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SPL, not a bridge too far
 phpNW 2009 - Manchester
Who am I ?
Michelangelo van Dam
Independent Enterprise PHP consultant
Co-founder PHPBenelux UG


Who are you ?

    Are you familiar with ?
    Are you familiar with arrays ?
     Are you familiar with OOP ?
Are you familiar with Design Patterns ?

What is SPL ?
              Standard PHP Library
          interfaces, classes and methods
      solve common development challenges

             Available since PHP 5.0 !!!

As of 5.3 SPL cannot be turned off from the source !

SPL by Marcus Börger


Definition of SPL

SPL provides a huge toolkit that assists you to easily
iterate over a diversity of data structures in a
standardized way

What does it provide ?
•   ArrayObject - approach arrays as objects
•   Iterators - various iterators
•   Interfaces - iterator interfaces for your objects
•   Exceptions - exceptions to streamline error handling
•   SPL Functions - extra functions and autoloader func
•   SplFileInfo - tools for filesystem access
•   Data structures - structuring data sequences

<?php phpinfo(); ?>


•   provides an interface
    - treat arrays as objects
    - elements are iteratable
    - provides serializing and deserializing of arrays
    - sorting elements (w/ or w/o callback methods)
    - exchange elements with other arrays or objects

        ArrayObject Example
$myArray = array (
    'time'      => 'Derick Rethans',
    'test'      => 'Sebastian Bergmann',
    'iterate'   => 'Marcus Börger',

$obj = new ArrayObject($myArray);

$obj->uasort(function ($a, $b) {
  if ($a == $b) {
    return 0;
  return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1;

ArrayObject output
ArrayObject Object
    [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array
            [time] => Derick Rethans
            [test] => Sebastian Bergmann
            [iterate] => Marcus Börger

ArrayObject Object
    [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array
            [time] => Derick Rethans
            [iterate] => Marcus Börger
            [test] => Sebastian Bergmann


       More of ArrayObject
// serializing object for caching, sessions, …

// adding more key/value elements to the stack
$obj->offsetSet('enterprise', 'Ivo Jansch');

// removing by key


•   provides a common interface
•   to iterate over “things”
    - xml data
    - database data
    - arrays
•   move back and forth in a stack
•   distinct methods to access keys and values
•   specific iterators for different purposes

Advantage ?

•   Reusable code
    - data structures can change
    - object oriented
      ✓ extending
      ✓ refactoring
      ✓ overloading


•   retrieve data in an array
•   with items filtered out

        FilterIterator Example
class filterOut extends FilterIterator
    private $_filter;

    public function __construct(Iterator $it, $filter)
       $this->_filter = $filter;

    public function accept()
        $key = $this->getInnerIterator()->key();
        return ($key == $this->_filter) ? false : true;

        FilterIterator output
$myArray = array (
    'time'      => 'Derick Rethans',
    'test'      => 'Sebastian Bergmann',
    'iterate'   => 'Marcus Börger',
$obj = new ArrayObject($myArray);

$iterator = new filterOut($obj->getIterator(), 'time');

foreach ($iterator as $item) {

string(18) "Sebastian Bergmann"
string(13) "Marcus Börger"


•   dealing with files and directories
•   looping back and forth between files
•   sorting files w/ or w/o custom sorting algorithms


•   show an list of archive files
•   ordered with last archive first

Directory contents
$ ls archives/
datafile-20090901.csv   datafile-20090906.csv
datafile-20090911.csv   datafile-20090916.csv
datafile-20090921.csv   datafile-20090926.csv
datafile-20090902.csv   datafile-20090907.csv
datafile-20090912.csv   datafile-20090917.csv
datafile-20090922.csv   datafile-20090927.csv
datafile-20090903.csv   datafile-20090908.csv
datafile-20090913.csv   datafile-20090918.csv
datafile-20090923.csv   datafile-20090928.csv
datafile-20090904.csv   datafile-20090909.csv
datafile-20090914.csv   datafile-20090919.csv
datafile-20090924.csv   datafile-20090929.csv
datafile-20090905.csv   datafile-20090910.csv
datafile-20090915.csv   datafile-20090920.csv
datafile-20090925.csv   datafile-20090930.csv

