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Review Analysis
Summary of
SignatureDocument by Muddasir
Presented By:
Muhammad Muddasir
Chartered Accountancy Profession
CSR Project Framework Designer
Dr. Michael HopkinsisCEO of MHC International Ltdand
CSRFIwho hasintroducedthe model toestablishthe
mattersfor the CSR activitiesinitiatedbythe companies.
In collaborationwithDr.Michael Hopkins, Mr. Muhammad
Muddasiris engagedin presentingthe Independentreview
analysisof this model withsummarizingitstheme aswell
for corporate sector.
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Contents of this report:
Objective of Report 2
Scope of Report 3
Global Standards 4
Review Analysis 5
Summary of H-CSR-Model 7
Conclusion 18
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Objective of Report
Thisreportis aimingtoprovide anindependentanalysis aboutH-CSR-modelincludingtheview pointof
otherreportingframework toall companies encircled within the scope of CSRactivitiesunderthe fair
presentationof financial andnon-financial reportinginthe company’sfinancial statements.
It will provide the basicunderstanding aboutthe scope of CSRactivitiesanddefinethe responsibilities
and role of managementintermof sociallyandethicallyby anoptinganyCSR reportingframework to
disclose all financial andnon-financial mattertoall the concernedstakeholdersinthe publicinterest.
It helpsthe companiestodesignormodify theexitingreportingframeworkbydefiningKeyparameters
for measuringthe ultimateobjectivesof CSRto be achievedbasedonthe H-CSR-model.
It enablesthe regulatoryauthorities of anycountryto identifyandevaluate all the activitieswhich are
beinginitiatedbythe companieswithinoroutside the country inthe name of CSR to raise its goodwill
alsoin the publicregime oragainstthe competitorswhetheritactuallyfallsunderthe scope of CSR.
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Scope of Report
Thisreportcovers the independentanalysiswithconclusionsubjecttoH-CSR-modelhasbeenpresented
while itencircles toall the companiesfromprivate tothepublicsectorincluding suchasNGOsorany other
organizationbasedontrustor welfare.
Thisreporthighlightsthe keycomponentsof H-CSR-model whichmustbe presentinthe organizationas
the supportingpillars forCSRbutitalsoprovidesthe reasonablemargin tomake itmodifiedinaccordance
withthe needof company.
It alsodefinesand enliststhe CSRclassificationwith its relatedpossibleactivitieswhichvaryfromone
companyto othercompanyin accordance withnature and extendof scope of business.
Thisreportcovers the basicfeaturesof global reportingframeworkstobe implementedbythe MNCsin
the differentregions.
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Global Standards
There are the differentstandardsare beingintroducedandadoptedinthe global corporate world and
differentcorporationshave beenassociatedwiththe differentstandards.The mostapplicable standard
isGRI (G4 reporting) whileothersincludingIRIandetc.
In thissituation,role of MNCsbecome more than itsownambitof ordinarycourse of businessactivities
because theyare deemed tobe the role model forthe private, Govt.based entities andotherNGOs.But
unfortunately,mostof the MNCsare carrying itsown(un-registered) reportingformatwhich iscaused
for appearingthe consistencyandtransparencyproblems.
In thisregard,Global CSR andSustainabilityDevelopmentforumsshoulddesign standardizedreporting
formatundertheclassificationof nature of CSRbusiness/Sustainabilitydevelopmentactivitiesinitiated
by anycompanyincludingMNCs.
By adoptingthe methodologywouldenablethe companies to create the harmonyandconsistency in
the reportingpattern forthedisclosure ofinformationaboutCSRandSustainable developmentbusiness
to all the stakeholdersandregulatorybodies.
Standardizedreportingformatshould have the featuresof disclosing the quantitativeandqualitative
informationforall the keystakeholdersandthe general publicin orderto create the consistency and
upholdingthe transparencymatter.
Quantitative featuremusthighlight thequarterly andannual finance budgetwithtwo yearsprojection
underthe considerationof inflationandtax factors.Similarly,itshouldalso disclosethe percentage of
the fundsto be investedin the differentsecuritiesout of the available contribution inthe form of
financingmade bythe stakeholders.
Qualitative feature mustbe inthe reportto reflectthe achievementof the social targetstodetermine
the at whatextendof benefitstobe transferred to the targetedpart of societybased on the CSR and
Sustainable Developmentbusinessactivities.
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Review Analysis
Hopkins’ CSRmodel isbasedonthe four areasto establishthe basisforthe measurementof achieving
the targetsand the criteriafor the performance analysisinordertoredefiningthe social corporate goals
whichhave beensetbythe organizations.
It covers the four areasin the followingorder,
1. CSR – Definition
2. Principle,Process&Product(3Ps)
3. MeasurementKPI
4. CSR Strategy
CSR – Definition:
The definitionisdefinedbyHopkinscoversthe ethical responsibilityof the keystakeholdersassociating
withanyinstitutionorcorporationtoparticipate inthe economicandsustainable developmentactivities
while whateverthe profitisearnedduringthe saidactivitiesinsucha mannerwhichmustbe acceptable
underthe international normsof ethics.
