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Management         Market

Two Drivers
Cultural diversity and its impact on business ethos and practise

   All generalizations are false

   All generalizations, including this one, are false

   Some generalizations are true

   Some generalizations are true, some of the time

    While it is impossible to predict behavioral style for a given
    group, it may be helpful or useful to be aware of certain
    particularities in order to understand people from that group,
    adapt our behavior and select an appropriate strategy.
    We can classify cultural groups in different ways

      Ethnic
      National
      Regional
      Urban
      Religious
      Professional
      Corporate
              Within a given cultural group,
    there are common values, attitudes and behavior.

      For example, Germans share these concepts :

      Order
      Logic and Clarity
      Scientific truth
      Seriousness
      Work ethic
      Consensus
      Linear time
      A given cultural group also holds ideas
           about other cultural groups.

  Here ’s the typical Brit ’s view of Europeans :

STYLISH         37        07        30      09       01      05      04
ARROGANT        29        14        12      14       07      04      48
SEXY            21        08        19      04       05      02      01
DEVIOUS         19        09        10      06       16      02      12
EASYGOING       10        27        20      27       30      15      03
GREEDY          10        07        07      12       03      02      09
COWARDLY        08        03        12      02       10      00      02
BORING          08        07        06      13       09      13      11
EFFICIENT       06        03        05      26       05      24      41
LAZY            06        23        13      16       11      01      01
HARDWORKING     05        12        10      29       22      28      38
CLEVER          02        01        01      06       02      04      08
BRAVE           01        03        02      25       07      06      08
It isn ’t easy for people to reach agreement, even within a given culture.

    When people from different cultures come together to negotiate,
    intercultural difficulties are superimposed on interpersonal ones.

  Here are some potential sources of misunderstanding and conflict :

