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6 Programming
under investigation
C++, C#, Java, Scala, Ruby and JavaScript
 A flower from every garden
 A taste of worldwide fruits
 Start your engines!
 The genius inside each of us
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 2
A flower
from every
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 3
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(/* int argc, char* argv[] */)
string name;
cout << "Enter your name, please: ";
cin >> name;
cout << "Hello " + name + "n";
// or
cout << "Hello " << name << endl;
return 0;
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 4
using System;
namespace JDC2013
class Program {
static void Main(/* string[] args */) {
Console.Write("Enter your name, please: ");
string name = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Hello " + name);
// or
Console.WriteLine("Hello {0}", name);
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 5
package org.egjug.jdc2013;
// import java.lang.*;
public class Program {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.print("Enter your name, please: ");
String name = System.console().readLine();
System.out.println("Hello, " + name);
// or
System.out.printf("Hello, %s", name);
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 6
package org.egjug.jdc2013
// import scala._
object Program extends App {
print("Enter your name, please: ")
val name = readLine
println("Hello " + name)
// or
printf("Hello %s", name)
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 7
# require 'a_library'
puts 'Enter your name, please: '
name = STDIN.gets
puts 'Hello ' + name
# or
puts "Hello #{name}"
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 8
Atasteofworldwidefruits var name = prompt("Enter your name, please:");
alert("Hello " + name);JavaScript
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 9
Start your
Engines! Compilation
Machine Code
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 10
Start your
Engines! Linkage
• C++
• C#
• Java
• Scala
• Ruby
• C++
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 11
Start your
• JavaScript
• Ruby
• C#
• Java
• Scala
• C++
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 12
There is a
Genius inside
Each ofUs
Personal Impressions
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 13
 Syntactical Overview
 Identifiers, Literals, Symbols and Annotations
 Classes, Templates, Functions and Code Blocks
 Imports,Variables and Parameter Passing
 Embedded Syntax (e.g. LINQ, XML)
 Programming Paradigms
 Procedural, Functional and Object-Oriented
 Meta-programming
 Type Systems
 Static, Dynamic, Strong and Weak
 ValueTypes, Reference Types and Higher Order Types
 Annotations and Generics
 Inheritance Models
 Single and Multiple
 Polymorphism and Prototyping
 Mix-ins: Interfaces, Extensions, Traits and Modules
 Memory Management
 Manual, Automatic and Garbage Collected
 Constructors, Destructors, Initializers and Finalizers
 Dependency System
 JARs, DLLs, Gems and Static Libraries
The real one! 
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 14
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 15
Letters Numerals Operators Operator Examples
C++ Unicode? After first letter Predefined set void operator++()
C# Unicode After first letter Predefined set void operator--()
Java Unicode After first letter None
Scala Unicode After first letter All val + = 1
Ruby Unicode? Anywhere? Most def ಠ_ಠ(x, y)
JavaScript Unicode After first letter None
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 16
Numeric Objects Functions
C++ 123456, 07, 0xFF int x[] = {0}
C# 123456, 07, 0xFF
new { Name = "Ali" }
new Dict<int, int> {
{1,2}, {3,4} }
x => y, () => {}
123_456, 0b101,
123456, 07, 0xFF
int x[] = {0}
Scala 123456, 07, 0xFF
(1, 2)
{ 'age' -> 24 }
x => y, () => {}
123456, 07, 0xFF
[1], {b:2}, 0..5
JavaScript 123456, 07, 0xFF [1], {b:2}
Symbols &Annotations
Java @Deprecated
class Address {
class Program
Scala @cloneable
class Address {
val db_column =
person = {
name: 'Ahmad',
age: 26
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 17
class MyFirstClass {
// pure virtual function makes a class abstract
virtual void firstMethod() = 0;
class MySecondClass {
int secondMethod() { return 7; }
class MyParentClass : MyFirstClass {
/* override */
void firstMethod() { }
C++ Classes
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 18
template<typename T>
class MyClass : MyParentClass, MySecondClass {
T value;
MyClass(T value) { setValue(value); }
T getValue() { return value; }
void setValue(T value) { this->value = value; }
// example usage
MyClass<string> obj("");
cout << obj.getValue();
C++ Classes
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 19
public interface MyFirstInterface
void firstMethod();
interface MySecondInterface
int secondMethod();
abstract class MyParentClass
public void firstMethod() { }
public sealed override string ToString()
return base.ToString();
C# Classes,
Interfaces &
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 20
sealed class MyClass<T> :
