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Hadoop Summit 2012

 Infrastructure Around Hadoop

Backups, failover, configuration and monitoring

       Terran Melconian, Edmund MacKenty

What TripAdvisor Does

•  World's largest travel site and community
•  Trip planning user reviews
•  >50 million unique monthly visitors, 30 countries*
•  >60 million reviews and opinions*
•  Run like a startup: 30+ teams all doing their own thing
•  Heavy use of open-source projects
•  Speed Wins!

            * source: comScore Media Metrix for TripAdvisor Sites, Worldwide, January 2012

What the Warehouse Team Does

•  Retain and aggregate historic site activity data
•  Make data available throughout the company
•  Hits, reviews, forums, contacts, locations, businesses, etc.
•  ~50 nodes in 4 clusters: Cloudera CDH3u3 (Hadoop 0.20.2)
•  Used by ~12 analytics teams, heavy use of Hive
•  Some jobs must run every day (eg. ETL, aggregations)
•  Systems are very open, we trust our users (usually)
•  3 people, fairly new to Hadoop/Hive

Why Hadoop at TripAdvisor

•  Hadoop is how we scale analysis past the limits of one machine
  –  Some daily jobs taking nearly 24 hours, and we're still growing quickly

•  Our old RDBMS data warehouse could barely keep up with data
   ingestion, even running on expensive hardware with a SAN
  –  We obtained 20x improvement in wall clock time

•  Reprocess unaggregated historical data as definitions change
  –  Before, impossible except for a small sample
  –  Now, reprocess years of data at the finest level in a few days

•  Efficient platform for many kinds of statistics
  –  Representative example: five-hour RDBMS job went to 25 minutes

HA NameNode: DRBD, Corosync and Pacemaker

•  Namenode and JobTracker run on “master” node
•  Datanode and TaskTracker run on “slave” nodes
•  Automatic fail-over of all master-node services to a passive node
•  Provision two identical systems
•  Set up virtual Master IP address to be failed over
•  Secondary namenode on passive node, if available
•  Monitor and automatically restart failed services

DRBD/Corosync Configuration

•  DRBD: replicates namenode image, Hive metadata, Oozie job data
  –  Create two identical storage devices (we used RAID 1)
  –  Connect the master nodes with a cross-over ethernet cable
  –  Configure DRBD to use the cross-over and storage devices
  –  Use drbdadm to create the replicated device
  –  Create a filesystem on /dev/drbd0 with mkfs
  –  Cat /proc/drbd to see state of the device
  –  Once created, use /etc/init.d/drbd to manage it

•  Corosync: messaging between active-passive masters
  –  Configure Corosync to also use the cross-over ethernet cable
  –  Corosync will start Pacemaker for you
  –  Use /etc/init.d/corosync to manage it, and Pacemaker

Pacemaker Configuration

•  Define each resource you want to manage:
  –  DRBD device, master IP address, ethernet connectivity checks,
    Hadoop namenode and jobtracker, Hive thrift server, MySQL for Hive
    metadata, Oozie for workflow coordination

•  Set monitoring intervals for each resource
•  Define resource co-location dependencies
•  Define resource ordering dependencies
•  Restarts failed services, eg. Hive-Thrift
•  Use crm tool to manage nodes and resources
•  Test with a manual fail-over:
  –  migrate namenode resource to passive master
  –  Use crm status to watch all resources move over

Monitoring: Ganglia and Nagios, Job Tracking

•  Visibility into cluster operations
•  Monitor hardware states and resource usage
•  Notify on specific boundary or failure conditions
•  Track MapReduce jobs and Hive tables
•  Identify immediate problems
•  Show trends over time to predict future needs


•  Standard monitoring of CPU, Memory, Disk usage, etc.
•  PERL script parses Hadoop metrics, sends using gmetric(1)
•  ~50 Hadoop metrics, ~30 system metrics
•  Graphs for entire cluster and individual nodes
•  Example: Two jobs with different resource profiles


•  Our primary notification system
•  About 80 checks, ~25 are our own. Examples:
  –  check_hdp_connectivity: can master talk to all its slaves?
  –  check_hdp_data_nodes: are all configured slave datanodes running?
  –  check_hdp_max_mr_settings: does jobtracker have resources we expect?
  –  check_hadoop_master_logfiles: are logs being written to?
  –  check_hive_server: is it up?