           Language & communication
           Behavior
           Time & space
           Attitudes & values
           Power & decisionmaking
           Work practises
   Language & communication
Courteous - formal - rationalist - complex - abstract - critical - contentious - evasive - touchy.
   Behavior
Formal - mistrustful - polite - arrogant - cynical - not very pragmatic - can be rigid - egoistic.
   Time & space
TIME : nonlinear - may not respect agendas, schedules, deadlines - slow implementation
SPACE : respect privacy - territory closely guarded.
   Attitudes & values
Work ethic underdeveloped - competitive drive relatively recent - highly valued welfare
system - proud - consider themselves competent & efficient - opinion counts more than facts
- can be contemptuous - security not risk - poor customer service.
   Power & decisionmaking
Technocratic & centralized - slow - insufficient delegation - position a function of credentials
- functional & departmental responsibility sometimes ignored - subordinates accept elitist
hierarchy as being in the nature of things - decisions may be made with lateral consultation
only - predominance of political concerns.
   Work practises
Teamwork insufficient - inadequate reporting - form over substance - accept surprises.
Bureaucratic - performance not always monitored - slow evaluation & promotion - territory a
key factor - procedural control may stifle initiative - information retention - tend to say no.
Meetings often ill-planned & too long - tend to rationalize failure - lack foresight.
   Language & communication
Loud - informal - direct - simple - concrete - idiomatic - polite - don’t like silence - curious.
   Behavior
Casual - trustful - polite - abrasive - opportunistic - pragmatic - naive - egoistic - humorous .
   Time & space
TIME : linear - agendas, schedules, deadlines - fast implementation - future oriented.
SPACE : large personal space - respect privacy.
   Attitudes & values
Work ethic - competitive drive - risk - success - utilitarian - entrepreneurial - self reliant -
independent - patriotic - competent - effort rewarded - innovative - egalitarian - contractual
& litigious - ignorant of other cultures - customer service - professionalism.
   Power & decisionmaking
Authority earned - empowerment - position a function of performance - strong functional &
departmental responsibility - accountability - frank exchange between managers &
subordinates - flat hierarchy - decisions made with both vertical & lateral consultation -
predominance of financial concerns - concern for stakeholder interests.
   Work practises
Teamwork - tight reporting - substance over form - dislike surprises - meetings short &
productive - brainstorm - performance monitored - rapid evaluation & promotion - planning -
procedural control doesn’t stifle initiative - information exchange - tend to say yes.
   Language & communication
Facts - precision - detailed information - logical argument - don’t like interruptions, smalltalk,
misunderstanding, simplification - compartmentalize arguments - direct & frank - respectful.
   Behavior
Serious - humour out of place at work - calm - sensitive to criticism - formal interpersonal
relations - respect rules & procedures - think before acting - unimpressed by Latin flair.
   Time & space
TIME : linear - punctual - agendas, schedules, deadlines - fast implementation – plan ahead.
SPACE : privacy important - don’t like standing too close - organized home & workspace.
   Attitudes & values
Honest, sincere, reliable, conscientious, efficient, loyal. Intolerant of mistakes - perfectionists
inflexible when they believe they’re right, but will look for common ground.
   Power & decisionmaking
Flat - authority not automatic, depends on performance - frank exchange between
managers & subordinates - upward mobility - strong middle class - middle management -
partnership - distrust elites - decision preceded by intense discussion & lateral consultation.
   Work practises
Teamwork - meetings - cooperation - delegation - decentralization - detailed planning -
don’t like surprises - subordinates supervised, advised, instructed if needed - don’t interrupt
