates local and global competition via competitive dense blocks and competitive skip pathways, as well as multi-slice information aggregation that specifically tailor network performance towards accurate segmentation of both corticaland sub-corticalstructures. Further, we perform fast cortical surface reconstruction and thickness analysis by introducing a spectral spherical embedding and by directly mapping the cortical labels from the image to the surface. This approach provides a full FreeSurfer alternative for volumetric analysis (within 1 minute) and surface-based thickness analysis (within only around 1h run time). For sustainability of this approach we perform extensive validation: we assert high segmentation accuracy on several unseen datasets, measure generalizability and demonstrate increased test-retest reliability, and increased sensitivity to disease effectsrelative to traditional FreeSurfer.
  • 15. Surface (mesh orNURBS) fromvolumetricdata#2 Surface-BasedConnectivity Integration Martin Cole et al. (2020) DeepCSR:A3D Deep LearningApproachforCorticalSurface Reconstruction RodrigoSantaCruz et al. (2020) Moreover, DeepCSR isasaccurate, more precise, and faster thanthe widelyused FreeSurfer toolboxand itsdeep learningpowered variant FastSurfer on reconstructing cortical surfacesfrom MRIwhichshould facilitatelarge-scale medical studiesand new healthcare applications.
  • 16. Surface (mesh orNURBS) fromvolumetricdata#3 Probabilistic3DSurfaceReconstructionfromSparseMRIInformation KatarínaTóthová,SarahParisot,MatthewLee,EstherPuyol-Antón,AndrewKing,MarcPollefeys, EnderKonukoglu(Oct2020) Futureworkwillconcentrateon generalisationofthemethod tosurface reconstructioninthepresenceof pathologiesandreconstructionofother typesof organsofmorevariableshapes,whichmayleadtoadaptationoftheusedshapemodel.
  • 17. Surface (mesh orNURBS) fromvolumetricdata#4 DeepSpline:Data-Drivenreconstructionof ParametricCurvesandSurfaces JunGao,Chengcheng Tang,VigneshGanapathi-Subramanian,Jiahui Huang, Hao Su, LeonidasJ. Guibas Universityof Toronto;VectorInstitute;Tsinghua University; Stanford University; UCSan Diego (Submittedon 12Jan2019) -Citedby14 See also orbingol/NURBS-Python Reconstruction ofgeometrybased ondifferentinputmodes,suchasimagesorpoint clouds,hasbeen instrumentalin thedevelopmentof computeraided design and computergraphics.Optimalimplementationsoftheseapplicationshavetraditionally involvedtheuseof spline-based representations attheircore. Mostsuchmethods attempttosolveoptimization problemsthatminimizean output-target mismatch. However,theseoptimization techniques requireaninitializationthatiscloseenough,as they arelocalmethods by nature.Weproposea deeplearningarchitecturethat adaptstoperform splinefittingtasks accordingly, providingcomplementaryresults to theaforementionedtraditionalmethods. To tacklechallengeswiththe 2Dcases suchas multiplesplineswithintersections, we use a hierarchical Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) Krauseetal.2017 trained with ground truth labels, to predict a variable number of spline curves, each with an undeterminednumberofcontrolpoints. In the 3D case, we reconstruct surfaces of revolution and extrusion without sel- fintersection through an unsupervised learning approach, that circumvents the requirement for ground truth labels. We use the Chamferdistance to measure the distance between the predicted point cloud and target point cloud. This architecture is generalizable, since predicting other kinds of surfaces (like surfaces of sweeping or NURBS), would require only a change of this individual layer, with the rest of the modelremainingthesame. Petteri: What would be the open-source workflow in production with NURBS? Harder to use Rhinoceros 3D in production (open question)
  • 19. HaveCT-MRIpairsfortesting? #2: Use MRIsegmentation for CT
  • 20. Meshresampling? Already in surfacereconstruction net? Controlthe complexity ofthebrain mesh for the platform used to viewthe render How suitable aretriangular meshes actually? Howeasy to simplify e.g. comparedto NURBS? Do youhavea NURBSpresentation that youjustconvert to meshes if thevisualization library only support meshes?
  • 22. “OldSchool”Simplification#2 Libigl 67205 AlecJacobson@_AlecJacobson Manymeshsimplificationtoolsignore UVsor don'tdoagreat jobmaintainingexistingUVs. SongrunLiu's…built usinglibiglwilldecimatesurfacemesh*and*itsuvmap.Great formakingLoDsthatusethesametexture.