•  Some warnings:
  –  Do not let Nagios run hadoop fsck (check_hdp_hdfs)
  –  LDAP failure causes email cascade
  –  High loads can cause timeouts, which cause notifications

Job Tracking

•  PERL script invoked frequently by cron
•  Parses jobtracker log entries since last run
•  Records data on each job in PostreSQL DB:
  –  Job ID, user, submitting IP and time, status
  –  Cluster ID, queue, Hive query
  –  start/stop times for job and first mapper and reducer
  –  Mapper and reducer counts, max memory, slots, splits

•  CGI script to do queries:
  –  Running jobs, failed jobs, MapReduce capacity usage
  –  Job resource usage by status, queue, user

•  Helps post-mortem of problems
•  Used to predict trends, future resource needs

Other cron scripts we run

•  Check_load:
  –  Dumps Java stack trace when load is too high
  –  Emails list of top processes so we can see what was wrong

•  Master nodes:
  –  Compresses Hadoop/Hive logs more than 30 days old
  –  Removes logs more than 120 days old (we keep 10+ GBs)
  –  Check_hdfs: Runs hadoop fsck to see if HDFS is “healthy”
  –  Backup current namenode fsimage

•  Slave Nodes:
  –  Check_disks: Removes read-only disks from datanode configuration
  –  Check_load: Kills some tasks and notifies us when load is too high

•  Refresh production data to development cluster

Configuration Management

•  Seems like extra work at first, but essential as you grow.
•  Not Hadoop-specific: manage OS packages, Nagios and Ganglia
   scripts, cron jobs, svn, SSH keys, NFS mounts, jars
  –  Consistent UID/GIDs critical with DRBD
  –  We replace some jars from the RPMs with local fixes
  –  Templatized configuration files very convenient. ERB is good.
  –  SSH keys made consistent across nodes, masters share host key

•  Use SVN as file delivery mechanism: checkout on each box
•  We chose Puppet as a tool
  –  Gets the job done
  –  Lacks flexibility in inheritance to specialize defaults per-machine
  –  Some aspects of operation are hard to debug

Backup: HDFS and Hive DDL

•  Objectives:
  –  Provide safety against total HDFS failure due to software bugs or
     machine room environmental incident
  –  Protect against user error in dropping or overwriting tables
  –  Restore data to another cluster

•  Assumptions
  –  Repeating one day of processing is acceptable when restoring

•  Components
  –  Incremental HDFS backup
  –  Hive DDL backup

•  Runs on separate backup server with storage (NexSan)
  –  Pull process driven by processes on backup server

Backup HDFS

•  Open-source Java app
•  Requires customization to your environment
•  Traverses HDFS directory tree
•  Copies out files modified after a given date
•  Doesn't copy very new directories
  –  Needed a way to avoid copying files being written at time of backup
  –  HDFS has no snapshots

•  Ignores specified directories
•  Generates restore shell scripts to set owners, perms
•  Verification tool checks file sizes and checksums

Backup Hive DDL

•  Open-source Java app uses Thrift server
•  Iterates over all tables and views
•  Constructs DDL statements from Hive metadata
•  Ignores specific tables
•  Generates Hive command script
  –  Recreates all tables, adds all partitions back one at a time

•  Used to move metadata to MySQL
•  Restore full cluster:
  –  copying files back with copyFromLocal
  –  Run perm/owner scripts
  –  Reapply Hive DDL

Other Things To Potentially Back Up

•  Backup the Namenode Metadata
  –  We do this once every 4 hours
  –  This is in addition to mirroring on four physical drives

•  Our job tracking database
•  No general backups of root or local FS on machines
  –  Recreate machines with Puppet or other configuration management
    tool instead

•  Oozie job database
  –  We do NOT back this up
  –  Tightly coupled with HDFS state and restore would be problematic
  –  The recovery procedure is to rebuild and reinstall coordinators

Oozie: Why

•  Drawback: several times slower to write than cronjobs, while also
   less expressive
•  Advantage: Ability to cleanly depend on input data
  –  With cron, you would have to poll for stamps

•  Advantage: Clean and consistent metadata
  –  See what ran, what failed, what is still waiting and why
  –  Easily retry things which failed – good luck doing that with cron
  –  Output datasets are deleted on rerun so ordering is preserved

Oozie: How

•  Establish consistent local practices for completion stamps, job
   naming, owners, and source code locations
•  Enforce that all jobs must be idempotent
•  Create scripts/makefiles/build.xml to rebuild and reinstall jobs
   after changes in their dependencies
•  Bypass the Oozie GUI
  –  The CLI is a more capable tool
  –  Go straight to the Oozie backing DB and issue SQL queries

•  Rerun coordinator actions, not workflows
•  Don't ever use Derby – we experienced massive corruption

Experiences and Expectations

•  Hadoop is not mature from a reliability and stability point of view
  –  It will probably get there in a few more years

