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Twitter for Marketing and PR

With Mike Volpe, Ellie Mirman and Rick Burnes

Mike Volpe
VP I b
   Inbound M k ti
          d Marketing
Twitter: @mvolpe

Ellie Mirman
Inbound Marketing Manager
Twitter: @ellieeille

Rick Burnes
Inbound Marketing Manager
Twitter: @rickburnes
How to Participate on Twitter

                  Step One
                  1. Login to your Twitter 
                  2. Comment and ask 
                  questions including the 
                  characters “@hubspot”
How to Participate on Twitter

                  Step Two
                  1. Go to
                  2. Search for “@hubspot”
•   Inbound Marketing & the New Rules
•   T itter 101
•   Build Your Network
•   Engage Your Community
•   Track & Analyze
•   Tools & Resources
Outbound Marketing

Inbound Marketing

   g          SEO     Social Media
Rethinking Marketing
Outbound Marketing    Inbound Marketing
• Telemarketing       • SEO / SEM
• Trade shows         • Blogging
• Direct mail         • Social Media
• Email blasts        • RSS
• Print ads           • Free tools/trials
• TV/radio ads        • Public Relations

 Interruption           Permission
HubSpot Inbound Marketing System

                         SEO      Management           Blog
• Software
                               Landing            Social
                                Pages             Media
• Support + Expertise                  Lead

• $250 or $500 / month
                                        or other)
• No IT Required
Foundations of Inbound Marketing

Blogging                   Social

•   Inbound Marketing & the New Rules
•   T itter 101
•   Build Your Network
•   Engage Your Community
•   Track & Analyze
•   Tools & Resources
What IS Twitter?

Like …
Lik                  … Except
                       E    t
                    Only 140 characters

                    It’s viewable in lots of places

A giant chatroom    You choose the people you 
Instant M
I             i
        Messaging   I’     bli    d hi d         h
                    It’s public and archived on the 
Twitter? No Time for That Nonsense!
Why Do I Need to Know This?
Twitter for PR
        Need to urgently speak with a business that is very
        actively leveraging social media strategies; for ZDNet

   I spoke about our use of social media for biz on 2 panels - AND

                               408 555-1234?

   I will call you right now

Elapsed Time:
 50 Minutes
 50 Minutes
How to Succeed With Twitter

   Track &              Build Your 
       y                 Network

               With Your 
•   Inbound Marketing & the New Rules
•   T itter 101
•   Build Your Network
•   Engage Your Community
•   Track & Analyze
•   Tools & Resources
Dive In
Company Brand? Or Personal Brand?
Please, Personalize Your Profile
Let Your Brand Shine
Follow People
Follow Top Twitter Users

See Who Thought-Leaders Follow

Who’s Talking About Your Keywords?

Engage With People


Create a Company Page
Follow People Who Follow You
•   Inbound Marketing & the New Rules
•   T itter 101
•   Build Your Network
•   Engage Your Community
•   Track & Analyze
•   Tools & Resources
It’s a Discussion, Not a Broadcast
Follow Your Brand in Conversations
Communicate With Customers
Use Favorites to Save Highlights

Save Testimonials
Publish Helpful Content
Using Twitter for Events
Meet People - “Tweetup”
What Not to Do: TMI
Post to Twitter, including “@hubspot”

          Follow the conversation:
•   Inbound Marketing & the New Rules
•   T itter 101
•   Build Your Network
•   Engage Your Community
•   Track & Analyze
•   Tools & Resources
Follower Count

•   A measure of your raw distribution power
Twitter Grader

•   Inputs include followers AND follower influence

•   A measure of community engagement & branding
•   On your profile or via
Impact on Our Sales Funnel
           600                              35

           500                              30



                                                         Referrals From 
                                            10           Leads From Twitter
                                                         Leads From Twitter

           100                              5

            0                               0

           New source of visitors & leads
•   Inbound Marketing & the New Rules
•   T itter 101
•   Build Your Network
•   Engage Your Community
•   Track & Analyze
•   Tools & Resources
HubSpot Tracks Relevant Tweets

•   HubSpot Owner & Marketer tracks industry and
    company keywords for you.
Tiny URL

•   Make long URLs fit Twitter’s 140 characters
•   Other options:,, etc
Lots of Twitter Clients

                          •   Many ways to connect to
                              Twitter via third-party
                          •   Lots of mobile options

Flickr: Jeffery Simpson
Twitter Feed
Your Blog, Flickr or Any Feed

  •   Allows you to automatically update your Twitter
      stream with content you’ve published elsewhere
• Follow topics and events (#IMS08)
  •   Inbound Marketing Summit
  •   IMS 2008
  •   IMS08
  •   IMS2008
• Find people talking about similar topics
HubSpotters to Follow
• h b
  hubspot t
                 And more …
• Grader
                 www hubspot com/twitter/
• Onstartups
• Bhalligan
• PC4media
• Prashantkaw
• Adbinoor
• dunster
Some of Our Favorite Tweeple

• Dmscott         • ChrisBrogan

• Guykawasaki     • Scobleizer

• TheOnion        • Xenijardin

• Tdefren         • WholeFoods
Thank You!