  • 23. Stillaresearchissuetosimplifymeshes#1 SpectralMeshSimplification Limitations. There are at least two main areas where our approach can further be developed, both related to time performance. First, the eigenvectors need to be computed at the beginning of the algorithm, while one may seek computing them at query time, when needed. Second, our cost evaluation involves fairly large matrices, at each evaluation which could be optimized using an approximation scheme
  • 25. Coarse-to-fineupsampling aswell with deep learning topological updates of Loop Subdivision, but predicting vertex positions using a neural network conditioned on the local geometry of a patch. This approach enables us to learn complex non-linear subdivision schemes, beyond simple linear averaging used in classicaltechniques.Oneofour keycontributionsisa novel self-supervised training setup that only requires a set of high-resolution meshes for learning network weights. For any training shape, we stochastically generate diverse low-resolution discretizations of coarse counterparts, while maintaining a bijective mapping that prescribestheexacttargetpositionofeverynewvertexduringthesubdivisionprocess
  • 27. ExtendedReality(VR/AR/MR/XR)inMedicine “VRx”: A MedgadgetBook Interview with AuthorDr. Brennan Spiegel DECEMBER8TH,2020 SCOTTJUNG with-author-dr-brennan-spiegel.html The most readily available benefits of XR are in the form of visualizations of 3D anatomy and real-time display of anatomy and tooling. There are currently no published prospective clinical trials using AR or XR in human subjects. However, given the rapid development in the field, we expect to see human data in the near future. The XR hardware landscape is changing rapidly. Future hardware advances should improve visual realism and user comfort. Incorporation of haptic feedback into XR systems may be an important breakthrough for interventional procedures. Readers interested in more information about this field, particularly XR display hardware considerations, should consult our previous review [23]. The book Mixed and Augmented Reality in Medicine [24] will be of interest to readers looking for an in-depth resourceabout XRin medicine.
  • 28. KeeptheExtendedReality(XR-VR/ AR)optionopen #1 Multi-ThreadedIntegrationofHTC-ViveandMeVisLab February2018 doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18864.05121 Conference: SPIE MedicalImaging2018,Project: VirtualRealityinMedicine Simon Gunacker,MarkusGall,DieterSchmalstieg,Jan Egger Virtualinteractionandvisualisationof 3Dmedicalimagingdata withVTK andUnity Gavin Wheeler; Shujie Deng; NicolasToussaint;Kuberan Pushparajah; JuliaA. Schnabel;John M. Simpson;Alberto Gomez Healthcare TechnologyLetters ( Volume:5, Issue:5, 10 2018) - Cited by 17 Thesurfacerenderingtechniquesused in recentVR and AR medical visualisation systemsbuiltusing Unity requirea patient-specific polygonalmodel oftheanatomy ofinterest. Such surfacemodelsaretypicallyderived frommedical imagesthrough segmentation, using manual orsemi-automaticmethods.Inmostcases, thisinvolvesmanual effort,and thetimeand skill to do thismay besignificant. Moreover, the segmentationprocessinherently losesinformationpresentin theoriginal volumedata. Volumedata often do nothavepreciseboundaries, butvolumerendering allowstheuser to interactivelytunerendering parametersor applyfilters,to achievethedesired appearance. By integratingvolume rendering in VR, weremovethe potentially erroneoussegmentation stepsandgive theusermore flexibility andcontrol. In thiswork, weaimto integrateVTK intoUnity to bring themedical imaging visualisation featuresof VTKinto interactivevirtual environments developed using Unity. Particularly,wedescribea method to integrateVTKvolumerendering of 3Dmedical imagesinto a VR Unityscene,and combinetherendered volumewithopaquegeometry,e.g.spherelandmarks.Wefocuson creatingcore technology to enablethisandgivedevelopersandresearchersthe easeofuse andflexibility ofUnity combined with thevolumerendering featuresof VTK. High level workflowdiagramshowing thecommunication and interaction between MeVisLab and theHTCVivevia OpenVR capsuled byan ownthread.
  • 29. KeeptheExtendedReality(XR-VR/ AR)optionopen #2 NextMed,AugmentedandVirtualRealityplatform for 3Dmedical imagingvisualization González-Izard,S.AlonsoPlaza,Ó,Sánchez Torres, R.Juanes-Méndez,J.A. García-Peñalvo, F.J.(2020) The Grid Factory, a U.K.-based provider of NVIDIA GPU-accelerated services, is partnering with telecommunications company Vodafone to showcase the potential of 5G technology with a network built at Coventry University. Operating NVIDIACloudXR on the private 5G network, student nurses and healthcare professionalscan experience lessonsand simulations invirtual realityenvironments.
