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Process of instilling
Into human beings
3 Aspects of
Education in Islam
Tarbeyah Ta’dib Ta’lim
• Tarbiyah comes from the root word raba (to grow,
to increase, to rear, spiritual nurturing), which implies a
state of ethical and spiritual nurturing to the state of
complete maturity.
• Ta’dib is derived from the root word aduba (to be
refined, disciplined, cultured, well mannered), which
includes the process of character building and good
social behavior.
• Ta’lim stems from the root word of ‘alima (to know, to
be informed, to perceive, to learn, to discern), this
refers to knowledge, the imparting and receiving of it
through instruction and teaching -
• Recognition through
• Progressively instilling into man,
• Proper places of things
• In the order of creation, such that it leads to
• The recognition of the proper place of God in the
order of being and existence.
• To provide individuals with the minimum skills
necessary for them to take their place in society
and to carry on task of seeking further knowledge.
• To provide individuals with ‘vocational training’
that will enable them to be self-supporting.
• To awaken an interest in and taste for knowledge
• To induce the individual to be critical
• To put individuals in touch with and train them to
appreciate the cultural and moral achievements of
• To inculcate excellence in man through Ilm, amal
and adab.
• Adab involves acquisition of the good qualities and
attributes of mind and soul
• To bring us closer to Allah
• Gain the good of this world, not to destroy it
through wastage, arrogance and in the reckless
pursuit of higher standards of material comfort
• To spread freedom and dignity, truth and justice. It
is not to gain power and dominance for its own sake
• To serve as Khalifah (vicegerent) of Allah on earth
And He taught Adam the nature of all things; then He placed them before the
angels and said: "Tell Me the nature of these if ye are right. 2:31
Is one who worships devoutly during the hours of the night prostrating
himself or standing (in adoration) who takes heed of the Hereafter and
who places his hope in the Mercy of his Lord (like one who does not)?
Say: "Are those equal those who know and those who do not know? It is
those who are endued with understanding that receive admonition.
1- Proclaim! (or Read!) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher Who created
2 Created man out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood:
3 Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful
4 He Who taught (the use of) the Pen
5 Taught man that which he knew not. (Alaq,96:1-5)
He grants wisdom to whom He pleases; and he to whom wisdom is
granted receives indeed a benefit overflowing; but none will grasp the
message but men of understanding. (Baqarah,2:269)
Allah will exalt in degree those of you who believe,
and those who have been granted knowledge –
• and say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge
• And Allah has brought you out from the wombs of
your mothers while you know nothing. And He
gave you hearing, sight, and hearts so that you
might give thanks (to Allah) - Surah al-Nahl,16: 78
• The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
"The seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every
Muslim." – Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 74
• "A father gives his child nothing better than a
good education." (Tirmidhi).
• “When a man dies, all his deeds come to an end
except for three – an ongoing charity, beneficial
knowledge or a righteous son who will pray for him.”
(Sahih Muslim)
• The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
“One who walks a path in search of knowledge has his
path to Paradise made easy by God…” –
Riyadh us-Saleheen, 245
• The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
"God, His angels and all those in Heavens and on
Earth, even ants in their hills and fish in the water, call
down blessings on those who instruct others in
beneficial knowledge." - Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 422
• Abu Said Al-Khudri (ra) narrated that: Allah’s
Messenger (pbuh) said, "A believer is never satisfied
with the beneficial knowledge; he goes acquiring it till
his death and enter into Paradise."
• The Prophet also said: "Acquire knowledge and impart
it to the people." - Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 107
• The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "If
anyone travels on a road in search of knowledge,
• God will cause him to travel on one of the roads of Paradise.
• The angels will lower their wings in their great pleasure with
one who seeks knowledge.
• The inhabitants of the heavens and the Earth and (even) the
fish in the deep waters will ask forgiveness for the learned
• The superiority of the learned over the devout is like that of
the moon, on the night when it is full, over the rest of the
• The learned are the heirs of the Prophets, and the Prophets
leave (no monetary inheritance), they leave only knowledge,
and he who takes it takes an abundant portion. –
Sunan of Abu-Dawood, Hadith 1631
• Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Masud, the Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) said:
• "Only these two people should be envied:
1. One is the person who spends all the wealth
Allah gave him on the path of righteousness
2. The person who judges with the knowledge Allah
gave him and teaches it to others."