•  Cluster outages are common events, not outliers
  –  Must bounce key services to pick up basic configuration changes such
     as adding a new queue
  –  As you scale up, you will encounter new classes of problems
  –  Example: kernel deadlocks during heavy disk IO

•  You must design for failure and have a robust mechanism to
   cleanly and easily resume execution once the cluster is back up.
•  Important jobs must be isolated from developers
  –  Each cluster should contain ONE tier of jobs, grouped by SLA, release
    process, and time-to-recovery requirements

Attributes of Robust Jobs

•  Idempotent and resumable regardless of when/how terminated
•  Has an external framework for recording success/failure, timing,
   and amount of data processed
•  Knows what input data it needs and waits for it to be ready
•  Has mechanism for reprocessing if the input data is restated
•  Checked into source control
•  Testable in an expendable cluster before release


•  How to evaluate hardware/network changes or map/reduce slot
  –  Key insight: For the same job, the same task always does the same
  –  Rerun job and compare execution of the same task across machines
Machine  Tasks Comps Relative Perf (larger is better)
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
type1_1   82 37 0.99 ====================
type1_2   91 76 0.98 ====================
type1_3   92 35 1.01 ====================
type1_4   88 85 1.06 =====================
type2_1   71 26 1.30 ==========================
type3_1   92 80 0.68 ==============
type4_1   78 42 1.19 ========================
type4_2   78 45 1.29 ==========================
type4_3   75 75 1.19 ========================

remote    546 534 0.97 ===================
local    378 69 1.05 =====================
Features you Should Use

•  Fair Scheduler
•  refreshNodes, refreshQueues
•  Hadoop metrics
•  Namenode audit logging (disabled by default in 0.20)
•  Exclude files to decommission slave nodes


•  We're living proof that you can hire some engineers with good
   fundamentals but no specialized experience and throw them in
   the deep end (it's the TA way)
•  Skills to hire for:
   –  Operations and Linux experience
   –  General service troubleshooting
   –  Scripting
   –  Java
   –  SQL (even if not using Hive)

•  Managing clusters which are growing 2x - 4x per year takes 1-2
   people working full time just to run in place

Open Questions

•  Resuming of jobs on jobtracker restart
•  Reloading of configurations without a restart
•  Robust response to cluster OOM conditions
•  Disabling job submission while allowing existing jobs to finish

•  Please tell us if you have the answers!



This is for you to read later
  after downloading the

DRBD Configuration
global {
  usage-count no;
  minor-count 1;
common {
  protocol C;                             on {
  syncer { rate 90M; }                        device     /dev/drbd0;
}                                             disk      /dev/sda3;
resource internal {                           address;
  startup {                                   flexible-meta-disk internal;
    wfc-timeout 600;                        }
    degr-wfc-timeout 60;                    on {
  }                                           device     /dev/drbd0;
  disk {                                      disk      /dev/sda3;
    on-io-error detach;                       address;
  }                                           flexible-meta-disk internal;
  net {                                     }
    # timeout        60;                  }
    # connect-int     10;
    # ping-int      10;
    # max-buffers 2048;
    # max-epoch-size 2048;

Corosync Configuration
compatibility: whitetank
totem {
    version: 2
    secauth: off
    threads: 0
    interface {
           ringnumber: 0                  amf {
           bindnetaddr:               mode: disabled
           mcastaddr:          }
           mcastport: 5415                aisexec {
    }                                          user: root
}                                              group: root
logging {                                 }
    fileline: off                         service {
    to_stderr: no                              name: pacemaker
    to_logfile: yes                            ver: 0
    to_syslog: yes                        }
    logfile: /var/log/corosync.log
    debug: off
    timestamp: on
    logger_subsys {
           subsys: AMF
           debug: off

Pacemaker Configuration

node attributes standby="off"
node attributes standby="off"
property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" stonith-enabled="false" no-quorum-policy="ignore" 
              expected-quorum-votes="2" dc-version="1.0.12-unknown" cluster-infrastructure="openais" 
rsc_defaults $id="rsc-options" resource-stickiness="100"
primitive DataStore ocf:linbit:drbd params drbd_resource="internal" 
              op start interval="0" timeout="240s" op stop interval="0" timeout="100s"
primitive fs_DataStore ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem 
              params device="/dev/drbd0" directory="/data/internal" fstype="ext3" 
              op monitor interval="60s" timeout="40s" op start interval="0" timeout="60s" 
              op stop interval="0" timeout="60s"
ms Cluster DataStore 
              meta master-max="1" master-node="max=1" clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1" notify="true"
colocation fs-with-drbd inf: fs_DataStore Cluster:Master
order drdb-fs inf: Cluster:promote fs_DataStore:start
primitive MasterIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 
              params ip="" nic="bond0" op monitor interval="30s"
colocation ip-with-drbd inf: MasterIP Cluster:Master
order fs-ip inf: fs_DataStore MasterIP
primitive NameNode lsb:hadoop-0.20-namenode op monitor interval="30s" meta target-role="Started"
colocation namenode-with-fs inf: NameNode fs_DataStore
order ip-namenode inf: MasterIP NameNode
primitive JobTracker lsb:hadoop-0.20-jobtracker op monitor interval="30s" meta target-role="Started"
colocation jobtracker-with-fs inf: JobTracker fs_DataStore
order namenode-jobtracker inf: NameNode JobTracker