MyParentClass, MyFirstInterface, MySecondInterface
public MyClass(T value) { Value = value; }
public T Value { get; set; }
public int secondMethod() { return 7; }
// example usage
var obj = new MyClass<string>("");
obj.Value = null;
C# Classes,
Interfaces &
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 21
Func<int, int, int> f =
(int x, int y) => x * 2;
Action<int> a =
x => { Console.WriteLine(x); };
var v = new { Name = "Mohammad", Age = 24 };
Types and
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 22
interface MyFirstInterface {
void firstMethod();
interface MySecondInterface {
int secondMethod();
abstract class MyParentClass
implements MyFirstInterface {
@Override public void firstMethod() {}
@Override public final String toString() {
return super.toString();
Java Classes,
Interfaces &
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 23
public final class MyClass<T>
extends MyParentClass implements MySecondInterface {
private T value;
public MyClass(T value) { setValue(value); }
public T getValue() { return value; }
public void setValue(T value) {
this.value = value;
@Override public int secondMethod() { return 7; }
// example usage
MyClass<String> obj = new MyClass<>("");
Java Classes,
Interfaces &
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 24
SyntacticalOverview Runnable r = new Runnable() {
public void run() { }
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 25
trait MyFirstTrait {
def firstMethod()
trait MySecondTrait {
def secondMethod = 7
abstract class MyParentClass extends MyFirstTrait {
override def firstMethod() {}
final override def toString = super.toString
final class MyClass[T](var value: T)
extends MyParentClass with MySecondTrait
object MyClass {
// companion object
def test() {
val obj = new MyClass("")
obj.value = null
Scala Classes,
Traits and
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 26
val f = (x: Int, y: Int) => x+y
val list = List(-1, 2, 3.0, 5, 7.12)
list.filter(_ < 5)
list.filter(signum(_) != 0)
abstract class Printer {
def print // abstract
val p = new Printer {
def print { println("Hi") }
Classes and
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 27
module MyFirstModule
def first_method
module MySecondModule
def second_method
class MyParentClass
include MyFirstModule
# override
def to_s
Ruby Classes
and Modules
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 28
class MyClass < MyParentClass
include MySecondModule
def initialize(value)
@value = value
def value
def value= value
@value = value
# example usage
obj ='')
obj.value = nil
puts obj.value
puts obj.to_s
Ruby Classes
and Modules
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 29
[1, 2, 3].each { |x| puts x }
[1, 2, 3].each do |x|
puts x
c =
c.send :include, MyFirstModule
obj =
Classes and
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 30
 No Classes
 The following code tries to emulate it
 Warning: the following code is unreliable
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 31
function MyFirstClass() {
this.firstMethod = function () { }
function MySecondClass() {
this.secondMethod = function () { return 7; }
function MyParentClass() {
// Call the parent constructor;
this.toString = function () {
// take care, this is not exactly super!
return this.prototype.toString();
MyParentClass.prototype = new MyFirstClass();
MyParentClass.prototype.constructor = MyParentClass;
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 32
function MyClass(value) {;;
this.value = value;
this.getValue = function () { return this.value; }
this.setValue = function (value) {
this.value = value;
MyClass.prototype = new MyParentClass();
MyClass.prototype.constructor = MyClass;
// example usage
var obj = new MyClass("");
obj.setValue(null); // or obj.value = null;
alert(obj.getValue()); // or alert(obj.value);
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 33
• #include <iostream>
• using System.Collections;
• using Con = System.Console;
• import java.util.*;
• import static java.lang.Math.*;
• import
• import java.lang.Math.{IEEEremainder => rem, _}
• require 'date/format'
• load 'date/format.rb'
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 34
• int x; auto y = 0; const int &z = x; char *p;
• vector<int> x; const vector<int> x;
• int x; const int x; readonly int x; var x = 0;
• List<int> x; readonly List<int> x;
• int x; final int x;
• List<Integer> x; final List<Integer> x;
• var x: Int; val x: Int;
• var x: List[Int]; val x: List[Int];
• x = 0; @x = 1; @@x = 2
• Constant = 0; CONSTANT = 0
var x;JavaScript
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 35
Parameters andArguments
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 36
except JavaScript
(except Java)
(except C++)
Parameters andArguments
void f(int x, const char *p = "abc", ...)C++
• Positional arguments only, with constant default arguments and
un-typed varargs
void f(int x, string s = "ab", params int[] y)C#
• f(1, s: "def"); f(0, null, 1, 2, 3)
• Named, constant default and typed variable arguments supported
void f(int x, String... args)Java