tasks - problems minimized by procedures - training - managers fair to employees - expats
can persuade HQ to change if needed - look for & criticize defects - quality - deadlines - price.
   Language & communication
Concrete - mistrust abstraction & rationalism - information exchange - understatement -
2-way communication - qualification & reserve - don’t like interruptions, open conflict - can
be vague & evasive but expect straight answers.
   Behavior
Easygoing - casual & courteous - calm but politely arrogant - humour - pragmatic.
   Time & space
TIME : linear - punctual - agendas, schedules, deadlines - fast implementation - plan ahead.
SPACE : respect privacy - don’t like touching or standing too close (except in the pub !).
   Attitudes & values
Work ethic - sense of duty - utilitarian - success oriented - consider themselves reliable,
hardworking & efficient - competitive - ethnocentric.
   Power & decisionmaking
Top-down but delegation - position a function of performance - frank exchange between
managers & subordinates - strong functional & departmental responsibility - decision
requires consultation, accurate & reliable data - predominance of financial concerns.
   Work practises
Teamwork - supervision - planning - don’t like surprises - tight reporting - substance over
form - work task-centred & achievement-motivated - performance monitored - rapid
evaluation & promotion - procedural control not incompatible with individual initiative -
cost containment a key goal - meetings should be short, efficient & solve problems.
   Language & communication
Courteous - ambiguous - opinionated - touchy - contentious - evasive.
   Behavior
Formal - mistrustful - astute.
   Time & space
TIME : nonlinear - may not respect agendas, schedules, deadlines - slow implementation.
SPACE : closeness - touching.
   Attitudes & values
Work ethic underdeveloped - opinion counts more than facts - conservative - honour -
sensitive - patriotic - family - Islam - resent pressure - relationship.
   Power & decisionmaking
Top down - centralized - slow - insufficient delegation - position a function of credentials &
status - subordinates accept elitist hierarchy as being in the nature of things - decisions may
be made with lateral or no consultation - predominance of political concerns.
   Work practises
Teamwork insufficient - inadequate reporting - form over substance - accept surprises.
Bureaucratic - performance not always monitored - slow evaluation & promotion - territory a
key factor - procedural control may stifle initiative - information retention - tend to say no.
Meetings often ill-planned & too long - tend to rationalize failure - lack foresight.

Technical        culture    Financial

Formal            man       Casual

Cartesian        mind       Baconian

Abstract         word       Concrete

Complex         message     Simple

Credential      criterion   Result

Justice          ethics     Utility

Autonomous        role      Team Player

Universalist   world view   Ethnocentric

   Academic      Greater mastery of pure science        Stronger in applied research

   Research      State-funded research provides         Corporates & Universities set up
                  security but low remuneration          technology partnerships

   Mobility      Stays a long time in same firm         Will leave if opportunity arises

   Teamwork      Education system isolates researcher   Adept at sharing information and
                  so he is less communicative            working in teams
   Problems      Takes a global & complex approach.     Oriented towards project-based
                  Abstract & theoretical outlook does    work that solves marketplace
                  not always produce solutions that      problems faced by corporates
                  fit the marketplace
   Flexibility   Rigid                                  Flexible

   Presenting    Exhaustive                             Focused

   Business      Difficulty in adopting profit ethos    At ease in sales & marketing
Here is a list of work-related values shared by many cultures, but the order
      of priority differs from one to another. How do you rank them ?