class SortableDirectoryIterator extends DirectoryIterator
    public function sortUp()
        $storage = $this->_getStorage();
        $storage->uksort(function ($a, $b) {
            if ($a == $b) return 0;
            return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1;
        return $storage;
    public function sortDown()
        $storage = $this->_getStorage();
        $storage->uksort(function ($a, $b) {
          if ($a == $b) return 0;
          return ($a < $b) ? 1 : -1;
        return $storage;

    Our Storage Container
    protected function _getStorage()
        $obj = new ArrayObject();
        foreach ($this as $file) {
            if ($file->isDot()) continue;
        return $obj;

$dir = new SortableDirectoryIterator('./archives');
$sortObj = $dir->sortDown();
$iterator = $sortObj->getIterator();
while ($iterator->valid()) {
    echo $iterator->current()->getPathName() . PHP_EOL;

Voila ! Descending filenames
./archives/datafile-20090930.csv        ./archives/datafile-20090915.csv
./archives/datafile-20090929.csv        ./archives/datafile-20090914.csv
./archives/datafile-20090928.csv        ./archives/datafile-20090913.csv
./archives/datafile-20090927.csv        ./archives/datafile-20090912.csv
./archives/datafile-20090926.csv        ./archives/datafile-20090911.csv
./archives/datafile-20090925.csv        ./archives/datafile-20090910.csv
./archives/datafile-20090924.csv        ./archives/datafile-20090909.csv
./archives/datafile-20090923.csv        ./archives/datafile-20090908.csv
./archives/datafile-20090922.csv        ./archives/datafile-20090907.csv
./archives/datafile-20090921.csv        ./archives/datafile-20090906.csv
./archives/datafile-20090920.csv        ./archives/datafile-20090905.csv
./archives/datafile-20090919.csv        ./archives/datafile-20090904.csv
./archives/datafile-20090918.csv        ./archives/datafile-20090903.csv
./archives/datafile-20090917.csv        ./archives/datafile-20090902.csv
./archives/datafile-20090916.csv        ./archives/datafile-20090901.csv


•   iterates over existing iterator
•   over multiple levels
•   easy to flatten out nested array structures
•   controlling recursive interactions

                              Chuck Norris
                             Account Manager

            Jane Doe                              John Doe
         Project Manager                       Project Manager

Cinderella                Shrek
Developer           Graphical Designer

$company = array (
    array (
        'name' => 'Chuck Norris','position' => 'Account Manager',
        'manages' => array (
            array (
                'name' => 'Jane Doe','position' => 'Project Manager',
                'manages' => array (
                    array (
                        'name' => 'Cinderella','position' => 'Developer',
                        'manages' => array (),
                    array (
                        'name' => 'Shrek','position' => 'Graphical Designer',
                        'manages' => array (),
            array (
                'name' => 'John Doe','position' => 'Project Manager',
                'manages' => array (),

Flattened Array output
$iterator = new RecursiveArrayIterator(new ArrayObject($company));
$ritit = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator);
foreach ($ritit as $key => $value) {
    echo $key . ' = ' . $value . PHP_EOL;

// outputs
name = Chuck Norris
position = Account Manager
name = Jane Doe
position = Project Manager
name = Cinderella
position = Developer
name = Shrek
position = Graphical Designer
name = John Doe
position = Project Manager


•   Countable: an internal counter
•   OuterIterator: iteration over inner iterators
•   RecursiveIterator: iterating in an recursive way
•   SeekableIterator: an internal stack seeker
•   SplObserver: implements observer pattern
•   SplSubject: implements observer pattern