  • 30. KeeptheExtendedReality(XR-VR/ AR)optionopen #3 Validation of virtualreality orbitometry bridgesdigitaland physical worlds PeterM.Maloca,BalázsFaludi,MarekZelechowski,ChristophJud,TheoVollmar,SibylleHug,PhilippL.Müller,EmanuelRamosdeCarvalho,JavierZarranz-Ventura, MichaelReich,ClemensLange,CatherineEgan,AdnanTufail,PascalW. Hasler,Hendrik P.N.Scholl&PhilippeC.Cattin ScientificReportsvolume10,Articlenumber: 11815(July2020) In summary, the orbit and possiblyall other three- dimensionalspaces can be non-invasively and digitally visualized and measured in close-to-reality conditions and investigated with a high precision using aVR image display method that measuredwhat it purportsto measure. An objective diameter measurement can be attained to quantifythe dimensionsof the orbit and improve spatial awareness, diagnosis, monitoringand pre-surgical planning.
  • 31. KeeptheExtendedReality(XR-VR/ AR)optionopen #4 Virtualreality in advanced medicalimmersive imaging: a workflow for introducing virtual reality asasupporting tool in medicalimaging MarkusM.Knodel,Babett Lemke,MichaelLampe,MichaelHoffer,ClarissaGillmann,MichaelUder,JensHillengaß, GabrielWittum&TobiasBäuerle Computing andVisualization in Sciencevolume18,pages203–212(2018) Our approach is based on the use of the graphical surface package VRL [4] (Visual Reflection Library) which preserves various own packages and brings together third party single packages to enable within one program the extraction of 3D volume and surface rendered CT and MRI image stacks. Such an approach is based on a very intuitive and simple GUI (graphical user interface) to project them into the virtual reality space within the environment of a versatile and prominent 3D virtual reality project, namely COVISE / opencover (COllaborative VIsualization and Simulation Environment) [5] of the HLRS (Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum) Stuttgart which is used widely within automotive development processes of e.g. Mercedesand Porsche. See UnityFormafor similar functionalityfor the automotive industry and beyond arketing-with-real-time-3d/
  • 32. KeeptheExtendedReality(XR-VR/ AR)optionopen #5 Modeling and VisualizationforVirtual Interaction withMedical Image Data Fredrik Nysjö,DepartmentofInformation Technology, Division ofVisualInformation andInteraction,Box337,UppsalaUniversity, SE-75105Uppsala, Sweden. Theuseofraytracingandpath tracingforrealisticrendering ofglobalilluminationis becomingmorecommonin visualizationandinteractive applications,whilepreviously mainlybeingusedinfilmrendering andotherofflinerendering. Combining thecachingofglobal illuminationinPaper Vwiththehybrid raytracingofPaper VIfor improving theinteractiveperformanceis somethingthatwouldalsobe interestingtoinvestigate.
  • 33. KeeptheExtendedReality(XR-VR/ AR)optionopen #6 How Iused AR To Build 3D MRI Scans RiyaMehtaNov19,2019 Autodesk 3D Itwasawesometoplayaroundwiththisandbeableto implementmodelsIbuiltprogrammedintothe augmentedrealityplatformIusedcalledSketchfab, whichconverts/programs3DmodelsintoeitherVRor ARdemos.Here’saquickglanceatwhatIwasabletodo. Augmentedrealitywillcompletelychangethewaywediagnosepatients,view3D models&observethemedicalindustryasawhole.
  • 34. KeeptheExtendedReality(XR-VR/ AR)optionopen #7 Visualizing MRI& CT Scans inMixed Reality / VR /AR,Part 2: 3D Volume Rendering AndreasJakl(October10, 2017) DigitalHealthcare,Augmented Reality,MobileAppsand more!AndreasJaklisa professor @St.PöltenUniversityof Applied Sciences,MicrosoftMVP forWindowsDevelopmentandAmazonAWS EducateCloud Ambassador.
  • 35. KeeptheExtendedReality(XR-VR/ AR)optionopen #8 165 low poly 3D Brain models are available for download. These models contain a significantly smaller number of polygons and therefore requireless computing power to render. Models which have fewer polygons are best used in real time applications that require fast processing, like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), cross reality (XR) and games, especially mobile games. Choose from our collection of rigged and animated models to easily use them in your real-time applications. Get 3D assets for environments, pick props, objects or buy complete 3D model collections, bundles and packs with everything your game might need. Save development time and costs, make prototype experiences or use 3Dmodelsas placeholdersinyour project.Tofindmodelsthatrenderpredictably in variousengines,usethePBRfilternexttothesearchbar.
  • 36. GameEngines(e.g. Unity orUnreal) fromsimple wireframestoXRvisualization StartwithlightweightWebGL / 3DPDF visualizationswithclinicianswithlittle hardware and/ortechnicalskills.Three.JSapproache.g. used in X Toolkit mightbe even simpler?