(Bukhari, İlim 15)
• Acquire knowledge, for he who acquires it in the way of
Allah performs an act of piety; he who speaks of it,
praises the Lord; he who seeks it, adores Allah; he who
dispenses instruction in it, bestows alms; and he who
imparts it to others, performs an act of devotion to Allah."
(Bukhari, Muslim)
• The learned are the heirs of the Prophets, and the
Prophets leave neither dinar nor dirham, leaving
only knowledge, and he who takes it takes an
abundant portion.
• Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah
(SAW) said: A single scholar of religion is more formidable
against shaytan than a thousand devout persons.
(Tirmizi, Ibn Majah)
Ilm Naqliyya
Ilm Aqliyya
Level of
Fard Ayn or
Obligatory on all
Fard Kifaya
Obligatory on
Nafil or Optional
(knowledge revealed from God)
attained through the religious sciences. It manifest
via the Qur’an and the sayings of the Prophet (SAW)
(humanly constructed knowledge)
attained through rational, intellectual and
philosophical inquiry. The Qur’an makes it clear in
numerous places that God is the source of all
knowledge.*Qur’an 8:75; 65:12; 22:70)
• 1- Obligatory or Fard-Ayn: This includes
a.Aqaid or Beliefs
b.Ibadaat or acts of worship
c.Muamilaat or dealings with others
d.Uqubaat or prohibitions
e.Adab or etiquettes of life
f. Tazkiyah or purification of heart
• 2- Obligatory on part of the community, Fard-
Kifayah- i.e., Usool Fiqh, Usool Hadith
• 3- Voluntary or Nafil- like science of languages and
other sciences
• It dates back to Christian view of knowledge
• Bible relates fall of man to the sin of eating from the
tree of knowledge
• History of Christian church is full of inquisitions which
censored work of science and persecuted those whose
views were contrary to the church
• Quran, on the contrary, describes knowledge as the
basis on which man gained superiority over angels
• Will Durant in his book, "The Story of Civilization”
writes,” Muslims developed experimental method
which is the greatest pride and tool of modern man”
• Aqeedah or strong beliefs- Develop understanding
of Islamic beliefs to achieve full conviction
• Personal relation with Allah(SWT) by knowing Him,
obeying Him to please Him and by being His true
Khalifah or vicegerent on the earth
• Makaram Akhlaq or excellent morals
• Mizan- live a balanced life following path of
• Expertise in one’s field of study
• Clear vision and mission in life
• Islam does not accept any rigid dualism between
‘religious’ and ‘secular’ knowledge, and, therefore, this
dualism must be bridged
• Traditional madrasas are unable to fulfill even those
religious functions for which they were retained
• History, principles of Quran/Sunnah and
methodologies of Islamic jurisprudence or fiqh are
essential for ijtihad to address contemporary issues.
• He is equally critical of secular education.
• It is geared not to promote Islam or the interests of the
Muslim community, but, rather, to rear a class of civil
• Various subjects such as the natural and social
sciences taught are framed in such a way as to
exclude God and His existence completely.
• Not surprisingly, most of those who studied in this
system also lost their faith in religion.
• This system ‘is bereft of even basic moral values
• It encourages fierce competition, selfishness and
individualism, and is concerned only with the
promotion and fulfillment of worldly desires
• System should produce pious, practicing and
committed Muslims who excel in all fields
• Who see God’s existence and purpose in all that
they study.
• It should enable Muslims to understand the world,
with moderate views as part of moderate ummah
• It must train them to see the world through the
Islamic perspective
• It should inspire them to run their affairs in
accordance with Islam’s teachings’
• Religious education cannot be a small supplement
tagged on to a basically secular syllabus.
• ‘Islamization of social, natural and physical sciences’ is
needed cleansing them of their atheistic assumptions.
• They should, instead be based on the teachings of the
• Those who study thus Islamised subjects must be
encouraged to ‘implement’ Islam in their respective
fields of study and expertise.
• Rather than focusing on the accumulation of bookish
knowledge, this system must seek to promote
‘character-building’ on Islamic lines.
1- Put trust in
3-Seeking help
of Allah
10-Passage of
• But on Allah put your trust if ye have faith. (5:23)
• And if anyone puts his trust in Allah sufficient is
(Allah) for him. (Talaq,65:3)
• Prophet(SAW) said, "If you were to put your
reliance upon Allah(SWT) the way you ought to, He
would surely provide for you just as He provides for
the birds-they set out with empty stomach and
return with their stomach full.”