              Interface example
// file: Order.php

class Order implements Countable, SplSubject
    protected $_orders;
    protected $_count;

   public function __construct()
       $this->_count = 0;
       $this->_orders = array ();

   public function placeOrder()

   public function attach(SplObserver $observer)
       $this->_orders[] = $observer;

   public function detach(SplObserver $observer)
       // not used in this case

Interface Example (2)
    public function notify()
        foreach ($this->_orders as $obj) {

    public function count()
         return $this->_count;

// file: PlaceOrder.php

class PlaceOrder implements SplObserver

    public function update(SplSubject $order)
        echo 'We have ' . count($order) . ' orders now' . PHP_EOL;

Running Interface Example

require_once 'Order.php';
require_once 'PlaceOrder.php';

$order = new Order();
$placeOrder = new PlaceOrder();




$ php ./spl_observer.php
We have 0 orders now
We have 1 orders now
We have 2 orders now

SPL Exceptions
•   SPL Exceptions
    - templates
    - throw exceptions
    - common issues
•   Types of exceptions
    - LogicExceptions
    - RuntimeExceptions

SPL LogicException Tree

SPL RuntimeException Tree

           Exceptions Example
//file: spl_exception01.php
class MyClass
    public function giveANumberFromOneToTen($number)
        if($number < 1 || $number > 10) {
            throw new OutOfBoundsException('Number should be between 1 and 10');
        echo $number . PHP_EOL;

$my = new MyClass();
try {
} catch (OutOfBoundsException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

$ /usr/bin/php ./spl_exception01.php
Number should be between 1 and 10


•   functions for PHP and SPL in particular
•   often dealing with auto loading
•   some for internal referencing

        SplFunctions Example
interface foo {}
interface bar {}

class baz implements foo, bar {}
class example extends baz {}

var_dump(class_implements(new baz));

var_dump(class_implements(new example));

Output of SplFunctions
array(2) {
  string(3)   "foo"
  string(3)   "bar"
array(2) {
  string(3)   "bar"
  string(3)   "foo"


The SplFileInfo class offers a high-level object oriented
    interface to information for an individual file.

         SplFileInfo Example
// use the current file to get information from
$file = new SplFileInfo(dirname(__FILE__));


object(SplFileInfo)#2 (0) {

Processing CSV with SPL
Consider the following data.csv

Derick Rethans;time
Sebastian Bergmann;test
Marcus Börger;iterate
Ivo Jansch;enterprise
Matthew Weier O'Phinney;extend
Michelangelo van Dam;elephpant

          SPL usage on CSV
$info = new SplFileInfo('data.csv');
if ($info->isReadable()) {
    $file = $info->openFile();
    foreach ($file as $row) {
        list ($user, $term) = $row;
        if (null !== $user && null !== $term) {
            echo $user . ' is known for ' . $term . PHP_EOL;

Derick Rethans is known for time
Sebastian Bergmann is known for test
Marcus Börger is known for iterate
Ivo Jansch is known for enterprise
Matthew Weier O'Phinney is known for extend
Michelangelo van Dam is known for elephpant

Data Structures
•   Available in PHP 5.3.x

    -   SplDoublyLinkedList
        ✓ SplStack
        ✓ SplQueue
        ✓ SplHeap
        ✓ SplMaxHeap
        ✓ SplMinHeap
        ✓ SplPriorityQueue

Data Structures Example
// file: spl_stack01.php
$stack = new SplStack();
$stack->push('Message 1');
$stack->push('Message 2');
$stack->push('Message 3');

echo $stack->pop() . PHP_EOL;
echo $stack->pop() . PHP_EOL;
echo $stack->pop() . PHP_EOL;

$ /usr/bin/php ./spl_stack01.php
Message 3
Message 2
Message 1


•   SplHeap is an abstract class
    - SplMinHeap implements SplHeap (low » high)
    - SplMaxHeap implements SplHeap (high » low)
•   stacking values w/o FIFO, FILO order

Simple SplHeap example

$heap = new SplMinHeap;

while ($heap->valid()) {
    echo $heap->key() . ': ' . $heap->current() . PHP_EOL;