  • 37. WebGL as your baseline? AnatomyLearning is a free 3D anatomy atlas that exported to work with WebGL using Unity Game Engine & Unity Web Player.  It provides 2 versions one for the modern web browser that is built on WebGL2.0 and other for Android mobile systems. This 3D heart anatomyVR(Virtual Reality) project is built by BabylonJS: a WebGL JavaScript Framework, It's published as a VR (Virtual Reality) Project at VESTA a WebVR social network that provides a sharing platform VRartists, developers, & normal users. TheOpen AnatomyProject is an open source 3D anatomy atlas that works directly from the web browser as it uses pure HTML technologies and WebGL rendering. The Open Anatomy project is carried out and developed by the Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston aiming to deliver rich digital anatomy atlases to students, doctors, researchers, and thegeneral public. BrainBrowser isanopensourcefree3DbrainatlasbuiltonWebGLtechnologies,ituses Three.JSto provide3D/layeredbrainvisualization.WehavereviewedBrainBrowser andlistedallofitscurrent features,youmayreadaboutitathere:  BrainBrowser:OpensourceWeb-basedBrainVisualizationwithVolume&Surfaceviewers
  • 38. WebGL as your baseline? ModernScientificVisualizationson the Web LoraineFrankeand DanielHaehn InformaticsSeptember2020,7(4),37; Modern scientific visualization is web-based and uses emerging technology such as WebGL (Web Graphics Library) and WebGPU for three-dimensional computer graphics and WebXR for augmented and virtual reality devices. These technologies, paired with the accessibility of websites, potentially offer a user experience beyond traditional standalonevisualizationsystems. We review the state-of-the-art of web- based scientific visualization and present an overview of existing methods categorized by application domain. As part of this analysis, we introduce the Scientific Visualization Future Readiness Score (SciVis FRS) to rank visualizations for a technology-driven disruptive tomorrow. We then summarize challenges, current state of the publication trend, future directions, and opportunities for thisexciting research field.
  • 39. WebVR Virtual Reality Volume Rendering forreal-time VisualizationofRadiologicAnatomy (2017) A new Web technology (WebVR) in combination with powerful smartphone graphic processors and inexpensive virtual reality viewers (Google Cardboard) have made virtual reality cheap and easily obtainable. These new developments and the before mentioned possibility of a more natural visualization have lead me to implementanexperimentalVRwebpageforanMRIscan. Implementation Details The existing volume renderer for WebGL was adapted to support the new WebVR standard to allow virtual reality rendering in the browser. Like for mostVRrenderers aforward renderer is used. Thedifference being, that this is normally done to be able to use MSAA (see  Optimizing the Unreal Engine 4Renderer for VR, Pete Demoreuille); but this is of no use for volume rendering. Instead, the ability of the existing WebGL renderer to output an image of the volume and its segmentation simultaneously is not needed. On the contrary, they need to be combined in one image. Thus, the renderer was adapted to a single stage. As a side effect, color renderings are now possible without usingthe WEBGL_draw_buffers extension. Since multiple layers are not supported by WebVR implementations, some additional overlay renderers are injected before or after the volume rendering. Please note that, due to its experimental nature, the source code is sometimesconfusingor even confused.
  • 40. Example of Unityuse Interactive heartwithUnity3D To useWebGL there areanumberof toolsandenginesavailable. Sometimeagowedealtwith the possibilitiesof Sketchfab,aweb servicethatallowsasimplewaytovisualize3DdatainWebGL. Sketchfabismainlya puredataviewer,interaktionissomehow limited.Also themodelsareattachedto aweb serviceandcannot me usedstand-aloneoroffline. With theliberalizationoftheirlicenseconditionsandthe integrationof WebGL/html5Unity3Dwasbecomingavery interesting tool.Unityisactuallyagameengine,adevelopment environmentfor games.Through it´spossibilitiestwo writeown codeandscriptsandthenexporttheapplicationfordifferent devices(PC, Mac,web,consoles,mobile)the possibilities are virtuallyunlimited.AlsoUnityisnotawebservice,therefore youhavefullcontroloverthecreatedapplication. Asasimpletestobjectfor aninteractive,medical application,wechose ahuman heart,which shouldbe freely explorableintheapp.Inaddition,webuiltasimplefunctionalityto emphasizeanatomicalstructures- inthisparticularcase there is anoptiontoremove the coronaryvesselsandtoopena partofthe hearttolookintothe ventricles.Thisisasimple example ofthepossibilitiesofinteractivity3DModels.