• Positional arguments only, with typed variable arguments
def f(x: Int, y: Int = 0, z: =>Long, s: Int*)Scala
• f(1, z = System.nanoTime())
• Named & expr. default arguments, typed varargs, and call-by-name
def f(x, y = 0, z = @a, tags: [], *names)Ruby
• Named, expression default and variable arguments
function f(x)JavaScript
• Nothing special; variable arguments supported artificially
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 37
var query =
from c in categories
join p in products
on c equals p.Category
into ps
from p in ps.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new {
Category = c,
ProductName = p.ProductName
Scala XML
val html =
<h1>Hello Scala!</h1>
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 38
Syntactical Overview
Identifiers, Literals, Symbols and Annotations
Classes, Templates, Functions and Code Blocks
Imports,Variables and Parameter Passing
Embedded Syntax (e.g. LINQ, XML)
 Programming Paradigms
 Procedural, Functional and Object-Oriented
 Meta-programming
 Type Systems
 Static, Dynamic, Strong and Weak
 ValueTypes, Reference Types and Higher Order Types
 Annotations and Generics
 Inheritance Models
 Single and Multiple
 Polymorphism and Prototyping
 Mix-ins: Interfaces, Extensions, Traits and Modules
 Memory Management
 Manual, Automatic and Garbage Collected
 Constructors, Destructors, Initializers and Finalizers
 Dependency System
 JARs, DLLs, Gems and Static Libraries
The real one! 
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 39
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 40
Programming Paradigms
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 41
• C++
• C#
• Java
• Scala
• Ruby
• JavaScript
• C#
• Scala
• Ruby
• JavaScript
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 42
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 43
• C#
• Java
• Scala
• C#
• Java
• Scala
• C++
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 44
Memory Management
auto_ptr Destructors
Ruby & JS
(C#: CFO)
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 45
 All languages support constructors.
 Dynamic languages (i.e. Ruby and JavaScript)
provide only one constructor, and rely on the
dynamic nature of their parameters.
 Only C++ has deterministic destructors.
 C#, Java, Scala and Ruby support finalizers, but
they are not guaranteed tor run.
 JavaScript has no finalizers, because all memory is
 The .NET framework provides a
CriticalFinalizerObject parent class,
supporting semi-guaranteed finalization.
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 46
Class Initializers
class MyClass { static int x; };
MyClass::x = 0;
static class MyClass {
static int x;
static MyClass() { x = 10; } }
class MyClass {
static int x;
static { x = 10; } }
object MyClass {
var x: Int;
x = 10 }
class MyClass
@@x = 10
function MyClass() {}
MyClass.x = 10;
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 47
 Only statically compiled languages have
 Dynamic languages don’t need polymorphism.
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 48
class C1 {
void nonVirtualM() {}
virtual void virtualM() {}
class C2 : C1 {
void nonVirtualM() {}
virtual void virtualM() {}
class C1
public void nonVirtual() {}
public virtual void @virtual() {}
class C2 : C1
public new void nonVirtual() { }
public override void @virtual() {}
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 49
class C1 {
public void virtual() {}
class C2 extends C1 {
public void virtual() {}
class C1 {
def virtual {}
class C2 extends C1 {
override def virtual {}
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 50
// define the Person Class
function Person() { }
Person.prototype.walk = function() { alert('Walk'); };
Person.prototype.hello = function() { alert('Hi'); };
function Student() { // define the Student class; // Call the parent constructor
// inherit Person
Student.prototype = new Person();
// correct the constructor pointer
// because it points to Person
Student.prototype.constructor = Student;
// replace the hello method
Student.prototype.hello = function() { alert('hey'); }
// add bye method
Student.prototype.bye = function () { alert('Bye'); }
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 51
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 52
 Abstract function declarations only
 No data, no implementation
 Can be emulated
 In C++: with pure virtual functions
 In Scala: with traits
interface MyInterface
void MyMethod();
interface MyInterface {
void myMethod();
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 53
 The ability to “attach” new methods
to existing classes or objects
 Emulated in Scala using implicit
static class Extensions {
public static void
Print(this string s) {}
// to call it:
class String
def print
# to call it:
String.prototype.print =
function() {};
// to call it:
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 54
Traits and Modules
 Evolution of interfaces: allowing
 Almost like classes, except that they
cannot be instantiated
 Traits cannot have instance
variables, while modules can.