It has beenemphasizedthe livingstandardof people in the society butnotfocusingthe developmentof
sense of maturityof ethical andmoral responsibilityof general publictoalive the soul of CSRin the true
meaning.Whetherthe generalpubliciswillingtoacceptor bringthe positive change orto promote such
trendinthe societywhilehowtocreate such positive mindsetenvironmentinthe society by corporate
Principle,Process& Product (3Ps):
Hopkinsrefers tothe elementaryobligationsof the corporationsistodevelopthe relationshipbetween
thesocietyandbusinessinordertoengage them, creatingthesocial andmoral pressure on management
of organizationtotake the responsibilityof the outcome inthe scope of principle.
In additiontothis,itishighlightedthe matterof managerial skillsandorganizational policiestorespond
the social pressure andhandlingthe everchangingenvironment due tothe multiple factorsinthe scope
of process.
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Further,italsocovers that at whatextend of the corporate code of ethicsaffectingthe decisionmaking
of the sociallyresponsible andthe ultimateimpactof productetherpositiveornegative onpublicinthe
individualcapacityorenvironmentasa whole. Butinthis process,ithas not beenmentioned, onwhat
basisof corporate code ofethicmustbe designed(i.e.pre-conditions of code) tocoverthe riskhasbeen
associatedwithelements(3-Ps) forachievingthe target.
Measurement KPI:
H-CSRmodel hasdefinedthe indicatorsunderthe three layersclassificationsuch as principle,process
and outcome tomeasure the performance.Measurementof performance isbasedon the qualitative
and quantitative features.
It includesthe publication and distributionof code of ethicstothe internal and external stakeholders
underthe supervisionaryindependentbodywhile incase of non-compliance reasonableof amountof
fine mustbe chargedon the prudentbasis.
Further, at whatextendof R&D expensesare beingincurred onthe differentstagesresultedinthe net
numberof jobsare created,employeesandmanagementtraining is to increase the level efficiencyfor
achievingthe desiredoutcomes,share value i.e.returnedonthe investment(Financial).
In addition tothis,performanceshall alsobe measuredonthe basis ofthe industrystandards practiced
specifically to the non-compliance of the environmental matters. Inthe process of measurementas
definedbyHopkins,one thingmustbe highlyconcernedabouthow toensure the controlsare applied
eitherbyregulatoryauthorityorcompanyitself whethertheyare enoughsatisfactory and relevantto
the contemporarysocial,economicallyandtechnological aspects in orderto reflectthe true and faire
measurementof KPI.
CSR Strategy:
In thismodel,Hopkinscoversonlythe matterof synchronizationof CSR and organizational goalswith
respectto theirstrategies butnotfocusingthe matterof conflict andhow toresolve withoutdisturbing
the objective andexecutionof CSRwork.
CSR strategymustbe aligned withtheorganizational goals(financial andnon-financial) inordertomake
the contemporarywiththe everchangingthe technological and businesscircumstances as well.Focus
that whetherthesocioeconomicrequirementof thebeneficiaries &transparentreportingrequirement
to the corporate stakeholdersincludingthe general publicare fulfilled.
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For any conflicttobe raiseddue to nature and extentof reportingaboutthe CSRinthe Annual Financial
Statement,Companyshall needtoconsultwithUN Global Compact,GRI, MHC or holdingcompany if it
isthe memberof anyone of themto ensure the consistencyandtransparencyatall levels.
Estimatingthe quarterlyandannual budgetforCSRProjectssubjecttothe established criteria(with the
mutual consentof all the concernedstakeholderssuchasBOD and CSR committees) foreach quarterly
contributionof fundbasedonthe expectedoutcome.
Summary of H- CSR - Model
KeyNotesof HopkinsCSRModel
It coversthe following importantareas
 CSR Definition
 Principle,Process,Product(3-Ps)
 MeasurementKPI
 CSR Strategy
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Concept of CSR:
CSR isthe systemmodel tolookatthe social responsibilitiesof all the keystakeholdersorcomponents
of the corporate sectorbeingassociatedasthe Private or Publicorganizations.Operationsof suchclass
of companiesshouldbe profitorientedtotransferthe benefitof certainpercentageof profittothe less
economicallydecoratedpartof society.
Definition - Corporate social responsibility(CSR):
It isa processthatis concernedwithtreating the stakeholdersof acompanyor institutionethically and
ina responsible manner.Keystakeholdersmust betreatedinamannerdeemedacceptable accordingto
international norms.
a) Social responsibilityincludes theeconomicandenvironmental responsibilities tothestakeholders
existbothinside andoutside afirmorinstitution.
b) The ultimate aimof corporate social responsibilityistocreate higherandhigherstandardsof the
sustainable living,while preservingthe profitability of the corporation or integrity of institution,
for peoplesbothwithinandoutside these entities. The keyisthathow profitsare made,notthe
pursuitof profitsat anycost.
c) CSR and sustainabilityare closelylinkedinthattheyboth havingaimto achieve thesustainability
developmentin the societies.BothCSRand sustainabilityaddresstothe multi-stakeholdersand
Principle, Process & Product (3 – P Model):
The basic elementsof the model are threefoldare asfollowing,
 Principlesof social responsibility
 Processesof social responsiveness
 Products(or outcomes) of social responsibility
Level – I: Principles of Social Responsibility;
Applicationof thisprinciple isinstitutionalandis alsobasedon thefirm’sbasicobligationsasabusiness
organization.Itsvalue isthatitdefinesthe institutional relationshipbetweenbusinessandsocietyand
specifieswhatisexpectedof anybusiness.
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1. Legitimacy:
It concernsbusinessasa social institutionandframesthe analytical view of the interrelationship
of businessandsociety.