Pacemaker Configuration (cont.)
primitive SecondaryNameNode lsb:hadoop-0.20-secondarynamenode 
             op monitor interval="30s" meta target-role="Started"
colocation secondarynamenode-not-with-ip -inf: SecondaryNameNode MasterIP
order jobtracker-secnamenode inf: JobTracker SecondaryNameNode
primitive Mysql ocf:heartbeat:mysql 
             params datadir="/data/internal/mysql" socket="/data/internal/mysql/mysql.sock" 
             binary="/usr/bin/mysqld_safe" op monitor interval="30s" timeout="30s" op start 
             interval="0" timeout="120s" op stop interval="0" timeout="120s" 
             meta target-role="Started"
colocation mysql-with-fs inf: Mysql fs_DataStore
order ip-mysql inf: MasterIP Mysql
primitive HiveThrift lsb:hive-thrift 
             op monitor interval="30s" meta target-role="Started"
colocation hivethrift-with-ip inf: HiveThrift MasterIP
order jobtracker-hivethrift inf: JobTracker HiveThrift
order mysql-hivethrift inf: Mysql HiveThrift
primitive Oozie lsb:oozie 
             op monitor interval="30s" meta target-role="Started"
colocation oozie-with-fs inf: Oozie MasterIP
order jobtracker-oozie inf: JobTracker Oozie
primitive PingNodes ocf:pacemaker:ping 
             params host_list="" multiplier="100" 
             op start interval="0" timeout="60s" op monitor interval="30s" timeout="60s"
clone PingClone PingNodes meta interleave="true"
location ping-with-ip MasterIP 
rule $id="ping-with-ip-rule" pingd: defined pingd
location MasterIP 
             rule $id="" 50: #uname eq
order ip-ping inf: MasterIP PingClone

Nagios Checks

check_apt              check_breeze      check_by_ssh            check_checkup_metric
check_clamd            check_cluster     check_cronjobs          check_crontabs
check_dhcp             check_dig         check_disk              check_disk_smb
check_disk_writable    check_dns         check_dummy             check_fbrs
check_file_age         check_files_age   check_filesystems       check_flexlm
check_ftp              check_gc          check_hadoop_master_logfiles
check_hdp_connectivity check_hdp_data_nodes                      check_hdp_hdfs
check_hdp_max_mr_settings                check_hive     10	
check_hive_server      check_http        check_icmp      0	
check_ifoperstatus     check_ifstatus    check_imap              check_ircd
check_jabber           check_load        check_local_mail        check_log
check_log_updated      check_mailq       check_memcached                    check_minerva
check_mrtg             check_mrtgtraf    check_mysql_repl        check_nagios
check_nntp             check_nntps       check_nrpe              check_nt
check_ntp              check_ntp_peer    check_ntp_time          check_nwstat
check_oracle           check_overcr      check_ping              check_pop
check_proc_filehandles check_procs       check_real              check_rpc
check_sensors          check_simap       check_smtp              check_spop
check_ssh              check_ssmtp       check_swap              check_swapping
check_sys_filehandles check_ta_services  check_tcp               check_time
check_udp              check_ups         check_users             check_wave

Example Oozie Query
  a.todaystatus as today,
  a.yesterdaystatus as yday,
  j.status as parent,
  t.status as todaystatus,
  y.status as yesterdaystatus,
  COALESCE(t.nominal_time, y.nominal_time) AS nominal_time,
  COALESCE(t.last_modified_time, y.last_modified_time) AS last_modified_time
      WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, last_modified_time, now()) = 0) t
      WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, last_modified_time, now()) = 1) y
  ON (t.job_id=y.job_id)
      -- If they're WAITING today, then make sure yesterday ran OK.
        OR (t.status = 'WAITING' and y.status <> 'SUCCEEDED')
  -- Dummy record to force the table to exist even when empty, since MySql
  -- otherwise emits nothing if data is not returned.
WHERE j.status = 'RUNNING' OR j.status IS NULL