trait T1 {
def print {}
class C1
// to use it:
val p = new C1 with T1
module Named
def name
@name ||= nil; end
def name=(name)
@name = name; end
# to use it:
class Person; include Named;
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 55
Static Libraries and
Dynamically Loaded Libraries (DLLs) or SOs
Dynamically Loaded Libraries (DLLs)
JavaArchives (JARs)
Maven or Ivy
JavaArchives (JARs)
Simple BuildTool (SBT)
JS Node Package Manager (NPM)
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 56
Syntactical Overview
Identifiers, Literals, Symbols and Annotations
Classes, Templates, Functions and Code Blocks
Imports,Variables and Parameter Passing
Embedded Syntax (e.g. LINQ, XML)
Programming Paradigms
Procedural, Functional and Object-Oriented
Type Systems
Static, Dynamic, Strong and Weak
ValueTypes, Reference Types and Higher Order Types
Annotations and Generics
Inheritance Models
Single and Multiple
Polymorphism and Prototyping
Mix-ins: Interfaces, Extensions, Traits and Modules
Memory Management
Manual, Automatic and Garbage Collected
Constructors, Destructors, Initializers and Finalizers
Dependency System
JARs, DLLs, Gems and Static Libraries
The real one! 
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 57
That’s it.
Thank you!
March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 58

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6 Programming Languages Syntactical Overview

  • 1. 6 Programming Languages under investigation C++, C#, Java, Scala, Ruby and JavaScript
  • 2. Agenda  A flower from every garden  A taste of worldwide fruits  Start your engines!  The genius inside each of us March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 2
  • 3. A flower from every garden Ruby JavaScript March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 3
  • 4. Atasteofworldwidefruits #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main(/* int argc, char* argv[] */) { string name; cout << "Enter your name, please: "; cin >> name; cout << "Hello " + name + "n"; // or cout << "Hello " << name << endl; return 0; } C++ March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 4
  • 5. Atasteofworldwidefruits using System; namespace JDC2013 { class Program { static void Main(/* string[] args */) { Console.Write("Enter your name, please: "); string name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Hello " + name); // or Console.WriteLine("Hello {0}", name); } } } C# March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 5
  • 6. Atasteofworldwidefruits package org.egjug.jdc2013; // import java.lang.*; public class Program { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.print("Enter your name, please: "); String name = System.console().readLine(); System.out.println("Hello, " + name); // or System.out.printf("Hello, %s", name); } } Java March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 6
  • 7. Atasteofworldwidefruits package org.egjug.jdc2013 // import scala._ object Program extends App { print("Enter your name, please: ") val name = readLine println("Hello " + name) // or printf("Hello %s", name) } Scala March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 7
  • 8. Atasteofworldwidefruits # require 'a_library' puts 'Enter your name, please: ' name = STDIN.gets puts 'Hello ' + name # or puts "Hello #{name}" Ruby March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 8
  • 9. Atasteofworldwidefruits var name = prompt("Enter your name, please:"); alert("Hello " + name);JavaScript March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 9
  • 10. Start your Engines! Compilation Intermediate LanguageC# Java Scala Machine Code C++ Interpreted JavaScript Ruby March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 10
  • 11. Start your Engines! Linkage Dynamic • C++ • C# • Java • Scala • Ruby Static • C++ March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 11
  • 12. Start your Engines! • JavaScript • Ruby Interpreter • C# • Java • Scala Virtual Machine • C++ Binary Executable March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 12
  • 13. There is a Genius inside Each ofUs Personal Impressions Ruby JavaScript March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 13
  • 14. Agenda  Syntactical Overview  Identifiers, Literals, Symbols and Annotations  Classes, Templates, Functions and Code Blocks  Imports,Variables and Parameter Passing  Embedded Syntax (e.g. LINQ, XML)  Programming Paradigms  Procedural, Functional and Object-Oriented  Meta-programming  Type Systems  Static, Dynamic, Strong and Weak  ValueTypes, Reference Types and Higher Order Types  Annotations and Generics  Inheritance Models  Single and Multiple  Polymorphism and Prototyping  Mix-ins: Interfaces, Extensions, Traits and Modules  Memory Management  Manual, Automatic and Garbage Collected  Constructors, Destructors, Initializers and Finalizers  Dependency System  JARs, DLLs, Gems and Static Libraries The real one!  March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 14
  • 15. SyntacticalOverview Identifiers March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 15 Letters Numerals Operators Operator Examples C++ Unicode? After first letter Predefined set void operator++() C# Unicode After first letter Predefined set void operator--() Java Unicode After first letter None Scala Unicode After first letter All val + = 1 Ruby Unicode? Anywhere? Most def ಠ_ಠ(x, y) JavaScript Unicode After first letter None