  • 41. Example of Unityuse #2 HolographicReconstructionofAxonalPathwaysinthe HumanBrain Mikkel V. PetersenJeffrey Mlakar Suzanne N. Haber Martin Parent Yoland Smith Peter L. Strick Mark A. Griswold Cameron C. McIntyre Published:November 07, 2019DOI:
  • 42. Example of Unityuse #3 ColorRenderinginMedical Extended-RealityApplications AndreaSeungKim, Wei-ChungCheng, RyanBeams& AldoBadanoJournal of Digital Imaging (November 2020) RGBinputandoutputforfivedigitalmaterial,digitallighting,anddigitalcamera configurationswithintheUnityengineintherenderingofcross-platform applicationsfor selectedscenes:(a)adigitalpathologyimage[8],(b) adigital chestradiograph,and(c)afull-fielddigitalmammogram[9] When buildingan XRapplication fordifferent platforms,developersshouldconsiderthefilesize with associatedmemorysizerequirements,pixel dimensions,andresolution oftheimagetexturesfor each targetplatform[25],asthetypeoftexture compression isdependenton theintendedplatform. Forinstance,astandaloneXR HMD,Androidmobile device,andaPCwill each havetheir own unique compression formatsthatwork with their specific hardwareassomegraphicsdevicesonlyusecertain compressed formats.Developershavetheabilityto designatespecificcompressionsettingsforeach platformin theimportsettingsoftheinspector window.
  • 43. Example of Unityuse #4 Virtual linearmeasurementsystemforaccuratequantificationof medicalimages Gavin Wheeler;ShujieDeng;Kuberan Pushparajah;JuliaA. Schnabel;John M. Simpson;AlbertoGomez School ofBiomedicalEngineering& ImagingSciences, King'sCollegeLondon,London,UK HealthcareTechnologyLetters ( Volume:6, Issue:6,122019) Hierarchical structureof themeasurementprefab, asimplemented in Unity.Themeasurement objecthas fivechild objects, asillustrated. Objectsmarked with ‘I’havephysicsinteractors.Blueand purplearrowsindicatethelinking of theconnectorlinesto thestartpoint, end pointand label. Green arrowsindicatetheUnityscriptsgoverning thescaleof theobjects. Thered arrow indicatesthe redirection of editing (translate, rotate)fromtheconnectorto themeasurementparent. Shapes, coloursand label textarearepresentativeexample We proposed a 3D VR system to carry out linear measurements on volumetric images, and demonstrated it on echocardiographic images of a calibration phantom and of cardiac patients. All measurements were carried out with Philips QLAB (our baseline), Tomtec (its 3D measurement system only) and our proposed VR platform. Overall, this study showed that a VR system can have measurement tools that are comparable to clinically used commercial tools, while providing further insight and understanding into complex 3D anatomy.
  • 44. Example of Unityuse #5 ApplicationsofVRmedicalimage visualizationtochordallengthmeasurementsforcardiacprocedures PatrickCarnahan, John Moore, Daniel BainbridgeM.D., Gavin Wheeler, ShujieDeng, Kuberan Pushparajah, ElvisC. S. Chen, John M. Simpson, TerryM. Peters ProceedingsVolume11315,MedicalImaging2020: Image-GuidedProcedures, RoboticInterventions,andModeling; 1131528(2020)
  • 45. Example of Unrealuse #1 Helpingbrainsurgeonspractice withreal-time simulation August30,2019bySébastienLozé n-surgeons-practice-with-real-time-simulation In their 2018 paper Enhancement Techniquesfor Human AnatomyVisualization, Hirofumi Seo and Takeo Igarashi state that “Human anatomy is so complex that just visualizing it in traditional ways is insufficient for easy understanding…” To address this problem, Seo has proposed a practical approach to brain surgery using real-time rendering with Unreal Engine.  Now Seo and his team have taken this concept a step further with their 2019 paper  Real-Time Virtual BrainAneurysm ClippingSurgery, where they demonstrate an application prototype for viewing and manipulating a CG representation of a patient’sbrain in realtime. In developing the application, Seo’s team chose Unreal Engine as the underlying real-time technology because of its graphics and programming tools. “Unreal Engine has powerful mathematical C++ APIs such as FVector, FMath, and UKismetMathLibrary, so we find it to be asuitable platform for research on3D CG geometry,” saysSeo.
  • 46. Example of Unrealuse #2 VolumeRendering inUnrealEngine4. 08-04-2016,04:20PMTobehonest,Iamnotsurethisshouldbehere,butIfelttheother topicswereevenlessrelevantasIamtalkingaboutrendering.Justnotthestandard methodsinUE4.FeelfreetomoveifIplaceditinthewrongarea.Tostart,letmebetransparent. IamworkingonamastersthesisusingVRandscientific visualization.Isawpotentialinthemergingof UE4andscientificvisualizationforstudents,scientists,gamersandallgraphicalartistsalike.