Sessions will resume at 4:30pm

                             Page 35

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Infrastructure Around Hadoop

  • 1. Hadoop Summit 2012 Infrastructure Around Hadoop Backups, failover, configuration and monitoring Terran Melconian, Edmund MacKenty 1
  • 2. What TripAdvisor Does •  World's largest travel site and community •  Trip planning user reviews •  >50 million unique monthly visitors, 30 countries* •  >60 million reviews and opinions* •  Run like a startup: 30+ teams all doing their own thing •  Heavy use of open-source projects •  Speed Wins! * source: comScore Media Metrix for TripAdvisor Sites, Worldwide, January 2012 2
  • 3. What the Warehouse Team Does •  Retain and aggregate historic site activity data •  Make data available throughout the company •  Hits, reviews, forums, contacts, locations, businesses, etc. •  ~50 nodes in 4 clusters: Cloudera CDH3u3 (Hadoop 0.20.2) •  Used by ~12 analytics teams, heavy use of Hive •  Some jobs must run every day (eg. ETL, aggregations) •  Systems are very open, we trust our users (usually) •  3 people, fairly new to Hadoop/Hive 3
  • 4. Why Hadoop at TripAdvisor •  Hadoop is how we scale analysis past the limits of one machine –  Some daily jobs taking nearly 24 hours, and we're still growing quickly •  Our old RDBMS data warehouse could barely keep up with data ingestion, even running on expensive hardware with a SAN –  We obtained 20x improvement in wall clock time •  Reprocess unaggregated historical data as definitions change –  Before, impossible except for a small sample –  Now, reprocess years of data at the finest level in a few days •  Efficient platform for many kinds of statistics –  Representative example: five-hour RDBMS job went to 25 minutes 4
  • 5. HA NameNode: DRBD, Corosync and Pacemaker •  Namenode and JobTracker run on “master” node •  Datanode and TaskTracker run on “slave” nodes •  Automatic fail-over of all master-node services to a passive node •  Provision two identical systems •  Set up virtual Master IP address to be failed over •  Secondary namenode on passive node, if available •  Monitor and automatically restart failed services 5
  • 6. DRBD/Corosync Configuration •  DRBD: replicates namenode image, Hive metadata, Oozie job data –  Create two identical storage devices (we used RAID 1) –  Connect the master nodes with a cross-over ethernet cable –  Configure DRBD to use the cross-over and storage devices –  Use drbdadm to create the replicated device –  Create a filesystem on /dev/drbd0 with mkfs –  Cat /proc/drbd to see state of the device –  Once created, use /etc/init.d/drbd to manage it •  Corosync: messaging between active-passive masters –  Configure Corosync to also use the cross-over ethernet cable –  Corosync will start Pacemaker for you –  Use /etc/init.d/corosync to manage it, and Pacemaker 6
  • 7. Pacemaker Configuration •  Define each resource you want to manage: –  DRBD device, master IP address, ethernet connectivity checks, Hadoop namenode and jobtracker, Hive thrift server, MySQL for Hive metadata, Oozie for workflow coordination •  Set monitoring intervals for each resource •  Define resource co-location dependencies •  Define resource ordering dependencies •  Restarts failed services, eg. Hive-Thrift •  Use crm tool to manage nodes and resources •  Test with a manual fail-over: –  migrate namenode resource to passive master –  Use crm status to watch all resources move over 7
  • 8. Monitoring: Ganglia and Nagios, Job Tracking •  Visibility into cluster operations •  Monitor hardware states and resource usage •  Notify on specific boundary or failure conditions •  Track MapReduce jobs and Hive tables •  Identify immediate problems •  Show trends over time to predict future needs 8
  • 9. Ganglia •  Standard monitoring of CPU, Memory, Disk usage, etc. •  PERL script parses Hadoop metrics, sends using gmetric(1) •  ~50 Hadoop metrics, ~30 system metrics •  Graphs for entire cluster and individual nodes •  Example: Two jobs with different resource profiles 9
  • 10. Nagios •  Our primary notification system •  About 80 checks, ~25 are our own. Examples: –  check_hdp_connectivity: can master talk to all its slaves? –  check_hdp_data_nodes: are all configured slave datanodes running? –  check_hdp_max_mr_settings: does jobtracker have resources we expect? –  check_hadoop_master_logfiles: are logs being written to? –  check_hive_server: is it up? •  Some warnings: –  Do not let Nagios run hadoop fsck (check_hdp_hdfs) –  LDAP failure causes email cascade –  High loads can cause timeouts, which cause notifications 10