  • 16. SyntacticalOverview Literals March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 16 Numeric Objects Functions C++ 123456, 07, 0xFF int x[] = {0} C# 123456, 07, 0xFF new { Name = "Ali" } new Dict<int, int> { {1,2}, {3,4} } x => y, () => {} Java 123_456, 0b101, 123456, 07, 0xFF int x[] = {0} Scala 123456, 07, 0xFF (1, 2) { 'age' -> 24 } x => y, () => {} Ruby 123_456 123456, 07, 0xFF [1], {b:2}, 0..5 JavaScript 123456, 07, 0xFF [1], {b:2}
  • 17. SyntacticalOverview Symbols &Annotations Java @Deprecated class Address { } [Obsolete] class Program { } C# Scala @cloneable class Address { val db_column = 'address_line_1 } person = { name: 'Ahmad', age: 26 } Ruby March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 17
  • 18. SyntacticalOverview class MyFirstClass { public: // pure virtual function makes a class abstract virtual void firstMethod() = 0; }; class MySecondClass { public: int secondMethod() { return 7; } }; class MyParentClass : MyFirstClass { public: /* override */ void firstMethod() { } }; C++ Classes &Templates March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 18
  • 19. SyntacticalOverview template<typename T> class MyClass : MyParentClass, MySecondClass { T value; public: MyClass(T value) { setValue(value); } T getValue() { return value; } void setValue(T value) { this->value = value; } }; // example usage MyClass<string> obj(""); obj.setValue("Hi"); cout << obj.getValue(); C++ Classes &Templates March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 19
  • 20. SyntacticalOverview public interface MyFirstInterface { void firstMethod(); } interface MySecondInterface { int secondMethod(); } abstract class MyParentClass { public void firstMethod() { } public sealed override string ToString() { return base.ToString(); } } C# Classes, Interfaces & Generics March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 20
  • 21. SyntacticalOverview sealed class MyClass<T> : MyParentClass, MyFirstInterface, MySecondInterface { public MyClass(T value) { Value = value; } public T Value { get; set; } public int secondMethod() { return 7; } } // example usage var obj = new MyClass<string>(""); obj.Value = null; Console.WriteLine(obj.Value); C# Classes, Interfaces & Generics March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 21
  • 22. SyntacticalOverview Func<int, int, int> f = (int x, int y) => x * 2; Action<int> a = x => { Console.WriteLine(x); }; var v = new { Name = "Mohammad", Age = 24 }; C# Anonymous Types and Functions March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 22
  • 23. SyntacticalOverview interface MyFirstInterface { void firstMethod(); } interface MySecondInterface { int secondMethod(); } abstract class MyParentClass implements MyFirstInterface { @Override public void firstMethod() {} @Override public final String toString() { return super.toString(); } } Java Classes, Interfaces & Generics March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 23
  • 24. SyntacticalOverview public final class MyClass<T> extends MyParentClass implements MySecondInterface { private T value; public MyClass(T value) { setValue(value); } public T getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(T value) { this.value = value; } @Override public int secondMethod() { return 7; } } // example usage MyClass<String> obj = new MyClass<>(""); obj.setValue(null); System.out.println(obj.getValue()); Java Classes, Interfaces & Generics March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 24
  • 25. SyntacticalOverview Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { } };Java Anonymous Classes March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 25
  • 26. SyntacticalOverview trait MyFirstTrait { def firstMethod() } trait MySecondTrait { def secondMethod = 7 } abstract class MyParentClass extends MyFirstTrait { override def firstMethod() {} final override def toString = super.toString } final class MyClass[T](var value: T) extends MyParentClass with MySecondTrait object MyClass { // companion object def test() { val obj = new MyClass("") obj.value = null println(obj.value) } } Scala Classes, Traits and Generics March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 26
  • 27. SyntacticalOverview val f = (x: Int, y: Int) => x+y val list = List(-1, 2, 3.0, 5, 7.12) list.filter(_ < 5) list.filter(signum(_) != 0) abstract class Printer { def print // abstract } val p = new Printer { def print { println("Hi") } } Scala Anonymous Classes and Functions March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 27
  • 28. SyntacticalOverview module MyFirstModule def first_method end end module MySecondModule def second_method 7 end end class MyParentClass include MyFirstModule # override def to_s super end end Ruby Classes and Modules March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 28
  • 29. SyntacticalOverview class MyClass < MyParentClass include MySecondModule def initialize(value) @value = value end def value @value end def value= value @value = value end end # example usage obj ='') obj.value = nil puts obj.value puts obj.to_s Ruby Classes and Modules March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 29
  • 30. SyntacticalOverview [1, 2, 3].each { |x| puts x } [1, 2, 3].each do |x| puts x end c = c.send :include, MyFirstModule obj = Ruby Anonymous Classes and Functions March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 30
  • 31. SyntacticalOverview  No Classes  The following code tries to emulate it  Warning: the following code is unreliable JavaScript March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 31