    Group consensus                     ►
    Competition                         ►
    Reputation & prestige               ►
    Security & family                   ►
    Self reliance                       ►
    Time                                ►
    Relationships                       ►
    Openness & directness               ►
    Formality                           ►
    Hierarchy & seniority               ►
    Efficiency                          ►
    Freedom & risk                      ►
   Matters are complicated still further when a
    corporate culture is added to the equation.

   Differing corporate values may be a problem in
    joint ventures or subsidiaries and have to be
    adjusted to take account of local values.

   Define LISI corporate culture :

                  Acquired company embraces
   Assimilation   acquiring firm’s culture

                  Acquiring company imposes its
   Deculturation culture on acquired firm

                  Both cultures combined into a
    Integration   new composite culture

                  Merging companies retain
    Separation    separate cultures
     What skills are required when you step into a
           different cultural environment ?

DO                      DO                DON ’T

Observe & respect       Speak briefly     Talk too much
Tolerate ambiguity      Exchange data     Interrupt
Relate to individuals   Listen            Attack
Reserve judgement       Question          Blame
Adapt to difference     Respond           Score points
Empathize               Look for clues    Threaten
   Understanding intercultural conflicts isn ’t easy.
Solving them is difficult - most people don ’t even try !

                   Here ’s a 5 step method :

   Describe the problem as understood in both cultures

   Analyze it from the two cultural perspectives

   Identify the source of the problem from each viewpoint

   Solve the problem through synergetic strategies

   Determine if the solution is working interculturally
                              NW Europe   SE Europe
   Preparation                 high        low
   Structure/Agenda/Protocol   high        low
   Time management             high        low
   Openness & Directness       high        low
   Conflict & Emotion          low         high
   Relationships               low         high
   Listening & Feedback        high        low
   Ambiguity                   low         high
   Empowerment                 high        low
   Position gap                low         high
   Contractual detail          high        low
   Packaging flexibility       high        low
             USA               100
             Iceland            86
             Denmark            84
             Finland            83
             Luxembourg         83
             Ireland            80
             Sweden             79
             Austria            78
             Switzerland        78
             Netherlands        78
             Norway             75
             Germany            73
             UK                 72
             Belgium            70
             Estonia            68
             France             67
             Spain              67
             Portugal           58
             Slovak Republic    57
             Hungary            57
             Czech Republic     56
             Greece             56
             Slovenia           55
             Turkey             55
            Iceland           85
            Finland           83
            Denmark           83
            Switzerland       83
            Luxembourg        80
            Ireland           78
            Netherlands       77
            Sweden            76
            Norway            76
            Austria           75
            UK                69
            Germany           68
            Belgium           67
            Estonia           66
            France            64
            Czech Republic    60
            Hungary           60
            Spain             59
            Slovak Republic   58
            Portugal          52
            Greece            50
            Slovenia          49
            Italy             46
            Poland            39
            Iceland           90
            Denmark           86
            Switzerland       83
            Luxembourg        82
            Finland           81
            Ireland           81
            Norway            80
            Austria           79
            Sweden            77
            Netherlands       76
            Estonia           71
            UK                71
            Germany           69
            Belgium           68
            Czech Republic    63
            France            60
            Spain             58
            Slovak Republic   57
            Hungary           57
            Greece            54
            Portugal          53
            Slovenia          52
            Bulgaria          51
            Italy             44
            Luxembourg        92
            Denmark           92
            Switzerland       90
            Iceland           89
            Netherlands       86
            Sweden            84
            Austria           83
            Ireland           82
            Norway            82
            Germany           78
            Finland           77
            UK                75
            Estonia           74
            Belgium           72
            France            62
            Spain             61
            Lithuania         61
            Czech Republic    60
            Slovak Republic   58
            Hungary           58
            Greece            57
            Portugal          56
            Slovenia          56
            Bulgaria          49
            Italy             48
            Switzerland       90
            Luxembourg        84
            Denmark           84
            Sweden            82
            Netherlands       82
            Norway            80
            Ireland           78
            Austria           75
            Finland           75
            Germany           75
            UK                72
            Estonia           70
            Belgium           69
            France            66
            Czech Republic    62
            Slovak Republic   59
            Slovenia          58
            Spain             57
            Lithuania         56
            Portugal          55
            Hungary           58
            Bulgaria          51
            Greece            49
            Poland            48
            Switzerland       94
            Denmark           92
            Sweden            91
            Finland           88
            Netherlands       88
            Norway            87
            Luxembourg        86
            Germany           84
            Austria           79
            Ireland           80
            UK                79
            Belgium           76
            France            68
            Czech Republic    67
            Lithuania         65
            Slovenia          65
            Slovak Republic   64
            Portugal          63
            Estonia           63
            Bulgaria          59
            Spain             58
            Poland            54
            Hungary           54
            Italy             52
            Greece            51
            Switzerland       96
            Sweden            91
            Norway            90
            Luxembourg        87
            Netherlands       86
            Denmark           86
            Austria           84
            Germany           83
            Finland           80
            Ireland           78
            UK                77
            France            74
            Belgium           76
            Czech Republic    65
            Iceland           65
            Poland            64
            Estonia           63
            Spain             59
            Portugal          57
            Italy             56
            Hungary           54
            Lithuania         54
            Greece            52
            Slovak Republic   51
            Slovenia          49
            Bulgaria          48
            Sweden            94
            Switzerland       93
            Germany           88
            Luxembourg        86
            Denmark           86
            Norway            86
            Netherlands       86
            Finland           84
            Austria           82
            UK                80
            Belgium           78
            Ireland           77
            France            71
            Czech Republic    71
            Iceland           71
            Estonia           68
            Poland            67
            Spain             67
            Portugal          64
            Italy             63
            Lithuania         60
            Hungary           59
            Slovak Republic   59
            Romania           57
            Slovenia          57
            Bulgaria          54