  • 11. Job Tracking •  PERL script invoked frequently by cron •  Parses jobtracker log entries since last run •  Records data on each job in PostreSQL DB: –  Job ID, user, submitting IP and time, status –  Cluster ID, queue, Hive query –  start/stop times for job and first mapper and reducer –  Mapper and reducer counts, max memory, slots, splits •  CGI script to do queries: –  Running jobs, failed jobs, MapReduce capacity usage –  Job resource usage by status, queue, user •  Helps post-mortem of problems •  Used to predict trends, future resource needs 11
  • 12. Other cron scripts we run •  Check_load: –  Dumps Java stack trace when load is too high –  Emails list of top processes so we can see what was wrong •  Master nodes: –  Compresses Hadoop/Hive logs more than 30 days old –  Removes logs more than 120 days old (we keep 10+ GBs) –  Check_hdfs: Runs hadoop fsck to see if HDFS is “healthy” –  Backup current namenode fsimage •  Slave Nodes: –  Check_disks: Removes read-only disks from datanode configuration –  Check_load: Kills some tasks and notifies us when load is too high •  Refresh production data to development cluster 12
  • 13. Configuration Management •  Seems like extra work at first, but essential as you grow. •  Not Hadoop-specific: manage OS packages, Nagios and Ganglia scripts, cron jobs, svn, SSH keys, NFS mounts, jars –  Consistent UID/GIDs critical with DRBD –  We replace some jars from the RPMs with local fixes –  Templatized configuration files very convenient. ERB is good. –  SSH keys made consistent across nodes, masters share host key •  Use SVN as file delivery mechanism: checkout on each box •  We chose Puppet as a tool –  Gets the job done –  Lacks flexibility in inheritance to specialize defaults per-machine –  Some aspects of operation are hard to debug 13
  • 14. Backup: HDFS and Hive DDL •  Objectives: –  Provide safety against total HDFS failure due to software bugs or machine room environmental incident –  Protect against user error in dropping or overwriting tables –  Restore data to another cluster •  Assumptions –  Repeating one day of processing is acceptable when restoring •  Components –  Incremental HDFS backup –  Hive DDL backup •  Runs on separate backup server with storage (NexSan) –  Pull process driven by processes on backup server 14
  • 15. Backup HDFS •  Open-source Java app •  Requires customization to your environment •  Traverses HDFS directory tree •  Copies out files modified after a given date •  Doesn't copy very new directories –  Needed a way to avoid copying files being written at time of backup –  HDFS has no snapshots •  Ignores specified directories •  Generates restore shell scripts to set owners, perms •  Verification tool checks file sizes and checksums 15
  • 16. Backup Hive DDL •  Open-source Java app uses Thrift server •  Iterates over all tables and views •  Constructs DDL statements from Hive metadata •  Ignores specific tables •  Generates Hive command script –  Recreates all tables, adds all partitions back one at a time •  Used to move metadata to MySQL •  Restore full cluster: –  copying files back with copyFromLocal –  Run perm/owner scripts –  Reapply Hive DDL 16
  • 17. Other Things To Potentially Back Up •  Backup the Namenode Metadata –  We do this once every 4 hours –  This is in addition to mirroring on four physical drives •  Our job tracking database •  No general backups of root or local FS on machines –  Recreate machines with Puppet or other configuration management tool instead •  Oozie job database –  We do NOT back this up –  Tightly coupled with HDFS state and restore would be problematic –  The recovery procedure is to rebuild and reinstall coordinators 17
  • 18. Oozie: Why •  Drawback: several times slower to write than cronjobs, while also less expressive •  Advantage: Ability to cleanly depend on input data –  With cron, you would have to poll for stamps •  Advantage: Clean and consistent metadata –  See what ran, what failed, what is still waiting and why –  Easily retry things which failed – good luck doing that with cron –  Output datasets are deleted on rerun so ordering is preserved 18
  • 19. Oozie: How •  Establish consistent local practices for completion stamps, job naming, owners, and source code locations •  Enforce that all jobs must be idempotent •  Create scripts/makefiles/build.xml to rebuild and reinstall jobs after changes in their dependencies •  Bypass the Oozie GUI –  The CLI is a more capable tool –  Go straight to the Oozie backing DB and issue SQL queries •  Rerun coordinator actions, not workflows •  Don't ever use Derby – we experienced massive corruption 19