2. Publicresponsibility:
Thiselementconcernsthe individual firmanditsprocessesandoutcomeswithinthe framework
of itsownprinciplesintermsof whatitactuallydoes.
3. Managerial discretion:
Managers andother organizational membersare themoral actors.Withineverydomainof CSR,
theyare obligedtoexercise suchdiscretionasisavailable tothem, towardsociallyresponsible
Level – II: Processof Social Responsibility;
Corporate social responsivenessisbusiness’scapacity to respond to social pressures.It suggests the
abilityof a businessorganizationtosurvivethroughitsadaptationtoitsenvironment.Firmmustknow
as much as possible aboutthisenvironment,be capable of analyzingitsdata,andmust alsoreactto the
resultsof thisanalysis.Butthe environmentof businessisnotstatic;itis a complex and everchanging
setof circumstances,encompassingcomplicatedinterpenetrationsof social systems.
Principleof Social
Legitimacy PublicResponsibility Managerial Discretion
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1. Environmental scanning:
Such assessmentindicatesthe informationalgatheringarmsof the businessand transmissionof
the gatheredinformationthroughoutthe organizationwithitsultimate use inforwardplanning.
2. Stakeholdermanagement:
It referstomappingthe relationshipsof stakeholders tothe firm(amongeachother),seekingto
balance andmeetlegitimateconcerns asaprerequisite of anymeasurementprocess.Stakeholder
isdefinedasanygroup or individual whocanaffector is affectedby achievementof the firm’s
3. Issuesmanagement.
The area of issuesanalysis andmanagementconcernsthose policiestobe developedtoaddress
social issues.Havingidentifiedthe motivatingprinciplesof firmandhavingdetermined identities,
relationships andpowerof stakeholders, theresearchernow turnsto the issueswhich concern to
Level – III:Product(Outcomes);
The programs and behavioral outcomes of the motivatingprinciplescanonly be significantif theyare
measuredintermsof the stakeholdersthattheyaffect.Todetermine whetherCSPmakesadifference,
all of the stakeholdersrelevanttoanissue or complex of issuesmustbe includedinanyassessmentof
Process of Social
Environmental Scanning
Issues Management
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1. Internal stakeholdereffects:
Thiselementisconcernedwithstakeholders withinthe firm.This mightbe used toexamine how
corporate code of ethicsaffectsthe day-to-daydecisionmakingof firmwithreference to social
responsibility.Similarly,itmightbe concernedwiththe positive ornegativeeffectsof corporate
hiringandemployee benefitspractices.
2. External stakeholdereffects:
Thiselementexaminesthe impactof corporate actionson the personsor groupsoutside bythe
firm.Thismightconcern that such thingsas the negative effectsof aproductrecall,the positive
effects of communityrelatedcorporate philanthropy,orassumingthe natural environmentasa
stakeholderand the effectsof toxicwaste disposal.
3. External institutional effects:
Final elementof thismodel would alsoexaminethe effects onthe largerinstitution of business
rather than on any particularstakeholdergroupandseveral environmental disastersmade the
publicawarenessof the effectof businessdecisionsonthe general publicforexample. Thisnew
awarenessbroughtaboutpressure forenvironmental regulation,whichthenaffectedthe entire
institutionof businessratherthanone specificfirm.
Internal Stakeholder
External Stakeholder
External Institutional
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Key Performance Indicators:
Under thismodel,indicatorstomeasure the CSRprofile isbasedonthe three layersandnine essential
elementsare givenasbelow,
a) Categorizingthesaid three layers.
1) Principlesof Social Responsibility
2) Processof Social Responsibility
3) Outcome of Social Responsibility
b) Categorizingtheelements
1) Legitimacy
2) PublicResponsibility Principlesof social responsibility
3) Managerial Discretion
4) Environmental Scanning
5) StakeholderManagement Process of social responsibility
6) Issue Management
7) Elementof SRE model
8) Internal StakeholderEffect Outcome of social responsibility
9) External StakeholderEffect
10) External Institutional Effect
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Work flowunderstanding– Principle ofSocial Responsibility:
Work flowunderstanding– ProcessesofSocial Responsibility:
•Public Responsibility
•Managerial Discretion
•Code of Ethics (InGeneral)
•Litigation(Breach of Law)
•Fine resulting fromillegal
•Job Creation
•Code of Ethic (Specific)
•Managers convicted inthe
•Published, Distributed
to employees &
Monitoring fromthe
Independent group.
•R&D Expenditure
•Number of net job
•Managers & Employees
•Number& Amount.Measures
•Environmental Scanning
•Stakeholder Management
•Issue Management
•Mechanism to reviewsocial
issues relevent to firm
•Analytical bodyfor social
issue(integralpart of policy
•Social Audit
•Ethical Accounting
•Policies made onbasis of
analysis of social issues
•Firms regulation& policies
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Work flowunderstanding– Outcome of Social Responsibility:
For StakeholderGroups - Owners
For StakeholderGroups –Managers
Element of SRE Model
•Corporate irresponsibility
or illegal activity
•Corporate Philanthropy
•Code of Ethics
Indicators •Share value / Returned
on Investment
•Fine/Number of product
recalls/ pollution
performance measured
against industry
•Amount of giving/
Programmes as % of
•Amount of pre-tax giving
as % of earning.