3: 2
2: 5
1: 6
0: 8

JupilerLeague with SplHeap
class JupilerLeague extends SplHeap
    public function compare($array1, $array2)
        $values1 = array_values($array1);
        $values2 = array_values($array2);
        if ($values1[0] === $values2[0]) return 0;
        return $values1[0] < $values2[0] ? -1 : 1;

$heap = new JupilerLeague();
$heap->insert(array ('AA Gent' => 15)); $heap->insert(array ('Anderlecht' => 20));
$heap->insert(array ('Cercle Brugge' => 11)); $heap->insert(array ('Charleroi' => 12));
$heap->insert(array ('Club Brugge' => 21)); $heap->insert(array ('G. Beerschot' => 15));
$heap->insert(array ('Kortrijk' => 10)); $heap->insert(array ('KV Mechelen' => 18));
$heap->insert(array ('Lokeren' => 10)); $heap->insert(array ('Moeskroen' => 7));
$heap->insert(array ('Racing Genk' => 11)); $heap->insert(array ('Roeselare' => 6));
$heap->insert(array ('Standard' => 20)); $heap->insert(array ('STVV' => 17));
$heap->insert(array ('Westerlo' => 10)); $heap->insert(array ('Zulte Waregem' => 15));

while ($heap->valid()) {
  list ($team, $score) = each ($heap->current());
  echo $team . ': ' . $score . PHP_EOL;

JupilerLeague Scoreboard
Club Brugge: 21
Anderlecht: 20
Standard: 20
KV Mechelen: 18
STVV: 17
Zulte Waregem: 15
AA Gent: 15
G. Beerschot: 15
Charleroi: 12
Racing Genk: 11
Cercle Brugge: 11
Kortrijk: 10
Lokeren: 10
Westerlo: 10
Moeskroen: 7
Roeselare: 6


SPL can help you solve common PHP issues
        it’s built-in, so why not use it
   it requires no “advanced skills” to use

SPL is not all good

•   Matthew “Elazar” Turland pointed out:
    - Performance could be better (SPLStack)
    - ArrayObject doesn’t support all array
•   See his presentation:

Not a bridge too far...

Only one minor thing...

Documentation problem

• needs more documentation !
•   you can help on that part:
    - see
    - you can set up phpdoc on each platform !
    - Efnet: #php.doc channel
    - -

More about SPL...
•   main SPL documentation:
•   PHPro Tutorials on SPL:
•   Lorenzo Alberton’s blog:

This presentation is released under the Creative Commons
Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
You are free:
- to share : to copy, distribute and transmit the work
- to remix : to adapt the work

Under the following conditions:
- attribution : You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor
- share alike : If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work
only under the same, similar or a compatible license


Photo credits

       Marcus Boerger - Sebastian Bergmann

       Golden Gate Bridge - Felix De Vliegher

Thank you

        Find my slides on

    Don’t forget to vote !


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Spl Not A Bridge Too Far phpNW09