• One must make intention to seek knowledge for the
sake of Allah
• It must not be to be famous or to seek material
• One who seeks knowledge to show off, he will be
punished in the hereafter.
• In a hadith, it is mentioned that 3 types of people
will be dragged to Hellfire on their faces. One of
them will be the person who sought knowledge to
be called a scholar.
• Jabid bin Abdillah reported that Prophet (SAW)
said,” Do not acquire knowledge for the sake of
competing with the scholars or to argue with the
foolish or to take control over a gathering. Whoever
does that, then for him will be hellfire.” Ibn Maja,
Ibn Habban, Al-Haakim
• Al Baihaqi reported in Shuab al Iman from Abu
Haazim that he said,”You can not be a scholar until
you have 3 characteristics:1-Do not transgress those
above you 2-Do not look down upon those below
you 3- Do not take worldly life in exchange for your
• Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer) (Ghafir,40:60)
• and say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.20:114
• Prophet (SAW) supplicated for Abu Huraira to be
granted ability to memorize.
• He also supplicated for Ibn Abbas to be granted
knowledge. “O Allah! Give him understanding of
religion and teach him the ta’weel (interpretation of
the Quran).
• Ibn Tamiya used to make dua,” O Teacher of Ibrahim
teach me. O Teacher of Suleiman, grant me Ilm.”
• Prophet (SAW) said, "Verily, there is a morsel of
flesh in the body if it is correct, the entire body is
If it is corrupt, the entire body is corrupt. Indeed, it
is the heart.”
• How do you get upright heart?
1. Awareness of Allah
2. Knowledge of Allah’s names, attributes and actions
3. Reflecting upon the signs & creations of Allah
4. Pondering upon Quran
5. Regular Salah and qiyamul lail.
• 1- Desires- Love for this worldly life
Love for unlawful images
Listening to unlawful voices
Looking at forbidden things
• 2- Doubts- Corrupt beliefs
• 3- Other diseases- Jealousy, spite, pride
• 4- Other afflictions- Excessive sleep, eating, talking
• It can be of two types:
1. Natural- One need to work to enhance it.
2. Acquired- One has to work harder to achieve it
• Study
• Research
• Learning from scholars and teachers
• Discussions and debates
• Knowledge is the greatest treasure one could
• Student of knowledge must have strong desire to
acquire this treasure
• He must be keen in his studies
• He must seek the company of learned scholars
• He must be very stingy with his time and utilize it
very judiciously for seeking knowledge
• Student of knowledge must stay motivated to
acquire knowledge
• He should study the biographies of the scholars to
get inspiration
• One should read about the endurance in the face of
hardships and difficult journeys by earlier scholars.
• He must remain away from laziness and apathy
• He must continue to fight against lustful desires and
the Shaitan
• Student of knowledge must use the maximum
effort in the search for knowledge
• He must compete with others to achieve excellence
in the quality and level of understanding
• It could be measured through the progress report of
the teachers and the test results
• In order to establish the search for knowledge on
firm foundation, one must sit with scholars
• It will ensure sound understanding and learning
• He will also learn good behavior, noble manners
and piety from his teachers
• Books can not replace competent teachers. One
who depends just upon books, he will err often
• Anyone that excels and become proficient in
knowledge, has been educated by proficient
• Student must have proper respect for the teachers
• Student must not engage in unnecessary debate
with the teacher
• He should not ask too many and annoying
• He should not cause commotions in the class
• He should praise him in his absence
• He should have good opinion about his knowledge
• He should behave with humility to him and other
• A student of knowledge must be patiently studying
for years to come
• Qadee Iyaaz was asked, "Until when a student
should seek knowledge?” He replied,” Until he dies.
At that point, his ink should be spilled over his
• Imam Ahmad said,” I sat down studying book on
menstruation for nine years till I understood it.”
• Student of knowledge should sit with the scholars
until Allah(SWT) takes their soul.
Clean of
• Every issue passes through 4 stages before one
grasps correct knowledge about it:
1. Authenticity of the proof (Source)
2. Validity(Solid or speculation) of using this proof as
3. Absence of text that could abrogate it
4. Absence of a text that contradicts it
One must continue to read and re visit these stages of
knowledge to maintain it, not have it outdated and
not loose it.