•Published , Distributed ,
Element of SRE Model
•Code of Ethics
•Trainedincode of
ethics &applyin
demonstrable &
measurable ways
•Rank of manager
responsible for applying
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For StakeholderGroups –Employees
For StakeholderGroups –Customers/Consumers
Element of SRE Model
•Union/ Staff relations
•Pay, Pension&benefits
•Employee ownership
•Women & minority
Indicators •Evidence of
controversy, good
•Litigation, fines
•Relative rankingto
similar firms
(measuring % spent on
employee benefits,
ndividual chosen
•Amount byperpercent
•Existence, rankwith
similar firm, litigation&
Element of SRE Model
•Code of Ethics
•Product recalls
•Public Product or
Services controversy
•False advertising
•Evidence ofapplication
to product or services.
•Absolute number,
litigations or fines,
percentage of total
•Amount of fraud, price
fixing, antitrust suits.
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For StakeholderGroups –NaturalEnvironment
For StakeholderGroups –Community
Element of SRE Model
•Toxic waste
•Recycling and use of
•Use of eco-labelon
•Performance against
index,litigation, fines
•Performance against
index,litigation, fines
•InternalStakeholders Effects
Element of SRE Model
•Corporate giving to
•Direct involvement in
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For StakeholderGroups –Supplier
For StakeholderGroups –Businessas Social Institution
Element of SRE Model
•Firm’s Code of Ethics
•Supplier’s Code of
•Public controversy
•Appliedto allsuppliers
•Amount, outcome
•External institutional
Element of SRE Model
•Code of Ethics
•Generic litigation
•Class actionsuits
•Public policyand
legislation improved
due to pressure from
•Published and applied
•Amounts, type, number,
• Yes or NoMeasures
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CSR Strategy:
Initially,companyneedstoidentifyandrevisedthe organizational goalsinchangingthe businessand
technological environmental whichmustbe alignedwiththe strategicobjective of CSRprogram.
Companyshall needtodefine the Value &MissionStatementof companytoarticulate inthe culture of
organizationtothe managementtoact accordingly.Subjecttodefine the how longtermvisionof CSRis
Companyshall needtoidentifythe beneficiariesandstakeholderstowhomthe reportismade and also
consideringthatwhatkindof CSR projectsisbeinginitiatedbycompetitorandwhatreportingmatteris
beingusedwithinthe industry.
For any conflicttobe raiseddue to nature and extentof reportingaboutthe CSRinthe Annual Financial
Statement,Companyshall need to consultwithUN Global Compact,GRI, MHC or holdingcompany if it
isthe memberof anyone of themto ensure the consistencyandtransparencyatall levels.
Estimatingthe quarterlyandannual budgetforCSRProjectssubjecttothe establishedcriteria(with the
mutual consentof all concernedstakeholderssuchasBOD & CSR committee) forquarterlycontribution
of fundbasedonthe expectedoutcome.Budgetsshall be designedforeachprojectseparately while,if
any projectis recurringnature so the revision of budget(Inc./Dec. incontribution)subjectto approval
of boardand prioroutcomeswithconsideringthe anyvolatile ornon-volatilecontingencies.
Establishthe keyperformance indicatorstomeasure the progress of CSRworkfor achievingthe desired
outcome in respectof socio – economicdevelopment.Companyshall alsotake the reasonable steps to
ensure the effectiveness and appropriatenessof KPIwhichmustcoverthe measurable and practicable
aspectsincludingthe CostandBenefitrelationshipfactorshall alsobe consideredforeachproject.
Evaluatingprocessshall be ongoingnature from beginningtothe implementationstage subjecttothe
cost and benefitrelationship.Companyshall be requiredtoobtain the certificate fromthe concerned
standardreportingframeworkBoard(UN Global Compact,GRI or MHC).
In myviewpoint,there isnoreason, tonot recommendingthe H-CSR-Model forthe adoption by the
companiesincludingfrompublictoprivate sectors.Iappreciate the remarkable effortsof Dr.Michael
Hopkinstodesignthe measurementmodel forthe companies’performance inthe interestof all the

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Review Analysis & Summary of H-CSR-Model

  • 1. Review Analysis & Summary of H-CSR-Model SignatureDocument by Muddasir Presented By: Muhammad Muddasir Chartered Accountancy Profession CSR Project Framework Designer Dr. Michael HopkinsisCEO of MHC International Ltdand CSRFIwho hasintroducedthe model toestablishthe measurementcriteriaanddesiredactionwithreporting mattersfor the CSR activitiesinitiatedbythe companies. In collaborationwithDr.Michael Hopkins, Mr. Muhammad Muddasiris engagedin presentingthe Independentreview analysisof this model withsummarizingitstheme aswell for corporate sector.
  • 2. ReviewAnalysis& Summary of H-CSR-Model 2016 M u h a m m a d M u d d a s i r Page 1 Contents of this report: Objective of Report 2 Scope of Report 3 Global Standards 4 Review Analysis 5 Summary of H-CSR-Model 7 Conclusion 18
  • 3. ReviewAnalysis& Summary of H-CSR-Model 2016 M u h a m m a d M u d d a s i r Page 2 Objective of Report Thisreportis aimingtoprovide anindependentanalysis aboutH-CSR-modelincludingtheview pointof otherreportingframework toall companies encircled within the scope of CSRactivitiesunderthe fair presentationof financial andnon-financial reportinginthe company’sfinancial statements. It will provide the basicunderstanding aboutthe scope of CSRactivitiesanddefinethe responsibilities and role of managementintermof sociallyandethicallyby anoptinganyCSR reportingframework to disclose all financial andnon-financial mattertoall the concernedstakeholdersinthe publicinterest. It helpsthe companiestodesignormodify theexitingreportingframeworkbydefiningKeyparameters for measuringthe ultimateobjectivesof CSRto be achievedbasedonthe H-CSR-model. It enablesthe regulatoryauthorities of anycountryto identifyandevaluate all the activitieswhich are beinginitiatedbythe companieswithinoroutside the country inthe name of CSR to raise its goodwill alsoin the publicregime oragainstthe competitorswhetheritactuallyfallsunderthe scope of CSR.