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Intercultural Management

  • 1. Intercultural Management Market Globalization Multicultural Workforce Two Drivers
  • 2. CULTURE & WORK Cultural diversity and its impact on business ethos and practise  All generalizations are false  All generalizations, including this one, are false  Some generalizations are true  Some generalizations are true, some of the time While it is impossible to predict behavioral style for a given group, it may be helpful or useful to be aware of certain particularities in order to understand people from that group, adapt our behavior and select an appropriate strategy.
  • 3. CULTURAL GROUPS We can classify cultural groups in different ways  Ethnic  National  Regional  Urban  Religious  Professional  Corporate
  • 5. CULTURAL HOMOGENEITY Within a given cultural group, there are common values, attitudes and behavior. For example, Germans share these concepts :  Order  Logic and Clarity  Scientific truth  Seriousness  Work ethic  Consensus  Linear time
  • 6. CULTURAL STEREOTYPES A given cultural group also holds ideas about other cultural groups. Here ’s the typical Brit ’s view of Europeans : FRENCH SPANISH ITALIAN BRITS IRISH DUTCH GERMAN STYLISH 37 07 30 09 01 05 04 ARROGANT 29 14 12 14 07 04 48 SEXY 21 08 19 04 05 02 01 DEVIOUS 19 09 10 06 16 02 12 EASYGOING 10 27 20 27 30 15 03 GREEDY 10 07 07 12 03 02 09 COWARDLY 08 03 12 02 10 00 02 BORING 08 07 06 13 09 13 11 EFFICIENT 06 03 05 26 05 24 41 LAZY 06 23 13 16 11 01 01 HARDWORKING 05 12 10 29 22 28 38 CLEVER 02 01 01 06 02 04 08 BRAVE 01 03 02 25 07 06 08
  • 7. INTERCULTURAL CONFLICT It isn ’t easy for people to reach agreement, even within a given culture. When people from different cultures come together to negotiate, intercultural difficulties are superimposed on interpersonal ones. Here are some potential sources of misunderstanding and conflict :  Language & communication  Behavior  Time & space  Attitudes & values  Power & decisionmaking  Work practises
  • 8. THE FRENCH  Language & communication Courteous - formal - rationalist - complex - abstract - critical - contentious - evasive - touchy.  Behavior Formal - mistrustful - polite - arrogant - cynical - not very pragmatic - can be rigid - egoistic.  Time & space TIME : nonlinear - may not respect agendas, schedules, deadlines - slow implementation SPACE : respect privacy - territory closely guarded.  Attitudes & values Work ethic underdeveloped - competitive drive relatively recent - highly valued welfare system - proud - consider themselves competent & efficient - opinion counts more than facts - can be contemptuous - security not risk - poor customer service.  Power & decisionmaking Technocratic & centralized - slow - insufficient delegation - position a function of credentials - functional & departmental responsibility sometimes ignored - subordinates accept elitist hierarchy as being in the nature of things - decisions may be made with lateral consultation only - predominance of political concerns.  Work practises Teamwork insufficient - inadequate reporting - form over substance - accept surprises. Bureaucratic - performance not always monitored - slow evaluation & promotion - territory a key factor - procedural control may stifle initiative - information retention - tend to say no. Meetings often ill-planned & too long - tend to rationalize failure - lack foresight.
  • 9. THE AMERICANS  Language & communication Loud - informal - direct - simple - concrete - idiomatic - polite - don’t like silence - curious.  Behavior Casual - trustful - polite - abrasive - opportunistic - pragmatic - naive - egoistic - humorous .  Time & space TIME : linear - agendas, schedules, deadlines - fast implementation - future oriented. SPACE : large personal space - respect privacy.  Attitudes & values Work ethic - competitive drive - risk - success - utilitarian - entrepreneurial - self reliant - independent - patriotic - competent - effort rewarded - innovative - egalitarian - contractual & litigious - ignorant of other cultures - customer service - professionalism.  Power & decisionmaking Authority earned - empowerment - position a function of performance - strong functional & departmental responsibility - accountability - frank exchange between managers & subordinates - flat hierarchy - decisions made with both vertical & lateral consultation - predominance of financial concerns - concern for stakeholder interests.  Work practises Teamwork - tight reporting - substance over form - dislike surprises - meetings short & productive - brainstorm - performance monitored - rapid evaluation & promotion - planning - procedural control doesn’t stifle initiative - information exchange - tend to say yes.