  • 32. SyntacticalOverview function MyFirstClass() { this.firstMethod = function () { } } function MySecondClass() { this.secondMethod = function () { return 7; } } function MyParentClass() { // Call the parent constructor; this.toString = function () { // take care, this is not exactly super! return this.prototype.toString(); } } MyParentClass.prototype = new MyFirstClass(); MyParentClass.prototype.constructor = MyParentClass; JavaScript Function Prototypes March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 32
  • 33. SyntacticalOverview function MyClass(value) {;; this.value = value; this.getValue = function () { return this.value; } this.setValue = function (value) { this.value = value; } } MyClass.prototype = new MyParentClass(); MyClass.prototype.constructor = MyClass; // example usage var obj = new MyClass(""); obj.setValue(null); // or obj.value = null; alert(obj.getValue()); // or alert(obj.value); JavaScript Function Prototypes March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 33
  • 34. SyntacticalOverview Imports C++ • #include <iostream> C# • using System.Collections; • using Con = System.Console; Java • import java.util.*; • import static java.lang.Math.*; Scala • import • import java.lang.Math.{IEEEremainder => rem, _} Ruby • require 'date/format' • load 'date/format.rb' N/AJavaScript March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 34
  • 35. SyntacticalOverview Variables C++ • int x; auto y = 0; const int &z = x; char *p; • vector<int> x; const vector<int> x; C# • int x; const int x; readonly int x; var x = 0; • List<int> x; readonly List<int> x; Java • int x; final int x; • List<Integer> x; final List<Integer> x; Scala • var x: Int; val x: Int; • var x: List[Int]; val x: List[Int]; Ruby • x = 0; @x = 1; @@x = 2 • Constant = 0; CONSTANT = 0 var x;JavaScript March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 35
  • 36. SyntacticalOverview Parameters andArguments March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 36 All Languages except JavaScript Default Arguments (except Java) Variable Arguments Named Arguments (except C++)
  • 37. SyntacticalOverview Parameters andArguments void f(int x, const char *p = "abc", ...)C++ • Positional arguments only, with constant default arguments and un-typed varargs void f(int x, string s = "ab", params int[] y)C# • f(1, s: "def"); f(0, null, 1, 2, 3) • Named, constant default and typed variable arguments supported void f(int x, String... args)Java • Positional arguments only, with typed variable arguments def f(x: Int, y: Int = 0, z: =>Long, s: Int*)Scala • f(1, z = System.nanoTime()) • Named & expr. default arguments, typed varargs, and call-by-name def f(x, y = 0, z = @a, tags: [], *names)Ruby • Named, expression default and variable arguments function f(x)JavaScript • Nothing special; variable arguments supported artificially March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 37
  • 38. SyntacticalOverview EmbeddedSyntax C# LINQ var query = from c in categories join p in products on c equals p.Category into ps from p in ps.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { Category = c, ProductName = p.ProductName }; Scala XML val html = <html> <body> <h1>Hello Scala!</h1> </body> </html> March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 38
  • 39. Agenda Syntactical Overview Identifiers, Literals, Symbols and Annotations Classes, Templates, Functions and Code Blocks Imports,Variables and Parameter Passing Embedded Syntax (e.g. LINQ, XML)  Programming Paradigms  Procedural, Functional and Object-Oriented  Meta-programming  Type Systems  Static, Dynamic, Strong and Weak  ValueTypes, Reference Types and Higher Order Types  Annotations and Generics  Inheritance Models  Single and Multiple  Polymorphism and Prototyping  Mix-ins: Interfaces, Extensions, Traits and Modules  Memory Management  Manual, Automatic and Garbage Collected  Constructors, Destructors, Initializers and Finalizers  Dependency System  JARs, DLLs, Gems and Static Libraries The real one!  March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 39
  • 40. Break! Ruby JavaScript March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 40
  • 41. Programming Paradigms March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 41
  • 42. TypeSystems Static • C++ • C# • Java • Scala Dynamic • Ruby • JavaScript Strong • C# • Scala Weak • Ruby • JavaScript March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 42 C# Scala
  • 44. TypeSystems Annotations • C# • Java • Scala Generics • C# • Java • Scala Templates • C++ March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 44
  • 45. Memory Management Manual C++ Pointers Automatic C++ auto_ptr Destructors Garbage Collected C#, Java, Scala, Ruby & JS Unreliable Finalizers (C#: CFO) March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 45
  • 46. Memory Management  All languages support constructors.  Dynamic languages (i.e. Ruby and JavaScript) provide only one constructor, and rely on the dynamic nature of their parameters.  Only C++ has deterministic destructors.  C#, Java, Scala and Ruby support finalizers, but they are not guaranteed tor run.  JavaScript has no finalizers, because all memory is GC’d.  The .NET framework provides a CriticalFinalizerObject parent class, supporting semi-guaranteed finalization. March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 46