  • 1. SPL, not a bridge too far phpNW 2009 - Manchester
  • 2. Who am I ? Michelangelo van Dam Independent Enterprise PHP consultant Co-founder PHPBenelux UG @dragonbe 2
  • 3. Who are you ? Are you familiar with ? Are you familiar with arrays ? Are you familiar with OOP ? Are you familiar with Design Patterns ? 3
  • 4. What is SPL ? Standard PHP Library interfaces, classes and methods solve common development challenges Available since PHP 5.0 !!! As of 5.3 SPL cannot be turned off from the source ! 4
  • 5. SPL by Marcus Börger Ittteerrrattor 5
  • 6. Definition of SPL SPL provides a huge toolkit that assists you to easily iterate over a diversity of data structures in a standardized way 6
  • 7. What does it provide ? • ArrayObject - approach arrays as objects • Iterators - various iterators • Interfaces - iterator interfaces for your objects • Exceptions - exceptions to streamline error handling • SPL Functions - extra functions and autoloader func • SplFileInfo - tools for filesystem access • Data structures - structuring data sequences 7
  • 9. ArrayObject • provides an interface - treat arrays as objects - elements are iteratable - provides serializing and deserializing of arrays - sorting elements (w/ or w/o callback methods) - exchange elements with other arrays or objects 9
  • 10. <?php ArrayObject Example $myArray = array ( 'time' => 'Derick Rethans', 'test' => 'Sebastian Bergmann', 'iterate' => 'Marcus Börger', ); $obj = new ArrayObject($myArray); print_r($obj); $obj->uasort(function ($a, $b) { if ($a == $b) { return 0; } return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1; }); print_r($obj); 10
  • 11. ArrayObject output ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [time] => Derick Rethans [test] => Sebastian Bergmann [iterate] => Marcus Börger ) ) ArrayObject Object ( [storage:ArrayObject:private] => Array ( [time] => Derick Rethans [iterate] => Marcus Börger [test] => Sebastian Bergmann ) ) 11
  • 12. More of ArrayObject // serializing object for caching, sessions, … $obj->serialize(); // adding more key/value elements to the stack $obj->offsetSet('enterprise', 'Ivo Jansch'); // removing by key $obj->offsetUnset('time'); … 12
  • 13. Iterator • provides a common interface • to iterate over “things” - xml data - database data - arrays • move back and forth in a stack • distinct methods to access keys and values • specific iterators for different purposes 13
  • 14. Advantage ? • Reusable code - data structures can change - object oriented ✓ extending ✓ refactoring ✓ overloading 14
  • 15. Example • retrieve data in an array • with items filtered out 15
  • 16. <?php FilterIterator Example class filterOut extends FilterIterator { private $_filter; public function __construct(Iterator $it, $filter) { parent::__construct($it); $this->_filter = $filter; } public function accept() { $key = $this->getInnerIterator()->key(); return ($key == $this->_filter) ? false : true; } } 16
  • 17. <?php FilterIterator output $myArray = array ( 'time' => 'Derick Rethans', 'test' => 'Sebastian Bergmann', 'iterate' => 'Marcus Börger', ); $obj = new ArrayObject($myArray); $iterator = new filterOut($obj->getIterator(), 'time'); foreach ($iterator as $item) { var_dump($item); } //ouputs string(18) "Sebastian Bergmann" string(13) "Marcus Börger" 17
  • 18. DirectoryIterator • dealing with files and directories • looping back and forth between files • sorting files w/ or w/o custom sorting algorithms 18
  • 19. Example • show an list of archive files • ordered with last archive first 19
  • 20. Directory contents $ ls archives/ datafile-20090901.csv datafile-20090906.csv datafile-20090911.csv datafile-20090916.csv datafile-20090921.csv datafile-20090926.csv datafile-20090902.csv datafile-20090907.csv datafile-20090912.csv datafile-20090917.csv datafile-20090922.csv datafile-20090927.csv datafile-20090903.csv datafile-20090908.csv datafile-20090913.csv datafile-20090918.csv datafile-20090923.csv datafile-20090928.csv datafile-20090904.csv datafile-20090909.csv datafile-20090914.csv datafile-20090919.csv datafile-20090924.csv datafile-20090929.csv datafile-20090905.csv datafile-20090910.csv datafile-20090915.csv datafile-20090920.csv datafile-20090925.csv datafile-20090930.csv 20