• This must be the main purpose of knowledge
• Practice is the most important way to maintain
• It is reported from earlier scholars,” Knowledge
summons actions, if there is no response, it leaves”
• Wakee said,” We would seek help for memorizing
hadith by acting upon it.”
• Ahmad bin Hanbal said,” I never wrote down a
hadith except that I acted upon it.”
• Falling into sins contradicts everything that knowledge
• Abandonment of sins is essential for keeping knowledge
• One must constantly do Taubah to cleanse any traces of sins
• Following poem by Imam Shafi further explains it:
I complained to Wakee about my poor memory
So he advised me to abandon sins
And he informed me that knowledge is a virtue
And Allah’s virtue is not given to a sinner
• Teaching helps to maintain knowledge
• One should not seek to put himself forward as a
teacher before he is ready
• He does not rush to be a sheikh before his due time
• Imam Shafi said, “ If a young (inexperienced) person
is placed in leadership, he will be deprived of most
good. “
• He strives to mutually confer his knowledge
• He gives it to those who ask him about it as well as
to those below him.
• You write down the issues, arrange them in order
and provide research based on evidence
• You collect the statements of the people of
knowledge on every issue, write them down and
put them in order avoiding the errors.
• You should present your papers and books to the
people of knowledge for the purpose of seeking
their advice and heeding their advice
• Write down knowledge helps one memorize
knowledge and its issues.
• Propagation of Islam is an obligation:
“Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good
preaching.” Surah An-Nahl, 16: 125
• “Convey from me, even if it be only a single verse.
Bukhari: Vol 4,#667
• While fulfilling this obligation, we learn and teach
• This process help us to maintain and enhance out
• We also develop expertise of communicating it to
others for mutual benefit.
• Whoever learns Quran, his value is magnified
• Whoever records Hadith, his argument is
• Whoever speaks about Fiqh, his status is enhanced
• Whoever takes his own account (Muhasibah), his
views will be free of errors.
• Whoever does not maintain his knowledge, it will
be of no benefit to him.
Significance of education in islam
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Significance of education in islam

  • 1.
  • 4. 3 Aspects of Education in Islam Tarbeyah Ta’dib Ta’lim
  • 5. • Tarbiyah comes from the root word raba (to grow, to increase, to rear, spiritual nurturing), which implies a state of ethical and spiritual nurturing to the state of complete maturity. • Ta’dib is derived from the root word aduba (to be refined, disciplined, cultured, well mannered), which includes the process of character building and good social behavior. • Ta’lim stems from the root word of ‘alima (to know, to be informed, to perceive, to learn, to discern), this refers to knowledge, the imparting and receiving of it through instruction and teaching -
  • 6. • Recognition through • Progressively instilling into man, • Proper places of things • In the order of creation, such that it leads to • The recognition of the proper place of God in the order of being and existence.
  • 7. • To provide individuals with the minimum skills necessary for them to take their place in society and to carry on task of seeking further knowledge. • To provide individuals with ‘vocational training’ that will enable them to be self-supporting. • To awaken an interest in and taste for knowledge • To induce the individual to be critical • To put individuals in touch with and train them to appreciate the cultural and moral achievements of humankind.