  • 10. THE GERMANS  Language & communication Facts - precision - detailed information - logical argument - don’t like interruptions, smalltalk, misunderstanding, simplification - compartmentalize arguments - direct & frank - respectful.  Behavior Serious - humour out of place at work - calm - sensitive to criticism - formal interpersonal relations - respect rules & procedures - think before acting - unimpressed by Latin flair.  Time & space TIME : linear - punctual - agendas, schedules, deadlines - fast implementation – plan ahead. SPACE : privacy important - don’t like standing too close - organized home & workspace.  Attitudes & values Honest, sincere, reliable, conscientious, efficient, loyal. Intolerant of mistakes - perfectionists inflexible when they believe they’re right, but will look for common ground.  Power & decisionmaking Flat - authority not automatic, depends on performance - frank exchange between managers & subordinates - upward mobility - strong middle class - middle management - partnership - distrust elites - decision preceded by intense discussion & lateral consultation.  Work practises Teamwork - meetings - cooperation - delegation - decentralization - detailed planning - don’t like surprises - subordinates supervised, advised, instructed if needed - don’t interrupt tasks - problems minimized by procedures - training - managers fair to employees - expats can persuade HQ to change if needed - look for & criticize defects - quality - deadlines - price.
  • 11. THE BRITS  Language & communication Concrete - mistrust abstraction & rationalism - information exchange - understatement - 2-way communication - qualification & reserve - don’t like interruptions, open conflict - can be vague & evasive but expect straight answers.  Behavior Easygoing - casual & courteous - calm but politely arrogant - humour - pragmatic.  Time & space TIME : linear - punctual - agendas, schedules, deadlines - fast implementation - plan ahead. SPACE : respect privacy - don’t like touching or standing too close (except in the pub !).  Attitudes & values Work ethic - sense of duty - utilitarian - success oriented - consider themselves reliable, hardworking & efficient - competitive - ethnocentric.  Power & decisionmaking Top-down but delegation - position a function of performance - frank exchange between managers & subordinates - strong functional & departmental responsibility - decision requires consultation, accurate & reliable data - predominance of financial concerns.  Work practises Teamwork - supervision - planning - don’t like surprises - tight reporting - substance over form - work task-centred & achievement-motivated - performance monitored - rapid evaluation & promotion - procedural control not incompatible with individual initiative - cost containment a key goal - meetings should be short, efficient & solve problems.
  • 12. THE TURKS  Language & communication Courteous - ambiguous - opinionated - touchy - contentious - evasive.  Behavior Formal - mistrustful - astute.  Time & space TIME : nonlinear - may not respect agendas, schedules, deadlines - slow implementation. SPACE : closeness - touching.  Attitudes & values Work ethic underdeveloped - opinion counts more than facts - conservative - honour - sensitive - patriotic - family - Islam - resent pressure - relationship.  Power & decisionmaking Top down - centralized - slow - insufficient delegation - position a function of credentials & status - subordinates accept elitist hierarchy as being in the nature of things - decisions may be made with lateral or no consultation - predominance of political concerns.  Work practises Teamwork insufficient - inadequate reporting - form over substance - accept surprises. Bureaucratic - performance not always monitored - slow evaluation & promotion - territory a key factor - procedural control may stifle initiative - information retention - tend to say no. Meetings often ill-planned & too long - tend to rationalize failure - lack foresight.
  • 13. HOW DO THEY MEASURE UP ? PARAMETER Technical culture Financial Formal man Casual Cartesian mind Baconian Abstract word Concrete Complex message Simple Credential criterion Result Justice ethics Utility Autonomous role Team Player Universalist world view Ethnocentric
  • 14. FRENCH & US ENGINEERS  Academic Greater mastery of pure science Stronger in applied research  Research State-funded research provides Corporates & Universities set up security but low remuneration technology partnerships  Mobility Stays a long time in same firm Will leave if opportunity arises  Teamwork Education system isolates researcher Adept at sharing information and so he is less communicative working in teams  Problems Takes a global & complex approach. Oriented towards project-based Abstract & theoretical outlook does work that solves marketplace not always produce solutions that problems faced by corporates fit the marketplace  Flexibility Rigid Flexible  Presenting Exhaustive Focused  Business Difficulty in adopting profit ethos At ease in sales & marketing environment