  • 47. Example of Unrealuse #3 VolumetricMedicalData Visualizationfor Collaborative VREnvironments 27 October 2020 RolandFischer,Kai-ChingChang, René Weller,Gabriel Zachmann Wepresentaneasy-to-useandexpandable systemforvolumetricmedicalimage visualizationwithsupportformulti-userVR interactions.Themain ideaistocombine astate-of- the-artopen-sourcegameengine,theUnreal Engine4,withanewvolumerenderer forCT images. Theunderlyinggameenginebasis guaranteesthe extensibility andallowsforeasy adaptionofour systemtonewhardwareandsoftware developments.Inourexample application,remote userscanmeetinasharedvirtualenvironmentandview, manipulate anddiscussthe volume-rendereddatain real-time. OurnewvolumerendererfortheUnrealEngineis capableofreal-timeperformance,aswellas,high-quality visualization. For the future we plan to expand the interaction possibilities with the volume visualization,specifically,wearelooking atintegratingadynamicclippingplaneforabetterview of internal regions and a volumetric drawing tool allowing for quick sketches and annotationsinside the volume.Other improvementswouldbe adirectintegrationand parallelization of the preprocessing part to speed up the workflow and allowing for a dynamic adjustment of the transfer functions. To improve the visualization of complex structures and organs that involve multiple materials support for multi-dimensional transferfunctionscouldbeadded.
  • 48. Example of Unrealuse #4 3D Kinematicsof UpperLimb FunctionalAssessment UsingHTCVive in UnrealEngine4 KaiLiang Lew,Kok SweeSim,ShingChiangTan, FazlySalleh Abas19November 2020 The purpose of research in this paper is to quantify the accuracy and precision of HTC Vive by making upper limb assessment measurements and performing functional tasks in the Unreal Engine 4. Thirty healthy males performed daily aim functional tasks, and arm length measurement and assessment were made. Each participant attended two testing sessions and one arm length measurement session. The upper limblength wasmeasured using HTC Vive after making three types of hand posture exercises. The arm assessment included the minimum and maximum angle of shoulder adduction, abduction, flexionand extension. The experiment showed all the upper limb measurements collected from the functional tasks as well as the position and rotation of the upper limb could be estimated correctly. The proposed system is potentially useful for assessing stroke rehabilitationinthe hospital and rehabilitationcenter.
  • 49. Example of Unrealuse #5 The Uterine Games:UsingaGame EnginetoDevelop a 3D DigitalFemale ReproductiveTracttoAidin AnatomyEducation YunaK. Park DanielleRoyer(18 April2020) The aim of this project was to iteratively design and develop a mobile application (app) depicting a 3D model of the plastinated female reproductive tract. A 3D surface model of the plastinate was digitally reconstructed using an Artec Space Spider 3D Scanner. Artifacts were smoothed and texture was refined in ZBrushCore 2018 and Autodesk Maya 2019. The model was packaged into a mobile app using a gameengine, UnrealEngine4 (UE4). Compared to other app development software, UE4 was chosen for its robust visualization of 3D models, cross‐ platform deployment, and zero upfront costs. With online tutorials, UE4’s Blueprints visual scripting system is relatively simple to grasp, and the node based interface is‐ a powerful approach for non programmers‐programmers , allowing extreme flexibilitywithout the need for coding.Utilizing this flexibility, the app was designed to promote self paced‐ independent learning of the female reproductive tract and associatedpelvicanatomy. ical-simulation-from-precision-os-trains-surgeons-five-ti mes-faster
  • 50. Unity (C#, simpler?) vsUnreal(C++, morephotorealistic)
  • 53. Nice exampleof hownotto visualizebrain Veryhard toanalyze structureswiththesemanuallyset anatomicalopacitieswithout skull-stripping surface visualization→
  • 55. BlenderandCycles arebothopen-source,andsuitableforproduction (atleastfornon-realtimesolutions),checkforlicenses? Blender2.91.0Python APIDocumentation BVTKNodes - photorealistic rendering ofVTK data in Blender data-in-blender/3268/16 cycles volumerendering 3D image texture (CTorMR dataset) volume-rendering-3d-image-texture-ct-or-mr-dataset
  • 56. Aninteractiveframeworkforwhole-brainmapsat cellular resolution Fürthet al.(2017)
  • 57. Collection of lowpoly brain models clickimagesfor source In other words, why hand-model these, if you could create automatically low-poly brains from acquired CT/MRI images, and these low-poly models with ROI overlays of the structure of interest highlighted in them, in a interactive 3D model. And if nothing else, you can use this as an inspiration for your startup branding