  • 8. • To inculcate excellence in man through Ilm, amal and adab. • Adab involves acquisition of the good qualities and attributes of mind and soul • To bring us closer to Allah • Gain the good of this world, not to destroy it through wastage, arrogance and in the reckless pursuit of higher standards of material comfort • To spread freedom and dignity, truth and justice. It is not to gain power and dominance for its own sake • To serve as Khalifah (vicegerent) of Allah on earth
  • 9. And He taught Adam the nature of all things; then He placed them before the angels and said: "Tell Me the nature of these if ye are right. 2:31 Is one who worships devoutly during the hours of the night prostrating himself or standing (in adoration) who takes heed of the Hereafter and who places his hope in the Mercy of his Lord (like one who does not)? Say: "Are those equal those who know and those who do not know? It is those who are endued with understanding that receive admonition. (Zumar,39:9)
  • 10. 1- Proclaim! (or Read!) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher Who created 2 Created man out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood: 3 Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful 4 He Who taught (the use of) the Pen 5 Taught man that which he knew not. (Alaq,96:1-5) He grants wisdom to whom He pleases; and he to whom wisdom is granted receives indeed a benefit overflowing; but none will grasp the message but men of understanding. (Baqarah,2:269)
  • 11. Allah will exalt in degree those of you who believe, and those who have been granted knowledge – Mujadilah,58:11 • and say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge 20:114
  • 12. • And Allah has brought you out from the wombs of your mothers while you know nothing. And He gave you hearing, sight, and hearts so that you might give thanks (to Allah) - Surah al-Nahl,16: 78
  • 13. • The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "The seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim." – Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 74 • "A father gives his child nothing better than a good education." (Tirmidhi). • “When a man dies, all his deeds come to an end except for three – an ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge or a righteous son who will pray for him.” (Sahih Muslim) • The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “One who walks a path in search of knowledge has his path to Paradise made easy by God…” – Riyadh us-Saleheen, 245
  • 14. • The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "God, His angels and all those in Heavens and on Earth, even ants in their hills and fish in the water, call down blessings on those who instruct others in beneficial knowledge." - Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 422 • Abu Said Al-Khudri (ra) narrated that: Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) said, "A believer is never satisfied with the beneficial knowledge; he goes acquiring it till his death and enter into Paradise." • The Prophet also said: "Acquire knowledge and impart it to the people." - Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 107
  • 15. • The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "If anyone travels on a road in search of knowledge, • God will cause him to travel on one of the roads of Paradise. • The angels will lower their wings in their great pleasure with one who seeks knowledge. • The inhabitants of the heavens and the Earth and (even) the fish in the deep waters will ask forgiveness for the learned man. • The superiority of the learned over the devout is like that of the moon, on the night when it is full, over the rest of the stars. • The learned are the heirs of the Prophets, and the Prophets leave (no monetary inheritance), they leave only knowledge, and he who takes it takes an abundant portion. – Sunan of Abu-Dawood, Hadith 1631
  • 16. • Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Masud, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: • "Only these two people should be envied: 1. One is the person who spends all the wealth Allah gave him on the path of righteousness 2. The person who judges with the knowledge Allah gave him and teaches it to others." (Bukhari, İlim 15)
  • 17. • Acquire knowledge, for he who acquires it in the way of Allah performs an act of piety; he who speaks of it, praises the Lord; he who seeks it, adores Allah; he who dispenses instruction in it, bestows alms; and he who imparts it to others, performs an act of devotion to Allah." (Bukhari, Muslim) • The learned are the heirs of the Prophets, and the Prophets leave neither dinar nor dirham, leaving only knowledge, and he who takes it takes an abundant portion. • Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: A single scholar of religion is more formidable against shaytan than a thousand devout persons. (Tirmizi, Ibn Majah)
  • 18.
  • 19. Knowledge Source Revealed Ilm Naqliyya Humanly constructed Ilm Aqliyya Level of Obligation Fard Ayn or Obligatory on all Fard Kifaya Obligatory on few Nafil or Optional
  • 20. (knowledge revealed from God) attained through the religious sciences. It manifest via the Qur’an and the sayings of the Prophet (SAW) (humanly constructed knowledge) attained through rational, intellectual and philosophical inquiry. The Qur’an makes it clear in numerous places that God is the source of all knowledge.*Qur’an 8:75; 65:12; 22:70)