  • 4. ReviewAnalysis& Summary of H-CSR-Model 2016 M u h a m m a d M u d d a s i r Page 3 Scope of Report Thisreportcovers the independentanalysiswithconclusionsubjecttoH-CSR-modelhasbeenpresented while itencircles toall the companiesfromprivate tothepublicsectorincluding suchasNGOsorany other organizationbasedontrustor welfare. Thisreporthighlightsthe keycomponentsof H-CSR-model whichmustbe presentinthe organizationas the supportingpillars forCSRbutitalsoprovidesthe reasonablemargin tomake itmodifiedinaccordance withthe needof company. It alsodefinesand enliststhe CSRclassificationwith its relatedpossibleactivitieswhichvaryfromone companyto othercompanyin accordance withnature and extendof scope of business. Thisreportcovers the basicfeaturesof global reportingframeworkstobe implementedbythe MNCsin the differentregions.
  • 5. ReviewAnalysis& Summary of H-CSR-Model 2016 M u h a m m a d M u d d a s i r Page 4 Global Standards There are the differentstandardsare beingintroducedandadoptedinthe global corporate world and differentcorporationshave beenassociatedwiththe differentstandards.The mostapplicable standard isGRI (G4 reporting) whileothersincludingIRIandetc. In thissituation,role of MNCsbecome more than itsownambitof ordinarycourse of businessactivities because theyare deemed tobe the role model forthe private, Govt.based entities andotherNGOs.But unfortunately,mostof the MNCsare carrying itsown(un-registered) reportingformatwhich iscaused for appearingthe consistencyandtransparencyproblems. In thisregard,Global CSR andSustainabilityDevelopmentforumsshoulddesign standardizedreporting formatundertheclassificationof nature of CSRbusiness/Sustainabilitydevelopmentactivitiesinitiated by anycompanyincludingMNCs. By adoptingthe methodologywouldenablethe companies to create the harmonyandconsistency in the reportingpattern forthedisclosure ofinformationaboutCSRandSustainable developmentbusiness to all the stakeholdersandregulatorybodies. Standardizedreportingformatshould have the featuresof disclosing the quantitativeandqualitative informationforall the keystakeholdersandthe general publicin orderto create the consistency and upholdingthe transparencymatter. Quantitative featuremusthighlight thequarterly andannual finance budgetwithtwo yearsprojection underthe considerationof inflationandtax factors.Similarly,itshouldalso disclosethe percentage of the fundsto be investedin the differentsecuritiesout of the available contribution inthe form of financingmade bythe stakeholders. Qualitative feature mustbe inthe reportto reflectthe achievementof the social targetstodetermine the at whatextendof benefitstobe transferred to the targetedpart of societybased on the CSR and Sustainable Developmentbusinessactivities.
  • 6. ReviewAnalysis& Summary of H-CSR-Model 2016 M u h a m m a d M u d d a s i r Page 5 Review Analysis Hopkins’ CSRmodel isbasedonthe four areasto establishthe basisforthe measurementof achieving the targetsand the criteriafor the performance analysisinordertoredefiningthe social corporate goals whichhave beensetbythe organizations. It covers the four areasin the followingorder, 1. CSR – Definition 2. Principle,Process&Product(3Ps) 3. MeasurementKPI 4. CSR Strategy CSR – Definition: The definitionisdefinedbyHopkinscoversthe ethical responsibilityof the keystakeholdersassociating withanyinstitutionorcorporationtoparticipate inthe economicandsustainable developmentactivities while whateverthe profitisearnedduringthe saidactivitiesinsucha mannerwhichmustbe acceptable underthe international normsof ethics. It has beenemphasizedthe livingstandardof people in the society butnotfocusingthe developmentof sense of maturityof ethical andmoral responsibilityof general publictoalive the soul of CSRin the true meaning.Whetherthe generalpubliciswillingtoacceptor bringthe positive change orto promote such trendinthe societywhilehowtocreate such positive mindsetenvironmentinthe society by corporate sector. Principle,Process& Product (3Ps): Hopkinsrefers tothe elementaryobligationsof the corporationsistodevelopthe relationshipbetween thesocietyandbusinessinordertoengage them, creatingthesocial andmoral pressure on management of organizationtotake the responsibilityof the outcome inthe scope of principle. In additiontothis,itishighlightedthe matterof managerial skillsandorganizational policiestorespond the social pressure andhandlingthe everchangingenvironment due tothe multiple factorsinthe scope of process.