              Learn more about HubSpot:

Mike Volpe           Ellie Mirman           Rick Burnes
VP Inbound           Inbound Marketing      Inbound Marketing
Marketing            Manager                Manager
Twitter: @
T itt    @mvolpe
             l       Twitter: @ellieeille   Twitter: @rickburnes

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Twitter for Marketing and PR

  • 1. Twitter for Marketing and PR With Mike Volpe, Ellie Mirman and Rick Burnes
  • 2. Welcome! Mike Volpe VP I b Inbound M k ti d Marketing LinkedIn: Twitter: @mvolpe Ellie Mirman Inbound Marketing Manager LinkedIn: Twitter: @ellieeille Rick Burnes Inbound Marketing Manager LinkedIn: Twitter: @rickburnes
  • 3. How to Participate on Twitter Step One 1. Login to your Twitter  account 2. Comment and ask  questions including the  characters “@hubspot”
  • 4. How to Participate on Twitter Step Two 1. Go to 2. Search for “@hubspot”
  • 5. Agenda • Inbound Marketing & the New Rules • T itter 101 Twitter • Build Your Network • Engage Your Community • Track & Analyze • Tools & Resources
  • 6. Outbound Marketing 800-555-1234 Annoying Salesperson
  • 7. Inbound Marketing Blog g SEO Social Media
  • 8. Rethinking Marketing Outbound Marketing Inbound Marketing • Telemarketing • SEO / SEM • Trade shows • Blogging • Direct mail • Social Media • Email blasts • RSS • Print ads • Free tools/trials • TV/radio ads • Public Relations Interruption Permission
  • 9. HubSpot Inbound Marketing System Content SEO Management Blog • Software Landing Social Pages Media • Support + Expertise Lead Intelligence • $250 or $500 / month CRM (  or other) • No IT Required
  • 10. Foundations of Inbound Marketing Blogging Social Networks SEO
  • 11. Agenda • Inbound Marketing & the New Rules • T itter 101 Twitter • Build Your Network • Engage Your Community • Track & Analyze • Tools & Resources
  • 12. What IS Twitter? Like … Lik … Except E t Only 140 characters It’s viewable in lots of places A giant chatroom You choose the people you  follow Instant M I i Messaging I’ bli d hi d h It’s public and archived on the  web
  • 13. Twitter? No Time for That Nonsense!
  • 14. Why Do I Need to Know This?
  • 15. Twitter for PR Need to urgently speak with a business that is very actively leveraging social media strategies; for ZDNet I spoke about our use of social media for biz on 2 panels - AND 408 555-1234? I will call you right now Elapsed Time: 50 Minutes 50 Minutes
  • 16. How to Succeed With Twitter Track &  Build Your  Analyze y Network Engage  Engage With Your  Community
  • 17. Agenda • Inbound Marketing & the New Rules • T itter 101 Twitter • Build Your Network • Engage Your Community • Track & Analyze • Tools & Resources
  • 19. Company Brand? Or Personal Brand?
  • 21. Let Your Brand Shine
  • 23. Follow Top Twitter Users
  • 24. See Who Thought-Leaders Follow
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  • 44. Impact on Our Sales Funnel 600 35 500 30 25 400 20 rs Leads s Visitor  300 Referrals From  15 Twitter 200 10 Leads From Twitter Leads From Twitter 100 5 0 0 New source of visitors & leads
  • 45. Agenda • Inbound Marketing & the New Rules • T itter 101 Twitter • Build Your Network • Engage Your Community • Track & Analyze • Tools & Resources
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  • 53. Thank You! Learn more about HubSpot: Mike Volpe Ellie Mirman Rick Burnes VP Inbound Inbound Marketing Inbound Marketing Marketing Manager Manager Twitter: @ T itt @mvolpe l Twitter: @ellieeille Twitter: @rickburnes