  • 21. • 1- Obligatory or Fard-Ayn: This includes a.Aqaid or Beliefs b.Ibadaat or acts of worship c.Muamilaat or dealings with others d.Uqubaat or prohibitions e.Adab or etiquettes of life f. Tazkiyah or purification of heart • 2- Obligatory on part of the community, Fard- Kifayah- i.e., Usool Fiqh, Usool Hadith • 3- Voluntary or Nafil- like science of languages and other sciences
  • 22. • It dates back to Christian view of knowledge • Bible relates fall of man to the sin of eating from the tree of knowledge • History of Christian church is full of inquisitions which censored work of science and persecuted those whose views were contrary to the church • Quran, on the contrary, describes knowledge as the basis on which man gained superiority over angels • Will Durant in his book, "The Story of Civilization” writes,” Muslims developed experimental method which is the greatest pride and tool of modern man”
  • 23. • Aqeedah or strong beliefs- Develop understanding of Islamic beliefs to achieve full conviction • Personal relation with Allah(SWT) by knowing Him, obeying Him to please Him and by being His true Khalifah or vicegerent on the earth • Makaram Akhlaq or excellent morals • Mizan- live a balanced life following path of moderation • Expertise in one’s field of study • Clear vision and mission in life
  • 24. • Islam does not accept any rigid dualism between ‘religious’ and ‘secular’ knowledge, and, therefore, this dualism must be bridged • Traditional madrasas are unable to fulfill even those religious functions for which they were retained • History, principles of Quran/Sunnah and methodologies of Islamic jurisprudence or fiqh are essential for ijtihad to address contemporary issues. • He is equally critical of secular education. • It is geared not to promote Islam or the interests of the Muslim community, but, rather, to rear a class of civil servants
  • 25. • Various subjects such as the natural and social sciences taught are framed in such a way as to exclude God and His existence completely. • Not surprisingly, most of those who studied in this system also lost their faith in religion. • This system ‘is bereft of even basic moral values • It encourages fierce competition, selfishness and individualism, and is concerned only with the promotion and fulfillment of worldly desires
  • 26. • System should produce pious, practicing and committed Muslims who excel in all fields • Who see God’s existence and purpose in all that they study. • It should enable Muslims to understand the world, with moderate views as part of moderate ummah • It must train them to see the world through the Islamic perspective • It should inspire them to run their affairs in accordance with Islam’s teachings’
  • 27. • Religious education cannot be a small supplement tagged on to a basically secular syllabus. • ‘Islamization of social, natural and physical sciences’ is needed cleansing them of their atheistic assumptions. • They should, instead be based on the teachings of the Quran • Those who study thus Islamised subjects must be encouraged to ‘implement’ Islam in their respective fields of study and expertise. • Rather than focusing on the accumulation of bookish knowledge, this system must seek to promote ‘character-building’ on Islamic lines.
  • 28.
  • 29. 1- Put trust in Allah 2-Good Intention 3-Seeking help of Allah 4-Upright Heart 5-Intelligence 6-Strong desire 7-Motivation and Perseverance 8-Proficiency 9-Teacher 10-Passage of Time
  • 30. • But on Allah put your trust if ye have faith. (5:23) • And if anyone puts his trust in Allah sufficient is (Allah) for him. (Talaq,65:3) • Prophet(SAW) said, "If you were to put your reliance upon Allah(SWT) the way you ought to, He would surely provide for you just as He provides for the birds-they set out with empty stomach and return with their stomach full.”
  • 31. • One must make intention to seek knowledge for the sake of Allah • It must not be to be famous or to seek material benefits. • One who seeks knowledge to show off, he will be punished in the hereafter. • In a hadith, it is mentioned that 3 types of people will be dragged to Hellfire on their faces. One of them will be the person who sought knowledge to be called a scholar.
  • 32. • Jabid bin Abdillah reported that Prophet (SAW) said,” Do not acquire knowledge for the sake of competing with the scholars or to argue with the foolish or to take control over a gathering. Whoever does that, then for him will be hellfire.” Ibn Maja, Ibn Habban, Al-Haakim • Al Baihaqi reported in Shuab al Iman from Abu Haazim that he said,”You can not be a scholar until you have 3 characteristics:1-Do not transgress those above you 2-Do not look down upon those below you 3- Do not take worldly life in exchange for your knowledge
  • 33. • Call on Me; I will answer your (Prayer) (Ghafir,40:60) • and say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.20:114 • Prophet (SAW) supplicated for Abu Huraira to be granted ability to memorize. • He also supplicated for Ibn Abbas to be granted knowledge. “O Allah! Give him understanding of religion and teach him the ta’weel (interpretation of the Quran). • Ibn Tamiya used to make dua,” O Teacher of Ibrahim teach me. O Teacher of Suleiman, grant me Ilm.”
  • 34. • Prophet (SAW) said, "Verily, there is a morsel of flesh in the body if it is correct, the entire body is correct. If it is corrupt, the entire body is corrupt. Indeed, it is the heart.” • How do you get upright heart? 1. Awareness of Allah 2. Knowledge of Allah’s names, attributes and actions 3. Reflecting upon the signs & creations of Allah 4. Pondering upon Quran 5. Regular Salah and qiyamul lail.