  • 21. SortableDirectorIterator <?php class SortableDirectoryIterator extends DirectoryIterator { public function sortUp() { $storage = $this->_getStorage(); $storage->uksort(function ($a, $b) { if ($a == $b) return 0; return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1; }); return $storage; } public function sortDown() { $storage = $this->_getStorage(); $storage->uksort(function ($a, $b) { if ($a == $b) return 0; return ($a < $b) ? 1 : -1; }); return $storage; } 21
  • 22. Our Storage Container protected function _getStorage() { $obj = new ArrayObject(); foreach ($this as $file) { if ($file->isDot()) continue; $obj->offsetSet($file->getFileName(), $file->getFileInfo()); } return $obj; } } $dir = new SortableDirectoryIterator('./archives'); $sortObj = $dir->sortDown(); $iterator = $sortObj->getIterator(); while ($iterator->valid()) { echo $iterator->current()->getPathName() . PHP_EOL; $iterator->next(); } 22
  • 23. Voila ! Descending filenames ./archives/datafile-20090930.csv ./archives/datafile-20090915.csv ./archives/datafile-20090929.csv ./archives/datafile-20090914.csv ./archives/datafile-20090928.csv ./archives/datafile-20090913.csv ./archives/datafile-20090927.csv ./archives/datafile-20090912.csv ./archives/datafile-20090926.csv ./archives/datafile-20090911.csv ./archives/datafile-20090925.csv ./archives/datafile-20090910.csv ./archives/datafile-20090924.csv ./archives/datafile-20090909.csv ./archives/datafile-20090923.csv ./archives/datafile-20090908.csv ./archives/datafile-20090922.csv ./archives/datafile-20090907.csv ./archives/datafile-20090921.csv ./archives/datafile-20090906.csv ./archives/datafile-20090920.csv ./archives/datafile-20090905.csv ./archives/datafile-20090919.csv ./archives/datafile-20090904.csv ./archives/datafile-20090918.csv ./archives/datafile-20090903.csv ./archives/datafile-20090917.csv ./archives/datafile-20090902.csv ./archives/datafile-20090916.csv ./archives/datafile-20090901.csv 23
  • 24. RecursiveIteratorIterator • iterates over existing iterator • over multiple levels • easy to flatten out nested array structures • controlling recursive interactions 24
  • 25. Example Chuck Norris Account Manager Jane Doe John Doe Project Manager Project Manager Cinderella Shrek Developer Graphical Designer 25
  • 26. RecursiveIteratorIterator <?php $company = array ( array ( 'name' => 'Chuck Norris','position' => 'Account Manager', 'manages' => array ( array ( 'name' => 'Jane Doe','position' => 'Project Manager', 'manages' => array ( array ( 'name' => 'Cinderella','position' => 'Developer', 'manages' => array (), ), array ( 'name' => 'Shrek','position' => 'Graphical Designer', 'manages' => array (), ), ), ), array ( 'name' => 'John Doe','position' => 'Project Manager', 'manages' => array (), ), ), ), ); 26
  • 27. Flattened Array output $iterator = new RecursiveArrayIterator(new ArrayObject($company)); $ritit = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator); foreach ($ritit as $key => $value) { echo $key . ' = ' . $value . PHP_EOL; } // outputs name = Chuck Norris position = Account Manager name = Jane Doe position = Project Manager name = Cinderella position = Developer name = Shrek position = Graphical Designer name = John Doe position = Project Manager 27
  • 28. Interfaces • Countable: an internal counter • OuterIterator: iteration over inner iterators • RecursiveIterator: iterating in an recursive way • SeekableIterator: an internal stack seeker • SplObserver: implements observer pattern • SplSubject: implements observer pattern 28
  • 29. <?php Interface example // file: Order.php class Order implements Countable, SplSubject { protected $_orders; protected $_count; public function __construct() { $this->_count = 0; $this->_orders = array (); } public function placeOrder() { $this->_count++; } public function attach(SplObserver $observer) { $this->_orders[] = $observer; } public function detach(SplObserver $observer) { // not used in this case } 29