  • 20. Experiences and Expectations •  Hadoop is not mature from a reliability and stability point of view –  It will probably get there in a few more years •  Cluster outages are common events, not outliers –  Must bounce key services to pick up basic configuration changes such as adding a new queue –  As you scale up, you will encounter new classes of problems –  Example: kernel deadlocks during heavy disk IO •  You must design for failure and have a robust mechanism to cleanly and easily resume execution once the cluster is back up. •  Important jobs must be isolated from developers –  Each cluster should contain ONE tier of jobs, grouped by SLA, release process, and time-to-recovery requirements 20
  • 21. Attributes of Robust Jobs •  Idempotent and resumable regardless of when/how terminated •  Has an external framework for recording success/failure, timing, and amount of data processed •  Knows what input data it needs and waits for it to be ready •  Has mechanism for reprocessing if the input data is restated •  Checked into source control •  Testable in an expendable cluster before release 21
  • 22. Benchmarks •  How to evaluate hardware/network changes or map/reduce slot tuning? –  Key insight: For the same job, the same task always does the same work –  Rerun job and compare execution of the same task across machines Machine Tasks Comps Relative Perf (larger is better) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ type1_1 82 37 0.99 ==================== type1_2 91 76 0.98 ==================== type1_3 92 35 1.01 ==================== type1_4 88 85 1.06 ===================== type2_1 71 26 1.30 ========================== type3_1 92 80 0.68 ============== type4_1 78 42 1.19 ======================== type4_2 78 45 1.29 ========================== type4_3 75 75 1.19 ======================== remote 546 534 0.97 =================== local 378 69 1.05 ===================== 22
  • 23. Features you Should Use •  Fair Scheduler •  refreshNodes, refreshQueues •  Hadoop metrics •  Namenode audit logging (disabled by default in 0.20) •  Exclude files to decommission slave nodes 23
  • 24. Staffing •  We're living proof that you can hire some engineers with good fundamentals but no specialized experience and throw them in the deep end (it's the TA way) •  Skills to hire for: –  Operations and Linux experience –  General service troubleshooting –  Scripting –  Java –  SQL (even if not using Hive) •  Managing clusters which are growing 2x - 4x per year takes 1-2 people working full time just to run in place 24
  • 25. Open Questions •  Resuming of jobs on jobtracker restart •  Reloading of configurations without a restart •  Robust response to cluster OOM conditions •  Disabling job submission while allowing existing jobs to finish •  Please tell us if you have the answers! 25
  • 27. Appendix This is for you to read later after downloading the presentation 27
  • 29. DRBD Configuration global { usage-count no; minor-count 1; } common { protocol C; on { syncer { rate 90M; } device /dev/drbd0; } disk /dev/sda3; resource internal { address; startup { flexible-meta-disk internal; wfc-timeout 600; } degr-wfc-timeout 60; on { } device /dev/drbd0; disk { disk /dev/sda3; on-io-error detach; address; } flexible-meta-disk internal; net { } # timeout 60; } # connect-int 10; # ping-int 10; # max-buffers 2048; # max-epoch-size 2048; } 29
  • 30. Corosync Configuration compatibility: whitetank totem { version: 2 secauth: off threads: 0 interface { ringnumber: 0 amf { bindnetaddr: mode: disabled mcastaddr: } mcastport: 5415 aisexec { } user: root } group: root logging { } fileline: off service { to_stderr: no name: pacemaker to_logfile: yes ver: 0 to_syslog: yes } logfile: /var/log/corosync.log debug: off timestamp: on logger_subsys { subsys: AMF debug: off } } 30
  • 31. Pacemaker Configuration node attributes standby="off" node attributes standby="off" property $id="cib-bootstrap-options" stonith-enabled="false" no-quorum-policy="ignore" expected-quorum-votes="2" dc-version="1.0.12-unknown" cluster-infrastructure="openais" last-lrm-refresh="1337718104" rsc_defaults $id="rsc-options" resource-stickiness="100" primitive DataStore ocf:linbit:drbd params drbd_resource="internal" op start interval="0" timeout="240s" op stop interval="0" timeout="100s" primitive fs_DataStore ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem params device="/dev/drbd0" directory="/data/internal" fstype="ext3" op monitor interval="60s" timeout="40s" op start interval="0" timeout="60s" op stop interval="0" timeout="60s" ms Cluster DataStore meta