  • 35. • 1- Desires- Love for this worldly life Love for unlawful images Listening to unlawful voices Looking at forbidden things • 2- Doubts- Corrupt beliefs Innovations • 3- Other diseases- Jealousy, spite, pride • 4- Other afflictions- Excessive sleep, eating, talking
  • 36. • It can be of two types: 1. Natural- One need to work to enhance it. 2. Acquired- One has to work harder to achieve it • Study • Research • Learning from scholars and teachers • Discussions and debates
  • 37. • Knowledge is the greatest treasure one could achieve • Student of knowledge must have strong desire to acquire this treasure • He must be keen in his studies • He must seek the company of learned scholars • He must be very stingy with his time and utilize it very judiciously for seeking knowledge
  • 38. • Student of knowledge must stay motivated to acquire knowledge • He should study the biographies of the scholars to get inspiration • One should read about the endurance in the face of hardships and difficult journeys by earlier scholars. • He must remain away from laziness and apathy • He must continue to fight against lustful desires and the Shaitan
  • 39. • Student of knowledge must use the maximum effort in the search for knowledge • He must compete with others to achieve excellence in the quality and level of understanding • It could be measured through the progress report of the teachers and the test results
  • 40. • In order to establish the search for knowledge on firm foundation, one must sit with scholars • It will ensure sound understanding and learning • He will also learn good behavior, noble manners and piety from his teachers • Books can not replace competent teachers. One who depends just upon books, he will err often • Anyone that excels and become proficient in knowledge, has been educated by proficient teachers
  • 41. • Student must have proper respect for the teachers • Student must not engage in unnecessary debate with the teacher • He should not ask too many and annoying questions • He should not cause commotions in the class • He should praise him in his absence • He should have good opinion about his knowledge • He should behave with humility to him and other classmates
  • 42. • A student of knowledge must be patiently studying for years to come • Qadee Iyaaz was asked, "Until when a student should seek knowledge?” He replied,” Until he dies. At that point, his ink should be spilled over his grave” • Imam Ahmad said,” I sat down studying book on menstruation for nine years till I understood it.” • Student of knowledge should sit with the scholars until Allah(SWT) takes their soul.
  • 44. • Every issue passes through 4 stages before one grasps correct knowledge about it: 1. Authenticity of the proof (Source) 2. Validity(Solid or speculation) of using this proof as evidence 3. Absence of text that could abrogate it 4. Absence of a text that contradicts it One must continue to read and re visit these stages of knowledge to maintain it, not have it outdated and not loose it.
  • 45. • This must be the main purpose of knowledge • Practice is the most important way to maintain knowledge • It is reported from earlier scholars,” Knowledge summons actions, if there is no response, it leaves” • Wakee said,” We would seek help for memorizing hadith by acting upon it.” • Ahmad bin Hanbal said,” I never wrote down a hadith except that I acted upon it.”
  • 46. • Falling into sins contradicts everything that knowledge mandates. • Abandonment of sins is essential for keeping knowledge • One must constantly do Taubah to cleanse any traces of sins • Following poem by Imam Shafi further explains it: I complained to Wakee about my poor memory So he advised me to abandon sins And he informed me that knowledge is a virtue And Allah’s virtue is not given to a sinner
  • 47. • Teaching helps to maintain knowledge • One should not seek to put himself forward as a teacher before he is ready • He does not rush to be a sheikh before his due time • Imam Shafi said, “ If a young (inexperienced) person is placed in leadership, he will be deprived of most good. “ • He strives to mutually confer his knowledge • He gives it to those who ask him about it as well as to those below him.
  • 48. • You write down the issues, arrange them in order and provide research based on evidence • You collect the statements of the people of knowledge on every issue, write them down and put them in order avoiding the errors. • You should present your papers and books to the people of knowledge for the purpose of seeking their advice and heeding their advice • Write down knowledge helps one memorize knowledge and its issues.
  • 49. • Propagation of Islam is an obligation: “Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good preaching.” Surah An-Nahl, 16: 125 • “Convey from me, even if it be only a single verse. Bukhari: Vol 4,#667 • While fulfilling this obligation, we learn and teach others. • This process help us to maintain and enhance out knowledge • We also develop expertise of communicating it to others for mutual benefit.
  • 50. • Whoever learns Quran, his value is magnified • Whoever records Hadith, his argument is strengthened • Whoever speaks about Fiqh, his status is enhanced • Whoever takes his own account (Muhasibah), his views will be free of errors. • Whoever does not maintain his knowledge, it will be of no benefit to him.