  • 30. Interface Example (2) public function notify() { foreach ($this->_orders as $obj) { $obj->update($this); } } public function count() { return $this->_count; } } <?php // file: PlaceOrder.php class PlaceOrder implements SplObserver { public function update(SplSubject $order) { echo 'We have ' . count($order) . ' orders now' . PHP_EOL; } } 30
  • 31. Running Interface Example <?php require_once 'Order.php'; require_once 'PlaceOrder.php'; $order = new Order(); $placeOrder = new PlaceOrder(); $order->attach($placeOrder); $order->notify(); $order->placeOrder(); $order->notify(); $order->placeOrder(); $order->notify(); $ php ./spl_observer.php We have 0 orders now We have 1 orders now We have 2 orders now 31
  • 32. SPL Exceptions • SPL Exceptions - templates - throw exceptions - common issues • Types of exceptions - LogicExceptions - RuntimeExceptions 32
  • 35. <?php Exceptions Example //file: spl_exception01.php class MyClass { public function giveANumberFromOneToTen($number) { if($number < 1 || $number > 10) { throw new OutOfBoundsException('Number should be between 1 and 10'); } echo $number . PHP_EOL; } } $my = new MyClass(); try { $my->giveANumberFromOneToTen(5); $my->giveANumberFromOneToTen(20); } catch (OutOfBoundsException $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; } Output: $ /usr/bin/php ./spl_exception01.php 5 Number should be between 1 and 10 35
  • 36. SplFunctions • functions for PHP and SPL in particular • often dealing with auto loading • some for internal referencing 36
  • 37. <?php SplFunctions Example interface foo {} interface bar {} class baz implements foo, bar {} class example extends baz {} var_dump(class_implements(new baz)); var_dump(class_implements(new example)); 37
  • 38. Output of SplFunctions array(2) { ["foo"]=> string(3) "foo" ["bar"]=> string(3) "bar" } array(2) { ["bar"]=> string(3) "bar" ["foo"]=> string(3) "foo" } 38
  • 39. SPLFileInfo The SplFileInfo class offers a high-level object oriented interface to information for an individual file. 39
  • 40. <?php SplFileInfo Example // use the current file to get information from $file = new SplFileInfo(dirname(__FILE__)); var_dump($file->isFile()); var_dump($file->getMTime()); var_dump($file->getSize()); var_dump($file->getFileInfo()); var_dump($file->getOwner()); //output bool(false) int(1244760945) int(408) object(SplFileInfo)#2 (0) { } int(501) 40
  • 41. Processing CSV with SPL Consider the following data.csv Derick Rethans;time Sebastian Bergmann;test Marcus Börger;iterate Ivo Jansch;enterprise Matthew Weier O'Phinney;extend Michelangelo van Dam;elephpant 41
  • 42. <?php SPL usage on CSV $info = new SplFileInfo('data.csv'); if ($info->isReadable()) { $file = $info->openFile(); $file->setFlags(SplFileObject::READ_CSV); $file->setCsvControl(';','"'); foreach ($file as $row) { list ($user, $term) = $row; if (null !== $user && null !== $term) { echo $user . ' is known for ' . $term . PHP_EOL; } } } //outputs Derick Rethans is known for time Sebastian Bergmann is known for test Marcus Börger is known for iterate Ivo Jansch is known for enterprise Matthew Weier O'Phinney is known for extend Michelangelo van Dam is known for elephpant 42
  • 43. Data Structures • Available in PHP 5.3.x - SplDoublyLinkedList ✓ SplStack ✓ SplQueue ✓ SplHeap ✓ SplMaxHeap ✓ SplMinHeap ✓ SplPriorityQueue 43
  • 44. Data Structures Example <?php // file: spl_stack01.php $stack = new SplStack(); $stack->push('Message 1'); $stack->push('Message 2'); $stack->push('Message 3'); echo $stack->pop() . PHP_EOL; echo $stack->pop() . PHP_EOL; echo $stack->pop() . PHP_EOL; Outputs: $ /usr/bin/php ./spl_stack01.php Message 3 Message 2 Message 1 44
  • 45. SplHeap • SplHeap is an abstract class - SplMinHeap implements SplHeap (low » high) - SplMaxHeap implements SplHeap (high » low) • stacking values w/o FIFO, FILO order 45