  • 59. VessMorphoVis implementsdifferentalgorithms forvisualizingvascular networks.Theoutlineofthe morphologyissketchedin(A)usingthinpolylines andtinyspherestorepresentthesectionsand samplesofthemorphology,respectively.In(B),the morphologyisillustratedbyalistofpointsshowing onlytheindividualsampleswithoutany connectivity.Themorphologyisvisualizedasa disconnectedsetofsegmentsandsectionsusing thesamecolorin(C)and(F),withalternating colors in(D) and(G)andalsousingtransparentshadersin (E)and(H),respectively Users can control the visual quality of the skeleton, choosing between highly optimized geometry (A and C) for global far views or high-quality reconstructions(B and D) for close up views. Morphologypolylinesare rendered using bevel objects with 4 and 16 sides in A and B, respectively. The piecewise segments of the polylines (C) might limit the visual quality in case of close ups; therefore, we added another parameter to use spline interpolation to smooth their curvature (D) A high-qualityrendering of a largevasculaturemesh reconstructed froma vasculargraphhaving 2.1 million∼2.1 million samplesbased on ourmetaballs implementation. The meshisrendered using theartistic glossyshaderwith Cycles Thesamemeshreconstructedwithmetaballsalgorithmisrendered withfourdifferentshaders: glossy, flat, artisticbumby and artistic glossy inA,B,CandD,respectively,using theWorkbenchand CyclesrenderesinBlender
  • 60. TheNIH/NIGMSCenterforIntegrativeBiomedicalComputing UncertaintyVisualization (youshouldhaveyouruncertaintiespropagated fromsegmentationandsurfacereconstructionalgorithmsforthis) AnIsosurfacevisualizationofamagnetic resonanceimagingdataset(inorange)surrounded byavolumerenderedregionoflowopacity(in green) toindicateuncertaintyinsurfaceposition. F.Jiao,J.M.Phillips,J.Stinstra,J.Kueger,R.Varma,E.Hsu,J.Korenberg,C.R.Johnson. "MetricsforUncertaintyAnalysisandVisualizationofDiffusionTensorImages," InProceedingsofthe5thinternationalconferenceonMedicalimaging andaugmentedreality (MIAR),Beijing,China,Springer-Verlag,Berlin,Heidelbergpp.179--190.September,2010 - Citedby17
  • 62. PhysicallyBasedShadingformedicalimagedata 17Feb2017 Classicaltechniquesforrenderingmedicalimagedatain3Dhavebeenaroundsincethe1980s,including multi-planar reformatting(MPR),maximumintensityprojection(MIP)anddirectvolume rendering (DVR)withcolorandopacitymapping.Thesetechniquesarehighlyusefulbutbasedonverysimplemodelsofcolor,lighting,andtransparencythatdonotaccuratelyrepresentthe appearanceofmaterialsintherealworld. PhysicallybasedshadingcombinesavarietyofGPUacceleratedtechniquesincludingimage-basedlighting,complexsurfacereflectionmodeling,ray-tracedshadowcasting,ambientocclusion, highdynamicrangeanddepthoffield. Thesetechniquescanbeusedinteractivelyontypicaldesktopmachineswithstandardgraphicshardware. 
  • 64. Imageacquisition and reconstruction The images were acquired at the Research Imaging Institute, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, in a Siemens magnetom Trio 3T system, in two sessions, each consisting of 6 acquisitions of T1-weighted images, using a mprage sequence, with voxel size of 0.8×0.8×0.8 milimeters. The images were registered and averaged to improve signal-to-noise ratio, as described here, and bias corrected using spm8 software. The already realigned, averagedand bias-corrected volume,in nifti format, isavailable here. The generation of the cortical meshes and subcortical segmentations used FreeSurfer 5.2.0. The splitting of the cortical meshes into independent objects was performed using a custom script that soon will be released at (update: they are now available here). The subcortical meshes were produced from the volumetric segmentations, as described here. Subcortical structures In addition to the above cortical meshes, surfacesforsubcortical structures are also available.These are not produced directly by the FreeSurfer pipeline. However, the segmented volumesthat are part of the subcortical stream can be used to generate surfacesforvisualisation purposes, asdescribed here. The meshesforthe same brain, in different formats,can be downloaded here:  srf mz3 obj ply.
  • 68. Hybridrenderingof explodedviewsformedicalimageatlasvisualization“In thisworkwehavedescribedan interactiveatlasvisualization systemwhich iscapableofcreatingexplodedviewsbasedon the hierarchicalstructureofthedata. Ourhybridrenderingtechniqueiscapableofexplodinganatomic meshesinto slabstorevealan underlyingmedical image.Wedetailedan OpenGLimplementation oftherenderingprocess, and presentedresultsfromtheAALneuroanatomical atlas.Ourimplementation isabletomaintain interactiveframerates,even on tablethardware.”