  • 15. CULTURAL VALUES Here is a list of work-related values shared by many cultures, but the order of priority differs from one to another. How do you rank them ?  Group consensus ►  Competition ►  Reputation & prestige ►  Security & family ►  Self reliance ►  Time ►  Relationships ►  Openness & directness ►  Formality ►  Hierarchy & seniority ►  Efficiency ►  Freedom & risk ►
  • 16. CORPORATE CULTURE  Matters are complicated still further when a corporate culture is added to the equation.  Differing corporate values may be a problem in joint ventures or subsidiaries and have to be adjusted to take account of local values.  Define LISI corporate culture :
  • 17. MERGING CORPORATE CULTURES Acquired company embraces Assimilation acquiring firm’s culture Acquiring company imposes its Deculturation culture on acquired firm Both cultures combined into a Integration new composite culture Merging companies retain Separation separate cultures
  • 18. TRANSCULTURAL SKILLS What skills are required when you step into a different cultural environment ? DO DO DON ’T Observe & respect Speak briefly Talk too much Tolerate ambiguity Exchange data Interrupt Relate to individuals Listen Attack Reserve judgement Question Blame Adapt to difference Respond Score points Empathize Look for clues Threaten
  • 19. PROBLEM SOLVING Understanding intercultural conflicts isn ’t easy. Solving them is difficult - most people don ’t even try ! Here ’s a 5 step method :  Describe the problem as understood in both cultures  Analyze it from the two cultural perspectives  Identify the source of the problem from each viewpoint  Solve the problem through synergetic strategies  Determine if the solution is working interculturally
  • 20. 12 NEGOTIATION PARAMETERS NW Europe SE Europe  Preparation high low  Structure/Agenda/Protocol high low  Time management high low  Openness & Directness high low  Conflict & Emotion low high  Relationships low high  Listening & Feedback high low  Ambiguity low high  Empowerment high low  Position gap low high  Contractual detail high low  Packaging flexibility high low
  • 21. WORLD COMPETITIVENESS SCOREBOARD 2004 *  USA 100  Iceland 86  Denmark 84  Finland 83  Luxembourg 83  Ireland 80  Sweden 79  Austria 78  Switzerland 78  Netherlands 78  Norway 75  Germany 73  UK 72  Belgium 70  Estonia 68  France 67  Spain 67  Portugal 58  Slovak Republic 57  Hungary 57  Czech Republic 56  Greece 56  Slovenia 55  Turkey 55 *
  • 22. WORLD COMPETITIVENESS SCOREBOARD 2005  Iceland 85  Finland 83  Denmark 83  Switzerland 83  Luxembourg 80  Ireland 78  Netherlands 77  Sweden 76  Norway 76  Austria 75  UK 69  Germany 68  Belgium 67  Estonia 66  France 64  Czech Republic 60  Hungary 60  Spain 59  Slovak Republic 58  Portugal 52  Greece 50  Slovenia 49  Italy 46  Poland 39
  • 23. WORLD COMPETITIVENESS SCOREBOARD 2006  Iceland 90  Denmark 86  Switzerland 83  Luxembourg 82  Finland 81  Ireland 81  Norway 80  Austria 79  Sweden 77  Netherlands 76  Estonia 71  UK 71  Germany 69  Belgium 68  Czech Republic 63  France 60  Spain 58  Slovak Republic 57  Hungary 57  Greece 54  Portugal 53  Slovenia 52  Bulgaria 51  Italy 44
  • 24. WORLD COMPETITIVENESS SCOREBOARD 2007  Luxembourg 92  Denmark 92  Switzerland 90  Iceland 89  Netherlands 86  Sweden 84  Austria 83  Ireland 82  Norway 82  Germany 78  Finland 77  UK 75  Estonia 74  Belgium 72  France 62  Spain 61  Lithuania 61  Czech Republic 60  Slovak Republic 58  Hungary 58  Greece 57  Portugal 56  Slovenia 56  Bulgaria 49  Italy 48
  • 25. WORLD COMPETITIVENESS SCOREBOARD 2008  Switzerland 90  Luxembourg 84  Denmark 84  Sweden 82  Netherlands 82  Norway 80  Ireland 78  Austria 75  Finland 75  Germany 75  UK 72  Estonia 70  Belgium 69  France 66  Czech Republic 62  Slovak Republic 59  Slovenia 58  Spain 57  Lithuania 56  Portugal 55  Hungary 58  Bulgaria 51  Greece 49  Poland 48
  • 26. WORLD COMPETITIVENESS SCOREBOARD 2009  Switzerland 94  Denmark 92  Sweden 91  Finland 88  Netherlands 88  Norway 87  Luxembourg 86  Germany 84  Austria 79  Ireland 80  UK 79  Belgium 76  France 68  Czech Republic 67  Lithuania 65  Slovenia 65  Slovak Republic 64  Portugal 63  Estonia 63  Bulgaria 59  Spain 58  Poland 54  Hungary 54  Italy 52  Greece 51
  • 27. WORLD COMPETITIVENESS SCOREBOARD 2010  Switzerland 96  Sweden 91  Norway 90  Luxembourg 87  Netherlands 86  Denmark 86  Austria 84  Germany 83  Finland 80  Ireland 78  UK 77  France 74  Belgium 76  Czech Republic 65  Iceland 65  Poland 64  Estonia 63  Spain 59  Portugal 57  Italy 56  Hungary 54  Lithuania 54  Greece 52  Slovak Republic 51  Slovenia 49  Bulgaria 48
  • 28. WORLD COMPETITIVENESS SCOREBOARD 2011  Sweden 94  Switzerland 93  Germany 88  Luxembourg 86  Denmark 86  Norway 86  Netherlands 86  Finland 84  Austria 82  UK 80  Belgium 78  Ireland 77  France 71  Czech Republic 71  Iceland 71  Estonia 68  Poland 67  Spain 67  Portugal 64  Italy 63  Lithuania 60  Hungary 59  Slovak Republic 59  Romania 57  Slovenia 57  Bulgaria 54