  • 7. ReviewAnalysis& Summary of H-CSR-Model 2016 M u h a m m a d M u d d a s i r Page 6 Further,italsocovers that at whatextend of the corporate code of ethicsaffectingthe decisionmaking of the sociallyresponsible andthe ultimateimpactof productetherpositiveornegative onpublicinthe individualcapacityorenvironmentasa whole. Butinthis process,ithas not beenmentioned, onwhat basisof corporate code ofethicmustbe designed(i.e.pre-conditions of code) tocoverthe riskhasbeen associatedwithelements(3-Ps) forachievingthe target. Measurement KPI: H-CSRmodel hasdefinedthe indicatorsunderthe three layersclassificationsuch as principle,process and outcome tomeasure the performance.Measurementof performance isbasedon the qualitative and quantitative features. It includesthe publication and distributionof code of ethicstothe internal and external stakeholders underthe supervisionaryindependentbodywhile incase of non-compliance reasonableof amountof fine mustbe chargedon the prudentbasis. Further, at whatextendof R&D expensesare beingincurred onthe differentstagesresultedinthe net numberof jobsare created,employeesandmanagementtraining is to increase the level efficiencyfor achievingthe desiredoutcomes,share value i.e.returnedonthe investment(Financial). In addition tothis,performanceshall alsobe measuredonthe basis ofthe industrystandards practiced specifically to the non-compliance of the environmental matters. Inthe process of measurementas definedbyHopkins,one thingmustbe highlyconcernedabouthow toensure the controlsare applied eitherbyregulatoryauthorityorcompanyitself whethertheyare enoughsatisfactory and relevantto the contemporarysocial,economicallyandtechnological aspects in orderto reflectthe true and faire measurementof KPI. CSR Strategy: In thismodel,Hopkinscoversonlythe matterof synchronizationof CSR and organizational goalswith respectto theirstrategies butnotfocusingthe matterof conflict andhow toresolve withoutdisturbing the objective andexecutionof CSRwork. CSR strategymustbe aligned withtheorganizational goals(financial andnon-financial) inordertomake the contemporarywiththe everchangingthe technological and businesscircumstances as well.Focus that whetherthesocioeconomicrequirementof thebeneficiaries &transparentreportingrequirement to the corporate stakeholdersincludingthe general publicare fulfilled.
  • 8. ReviewAnalysis& Summary of H-CSR-Model 2016 M u h a m m a d M u d d a s i r Page 7 For any conflicttobe raiseddue to nature and extentof reportingaboutthe CSRinthe Annual Financial Statement,Companyshall needtoconsultwithUN Global Compact,GRI, MHC or holdingcompany if it isthe memberof anyone of themto ensure the consistencyandtransparencyatall levels. Estimatingthe quarterlyandannual budgetforCSRProjectssubjecttothe established criteria(with the mutual consentof all the concernedstakeholderssuchasBOD and CSR committees) foreach quarterly contributionof fundbasedonthe expectedoutcome. Summary of H- CSR - Model KeyNotesof HopkinsCSRModel It coversthe following importantareas  CSR Definition  Principle,Process,Product(3-Ps)  MeasurementKPI  CSR Strategy
  • 9. ReviewAnalysis& Summary of H-CSR-Model 2016 M u h a m m a d M u d d a s i r Page 8 Concept of CSR: CSR isthe systemmodel tolookatthe social responsibilitiesof all the keystakeholdersorcomponents of the corporate sectorbeingassociatedasthe Private or Publicorganizations.Operationsof suchclass of companiesshouldbe profitorientedtotransferthe benefitof certainpercentageof profittothe less economicallydecoratedpartof society. Definition - Corporate social responsibility(CSR): It isa processthatis concernedwithtreating the stakeholdersof acompanyor institutionethically and ina responsible manner.Keystakeholdersmust betreatedinamannerdeemedacceptable accordingto international norms. a) Social responsibilityincludes theeconomicandenvironmental responsibilities tothestakeholders existbothinside andoutside afirmorinstitution. b) The ultimate aimof corporate social responsibilityistocreate higherandhigherstandardsof the sustainable living,while preservingthe profitability of the corporation or integrity of institution, for peoplesbothwithinandoutside these entities. The keyisthathow profitsare made,notthe pursuitof profitsat anycost. c) CSR and sustainabilityare closelylinkedinthattheyboth havingaimto achieve thesustainability developmentin the societies.BothCSRand sustainabilityaddresstothe multi-stakeholdersand theirmateriality. Principle, Process & Product (3 – P Model): The basic elementsof the model are threefoldare asfollowing,  Principlesof social responsibility  Processesof social responsiveness  Products(or outcomes) of social responsibility Level – I: Principles of Social Responsibility; Applicationof thisprinciple isinstitutionalandis alsobasedon thefirm’sbasicobligationsasabusiness organization.Itsvalue isthatitdefinesthe institutional relationshipbetweenbusinessandsocietyand specifieswhatisexpectedof anybusiness.