master-max="1" master-node="max=1" clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1" notify="true" colocation fs-with-drbd inf: fs_DataStore Cluster:Master order drdb-fs inf: Cluster:promote fs_DataStore:start primitive MasterIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 params ip="" nic="bond0" op monitor interval="30s" colocation ip-with-drbd inf: MasterIP Cluster:Master order fs-ip inf: fs_DataStore MasterIP primitive NameNode lsb:hadoop-0.20-namenode op monitor interval="30s" meta target-role="Started" colocation namenode-with-fs inf: NameNode fs_DataStore order ip-namenode inf: MasterIP NameNode primitive JobTracker lsb:hadoop-0.20-jobtracker op monitor interval="30s" meta target-role="Started" colocation jobtracker-with-fs inf: JobTracker fs_DataStore order namenode-jobtracker inf: NameNode JobTracker 31
  • 32. Pacemaker Configuration (cont.) primitive SecondaryNameNode lsb:hadoop-0.20-secondarynamenode op monitor interval="30s" meta target-role="Started" colocation secondarynamenode-not-with-ip -inf: SecondaryNameNode MasterIP order jobtracker-secnamenode inf: JobTracker SecondaryNameNode primitive Mysql ocf:heartbeat:mysql params datadir="/data/internal/mysql" socket="/data/internal/mysql/mysql.sock" binary="/usr/bin/mysqld_safe" op monitor interval="30s" timeout="30s" op start interval="0" timeout="120s" op stop interval="0" timeout="120s" meta target-role="Started" colocation mysql-with-fs inf: Mysql fs_DataStore order ip-mysql inf: MasterIP Mysql primitive HiveThrift lsb:hive-thrift op monitor interval="30s" meta target-role="Started" colocation hivethrift-with-ip inf: HiveThrift MasterIP order jobtracker-hivethrift inf: JobTracker HiveThrift order mysql-hivethrift inf: Mysql HiveThrift primitive Oozie lsb:oozie op monitor interval="30s" meta target-role="Started" colocation oozie-with-fs inf: Oozie MasterIP order jobtracker-oozie inf: JobTracker Oozie primitive PingNodes ocf:pacemaker:ping params host_list="" multiplier="100" op start interval="0" timeout="60s" op monitor interval="30s" timeout="60s" clone PingClone PingNodes meta interleave="true" location ping-with-ip MasterIP rule $id="ping-with-ip-rule" pingd: defined pingd location MasterIP rule $id="" 50: #uname eq order ip-ping inf: MasterIP PingClone 32
  • 33. Nagios Checks check_apt check_breeze check_by_ssh check_checkup_metric check_clamd check_cluster check_cronjobs check_crontabs check_dhcp check_dig check_disk check_disk_smb check_disk_writable check_dns check_dummy check_fbrs check_file_age check_files_age check_filesystems check_flexlm check_ftp check_gc check_hadoop_master_logfiles check_hdp_connectivity check_hdp_data_nodes check_hdp_hdfs 20   check_hdp_max_mr_settings check_hive 10   check_hive_nsc check_hive_server check_http check_icmp 0   check_ide_smart R check_ifoperstatus check_ifstatus check_imap check_ircd check_jabber check_load check_local_mail check_log check_log_updated check_mailq check_memcached check_minerva check_mrtg check_mrtgtraf check_mysql_repl check_nagios check_nntp check_nntps check_nrpe check_nt check_ntp check_ntp_peer check_ntp_time check_nwstat check_oracle check_overcr check_ping check_pop check_proc_filehandles check_procs check_real check_rpc check_sensors check_simap check_smtp check_spop check_ssh check_ssmtp check_swap check_swapping check_sys_filehandles check_ta_services check_tcp check_time check_udp check_ups check_users check_wave check_writeable_tmp 33
  • 34. Example Oozie Query SELECT a.todaystatus as today, a.yesterdaystatus as yday, j.status as parent, j.app_name, a.last_modified_time, a.nominal_time, FROM ( SELECT t.status as todaystatus, y.status as yesterdaystatus, COALESCE(, AS id, y.job_id, COALESCE(t.nominal_time, y.nominal_time) AS nominal_time, COALESCE(t.last_modified_time, y.last_modified_time) AS last_modified_time FROM (SELECT * FROM COORD_ACTIONS WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, last_modified_time, now()) = 0) t RIGHT OUTER JOIN (SELECT * FROM COORD_ACTIONS WHERE TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, last_modified_time, now()) = 1) y ON (t.job_id=y.job_id) WHERE COALESCE(t.status, '') NOT IN ('SUCCEEDED', 'WAITING') -- If they're WAITING today, then make sure yesterday ran OK. OR (t.status = 'WAITING' and y.status <> 'SUCCEEDED') UNION DISTINCT -- Dummy record to force the table to exist even when empty, since MySql -- otherwise emits nothing if data is not returned. SELECT 'EMPTY', 'RECORD', '', '', '', 'THIS IS A DUMMY RECORD' )a LEFT OUTER JOIN COORD_JOBS j ON WHERE j.status = 'RUNNING' OR j.status IS NULL ; 34
  • 35. Sessions will resume at 4:30pm Page 35