  • 47. MemoryManagement Class Initializers C++ class MyClass { static int x; }; MyClass::x = 0; C# static class MyClass { static int x; static MyClass() { x = 10; } } Java class MyClass { static int x; static { x = 10; } } Scala object MyClass { var x: Int; x = 10 } Ruby class MyClass @@x = 10 end JS function MyClass() {} MyClass.x = 10; March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 47
  • 48. Polymorphism and Prototyping  Only statically compiled languages have polymorphism  Dynamic languages don’t need polymorphism. March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 48
  • 49. Polymorphism C++ class C1 { public: void nonVirtualM() {} virtual void virtualM() {} }; class C2 : C1 { public: void nonVirtualM() {} virtual void virtualM() {} }; C# class C1 { public void nonVirtual() {} public virtual void @virtual() {} } class C2 : C1 { public new void nonVirtual() { } public override void @virtual() {} } March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 49
  • 50. Polymorphism Java class C1 { public void virtual() {} } class C2 extends C1 { @Override public void virtual() {} } Scala class C1 { def virtual {} } class C2 extends C1 { override def virtual {} } March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 50
  • 51. JavaScript Prototyping // define the Person Class function Person() { } Person.prototype.walk = function() { alert('Walk'); }; Person.prototype.hello = function() { alert('Hi'); }; function Student() { // define the Student class; // Call the parent constructor } // inherit Person Student.prototype = new Person(); // correct the constructor pointer // because it points to Person Student.prototype.constructor = Student; // replace the hello method Student.prototype.hello = function() { alert('hey'); } // add bye method Student.prototype.bye = function () { alert('Bye'); } March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 51
  • 53. Mix-ins Interfaces  Abstract function declarations only  No data, no implementation  Can be emulated  In C++: with pure virtual functions  In Scala: with traits interface MyInterface { void MyMethod(); } C# interface MyInterface { void myMethod(); } Java March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 53
  • 54. Mix-ins Extensions  The ability to “attach” new methods to existing classes or objects  Emulated in Scala using implicit conversions static class Extensions { public static void Print(this string s) {} } // to call it: "abc".Print(); C# class String def print end end # to call it: 'abc'.print Ruby String.prototype.print = function() {}; // to call it: 'abc'.print(); JS March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 54
  • 55. Mix-ins Traits and Modules  Evolution of interfaces: allowing implementations  Almost like classes, except that they cannot be instantiated  Traits cannot have instance variables, while modules can. trait T1 { def print {} } class C1 // to use it: val p = new C1 with T1 p.print Scala module Named def name @name ||= nil; end def name=(name) @name = name; end end # to use it: class Person; include Named; end Ruby March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 55
  • 56. DependencySystem C++ Static Libraries and Dynamically Loaded Libraries (DLLs) or SOs C# Dynamically Loaded Libraries (DLLs) NuGet Java JavaArchives (JARs) Maven or Ivy Scala JavaArchives (JARs) Simple BuildTool (SBT) Ruby Gems Bundler JS Node Package Manager (NPM) March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 56
  • 57. Agenda Syntactical Overview Identifiers, Literals, Symbols and Annotations Classes, Templates, Functions and Code Blocks Imports,Variables and Parameter Passing Embedded Syntax (e.g. LINQ, XML) Programming Paradigms Procedural, Functional and Object-Oriented Meta-programming Type Systems Static, Dynamic, Strong and Weak ValueTypes, Reference Types and Higher Order Types Annotations and Generics Inheritance Models Single and Multiple Polymorphism and Prototyping Mix-ins: Interfaces, Extensions, Traits and Modules Memory Management Manual, Automatic and Garbage Collected Constructors, Destructors, Initializers and Finalizers Dependency System JARs, DLLs, Gems and Static Libraries The real one!  March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 57
  • 58. That’s it. Thank you! Ruby JavaScript March 8, 2013 Presented by Hosam Aly at Egypt's JDC 2013 58

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. C++ was invented in the 1980s, as an object-oriented addition to C. Similar background of weak processors and small memory. Java and JavaScript appeared almost at the same time, in the mid-1990s. JavaScript was considered a lightweight scripting language with emphasis on familiarity to Java programmers. Java was the first thoroughly documented, VM-sandboxed programming language. At the other end of the world, Ruby was invented in the middle 1990s, in the far distant east in Japan. It’s a scripting language that learned a lot from other languages throughout time. It wasn’t known to the rest of the world until the late 1990s. C# followed at the beginning of the millennium, along with .NET, as an effort from Microsoft to regain grounds. C# evolution was much quicker than Java in the 10 years that followed. Scala was a research effort from Switzerland with the goal of creating a “better Java”, that would be compatible with existing Java libraries, but provide a more modern programming language. It became public in the middle 2000s.