  • 10. ReviewAnalysis& Summary of H-CSR-Model 2016 M u h a m m a d M u d d a s i r Page 9 1. Legitimacy: It concernsbusinessasa social institutionandframesthe analytical view of the interrelationship of businessandsociety. 2. Publicresponsibility: Thiselementconcernsthe individual firmanditsprocessesandoutcomeswithinthe framework of itsownprinciplesintermsof whatitactuallydoes. 3. Managerial discretion: Managers andother organizational membersare themoral actors.Withineverydomainof CSR, theyare obligedtoexercise suchdiscretionasisavailable tothem, towardsociallyresponsible outcomes. Level – II: Processof Social Responsibility; Corporate social responsivenessisbusiness’scapacity to respond to social pressures.It suggests the abilityof a businessorganizationtosurvivethroughitsadaptationtoitsenvironment.Firmmustknow as much as possible aboutthisenvironment,be capable of analyzingitsdata,andmust alsoreactto the resultsof thisanalysis.Butthe environmentof businessisnotstatic;itis a complex and everchanging setof circumstances,encompassingcomplicatedinterpenetrationsof social systems. Principleof Social Responsibility Legitimacy PublicResponsibility Managerial Discretion
  • 11. ReviewAnalysis& Summary of H-CSR-Model 2016 M u h a m m a d M u d d a s i r Page 10 1. Environmental scanning: Such assessmentindicatesthe informationalgatheringarmsof the businessand transmissionof the gatheredinformationthroughoutthe organizationwithitsultimate use inforwardplanning. 2. Stakeholdermanagement: It referstomappingthe relationshipsof stakeholders tothe firm(amongeachother),seekingto balance andmeetlegitimateconcerns asaprerequisite of anymeasurementprocess.Stakeholder isdefinedasanygroup or individual whocanaffector is affectedby achievementof the firm’s objectives. 3. Issuesmanagement. The area of issuesanalysis andmanagementconcernsthose policiestobe developedtoaddress social issues.Havingidentifiedthe motivatingprinciplesof firmandhavingdetermined identities, relationships andpowerof stakeholders, theresearchernow turnsto the issueswhich concern to stakeholders. Level – III:Product(Outcomes); The programs and behavioral outcomes of the motivatingprinciplescanonly be significantif theyare measuredintermsof the stakeholdersthattheyaffect.Todetermine whetherCSPmakesadifference, all of the stakeholdersrelevanttoanissue or complex of issuesmustbe includedinanyassessmentof performance. Process of Social Responsibility Environmental Scanning Stakeholder Management Issues Management
  • 12. ReviewAnalysis& Summary of H-CSR-Model 2016 M u h a m m a d M u d d a s i r Page 11 1. Internal stakeholdereffects: Thiselementisconcernedwithstakeholders withinthe firm.This mightbe used toexamine how corporate code of ethicsaffectsthe day-to-daydecisionmakingof firmwithreference to social responsibility.Similarly,itmightbe concernedwiththe positive ornegativeeffectsof corporate hiringandemployee benefitspractices. 2. External stakeholdereffects: Thiselementexaminesthe impactof corporate actionson the personsor groupsoutside bythe firm.Thismightconcern that such thingsas the negative effectsof aproductrecall,the positive effects of communityrelatedcorporate philanthropy,orassumingthe natural environmentasa stakeholderand the effectsof toxicwaste disposal. 3. External institutional effects: Final elementof thismodel would alsoexaminethe effects onthe largerinstitution of business rather than on any particularstakeholdergroupandseveral environmental disastersmade the publicawarenessof the effectof businessdecisionsonthe general publicforexample. Thisnew awarenessbroughtaboutpressure forenvironmental regulation,whichthenaffectedthe entire institutionof businessratherthanone specificfirm. Product Internal Stakeholder effects External Stakeholder Effects External Institutional Effects
  • 13. ReviewAnalysis& Summary of H-CSR-Model 2016 M u h a m m a d M u d d a s i r Page 12 Key Performance Indicators: Under thismodel,indicatorstomeasure the CSRprofile isbasedonthe three layersandnine essential elementsare givenasbelow, a) Categorizingthesaid three layers. 1) Principlesof Social Responsibility 2) Processof Social Responsibility 3) Outcome of Social Responsibility b) Categorizingtheelements 1) Legitimacy 2) PublicResponsibility Principlesof social responsibility 3) Managerial Discretion 4) Environmental Scanning 5) StakeholderManagement Process of social responsibility 6) Issue Management 7) Elementof SRE model 8) Internal StakeholderEffect Outcome of social responsibility 9) External StakeholderEffect 10) External Institutional Effect
  • 14. ReviewAnalysis& Summary of H-CSR-Model 2016 M u h a m m a d M u d d a s i r Page 13 Work flowunderstanding– Principle ofSocial Responsibility: Work flowunderstanding– ProcessesofSocial Responsibility: •Legitimacy •Public Responsibility •Managerial Discretion Elements •Code of Ethics (InGeneral) •Litigation(Breach of Law) •Fine resulting fromillegal activities •Contributionto innovation •Job Creation •Code of Ethic (Specific) •Managers convicted inthe illegalactivities. Indicators •Published, Distributed to employees & Monitoring fromthe Independent group. •Amount •Amount •R&D Expenditure •Number of net job created •Managers & Employees trained •Number& Amount.Measures •Environmental Scanning •Stakeholder Management •Issue Management Elements •Mechanism to reviewsocial issues relevent to firm •Analytical bodyfor social issue(integralpart of policy making) •Social Audit •Ethical Accounting Statement •Policies made onbasis of analysis of social issues Indicators •Existence •Existence •Existence •Existance •Firms regulation& policies Measures