  • 46. Simple SplHeap example <?php $heap = new SplMinHeap; $heap->insert(5); $heap->insert(2); $heap->insert(8); $heap->insert(6); $heap->top(); while ($heap->valid()) { echo $heap->key() . ': ' . $heap->current() . PHP_EOL; $heap->next(); } //outputs 3: 2 2: 5 1: 6 0: 8 46
  • 47. JupilerLeague with SplHeap <?php class JupilerLeague extends SplHeap { public function compare($array1, $array2) { $values1 = array_values($array1); $values2 = array_values($array2); if ($values1[0] === $values2[0]) return 0; return $values1[0] < $values2[0] ? -1 : 1; } } $heap = new JupilerLeague(); $heap->insert(array ('AA Gent' => 15)); $heap->insert(array ('Anderlecht' => 20)); $heap->insert(array ('Cercle Brugge' => 11)); $heap->insert(array ('Charleroi' => 12)); $heap->insert(array ('Club Brugge' => 21)); $heap->insert(array ('G. Beerschot' => 15)); $heap->insert(array ('Kortrijk' => 10)); $heap->insert(array ('KV Mechelen' => 18)); $heap->insert(array ('Lokeren' => 10)); $heap->insert(array ('Moeskroen' => 7)); $heap->insert(array ('Racing Genk' => 11)); $heap->insert(array ('Roeselare' => 6)); $heap->insert(array ('Standard' => 20)); $heap->insert(array ('STVV' => 17)); $heap->insert(array ('Westerlo' => 10)); $heap->insert(array ('Zulte Waregem' => 15)); $heap->top(); while ($heap->valid()) { list ($team, $score) = each ($heap->current()); echo $team . ': ' . $score . PHP_EOL; $heap->next(); } 47
  • 48. JupilerLeague Scoreboard Club Brugge: 21 Anderlecht: 20 Standard: 20 KV Mechelen: 18 STVV: 17 Zulte Waregem: 15 AA Gent: 15 G. Beerschot: 15 Charleroi: 12 Racing Genk: 11 Cercle Brugge: 11 Kortrijk: 10 Lokeren: 10 Westerlo: 10 Moeskroen: 7 Roeselare: 6 48
  • 49. Conclusion SPL can help you solve common PHP issues it’s built-in, so why not use it it requires no “advanced skills” to use 49
  • 50. SPL is not all good • Matthew “Elazar” Turland pointed out: - Performance could be better (SPLStack) - ArrayObject doesn’t support all array functions • See his presentation: 50
  • 51. Not a bridge too far... 51
  • 52. Only one minor thing... 52
  • 53. Documentation problem • needs more documentation ! • you can help on that part: - see - you can set up phpdoc on each platform ! - Efnet: #php.doc channel - - 53
  • 54. More about SPL... • main SPL documentation: • PHPro Tutorials on SPL: • Lorenzo Alberton’s blog: • a-fa.html 54
  • 55. License This presentation is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License You are free: - to share : to copy, distribute and transmit the work - to remix : to adapt the work Under the following conditions: - attribution : You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor - share alike : If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same, similar or a compatible license See: 55
  • 56. Photo credits Marcus Boerger - Sebastian Bergmann Golden Gate Bridge - Felix De Vliegher 56
  • 57. Thank you Find my slides on Don’t forget to vote ! 57

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. Promotion of SPL
  2. now everyone uses PHP 5.3 for new projects, right ?
  3. Created by Marcus Boerger
  4. Created by Marcus Boerger
  5. Definition of SPL
  6. SPL functions - base class functions - autoloading functions
  7. - looking at phpinfo() for PHP 5.3 - 6 interfaces - 39 classes
  8. easiest way converting array into an object
  9. blue code is a lambda or anonymous function used in PHP 5.3
  10. More info found on
  11. arrays are stored as a whole in memory iterators just the element that has focus
  12. interface: design by contract for classes
  13. example using SplObserver, SplSubject and Countable interface
  14. definition from
  15. SplInfo provides a lot of details about a given file
  16. work with lots of CSV data files
  17. using a data model, makes things a whole lot easier
  18. let&amp;#x2019;s start of simple, using the SplStack here
  19. simple example processing test results
  20. modify the compare method to use the values of a given array Soccer != football, but you get the point here, right ?
  21. so, once you know how, it&amp;#x2019;s not a bridge too far