  2. Note that the call to System.console() will return null if the application is being run inside an IDE or if it doesn’t have a console (e.g. Web Start or Swing).
  3. C++ applications are normally compiled and linked into binary code. C# applications are compiled into an executable, but it requires the .NET framework to be installed. Java applications can be distributed in various ways, e.g. Executable JARs, Applets, and Web Start. Scala applications are in essence Java applications, so most Java distribution channels apply to Scala. JavaScript and Ruby need an interpreter.
  4. JavaScript is easiest. Very simple syntax & very few constructs Java is easy to learn. C++ is somewhat harder. C# has both Java and C++ features, so it’s harder to grasp all of it. Ruby is intermediate. Quite some features, but not too many. The problem is with aging names. Scala is probably harder than all of them, because it has features from both OOP and Functional worlds, and sometimes looks like scripting! But it’s probably the most advanced too.
  5. C# Overloadable Operators: Java Language Specification: Scala Language Specification: Valid JavaScript variable names:
  6. C# Anonymous Functions:
  7. Scala Anonymous Functions:
  8. Scala Anonymous Functions:
  9. Introduction to Object-Oriented JavaScript: JavaScript Ninja Slides:
  10. C#: Scala: Named Arguments are new in Ruby 2.0
  11. C++, Ruby and JavaScript can have functions defined anywhere. Scala can have functions defined directly in a package. Scala supports almost all functional programming constructs, and even has special syntax to aid in functional programming. Ruby, C# and JavaScript all treat functions as first-class objects. C++ has function pointers, but no anonymous functions. All the languages presented here claim to be object-oriented, but they vary in the level to which they mandate (or encourage) following OOP principles. Ruby supports Meta-programming at all levels. Suffice it to say that one can “open” a class and add or override methods dynamically. The same can even be done to objects. JavaScript follows closely, although it provides no special syntax for that, but its very dynamic nature allows methods to be added and replaced with extreme ease. Scala supports implicit methods and implicit conversions, and C# supports extension methods, both of which can simulate this behavior.
  12. C# accepts weak typing through the `dynamic` keyword Scala allows semi-weak typing via implicit conversions
  13. Scala Value Classes is a new feature in Scala 2.10:
  14. Only the C++ compiler generates multiple versions of the class for each template parameter value. It also supports template customization, which (as far as I know) is not supported by the other compilers.
  15. Example of manual memory management in C++: string *s = new string; delete s; int[] a = new int[1000]; delete[] a; Examples of automatic memory management in C++: auto_ptr<string> str(new string); class DynamicArray { int *array; public: DynamicArray(int size) { array = new int[size]; } ~DynamicArray() { delete[] array; } } Beware of cyclic dependencies in Garbage Collection
  16. Constructors: C++: class MyClass { MyClass(int x) {} } C#: class MyClass { MyClass(int x) {} } Java: class MyClass { MyClass(int x) {} } Scala: class MyClass(x: Int) Ruby: class MyClass; def initialize(x); end; end JavaScript: function MyClass(x) {} Destructors: C++: class MyClass { ~MyClass() {} } Finalizers: C#: class MyClass { ~MyClass() {} } | CriticalFinalizerObject Java: class MyClass { protected void finalize() {} } Scala: class MyClass { override def finalize() {} } Ruby: class MyClass ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, proc { }) end
  17. There is no polymorphism in dynamic languages (i.e. Ruby and JS), as there is no compiler and no virtual function table. Every object somehow has a set of pointers to its methods.
  18. Introduction to Object-Oriented JavaScript:
  19. Tutorial about Scala Traits: Ruby modules are almost classes, except they cannot be instantiated. Any instance methods are only accessible if the module is included in a class.