  • 15. ReviewAnalysis& Summary of H-CSR-Model 2016 M u h a m m a d M u d d a s i r Page 14 Work flowunderstanding– Outcome of Social Responsibility: For StakeholderGroups - Owners For StakeholderGroups –Managers •InternalStakeholder Effects Element of SRE Model •Profitability/Value •Corporate irresponsibility or illegal activity •Communitywelfare •Corporate Philanthropy •Code of Ethics Indicators •Share value / Returned on Investment •Fine/Number of product recalls/ pollution performance measured against industry standards. •Amount of giving/ Programmes as % of earnings •Amount of pre-tax giving as % of earning. •Published , Distributed , Trained Measures •InternalStakeholders Effects Element of SRE Model •Code of Ethics Indicators •Trainedincode of ethics &applyin demonstrable & measurable ways •Rank of manager responsible for applying code. Measures
  • 16. ReviewAnalysis& Summary of H-CSR-Model 2016 M u h a m m a d M u d d a s i r Page 15 For StakeholderGroups –Employees For StakeholderGroups –Customers/Consumers •InternalStakeholders Effects Element of SRE Model •Union/ Staff relations •SafetyIssues •Pay, Pension&benefits •Layoff •Employee ownership •Women & minority ownership Indicators •Evidence of controversy, good relations •Litigation, fines •Relative rankingto similar firms (measuring % spent on employee benefits, programmes •Percentage,frequency,I ndividual chosen •Amount byperpercent •Existence, rankwith similar firm, litigation& fines. Measures •InternalStakeholders Effects Element of SRE Model •Code of Ethics •Product recalls •Litigations •Public Product or Services controversy •False advertising Indicators •Evidence ofapplication to product or services. •Absolute number, seriouness demonstratedby litigations or fines, percentage of total production. •Amount of fraud, price fixing, antitrust suits. Measures
  • 17. ReviewAnalysis& Summary of H-CSR-Model 2016 M u h a m m a d M u d d a s i r Page 16 For StakeholderGroups –NaturalEnvironment For StakeholderGroups –Community •InternalStakeholders Effects Element of SRE Model •Pollution •Toxic waste •Recycling and use of recycledproducts •Use of eco-labelon products? Indicators •Performance against index,litigation, fines •Performance against index,litigation, fines •Percentages •Yes/No? Measures •InternalStakeholders Effects Element of SRE Model •Corporate giving to communityprogrammes •Direct involvement in communityprogrammes •Communitycontroversyor litigation Indicators •Amount,percentage •Number,outcomes, costs,benefits •Number,seriousness, outcomes Measures
  • 18. ReviewAnalysis& Summary of H-CSR-Model 2016 M u h a m m a d M u d d a s i r Page 17 For StakeholderGroups –Supplier For StakeholderGroups –Businessas Social Institution •InternalStakeholders Effects Element of SRE Model •Firm’s Code of Ethics •Supplier’s Code of Ethics •Litigation/fines •Public controversy Indicators •Appliedto allsuppliers •Applied •Number, amount,outcomes •Amount, outcome Measures •External institutional Effects Element of SRE Model •Code of Ethics •Generic litigation •Class actionsuits •Public policyand legislation improved due to pressure from corporation Indicators •Published and applied •Amounts, number,outcomes •Amounts, type, number, outcomes • Yes or NoMeasures
  • 19. ReviewAnalysis& Summary of H-CSR-Model 2016 M u h a m m a d M u d d a s i r Page 18 CSR Strategy: Initially,companyneedstoidentifyandrevisedthe organizational goalsinchangingthe businessand technological environmental whichmustbe alignedwiththe strategicobjective of CSRprogram. Companyshall needtodefine the Value &MissionStatementof companytoarticulate inthe culture of organizationtothe managementtoact accordingly.Subjecttodefine the how longtermvisionof CSRis beingalignedwithbusinessgoals. Companyshall needtoidentifythe beneficiariesandstakeholderstowhomthe reportismade and also consideringthatwhatkindof CSR projectsisbeinginitiatedbycompetitorandwhatreportingmatteris beingusedwithinthe industry. For any conflicttobe raiseddue to nature and extentof reportingaboutthe CSRinthe Annual Financial Statement,Companyshall need to consultwithUN Global Compact,GRI, MHC or holdingcompany if it isthe memberof anyone of themto ensure the consistencyandtransparencyatall levels. Estimatingthe quarterlyandannual budgetforCSRProjectssubjecttothe establishedcriteria(with the mutual consentof all concernedstakeholderssuchasBOD & CSR committee) forquarterlycontribution of fundbasedonthe expectedoutcome.Budgetsshall be designedforeachprojectseparately while,if any projectis recurringnature so the revision of budget(Inc./Dec. incontribution)subjectto approval of boardand prioroutcomeswithconsideringthe anyvolatile ornon-volatilecontingencies. Establishthe keyperformance indicatorstomeasure the progress of CSRworkfor achievingthe desired outcome in respectof socio – economicdevelopment.Companyshall alsotake the reasonable steps to ensure the effectiveness and appropriatenessof KPIwhichmustcoverthe measurable and practicable aspectsincludingthe CostandBenefitrelationshipfactorshall alsobe consideredforeachproject. Evaluatingprocessshall be ongoingnature from beginningtothe implementationstage subjecttothe cost and benefitrelationship.Companyshall be requiredtoobtain the certificate fromthe concerned standardreportingframeworkBoard(UN Global Compact,GRI or MHC). Conclusion: In myviewpoint,there isnoreason, tonot recommendingthe H-CSR-Model forthe adoption by the companiesincludingfrompublictoprivate sectors.Iappreciate the remarkable effortsof Dr.Michael Hopkinstodesignthe measurementmodel forthe companies’performance inthe interestof all the concernedstakeholders.