  • 73. DashEnterpriseAppGallery Thispublicinstanceofthe  👑   DashEnterprise   👑   appmanager runs>60Dashappsfor100sofconcurrentusersonAzureKubernetesService.ClickonaDashapp'snamebelowformore infoandlinksto Python&Rsourcecode onGitHub.
  • 77. The importance of visualization AustenLester
  • 78. Simulation offlow incerebral blood vessels Reference: Adaptive Surface Visualization of VesselswithAnimated Blood Flow, The AuthorsComputer GraphicsForum, author:K. Lawonn et al.;  Otto-von-Gericke- UniversityMagdeburg, Dept. of Simulation and Graphics Implementation of azSpace control within MeVisLab Reference:  zSpace, author:P. Saalfeld;  Otto-von-Gericke- UniversityMagdeburg, Dept. ofSimulati onand Graphics MeVisLab
  • 84.
  • 85. Assessing performance of augmented reality- based neurosurgicaltraining Wei-Xin Si, Xiang-Yun Liao, Yin-LingQian, Hai-TaoSun,  Xiang-Dong Chen, QiongWang & PhengAnnHeng  Visual Computingfor Industry, Biomedicine, and Art  volume 2, Article number: 6 (2019)
  • 89. AntoineRosset@rossetantoine Testing #Cinematic 3DVRRenderinginOsiriX.This enginewillrequirethe28-coresofthenew #MacPro 5:05PM·Dec14,2019 Petteri: TODO! Overlay segmented surfaces with the volumetric “baseline anatomy”
  • 91. 18 Healthcare AugmentedReality andVirtualRealityCompanies toWatch
  • 92. NVIDIA Healthcare2.0– Developingand deployingAIin healthcare ImFusionusesdeeplearningtoturn2Dultrasounddatainto3Dimages. NVIDIA is already working with various partners in adopting AI for their products. For example, Siemens Healthineers is using a NVIDIA GPU-based supercomputing infrastructure to develop AI software to generate organ segmentations that enable precision radiation therapy. Furthermore, Siemens’ SherlockAI supercomputer whichisused to run more than 500 AI experimentsdaily,is also powered byNVIDIAtechnology. However, NVIDIA is not only working with the industry, but also with academic and research institutions. They are collaborating with the King’s College London (Jorge Cardoso et al.) to bring AI in medical imaging to the point of care. In another project, they are applying ‘federated learning’ to algorithm development, allowing algorithms to be developed on site, using data from the local institutions, without the need for data to travel outside of its own domain. The work could lead to breakthroughs in classifying stroke and neurological impairments, determining the underlying causes of cancers, as well as recommendingthe best treatment forpatients.
  • 93. Renderinga3DBrain volumein Blender InoneofmypostsItalkedaboutusing renderingbrainvolumesin-browser usingXTK.The results,I’lladmit,weren’tspectacular.Thevolumerenderingdidn’treallygiveverydefined edges.ButnowI’llshowacouplemethodsofrenderingabrainusing Blender.Thefirst methodisusingvolumetricdatainBlender,andthesecondusessurfacesgeneratedby FreeSurfer.Ithink itgivesprettycoolresults,check itoutbelow.(FreeSurfer .ascto Wavefront.objscript)
  • 96. Learn toturn yourCAT(CT)orMRI scan intoa3Dmodel.
  • 97.  Aorticstentfractureinthree-dimensional volumerendering (3DVR).(A)3DVR imagesdemonstratecompletetransverseaorticstentfracture (green circle)with angulation and slightlateralstentdisplacement.(B)Theeliminationof thesurrounding softtissueand vesselsallows fora bettervisualizationof thehardware. Coronaryarteriesinthree-dimensionalvolumerendering(3DVR).(A)3DVR imagesdemonstratethecourseoftheleftmaincoronaryartery(redarrow) originating(redasterisk) fromtherightcoronaryartery(greenarrow).(B) Itis alsoimportanttocorrelatethiscoronaryarteryanatomywiththesurrounding softtissuetoassessifthereisanymyocardialbridging.  Spinalfixation hardwareand disc spacerin three- dimensionalvolumerendering (3DVR).3DVRimages demonstratespinalfixation hardwareand adiscspaceron (A)anterior-posteriorand (B) lateralviews.Theelimination of thesurroundingsofttissueand bones allowsforthebetter visualization ofthespinal fixation hardware(green arrow) anddisc spacer(red arrow)in ordertoevaluateforpossible hardwarecomplicationson (C) anterior-posteriorand(D) lateralviews. TheAdditionalDiagnosticValueoftheThree-dimensionalVolumeRendering ImaginginRoutineRadiologyPractice TheAdditionalDiagnosticValueof theThree-dimensionalVolumeRendering Imagingin RoutineRadiologyPractice
  • 100. Surface Renderingof aBrain Tumor